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!!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!!

Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!!



!!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!!
Warning !!! !!! Warning !!! !!! Warning !!!

The short summary on the Rapelay "Story":

-- The day before: --

You were on the train as usual, waiting for a target for your chikan pleasure...Ah,
one appears!
Sadly for you, you choose the wrong target that day...Aoi!
So the moment you start your fun, she grabs your hand, shouts "Chikan!", and got
you arrested.

Luckily for you, though, the only thing you lost is your pride, since you are the
white-horse son of some politician,
meaning you have some get-out-of-jail-free cards up your sleeve! Pissed off with
Aoi, you decide to take revenge on her,
and not just her, but her entire family.

-- The first day: --

You hide outside of the Kiryuu family's house, listening into their conversation chikan.
For details, wait for the translation files.

The first step of your plan is to capture Manaka, so when she left the house, you
started biko-ing her.

Well, you know the rest: Station > Train-Chikan > She runs away into the toilet,
scared > You gets her there > Takes photos with your handy phone-camera as
insurance + Warn her about how you would
spread the pictures if she talks, yadayada.

-- The second day: --

Manaka feigned sick and hide herself in her room as per your instructions.

Next target, Yuuko. Once again, Biko from house to station, chikan on train. She
ran away when she got off,
as per your plan. When reaches the park, her phone rings.
It's Manaka. Manaka tells her that she is in the bush in that park, and Yuuko,
worried, walks towards the bushes...

At the last moment, Manaka snaps, and shouts, "Mum, run away!",
but it's too late. You sneak up behind her, knocked her a few times, and then
banged her. Same as ever,
you take pictures after you are done, and hands Yuuko over to your gang of helpers.
Now you have your jumpboard towards your true target...
-- The third day: --

To cover the fact that you have Yuuko, using Manaka again, she called in sick to
the company inplace of Yuuko,
and told Aoi that Yuuko is working late at the company.
Worried for her sister's wierd behaviour over the past few days,
Aoi didn't notice till you sneaked up on her...Touching her on the shoulder, you
flashes the nice nice photo of Yuuko,
tied up and naked. Shocked, she could do nothing but to follow your instructions.
After your Chikan-session on train, you got off together with her.
She asked why are you doing something like this, and you asked her if she remembers
you. And she does, yay for you.
"That day's chikan!", and you brag about how you got out of jail just to take your
revenge on her, blah blah.
Warning her what would happen to her mum and sister if she refuses your orders, she
could only obey.
Getting on a vehicle, you and your helpers take her to a hotel which your family
owns(seems like his father
has the same interests as his son...), and there, you rape her, after which you
take photos again...
Only chance to put in 2D-CGs, I guess...Anyway, after which, Yuuko and Manaka was
taken into the room via a secret door.
With all 3 captured, you revealed your plans to make them your sex-slaves.
Of course, Yuuko tries to cover for her daughters, but in the end, Manaka breaks
next, and finally Aoi as well.


-- The training begins --

-- 1 --

Stalk her. Right-click the "Character" icon (top left-most) to move beyond the
station scene and into the train.

-- 2 --

Molest her. Grope around her face, chest, behind, and groin regions to fill up her
pleasure gauge.
Actually get her to orgasm, however, you'll want to attack either her behind or
groin (groin is easiest).
To do this effectively, grab decided area and move down as far as the hand can go.
From there,
left-click and hold as you start to move upward to roll up her skirt. Let go of the
mouse button once it is high enough.
From here, if you chose behind, you'll grab once more and move your hand south.
From there,
you grab again and rapidly make motions with your mouse. If you decided to go with
the groin,
the difference is that you'll attack from the top once the skirt is lifted.

Hint: Try to do this in under 1:30mins to get your first icon list and out of the
way so you don't have to do it later.

-- 3 --
Rape her. No need for pointers at this part. You do what you want,
as she probably won't be orgasming on this first go.

-- 4 --

Rape her other two family members. Repeat steps 1) through 3).

-- 5 --

Train your girls. There are nine icons which need to be lit.

They are "Shame", "Anal", "Talk", "Oral", "Swallow", "Fill", "Bath", "Exposure",
and "Outdoor"

by bunnygirl's translation patch v0.2 respectively.


Walkthru :

1. Shame. If you've followed the hint, you should already have this. If not,
what you want to do is enter Chikan mode with the desired gal.
There, you must cause her to orgasm in under 1:30mins.
After this, enter 2p and do whatever. Once you finish your 2p round, you should
have it.

2. Anal. Have anal sex with desired gal for two 2p rounds.

3. Talk. In 2p mode, choose the actions in which your desired girl spreads her
and ass for you within the same round. She will automatically decline you the
first time,
so just right-click the "Character" icon until the desired action shows up
and she should the concede second time.

4. Oral. In 2p mode, choose the "Fellatio" action. She will refuse you the first
time, so again,
right-click the "Character" icon until it comes around again. It doesn't matter
what you do as
long as you end after you've orgasmed on her face. You can also choose to do
standard intercourse
and anal play beforehand. Do this for four rounds.

5. Swallow. Same as "Oral", but instead, have her swallow your semen and for three
rounds of 2p.

6. Fill. Have five times 2p anal sex with her and cum always twice in her, then
pull out and end the round.
(always told her that i will cum in her - might not important)

7. Bath. In either 2p or 5p mode, cover desired gal with as much semen as you
possibly can.
To be sure you've gotten each place enough, do it at least two to three times
per area.
8. Expose. Do everything you can to desired gal in "Nozoki" mode (strip her down as
much as possible,
insert both vibrators, and play around with the two action options--NOT the top,
which ends the round),
do that twice and then have some fun in a 2p round. You should have it after you
finish your fun in 2p mode.
Another reported working method is to have sex in the Park and let the passerby
see you
(incidentally, that is what happened when I went into 2p to finish the last step
to getting this icon),
so perhaps, try both.

9. Outdoor. Play two 2p rounds in the Park area full nude and make her cum.

* == not confirmed


-- 6 --

Break your girls. Go to 2p , after that the gir is broken.

1. Breaking two girls will unlock 3p mode, where you have sex with two of them at

2. Breaking all three girls will unlock 4p mode, where you get to play with all
three of them at once.

-- 7 --

Endings. TBA.

-- 8 --

Edit mode. Its a sex-scene-maker, movie like, you can select what should happen,
but you are unable to interfere.

-- 9 --

Extra. HCG and CG. Go through everything in the story to unlock

(either that or that�s all there is once you pass the first part of the story).


-- Infos --

Exposure Play :

- going out with no undies and bra

- going out with vibrator inside sex organs
- sexual behavior in public
- masturbation at public rest room
- masturbation till releasing urine & enemasex (not in this game)
Bukkake :

- most likely cum into face

Chikan (body contact) :

Chikan (??, ???, or ???) is a Japanese term meaning "molester or pervert." The term
is frequently used to describe people,
nearly always male, who take advantage of the crowded conditions on the public
transit systems to touch people,
primarily females, sexually. Although women on crowded trains in Japan are the most
frequent targets of chikan,
sexual predators in Japan take advantage of other situations as well.
One such situation (warned against in the picture, right) is bicycle parking lots,
where a molester will wait until a woman is bent over, unlocking her bicycle lock,
and then grope her from behind.
Chikan often feature in Japanese pornography along with other non-consensual
There are groups of chikan who coordinate their efforts and even engage in
Chikan rely on the tendency of their victims not to draw attention to the violation
for reasons of embarrassment.
Increasingly, however, chikan are captured when women report their activities to
station employees.
There have also been cases of false accusations.
As part of the effort to combat chikan, some railway companies have designated
certain cars,
called Josei Senyo Sharyo, as women-only.
Chikan has also become increasingly a problem at concerts and dance clubs
those that feature a mosh pit or similar style where body contact is expected and
it can be difficult
to move away from someone, bad lighting can make identification problematic,
and the noise can make escape easier for the offender.

Groping :

Groping, when used in a sexual form, is touching another person in an aggressively

sexual way.
Buttocks, thighs and breasts are often groped. When done without permission or
against the will of another person,
this can be considered a form of sexual abuse.
Groping women in trains is a widespread phenomenon in Japan,
and even in India--in jam-packed buses as well. As the suburban trains are usually
bringing the workers to large cities and back to their suburban homes, close
physical contact is unavoidable.
Many men use this to their advantage, pressing onto women and groping them.
According to one survey, about two thirds of Japanese women between 20-40 years old
have been groped
on trains or at stations. Young teenagers (schoolgirls) are also often subject to
Japanese women are less likely to openly react to such abuse than their Western
probably because of cultural differences. In the most extreme cases, when a victim
is repeatedly harassed in such way,
police protection can be assigned to her.
To allow women to exclude the possibility of being groped by men, some trains have
women-only cars.
There are some magazines and websites dedicated to groping women in trains, where
the perpetrators discuss
their favourite pastime and share experiences.
Groping is a somewhat popular fetish in Japanese pornography.
As with other forms of sexual abuse, unwanted groping of males by females is
to be less common than groping committed by males.
Grope is a general term, meaning "To reach about uncertainly; to feel one's way in
the dark"
Computing - When used in computing - Grope describes the process when the computer
boots up.
The computer gropes its interfaces to ascertain what peripheral devices are
This is actually achieved by sending a peripheral sense command and waiting for the
response code to come back.

Outdor Sex :

Having Sex in an open Place like a Park or the Roof of a Building , somewhere you
can clearly see the Sky.


Short Walthru :

For all girls (Manaka, Yuuko, Aoi):

Blushed Face == Period (always soon to be Eyes Closed)

Eyes Closed == Danger Day (Pregnancy, leads so far as known to a bad ending!)
Flat Stomach == Pregnant but not showing
Round Stomach == Pregnant

1st Symbol (shame) : Chikan Mode , let the girl cum faster than 1:30 min , then
goto 2p mode and you will get it.

2nd Symbol (anal) : 2 Days Anal Sex (each 1 time is enough)

3rd Symbol (talk) : ask her for vaginal and anal till she ask's properly for sex. (
1x vaginal 1x anal should do )

4th Symbol (oral) : 4 (maybe 5) Days let her suck you and cum in her face

5th Symbol (swallow) : 3 Days let her suck your dick and let her swallow it

6th Symbol (fill) : Have five times 2p anal sex with her and cum always twice in
her, then pull out and end the round.

7th Symbol (cum bath) (bukkake) : sperm on her body till its full of sperm.
( sometimes one shot in face is enough )
8th Symbol (expose) : 2 Prayer in Nozoki mode then go to end. 2p mode in toilet and
it should lit up.

9th Symbol (outdor) : Play two 2p rounds in the Park area full nude and make her

* = not confirmed



There might be some other ways to get the Symbols or even a mix up for getting them
with other actions.
Maybe you can combine some actions to get it faster.

Collected by feuerdrache aka Katsuhiko.

- This Work is not my Work all alone !!! -

Thx to all ppl who helped me and who posted useful informations.

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