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Questions for 2nd Internals

1. What is instruction level parallelism? Explain data redundancy, name dependency
and data hazards.
2. Explain control dependency with suitable examples.
3. Basic compiler techniques for exposing ILP (or) Pipeline scheduling and Loop
Unrolling. Explain their advantages and disadvantages as well.
4. Explain static branch prediction and dynamic prediction.
5. Explain i) Co-relating predictors and 2-level predictors.
ii) Tournament predictors.
6. Explain with and without scheduling for loop unrolling with an example.

1. Explain the types of basic cache optimization.
2. Explain block replacement strategies to replace a block with an example.
3. With a neat diagram explain organization of data cache in the Opteron
4. Name the four memory hierarchy portions and explain any two.
5. Write differences between i) Virtual memory and cache.
ii) Paging and Segmentation.

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