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Weaknesses and Potential Problem(s)

Recommendation(s) to Correct
1. Orders from new customers do not require Require digital signatures on all online orders
any form of validation, resulting in several from new customers.
large shipments being sent and never paid for.
Require a written customer purchase order as
confirmation of telephone and fax orders.

2. Customer credit histories are not checked Customers’ credit should be checked and no
before approving orders, resulting in excessive sales should be made to those that do not
uncollectible accounts. meet credit standards.

3. Outgoing shipments are placed near the Separate the shipping and receiving docks.
loading dock door without any physical
Physically restrict access to the loading dock
security. The loading dock is also used to
area where customer orders are placed.
receive incoming deliveries. This increases the
risk of theft, which may account for the
unexplained shortages in inventory.

4. Physical counts of inventory are not made Physical counts of inventory should be made
at least annually. This probably accounts for at least once a year.
the inaccuracies in the perpetual inventory
Inventory records discrepancies should be
records and may also prevent timely detection
corrected and investigated.
of theft.

5. Shipments are not reconciled to sales The system should be configured to match
orders, resulting in sending customers the shipping information to sales orders and alert
wrong items. the shipping employees of any discrepancies.

6. The perpetual inventory records are only The warehouse staff should enter information
updated weekly. This contributes to the about shortages as soon as they are
unanticipated shortages that result in delays in discovered.
filling customer orders.

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