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-John comes home,bad mood…

John:I’m home

John:Maryyyy….maryyyy…..(angry tone)Get my drink!Are you deaf?


Mary:(yawns)John honey,you’re back…

-(John slaps Mary)

Mary:But i…..

-(John pushes Mary,she falls)(she gets on her feet again)

John:I have called you three times!Now,listen..,before I reach home,dinner should be on the
table!Do you hear me?(he shakes her violently)

-(Mary nods ,cries and falls)

-(Moly crosses sideways with John while he leaves as she enters)

-(After looking at Mary crying,Moly rushes to Mary)

Moly:Oh my god sis,are you ok?

Mary:I’m fine,Moly….

Moly:He hit you again din’t he?You should leave that beast ,Mary…..He’s useless……….Get a
new life for yourself,sis.

Mary:It’s ok,Moly,he’s my husband after all….Now I’ll have to go prepare dinner….

Moly:Come,let me help you prepare dinner,sis….lets go…


-(Mary and Moly placing dinner on table)

-(Moly at a corner,playing phone)

-(John walks in tired……

#after seconds

John:I hope you’ve prepared dinner....

Mary:Oh yes,John…definetly

-(Mary pulls a chair for John to sit)

-(John stares at Moly and Mary realizes and immediately calls Moly)

Mary:Moly,dinner table,now…

Moly:Coming sis..

-(Moly pulls a chair beside John to sit put she pushes it back again and sits next to Mary)


-(John spits out the food)

John:It is tasteless for god’s sake!Have you lost your taste buds lady, huh?

Moly:The food obviously tastes nice for a rational person!

-(John slaps Mary out of anger)

-(Moly gets angry and stands up while her chair drops)

Moly:Stop finding your wife’s faults and stop abusing her….

John:As an outsider,(loud tone)do not interfere!!!(slams table)

-(John and Mary leaves in opposite direction leaving Moly alone)(Moly leaves).


-(One day,while Mary was resting,there’s was knock on the door)

-(When she opens,two middle-aged lady dressed in modern clothing greets her)

Lady 1:Hi miss,you look so beautiful.

Lady 2:Indeed she does…..


Lady 1:I’m Miss Susan…I’m here to promote England’s finest hand sewn dresses..We
specialize in elegant dresses stitched from the core of your neck to your ankle…(speaks while
waving around a measuring tape)..

Lady 2:On the other hand,I’m Miss Aini…(carrying make-up kit)

Mary:Um…ok Miss Susan and Miss Aini,at the time being I do have enough clothes in my
wardrobe and I don’t really think I need a facial makeover…(rejects politely)

-(Examines Mary from bottom to top and vice versa)

-(in a charming voice,)

Lady 1:Well, your husband would love you more…

Lady 2: You would look unbelieveably pretty and fabulous…

-(Mary thinks a while and decides….)(Looks excited)

Mary:If that’s the case,give the most beautiful dress you sell and Miss Aini,you’re welcome to
start my makeover…

Lady 1:Here you go,the latest Lady Gaga’s promotion.

Lady 2:Lets proceed with your makeover…

-(Mary gives cash and takes the dress)

Lady 1:Thank you…(Winks eye to Mary before leaving)

-(Miss Susan leaves happily as Mary escorts Miss Aini into the house for makeover)

Mary:(Talking alone)I hope John would like this and never takes his eyes off me anymore….I
too hope he’ll be happy looking at me wearing this beautiful dress…..

Miss Aini:Mary honeyyyyyyy?????



-(Mary wears the dress and walks around waiting for John to come home)

-(John enters the house,looking tired)

-(Mary goes near John and try to be romantic)

#Touches him gently…

John:Um,what on earth do you think you’re doing?

Mary:Oh nothing,honey….I’ve prepared lunch…..lets eat,shall we?

John:I’ve…..I’ve…..I’ve already eaten…

Mary:Oh,come on John…I’ve prepared your favourite “Nasi Lemak”.

-(John turns around and looks at table…drools and turns back)

John:It’s ok….I’ve had lunch with my colleagues.

Mary:Please honey…..(pulls John towards table)

John:No…..(loud tone)

Mary:Don’t you notice the new dress I’m wearing?I wore it just for you….(being romantic)

Mary:Come on honey,lets eat….(pulls John’s hands)

-(John slaps Mary)

John:Don’t force me to do what I’m not in favour…leave me alone…

John:By the way,you look ugly in this whole dress and makeover…It looks even horrible when
you’re wearing it!!!Why waste money on things that don’t suit you?Go away..

-(John pushes Mary and leaves)

-(Mary runs away crying)


-(Stumble upon Steve and Danny while walking)

Steve:Oh hi,John……hows life buddy?(gives a handshake)

John:Danny buddyyyy,{hand fi(balalalala)}

Steve:How’s life dude?

John:Well Steve,it totally sucks for me…unfortunately

(Steve and Danny stares at each other)

Danny:Oh,We din’t expect that fom you!Hows Mary,by the way?

John:She’s fine…but lets not talk about her,ok?

Steve:Whats wrong,John?

Danny:Steve,let it be…it’s his personal business

John:I just hate her,Steve…..She’s useless.

Steve:Give her another chance then!

John:Steve,Steve,Steve….a woman like her does not deserve a second chance…I am actually
still deeply in love with the love of my life,Anna…before my parents got me to tie the knot with
-(Takes out picture of Anna from wallet and stares at it…)

-(After seconds of silence,

Steve:You have been married for almost three years John….Moreover,Mary had treated you
well and you should treat her the same.

Danny:Steve,I hope you do understand!

John:Aaahhh….I hate her…..She’s more like a servant than a wife,ok!

Steve: John,it’s up to you then?

-(Steve looks at time)

Steve:Well I’ll have to proceed home as Sarah and kids would be expecting me and Danny for
dinner…care to join in?

John:Sure……Mary wouldn’t have prepared dinner anyway..

Steve and Danny:Lets go then(put hands on each other)


-(Mary and Moly,at home….Mary crying)

Mary:Moly,I think,its about time we get rid of John….I can’t take all the suffering anymore…I
need to rebuild my life….but this time,it’s without John..

Moly:Just about time sister…I thought I could discuss this matter with you over dinner…but I
don’t think he’ll let you get away with this plan… #Moment of silence

Mary:Don’t worry,I’ve got just the plan…

Moly:Alright,what’s the plan,sis?

Mary:Just wait and see…Wait and seeee….(HAHAHAHAHA)


-(John sleeping on his lazy chair)

-(Mary,who was resting, sees a unicorn accompanied by a fairy in a tutu in the garden)

-(She approached it and……

Mary:Hi unicorn,what are you doing here?Is that your guardian?(points at the fairy)You look so

Fairy:Hi Mary……

Mary:How did you find out my name?

Fairy:Of course I know your name.Infact,I know everything…hahahaha(throws magic dust on

Mary and flowers)

-(The unicorn stomps on her flowers,eats the lilies and hops around the garden as the fairy
follows it)

-(Mary runs to wake John up)

Mary:John honey,honey,wake up….wake up honey…..

John:(yawns)What???????You better have a good reason for waking me up…

Mary:There is a unicorn in the garden…There is a unicorn in the garden…

Mary:It was accompanied by a fairy in tutu….it talked to me while the unicorn stomped on my
flowers,ate my lilies and hopped around the garden

-(Mary collapses)

John:You’re insane…If you don’t stop,I’m gonna put you in a nut house….

Mary:We’ll see…..(pause)(then turns back)

Mary:It had a golden horn on its forehead(walks back to the garden)

(John rushes to get phone)

Operator:911,whats your emergency?

John:It’s my wife…She has been on the edge all these years…but now,she’s falling over….

Operator:Calm down sir…Tell me what happened…

John:Don’t tell me to calm down!!!She’s the crazy one….She told me she saw a unicorn in the

Operator:We’ll be right there sir..

John:Hurryyy…and………..bring a strait-jacket.

John:Hello operator,connect me to Maharani’s hospital psychiatrist department please…(pause

5 sec)…Um ya,hello doctor,I really think I’m in great danger…come quick…I live at 100,Jalan
Daud…and ya,don’t forget to bring a strait-jacket.

-(knocks on door)

-(Police 1 and 2 enters,police 2 with a strait jacket)

John:There she is….catch her…

Police 1:The doctor would be here any second now…hold on.

-(Another knock on door,and doctor comes in…)

Doctor:Hello,good day sir,I’m doctor Dean from the psychiatrist department of Maharani hospital
and this is Miss Kajol,my assistant….I received a call about…

-(John interupts….

John:Ok doctor,…May god bless you with your redential….myyyy wife,oh my god, you’re not
gonna believe what she just told me…..(explains gloatly)..She told me she saw a unicorn in the
garden and it hopped around the garden,stomped on the flowers and ate a lily……(Stops and
breathes heavily)…And the best part was that the unicorn was accompanied by a fairy in a
tutu……(acts all out)…..unbelieveable…..hahahahaha

-(Dr.Dean,whispers something to the two policemen as John was breathing…)

-(The two policemen ,helped by Dr.Dean,puts the strait-jacket on John as nurse calms him


Dr:May I talk to your wife, sir?

John:No way!!!!She’s probably in the garden talking to the unicorn! She needs to be taken right

(Mary enters the house from the garden)

Mary:(curious)What seems to be the problem?

Dr:Mary,did you happen to tell your husband,that you saw a unicorn,accompanied by a fairy in a
tutu and it ate a lily in your very own garden?

Mary:Of course not….Unicorns are mythical creatures and they do not exist….

John:But doctor….she..she….but….

Dr.Dean:That’s all I wanted to know.I’m sorry mam,but your husband over there is as crazy as
a jay bird!!!!

-(They dragged John away,while he was screaming)

Dr.Dean:Mam,your husband will be treated in our department…You could come anytime as

visiting ours would never end…..(hands out card)


(moral value by Mary)


Remember guys,don’t count your nuts before they’re cracked

Mary:(claps twice…guys!

(Fairy and unicorn comes out,creates some magical movements…and moments later,all
characters appear on stage to receive credit)

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