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A cross-sectional survey was A Knowledge, Attitude and

conducted to assess the level of
knowledge, attitude and practices Practices (KAP) Study on
concerning dengue and its vector
Aedes mosquito among selected
rural communities in the Kuala Dengue among Selected
Kangsar district from 16 - 25th
June, 2002. It was found that the Rural Communities in the
knowledge of the community was
good. Out of the 200 respondents,
82.0% cited that their main source Kuala Kangsar District
of information on dengue was from
television / radio. The respondents’
attitude was found to be good and FarizahHairi MBBS, MPH
most of them were supportive of Cyril-HS Ong2
Aedes control measures. There is a Anwar Suhaimi
significant association found Teoh-Wei Tsung
between knowledge of dengue and Mohd Azhar bin Anis Ahmad
attitude towards Aedes control ( p =
Charlotte 4
0.047). It was also found that good Myint Myint Soe
knowledge does not necessarily lead
to good practice. This is most likely
due to certain practices like water epartment of Social &
D1 Preventive Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur
storage for domestic use, which is hemathic Project Team Leader, Stage IIIA Medical Student,
deeply ingrained in the community. University of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur.
Mass media is an important means
of conveying health messages to the
Kangsar Group Station Manager, Stage IIIA Medical Student, University of Malaya,
Kuala Lumpur.
public even among the rural Stage IIIA Medical Student, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
population, thus research and
development of educational
strategies designed to improve
behaviour and practice of effective
control measures among the
villagers are recommended. Asia Introduction The first outbreak of DHF was
Pac JPublic Health 2003; 15(1): 37- documented in 19625.
43 fever (DEN) is an acute
Dengue outbreaks were reported in 1974,
febrile disease due to a viral infection 1978, 1982 and 1990 and 199P,6.
Keywords: Dengue, dengue and presents with severe headache, In the last decade, cases of
haemorrhagic fever, A
edes. pain behind the eyes, muscular and dengue have become more severe.
joint pain as well as rash’. Dengue The occurrence of severe multi-system
haemorrhagic fever (DHF) presents involvement is on the rise’. In 1995,
with dengue-like symptoms in the Case Fatality Rate of dengue was
addition to haemorrhagic 7.3% but past rates vary and have
manifestations; for example, petechial reached as high as 10.43% in 1988’.
skin haemorrhage, hepatomegaly and Deaths were previously more frequent
circulatory disturbances2. in children but this pattern has changed
Dengue is caused by the and currently 50% of deaths due to
infection of dengue virus, a flavivirus
in the family Togaviridae. There are
dengue occur in those above 15 years
of age.
four serotypes of this virus. The virus
is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito,
Dengue vaccines have been
Address for correspondence: touted as the most effective control
Dr Farizah Hairi of which Aedes aegypti is the most measure of this problem’. However,
Department of Social & Preventive important vector2. Aedes aegypti is to date, no licensed vaccine is
Medicine found in urban areas. Another vector, available.
Faculty of Medicine Aedes albopictus predominates in the
Currently, there is no cure for
University Malaya rural setting3.
50603 Kuala Lumpur. The first case of dengue in
dengue. Management of DHF is by
careful monitoring of several
E-mail: Malaysia was documented in 19024. parameters of the patient (blood

pressure, haematocrit, platelet count compared KAP concerning dengue The study population was 1511,
and level of consciousness), fluid between the Malays, Chinese and which is the total population of the
replacement, correction of Indians’6. four villages with the total households
coagulopathies and prevention and However, to date, no KAP study numbering up to 343 (average
treatment of complications9-&dquo;. on dengue has been conducted on household size of 4.4). Using a sample
Therefore, the most important communities in the rural setting. size calculator, it was estimated that a
strategy in the prevention and control Therefore, it is important to conduct a minimum of 182 households should
of dengue lies in the control of its KAP study concerning dengue on a be sampled in order to gain a 95%
vector, the Aedes mosquito. Under the rural community because almost a confidence level, with a maximum
Vector-borne Disease Control quarter of dengue cases occur in the allowable difference of 0.05 in
Programme in the Sixth Malaysia rural settingl3. Furthermore, the detecting the KAP proportions in the
Plan, four strategies have been potential for a dengue outbreak among population. A sample of 50 households
developed&dquo;: (i) Anti-larval measures; rural communities exists due to the from each village was selected by
(ii) Anti-adult measures; (iii) Health prevalence of Aedes albopictus. simple random sampling method to
education; and (iv) Enforcement of the Nevertheless, many rural folk earn represent each village, thus a total of
Destruction of Disease Bearing Insects their living in urban areas where the 200 households were surveyed for this
Act (DDBIA) 1975. risk of being infected with dengue is study.
In 1999, of the 10,146 higher. They may then bring the virus The data was collected by a face-
documented cases of dengue, almost back to the village and start an to-face interview of the head of
a quarter (22.82%) occurred in rural outbreak. With rapid urbanisation, households using a semi-structured
areas&dquo;. This distribution of cases by villages near townships are slowly questionnaire on knowledge, attitude
locality varies and has reached as high witnessing a change into a more sub- and practice of dengue control. Head
as 38% in the rural areas in 19886. urban setting. Thus, the risk of dengue of households were targeted, as they
In 2001, there were 107 increases as evidenced by an outbreak are the authoritative person in the
documented cases of dengue in the of dengue in the sub-urban area of Sg. family who is responsible and capable
district of Kuala Kangsar, out of which Siput in Kuala Kangsar during the of taking subsequent preventive and
38 cases occurred in the rural areas 14 period of survey. In 2001, three cases control measures.
The risk of introduction of were also found in one of the rural The questionnaire was divided
dengue from urban areas to rural villages where the survey was into three sections; the first section
villages especially those within close conducted 17 concerned with knowledge comprised
proximity of townships occurs Since there have been numerous 14 questions, the second part related
because Aedes albopictus is found in efforts by health authorities to educate to practices comprised nine questions
many rural areas and acts as an the public on dengue and the Aedes and the third part concerned with
alternative vector for dengue3. With mosquito via campaigns, the mass attitude consisted of 13 questions. The
many villagers giving up their media, health visits and forums, it is medium of interview was Bahasa
traditional way of life such as farming therefore necessary to assess the level Melayu since it is the mother tongue
and moving into nearby towns to of knowledge, attitude and practice of the respondents.
work, there exists a possibility of a among the rural inhabitants of these Data was entered and analysed
person being infected with the dengue villages. Findings from this study using Statistical Package for Social
virus bringing it back to the village. would provide useful baseline Sciences (SPSS) version 10.0. Each
The Aedes albopictus may bite the information, which could improve on question was analysed individually.
person, pick up the virus and the educational programmes, and also Knowledge, attitude and practice were
subsequently spread it. the monitoring and evaluation of the assessed using a scoring system. Each
As previously discussed, due to dengue prevention and control appropriate answer was given a point
the absence of vaccine or a cure, the programmes. and the points for each section of the
only effective measure available to questionnaire were totalled.
prevent and control dengue is by Materials and Methods Knowledge was assessed as ’good’ or
preventing transmission of the disease ’poor’ based on an arbitrary cut-off
by the Aedes mosquito. Control This is a cross-sectional survey of the point. The same principle was applied
measures require support, cooperation households in four villages of Kuala to the sections on attitude and practice.
and participation by the community. Kangsar. The study was carried out For knowledge on dengue and Aedes,
Therefore, it is vital to know the level between the 16th_25th June, 2002. the cut-off point for the level of
of knowledge, attitude and the This study encompassed four knowledge considered as ’good’ was
practices (KAP) of the community villages in the Mukim Saiong of Kuala based on the information available to
concerning the disease. In 1975, a Kangsar district of the state of Perak, the public via the mass media and
KAP study on DHF and its control was namely: pamphlets.
conducted in an urban Malay villages ~ Kampung Padang Changkat
In 1989, another KAP study on dengue ~ Kampung Bendang Panjang Results
was carried out in three urban areas in ~ Kampung Sungai Siput
the Federal Territory and this study ~ Kampung Jias The response rate of this study was

100%. All 200 households surveyed Table 1.Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents in Kuala
responded. The important Kangsar, June 2002
characteristics of these respondents are
given in Table 1.

Knowledge on dengue
Out of the 200 respondents, only one
had never heard of dengue. The main
source of information was from the
television/radio (82.0%). This was
followed by information from their
relatives/friends (57.5%). The most
under-utilised source of information
was pamphlets/posters (34.5%).
When asked about the cause of
dengue, 88.5% of the respondents
answered mosquitoes. Only 2.5% gave
the correct answer, which is the
dengue virus. About 86.0% of the
respondents were able to give at least
one correct answer when asked about
the signs and symptoms of dengue
fever and the most common answers
were fever and rash. However, 13.5%
of the respondents were not able to
give any answer or gave incorrect
155 (77.5%) respondents knew
that dengue is an infectious disease.
Out of these respondents, 77.4% knew
that dengue was transmitted by
mosquitoes. When prompted further,
only 91 respondents could name the
type of mosquito (Aedes).

Knowledge on Aedes
The majority (95.5%) of the
respondents have heard of Aedes
mosquito when queried. When asked N =
200 heads of households, Unskilled / semi-skilled =
Labourer, farmer, Skilled Mechanic,

about the timing of the mosquito’s electrician, Professional Lawyer, doctor


biting habits, 107 (53.5%) respondents

said ’at dusk’, while 84 (42.0%) prevention methods named were ’not to treat stored water and 25.0%
respondents said ’at dawn’. Only 59 storing water’ (64.0%) and covered stored water.
(29.5%) answered both ’at dawn and ’environmental cleanliness’ (63.5%). With regards to measures taken
dusk’. The other answers given Only a quarter of the respondents to prevent mosquito bites, 95.0% of
include during the daytime, night and mentioned about covering the stored the respondents appear to know how
anytime. water as one method of prevention. to prevent themselves from mosquito
When inquired, 181 (90.5%) 192 (96.0%) of the respondents bites. The two most common
respondents knew water was needed were aware that having Aedes larvae measures taken were the use of
for Aedes mosquito to breed. Upon in their residence is an infringement mosquito coils (74.5%) and
further questioning, 177 (88.5%) of the law. insecticides (68.0%). Other methods
respondents knew that stagnant water that were rarely used or unpopular
was required for the mosquito to include window netting (4.0%) and the
Practice of dengue control
breed. Two (1.0%) of the respondents usage of repellents (3.5%).
incorrectly answered ‘running water’. Out of 200 respondents, 120 (60.0%) 168 (84.0%) of the respondents
Most of the respondents (94.0%) stored water at home, out of which reported that the authorities did take
had knowledge on ways to prevent 93.3% frequently changed the stored measures to prevent mosquito
Aedes breeding. Two most popular water. In addition, 34.2% used abate breeding. The most frequent measure

taken was fogging (90.5%). This was demographic characteristics of the (90.1 %). However, due to the small
followed by house-to-house study population is analysed. For number of illiterate respondents, this
inspection (60.1 %) and campaigns knowledge, a larger proportion of the finding was not significant with regard
(54.8%). males (70.9%) appeared to have a to occupation, a trend was seen
better knowledge about dengue as whereby among those in the poorer
Attitude towards dengue compared to females (66.7%). paid occupations, their attitude is
Likewise, those aged below 50 years better. Similarly for income class, the
The majority of respondents (96.0%) (70.0%) showed better knowledge higher the income the poorer the
considered dengue as a serious compared to those aged above 50 attitude. However, none of these
disease. All 200 respondents believed years (67.5%). For the level of observations were statistically
that they should seek treatment for education, a pattern was seen where significant (Table 2).
dengue. 192 out of the 200 by the higher the education level, the In terms of the practice of Aedes
respondents felt that prevention is better the knowledge on dengue. For prevention, males (51.2%) and
better than cure. the level of literacy, the knowledge of females (51.8%) showed no apparent
When queried about the dengue among those who were literate differences in practising of Aedes
effectiveness of various methods of and semiliterate compared to those prevention. Those aged 50 and above
controlling Aedes, the respondents who were illiterate showed little (55.8%) had adopted better practices
were of the opinion that most methods difference. However, there was an compared to those below 50 (45.0%).
were effective. The method that they apparent trend noticed among the With regard to the level of education,
felt least effective was the usage of different occupations whereby the a downward trend was observed as
insecticides (78.0%). better paid the occupation the better those with no education showed better
A substantial portion of the the knowledge. None of these practices than those who received a
respondents (57.0%) felt that it was observations were statistically higher level of education. Regarding
their own responsibility to control significant (Table 2). literacy level, those who were illiterate
Aedes, while another 9.5% felt it was In terms of attitude, females had better practices (77.8%) than those
solely the government’s responsibility. (92.1 %) appeared to have a better who were literate (50.3%). No trend
Another one-third of the respondents attitude towards the prevention of was observed between occupations
have the opinion it was a shared Aedes as compared to males (90.7%). and practices. Regarding income
responsibility. For the age group, a similar pattern class, all of them had a similar level
It was noted that 90.5% of the was seen whereby those aged 50 and of practice. However, none of these
respondents would support any above (92.5%) showed a better observations were statistically
activities organised by the health attitude compared to those below 50 significant (Table 2).
authorities aimed at eradicating Aedes. years (90.0%). There was no trend Table 3 shows that there was a
This view was further reinforced by seen for the level of education, all the significant association between the
the fact that 91.0% of the respondents levels showed good attitude (>90%). respondents whose houses had been
agree that it is appropriate to punish For the level of literacy, those who inspected by medical personnel and
those found to harbour the Aedes were illiterate showed a better attitude those who obtained information about
larvae in their residence. (100.0%) than those who were literate dengue from medical personnel.
Based on the scoring system
described in the methodology, it was Table 2. Association between knowledge, attitude and practices of dengue
found that 68.5% of the respondents control and the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents in
had a good knowledge of dengue and Kuala kangsar, June 2002
Aedes, while 91.5% had a good
attitude towards dengue control.
However, it was noted that only 51.5%
of the respondents adopted measures
to prevent and control dengue and
Cross-tabulations were done
between knowledge and practice,
knowledge and attitude; and attitude
and practice. There was no significant
association seen between knowledge
and practice; and attitude and practice.
However, there was a significant
association seen between knowledge
and attitude (p 0.047).

The association between

knowledge, attitude and practices of
dengue control, and the socio- Level of significance, oc--0.05

From Table 4, it can be seen that medical personnel as the source of house-to-house inspection is not only
there is a significant association information was fairly important. This a tool for Aedes surveillance as it also
between the respondents who leamt differs from the previous KAP study helps to convey information in an
about dengue from the television or conducted in the Federal Territory in interactive manner. In fact, one of the
radio and their knowledge of dengue 1986’6. There was a significant main purposes of house-to-house
and Aedes. association between those who inspection as stated under the Vector-
Table 5 shows the association received information from the medical bome Disease Control Programme in
between the respondents who personnel and those whose houses had the Sixth Malaysia Plan is to educate
suggested that by not storing water, been inspected for larval breeding by the public on the methods of
Aedes could be prevented from health personnel. This shows that preventing Aedes breeding&dquo;.
breeding and those who actually
practised storing water. There was no
significant association. Table 3. Association between the respondents whose houses had been
Table 6 shows that there is a inspected by medical personnel and those who obtained information about
significant association between those dengue from medical personnel, June 2002
who suggested cleanliness as a way
to prevent Aedes breeding and the
observed cleanliness of their houses.

The results of this study are discussed
bearing in mind certain errors and
limitations. Firstly, there might be an
error in the interviewer stage. Despite Level of significance, a=.05
training, different interviewers tend to
phrase questions differently, which Table 4. Association between the respondents who learnt about dengue from
might influence the response. This is the television or radio and their knowledge of dengue and Aedes, June 2002
further exacerbated when the
respondents do not understand the
question forcing the interviewer to
explain it and thus inevitably giving
clues to the respondents. Secondly,
there might be an error in the
respondent stage. Due to the
hospitality of rural Malays, Level of significance, a=O.05
interviewers were regarded as guests. z

Thus, respondents may tend to agree

with the interviewers when asked Table 5. Association between the respondents who suggested not storing
attitudinal questions in order to please water is a way to prevent Aedes breeding and those who practised storing
their guests’ . water, June 2002
The study reveals that almost all
respondents had heard of dengue.
Mass media was the main source of
information as all but one of the
households surveyed had television.
This illustrates the importance of the
mass media in conveying important
health issues to the public. The role of Level of significance, ocr-0.05

Table 6. Association between those who suggested cleanliness as a way to prevent Aedes breeding and the observed
cleanliness of their houses, June 2002

Level of significance, a=O.05

Most respondents attributed the respondents who knew that these points should be taken with a
cause of dengue to mosquitoes, while environmental cleanliness controls the pinch of salt, as attitudes are difficult
only a handful could name ’virus’ as breeding ofAedes with the actual level to gauge.
the cause. This is due to the fact that of cleanliness in their residences. This From the KAP study it was found
most health education programmes shows that with regards to practice, the that the overall knowledge on dengue
focus on the Aedes vector. Although respondents showed good practice and Aedes was fairly good. The
mosquito is not the causative agent concerning cleanliness but were attitude towards dengue control was
itself, this approach is appropriate and lacking in the aspect of storing water. even more promising, however, the

important in controlling dengue since Concerning the prevention of practice of dengue control appeared to
vector control is the most effective mosquito bites, bed netting was be lagging behind.
means of dengue control. preferred over window netting. The There was no significant
The majority of respondents reason mosquito coils and insecticides association between knowledge and
were aware of at least one sign or were by far the preferred choice, could practice. This shows that the level of
symptom of dengue. Many of them be due to the aggressive advertising knowledge of dengue does not
were able to recognize it as a febrile over the media. necessarily influence the practice of
illness. This is probably due to the To the question as to whether the dengue control. As in the 1986 KAP
educational message in the mass health authorities took any measures study, it is also thought that most
media stating that the primary to control Aedes, a surprising 16.0% knowledge originating from the mass
symptom of dengue is ’a high fever of of respondents said no. This could be media is &dquo;ineffective in discouraging
sudden onset’. Their ability to due to lack of awareness, difficulty in deeply ingrained habits (like storage
recognise the signs and symptoms of reaching all houses due to their of water) and encouraging distasteful
dengue is important for them to seek scattered locations and the possibility habits (like adding chemicals to
early treatment. of the respondents not being home at drinking water)&dquo;’5. Storage of water
Since more than three quarters of the time of inspection. Inadequate may be due to the lifestyle in the rural
the respondents knew that dengue was coverage and frequency of house visits setting, which requires water to be
infectious but less than half were able due to lack of manpower contributed stored for daily usage, for example,
to name Aedes as the vector, more to this finding’9. As discussed earlier, bathing, watering plants and drinking
effort has to be taken to educate the our findings indicated that house water for chickens and other livestock.
public on the Aedes mosquito. inspection is an important tool in For knowledge and attitude,
Knowledge of the Aedes biting habits educating the public on dengue. there was a significant association.
was quite good with many knowing Therefore, steps should be taken to According to Rosenstock’s Health
that the correct biting time was during improve the coverage of house Belief Model 1974, people’s health
the day especially in the morning and inspections. This can be made beliefs depend upon their perception
evenings. This knowledge is possible by increasing manpower and of susceptibility to disease2°. It is a
important as most methods of ensuring that residents are at home fact that almost all respondents knew
preventing mosquito bites such as during the time of inspection. that dengue is a serious disease and
mosquito coils and bed netting are Concerning the attitude towards all of them felt that treatment should
usually used at night which are dengue control, most of the be sought immediately. Therefore this
ineffective in preventing Aedes respondents appeared to have a good knowledge has influenced their
mosquito bites. attitude. Again, this may be due to the attitude towards dengue control. As
Despite knowing that stagnant Malay culture of trying to please the expected there was no association
water is a breeding site for Aedes and interviewers who are regarded as between attitude and practice.
the wide availability of piped water, guests by answering yes. There was no significant
most of the respondents still stored It is comforting to know that association between the age of the
water. It was found that there is no most of the respondents believed that respondents and their knowledge on
significant association between those the responsibility ofAedes control lies dengue. In general, formal education
who knew that stored water might within them and they would also contributes more towards knowledge
breed Aedes and those who actually support the health authorities in any in the older age group. The interplay
stored water. Therefore, this campaigns or activities aimed at between these two factors might
discrepancy between knowledge and eradicating dengue. This shows that influence the results.
practice implies that good knowledge health education has been able to instil No association was seen between
does not necessarily lead to good responsibility among the rural the level of education and the
practice. For instance the practice of community. Many also agreed with knowledge on dengue and Aedes.
storing water is a deeply ingrained the legislation concerning dengue Prior to 1993, there was no specific
habit among the Malay community. control. This shows good general attempt to educate the school children
On a positive note, all of those who acceptance of the DDBIA 1975 among on dengue. It was only in 1993, that
did store water took some form of the rural community. This attitude is ’Program Bebas Denggi’ or Dengue-
action to prevent the breeding of good and differs from the overall Free Programme was introduced in
Aedes. However, there was a situation in Perak where compliance schools2’. Therefore the respondents
significant association between the to the DDBIA is low’8. However, that were surveyed did not obtain their

information from school but from inspections should be improved by Ceylon Med J 1990; 35 (3): 83-7.
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Conclusion infection- the Malaysian experience.
evident by the fact that mass media is
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the main source of information In conclusion, the knowledge and 815-9.
regarding dengue and Aedes for the attitude of the respondents concerning 8. Lam SK. Dengue vaccines. 1st
respondents, irrespective of the dengue control were good. The International Congress of
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In fact, a significant association was significantly associated. However, it 7.
found between television as a source was found that good knowledge and 9. Yong BH. Critical care aspects of
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because the respondents all came from syndrome. Malaysian J Pathol 1993;
the same area, of the same race and Acknowledgements 15 (1): 29-33.
11. WHO. Guide on Dengue
religion and shared the same up- We would like to thank Tan Sri Datu
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bringing, various socio-demographic Dr. Mohamad Taha bin Arif, the Edition, 1997).
factors did not influence their attitude Director General of Health, Ministry 12. of Health. Vector-borne
significantly. of Health Malaysia for permission to diseases control programme 6th
There is no significant
publish this paper. We are grateful to Malaysia Plan (1991-5).
association between the practice to Dr Norhashimah Wahid, the Medical 13. Ministry of Health. Annual Report
control Aedes and all socio- Officer of Health, Kuala Kangsar Ministry of Health, Malaysia, 1999.
demographic factors. This is because District and staff of the Kuala Kangsar 14. Ministry of Health. Annual Report
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is influenced mainly by tradition and assistance and contribution towards Kangsar, Perak Darul Ridzuan. 2001.
culture. A good example would be the the success of this study. Special 15. Dobbins JG, Elsie JG. Knowledge,
practice of storing water. thanks are also extended to all group attitude and practices related to
control of dengue haemorrhagic fever
members of Community Residency
in an urban Malay village/kampung.
Recommendation Programme, Kuala Kangsar 2002 who The SEA J of Trop Med and Public
were involved in the data collection Health 1975; 6 (1): 120-6.
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18. Lam SK. Strategies for Dengue
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