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mickstar813: only a moment to go

mickstar813: this year, for people who had a great year, and a bad year
Sun Dec 31, 4:30:46am
mickstar813: please watch this, ad be happy and enter the new year
Sun Dec 31, 4:32:06am
mickstar813: gaki no tsukai
mickstar813: 24 hours do not laugh
mickstar813: american police this year
mickstar813: a battle to not laugh
mickstar813: of course there will be amazing traps
mickstar813: New traps, they can't run anyway
mickstar813: First time
mickstar813: A major prank
mickstar813: Chono slap- Something shocking will happen
mickstar813: What will happen to Hosei!!!
Sun Dec 31, 4:33:08am
mickstar813: Onigoko- someone super famous appears
mickstar813: Late night kidnap
mickstar813: Dont change the channel till the end
mickstar813: 6 hours special
mickstar813: DO not laugh
mickstar813: 24 ohurs police
mickstar813: woooooo
mickstar813: M: hello
mickstar813: M: thank you
mickstar813: H: this day has come
mickstar813: H: please finisht he year watching this
mickstar813: T: This is our 12nd year
mickstar813: M: we rejected Kouhaku to do this
mickstar813: H: because we said no, Nichimura went
Sun Dec 31, 4:34:16am
mickstar813: H: you;re looking at us like 'as if you'd be invited;
mickstar813: START 8am
mickstar813: the beginning of the day
mickstar813: the sunlight gently welcome the guys
mickstar813: M: I hate this moment the most during the year
mickstar813: M: Why does Hamada want to do it
mickstar813: M: On line, the staff were banging on about how much they were looking
forward to it
mickstar813: H: I Never said anything
mickstar813: M: At least the weather is good
mickstar813: M: Take that!
mickstar813: T: I take that
mickstar813: M: You just spoke to me casually
Sun Dec 31, 4:35:18am
mickstar813: F: HEY!
mickstar813: F: HEY GUYS
mickstar813: M: Cant really see him
mickstar813: F: HEY GUYS
mickstar813: H: he looks like hes loving it
mickstar813: H: he isnt coming
mickstar813: E: How many times you going to say it?!
mickstar813: M: how many times?!
mickstar813: F" morning guys
mickstar813: F: are you japanese comedian? or hamburger?
mickstar813: H: why are we hamburgers?
mickstar813: (You can understand)
mickstar813: H: how long you going to do that
Sun Dec 31, 4:36:20am
mickstar813: F: AS IF
mickstar813: F: Its an american joke. you dont get american jokes at all. that's why jap
tx is shit
mickstar813: F: Anyway.
mickstar813: Y: suddenly he is serious
mickstar813: M: the up and down is so strong
mickstar813: F: you guys are american police this year
mickstar813: T: why?!?!
mickstar813: M: we are totally in Chiba (prefecture)
mickstar813: F: you;ll be protecting japan now
mickstar813: They will be american police
mickstar813: F: why are you dressed like that! Go get changed
Sun Dec 31, 4:37:24am
mickstar813: They change to outfits more like american police
mickstar813: M: Im sure Hamada will be .....
mickstar813: F: you ready? come out then
mickstar813: F: looking good
mickstar813: F: American Powerful police
mickstar813: Next up Endo
mickstar813: F: So handsome. You;ll be popular with hte women, american handsome
mickstar813: Tanaka!
mickstar813: F: you got thinner again!?
mickstar813: T: no no...
mickstar813: American Lanky police
mickstar813: Hosei, next
Sun Dec 31, 4:38:24am
mickstar813: F: So cute
mickstar813: F: you age, but still cute
mickstar813: Hamada is Eddie Murphy
mickstar813: Y: NO WAY!?!
mickstar813: M: this is going to be bad
mickstar813: Y: this is why you took so long
mickstar813: H: look at this...
mickstar813: H: it's so tiring....
mickstar813: H: but I'm a police from beverly hills, right?...
mickstar813: M: he has to stay like that the whole time?...
mickstar813: M: are you serious? NOt fair
mickstar813: T: the whole time? That's not cool...
mickstar813: Rules are simple
Sun Dec 31, 4:39:28am
mickstar813: laugh, get hit.. (YOU ALL KNOW THE RULES BY KNOW)
mickstar813: F; right then, the bus is coming
mickstar813: Y: can you change the rules this much?
mickstar813: The hard mission is starting
mickstar813: The agency will be revealed now
mickstar813: M: Why are we taking a bus?
mickstar813: M" it was all over twitter again...
mickstar813: Heipo Omame Police agency
mickstar813: M: WHy is heipo like a boss now?
mickstar813: M: he was eating soba before, looking like he was on the verge of death
Sun Dec 31, 4:40:28am
mickstar813: THe bus to Heipo agency
mickstar813: Has a picture of Heipo
mickstar813: They will now go to the police station
mickstar813: F: right, get on when ready
mickstar813: H: I feel like I'm not part of the group
mickstar813: M: right then... lets do it
mickstar813: Start
mickstar813: H: You're laughin!!!
mickstar813: M: I got off, I'm safe
mickstar813: M" wait, go in.. and you see a black guy laughing at you
Sun Dec 31, 4:41:30am
mickstar813: M: Not at this time in the morning. Hamada go ahead
mickstar813: Y: this bus...
mickstar813: T: this is impossible
mickstar813: M: he laughed
mickstar813: H: no....
mickstar813: M: I held it in until I got off
mickstar813: T: First hit!
mickstar813: E: nice hit
mickstar813: E: stop that face please
mickstar813: E; that face is not on
mickstar813: Y: what are you doing?
mickstar813: Y: you look like emmanuel
mickstar813: H: GET ON GUYS
mickstar813: M: getting on!
mickstar813: T: getting on
Sun Dec 31, 4:42:36am
mickstar813: Already other customers on board
mickstar813: they are on their way now
mickstar813: what is ahead of them?...
mickstar813: E: I don't know who's coming on
mickstar813: M: The guys who are meant to make us laugh will laugh looking at Hamad
mickstar813: E: he laughed
mickstar813: H: he laughed so loud
mickstar813: M: like SO loud
mickstar813: H: right?
mickstar813: Laughter is not allowed now
Sun Dec 31, 4:43:38am
mickstar813: And hamada's power to make them laugh
mickstar813: the laughter traps are going to send them deeper into hell
Sun Dec 31, 4:45:53am
mickstar813: arrived at bus stop
mickstar813: Mum- here we go
mickstar813: Baby- there's a step
mickstar813: M: Surely a baby wouldnt say it that loud
mickstar813: Y: they dont talk
mickstar813: Baby- there's a steph
mickstar813: Baby- it's hot
mickstar813: Baby- I am HOT
mickstar813: M- he's burnt
mickstar813: Mum- you want to eat?
Sun Dec 31, 4:46:55am
mickstar813: baby loves nodles
mickstar813: H- he will be pissed at him later
mickstar813: T_ damn that's a lot of noodles
mickstar813: M- surely impossible
mickstar813: T- too much!
mickstar813: Even umemiya wouldnt be able to eat thatm uch
Sun Dec 31, 4:47:58am
mickstar813: Baby- Mummy has to eat too
mickstar813: Mummy doesnt need iot
mickstar813: Baby- Mummy, eat it
mickstar813: M_ that was so bad right now
mickstar813: M_ stop him doing that!
Sun Dec 31, 4:48:58am
mickstar813: M- no one sneezes like that
mickstar813: M- it was like 'shweeen'
mickstar813: Y- me too?
mickstar813: M- that costume and that sneeze, not on
mickstar813: They are killing each other
mickstar813: onto the next stop
mickstar813: E- we stopping again?
Sun Dec 31, 4:51:55am
mickstar813: Hey man, that flashy girl
mickstar813: shes entry number 19
mickstar813: she's our number 1 at our host club
mickstar813: but you've been followed by some weird girl lately?
mickstar813: Yeah, she keeps trying to kiss me. if she does, I will die
mickstar813: She's that bad?
mickstar813: Eito, who is that?
mickstar813: It's her!
mickstar813: You will die!
mickstar813: Wait wait
mickstar813: why are you trying to kill him and kiss him?
mickstar813: There are people who should die before himlike him
mickstar813: like him!
Sun Dec 31, 4:53:07am
This guy, he's a retard and trying to put in his kid in a private school, tried
to learn english online, couldnt so literally quit.
mickstar813: Girl- yeah and Tanaka is doing really well, and he's not, so he stole a hell
of a load of money from them
mickstar813: M: I didn;'t want to know
mickstar813: E; I didn't actually
mickstar813: There are other people who should die too
mickstar813: Like him!
Sun Dec 31, 4:54:09am
mickstar813: Stream down
mickstar813: Back
mickstar813: stream down
mickstar813: There are other people too
mickstar813: Like him
Sun Dec 31, 4:55:16am
mickstar813: This guy took his junior to meal, he jokes about who pays for the bill etc,
does it for like 20 minutes
mickstar813: GIrl: and also, this guy...
mickstar813: E; see they can't help but laugh at your face
mickstar813: He also left his mobile phone
mickstar813: at some power spot
mickstar813: and had to go twice
mickstar813: There ar eother people who should die too, like him
mickstar813: This guy... This summer went to disneyland
mickstar813: and made his daughter hold is stuff
Sun Dec 31, 4:56:27am
mickstar813: Tell us again from the beginning
mickstar813: M: say it properly
mickstar813: THis summer, in disney, made his daughter hold his stuff...
mickstar813: Wearing a really tight arse polo shirt, he was holding a girly backpack.
mickstar813: I know him too, this is the picture from then
mickstar813: He's a fucking weirdo!
mickstar813: Is this for real?
mickstar813: M" of course you might do this time to time
mickstar813: Y: I am shocked
mickstar813: We have to run away
Sun Dec 31, 4:57:30am
mickstar813: E; please take that home
mickstar813: 1 hour in
mickstar813: Tension is super low now
mickstar813: up ahead, more traps
Sun Dec 31, 5:00:12am
mickstar813: E: 38 mike?
mickstar813: We look up to downtown
mickstar813: we always chased their backs
mickstar813: and finally got this chance to face them
mickstar813: Project X?..
mickstar813: But they made us realise
mickstar813: Their pride as Manzai comedians
mickstar813: if we have 38 mics, we dont need anything else
mickstar813: just to make them laugh with manzai
mickstar813: here is Chidori
mickstar813: Hello!!!
Sun Dec 31, 5:01:18am
mickstar813: Right, lets talk about something scary
mickstar813: I wasi n Kyuushu, and in the hotel i was staying, really horrible, old...
mickstar813: Is it a UFO?
mickstar813: You got a bit of alien on you
mickstar813: anyway went to the front, got the key from the dracula
mickstar813: enough of that
mickstar813: it was meant to be a empty room
mickstar813: but felt like someone there
mickstar813: i went in
mickstar813: 1 hour later
mickstar813: My body wouldnt move
mickstar813: my eye would move, nothing else though
mickstar813: So many 'gyoro' movements
mickstar813: I saw a ghost
Sun Dec 31, 5:02:20am
mickstar813: What kind?
mickstar813: The one with the white flap on its head
mickstar813: but when I saw, it was balck
mickstar813: it ran at me
mickstar813: and then disappeared
mickstar813: but before, it said mouga niiiiimaa
mickstar813: anyway, 1 hour later
mickstar813: I cant move again
mickstar813: I cant speak again
mickstar813: Again, it said something before it disappeared
mickstar813: I dont get it!
mickstar813: Thank you very much
mickstar813: (SO HARD)
Sun Dec 31, 5:03:22am
mickstar813: they just dont find it funny!!!
mickstar813: Why did we challenge them
mickstar813: you're the one who said do manzai
mickstar813: what the fuck are we going to do now?
mickstar813: Can we do it, if there is a Eddie Murphy there?
mickstar813: Your tsukkomi was too slow
mickstar813: they werent' alguhing
mickstar813: You have to interfere when its funny
mickstar813: So do it quicker
mickstar813: Okay, let's do it again
mickstar813: Hello
mickstar813: (tsukkomi will be quicker now)
mickstar813: do a scary story
mickstar813: I was in kyuushu
mickstar813: in a hotel
mickstar813: yeah
mickstar813: is it a UFO
Sun Dec 31, 5:04:28am
mickstar813: there is a bit of alien
mickstar813: dracula?!
mickstar813: Room?!
mickstar813: anyway, in the room
mickstar813: someone in the bed
mickstar813: THERE IT IS AAGAIN
mickstar813: anyway, later on that night
mickstar813: my eyes, gyoro
mickstar813: too many gyoros!
mickstar813: there was a ghost
mickstar813: Then it was a black monster
mickstar813: ran at me
mickstar813: before it disappeared
mickstar813: it said to me
mickstar813: AGAIN?!
mickstar813: 1 hour later
mickstar813: saw it again
mickstar813: it ran at me before it disappeared it
mickstar813: thank ya!!!
Sun Dec 31, 5:05:28am
mickstar813: That was too quick.
mickstar813: You were so bad in the important parts
mickstar813: you saw the Domiis (old manzai) and they told us to get the timing right
mickstar813: The part where you say you don't know what Im saying
mickstar813: you repeat it this time
mickstar813: and then tsukkomi when it is the time
Sun Dec 31, 5:06:45am
mickstar813: This time- they will emphasise important parts
mickstar813: Okay... scary story
mickstar813: in kyuushu
mickstar813: hotel, old hotel
mickstar813: anyway, had to stay there
mickstar813: is it a ufo? There's a bit of alien on you
mickstar813: got the key from the dracula
mickstar813: already, a monster
mickstar813: anyway, the door went iiii
mickstar813: anyway, no one should be there, but felt a presence
mickstar813: i was tired, went to sleep
mickstar813: I was frozen though
mickstar813: but my eye was like gyoro gyoro
mickstar813: so many gyoros!
mickstar813: I saw a ghost
mickstar813: it was white
Sun Dec 31, 5:07:47am
mickstar813: anyway, it was black
mickstar813: I dont know how to explain this ghost
mickstar813: it was just SO black
mickstar813: when I look it, just SO black
mickstar813: it ran right up to me
mickstar813: so black,
mickstar813: I don't get it!
mickstar813: (they cant hear because of the bikes)
mickstar813: M: This is ridiculous
mickstar813: M" are you kidding me?!
mickstar813: Y; not part of the joke?
mickstar813: M: no it wasn't
mickstar813: They'll think it's funny that the bikes came
mickstar813: all out.
mickstar813: (sorry guys, that was TOUGH To translate at that speed)
Sun Dec 31, 5:08:50am
mickstar813: M: the timing though was unbelievable
mickstar813: We shouldn't have done that! think about the location too!
mickstar813: H: who did the narration for that part?
mickstar813: the long bus journey is nearly at an end
mickstar813: the police station is right ther
mickstar813: E; we nearly there?
mickstar813: the bus which carries the 5 arrives at the police station
mickstar813: but it's not the goal
mickstar813: its just the new battle ground

mickstar813: F: we are here guys

mickstar813: this is the do not laugh location
mickstar813: Heipo omame police department
Sun Dec 31, 5:09:54am
mickstar813: they arrest criminals and laughter is the life og it
mickstar813: where their battle will commence
mickstar813: they arrive
mickstar813: F; lets get off
mickstar813: F; this way
mickstar813: E; oh its a bit different
mickstar813: F; this is the heipo central police station
mickstar813: F; this is heipo police
mickstar813: F: let's pay our respects
mickstar813: F; okay lets go
mickstar813: M: oh no explnaation?
mickstar813: F: he has NO history
mickstar813: M; its nice in here
mickstar813: F; this way
mickstar813: F; its huge in here
mickstar813: F; hold on, give me a seonc
Sun Dec 31, 5:10:58am
mickstar813: fujiwara forgets where to go
mickstar813: M: it says so clearly on the door
mickstar813: F; come in here
mickstar813: T; here we are
mickstar813: newbies room
mickstar813: F: sit where your names are written
mickstar813: Y: there is definitely something oging on
mickstar813: It's chucky
mickstar813: T: you used to do it
mickstar813: M: This is horrible, right behind me too
mickstar813: M: I wanna pee
mickstar813: Y: what is going on here? Hamada-san?
mickstar813: H: what? me?
mickstar813: M: you look like an outlaw
Sun Dec 31, 5:12:04am
mickstar813: H: but the beard is annoying, inside my ear is disgusting
mickstar813: M: you cant say that kind of thing
mickstar813: Y: I wanna go toilet
mickstar813: M: me too, the whole time
mickstar813: M: is this the omame way?
mickstar813: F: how much do you love that? Get changed
mickstar813: M: thank god
mickstar813: Hamada out
mickstar813: M: you were too happy
mickstar813: M: you're so stupid
mickstar813: M: you were just smiling totally
mickstar813: H: tbh, I was thankful
mickstar813: M: You dont need to do anything at the end
Sun Dec 31, 5:13:10am
mickstar813: M: tanaka though, you laugh loads and they dont call you out
mickstar813: 90 mins in
mickstar813: Hamada's face is now not a weapon
mickstar813: however, after...
mickstar813: the dreaded drawers
Sun Dec 31, 5:15:30am
solari3: it's
been 1 hour 30mins since the start
hamada has gone to change

mickstar813: Gets a new wig

mickstar813: E: why?
mickstar813: M: no choice of just 'normal'?
mickstar813: M: that's not your hair. let's just go with normal you
mickstar813: T: yeah I agree
mickstar813: Y: is that you normally?
mickstar813: H: I mean, when you say it like that...
mickstar813: E: surely you could say no to it?
mickstar813: H: you guys say it's normal... How can I reject the wig then?
mickstar813: T: whats with the face?
mickstar813: M: Tanaka, get your shit together
Sun Dec 31, 5:16:36am
mickstar813: M: Gorgeous
mickstar813: T: I thought we were done with the clothes
mickstar813: Y: really? I saw it coming
mickstar813: M: why have you put design permer on your hair?
mickstar813: M: I have been thinkig of late.
mickstar813: H: oh yeah, you're right. he had straihg thair
mickstar813: M: and it's strong stuff too
mickstar813: Y: it's cool
mickstar813: H: I guess it hidfes your bold patch...
solari3: t: his hair's thin

mickstar813: T: This is really something at the back

mickstar813: Y: Come on, stop it guys
Sun Dec 31, 5:17:40am
mickstar813: (Casual speech)
mickstar813: M: I guess
mickstar813: M: how does it smell?
mickstar813: M: The bold part
mickstar813: Y: I've never sniffed it
mickstar813: M: can we sniff it?
mickstar813: E" shit that stinks
mickstar813: M: jesus
mickstar813: it stinks!
mickstar813: M: wtf happened
Sun Dec 31, 5:18:43am
mickstar813: M: whats wrong with him
mickstar813: M" thats scary
mickstar813: M: Yamasaki farted, right?
mickstar813: T: what you doing?
mickstar813: Y: Hamada-san grabbed me and it slipped out
mickstar813: M: but it stinks...
mickstar813: M: all i said was I was gna sniff your head...
mickstar813: T; what is going on here?
mickstar813: M; forget it
mickstar813: Y: I am old
mickstar813: Y: sniff it later, when cameras afre off
mickstar813: T: no way..
mickstar813: M: right then, I am sure you're aware...
mickstar813: M: the draws...
Sun Dec 31, 5:19:45am
mickstar813: E; thats right, the anual...
mickstar813: M: there is a dvd player
mickstar813: Y: in tanaka's drawer
solari3: thai kicks for 8 yearas straight by dvd

mickstar813: 8 years tanaka thai kick in a row

mickstar813: M: shall I open mine?
mickstar813: Y: I am so scared
mickstar813: M: I will try then
mickstar813: M: the wood is old
mickstar813: M: So hard to open
mickstar813: E: nothing there?
solari3: sign: mystery dvd

mickstar813: M: ther it is
mickstar813: Mystery Dvd
Sun Dec 31, 5:20:46am
mickstar813: M: It doesnt say 1 or 2
mickstar813: M: just DVD
mickstar813: M" That's annoying
mickstar813: M: I don't think putting it in will hurt
solari3: showing the negotiations using hidden cameras

mickstar813: First up
Sun Dec 31, 5:21:48am
mickstar813: Thank you for coming
solari3: Kobayashi Nenji

mickstar813: actor, received number of awards

mickstar813: It's about Gaki no tsukai, ever watched it?
mickstar813: Of course
mickstar813: They use the 'hajimete no otsukai' on there
mickstar813: no no, that's not Gaki
mickstar813: Oh... sorry...
mickstar813: Do you know Downtown?
mickstar813: Yes of course
solari3: I've acted with hamada before

mickstar813: I don't know Matsumoto personally

Sun Dec 31, 5:22:53am
mickstar813: but Hamada-san, on papa ad nachan
mickstar813: what you think of Hamachan?
mickstar813: He's a bit of a punk, but he's cool.
mickstar813: How about Cocorico?
mickstar813: I've heard their name
mickstar813: Tsuketei?
mickstar813: ....
mickstar813: Sorry...
mickstar813: I haven't studied enough
mickstar813: Y: he really is a bit lacking on the studying
mickstar813: E: if we know him, he should know...
mickstar813: RIght, the real question
Sun Dec 31, 5:23:54am
mickstar813: Hard Gay is here
mickstar813: More.. more...
mickstar813: okay...
mickstar813: What do you think of this?
mickstar813: I think I would like to try
mickstar813: His voice is vbery loug
mickstar813: can you do that?
mickstar813: yes... Fawwww
mickstar813: If you can do that in front of them
mickstar813: they'll laugh hysterically
mickstar813: I am a actor, not a comedian
mickstar813: but when you say that, it cheers me up
mickstar813: Next up is this person
solari3: next up, Kaneda Shirou

mickstar813: Morning
mickstar813: Thank you for having me
mickstar813: Kameda Shiro
Sun Dec 31, 5:24:55am
mickstar813: made 3 son champions into boxing champions
mickstar813: he looks like a devil before the match
mickstar813: its downtowns gaki...
mickstar813: I love downtowon
mickstar813: What you think of them?
mickstar813: They're funny, from Kansai
mickstar813: I am also Kansai, so they are funny
mickstar813: (sorry, stream just went weird)
mickstar813: H: he laughed so loud
mickstar813: M: you can hit harder
mickstar813: Right, real question now
mickstar813: Lazer Ramon RG
mickstar813: The guy who says Fooooo
Sun Dec 31, 5:26:00am
mickstar813: I am teaching kids boxing
mickstar813: The kids wont listen to me
mickstar813: My image will be hurt
mickstar813: Entry number 3
mickstar813: Hello, thank you
mickstar813: The president
mickstar813: M: shes a lady!!!
mickstar813: She owes a lot of hotels called APA hotels in Japan
mickstar813: 438 hotels
mickstar813: They make a shit tonne of money
mickstar813: it's called 'do not laugh'
mickstar813: ever watched it?
Sun Dec 31, 5:27:01am
solari3: she's the chairman of APA group

mickstar813: Yes, it is really funny. You can't laugh, if you do, you get hit by a burdock
mickstar813: M: a burdock?
mickstar813: It's a bit exterme
mickstar813: I have never met, but have watched him on the tv
mickstar813: Anything is a job, so I will do it but it has to benefit my company, and
don't know if it will
mickstar813: Who out of the 3 did an impersonation as Razor Ramon
Sun Dec 31, 5:29:26am
mickstar813: Okay!!!
solari3: Kameda Shirou

mickstar813: All out

mickstar813: H: he didn't look like he wanted to do it
Sun Dec 31, 5:30:29am
mickstar813: M: they really caught us out
mickstar813: M: that was raelly funny
mickstar813: Y: seeing him like that was first time ever
mickstar813: M: all like 'okay okay'
mickstar813: M: totally laughed
mickstar813: M: he never says okay okay..
solari3: H: it didn't seem like he'd do it

mickstar813: Y: yeah, he says sei sei sei

mickstar813: Y: nothing in my desk
mickstar813: Y; There it is
mickstar813: key saying 2 on it
mickstar813: H; number 2?
mickstar813: T; there it is
mickstar813: E; its huge
mickstar813: Y; im scared
mickstar813: E; here i go
Sun Dec 31, 5:31:35am
mickstar813: Y; it's huge
mickstar813: (buffering)
mickstar813: H; Maybe we shouldnt look at it
solari3: a mystery box

mickstar813: H; what it is?

mickstar813: H: something you got to use?
mickstar813: E: you know me, so maybe you should look at it
solari3: e:it might be something only I know about

mickstar813: M: maybe it is something he needs to use

mickstar813: M: I dont like this
Sun Dec 31, 5:32:35am
mickstar813: Y: what, what what?
mickstar813: H: maybe better to leave over there
mickstar813: E: i would like to do something with the other one
mickstar813: Y: nothing to look at? something for him to use?
mickstar813: M: iwasaki hiromi right?
mickstar813: After this, all is revealed
Sun Dec 31, 5:34:36am
mickstar813: can't see anything
mickstar813: same for everyoe else?
mickstar813: M: cinderella honeymoon right?
Sun Dec 31, 5:35:55am
mickstar813: H: really well made
mickstar813: M: of course we would laugh
mickstar813: E: this is amazing
mickstar813: E: this is all in my desks
mickstar813: H: yama-chan, go?
Sun Dec 31, 5:37:03am
mickstar813: guys sorry stream is lagging big time
mickstar813: maybe I should go back to the Team Gaki one?
Sun Dec 31, 5:38:18am
solari3: h:
what an irritating face
really looks like the real person

solari3: m: that must have cost a lot

solari3: m: endo that angle, stop it

mickstar813: T: maybe the umber 3
mickstar813: H: yeah because he got that one
mickstar813: M: hey endo
mickstar813: M: that angle, stop that
mickstar813: M: make it face the other way
Sun Dec 31, 5:39:20am
mickstar813: Y: line them up
mickstar813: M: no, put it in the box
mickstar813: E: that's true
solari3: mystery dvd 1

mickstar813: Tanaka out

solari3: mystery dvd 2

mickstar813: ffs this is messy.

mickstar813: Solari, do you want to take over?..
mickstar813: It doesn't make sense for 2 people to do it (we are on different times i
solari3: (oh sorry)
Sun Dec 31, 5:40:28am
mickstar813: Im hearing Emmanuel on one
mickstar813: Commercial on one xD
mickstar813: No, i think it is my stream
mickstar813: Okay, I am on the
mickstar813: So anyone who is watching this, will do that
mickstar813: Solari3- what about you?
solari3: I'm on that stream too

Sun Dec 31, 5:41:29am

mickstar813: Is it on advert for you?..
solari3: the others lag too much

mickstar813: startig now

mickstar813: T: please stop now
mickstar813: This dvd is a simulation game
mickstar813: please choose a or b
mickstar813: and solve the mystery
mickstar813: you decide the outcome
mickstar813: right htne- game start
mickstar813: actress- satomi
mickstar813: satomi- why?...
Sun Dec 31, 5:42:33am
mickstar813: my name is tanaka naoki
mickstar813: this incident seems fishy
mickstar813: PLEASE WAIT
mickstar813: tanaka senpai, dont run ahead
mickstar813: why do you leave me behind? Anyway, a murder at a onsen..
mickstar813: i wonder what happened
mickstar813: the first person to find the dead person was the Okami-san
mickstar813: yes...
mickstar813: Hello
mickstar813: Thank you for coming all the way out here
mickstar813: The woman is the Okami,
Sun Dec 31, 5:43:38am
mickstar813: The woman who got kileld and her looked after the onsen
mickstar813: Sorry to get straight to it
mickstar813: tell us about when you found it
mickstar813: FOund her at 2am
mickstar813: until a few hosue before, we were working fine together
mickstar813: anything odd about her behaviour lately?
mickstar813: actually...
mickstar813: recently, the nakai and her had a fight
mickstar813: You cannot behave like that in front of customers
mickstar813: what's wrong?
mickstar813: Something... smells
mickstar813: I think it's you, you smell like fresh garbage
Sun Dec 31, 5:44:41am
mickstar813: are you bathing properly?...
mickstar813: E; horrible thing
mickstar813: T; so rude...
mickstar813: You smell of garbage
mickstar813: are you bathing properly?...
mickstar813: Anyway, Tanaka-snepai
mickstar813: a) please let me meet the rude nakai b) go to the baths
mickstar813: T: I choose A
mickstar813: The woman should be in here
mickstar813: So this is where the woman was killed
mickstar813: Oh? The cleaner is only person here
mickstar813: Sorry to interefere...
Sun Dec 31, 5:45:43am
mickstar813: Hello?
mickstar813: What?
mickstar813: Okay, coming now
mickstar813: What's wrong?
mickstar813: Our workers are fighting
mickstar813: Please can you come too?
mickstar813: What are you doig?
mickstar813: Don't play the fool. You killed Satomi
mickstar813: Why would I do that?
mickstar813: Stop that now!
mickstar813: Help, stop them
mickstar813: STOP NOW
mickstar813: I KNOW EVERYTHING
mickstar813: And your debt, you made her help you with it
Sun Dec 31, 5:46:45am
mickstar813: You killed her right?!
mickstar813: The woman who protected you
mickstar813: You killed her right?!
mickstar813: Thai Kick man!
mickstar813: Get back
mickstar813: I will run away
mickstar813: get away*
mickstar813: Dont do anything stupid
mickstar813: confess
Sun Dec 31, 5:47:48am
mickstar813: get a car, or I will kill him!
mickstar813: Tanaka, what should we do?
mickstar813: a) shoot, b) negotiate without guns
mickstar813: T: I choose B
mickstar813: Okay fine...
mickstar813: Let's talk
mickstar813: I have nothing to discuss
mickstar813: Get a car now!
mickstar813: I am arresting you on suspicion of murder
Sun Dec 31, 5:48:52am
mickstar813: Thai KICK!!!!
mickstar813: M: 'Thai kick'-san, she says...
mickstar813: Thai Kick: thak you, all thanks to you...
mickstar813: I am so happy, so hungry now
mickstar813: Senpai, shall we get ramen on the way home... of course on you...
mickstar813: hahahaa
mickstar813: OI
mickstar813: What are you laughing at Tanaka!
mickstar813: Someonne died today
mickstar813: YOU GET A THAI KICK
mickstar813: T: what the fuck
mickstar813: E: hey, its Thai Kick0-san
mickstar813: T: This is the worst one ever.
Sun Dec 31, 5:49:56am
mickstar813: M: he must have gotten it wrong somewhere
mickstar813: Y: you should have shot him
mickstar813: T: I got to get thai kicked?
mickstar813: E: every yeah, hurts huh?
mickstar813: M: His reaction is hilarious
mickstar813: M: but it's every year...
mickstar813: Y: cant help it
mickstar813: T: but it was raelly bad, why I got a thai kick
mickstar813: Y: see? You have to choose the other option
Sun Dec 31, 5:50:59am
mickstar813: T; wait, I got to play again?
mickstar813: M: yeah, I thought you were wrong
mickstar813: E: you got to kill him
mickstar813: T; shoot him!
Sun Dec 31, 5:53:13am
mickstar813: Y: see? You chose wrong before. go now
mickstar813: M: I knew you were wrong
mickstar813: E: you should shoot
mickstar813: T; SHOOT
mickstar813: I understand
mickstar813: I dont care what happens
mickstar813: Thai Kick, duck!
mickstar813: NO! Dont!!!
mickstar813: He killed her for me!!!
mickstar813: SHUT UP
mickstar813: He took my debt on
mickstar813: and to pay it off, did this!
mickstar813: No, It was my doing
mickstar813: now hurry, and get a car
mickstar813: E: hold on, it's the same
mickstar813: WATCH OUT
mickstar813: NO DONt
mickstar813: WATCH OUT
Sun Dec 31, 5:54:18am
mickstar813: Y: see? Thai Kick is dead
mickstar813: E: he's gone now. it's all good
mickstar813: Y' amazing
mickstar813: You are arrested on suspicion of murder
mickstar813: T: should have gone for A
mickstar813: M: you chose wrong
mickstar813: Y: can't be helped then
mickstar813: E; Hold on...
Sun Dec 31, 5:55:22am
mickstar813: M" huh?/
mickstar813: Thai Kick- Hey you! I got wet because of you, is it your fault?
mickstar813: tanaka thai kick
mickstar813: T: I should be safe from a thai kick
mickstar813: H: if you run away, he will do it harder
mickstar813: M" do it soft
mickstar813: H" just get ready
Sun Dec 31, 5:56:22am
mickstar813: M: please do it softly sir
mickstar813: T: please...
mickstar813: T: OWWWWW
mickstar813: T: it hurts...
mickstar813: H: it's because you tried running away
mickstar813: Y" he cant say anything
mickstar813: M: tanaka
mickstar813: H: it sbecause you ran
mickstar813: T: and I got to get hit now?!
mickstar813: M: tanaka, cant be helped
mickstar813: M: right?..
mickstar813: M: but the second one, he did hold back
mickstar813: E: he did ask
Sun Dec 31, 5:57:23am
mickstar813: T: it hurt about the same
mickstar813: H: there is another DVD...
mickstar813: T: surely not this one... it hurts so bad
mickstar813: Y: that drama is done, right?
mickstar813: E: amazing cast
mickstar813: T: this one, seriously...
mickstar813: The murder, number 2
mickstar813: tanaka-senpai, that was really something, huh?
mickstar813: Right then, let's go back
mickstar813: what was that?
mickstar813: Let's go
mickstar813: What's wrong?
mickstar813: The okami-san
mickstar813: What is going on here?!
Sun Dec 31, 5:58:23am
mickstar813: Okami, explain!?
mickstar813: I don't know
mickstar813: Thai Kick-san and I came here, he was like this
mickstar813: Anyway, we need to investigate
mickstar813: The name of the criminal should be hidden
mickstar813: a) the bath towel is suspicios b) the bath is surpicious
mickstar813: M: surely the twoerl
mickstar813: T: surely right?
mickstar813: Y: tanaka, you decide
mickstar813: T: I am going for the bath towel
Sun Dec 31, 5:59:24am
mickstar813: Ta...
Sun Dec 31, 6:00:42am
mickstar813: HAMADA
mickstar813: H" what?...
mickstar813: The criminal is hamada
mickstar813: HAMADA THAI KICK
mickstar813: H" NO NO NO NO
mickstar813: H" Kidding me?!
mickstar813: E: great choice Tanaka
mickstar813: E: it said Hamada
mickstar813: H: you're kidding me?
mickstar813: M" look at that face
mickstar813: H" holy shit!
Sun Dec 31, 6:01:50am
mickstar813: E" that was a seriously amazing face
mickstar813: E; does it hurt?
mickstar813: Y' there is more!
mickstar813: M" wait, you got to choose the other one?
mickstar813: M: let us just stop
mickstar813: E: Hamada as the criminal, that's fine
mickstar813: MATSUMOTO
mickstar813: Matsumoto- THAI kick
mickstar813: M" how long is this going to go on for?
Sun Dec 31, 6:02:51am
mickstar813: M: I cant breath!!!!
mickstar813: M: AHHHHHH
mickstar813: M: I am slobbering
mickstar813: H" what the fuck is with his face
mickstar813: M: my balls!!!!
mickstar813: H" shut up man
mickstar813: M: my balls have come off!
mickstar813: E; they're on.
mickstar813: M: that really hurts
mickstar813: 3 hours in
Sun Dec 31, 6:03:54am
mickstar813: 54 year old downtown are not given a break
mickstar813: after this
mickstar813: more trouble
mickstar813: For anyone wanting to know
mickstar813: is the link

mickstar813: I am watching
Sun Dec 31, 6:05:31am
mickstar813: 11:30 am
mickstar813: 3 hours 30 mins in
mickstar813: they dont have time to chill
mickstar813: F: alright blokes? We are doing a recreation match now
mickstar813: Get changed
mickstar813: recreation activity among american policemen
mickstar813: F: you can laugh here on... go enjoy
Sun Dec 31, 6:06:41am
mickstar813: No idea...
mickstar813: fireworks and electrocution
mickstar813: they have to push each other...
mickstar813: not normal
mickstar813: they get electrocuted
mickstar813: and have to push each other off
mickstar813: H: why would we do that?
mickstar813: Who ever falls off... loses
mickstar813: 10 points to team who wins
mickstar813: (Stream is buffering)
mickstar813: Miyasako- Nakaoka
mickstar813: vs Tanaka
Sun Dec 31, 6:07:41am
mickstar813: T: Oh man
mickstar813: It's like the battle of the shit hair
mickstar813: no back bone battle
mickstar813: T: like this?
mickstar813: Right, putting the electric current on now
mickstar813: It buzzed
mickstar813: For real?
mickstar813: Put your hands behind you
mickstar813: YOUR HAIR
mickstar813: M: he's really buzzed up
mickstar813: T: cant do this!!!!
Sun Dec 31, 6:08:42am
mickstar813: Shall we?
mickstar813: Shall we?
mickstar813: Im coming
mickstar813: T; what you doing?
mickstar813: H: this wont be a battle
mickstar813: M: they both suck
mickstar813: DRAWWWW
mickstar813: The pain is ridiculous
mickstar813: It's a draw
mickstar813: switch in other people
mickstar813: Miyasako vs Cunning
mickstar813: Former boldy vs boldy
Sun Dec 31, 6:09:51am
mickstar813: (banter about Miyasako in the past getting a photot taken of him in bed)
mickstar813: Okay, next round
mickstar813: Glasses okay?
mickstar813: M: obviously
mickstar813: M: YOU LOSE
mickstar813: Miyasako loses
mickstar813: You touched the machine?
mickstar813: Let's do it again
mickstar813: Did it hit e?
mickstar813: I don't know who you are but I will kill you
mickstar813: You can't say that!
mickstar813: Don't you dare touch me
mickstar813: M: don't move
Sun Dec 31, 6:10:54am
mickstar813: E: right behind you, dont move
mickstar813: Takeyama, go!
mickstar813: DRAW
mickstar813: Women!
mickstar813: (omg Karen is so fit)
mickstar813: M: go for it
mickstar813: M: dont say it like Helen
mickstar813: Dont do it
mickstar813: Im so scared
Sun Dec 31, 6:11:58am
mickstar813: Dont do ti
mickstar813: She was fine...
mickstar813: She just pushed her off like normally
mickstar813: Karen 'I didn't feel a thing
mickstar813: This is seriously bad
mickstar813: You really screwed up, huh...
mickstar813: M man you really sucked
mickstar813: big boned battle
Sun Dec 31, 6:13:13am
mickstar813: Got my balls!
mickstar813: We won!
mickstar813: This really hurts
mickstar813: M: dont scratch it
mickstar813: One more time
mickstar813: you got scared too easily
mickstar813: M: penis battle would be hilarious
mickstar813: They're doing a penis pushing
mickstar813: It hurts so much!
mickstar813: Why do you jump?
mickstar813: Stay on the thing
mickstar813: Winner, Miyasako team
mickstar813: the first round ends up as a draw
Sun Dec 31, 6:14:13am
mickstar813: who will win
Sun Dec 31, 6:15:49am
mickstar813: Pistol bang bang
mickstar813: right hand as a pistol
mickstar813: left hand as a circle
mickstar813: when you hear a bang
mickstar813: you have to swtich hands
mickstar813: when you cant keep up rhythmn wise
mickstar813: you out
mickstar813: 300 points to winners
mickstar813: I am substracting 400 points as you guys are annoying
mickstar813: right the rhythm
mickstar813: Junior will demonstrate
Sun Dec 31, 6:16:53am
mickstar813: M: this is so easy
mickstar813: M: it gets a bit faster?
mickstar813: The faster, the easier
mickstar813: KAREEEENNNN
mickstar813: Anyway, Miyasako first
mickstar813: M" OUt
mickstar813: M: that's scary
mickstar813: Bang and then
mickstar813: Got it right 0 times
Sun Dec 31, 6:17:54am
mickstar813: I thought I did it
mickstar813: M: what can you do?
mickstar813: You are the youngest here
mickstar813: Here we go
mickstar813: 3
mickstar813: 2
mickstar813: 1
mickstar813: M thats good. we have already won
mickstar813: winner- Karen
mickstar813: It was so easy
mickstar813: Karen 'Thank you'
mickstar813: Hamada vs Matsumoto
Sun Dec 31, 6:19:06am
mickstar813: H: I can do this
mickstar813: M: I wont lose
mickstar813: H: 10 is my aim
mickstar813: M:" I wont lose
mickstar813: M: his hands are so close
mickstar813: E: so close...
mickstar813: Do it a couple of times
Sun Dec 31, 6:20:19am
mickstar813: M: I can't do anything to compete with that
mickstar813: H: please do it
mickstar813: What's your aim?
mickstar813: M: 12 . or 13
mickstar813: here we go
mickstar813: 3
mickstar813: 2
mickstar813: 1
mickstar813: See?
mickstar813: That was the worst!!!
mickstar813: Like auctioning at the fish markets
mickstar813: H: make him do it a few times
Sun Dec 31, 6:21:20am
mickstar813: That was the worst one so far
mickstar813: M: Let me carry on
mickstar813: He was like in a band or something
mickstar813: He's just mucking around
mickstar813: Both of you... are grandpassssss
Sun Dec 31, 6:23:55am
mickstar813: over 4 hours
mickstar813: finally... a rest
mickstar813: Why, do you look like this when you get annoyed?
mickstar813: When you look at something that annoys you
mickstar813: Your body doesnt want to look at it
mickstar813: and it narrows your eyes
mickstar813: like this..
mickstar813: Y; like this
mickstar813: Y: is it doing it
mickstar813: H: what the fuck are they on abou
mickstar813: M: when you get angry, you get bigger
mickstar813: Y: you tried to big yourself up
mickstar813: M: like all of you
Sun Dec 31, 6:24:59am
mickstar813: Y: but like kiiiii
mickstar813: M: do it twice
mickstar813: Y: ki kiii
mickstar813: E: this is a weird time
mickstar813: M; wait, that was hilarious
mickstar813: M: once is not funny.
mickstar813: Y: if you do it once really loudly
mickstar813: M: it would be funny?
mickstar813: Y: do it
mickstar813: M: wont be funny
mickstar813: Y: do it really hard
mickstar813: E: looking from the side, was hilarious
mickstar813: T: so pissed
mickstar813: Y: thatw as scary
Sun Dec 31, 6:26:06am
mickstar813: T: cant go into your territory for sure
mickstar813: Next up
mickstar813: FUNASHIIIII
mickstar813: 3 famous people enter into this
mickstar813: who will be playing the role
mickstar813: Number 1
mickstar813: Hello there
mickstar813: 1964 debuted
mickstar813: Was a huge idol
mickstar813: 53 year veteran
mickstar813: now going to ask him to do it
mickstar813: its' the no laughing series, ever watched?
Sun Dec 31, 6:27:06am
mickstar813: yes
mickstar813: It's Funashi...
mickstar813: What about it?
mickstar813: We'd love you to do this as they'd never expect you to
mickstar813: They show him footage of Funashii
mickstar813: Funashiiiiii
mickstar813: He jumps around like that?
mickstar813: What do you think?
mickstar813: I have nothing to say
mickstar813: I can't imagine doing it...
mickstar813: Number 2!
mickstar813: Please sit here
mickstar813: thank you
mickstar813: Yamasaki takashi- film director
Sun Dec 31, 6:28:13am
mickstar813: His newest work- Destiny, was huge
mickstar813: will be in charge of opening ceremony and closing ceremony
mickstar813: Downtown, what you think?
mickstar813: Matsumoto-san is a director
mickstar813: He's got edge
mickstar813: Hosei, tanaka, endo?
mickstar813: atanaka is funny
mickstar813: he's really talents
mickstar813: talented
mickstar813: he's good at a lot of characters
mickstar813: howabout endo?
mickstar813: Umm...
mickstar813: I get the feeling he is a baseball fan
Sun Dec 31, 6:29:14am
mickstar813: E: i thought he would know more...
mickstar813: Y: and you really like him ,right?
mickstar813: Now the real quesrtion...
mickstar813: This is Funashiii
mickstar813: Wait, am I going to play him?
mickstar813: Yeah, your face will be showing here a little so they can see you
mickstar813: We were hoping you would consider...
mickstar813: Number 3
mickstar813: Hello
mickstar813: Rakugo-ka.
mickstar813: He is the 6th gen
mickstar813: he is on shouten for 40 years now
Sun Dec 31, 6:30:21am
mickstar813: What you think of Downtown
mickstar813: Comedians have two sides
mickstar813: hamada is a bully o the outside but behind the scenes, he is a good guy
mickstar813: What about Cocorico?
mickstar813: They just get carried by downtown
mickstar813: they should work harder
mickstar813: M: that was so sudden
mickstar813: Y: yamasaki going to rakugo so quikcly
mickstar813: I respect that
Sun Dec 31, 6:31:33am
mickstar813: people watching tb, they dont know his rakugo
mickstar813: but he is good
mickstar813: now the real question
mickstar813: it's funashii...
mickstar813: We want you to go inside Funashiii
mickstar813: Will they laugh if I came out?
mickstar813: No doubt...
mickstar813: I would consider doing it...
mickstar813: WHO WILL BE DOING IT
Sun Dec 31, 6:34:14am
mickstar813: Who will be the one to dress
mickstar813: Hosei- answer
mickstar813: H: I think that Saigo-san
mickstar813: Y: going with that
mickstar813: THe answer is appearing
mickstar813: KYAHOOOOO
mickstar813: Yamasaki was right
mickstar813: Do not laugh, I came heree- funashiiii
mickstar813: M: totally different to before
mickstar813: H: what are you making him do?!
mickstar813: All you guys, would never do this job-nashiiii
mickstar813: right everyone, do your best-nashiiii
mickstar813: KYAHOOOOO
mickstar813: H: amazing
Sun Dec 31, 6:35:17am
mickstar813: ALL OUT
mickstar813: T: cant believe he accepted that job
mickstar813: M: That interview, he didnt seem he would do it
mickstar813: H: thats amazing
mickstar813: F: guys, this year, there is a lot of crime
mickstar813: F: you are going to partake in a special trainin
mickstar813: F: here we go
mickstar813: F: get on the bus
mickstar813: H: okay
Sun Dec 31, 6:36:17am
mickstar813: They get on the bus, to do special traning
mickstar813: what is waiting ahead for them
mickstar813: A new battle awaits...
Sun Dec 31, 6:38:40am
mickstar813: next training- saving someone from kidnap
mickstar813: T: there it is
mickstar813: T: it's here
mickstar813: F; get changed guys
mickstar813: They must do the training
mickstar813: M: there it is
mickstar813: E: it's there...
mickstar813: F: you can laugh, but get caught (you know)
mickstar813: But you smelly comedians wont do
mickstar813: so we got some got actor to come
Sun Dec 31, 6:39:47am
mickstar813: It's MURO
mickstar813: M: you flew to high
mickstar813: M: he hurt his foot
mickstar813: No I am fine
mickstar813: I flew a bit higher than I thought
mickstar813: T: you were shocked right?
mickstar813: 2018, I will do better
mickstar813: Muro Tsuyoshi
mickstar813: Out of you 5, one of you will go in there
mickstar813: The other 5 will find the ky
mickstar813: Only one key this time
mickstar813: If you find the key, that is the real one.
mickstar813: T: no fakes then?
mickstar813: F; the kidnapped person is you, Matsumoto
Sun Dec 31, 6:40:47am
mickstar813: H: we knew already
mickstar813: Y: every year, so jealous...
mickstar813: However, every 10 mins, you'll be punished
mickstar813: M: I don't need that. I dont get the meaning of the punishment
mickstar813: as soon as it starts
mickstar813: they come out
mickstar813: more time, more onis
mickstar813: they got to run away form them, and find the key
mickstar813: Dont' get caught
mickstar813: american police
mickstar813: Everyone ready?
mickstar813: This is so scary
mickstar813: START
mickstar813: Training start
mickstar813: SLIPPER
mickstar813: T: stop
mickstar813: E: this really hurts
mickstar813: Muro: nOOOOOOO
Sun Dec 31, 6:41:50am
mickstar813: lockedon Muro
mickstar813: H: Muro, just get caught!
mickstar813: Muro; WHy?
mickstar813: Muro : HAMADAAAA
mickstar813: T: he got caught
mickstar813: Muro- hold back please
mickstar813: BAM
mickstar813: T: this hurts so much
mickstar813: M: hahahahaha
mickstar813: Matsumoto alone this year again
mickstar813: T: it hurts so much
mickstar813: Muro- that was so bad
mickstar813: Hamdaa cant stop laughing
mickstar813: H; that was hilarious
mickstar813: Paper fan
mickstar813: 2nd oni
mickstar813: Muro- it really hurts.
Sun Dec 31, 6:42:53am
mickstar813: Muro- the pain is real
mickstar813: Tanaka- you will slip, watch out
mickstar813: T: that is the worst
mickstar813: T: oww....
mickstar813: Y: this is ridiculous
mickstar813: H: those 2 are the worst
mickstar813: Muro- still hurts
mickstar813: y: you will get this loads
mickstar813: Muro: im going to get more greys
mickstar813: Y; what was that? Jeans??
mickstar813: Y: no, fuck off, no way...
mickstar813: H: TANAKA
Sun Dec 31, 6:43:54am
mickstar813: T: Okay
mickstar813: Tanakas true side comes out
mickstar813: T; this will hurt
mickstar813: Y" Senpaiiii
mickstar813: H" don't senpai me
mickstar813: Y" thats something you wear
mickstar813: H" i was worried I was going to get that across the head
mickstar813: E; more are going to come out now
mickstar813: H: you ran away...
mickstar813: Y" he did
mickstar813: T: what you mean 'did I run'.
mickstar813: H" you should get caught
mickstar813: Y" yeah
Sun Dec 31, 6:44:56am
mickstar813: T: no, no. let's not betray each other
mickstar813: H: tell Yamasaki that
mickstar813: Y: I never betray them
mickstar813: They promise not to betray one another
mickstar813: Let's work together
mickstar813: Hosei notices a oni
mickstar813: Hosei straight away betrays them...
mickstar813: T: you're kidding me, wait
mickstar813: E: tanaka got away
mickstar813: Y: wait, tanaka...
mickstar813: T: he saw him and didnt say anything
Sun Dec 31, 6:45:58am
mickstar813: H: you did it
mickstar813: H: they came from behind and he did that
mickstar813: Y: I didn't betray you, you just didn't notice
mickstar813: Y: you need to be aware of 360
mickstar813: Chinko machine
mickstar813: H: Muro!!!
mickstar813: Muro: wait wait wait
mickstar813: T: he got locked on by penis machine
mickstar813: Muro; why me? explain
mickstar813: E: this is like tradition...
mickstar813: H: muro, seriously. if you come on gaki, this happens
Sun Dec 31, 6:47:00am
mickstar813: Muro- mine are small...
mickstar813: Muro gets Moro (properly in japanese) hit
mickstar813: Muro- right on the tip
mickstar813: H: Matsumoto's face. he doesn't like that
mickstar813: M: hurry up
mickstar813: H: it's not here. we're going elsehwere
mickstar813: M: overisouyl
mickstar813: H: lets not go, if he is going to talk to us like that
mickstar813: Y: we are trying to help him
mickstar813: M: what are you doing? Hurry up
mickstar813: H: go ask him
mickstar813: Ask him what?
Sun Dec 31, 6:48:03am
mickstar813: He's blabbering on about something
mickstar813: Muro- i have never spoken to him
mickstar813: M: what are you doing?
mickstar813: Muro- you need to ask us more nicely
mickstar813: M: no, it's tough in here,
mickstar813: Muro- doesnt seem it...
mickstar813: Muro- he's going to ask us now
mickstar813: Matsumoto- please find it...
mickstar813: Muro- bit louder please
mickstar813: Matsumoto- please
mickstar813: Miuro- he bowed his head and asked
mickstar813: Matsumoto punishment time
Sun Dec 31, 6:49:04am
mickstar813: Y- something came out
mickstar813: H- I can stand up now
mickstar813: My hand inflate now
mickstar813: H- what the hell is that?
mickstar813: M- my back hurts
mickstar813: 15 mins since the start
mickstar813: the 5 look in the inner gardens
mickstar813: american footabll oni
mickstar813: E: oh shiiit
mickstar813: E: what is this?
mickstar813: E; im so scary
mickstar813: mUro- more are coming
mickstar813: E: i cant see
Sun Dec 31, 6:50:21am
mickstar813: Muro- wow, he is really good
mickstar813: Muro was impressed with the kick
mickstar813: E; this is hell
mickstar813: they split into two groups and find the key
mickstar813: very strong tape
mickstar813: H: you noticed him
mickstar813: E; no not at all
mickstar813: H: what is this? this is the worst
mickstar813: E: this is bad
mickstar813: T: huh?
mickstar813: Muro- there are loads them
mickstar813: T: when the hell did that happen
mickstar813: E: UWAAAAA
Sun Dec 31, 6:53:22am
mickstar813: E: WaAAAA
mickstar813: E: IM so scared
mickstar813: T: it's Hamada
mickstar813: Y; he got turned into a monster
mickstar813: Y; shut up monster!!!
mickstar813: Muro- so scary
mickstar813: H- cant help it
mickstar813: Muro- hamada-san, what the hell
mickstar813: H; dont run away
mickstar813: Y: what do you want to do to me?
mickstar813: H: we are friends
mickstar813: Y; no we are not
mickstar813: Y: give us hamada-san back
mickstar813: H: this could happen to you!
Sun Dec 31, 6:54:23am
mickstar813: Y; cant hear what he is saying
mickstar813: E; it's a monster!!!!
mickstar813: H: hey, cut the shit out
mickstar813: Y: was that him angry?
mickstar813: H: CUT THE SHIT
mickstar813: Y" are you masatoshi?
mickstar813: H; dont give me that
mickstar813: 20 mins in
mickstar813: Matsumoto punishmet tiiime
mickstar813: I can tape things up now
Sun Dec 31, 6:55:25am
mickstar813: I am going to wrap you up
mickstar813: M: this is ridiculous
mickstar813: You're so cute
mickstar813: I am still going to keep going around
mickstar813: M: it hurts!!!
mickstar813: M- this is ridiculous
mickstar813: your face got crushed
mickstar813: H: what a face
mickstar813: M: what?...
mickstar813: H: this is ridiculous
mickstar813: 35 year history Downtown
mickstar813: Paper Fan oni
mickstar813: T: OUCH
Sun Dec 31, 6:56:36am
mickstar813: H- rather than my head, my ear... is it cut?
mickstar813: Y" it's cut
mickstar813: H; is it?
mickstar813: H' I am monster then
mickstar813: Y; its really bad
mickstar813: M: this is ridiculous
mickstar813: E: TAPE is back!!!
mickstar813: Matsumoto punishment time
Sun Dec 31, 6:57:41am
mickstar813: I've come to take it off
mickstar813: I am going to do it slowly
mickstar813: I can't see where it starts
mickstar813: H: you taped him up!
mickstar813: I'm panicking...
mickstar813: I found it...
mickstar813: I'm going slowly...
mickstar813: M- owwwwwwww
mickstar813: It hurts, huh?
mickstar813: M- god damn that hurt
mickstar813: Sorrryyyyy
mickstar813: This is ridiculous
Sun Dec 31, 6:58:44am
mickstar813: T: something has come our way
mickstar813: Mari Antoinette
mickstar813: Y: Guilotine?
mickstar813: Y; huh?
mickstar813: Muro: he went into a room
mickstar813: Muro- what is that?
mickstar813: They don't know who Mari Antionette is
mickstar813: It's a person right?
mickstar813: Elegant Hosei comes out
mickstar813: That face is hilarious
mickstar813: H- you can't run away now. I can't help you
Sun Dec 31, 6:59:44am
mickstar813: Y- theres loads of bells too
mickstar813: H- that is funny
mickstar813: Y- serisouly, lets find the keys now
mickstar813: E- if I am close, they'll find me
mickstar813: Muro- man it makes a lot of noise when you run
mickstar813: T- so annoying
mickstar813: Elegant Yamasaki is out and about
mickstar813: E- can you come in Hosei?
mickstar813: E- not perfect..
mickstar813: T: im going up
mickstar813: Muro- you look beautiful from behind
mickstar813: your posture is beautiful
mickstar813: E- beautiful
Sun Dec 31, 7:00:55am
mickstar813: Tanaka looks on 2nd floor
mickstar813: Tanaka- Ahh
mickstar813: Finds a treasure box
mickstar813: T: a key. let's open it
mickstar813: T: what?
mickstar813: T: there is a letter
mickstar813: Whoever gets this put on them gets hit
mickstar813: T: if i stick this on you, you get hurt
mickstar813: Y" get hamada
Sun Dec 31, 7:01:58am
mickstar813: They choose Hamada
mickstar813: Y: I will distract Hamada
mickstar813: so put it on him then
mickstar813: H: where is Tanaka
mickstar813: T: counting on you then
mickstar813: Y: what you think?
mickstar813: H: dont. you are making a noise
mickstar813: H: what he mean by that?
mickstar813: Yamasaki acting as a distraction
mickstar813: T: I dont know what he is doing
mickstar813: Their plan is a succes
mickstar813: H: Endo went downstairs
mickstar813: E: nothing there
Sun Dec 31, 7:03:00am
mickstar813: The two celebrate their victory
mickstar813: H: what?
mickstar813: H: whats going on?
mickstar813: E: they came over like they're your best friend
mickstar813: E: so bad...
mickstar813: T: great stuff
mickstar813: M: he is slobbering
mickstar813: T: you okay?
mickstar813: H: you made a strange face...
mickstar813: Muro- they did something...
Sun Dec 31, 7:04:03am
mickstar813: They were a bit weird when Yamasaki came over
mickstar813: Tanaka then put something on your back..
mickstar813: Muro- there is something on your back
mickstar813: Muro- I dont know what happened, but thought something weird was
going on
mickstar813: H- I do remember you coming behind me...
mickstar813: H- did you put this on me
mickstar813: T- no.
mickstar813: H_ what were you doing before
mickstar813: Y- I was just told by Tanaka what to do...
mickstar813: Hosei betrays Tanaka
mickstar813: H- we agreed not to betray each other
Sun Dec 31, 7:05:05am
mickstar813: E- you guys are awful this year
mickstar813: T- I found the sticker, that's when Mari antoinette said we should stick it
on you
mickstar813: T- he said that
mickstar813: Y- believe me Hamada-san
mickstar813: Y- believe me, he said. I wouldn't lie
mickstar813: Muro- can i say it?
mickstar813: Muro- Tanaka said to Hosei 'Thank you very much;
mickstar813: Tanaka- stop chatting man
mickstar813: 52 mins since the start
Sun Dec 31, 7:06:07am
mickstar813: Muro hides under the skirt
mickstar813: E: muro, that's ridiculous
mickstar813: muro- I was protecting her...
mickstar813: Muro, I was trying to protect her, and her dress floated up
mickstar813: Yamasaki- You wouldn't think of doing that...
mickstar813: However much they look, they cant find the key
mickstar813: Matsumoto-san... we cannot find the key
mickstar813: T: what?
Sun Dec 31, 7:07:09am
mickstar813: Egashira...
mickstar813: M: he's come out!!!
mickstar813: T: he's over there
mickstar813: Egashira- didn't think I will be here huh?!
mickstar813: ega-chan party, let's do itttt
mickstar813: Ega chan starts to do his party
mickstar813: H; this is the worst
mickstar813: Y- he's doing it for so long
Sun Dec 31, 7:08:11am
mickstar813: M- this is the worst
mickstar813: Egashira- time for my part time job
mickstar813: H; it's open!!!
mickstar813: H: it's open!!!
mickstar813: Y- ega-chan opened it
mickstar813: F- apparently there was no key...
mickstar813: E- there was no key...
mickstar813: M- oh great!!! hahahahahaha
mickstar813: E- man he is okay with that?
mickstar813: Y- he stinks...
mickstar813: M- I just really want a shower...
mickstar813: Their training is done
mickstar813: however, the laughter traps are not
Sun Dec 31, 7:11:12am
mickstar813: 3pm
mickstar813: back to the police centre
mickstar813: F- this way guys
mickstar813: F- you're going to watch Police Story now
mickstar813: Y; wanna watch that
mickstar813: F; there are your seats
mickstar813: Hong Kong Film Crew are on standby
mickstar813: F: the star isn't here yet
mickstar813: F: there he is
mickstar813: F: he's got such an aura
Sun Dec 31, 7:12:14am
mickstar813: F: it's starting now
mickstar813: Action test first
mickstar813: E: he's awesome
mickstar813: Perfect!
mickstar813: Police Story- he's beating up the younger ones
mickstar813: This is the real thing now
Sun Dec 31, 7:13:26am
mickstar813: M: this is ridiculous
mickstar813: Cut... please...
mickstar813: CUT
mickstar813: Completely different ot the test...
mickstar813: CUT
mickstar813: CUT
mickstar813: The manager isnt looking
mickstar813: The main character rus away
mickstar813: M: they punched him with closed fists...
mickstar813: M: literally
mickstar813: H: he was facing the floor and they smacked him in the face...
mickstar813: E: what was the director looking at?
Sun Dec 31, 7:14:28am
mickstar813: M: The main character was begging him 'cut'...
mickstar813: afte rthis
mickstar813: MORE DRAW TRAPS
Sun Dec 31, 7:16:41am
mickstar813: 3:15
mickstar813: They are starting to tire
mickstar813: again... those traps..
mickstar813: All drawers have been reset
mickstar813: M: damn, thats tough
mickstar813: H: I see...
mickstar813: Y: Chucky is down too
mickstar813: E; oh yeah
mickstar813: Chucky has changed positions
mickstar813: M: this is our desks?...
mickstar813: M: We are police, is it really okay for them to just change the insides of
our desks?
mickstar813: E: what shall we do?
Sun Dec 31, 7:17:44am
mickstar813: M: Hosei san keeps touching his cheek
mickstar813: Y: this is serious
mickstar813: Y: my left jaw is clicking
mickstar813: H: suddenly?
mickstar813: Y: since a month ago
mickstar813: M: are you sure it's not him trying to...
mickstar813: M: it clicks?
mickstar813: Y: can you?
mickstar813: M: let Hamada head
mickstar813: Y: serious, okay?
Sun Dec 31, 7:18:49am
mickstar813: Y: it does right?
mickstar813: M; there are people who can do that by forcing it
mickstar813: Y: I don;'t want it to happen
mickstar813: M: i wonder why
mickstar813: Y: 9 years in a row, I'm getting slapped
mickstar813: Y: I think that is
mickstar813: M: but why a month ago
mickstar813: Y: if it was this side, then it would be fine.. but it's this side
mickstar813: M: okay, then today get the other side
mickstar813: Y: by 'today', are you saying it's decided im getting slapped?
mickstar813: Y: I am talking about the past.
Sun Dec 31, 7:19:54am
mickstar813: M: why don't you turn around today. let's practice
mickstar813: Y: just... no
mickstar813: Y: let's stop this
mickstar813: M: i am seriously concerned for you
mickstar813: Y: I have told them that as well
mickstar813: E: you've been to the hospital?
mickstar813: Y" no i haven't
mickstar813: M: I hate this occasional when they hit right below the butt
mickstar813: M: Let's open the draws
Sun Dec 31, 7:20:55am
mickstar813: T: who starts?..
mickstar813: Y: Endo go
mickstar813: Endo up first
mickstar813: Y: Something juicy come up
mickstar813: Y: YEEESSSSS
mickstar813: T: something has come up
mickstar813: E: oh oh...
mickstar813: E: hold on... we know everything...
mickstar813: E: I had some severe trauma from that
mickstar813: M: BUt if you have been behaving...
mickstar813: E: yeah, I haven't done...
mickstar813: E: It's a magazine...
Sun Dec 31, 7:21:59am
mickstar813: Endo- Friday? The real thing?...
mickstar813: T: there;s a tag
mickstar813: Chono ays NO to slapping
mickstar813: H- he says here
mickstar813: Chono- I will not slap this year.
mickstar813: (summning it up)
Sun Dec 31, 7:22:59am
mickstar813: M: he says he will not slap anymore
mickstar813: M: he said that on TV.
mickstar813: Y: and I've been saying that he wouldn't do it this year
mickstar813: M: wow, we were jus talking about that
mickstar813: T: I dind't know about that article
mickstar813: E: you were.
mickstar813: M: I'm sure it's down to the individual
mickstar813: H: shall I go?
mickstar813: Y; me?
Sun Dec 31, 7:24:00am
mickstar813: H; nothing
mickstar813: E; oh...
mickstar813: Y: i was really curious about this
mickstar813: E: it was on my mind
mickstar813: M- isn't it 'that'...
mickstar813: Mystery Box
mickstar813: E- you look at it alone Hamada-san.
Sun Dec 31, 7:25:02am
mickstar813: M- are oyu meant to wear this?
mickstar813: It's another impersonation set
mickstar813: Y- tell us when to look
mickstar813: H- there are loads of switches
mickstar813: H_ here i go
mickstar813: Y- huh?
mickstar813: M- do you know?..
Sun Dec 31, 7:27:50am
mickstar813: Y' HUH?
mickstar813: M- any idea?
mickstar813: y- no
mickstar813: M- why does the leader come out now?
mickstar813: E- that is amazing
mickstar813: M- even the sunglasses
mickstar813: H- this was really well made
mickstar813: E- amazing
mickstar813: E- this is really amazing
mickstar813: M- so terrifying
mickstar813: E- there are loads of hit songs
Sun Dec 31, 7:28:54am
mickstar813: E- he does do that tbh...
mickstar813: Y- why is the dance so perfect?
mickstar813: M- I want one of those
mickstar813: Y- it goes with the clothes
mickstar813: H- the one you did, is similar to this
mickstar813: M- You are a bit smaller than the actual leader, so it's hilarious
mickstar813: H- this is hilarious
mickstar813: H- about Tanaka's height would be great.
mickstar813: M- you had to do the fance really well
Sun Dec 31, 7:29:55am
mickstar813: H- there are 2 other songs on hers
mickstar813: here*
mickstar813: Y- PERFEC
mickstar813: T
mickstar813: M- this is awesome
mickstar813: M- I see, I see
mickstar813: E- A little bit too thin
mickstar813: T- there's one more song
mickstar813: Y- you're big enough to be...
mickstar813: H- just press here
Sun Dec 31, 7:30:56am
mickstar813: M- oh, so don't know what song it is?
mickstar813: Y- it will probably be...
mickstar813: H- Tanaka, you did this together on kuchi paku (mouthing songs episode)
mickstar813: ^translated by the awesome TofuPanda
mickstar813: M- it's not funny ata ll...
mickstar813: The mask wasn't funny when Matsumoto wore it
mickstar813: T- I wonder why
mickstar813: M- what the hell
mickstar813: M- who the hell can make this not funny...
Sun Dec 31, 7:32:01am
mickstar813: T- Can I go ahead?
mickstar813: Y- yeah
mickstar813: Y- that's scary
mickstar813: STREAM DOWN
Sun Dec 31, 7:33:47am
mickstar813: will use this linke for a while
Sun Dec 31, 7:36:04am
mickstar813: May I call the lady over
mickstar813: Please come in
mickstar813: BECKY
mickstar813: M; no way...
mickstar813: T: I was shocked
mickstar813: I am Becky
mickstar813: What you think of Tnakaa?
mickstar813: he looks really proper
mickstar813: Other horrbies?
mickstar813: Tnaaka, your hobbies?
mickstar813: I watch movies
mickstar813: That's lovely
mickstar813: I am really into instagram recently
Sun Dec 31, 7:37:07am
mickstar813: Would you like to see them, Tanaka?
mickstar813: Yes, I will put the table to the TV.
mickstar813: M: Instagram?
mickstar813: T: everyone uses it
mickstar813: I will show you pictures about my friends birthday party
mickstar813: First photo
mickstar813: This is me when I was on my way there
mickstar813: I was very casually dressed
mickstar813: this is in Shirokane
mickstar813: This photo, we parked the car, and took a photo letting people know
where we were going
mickstar813: I was going to the hairdressers
Sun Dec 31, 7:38:09am
mickstar813: as I wanted to do my hair up
mickstar813: THis is the next one
mickstar813: The birthday girl, to buy her present
mickstar813: I got a kimono
mickstar813: T: yeah...
mickstar813: T: hold o...
mickstar813: T: okay, no problem
mickstar813: Tankaa is worried about that photo
mickstar813: T: I accidently met my friend, he has a really retro car...
mickstar813: Tanaka remembers the car!!!
mickstar813: E: I have seen that car
Sun Dec 31, 7:39:10am
mickstar813: The nect photo...
mickstar813: When we got to the party
mickstar813: this is our group shot
mickstar813: T: hold on...
mickstar813: T: whats goin on
mickstar813: E: this is the party location?
mickstar813: B: her sneekers are awesome right?
mickstar813: T: WHAT?
mickstar813: ALL TANAKA's THING
mickstar813: Next photo
mickstar813: my best mate
mickstar813: the birthday girl
mickstar813: AKiko-chan...
Sun Dec 31, 7:40:15am
mickstar813: Tanaka's Mum
mickstar813: Becky's best friend is tanaka's mum
mickstar813: Akiko-chan is soo cute
mickstar813: T: it's my mum...
mickstar813: We took a photo togtether
mickstar813: Look at this...
mickstar813: E: Thai Kick-san is awesome
mickstar813: T: there is a guy who concerns me in that photo...
mickstar813: Becky- one more thing... 8 photos... when you put them together...
Sun Dec 31, 7:41:38am
mickstar813: T: I already got kicked twice
mickstar813: T: I Got two already...
mickstar813: T: No more..
mickstar813: T: IT hurts so bad...
mickstar813: H: the pain just cant be expressed to the viewers...
mickstar813: Tnaaksan- please sit here
mickstar813: H- you didn't even know your stuff was being...
mickstar813: THat's amazing for you becky-san right?
Sun Dec 31, 7:42:40am
mickstar813: You're like 'lucky, yatta'...
mickstar813: There is a PRANK on Becky
mickstar813: You haven't head?
mickstar813: ask your heart...
mickstar813: Don't you feel something??...
mickstar813: Like you want to do something?...
mickstar813: Can I borrow this?...
mickstar813: There is something I want you to see
mickstar813: Read this...
mickstar813: WAIT
mickstar813: WAIT
Sun Dec 31, 7:45:36am
mickstar813: Can I borrow this?
mickstar813: BECKY THAI KICK
mickstar813: please read it
mickstar813: Becky...
mickstar813: thai... kick
mickstar813: WAIT
mickstar813: BECKY THAI KICK
mickstar813: Becky- wait, no no no no no n o no
mickstar813: Becky- I feel fine...
mickstar813: H- you're not
mickstar813: M- don't move around too much...
mickstar813: B- this shouldnt happen!!!
Sun Dec 31, 7:46:36am
mickstar813: Becky- NOOO
mickstar813: This is really bad....
mickstar813: M- she fell
mickstar813: T- are you okay Becky?
mickstar813: M- it hurts right?!
mickstar813: H- the noise!
mickstar813: B- omg...
mickstar813: Becky- shit...
mickstar813: Becky- it hurts so bad
mickstar813: T- loads right?
mickstar813: B- it's so heavy
mickstar813: M- it doesnt go away...
Sun Dec 31, 7:47:38am
mickstar813: H- what about this?
mickstar813: B- I am leaving it (tablet)
mickstar813: H- he laughed so loud
mickstar813: T- like cackled
mickstar813: T- that was a shock
mickstar813: M- first time I see your mum
mickstar813: M- your mum and my mum's name is the same
mickstar813: H- becky had no idea about that kick
mickstar813: M- it hurt her a bit weird
mickstar813: E- that will hurt tomorrow
mickstar813: H- oh yeah, his drawers...
mickstar813: Y- wo...
Sun Dec 31, 7:48:40am
mickstar813: pepper...
mickstar813: M- something is going to happen
mickstar813: T- sneeze
mickstar813: H- thats what they did in the manga
mickstar813: I get called, I will jump up
mickstar813: I will give you a sweet as you are tired Hosei
mickstar813: Y; thank you
mickstar813: E; it's a lucky drawer
mickstar813: Lovely sweet pie
Sun Dec 31, 7:49:49am
mickstar813: T- that's mean
mickstar813: F- you need to chance Hosei
mickstar813: change*
mickstar813: M- here it comes...
mickstar813: H- I can't..
mickstar813: Y- where are we going?
mickstar813: Yamasaki has to change clothes, like in the past
mickstar813: F- change into that
mickstar813: Y- I don't get why?
mickstar813: The 4 will not know what is
mickstar813: There is ANOTHER surprise coming
mickstar813: H- What is this?...
mickstar813: H- i don't get why its here
Sun Dec 31, 7:50:54am
mickstar813: H- I wonder if this is going to be a big thing later
mickstar813: H- if it is...
Sun Dec 31, 7:51:59am
mickstar813: H- why stick on the beard?..
mickstar813: M- shut up man!!!
mickstar813: M- can you just say something, not just stand there saying nothing
mickstar813: M- tell Tanaka to help you out
mickstar813: Y- okay
mickstar813: E- was this it?
mickstar813: Y- yeah
mickstar813: M- there is cream in your ear
mickstar813: Y- any tissues?
Sun Dec 31, 7:53:03am
mickstar813: M- endure it man!
mickstar813: M- do you know it?
mickstar813: E- gakideka? yeah
mickstar813: in 1974, famous for specific jokes
mickstar813: HEY YOU GUYS
mickstar813: LET ME OUT OF THIS CAGE
mickstar813: let me out of this cage
Sun Dec 31, 7:54:18am
mickstar813: I am back in this world, a cursed doll
mickstar813: I AM HOSEI
mickstar813: I WILL SHOW YOU HELL
mickstar813: M: it looks so similar to you
mickstar813: Y; wait, what? I didn't laugh
mickstar813: I am a cursed doll
mickstar813: I am HOSEI
mickstar813: hahahahahahahaha
mickstar813: When chucky laughs, hosei is out
mickstar813: There are keys
Sun Dec 31, 7:55:23am
mickstar813: there is electric current runinng through it
mickstar813: M- I was fine just now...
mickstar813: I am a cursed doll
mickstar813: I am HOSEI
mickstar813: AHAHAHAHAHAH
mickstar813: E; this is bad
mickstar813: Y: this is really serious now
mickstar813: M" his arse will get torn
mickstar813: M: not a 4 digit code?
mickstar813: Y: look for something
mickstar813: I AM A CURSED DOLL
Sun Dec 31, 7:56:24am
mickstar813: I AM HOSEI
mickstar813: HAHAHAHAHA
mickstar813: M: his arse will get cut up
mickstar813: Y: seriously, stop
mickstar813: M: Ho-u-se-i
mickstar813: M: no, doesnt open
mickstar813: Chucky- I forgot to say. If you wanna stop me, cut the switch on my back
Sun Dec 31, 7:57:25am
mickstar813: haha
mickstar813: M: this is bad
mickstar813: Y: this is bad, seriously
mickstar813: They need to find the key code
mickstar813: E- I dont know...
mickstar813: Y- please stop
mickstar813: I guess I will give you a hint for the number
mickstar813: Hamada's mobile number
mickstar813: last 4 numbers
Sun Dec 31, 7:58:34am
mickstar813: Y: wtf are you laughing about?!
mickstar813: M- he needs to cool his bum
mickstar813: T; any ice?
mickstar813: T; this is serious now
mickstar813: Y; my butt must be red as
mickstar813: M; daaaamn
mickstar813: M- what shall we do?
Sun Dec 31, 7:59:34am
mickstar813: Y- too cold
mickstar813: H- wrap it in that
mickstar813: Matsumoto getting rip cream
mickstar813: Y: you put something on
mickstar813: OWWWWW
mickstar813: IT's buring!!!
mickstar813: Y; you put some shit on!!!
mickstar813: Y; you did right?!
mickstar813: Y; I told you not to
mickstar813: Y: OWWWWW
mickstar813: It's BURING
Sun Dec 31, 8:00:35am
mickstar813: Y; see?
mickstar813: Y; i told you no
mickstar813: Y: seriously
mickstar813: M; really? I thought maybe it'd be good
mickstar813: Y: please, your mobile number
mickstar813: M: he cant tell you though
mickstar813: Y: what do you prefer? just the last 4 numbers of my arse dies
mickstar813: M- your butt is healing. what you laughing baout?
Sun Dec 31, 8:01:42am
mickstar813: Y- seriously though.
mickstar813: H- get matsumoto to solve it
mickstar813: M-Hamada should write his number on your butt
mickstar813: you need to figure out the umber from that
Sun Dec 31, 8:04:14am
mickstar813: M: hamada, write the 4 numbers on your butt.
mickstar813: And you got to decipher it
mickstar813: Y- fine
mickstar813: M- that will be so fun, and no one watching will know the number
mickstar813: M- don't move your butt though
mickstar813: M- you have serious arsehole hair man
mickstar813: M- concentrate on the buring sensation
Sun Dec 31, 8:05:22am
mickstar813: M- don't move!
mickstar813: E- the number will disappear
mickstar813: T- did you get it?
mickstar813: Y- tell me if I am right here
mickstar813: Y- 2?
mickstar813: wrong?..
mickstar813: H- I did write it properly. how you get it wrong?
mickstar813: E- his arse will break soon
mickstar813: M- I think it will be hard
Sun Dec 31, 8:06:32am
mickstar813: Maybe just do it as many times as your number (if it's two, he rubs it
mickstar813: Y: say when you start and finish
mickstar813: Y- how many times did you just do it?
mickstar813: Y- please tell me
mickstar813: T- you got to endure man
mickstar813: Y- hang on a minute
mickstar813: E- come on,
mickstar813: Pin*
mickstar813: Y- what the fuck are you doing
mickstar813: Y- just stabbed me
Sun Dec 31, 8:07:34am
mickstar813: Toothpick*
mickstar813: T- maybe it's better you do it with that
mickstar813: M- and it will stick on your arse(the mark)
mickstar813: first digit clear
mickstar813: T- you can do this
mickstar813: H-sorry
mickstar813: Y- don't 'sorry' me...
mickstar813: Y- Tanaka, can you do it?
mickstar813: T- I don;'t know his number though
Sun Dec 31, 8:08:37am
mickstar813: T- only Hamada knows.
mickstar813: Y- get him to tell you
mickstar813: M- how about put it in your arsehole and then get him to write it
mickstar813: Y- no way...
mickstar813: H- I will put Gum syrup on this
mickstar813: E- only 3 more digits
mickstar813: second digit
Sun Dec 31, 8:10:11am
mickstar813: Pay attention to Matsumoto
mickstar813: Y; what the fuck is that?!
mickstar813: Y; what are you doing with that?
mickstar813: M- it was a bonus
mickstar813: Y- amazing you found that
mickstar813: Y- last one please
mickstar813: H- why don't you just find the last one out yourself
mickstar813: T- you can do it
Sun Dec 31, 8:11:14am
mickstar813: M- yeah, why didn't he just do this?
mickstar813: I am a cursed doll
mickstar813: I am Hosei
mickstar813: E: at least you stoppe dit
mickstar813: M: the cursed doll
mickstar813: M: you did really well
mickstar813: H: amazing that this fit in your arsehole
mickstar813: Y: i don;'t know if it did...
mickstar813: Y; yeah, it went in...
Sun Dec 31, 8:12:29am
mickstar813: M: you are the lowest of the low
mickstar813: 4:30pm
mickstar813: E: great job
mickstar813: H: there is a pillow for you
mickstar813: E that was tough huh?
mickstar813: F: hey guys, we are going to watch Police Story get filmd again
mickstar813: E: will it be okay?
mickstar813: Y: he got beat the shit out of before
mickstar813: F: sit in the same place as before please
Sun Dec 31, 8:13:35am
mickstar813: H: wires here...
mickstar813: The main character re-appears
mickstar813: he is talking to the director this time
mickstar813: ACtion TEST
mickstar813: Test goes perfectly...
Sun Dec 31, 8:14:47am
mickstar813: here comes the real thing
mickstar813: Completely different to before
mickstar813: H: That kick hurt for sure
mickstar813: director, CUT please...
mickstar813: E: why wont he watch
mickstar813: CUT
mickstar813: M: he is laughing
mickstar813: M: HES LAUGHING
mickstar813: M: what are they doing???
Sun Dec 31, 8:15:53am
mickstar813: M: THATS TOO MUCH
mickstar813: M- DIRECTOR
mickstar813: Main character runs away...
mickstar813: H- that was ridiculous
mickstar813: T- outrageous
mickstar813: M- the director was laughing
mickstar813: H- he wasnt watching
Sun Dec 31, 8:18:53am
mickstar813: 5pm, that trap starts again
mickstar813: NEXT UP IS
mickstar813: Oonishi lion
mickstar813: 3 actresses
mickstar813: who will play the part
mickstar813: first up...
mickstar813: shibuki jun
mickstar813: plays male roles
mickstar813: 50 years old
mickstar813: still beautiful
mickstar813: bery professional
mickstar813: we are asking her to take part
mickstar813: do not laugh 24 hours
Sun Dec 31, 8:19:55am
mickstar813: my senpai daichi san plays pako
mickstar813: H: she didn't use honorifics
mickstar813: It's tough job right?
mickstar813: If you would be willing to do it...
mickstar813: Next up
mickstar813: Kozawa Maju
mickstar813: In 2004 drama
mickstar813: shocked at her in her role 'beathing the shit out of her kid;
Sun Dec 31, 8:21:01am
mickstar813: the costume is this... oonishi lion
mickstar813: I know it reall well, but was he this naked?
mickstar813: You've done loads of roles
mickstar813: If you think of this as 'Oonishi lion'...
mickstar813: If I think about the situation and imagine myself in this role, maybe i can
do it
mickstar813: Natsuna
mickstar813: Was in Gantz (film)
mickstar813: and is an actress
Sun Dec 31, 8:22:03am
mickstar813: was a heroin in drama series 2012
mickstar813: We want you to take part as this
mickstar813: But this, omg, I have bogies coming out my nose
mickstar813: ummm this is not what I imagined doing...
mickstar813: This is seriously a high level. I am not too up for showing my body...
mickstar813: Who out of the 3 will be Onishi Lion
Sun Dec 31, 8:24:56am
mickstar813: 5 seconds, hamada answer
mickstar813: H: shibuki-san
mickstar813: Who is the right answer
mickstar813: they're coming in now
mickstar813: M: what an idiot
mickstar813: H: she's really going for it
mickstar813: M: i really thought she wouldnt
mickstar813: Y: NO WAY
mickstar813: H- they're really going for it
mickstar813: WHO KNEW? ALL OF THEM
Sun Dec 31, 8:26:03am
mickstar813: E- amazing...
mickstar813: Y_ they all came out
mickstar813: M- didnt expect that
mickstar813: M- so you did that...
mickstar813: Can we?
mickstar813: This job is just stupid
mickstar813: for old men with bad BO, i have to look like this
mickstar813: that geezer looks at me with dirty eyes
mickstar813: stop looking at my tits, you 4th rate comedian
mickstar813: E- that's a bit rude...
mickstar813: If I am honest, I don't want to do a job like this
Sun Dec 31, 8:27:09am
mickstar813: Yoshinobu begged me to do it, so I did it
mickstar813: But he's just a shit time producer.
mickstar813: He's only been on this show..
mickstar813: T- is that true?..
mickstar813: Y- he's the chairman though
mickstar813: But a true actress carries out her duty through to the end
mickstar813: You;'re so awesome
mickstar813: We, will still sing
Sun Dec 31, 8:28:18am
mickstar813: We will carry on to live (with Yoshinobu)
mickstar813: Low life (no future for him)
mickstar813: even shit jobs like this
mickstar813: The actress of life
mickstar813: we are Actresses
mickstar813: H- amazing
mickstar813: Thank you
mickstar813: With a smile, they leave
mickstar813: H- what the hell
mickstar813: E- amazing
Sun Dec 31, 8:29:20am
mickstar813: T- ow
mickstar813: 5pm
mickstar813: 5:30pm
mickstar813: Finally, police like work
mickstar813: F: hey guys
mickstar813: unlike you, a first rate policeman is doing some work now
mickstar813: we're going to watch
mickstar813: M: my body aches
mickstar813: F; we are going in
mickstar813: Line in
mickstar813: up*
mickstar813: H: it's spacious
mickstar813: F: the guy will get what he needs out of the criminal
mickstar813: Kendo Kobayashi
Sun Dec 31, 8:30:21am
mickstar813: Bring in the criminal
mickstar813: How long does he paln on not talking.. today I will break him
mickstar813: Sit down
mickstar813: Do you know what you did? Talk now
mickstar813: I cheated...
mickstar813: When you drink, you get sleept and ask girls to do stuff
Sun Dec 31, 8:31:29am
mickstar813: (hmm, not getting the joke as I am not up to date) xD
mickstar813: M: that's not a crime
mickstar813: DONT MOVE
mickstar813: What the hell shall I do?
mickstar813: WAIT
mickstar813: Who are you
mickstar813: I am here this year too,
mickstar813: HENTAI KAMEN
mickstar813: Hentai Kamen appears
mickstar813: T- this is some serious shit going down
mickstar813: The dream
mickstar813: He's a real pervert
mickstar813: H- what an idiot
Sun Dec 31, 8:32:33am
mickstar813: I will shoot him
mickstar813: Don't worry about me, get him
mickstar813: hentai kamen: my arm..
mickstar813: I need another helper
mickstar813: You're kidding me...
mickstar813: I need a rael perverted friend...
mickstar813: GO
mickstar813: H- are you serious?...
mickstar813: ECSTACYYYYYY
Sun Dec 31, 8:35:30am
mickstar813: FWOOOOOOOOO
mickstar813: H- what an idiot
mickstar813: I cheated on my hotel and filled up my hotel points
mickstar813: the ultimate patheticness
mickstar813: M- he must feel better
mickstar813: Thanks for doing that
mickstar813: Why are you still wearing pants...
mickstar813: H- what the hell
Sun Dec 31, 8:36:34am
mickstar813: You feel freer, right?
mickstar813: They fially combine
mickstar813: Golden power BEAM
mickstar813: They successfully defeat the guy
mickstar813: HENTAI KAMEN
mickstar813: Cheating Kamen- we will be busy from next year
mickstar813: YES
Sun Dec 31, 8:37:38am
mickstar813: M- Don't be so crude
mickstar813: M- whats with the walk
mickstar813: didn't think I would be rescused by that guy...
mickstar813: Bring the next guy in
mickstar813: E_ there is more?
mickstar813: H- no way
mickstar813: M- wow
mickstar813: Takito- talk already. how long you going to protect that woman
mickstar813: detective, again?
Sun Dec 31, 8:38:42am
mickstar813: You've talked to me loads, I am the criminal
mickstar813: No. She is the one who killed him/her
mickstar813: you decided to cover her, that's all
mickstar813: Detective, i'm sick of your shit. You just dont give up. I did it all
mickstar813: CUT THE SHIT
mickstar813: Are you okay how your life goes?
mickstar813: yes, I am fine
mickstar813: He is protecting a woman...
mickstar813: I have been in this industry for ages, but you're the biggest idiot
mickstar813: I lose...
mickstar813: WAIT
mickstar813: LET ME GO
mickstar813: There she is...
Sun Dec 31, 8:39:46am
mickstar813: Why are you protecting the likes of...
mickstar813: I cant trick them anymore
mickstar813: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING
mickstar813: IM SORRY
mickstar813: DETECTIVE
mickstar813: I DID IT
mickstar813: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
mickstar813: SERIOUSLY, I DID IT
mickstar813: Tomochika, something is wrong with her.
mickstar813: dont' listen to her
mickstar813: I DID IT
mickstar813: TAKITO
mickstar813: Why is he calling her like that?
mickstar813: I will take the batsu
mickstar813: Crying?...
mickstar813: Why....
mickstar813: WHY??....
mickstar813: IM SORRY
Sun Dec 31, 8:40:47am
mickstar813: IM SORRY
mickstar813: H: god he pisses me off
mickstar813: H- im fine being out...
mickstar813: H- you're kidding me?
mickstar813: yeah, go to Dogo Onsen
mickstar813: The last water of Japan supposedly.
mickstar813: at night, the light is really soft above and it's so nice
Sun Dec 31, 8:42:05am
mickstar813: (sorry need more time to translate that part)
mickstar813: H: why is the detective doing nothing
mickstar813: H- what the fuck are they on about
mickstar813: Takito, you can do anything in your life
mickstar813: Let's do everything together
mickstar813: (shakes head)
mickstar813: If I die, the reality will be kept in the dark
mickstar813: TAKITO
mickstar813: you're kidding me
mickstar813: DONT BE STUPID
mickstar813: I wanted to be happy...
mickstar813: TAKITO
Sun Dec 31, 8:43:06am
mickstar813: TAKITO IS DEAD
mickstar813: H- he dies...
mickstar813: Takito...
mickstar813: T- he's died
mickstar813: You're probably right. You did the right thing
mickstar813: Im sorry...
mickstar813: Takito!!!
mickstar813: WOOOOOW
mickstar813: I wasn tdead actually
mickstar813: I drank HAPPY MEDICINE
mickstar813: I AM SUPER HAPPY
mickstar813: THE Real happy boy appears
Sun Dec 31, 8:44:11am
mickstar813: BABYON
mickstar813: THERE IT IS
mickstar813: THANK YOU VERY MUCH
mickstar813: THIS IS NOT A DRAMA
mickstar813: ITS A VARIETY
mickstar813: (TOO FAST)
mickstar813: Your friend
mickstar813: she is crying
mickstar813: EXCELLENT
mickstar813: IT WAS GOOD
mickstar813: YOURE HAPPY BOY
mickstar813: HEYY
mickstar813: HAPPY BOYYYYY
mickstar813: WOW
mickstar813: SEE YOU
Sun Dec 31, 8:45:17am
mickstar813: I think easy dance...
mickstar813: TSUKKOMI!!
mickstar813: T: amaizing
mickstar813: H: they really went for it
mickstar813: T: I cant believe they came out
mickstar813: This is what happens, huh?...
mickstar813: You get me, right?
mickstar813: Y; no...
mickstar813: M: which part
mickstar813: The woman gets left by herself...
mickstar813: You get me, right?...
mickstar813: At the end, the only sad one is the woman.. you get me,right?
mickstar813: H: what the hell is wrong with her
Sun Dec 31, 8:48:20am
mickstar813: the 5 are shattered
mickstar813: 7pm- that GUY appears
mickstar813: centre of politics
mickstar813: new york, where everyone gathers
mickstar813: there are a lot of crimes which occur
mickstar813: we are introducing you to
mickstar813: legendary policeman
mickstar813: who risk their lives
mickstar813: file number 1- man who has better nose than a dog
mickstar813: dogs have noses 100000 more powerful than man
mickstar813: except for one man
mickstar813: that man...
mickstar813: JIMMY...
Sun Dec 31, 8:49:20am
mickstar813: legend police
mickstar813: sniifing practive
mickstar813: these are 5 fruits
mickstar813: he will sniff the tissue rubbed on it
mickstar813: and guess correctly
mickstar813: correct answer- orange
mickstar813: what will jimmy say
mickstar813: ORANGE
mickstar813: clear
mickstar813: jimmy gets it right, as expected
Sun Dec 31, 8:50:22am
mickstar813: from my nose...
mickstar813: into my brain
mickstar813: it was absorbed
mickstar813: E- it's started...
mickstar813: M_ thisis what he's doing?
mickstar813: J- that smelly one? (Not sure what Kankitsuke is) if someone can find out
mickstar813: M- what is he laughing bout?!
Sun Dec 31, 8:51:27am
mickstar813: M- his laughing face is so tough
mickstar813: H- i wish he wouldnt say it like that
mickstar813: Kankitsuke
mickstar813: Jimmys legend still continues
mickstar813: E- it is still going to continue
mickstar813: T- it will come later.
mickstar813: F- you guys are lucky
mickstar813: we have a real criminal here, and you can see him now
mickstar813: M- not sure we are lucky
mickstar813: H- I am a bit scared
Sun Dec 31, 8:52:27am
mickstar813: F- there is a seat inside, go sit down
mickstar813: Real dangerous criminal*
mickstar813: E- so scared
mickstar813: ITAO
mickstar813: That is the real dangerous criminal, Professor Itao
Sun Dec 31, 8:55:05am
mickstar813: Y- so scary.
mickstar813: That is the very dangerous criminal, professor Itao
mickstar813: ALL OUT
mickstar813: M- i know him, but I don't know him...
mickstar813: F- he killed a lot of people, was a professor
mickstar813: he's incredibly smart
mickstar813: You're dumb... you keep stumbling when speaking
mickstar813: You, fatty who cant talk normally
mickstar813: H- why?...
mickstar813: E- he has boobs right?
Sun Dec 31, 8:56:14am
mickstar813: M- they're not massive...
mickstar813: he looks at the membahs
mickstar813: Big lips
mickstar813: H- yes
mickstar813: You answer to that, huh?
mickstar813: H- they call me it...
mickstar813: I- what about when you eat Tarako?
mickstar813: Y- what is he on about?..
mickstar813: Tarako lips...
mickstar813: What's the nicest thing to eat in winter
mickstar813: Nabe...
mickstar813: What is in your nabe..
mickstar813: H- tofu
mickstar813: You like Tofu?
mickstar813: H- I don't LOVE it
mickstar813: What is your favourite thing in the nabe
Sun Dec 31, 8:57:23am
mickstar813: M- i wish he'd let you speak
mickstar813: oe of you needs to back down
mickstar813: Tarako lips
mickstar813: You are quite good at hanging with people
mickstar813: M- he stumbled
mickstar813: But you actually hate humans
mickstar813: Small Rakugo
mickstar813: Do as I say
mickstar813: (sorry, not sure)
Sun Dec 31, 8:58:28am
mickstar813: Something about balls...
mickstar813: You guys told me all your secrets
mickstar813: So I will tell you my secrets
mickstar813: to you...
mickstar813: M- this is weird
mickstar813: H- they look really good
Sun Dec 31, 8:59:29am
mickstar813: M- don't say that!!!!
mickstar813: He has real looking breasts
mickstar813: I am going to sleep
mickstar813: GO HOME
mickstar813: Shall we go then?..
mickstar813: Y- that was fucked up
Sun Dec 31, 9:02:01am
mickstar813: 8pm, 12 hours in
mickstar813: going to meeting about criminals
mickstar813: F- okay go in and see
mickstar813: High Heel (same generation as Downtown) are present (two ladies)
mickstar813: M- damn, the veterans are here...
mickstar813: Y- they're going to have a lot of dirt on you
mickstar813: Right, staritng the meeting
mickstar813: We are going to talk about someone who we think could be a major
Sun Dec 31, 9:03:02am
mickstar813: Matsumoto of Downtown
mickstar813: He's getting really old
mickstar813: on DT Deluce, there was a magician
mickstar813: asked a woman to write two figures
mickstar813: Matsumoto-san, please can you blind fold me- he asked Matsumoto
mickstar813: Matsumoto went onto cover his own eyes...
mickstar813: He should retire...
mickstar813: Any other?...
mickstar813: Downtown both of them...
mickstar813: NSC woman- they used to be peeping toms
mickstar813: they used mirros
Sun Dec 31, 9:04:05am
mickstar813: but then we used to kick the shit out of them
mickstar813: H- what are you on about?
mickstar813: Matsumoto liked Ringo, Hamada liked Momoko
mickstar813: That's so bad
mickstar813: Any others?
mickstar813: Hamada... He did a big shit on it...
mickstar813: Natsumi asked him 'can we throw it'
mickstar813: He answered 'I like it. Please wash it'
mickstar813: So she pretended to wash it
Sun Dec 31, 9:05:08am
mickstar813: but then threw away the pants
mickstar813: usually, hamada doesnt notice
mickstar813: but he said 'I really liked those pants'
mickstar813: ad was down about it for days...
mickstar813: He really loved the pants
mickstar813: About Matsumoto...
mickstar813: He was doing a shoot in Fukuoka.. You know when he is there
mickstar813: it is tough, they go crazy
mickstar813: so he wears a mask, when he walks and does everything
mickstar813: He took that mask after one day...
mickstar813: And put that mask in a zip lock
mickstar813: for 2 days..
Sun Dec 31, 9:06:09am
mickstar813: NO WAY
mickstar813: That was just luck
mickstar813: Both sides were properly rough
mickstar813: This is a;so about masks
mickstar813: I went to a meal with him
mickstar813: we went to a bar
mickstar813: our junior gave him a pro-wresetler mask as a present
mickstar813: he was really happy
mickstar813: so he wore it
mickstar813: we didnt ask him to wear it
mickstar813: he just wore it
mickstar813: we all like 'yeah it suits you'... obviously
mickstar813: he then just took his top off
mickstar813: cos he is ripped
mickstar813: and he looks good
Sun Dec 31, 9:07:10am
mickstar813: and we were like 'damn are you this big'
mickstar813: and the more we said it
mickstar813: he was like 'no no, i don't train that much'
mickstar813: but we're like 'seriously, you are ripped as shit;
mickstar813: but the more we say it, he is like 'I don't work out at all;
mickstar813: but by the end. he is tensing up so much his tits are huge
mickstar813: next up
mickstar813: Tsukitei housei
mickstar813: he is rakugoka, for 10 years now
mickstar813: he's done well
mickstar813: He got a CM, for DS Mario
mickstar813: he had to talk about Mario and Luigi in the CM
mickstar813: it's a good CM
Sun Dec 31, 9:08:11am
mickstar813: but there is a secret
mickstar813: he bows his head at the beginning
mickstar813: at the end
mickstar813: but Nintendo using graphics covered his bold patc
mickstar813: because he was really senseitive about it
mickstar813: About Hamada
mickstar813: When hamada is in osaks
mickstar813: he plays with this guy a lot
mickstar813: he went one day, had a light in his hand
mickstar813: he doesn't know why
mickstar813: at the hotel, there was going to be a powe cut at 1am
Sun Dec 31, 9:09:14am
mickstar813: so they gave them all 1 light stick
mickstar813: and then, the electricity went out
mickstar813: its black
mickstar813: he wants to go to the tiolet
mickstar813: so his junior is holding the thing
mickstar813: so he made his junior wave the light so he could see where he was peeing
and where his penis was
mickstar813: Why didn't he just go before the power cut?...
Sun Dec 31, 9:11:06am
mickstar813: hamada does go a bit far
mickstar813: hamada was laughing on the floor
mickstar813: he was laughing hysterically on the floor
mickstar813: but no one else was laughing
mickstar813: This is not a cheating rumour
mickstar813: but it's Koumoto
mickstar813: he talked to Daigo
mickstar813: about something
mickstar813: his penis wont stand up anymore
Sun Dec 31, 9:12:10am
mickstar813: and you cant laugh about this.. so daigo took it seriously
mickstar813: he obviously wants to help him, but obviously cant...
mickstar813: so he recommended he talks to another girl
mickstar813: whilst eating, if he talks to them, and gets a hard on.
mickstar813: Then that is fine
mickstar813: So he told him
mickstar813: if you get a boner
mickstar813: put your collar up
mickstar813: So they got the girl...
mickstar813: and when I got there
mickstar813: He already had his collar up like near his ears...
Sun Dec 31, 9:13:15am
mickstar813: Damn, quick stuff huh?
mickstar813: I want ot talk about Daigo
mickstar813: He was a bit down about not getting it up
mickstar813: he drank quite a lot..
mickstar813: and in the shop... he was eating yakitori
mickstar813: There is a woman who listens to anything i say
mickstar813: but what if (damn it, cant keep up)
mickstar813: KOUMOTO
mickstar813: what are you doing
mickstar813: (he basically got him back for the previous story)
Sun Dec 31, 9:14:19am
mickstar813: he said that as a joke whilst as joke
mickstar813: Daigo is really quick to get on girls
mickstar813: He went to a 'club' recently, and got a bill charge from Russia!
mickstar813: What the fuck? why?
mickstar813: Who gives a shit about this story
mickstar813: YOU STARTED IT
mickstar813: 21:30
mickstar813: Hamada suddenly realises something
mickstar813: Police book
mickstar813: M- oh, it wasn't just me
Sun Dec 31, 9:15:24am
mickstar813: M- I knew on the bus
mickstar813: and thought only I had it
mickstar813: M_ there is something to this
mickstar813: Matsumoto is right,
mickstar813: something HUGE happens due to the books
Sun Dec 31, 9:16:42am
mickstar813: 10pm
mickstar813: 14 hours in
mickstar813: they now look shattered
mickstar813: EMERGENCY
mickstar813: EVERYONE GATHER
mickstar813: F: something huge happened. come with me
mickstar813: E: within the police centre?
mickstar813: F: This way guys
mickstar813: F: sit down ther
mickstar813: 'A familiar settting'.....
Sun Dec 31, 9:17:44am
mickstar813: H- what is this.
mickstar813: H- the pttern is similar...
mickstar813: We have received intel about the crimial
mickstar813: if we find him, we will punish him here.
mickstar813: And the punishment? This...
mickstar813: Chono-kun- the slap machine
mickstar813: We will show you the slap
mickstar813: Please prepare 'that'
mickstar813: Hosei-kun, the dummy
mickstar813: let's show you the power
Sun Dec 31, 9:18:57am
mickstar813: The criminal will get that
mickstar813: okay?
mickstar813: Let's find the criminal
mickstar813: GOD DAMN
mickstar813: y: you're kidding me
mickstar813: CHONO APPEARS
Sun Dec 31, 9:21:19am
mickstar813: GOD DAMN
mickstar813: what the hell are you doing
mickstar813: Y: you're kidding me
mickstar813: Y: NO WAY
mickstar813: C: HEY, what are you doing?!
mickstar813: The slapping machine, you said...
mickstar813: You wouldn't slap...
mickstar813: C: It's just lip service... (bullshit)
mickstar813: Y: NO NO NO NO NO
mickstar813: E: well that's that
mickstar813: I will explain again
mickstar813: a whole family died lately
Sun Dec 31, 9:22:24am
mickstar813: however, a dolphin-chan who remembers the scent of the criminal
mickstar813: saw it
mickstar813: and she will bark
mickstar813: when finds the criminal
mickstar813: YOU GUYS
mickstar813: get your books out
mickstar813: in your pocket
mickstar813: GET THEM OUT
mickstar813: Dolphin chan will sniff their books
mickstar813: and if he barks-
mickstar813: well yeah... you get the just
Sun Dec 31, 9:23:32am
mickstar813: C- Are you the criminal?!
mickstar813: T- NO
mickstar813: NO REACTION
mickstar813: Tanaka is innocecnt
mickstar813: ENDO
mickstar813: IS IT NOT YOU?
mickstar813: E: NOT ME
mickstar813: IS IT YOU?
mickstar813: E; no
mickstar813: NO REACTION
mickstar813: endo is innocent
mickstar813: (I think you'll be fine for translation here)
mickstar813: no reaction
mickstar813: hamada innocent
Sun Dec 31, 9:24:46am
mickstar813: Yamasaki trying to put his book near Matsumotos'...
mickstar813: OHHHH
mickstar813: C- were you at the crime scene
mickstar813: M- he rubbed his book on mine
mickstar813: I will check Hosei too
mickstar813: Dogs are honest.
mickstar813: Are you the criminal, Hosei?
mickstar813: NO IT IS MATSUMOTO
mickstar813: Dolphin, is it not him?
mickstar813: Dolphin doesn't bark
Sun Dec 31, 9:25:48am
mickstar813: ISNT IT YOU?
mickstar813: Y- he barked on Matsumoto
mickstar813: dolphin-chan...
mickstar813: However, he barked at Matsumoto
mickstar813: C- it's not you?
mickstar813: Y- no.
mickstar813: C- Matsumoto, come here
mickstar813: Chono-san, please slap him
mickstar813: These things happen...
mickstar813: We want to go along with this...
Sun Dec 31, 9:26:54am
mickstar813: Because Dolphin-chan barked, Matsumoto now gets the slap..
mickstar813: Y- Nothing we can do
mickstar813: M- this is fucked up. GO up anyway.
mickstar813: The plan has changed, but now for the slap
mickstar813: C- Matsumoto...
mickstar813: Can't help it with dogs
mickstar813: he reacted to your smell
mickstar813: M_ what you mean by 'cant help it with dogs'....
mickstar813: Y- there is no getting out of it
mickstar813: E- so all of us had the chance to be up there?
mickstar813: M- wait, what are we doing?
mickstar813: C- same as every year
Sun Dec 31, 9:27:56am
mickstar813: M- you serioes?
mickstar813: C- you work out anyway...
mickstar813: C- what's with that finger...
mickstar813: M- wait, I don't know but...
mickstar813: Y- this is weird but these things happen to
mickstar813: C- You'll be fine...
mickstar813: M- my EAR HAS GONE
mickstar813: it's making a sound
mickstar813: M- Wait, WHAT?
mickstar813: Y- amazing
mickstar813: C-prepare yourself. be a man
mickstar813: M- wait, you serious? Something will change
Sun Dec 31, 9:28:59am
mickstar813: M- it's coming
mickstar813: H- SHUT UP MAN
mickstar813: M- Chono-san, serious?
mickstar813: Y- do it
mickstar813: C- you got a problem?
mickstar813: M- No, you're actually going to do it
mickstar813: C- prepare yourself
mickstar813: M- i'm so hot
mickstar813: Y_ close your mouth
mickstar813: 5
mickstar813: 4
mickstar813: 3
Sun Dec 31, 9:31:44am
mickstar813: 5
mickstar813: 4

mickstar813: 3
mickstar813: 2
mickstar813: WAIT WAIT WAIT
mickstar813: Y; HEY
mickstar813: We have a mistake
mickstar813: that dog, dolphin... had nothing to do it
mickstar813: the real dolphin was elsewhere...
mickstar813: THIS is the real Dolphin
mickstar813: E: they do like alike...
mickstar813: C- Matsumoto, go back
mickstar813: M- that was TERRIFYING
mickstar813: now the real dolphin will find the real criminal
mickstar813: Tanaka- you okay?
mickstar813: T- im okay.
mickstar813: are oyu the criminal?
Sun Dec 31, 9:32:45am
mickstar813: T- no
mickstar813: No reaction
mickstar813: Tanaka is safe
mickstar813: Endo and Hamada are also safe
mickstar813: Only 2 people remain
mickstar813: Are you okay?
mickstar813: You weren't at the crime scene
mickstar813: Y- shu...
mickstar813: Are you the criminal?
mickstar813: M- no
mickstar813: No reaction
mickstar813: Only you are left...
mickstar813: Let's see this.
Sun Dec 31, 9:33:51am
mickstar813: Dogs are honest
mickstar813: are you the criminal, Hosei?
mickstar813: NO
mickstar813: Y; why so much?
mickstar813: E: he cried so much
mickstar813: Chono-san...
mickstar813: Friday, I saw the whole article
mickstar813: SHUT UP
mickstar813: M- he won't even let him speak...
Sun Dec 31, 9:34:53am
mickstar813: E- he wont let him speak even
mickstar813: C- stand...
mickstar813: C- you're the only one... You get it?
mickstar813: You said it on a lot of shows and that article
mickstar813: That you wouldnt.. fdp[gsfssfd
mickstar813: H- Give it up
mickstar813: E- there's no getting out of it
mickstar813: Y- but he said it
mickstar813: Y- don't Lip service me.
mickstar813: C- you prepared?
mickstar813: Y- no... it was on the articles, and the programs
mickstar813: you wouldnt slap anymore
mickstar813: C_ that's just lip service
Sun Dec 31, 9:35:53am
mickstar813: Y- what the fuck is that?!
mickstar813: E- Tbf, I get you
mickstar813: H- he just asked so nonchalantely 'what is that'
mickstar813: Wait, I know I am getting slapped
mickstar813: Y- My jaw...
mickstar813: Y- its' really bad
mickstar813: M- HE;S LYING
mickstar813: H- he's lying
mickstar813: Y- I searched it on the internet, it makes a noise here
Sun Dec 31, 9:36:54am
mickstar813: C- nothing to do with slap, I will sort it out with one slap
mickstar813: The criminal gets a SLAP
mickstar813: I will take the slap
mickstar813: Y- but can I say one thing. HIt that blonde guy there...
mickstar813: M- what the fuck?!
mickstar813: M- he said that so clearly...
mickstar813: M- Why?
mickstar813: C- Why do I have to hit him?
mickstar813: Y- the first Dolphin barked
mickstar813: M- he was a different one
mickstar813: Y_ SAY THE TRUTH
mickstar813: Y- THE TRUTH
mickstar813: Hosei, he has nothing to do with this.
Sun Dec 31, 9:37:55am
mickstar813: You're the criminal
mickstar813: Y- okay...
mickstar813: C- okay, countdown
mickstar813: Ow...
mickstar813: STAND UP STRAIGHT
mickstar813: starting at 5, or 3?
mickstar813: 5 please
mickstar813: M- says it like he;'s looking for the slap
mickstar813: 5
mickstar813: 4
mickstar813: 3
mickstar813: 2
mickstar813: 1
mickstar813: DAAAAAAAMN
mickstar813: HOLY FUCK
mickstar813: GOD DAMN
Sun Dec 31, 9:39:02am
mickstar813: Y- I'm done now
mickstar813: Let's go
mickstar813: 11pm
mickstar813: Trouble brews late at night
mickstar813: F- big problem guys
mickstar813: there is a seriously strong gang and police battling
mickstar813: M- yeah, it's about time to do that
mickstar813: M- doesnt' change a thing even if we go though...
mickstar813: They go by bus to the trouble spot
mickstar813: those men are waiting
Sun Dec 31, 9:42:07am
mickstar813: M: surely the police will win
mickstar813: H: yeah they need to
mickstar813: Argument mode
mickstar813: Police: you guys, get out of here
mickstar813: HEY YOU
mickstar813: F: sit there and watch
mickstar813: (banter back and forth)
mickstar813: What are we going to do it?
mickstar813: Let's put our bodies on the line
mickstar813: wooo
mickstar813: average age of 46
mickstar813: putting their bodies on the line
Sun Dec 31, 9:43:12am
mickstar813: when they take the clothes off.. I cant tell who's on which tema.
mickstar813: BRING THAT IN
mickstar813: present of deaht
mickstar813: you have to play with it like a kid for 60 seconds (I think
mickstar813: )
mickstar813: you have to be really happy
mickstar813: will you be my kid?
mickstar813: okay, start
mickstar813: Daddy, whats this
mickstar813: It's that?
mickstar813: THAT?
mickstar813: YEEEEY
mickstar813: YEEEEY
mickstar813: Thanks papapapa
mickstar813: papa
mickstar813: papa
mickstar813: thanks
mickstar813: so happy
mickstar813: papa
mickstar813: pap
Sun Dec 31, 9:44:13am
mickstar813: it's just a dance
mickstar813: kids dont do that
mickstar813: PApa
mickstar813: OPEN IT FFS
mickstar813: He stood on it!!
mickstar813: rock paper scissor
mickstar813: and the direction with the finger after game
mickstar813: slow motion stly
mickstar813: first comes rock...
mickstar813: janken...
mickstar813: you look....
mickstar813: that waaay
Sun Dec 31, 9:45:13am
mickstar813: okay...
mickstar813: janken poi..
mickstar813: you look....
mickstar813: that waay....
mickstar813: janken poi...
mickstar813: M- this better finish...
mickstar813: H- what an annoying face
mickstar813: M- this wont end
mickstar813: M- we doing need another round
mickstar813: This is where you grind it out
mickstar813: you look that way
mickstar813: They are EQUAL
Sun Dec 31, 9:46:14am
mickstar813: all out
mickstar813: draw
mickstar813: BRING THAT IT
mickstar813: IN*
mickstar813: firework on your arse...
mickstar813: game- try not to make a face
mickstar813: HOT HOTHOT
Sun Dec 31, 9:47:17am
mickstar813: HOT
mickstar813: HOT
mickstar813: HOT
mickstar813: he said he was HOt loads of times
mickstar813: it awsn't hot at all
mickstar813: Nice one, leader!!!
mickstar813: Let's stop with the little games
mickstar813: bring it in...
mickstar813: special rubber box
mickstar813: and the air gets sucked out from inside
mickstar813: and you cant make a noise
Sun Dec 31, 9:48:25am
mickstar813: getting prepared in the box
mickstar813: I definitely wont make a noise
mickstar813: are you sure you're going to be okay?
mickstar813: What isthis?!
mickstar813: his body is tightly held
mickstar813: 60 seconds
mickstar813: starting now
mickstar813: he's properly frozen
mickstar813: anything is fine
mickstar813: he's shaking
mickstar813: if that's true, why you shaking so much?
Sun Dec 31, 9:49:28am
mickstar813: Komiya, look at him
mickstar813: don't look at me...
mickstar813: Let's go to the finale
mickstar813: This is the last one
mickstar813: The new special one
mickstar813: Co2 gas on both sides
mickstar813: both explode at same time
mickstar813: and will make you spin like mental
Sun Dec 31, 9:50:29am
mickstar813: and they're going to eat hot soba
mickstar813: ready
mickstar813: start
mickstar813: E- this will never be possible to do
mickstar813: H- it's like a manga
mickstar813: That was too long!!!
mickstar813: Seems you'll have a good year next year
Sun Dec 31, 9:51:34am
mickstar813: next one is about courage
mickstar813: lying on bed
mickstar813: you guys, come over here
mickstar813: they have to be asleep...
mickstar813: first, flash cotton on nipples
mickstar813: M- they're HUGE
mickstar813: E- they're huge. his nipples might disappear
mickstar813: here we go
mickstar813: M- he was like fwah
Sun Dec 31, 9:52:38am
mickstar813: T- it burned so much
mickstar813: Yoshinobu isn't waking up at all
mickstar813: hot crepe on the face
mickstar813: here we go
mickstar813: H- he woke up!
mickstar813: Like totally
mickstar813: M- but that was right in his face
mickstar813: He literally took it off
mickstar813: Hold his legs down...
Sun Dec 31, 9:53:44am
mickstar813: H- he threw it!
mickstar813: E- he definitely is awake
mickstar813: H- he totally threw it
mickstar813: Oh I slept well
mickstar813: it's now midnight, 16 hours
mickstar813: M- tanaka, you never fat
mickstar813: T- yeah...
mickstar813: M- are you guys idiots?
mickstar813: E- no...
mickstar813: H- the fart Yamasaki did is the worst, he didn't mean to
mickstar813: M- if you think about before, will you fart again?
Sun Dec 31, 9:54:52am
mickstar813: Y- someone is kicking me
mickstar813: Y- stop
mickstar813: E- WHICH ONE?
mickstar813: M- stretch me, don't stretch me
mickstar813: H- your timing was poor too
mickstar813: M- anyway results wirse, we got a great quote out of it
mickstar813: stretch me, don't stretch me
mickstar813: m- that's not it...
Sun Dec 31, 9:55:57am
mickstar813: Y- maybe you need it done to you
mickstar813: E- why me?
mickstar813: E- we are different people
mickstar813: M- are you fucking kidding me?
mickstar813: M- SO IT DOES COME OUT
mickstar813: M- HOLY SHIT IT SMELLS
mickstar813: H- i never though it would come
mickstar813: M- you just said 'I dont fart on TV'
mickstar813: Watch Matsumoto
mickstar813: M- shit, poo came out
mickstar813: Y- come on ma...
Sun Dec 31, 9:57:12am
mickstar813: Y- it really came out, didn't it?
mickstar813: H- i totally heard it
mickstar813: M- one fart came out here, but you guys were loud
mickstar813: so then I thought 'even though 80% came out, maybe just the other 20% i
can push out'
mickstar813: but 30% came out...
mickstar813: a bit of poo came out...
mickstar813: H: tanaka, smell him
mickstar813: H: I wanna know if he is serious
mickstar813: T: I am sorry
Sun Dec 31, 9:58:16am
mickstar813: Y; COME ON MAN
mickstar813: M: as a comedian, if you;'re making people laugh by shitting, you are done
mickstar813: E: on new years eve
mickstar813: M: is it leeking out around here?
mickstar813: T: no, its fine
mickstar813: Y; sniff up and see wher it is
mickstar813: E; the epicentre...
mickstar813: M: say 'not smelly' until smelly...
mickstar813: T; not smely...
mickstar813: not smelly...
Sun Dec 31, 9:59:19am
mickstar813: SMELLY
mickstar813: Seriously
mickstar813: M: I am so embarassed.
mickstar813: 0130
mickstar813: the last order..
mickstar813: Mum, read me a book
Sun Dec 31, 10:00:24am
mickstar813: Today, I will read you a book i've been saving
mickstar813: about 5 comedians, being eaten by a scary ghost
mickstar813: come here then...
mickstar813: come here...
mickstar813: 'cookie'
mickstar813: here i go...
mickstar813: a long time ago
mickstar813: matsumoto.
mickstar813: hamda
mickstar813: yamasaki
mickstar813: endo
mickstar813: tanaka
mickstar813: 5 comedians
mickstar813: there were*
mickstar813: there were talking in the room
mickstar813: when someone appeared
mickstar813: and took hosei and endo
mickstar813: suddenly, light go out
Sun Dec 31, 10:01:25am
mickstar813: M; dark, dark
mickstar813: Hosei and Endo gone
mickstar813: But where to?
mickstar813: AHHHH
mickstar813: E: who are you? This is dangerous
mickstar813: then, agian...
mickstar813: Mum, what happens to them?
mickstar813: Hosei and Endo will have their teeth pulled out and replaced
mickstar813: That's scary
mickstar813: It is right?
mickstar813: It is scary...
Sun Dec 31, 10:02:29am
mickstar813: and they get a lot of illness on their skin
mickstar813: Then we need to help them quickly
mickstar813: but from here
mickstar813: you can laugh
mickstar813: but not be scared...
mickstar813: hosei and endo are in the grounds
mickstar813: M: why they make us do this when I'm shattered?
mickstar813: The 3 must go and find them
mickstar813: M: which side?
Sun Dec 31, 10:03:34am
mickstar813: T: I will go at the bac, I dont want to fall
mickstar813: H: you're big, go ahead of us and cover us
mickstar813: H; what is this?
mickstar813: A mystery ball
mickstar813: decide on a representive
mickstar813: to pull the string
mickstar813: M: i cant reach
mickstar813: I'm in my 50's
mickstar813: H: you're the tallest
mickstar813: M: order, you go first and we will rotate
mickstar813: T: here I g
mickstar813: M: what is it?
mickstar813: Pick them up
mickstar813: It is a present from me
Sun Dec 31, 10:04:35am
mickstar813: This is one of my jaws
mickstar813: to eat with
mickstar813: It's not just one huh?
mickstar813: Another ball
mickstar813: T: i did before
mickstar813: M: do this one and we will both do 2 later
mickstar813: it wont come off
mickstar813: Something flies out of the bin
mickstar813: M: I HATE THESE
mickstar813: T: that pisses me off
Sun Dec 31, 10:05:35am
mickstar813: (no idea) but it's the achilles of someone
mickstar813: Y; how old is the kid
mickstar813: E; 1 year 7 months
mickstar813: EL in 10 days, I am having my 3rd child
mickstar813: 14 year old girl
mickstar813: 1 year 7 months
mickstar813: and next is the boy
mickstar813: Y: you're like Ishida
mickstar813: (famous guy)
mickstar813: Next order
mickstar813: open 7, 8, 9 and 10 in order
mickstar813: H; open it
mickstar813: T; what?
Sun Dec 31, 10:06:38am
mickstar813: Let's do it together
mickstar813: H; how long you been working for...
mickstar813: M: i dont wanna
mickstar813: H; make tanaka do it
mickstar813: H; what the hell was that
mickstar813: an onion
mickstar813: H; what the hell?
mickstar813: 8 has meat
mickstar813: 9 has pankko
mickstar813: panko
mickstar813: secret in 1.
mickstar813: Nothing in here...
mickstar813: HAMBURGER
mickstar813: H: what the hell are you doing?
mickstar813: He spilt all the panko
Sun Dec 31, 10:07:41am
mickstar813: this town hasn't changed
mickstar813: have you forgotten me
mickstar813: it's me, hamburger
mickstar813: E: god that scared me
mickstar813: Y; what? A hamburger?
mickstar813: Y; why?
mickstar813: E: why?
mickstar813: Right, here is a joke
mickstar813: If you're giving your daughter a present, give her 1129...
mickstar813: which is another way to say ii niku (good meat)...
mickstar813: hamburger!!!
mickstar813: H_ you're voice is something
Sun Dec 31, 10:08:44am
mickstar813: jyu is 10 but also gun in japanese
mickstar813: M: the panko...
mickstar813: His hair is all in it
mickstar813: T: I am scared
mickstar813: H: where the hell is this...
mickstar813: I am reporter Abe
mickstar813: With the American Police
mickstar813: Let's ask for an interviw
mickstar813: with Hamada
mickstar813: how's the wife?
mickstar813: Shes fine
mickstar813: how lovely
mickstar813: if you're going to work par titme?
mickstar813: TANWORKKK
Sun Dec 31, 10:09:46am
mickstar813: you got to do it with emphasis
mickstar813: tanwaaark
mickstar813: water came out of the mic
mickstar813: M: I AM SOAKED
mickstar813: Tanaka is in hysterics for a change
mickstar813: M: that pissed me off more than anything this year
mickstar813: The path is still quite far away
mickstar813: more orders continue
mickstar813: Next order...
mickstar813: WAit here
mickstar813: H: what do they mean by that?
mickstar813: M: there they are
Sun Dec 31, 10:10:50am
mickstar813: Mika-san must be havig it tough
mickstar813: M; she is just casually laughing
mickstar813: Are you friends
mickstar813: we are the sexy american police who fight evil
mickstar813: our senpai got transferred because of these guys
mickstar813: she wants to meet you though
mickstar813: please come out
mickstar813: H; he is walking so slowly
mickstar813: Yurian Retriever
mickstar813: Look at that body...
Sun Dec 31, 10:12:04am
mickstar813: She can't sig...
mickstar813: H: just say it
mickstar813: H; this is pissing me off
mickstar813: H" what the fuck is going on
mickstar813: H: just say it
mickstar813: H: shes not looking
mickstar813: H; finally one word
mickstar813: They show the route the other 2 are
mickstar813: however, there is pure darkness
mickstar813: They have to go down here
Sun Dec 31, 10:13:06am
mickstar813: Tanaka holds a camera from here
mickstar813: watch using secret cameras and this
mickstar813: M- what a waste of our time
mickstar813: T- this way, straight
mickstar813: H- this is scary
mickstar813: M- damn...
mickstar813: nothing is there and they get scared
mickstar813: M- damn it...
mickstar813: M- i am so tense right now
mickstar813: Scare crow
mickstar813: M- what's this
mickstar813: That's disgusting
Sun Dec 31, 10:14:07am
mickstar813: T- THIS IS MY CLOTHES
mickstar813: I wore this this morning
mickstar813: T- that pisses me off
mickstar813: There is a sign here
mickstar813: Tanak has to do the fortune tellign
mickstar813: (omikuji in japan is a piece of paper you pull out at temples)
Sun Dec 31, 10:15:10am
mickstar813: 2 metres Hamada jumps out
mickstar813: H- oh shit
mickstar813: H- what what what
mickstar813: T- something is coming here
mickstar813: M- my back will go!!!
mickstar813: T- so scary
mickstar813: T- so big
mickstar813: so scary
mickstar813: T- I am scared
mickstar813: H- he is huge
mickstar813: M- my back will go
mickstar813: T- that was so scary
mickstar813: M- that was terrifying
mickstar813: T- like a little girl, was wearing a skirt, but he was huge
mickstar813: HWLP US
mickstar813: M- that was so tough
mickstar813: they find the two
Sun Dec 31, 10:16:11am
mickstar813: when suddenly
mickstar813: you are altogether now
mickstar813: I am Elegantomi
mickstar813: You all look very scared
mickstar813: ALIEN
mickstar813: lastly, i have a present
mickstar813: here
mickstar813: paku paku doll
mickstar813: falls down
Sun Dec 31, 10:17:16am
mickstar813: alarms go off every where
mickstar813: 5 get on the bikes
mickstar813: they have to pedal together
mickstar813: HUGE PAKU PAKU DOLL
mickstar813: M- they spent money on something like this
mickstar813: H- peddle harder
mickstar813: Y- lets go, lets go
mickstar813: M- This is ridiculous
mickstar813: the 5 get out alive
Sun Dec 31, 10:20:23am
mickstar813: 3am
mickstar813: this year
mickstar813: they worked as an american police man
mickstar813: the 5 men had a lot to get over
mickstar813: and finally
mickstar813: wait for this moment...
mickstar813: F; hey guys
mickstar813: youre finished as american policemen
mickstar813: you're done
mickstar813: H- we are done eh?
mickstar813: H: great work guys
mickstar813: I am heipo
mickstar813: I am the CEO heipo
mickstar813: This year
Sun Dec 31, 10:21:28am
mickstar813: I will finish with Nazokake, right?
mickstar813: Do it with 'Po-ri-su'
mickstar813: PO- WIth ponkotsu
mickstar813: like a squirrel
mickstar813: SU- Skunk...
mickstar813: M- that was awful
mickstar813: E- where is he taking him?
mickstar813: H- that's dangerous
mickstar813: M- yeah it is..
Sun Dec 31, 10:22:42am
mickstar813: ketsu meitsu (butt mates)
mickstar813: Riding a jeep
mickstar813: laughing
mickstar813: you explained it all
mickstar813: rolling around us
mickstar813: revealing embarassing stories
mickstar813: you start laughing
mickstar813: Okay too fast
mickstar813: haha
Sun Dec 31, 10:23:53am
mickstar813: He cried, until he flew
mickstar813: Hamada and Matsumoto got their butts kicked easy
mickstar813: screamed forever
mickstar813: and just fell over
mickstar813: wooow...
mickstar813: woow...
mickstar813: woooooahh
mickstar813: woow..
mickstar813: wooww.
mickstar813: any where battle
mickstar813: old age is scary
mickstar813: matsumot, cry when you wanna
mickstar813: guess, appearing in front of them
mickstar813: TOO FAST
mickstar813: Just wear pants
mickstar813: that's all you got to do
Sun Dec 31, 10:24:58am
mickstar813: Takito, easily cries
mickstar813: he cried, until he cry
mickstar813: Gekidan kicked
mickstar813: smashed against the ceiling
mickstar813: the director ignored him loads
mickstar813: they all wore tights
mickstar813: got upset about the shit job
mickstar813: hit in the balls
mickstar813: got their face crushed
mickstar813: and ran
mickstar813: lots of kicking in the arse
Sun Dec 31, 10:25:59am
mickstar813: that makes you stronger
mickstar813: throw that past away
mickstar813: and walk ahead
mickstar813: the slap with a lot of tricks
mickstar813: barking, crying, hitting, crying
mickstar813: crying at the fear at night
mickstar813: let me hear, cry, laugh, cry, as many times
mickstar813: this year's gaki
Sun Dec 31, 10:27:02am
mickstar813: is simply laugh and cry
mickstar813: let it out, until you're sick of it
mickstar813: the laughter will make you laugh after being exhausted after a year
mickstar813: don't be angry about some thing
mickstar813: just laugh
mickstar813: and head into the new year
mickstar813: the 5 guys are just being silly
mickstar813: and laughing and aging on...
mickstar813: we wish you a year full of laughter
Sun Dec 31, 10:29:56am
mickstar813: Thank you
mickstar813: M- thank you very much
mickstar813: H- we are in the new year. happy new year all.
mickstar813: M- we did it huh?
mickstar813: E- so this year too, we did it?
mickstar813: Y- When I looked at the staff they nodded...
mickstar813: And I thouhgt 'omg I get to watch him get slapped'
mickstar813: M- I am fine getting slapped but when you said 'slap that blonde'...
mickstar813: Y: sorry, but I want you to feel it
mickstar813: H- please continue support for 2018
mickstar813: THE END
Sun Dec 31, 10:31:02am
mickstar813: Disclaimer- this is fiction

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