Fusion Dance-Off 2k17 Rules and Guidelines: Modern Dance Ballroom Dance Cultural Dance

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health
Dalan Na Pagayaya, Regional Government Center
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Fusion Dance-off 2k17

Dance Fusion Defined
Fusion dance-off is a fusion of modern dance (hip-hop or pop), ballroom dance and cultural dance disciplines and
interpretations that capture the look, attitude, posture, music and elements of these different genres of dance.

A Winning Dance Fusion Routine

The highest scoring dance fusion routine contains a variety of dance styles and genres, showmanship, original signature
moves, engaging music and a demonstration of continuous and uninterrupted complete body (head to toe) dance
choreography without overuse of acrobatics or overly dangerous moves.

Group Composition
A group consists of a minimum twelve (12) to a maximum of fifteen (15) members with their division head. The members
of the group may be made up of any combination of males and females. The non-compliance of the division head would
result to the group’s disqualification. Only regular and contractual employees are allowed to join.

Attire may include accessories such as hats, caps, gloves, scarves, jewelry, etc. Removing pieces of clothing during the
performance is permitted provided it is not offensive or out of character. Discarded clothing should be placed outside the
competition area and never thrown off the stage into the audience. Appropriate under garments must be worn by all
group members both male and female, at all times. Clothing too short and/or too tight will be scrutinized and may be
deemed inappropriate especially for overexposure of certain areas of the body. Body oils or other substances applied to
the body or clothing that may affect the clean dry surface of the stage and the safety of fellow competitors are prohibited.
Tap shoes, jazz shoes, certain high-heeled shoes and bare feet are allowed.

Performance Music Requirements

1. The routine must be performed, in its entirety, to music selected, prepared and provided by the groups. The
competition organizer(s) will not provide the group’s music.
2. The length of recorded music is five minutes (5:00) to 7 minutes (7:00) with a five (5) second (plus or minus) grace
3. A group is expected to include a segment of continuous music, uninterrupted by edits or sound effects, within
their routine to obtain the highest possible score from the judges.
4. Music must be recorded on a CD or USB flash drive and be the only piece of music recorded on the device.
5. There is no maximum or minimum number of songs or recordings that may be used in the routine.
6. The competition music must not contain inappropriate, lewd or offensive language
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Dalan Na Pagayaya, Regional Government Center
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Scoring the Routine

The Group routine is evaluated according to the Performance and Skill criteria for the highest possible total score of 100
percent (100%).

Performance criteria and point value:

Performance = 65% of the General Scoring
-The judges will reward routines for incorporating unique and original/creative moves, good usage of the stage,
formations, showmanship, intensity and appearance resulting in an entertaining routine that evokes emotional

Performance of the Division Head = 30%

Staging, Spacing, Formations, and Level changes = 10%
Showmanship: Intensity, Confidence, Projection & Presence = 10%
Motif Presence/Attire = 5%
Entertainment Value/Audience Appeal = 10%

1) Presence and Performance of the Division Head = 30%
- The thirty percent (30%) is represented by the Division Head’s performance including his/her own
execution, presence, and entertainment value.
2) Staging, Spacing, Formations, and Level changes = 10%
- The group must demonstrate awareness of spacing between the members through a full range of
unique, complicated and challenging formations, interactive partner moves and patterns. The full use of
stage will also be considered. The routine should include three (3) levels of movement (low/mid/high)
utilizing arm, hand, leg, foot, torso, and head movements with transitions that are creative and
3) Showmanship: Intensity, Confidence, Projection & Presence = 10%
- The routine contains dynamic movements from beginning to end by the group as a whole and as
individuals containing minimal pauses and poses. During featured performances by one or more
members of the crew, the remaining members must continue performing movements that add to the
overall intensity of the routine. Projection of the group members is consistently strong throughout the
entire routine with an uninterrupted display of confidence measured by facial expression, eye contact
and body movement. The group members should perform with enthusiasm, passion and a “natural”
ability to “sell it” on stage.
4) Motif Presence/Attire = 5%
- Presence is the ability of the group members to demonstrate an authentic and uninhibited
representation of the three genres of dance. Presence includes attitude, energy, posture and style.
Group members do not have to be dressed identical or similar. Groups should wear stylized clothing
representing the event’s motif (BARRIO FIESTA).
5) Entertainment Value/Audience Appeal = 10%
- Group members and their routine should connect with the audience and evoke emotional
responses, i.e., excitement, joy, laughter, involvement and /or sense of drama relative to the
genre presented. The routine should leave a memorable and lasting impression.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Dalan Na Pagayaya, Regional Government Center
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Skill criteria and point value:

Skill = 35% of the General Scoring

-The judges will evaluate the execution and difficulty of the genres performed: modern (hiphop and/or pop),
ballroom (latin and/or standard) and cultural dance styles. The judges will consider the quality of movement throughout
the routine, including arm, leg and body placement, combinations of three levels-floor, standing and air, and
synchronization of the group members.

Musicality = 8%
Synchronization/Timing = 9%
Execution/Controlled Mobility and Stabilization = 8%
Variety of Dance Styles/Genres = 10%

1) Musicality = 8%
- Performance and choreography corresponding to timing and music usage and the group’s ability to
perform simultaneously to the music. Movements and patterns performed to the simulated sounds of
the group members in the absence of recorded music (e.g., foot stomping, hand clapping, vocals, etc.)
will also be considered musicality and judged similarly
2) Synchronization/Timing = 9%
- The movements of the group members are performed in sync; the range of movement, speed,
timing and execution of moves are performed by all members in unison.
3) Execution/Controlled Mobility and Stabilization = 8%
- The crew must maintain control of the speed, direction, momentum and body placement
throughout the routine.
4) Variety of Dance Styles/Genres = 10%
- The three (3) dance styles/genres must be “identifiably performed” in a routine for a crew to
receive the maximum of ten percent (10%).

A group “identifiably performing” two (2) dance styles will receive a maximum of five percent (5%).

A group “identifiably performing” one (1) dance style will receive a maximum of two 2 percent (2%).

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