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CIS 197

Networking Fundamentals
CCNA Explorer Semester 1


Bill Saichek
Phones: (714) 432-0202 x21255
Office: Computer Center Room A (behind the copy machine)
Office Hours: Tuesday 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Wednesday and Thursday, 5:00pm-6:00pm

Text Book & Materials

Cisco curriculum is found at

Optional Book:
Networking Fundamentals
CCNA Exploration Companion Guide
Mark A. Dye, Rick McDonald, Antoon W. Rufi
Cisco Press
ISDN: 1-58713-208-7

Optional Materials (but HIGHLY Recommended):

Laptop Computer
You will not need a highly powerful or large laptop. We will be using mostly web browsers and
simple apps (word processing). It does not have to run Windows. A small $250-$300 netbook is
just fine.
USB  Serial Adapter (if your laptop does not a serial port)
If you’re running Windows 7 or Linux, make sure the adapter is compatible and has the drivers

Important Times & Places

The class meets approximately 50% on campus and 50% online. Students must attend a campus meeting every
Wednesday evening from 6:00pm-10:15pm in Business Education 106. There will also be a 5 hour per week
commitment that will be completed online.

We will be using the on-campus portion of the class for discussions, demonstrations and directed exercises.
The on-line portion of the class will be used to read and study the online Cisco curriculum, work on the
“eLabs” and take the chapter tests. In addition, the online portion will be used for discussions and chat
What this Course is About

This class will cover the first semester of the Cisco CCNA Exploration curriculum. This new curriculum has
been developed to provide students with both in-depth theory and hands-on exposure to networking
architectures and protocols. In addition, students will need to know about servers and networking services. So,
in addition to the CCNA Exploration curriculum, the course will be supplemented with additional networking


When you finish this class, you will be able to:

1. Build a routed network.

2. Install and configure networks using computers, routers and switches.

Testing and Grading:

There will be an online test given for every chapter. These tests can be taken online. Each test will have
between 15-25 questions and will cover the material in the from the Cisco course content web site. You will be
allowed up to 3 attempts for each test. There will also be a single, cumulative, final exam. This exam must be
taken in class. You will be allowed to use your notes, but not any other material while taking the final exam.

There will be several hands on labs that you will work on during the semester. These labs will reinforce the

Extra Credit:
There will be 5 extra credit papers that can work on during the semester. These papers will reinforce the
various aspects of IP addressing and subnetting. This extra credit will only be used by the students who
complete the skills drill and the final exam and at least 75% of the chapter tests.

Skills Drill:
There will also be two “Skills Drills” that must be completed by end of the semester.

The first drill is every student must build a long CAT5 “patch” cable and a long CAT5 “cross-over” cable.
Theses cables will be used to complete the second skill drill.

The second drill will be to program a Cisco router with two connected networks. This drill will be done in
groups of 2 people.

The first skills drill will be worth 25 points and the second will be worth 75 points.
The following are the list of the labs and their associated points:

Grading Summary
Chapter Tests 20% of weighted of total points
Skills Drills 50% of weighted of total points
Final Exam 30% of weighted of total points
Extra Credit 5% of weighted of total points

Grade Percent
A 90%
B 75%
C 65%
D 60%
At my discretion, grades will be “curved”.
However, no student will receive a grade less
than that prescribed by the above table.
What are the “rules” for this course

Pay close attention to the schedule as to when tests, labs and skill drills will be available. The tests, labs and
skill drills must be completed by the dates indicated.

Also the date of the final exam is fixed by the college calendar. If you know you’ll miss the last night of class,
please make arrangements beforehand so that we can schedule an earlier time.

Attendance and Withdrawal

Participation is an important part of this course, and missing lectures or labs can impact your grade. If you miss
three class sessions, you may be dropped without notice. Don't assume, though, that you will be automatically
dropped if you fail to complete the material. It is your responsibility to withdraw from any class. If you stop
attending, yet fail to withdraw, you will receive a grade of “F”.

Please pay special attention to the OCC drop deadlines. Every semester there are students who want to drop the
class after the deadline to drop has already passed. Those students end up getting an “F” in the class if they are
unable to complete the coursework.

Academic Honesty
Computers, networking, communications and operations by its nature rely on learning from the work of others.
You are encouraged to examine each other's designs and to discuss various approaches and styles. Each student,
however, is still expected to do his or her own work.

In this regard, discussing the general method used to solve a problem is certainly acceptable. Taking another
student's work and modifying it is not acceptable, and is easily detected.

You are expected to maintain a high level of academic honesty. Work submitted without proper attribution will
result in a lowered grade. Cheating on quizzes or exams will result in course failure.

Disruptive Behavior
You are entitled to an environment that encourages learning, as are all your fellow students. You should not
behave in a manner that negatively impacts other class members. In a classroom, such behavior includes hostile
behavior, as well as interrupting other students and attempting to inappropriately dominate the classroom. In an
online class, disruptive behavior includes "flaming" or harassing email.

Proper care will be taken in use of the equipment and tools. Proper safety precautions will be taken when using
the equipment and tools. Please treat the equipment with the utmost care … this is all we get. Improper use
will result in removal from the classroom and/or lab.

I expect all of you to be polite, respectful, and helpful to your fellow students; in short, I expect you to act like
adults should act. If, in my judgment, your behavior negatively impacts the rest of the class, you may be subject
to disciplinary action.

If you have a disability that may impede your ability to successfully complete this course, you should contact
the Disabled Student's Center (432-5807 or 432-5604 TDD) not later than the first week of the course. Their
staff will assist you in arranging accommodations that can help you meet course requirements.

Reservation of Rights
I reserve the right to change this syllabus and the schedule as necessary, including, without limitation, these
policies, without prior notice.

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