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Cinemas started closing down after the first few years of popular television and the movie

industry _____ (1) obviously come up against strong competition. In order to compete, the
studio heads urged technological innovation. In the 1950s experiments _____ (2) with wide
screens and stereophonic sound systems; _____ (3), many studios even began to produce
material for television. Independent production became common, with the studios _____
(4) distributors only, and new kinds of films _____ (5) teenagers emerged. The move away
from the glamorous celebrity image that began in the 1960s _____ (6) momentum in the
70s. A change was to come with the release of Jaws a suspense picture that would
unexpectedly _____ (7) over $100 million by _____ (8) to all ages and both
sexes. Filmmakers were now _____ (9) to speak to the widest possible audience. The
result of this shift in style was a series of profitable films given over to spectacle. Star
Wars cracked the $ 200 million barrier, and E.T. earned over $ 300 million. While many of
these films _____ (10) criticism as the triumph of special effects over any kind of human
worth, the effect was to draw the audiences back into movie theatres, and many movies,
including those without spectacular elements, succeeded during this period.

1. had has was

2. invented abounded adopted

3. initially eventually despite

4. being attempting acting as

5. suitable meant aimed at

6. gained had built

7. save invest gross

8. talking appealing longing

9. prevented avoided encouraged

10. aroused arose rose

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