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Volume 11, Issue 9, October 2017

Gujarat election 2017

Death of Playboy
Hugh Hefner

Birth time rectification

KP Ezine October 2017 1

Volume 11, Issue 9, October 2017
Sl.No Par culars  Author  Page 

1 Death of Playboy Hugh Hefner Tin Win 4

2 Is there any chance for the incumbent BJP to come Kanak Bosmia 7
in to power again in 09 December 2017 election?

3 Is there any chance for the incumbent congress to Kanak Bosmia 10

come in power again in Himachal Pradesh State elec-
tion on 9 November 2017 election?

4 Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh jail for rape VSN Murthy 13

5 Astrological Study of Serial Killers Sumanadasa Namarathna 17

6 Will there be spinalcord surgery for me ?” –a natal Gunti Nagaraju 30

chart analysis through K.P system

7 Software KP Astro 4.5 when will get release? Dr.Snehal N Kothari 33

8 Birth time rectification VSN Murthy 35

9 Questions & Answers Tin Win 40

10 Book Review-Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases Tin Win 42

11 Planetary Position for October 2017 Generated from 44

KPAstro 4.1TM

KP Ezine October 2017 2

Volume 11, Issue 9, October 2017

Arvind Gupta
Contain advisor


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KP Ezine October 2017 3

Death of Playboy Hugh Hefner

By: Tin Win


Hugh Hefner died recently on 27 September 2017 at the age of 91 and was buried in an LA
cemetery next to Marilyn Monroe - Playboy's first-ever cover star - in a plot bought in 1992
for $75,000. He never met Marilyn Monroe in person but had told the Los Angeles Times in
2009 "Spending eternity next to Marilyn is an opportunity too sweet to pass up,"

On the day of death he was running Moon Dasa of significators of Maraka/Badhaka house
7, danger to life 8, end of everything 4 and sickness 6, and Ketu Bhukti of significators of
Maraka/Badhaka 7, danger to life 8, Moksha 12, end of everything 4 and sickness 6.
Serial Womanizer
Hefner was married three times, first time in 1949, second time in 1989, third time in 2012.
He is also somewhat infamous for maintaining relationships with multiple young women at
once in past years. Once he admitted he’d made love to over a thousand women.

There is no Venus-Mars combination in his birth chart for his excessive sex as stated in the
classical texts: Brihat Jataka, Phaladeepika and Maan Sagari.
But Hefner’s testosterone-rich Mars and fun-loving, party-seeking Jupiter (growth) in the
5th house of fun and love affairs give him strong sexual drive. Mars, third lord, also ex-
changes signs with Saturn in house 3, lord of houses 5,6. The 3th is a desire house, the
eighth from the eighth. Mars-Jupiter in the 5th house opposing his Leo 29° 24′ Neptune in
the 11th house indicates his dreams, fantasies of sex bunnies. Yet the 6th is also the house
of addictions, and shows a man for whom one woman was too many and a hundred was not
The 7th (marriage) cuspal sub lord Rahu is in house 10, Rahu’s sign lord Mercury in house
7, lord of houses 1,2,10. Rahu is in the star of Jupiter in house 5, lord of houses 4,7,8, and
in sub of Venus in house 6, lord of house 3, the CSL of houses 3,4 having no planet in its
stars, signifying 2,7 marriage houses, 5th house of fun and love affairs, 8th house of sex
and houses 1,6,10 of separation and divorce. The 7th cuspal sub lord Rahu in dual sign
Gemini and Rahu’s sign lord Mercury placed in dual sign Pisces indicate multiple marriage.
The 5th (fun and love affairs) and the11th (married life) cuspal sub lord Mercury is in house
7, lord of houses 1,2,10, in the star of Saturn in house 3, lord of houses 5,6, in sub of Sun

KP Ezine October 2017 4

Hugh Hefner
Sun Rise: 05:21:21 AM Sun Set: 06:24:02 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Saturn Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Sa Sa Ve
2 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Ke Ju
3 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ke Sa
Ruling Planets - 11/Nov/2017 05:43:08 PM 4 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Sa Ma
5 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ra Ke
Maryland, USA
6 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ra Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Mo Sa
Lagna Ve Mo Ma Ma Sa 8 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Ke Ju
Moon Su Ke Sa Sa Sa 9 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Sa Me
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Sa Sa
11 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Mo Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Magha(3) Su Ke Ra Ve Ra
II 28:36:21 XII 06:57:40
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 03:08:24 Su Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Sa Ra
Sa[R] 02:22:00 Mo P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Ke Me
XI 06:20:16
III 28:44:42 6 5 Ma Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ke Ra Ve
7 4 Me[R] U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Su Ra Ke
Ju Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Sa Sa Sa
Ve Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Sa Ve
Sa[R] Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Me Ma
IV 02:26:29 Ra 28:19:32 Ra Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Sa Ju
Ke 28:19:32 X 02:26:29 Ke U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ve Sa
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 7 7 1, 2, 10 12
Mo 5 6 4, 7, 8 11
Su 26:33:52 Ma 6 5 11 9
V 06:20:16 Me[R] 10:31:22 IX 28:44:42 Me 3 7 5, 6 1, 2, 10
Ma 20:04:11 VII 03:08:24 Ju 5 5 9 4, 7, 8
Ju 27:56:26 10 Ve+ 10 6 3
11 12 Sa 5 3 4, 7, 8 5, 6
Ra 5 10 4, 7, 8
VI 06:57:40 VIII 28:36:21 Ke+ 7 4 12
Ve 10:36:46 Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Mo 20:52:22 Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 28:44:42 X 02:26:29 Dasa Summary

Ra 28:19:32
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
22-Mar-1925 - 22-Mar-1941 22-Mar-1941 - 22-Mar-1960 22-Mar-1960 - 22-Mar-1977
VIII 28:36:21 Jupiter 22-Mar-1925 Saturn 22-Mar-1941 Mercury 22-Mar-1960
Su 26:33:52 Saturn 10-May-1927 Mercury 25-Mar-1944 Ketu 18-Aug-1962
Me[R] 10:31:22 Mercury 21-Nov-1929 Ketu 03-Dec-1946 Venus 16-Aug-1963
VII 03:08:24 Ketu 26-Feb-1932 Venus 12-Jan-1948 Sun 16-Jun-1966
Name: Hugh Hefner XI 06:20:16 Venus 01-Feb-1933 Sun 13-Mar-1951 Moon 23-Apr-1967
Sun 03-Oct-1935 Moon 23-Feb-1952 Mars 22-Sep-1968
Gender: Male
Moon 21-Jul-1936 Mars 25-Sep-1953 Rahu 19-Sep-1969
Date: Friday, 09/Apr/1926 Mars 20-Nov-1937 Rahu 03-Nov-1954 Jupiter 07-Apr-1972
Time: 04:20:00 PM SID: 05:38:59 Rahu 27-Oct-1938 Jupiter 10-Sep-1957 Saturn 13-Jul-1974
Lat: 41:52:00 N Lon: 87:39:00 W Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
Mo 20:52:22 TZ: -06:00 DST: 0.00 22-Mar-1977 - 22-Mar-1984 22-Mar-1984 - 22-Mar-2004 22-Mar-2004 - 22-Mar-2010
Ve 10:36:46 Ketu 22-Mar-1977 Venus 22-Mar-1984 Sun 22-Mar-2004
VI 06:57:40 Venus 18-Aug-1977 Sun 22-Jul-1987 Moon 10-Jul-2004
Sun 18-Oct-1978 Moon 22-Jul-1988 Mars 08-Jan-2005
XII 06:57:40 Moon 23-Feb-1979 Mars 23-Mar-1990 Rahu 16-May-2005
Ayanamsa: 22° 44' 16" Mars 24-Sep-1979 Rahu 22-May-1991 Jupiter 10-Apr-2006
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 20-Feb-1980 Jupiter 22-May-1994 Saturn 27-Jan-2007
Star: P.Bhadra, Pada 1 Jupiter 11-Mar-1981 Saturn 21-Jan-1997 Mercury 09-Jan-2008
Star Lord: Jupiter Saturn 15-Feb-1982 Mercury 22-Mar-2000 Ketu 15-Nov-2008
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Mercury 26-Mar-1983 Ketu 20-Jan-2003 Venus 23-Mar-2009
Ju 27:56:26
Ma 20:04:11 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
V 06:20:16 22-Mar-2010 - 22-Mar-2020 22-Mar-2020 - 22-Mar-2027 22-Mar-2027 - 22-Mar-2045
Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 14 Y, 11 M, 13 D
Moon 22-Mar-2010 Mars 22-Mar-2020 Rahu 22-Mar-2027
I 03:08:24 Mars 21-Jan-2011 Rahu 18-Aug-2020 Jupiter 03-Dec-2029
II 28:36:21 Rahu 22-Aug-2011 Jupiter 06-Sep-2021 Saturn 27-Apr-2032
Jupiter 20-Feb-2013 Saturn 13-Aug-2022 Mercury 04-Mar-2035
Saturn 22-Jun-2014 Mercury 21-Sep-2023 Ketu 20-Sep-2037
Mercury 21-Jan-2016 Ketu 17-Sep-2024 Venus 09-Oct-2038
Ketu 22-Jun-2017 Venus 14-Feb-2025 Sun 09-Oct-2041
Venus 21-Jan-2018 Sun 15-Apr-2026 Moon 02-Sep-2042
Ke 28:19:32 Sun 22-Sep-2019 Moon 21-Aug-2026 Mars 03-Mar-2044
IV 02:26:29 Sa[R] 02:22:00 III 28:44:42

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KP Ezine October 2017
in house 7, lord of 12, signifying 2, 5,7 houses of fun and love as well as 1,6,10 houses of
unhappiness in married life. Despite declaring that he had slept with more than a thou-
sand women, Hefner spent much of his life 'looking for love in all the wrong places,' as he
tearfully told The New York Times in 1992

His Pisces 4° 2’ Uranus, a planet associated with things contrary to the norm as well as
sudden changes, sits less than one degree from his 7th cusp, lending extreme eccentric
character to his relationship life. Having age differences between partners is one common
way this can work out; Hefner’s 2nd wife was 36 years, 3rd wife 60 years younger than him.
He’s got both the feminine planets Venus and the Moon in the 6th house which can be seen
as a symbol of profiting through women as “employees” over the span of six decades. Venus
in the 6th house signifies finding love at the work place. The 6th is also one’s employees
and his second and third marriages are to women who worked for him. The 6th house also
indicates day to day activities, so he needs women around him in his day to day activities.
Playboy Business
He started pioneering men's magazine Playboy in December 1953, in his Saturn-Mars joint
dasa period, with $600 borrowed against his wedding furniture. It was an instant hit, the
first issue selling 54,000 copies thanks to a half-naked centerfold and cover star Marilyn
Monroe. And he went on to become a multi-millionaire businessman.

His 10th cuspal sub lord Ketu+ is in house 4, Ketu’s sign lord Jupiter in house 5, lord of
houses 4,7,8. Ketu+ is in the star of Sun in house 7, lord of house 12, and in sub of Moon
in house 6, lord of house 11, signifying favorable houses 6,11 and houses 5,7,8,12 of love
affairs and sex.
The 3rd (publishing) cuspal sub lord (GSL) Venus is in house 6, lord of house 3, the CSL of
houses 3,4 having no planet in its stars. Venus is in the star of Rahu in house 10, Rahu’s
sign lord Mercury in house 7, lord of houses 1,2,10, and in sub of Saturn in house 3, lord of
houses 5,6, signifying favorable 2,3,6,10 houses and public attracting 5th house with con-
nection of sex planet Venus and printing karaka Mercury. And Mercury’s conjunct Uranus
reinforces the theme of publishing and communicating but doing so in a highly unusual
manner. Strong Mars in the 5th house of intellect in exchange of sign with Saturn in the
3rd house gives artistic skills, literary arts and a talent for creative writing.
The 10th cusp and the 3rd cupal sub lord’s star lord Rahu are also located in printing sign
of Gemini in conjunction with Pluto of revolutionary upheavals. Venus, the karaka of love,
marriage and physical attraction, but in this chart it is also a significator for desire and ad-
venture ( 3rd house lord). This Venus is in Rahu's constellation Shatbhisha and Rahu is in
the 10th house of public image and day to day activities, so he is in the company of open-
minded and unconventional females, while Ketu in the 4th house is a symbol for Playboy
The 2nd (wealth) cuspal sub lord Saturn is in house 3, lord of houses 5,6, in the star of Ju-
piter in house 5, lord of houses 4,7,8, and in sub of Rahu in house 10, Rahu’s sign lord
Mercury in house 7, lord of houses 1,2,10, indicating houses 2,3,6,10 for his wealth. In ad-
dition his 3rd house lord Venus is joined with 11th house lord Moon in the 6th house to be-
come a millionaire.

KP Ezine October 2017 6

Is there any chance for the incumbent BJP to come in to power
again in 09 December 2017 election?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Short History:
First phase of the elections is set on December 09, 2012.

Gujarat state election on 13-& 17 December 2012

Question: Is there any chance for the incumbent BJP to come in power again in 09 Decem-
ber 2017 election?
Number. 123 (out of 249).
Time of Judgment. 25-10-2017, Wednesday; 14:54:56 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 24.00.56

If the 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies houses 10 (one’s reputation), 3
(one’s ability), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11,
then success is assured.

Cuspal Sub lord for BJP:

10th Cusp (Gemini 260.16’.25”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star of
Mars and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of the 5th. Ketu is aspected by Saturn. Saturn is
occupant of the 3rd, owner of houses 5-6. Star lord Mars is occupant of the 12th, owner of
houses 3-4. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of the 1st, owner of houses 4-7. No planet is in the
star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is CSL of houses 1-5-7-11. Thus, the 10th cusp sub lord, Ketu,
is the significator of houses 5-3-6-12-4-1-7-11. Hence, wining in the election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for Congress:

10th Cusp (Sagittarius 260.16’.25”): The sub lord of the 10 cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star
of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of the 11th. Ketu is aspected by Saturn. Saturn
is occupant of the 9th, owner of houses 11-12. Star lord Mars is occupant of the 6th, owner
of houses 9-10. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of the 7th, owner of houses 1-10. No planet is
in the star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is CSL of houses 7-11-1-5. Thus, the 10th cusp sub lord,
Ketu, is the significator of houses 11-9-12-6-10-1-7-5. Hence, wining in the election is sure.

Joint period
On the day of election (09 December 2017), the running joint period dasa is Ketu-Saturn-

For BJP:
Dasa lord Ketu is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of the 5th. Ketu is
aspected by Saturn. Saturn is occupant of the 3rd, owner of houses 5-6. Star lord Mars is
occupant of the 12th, owner of houses 3-4. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of the 1st, owner of
houses 4-7. No planet is in the star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is CSL of houses 1-5-7-11. Thus,
the dasa lord, Ketu, is the significator of houses 5-3-6-12-4-1-7-11. Hence, wining in the
election is sure.

For congress:
Dasa lord Ketu is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of the 11th. Ketu
is aspected by Saturn. Saturn is occupant of the 9th, owner of houses 11-12. Star lord Mars

KP Ezine October 2017 7

Horary No. 123/249
Sun Rise: 06:41:03 AM Sun Set: 06:06:03 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Moon Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 123 1 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ju Ju Ju
Question : Is there any chance for the incumbent BJP to come in power again in 09 2 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ju Ju
December 2017 election?
3 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ra Ve Ve
Ruling Planets - 25/Oct/2017 02:54:56 PM 4 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ra Me
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ra Ra
6 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Sa Su
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Ju Ju
Lagna Sa Ra Ra Ra Mo 8 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Ra Ve
Moon Ju Ke Sa Su Me 9 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Ve Ve
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Ke Ju Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ra Ra
12 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Ke Ra
II 06:25:14:35 XII 04:28:10:16
Ve 05:19:37:35 Planetary Positions
Ma 05:07:38:27
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Su 06:08:08:32 Su Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ve Ju
Mo 08:10:31:21 Ju 06:09:12:18 Mo Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Su Me
XI 03:27:37:31
III 07:25:23:45 7 Me 06:18:48:54
Sa 07:29:59:51 5 Ma U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Sa Ra
I 05:26:06:40
8 4 Me Swati(4) Ve Ra Mo Me Ve
Ju Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Me Me
Ve Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Sa Ra
Sa Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ju Ra
IV 08:26:16:25 Ra 03:26:27:40 Ra Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Sa Ve
Ke 09:26:27:40 X 02:26:16:25
Ke Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Sa Ve
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 11 1 12
Mo 5 3 11
VII 11:26:06:40 Ma 1 12 12 3, 8
V 09:27:37:31 IX 01:25:23:45 Me 11 1 1, 10
Ju+ 11 1 4, 7
10 2 Ve+ 3 12 11 2, 9
11 1 Sa+ 1 3 1, 10 5, 6
Ra 1 11 1, 10
VI 10:28:10:16 VIII 00:25:14:35 Ke 12 5 3, 8
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 25:14:35 IX 25:23:45 X 26:16:25 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
15-Apr-2012 - 15-Apr-2019 15-Apr-2019 - 15-Apr-2039 15-Apr-2039 - 15-Apr-2045
Ketu 15-Apr-2012 Venus 15-Apr-2019 Sun 15-Apr-2039
Venus 11-Sep-2012 Sun 14-Aug-2022 Moon 02-Aug-2039
Sun 11-Nov-2013 Moon 14-Aug-2023 Mars 01-Feb-2040
VII 26:06:40 Moon 18-Mar-2014 Mars 15-Apr-2025 Rahu 08-Jun-2040
Name: Gujarat Election 2017 Ra 26:27:40 Mars 17-Oct-2014 Rahu 15-Jun-2026 Jupiter 02-May-2041
Gender: Male XI 27:37:31 Rahu 16-Mar-2015 Jupiter 15-Jun-2029 Saturn 19-Feb-2042
Date: Wednesday, 25/Oct/2017 Jupiter 03-Apr-2016 Saturn 13-Feb-2032 Mercury 01-Feb-2043
Saturn 10-Mar-2017 Mercury 15-Apr-2035 Ketu 08-Dec-2043
Time: 02:54:56 PM SID: 16:31:10 Mercury 18-Apr-2018 Ketu 14-Feb-2038 Venus 14-Apr-2044
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 15-Apr-2045 - 15-Apr-2055 15-Apr-2055 - 15-Apr-2062 15-Apr-2062 - 15-Apr-2080
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Moon 15-Apr-2045 Mars 15-Apr-2055 Rahu 15-Apr-2062
VI 28:10:16 Mars 13-Feb-2046 Rahu 11-Sep-2055 Jupiter 26-Dec-2064
XII 28:10:16 Rahu 14-Sep-2046 Jupiter 29-Sep-2056 Saturn 21-May-2067
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 56" Jupiter 15-Mar-2048 Saturn 05-Sep-2057 Mercury 28-Mar-2070
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 14-Jul-2049 Mercury 14-Oct-2058 Ketu 15-Oct-2072
Star: Moola, Pada 4 Mercury 12-Feb-2051 Ketu 12-Oct-2059 Venus 02-Nov-2073
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 14-Jul-2052 Venus 09-Mar-2060 Sun 02-Nov-2076
Venus 12-Feb-2053 Sun 09-May-2061 Moon 27-Sep-2077
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Sun 13-Oct-2054 Moon 14-Sep-2061 Mars 28-Mar-2079
V 27:37:31 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
Ke 26:27:40 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 1 Y, 5 M, 21 D 15-Apr-2080 - 15-Apr-2096 15-Apr-2096 - 15-Apr-2115 15-Apr-2115 - 15-Apr-2132
Ma 07:38:27 Jupiter 15-Apr-2080 Saturn 15-Apr-2096 Mercury 15-Apr-2115
Ve 19:37:35 Saturn 02-Jun-2082 Mercury 18-Apr-2099 Ketu 11-Sep-2117
I 26:06:40 Mercury 14-Dec-2084 Ketu 26-Dec-2101 Venus 08-Sep-2118
Ketu 22-Mar-2087 Venus 04-Feb-2103 Sun 09-Jul-2121
Venus 25-Feb-2088 Sun 06-Apr-2106 Moon 16-May-2122
II 25:14:35 Sun 27-Oct-2090 Moon 19-Mar-2107 Mars 15-Oct-2123
Me 18:48:54 Moon 15-Aug-2091 Mars 18-Oct-2108 Rahu 11-Oct-2124
IV 26:16:25 Sa 29:59:51 Ju 09:12:18 Mars 15-Dec-2092 Rahu 26-Nov-2109 Jupiter 30-Apr-2127
Mo 10:31:21 III 25:23:45 Su 08:08:32 Rahu 21-Nov-2093 Jupiter 02-Oct-2112 Saturn 06-Aug-2129
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

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KP Ezine October 2017
is occupant of the 6th, owner of houses 9-10. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of the 7th, owner
of houses 1-10. No planet is in the star of Jupiter, and Jupiter is CSL of houses 7-11-1-5.
Thus, the dasa lord, Ketu, is the significator of houses 11-9-12-6-10-1-7-5. Hence, wining
in the election is sure.

For BJP:
Bhukti lord Saturn is in the star of Mercury and in its own sub. Saturn is occupant of the
3rd, owner of houses 5-6. Star lord Mars is occupant of the 12th, owner of houses 3-4. Sub
lord Mercury is occupant of the 1st, owner of houses 1-10. Thus, bhukti lord Saturn is the
significator of houses 3-5-6-1-10. Hence, wining in the election is sure

For congress:
Bhukti lord Saturn is in the star of Mercury and in its own sub. Saturn is occupant of the
9th, owner of houses 11-12. Star lord Mars is occupant of the 6th, owner of houses 9-10.
Sub lord Mercury is occupant of the 7th, owner of houses 7-4. Thus, bhukti lord saturn is
the significator of houses 9-11-12-7-4. Hence, wining in the election is sure

For BJP:
Antra lord Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Mars is occupant of the 10th, owner of
houses 3-8. Star lord Sun is occupant of the 1st, owner of the 12th. Sub lord Ketu is occu-
pant of the 5th. Ketu is aspected by Saturn. Saturn is occupant of the 3rd, owner of houses 5
-6. Thus, antra lord Mars is the significator of houses 12-3-8-1-5-6. Hence, wining in the
election is sure

For congress:
Antra lord Mars is in the star of Sun and sub of Ketu. Mars is occupant of the 4th, owner of
houses 9-2. Star lord Sun is occupant of the 7th, owner of the 6th. Sub lord Ketu is occupant
of the 11th. Ketu is aspected by Saturn. Saturn is occupant of the 9th, owner of houses 11-
12. Thus, antra lord Mars is the significator of houses 6-9-2-7-11-12. Hence, wining in the
election is sure

For BJP:
Sookshma lord Jupiter is in the star of Rahu and in its own sub. Jupiter is occupant of the
1st, owner of houses 4-7. No planet is in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is CSL of houses 1-5
-7-11. Star lord Rahu is occupant of the 11th. Rahu is in Cancer Sign , and thus represents
Moon. Moon is occupant of the 3rd, owner of the 11th. Sookshma lord Jupiter signifies hous-
es 1-4-7-5-11-3. Hence, wining in the election is sure

For congress:
Sookshma lord Jupiter is in the star of Rahu and in its own sub. Jupiter is occupant of the
7th, owner of houses 1-10. No planet is in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is CSL of houses 7-
11-1-5. Star lord Rahu is occupant of the 5th. Rahu is in CancerSign , thus represents
Moon. Moon is occupant of the 9th, owner of the 5th. Sookshma lord Jupiter signifies houses
7-10-1-11-5-9. Hence, wining in the election is sure

My opinion: It will be a very tough fight. In Bhukti BJP has houses 3-10 and Congress has
11 only. Thus, the chances of BJP winning are higher and victory is sure but the margin
will be very low.

KP Ezine October 2017 9

Is there any chance for the incumbent congress to come in power again
in Himachal Pradesh State election on 9 November 2017 election?
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Short History:
Himachal Pradesh state election was fixed on 9-11-2017. Himachal Pradesh state assembly
has 83 seats.

Himachal Pradesh State election on 9 November 2012.

Question: Is there any chance for the incumbent congress to come in power again in Hima-
chal Pradesh State election on 9 November 2017 election?
Number. 54 (out of 249).
Time of Judgment. 25-10-2017, Wednesday; 14:20:27 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 24.00.56

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sublord signifies 10 (one’s Reputation), 3 (one’s abil-
ity), 11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of 3, 10, 11, then success is assured.

Cuspal Sub lord for Congress:

10th Cusp (Pisces 090.06’.07”): The sub lord of the 10 cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star
of Moon and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 5-12. No planet in the star of
Venus and Venus is CSL of 4-10. Star lord Moon is occupant of 6, owner 2. Sub lord Mer-
cury is occupant of 5, owner of 1-4. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is significator of 4-5-12-
10-6-2-1. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for Opponent BJP:

10th Cusp (Virgo 090.06’.07”): The sub lord of the 10 cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of
Moon and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 10, owner of 6-11. No planet in the star of
Venus and Venus is CSL of 4-10. Star lord Moon is occupant of 12, owner 8. Sub lord Mer-
cury is occupant of 11, owner of 7-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Venus is significator of 10-6
-11-4-12-8-7. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Joint period
On day of election (9 November 2017) running dasa is Ketu-Saturn-Venus-Saturn.

For Congress:
Dasa lord Ketu is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of 8. Ketu is as-
pected by Saturn. Saturn is occupant of 6, owner of 8-9. No planet in the star of Saturn and
Saturn is CSL of 12. Star lord Mars is occupant of 4, owner of 6-11. Sub lord Jupiter is oc-
cupant of 4, owner of 7-10. No planet in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is CSL of 3. Dasa
lord signifies 8-4-6-11-7-10-3. Hence dasa lord indicate wining in election.

For BJP:
Dasa lord Ketu is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of 2. Ketu is as-
pected by Saturn. Saturn is occupant of 12, owner of 2-3. No planet in the star of Saturn
and Saturn is CSL of 6. Star lord Mars is occupant of 10, owner of 5-12. Sub lord Jupiter is
occupant of 10, owner of 1-4. No planet in the star of Jupiter and Jupiter is CSL of 9. Dasa
lord signifies 2-10-12-5-1-4-9. Hence dasa lord indicate wining in election.

KP Ezine October 2017 10

Horary No. 54/249
Sun Rise: 06:41:03 AM Sun Set: 06:06:03 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 54 1 Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Mo Mo
Question : Is there any chance for the incumbent congress to come in power again in 2 Pushyami(3) Mo Sa Mo Ve Sa
Himachal Pradesh State election on 9 November 2017 election?
3 Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Ke Ju
Ruling Planets - 25/Oct/2017 02:20:27 PM 4 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ju Ve
6 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ke Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Ra Ra
Lagna Sa Ma Ju Ju Ra 8 Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ra Sa
Moon Ju Ke Sa Ve Ra 9 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Mo Mo
Day Lord: Mercury 10 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ve Ra Ke
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Sa Su
12 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Mo Ve
II 03:11:59:55 XII 01:17:01:39
Ra 03:26:27:44 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 02:18:06:40 Su Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ve Ra
Ma 05:07:37:33 Mo Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Ve Ra
XI 00:13:12:15
III 04:08:23:31 4 2 Ma U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Sa Ma
5 1 Me Swati(4) Ve Ra Mo Me Me
Ju Swati(1) Ve Ra Ju Me Me
Ve Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Sa Ra
Sa Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ju Ra
Su 06:08:07:06 X 11:09:06:07 Ra Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Sa Ve
IV 05:09:06:07
Ke Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Sa Ve
Ju 06:09:11:59 3
Ve 05:19:35:48 Significators - Planets View
6 12
9 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 2 4 3
Mo 8 6 2
VII 08:18:06:40 Ma 4 4 3 6, 11
V 06:13:12:15 IX 10:08:23:31 Me 2 5 1, 4
Me 06:18:46:40 Ju+ 2 4 7, 10
7 11 Ve+ 6 4 2 5, 12
8 10 Sa+ 5 6 1, 4 8, 9
Ra 5 2 1, 4
Mo 08:10:14:23 Ke 09:26:27:44 Ke 4 8 6, 11
VI 07:17:01:39 VIII 09:11:59:55
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Sa 07:29:59:43 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XI 13:12:15 XII 17:01:39 I 18:06:40 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
08-Jun-2012 - 08-Jun-2019 08-Jun-2019 - 08-Jun-2039 08-Jun-2039 - 08-Jun-2045
Ketu 08-Jun-2012 Venus 08-Jun-2019 Sun 08-Jun-2039
Venus 04-Nov-2012 Sun 08-Oct-2022 Moon 26-Sep-2039
Sun 04-Jan-2014 Moon 08-Oct-2023 Mars 26-Mar-2040
X 09:06:07 Moon 12-May-2014 Mars 08-Jun-2025 Rahu 01-Aug-2040
Name: Himachal Pradesh 2017 II 11:59:55 Mars 11-Dec-2014 Rahu 08-Aug-2026 Jupiter 26-Jun-2041
Gender: Male Ra 26:27:44 Rahu 09-May-2015 Jupiter 08-Aug-2029 Saturn 14-Apr-2042
Date: Wednesday, 25/Oct/2017 Jupiter 27-May-2016 Saturn 08-Apr-2032 Mercury 27-Mar-2043
Saturn 03-May-2017 Mercury 08-Jun-2035 Ketu 31-Jan-2044
Time: 02:20:27 PM SID: 15:56:35 Mercury 12-Jun-2018 Ketu 08-Apr-2038 Venus 07-Jun-2044
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 08-Jun-2045 - 08-Jun-2055 08-Jun-2055 - 08-Jun-2062 08-Jun-2062 - 08-Jun-2080
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Moon 08-Jun-2045 Mars 08-Jun-2055 Rahu 08-Jun-2062
IX 08:23:31 Mars 08-Apr-2046 Rahu 04-Nov-2055 Jupiter 19-Feb-2065
III 08:23:31 Rahu 07-Nov-2046 Jupiter 22-Nov-2056 Saturn 15-Jul-2067
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 56" Jupiter 08-May-2048 Saturn 29-Oct-2057 Mercury 21-May-2070
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 07-Sep-2049 Mercury 08-Dec-2058 Ketu 08-Dec-2072
Star: Moola, Pada 4 Mercury 08-Apr-2051 Ketu 05-Dec-2059 Venus 26-Dec-2073
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 07-Sep-2052 Venus 02-May-2060 Sun 26-Dec-2076
Venus 08-Apr-2053 Sun 02-Jul-2061 Moon 20-Nov-2077
Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury
Sun 08-Dec-2054 Moon 07-Nov-2061 Mars 22-May-2079
Ke 26:27:44 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
VIII 11:59:55 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 1 Y, 7 M, 14 D 08-Jun-2080 - 08-Jun-2096 08-Jun-2096 - 08-Jun-2115 08-Jun-2115 - 08-Jun-2132
Ma 07:37:33 Jupiter 08-Jun-2080 Saturn 08-Jun-2096 Mercury 08-Jun-2115
IV 09:06:07 Saturn 27-Jul-2082 Mercury 11-Jun-2099 Ketu 04-Nov-2117
Ve 19:35:48 Mercury 07-Feb-2085 Ketu 19-Feb-2102 Venus 01-Nov-2118
Ketu 15-May-2087 Venus 30-Mar-2103 Sun 02-Sep-2121
Venus 20-Apr-2088 Sun 30-May-2106 Moon 09-Jul-2122
Me 18:46:40 Sun 19-Dec-2090 Moon 12-May-2107 Mars 08-Dec-2123
V 13:12:15 Moon 08-Oct-2091 Mars 11-Dec-2108 Rahu 05-Dec-2124
VII 18:06:40 Sa 29:59:43 Ju 09:11:59 Mars 06-Feb-2093 Rahu 20-Jan-2110 Jupiter 24-Jun-2127
Mo 10:14:23 VI 17:01:39 Su 08:07:06 Rahu 13-Jan-2094 Jupiter 25-Nov-2112 Saturn 29-Sep-2129
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine October 2017 11
For Congress:
Bhukti-Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Saturn is occupant
of 6, owner of 8-9. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 12. Star lord Mercu-
ry is occupant of 5, owner of 1-4. Sub lord is also Saturn. Bhukti-Sookshma lord Saturn
signifies 6-8-9-12-5-1-4. Hence dasa lord not indicate wining in election.

For BJP:
Bhukti-Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Mercury and sub of own. Saturn is occupant
of 12, owner of 2-3. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 6. Star lord Mercu-
ry is occupant of 11, owner of 7-10. Sub lord is also Saturn. Bhukti-Sookshma lord Saturn
signifies 12-2-3-6-11-7-10. Hence dasa lord indicate wining in election.

My opinion: Bhukti-Sookshma lord Saturn not signifies 3-10-11 for congress, thus not
chance of winning, so BJP will win this election.

KP Ezine October 2017 12

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh jail for rape
By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874.

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh is an Indian guru, music producer, singer-songwriter, actor
and filmmaker. He has been the head of the social group Dera Sacha Sauda (DSS) since 23
September 1990.

On 25 August 2017, Singh was convicted of rape by a special Central Bureau of Investiga-
tion (CBI) court. On 28 August 2017, Singh was sentenced to 20 years in jail for rape. He
has also faced prosecution for murder and ordering forced castrations.

His birth particulars are taken from internet (YOU TUBE) and rectified. They are as follows:-
DOB:- 15 August 1967;Tuesday;
TOB:- 07-26-05 AM (IST);(Rectified)
POB:- Sri Gurusar Modia village in Rajasthan.(29-35-00N; 73-58-00E);

My astrological analysis is as follows:-

His Lagna falls in Leo Sign (15-34-31:-Sun-Venus-Sun as Sign lord-Star lord-Sub lord).
His Moon falls in Scorpio Sign (26-50-17:- Mars-Mercury-Jupiter).

In the natal chart of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh (Dera Baba):

(1) the Ascendant falls in Leo Sign 15-34-31. Its co-rulers are Sun-Venus-Sun as Sign lord-
Star lord-Sub lord respectively. Sun (12-1) is in the star of Mercury (12-2,11) and in the sub
of Saturn (8-6,7).
(2) Moon (4-12) is in the star of Mercury (12-2,11) and in the sub of Jupiter (12-5,8).
(3) Mercury (12-2,11) is in the star of Mercury (12-2,11) and in the sub of Mercury (12-

As the Ascendant/Lagna, Moon and Mercury are signifying 6-8-12 bhavas, it is tallied cor-
rectly as mentioned in the above rule.

In the natal chart of Dera Baba, the 10th CSL Jupiter (12-5,8) is in the star of Mercury (12-
2,11) and in the sub of Mars (3-4,9). The 7th lord, Saturn, is placed in Pisces (Jupiter’s Sign)
and it is aspected by Jupiter. Thus, the 10th CSL, Jupiter, is well signifying houses 7-8-12.
So, the rule of Criminal Proceeding is also tallied well in this regard. It is a well-known fact
that this native was convicted of rape by a Special Central Bureau of Investigation Court on

KP Ezine October 2017 13

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh
Sun Rise: 06:05:43 AM Sun Set: 07:19:33 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti Hora: Mars Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Me Me
2 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Sa Ju
3 Chitra(2) Me Ma Ju Mo Ra
Ruling Planets - 23/Nov/2017 11:59:41 AM 4 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Mo Ju Ju
6 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Me Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Me Ve
Lagna Sa Mo Me Su Ma 8 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Ju Ra
Moon Ju Su Ma Mo Ve 9 Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Mo Ra
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ra Ju Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Ke Sa Ve
12 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Sa Ra
II 04:27:58:26 Su 03:28:13:11
Ju 03:23:35:19 Planetary Positions
Me 03:18:08:47
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
XII 03:03:37:19
I 04:02:35:06 Su Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Sa Ju
Ke 06:08:02:11 Ve[R] 04:19:46:27 Mo Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ju Ju Ma
XI 02:02:29:09
Ma 06:20:32:57 5
III 05:27:24:43 4 Ma Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Me Me
6 3 Me Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ju Ve
Ju Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ma Ju Ra
Ve[R] P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Su Ju
Sa[R] Revati(1) Ju Me Ke Mo Ra
Mo 07:26:18:20 X 00:29:46:15 Ra Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Sa Ra
IV 06:29:46:15
Ke Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ve Mo
7 1 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 12 12 3, 11 1, 2
Mo+ 12 4 3, 11 12
VII 10:02:35:06 Ma+ 12 3 5, 9 10
V 08:02:29:09 IX 11:27:24:43 Me 12 12 3, 11 3, 11
Ra 00:08:02:11 Ju 12 12 3, 11 5, 9
9 12 Ve 1 1 4 4
10 11 Sa+ 12 8 3, 11 6, 7, 8
Ra 3 9
VI 09:03:37:19 VIII 10:27:58:26 Ke 9 3
Sa[R] 11:18:46:51
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ra 08:02:11 XI 02:29:09 Dasa Summary

X 29:46:15
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
01-May-1955 - 01-May-1972 01-May-1972 - 01-May-1979 01-May-1979 - 01-May-1999
Mercury 01-May-1955 Ketu 01-May-1972 Venus 01-May-1979
Ketu 27-Sep-1957 Venus 27-Sep-1972 Sun 31-Aug-1982
IX 27:24:43 Venus 25-Sep-1958 Sun 27-Nov-1973 Moon 31-Aug-1983
Sa[R] 18:46:51 Sun 26-Jul-1961 Moon 04-Apr-1974 Mars 02-May-1985
Name: Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh XII 03:37:19 Moon 01-Jun-1962 Mars 03-Nov-1974 Rahu 01-Jul-1986
Gender: Male Me 18:08:47 Mars 01-Nov-1963 Rahu 01-Apr-1975 Jupiter 01-Jul-1989
Date: Tuesday, 15/Aug/1967 Ju 23:35:19 Rahu 28-Oct-1964 Jupiter 20-Apr-1976 Saturn 01-Mar-1992
Su 28:13:11 Jupiter 17-May-1967 Saturn 27-Mar-1977 Mercury 01-May-1995
Time: 06:30:00 AM SID: 03:22:45 Saturn 22-Aug-1969 Mercury 05-May-1978 Ketu 01-Mar-1998
Lat: 29:35:00 N Lon: 72:56:00 E
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 01-May-1999 - 01-May-2005 01-May-2005 - 01-May-2015 01-May-2015 - 01-May-2022
VIII 27:58:26 Place: Sri Gurusar Modia, RAJASTHAN, Sun 01-May-1999 Moon 01-May-2005 Mars 01-May-2015
VII 02:35:06 India Moon 19-Aug-1999 Mars 02-Mar-2006 Rahu 27-Sep-2015
I 02:35:06 Mars 17-Feb-2000 Rahu 01-Oct-2006 Jupiter 16-Oct-2016
Ayanamsa: 23° 18' 53" Ve[R] 19:46:27 Rahu 24-Jun-2000 Jupiter 31-Mar-2008 Saturn 22-Sep-2017
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus II 27:58:26 Jupiter 19-May-2001 Saturn 31-Jul-2009 Mercury 31-Oct-2018
Star: Jyeshta, Pada 3 Saturn 07-Mar-2002 Mercury 01-Mar-2011 Ketu 28-Oct-2019
Star Lord: Mercury Mercury 17-Feb-2003 Ketu 31-Jul-2012 Venus 26-Mar-2020
Ketu 25-Dec-2003 Venus 01-Mar-2013 Sun 25-May-2021
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Venus 01-May-2004 Sun 31-Oct-2014 Moon 30-Sep-2021
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dasami
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
VI 03:37:19 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 4 Y, 8 M, 16 D 01-May-2022 - 01-May-2040 01-May-2040 - 01-May-2056 01-May-2056 - 01-May-2075
III 27:24:43 Rahu 01-May-2022 Jupiter 01-May-2040 Saturn 01-May-2056
Jupiter 12-Jan-2025 Saturn 19-Jun-2042 Mercury 04-May-2059
Saturn 07-Jun-2027 Mercury 31-Dec-2044 Ketu 12-Jan-2062
Mercury 14-Apr-2030 Ketu 07-Apr-2047 Venus 21-Feb-2063
Ketu 31-Oct-2032 Venus 13-Mar-2048 Sun 22-Apr-2066
Venus 19-Nov-2033 Sun 12-Nov-2050 Moon 04-Apr-2067
IV 29:46:15 Sun 19-Nov-2036 Moon 31-Aug-2051 Mars 04-Nov-2068
Ma 20:32:57 Moon 13-Oct-2037 Mars 31-Dec-2052 Rahu 13-Dec-2069
V 02:29:09 Mo 26:18:20 Ke 08:02:11 Mars 14-Apr-2039 Rahu 06-Dec-2053 Jupiter 19-Oct-2072
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine October 2017
25 August 2017. On 28 August 2017, Singh was sentenced to 20 years in jail for rape, dur-
ing the period of Mars dasa/Saturn bhukthi/Moon Anthra which runs from 06th September
2017 to 09th October 2017. Let us check it astrologically. It is as follows:-

House No. Planets in oc- Occupants Planets in own- Owners.

cupant’s stars er’s stars
7th house ………. …………… ……………. Saturn
8th house Ketu Saturn, Rahu Mars Jupiter
12th house Sun, Mercury, Sun, Mercury, ………… Moon.
Jupiter, Moon, Jupiter
Saturn, Mars

As shown in red ink in bold letters in the table of significators of houses 7-8-12, during the
period of Mars dasa/Saturn bhukthi/Moon Anthra which runs from 06th September 2017 to
09th October 2017, he is convicted as per the criminal proceedings.

In this natal chart:

(1) the 12th cuspal sub lord is Mercury.
(2)He is not deposited in the constellation of a retrograde planet.
(3) 12th CSL Mercury (12-2,11) is in the star of Mercury (12-2,11) and in the sub of Mercury
Thus, all the three conditions are simultaneously satisfied. So this native is imprisoned dur-
ing the conjoined period of the significators of houses 2, 3, 8 and 12.(ie) during the Dasa/
Bhukthi/Anthra of Mars/Saturn/Moon.
(See the Table of Significators- House View):-
Mars is the significator of houses 2, 3, 8 and 12.
Saturn is the significator of houses 2, 8 and 12.
Moon is the significator of houses 2 and 12.

K.P.House Grouping Table (Navaratnamala-2.) – By Shri. Tin Win Ji, USA.

KP Ezine October 2017 15

S.N Cusp Subject matter Houses to Joint Remarks.
o. Sub- be signified DBA
1 5th Scandalous Love affair 5-8-12 5-8-12 …….
2 5th Having an affair with one’s 5-8-11 5-8-11 ………
CSL partner
3 5th Enjoyment premarital sex 5&12; or 5-8-12- Having a love
CSL 5&8; 11 affair with sex-
or11&8 ual relations.
4 8th Having disgrace, ill- 1-5-8 1-5-8 Lagna CSL
CSL reputation, spoken low in should be con-
one’s life nected to
5 8th Dacoit (person of nuisance 5-8 5-8 ……..
CSL for others)
6 8th Leader of dacoits or robes 2-8-10-11 2-8-10- ……….
CSL 11

Signification of the 12th house:-loss, drudgery, deception, secret toll of mind, misery,
misfortunes, intrigue and imprisonment, secret plots and schemes, conspiracy and cun-
ningness, fraud and treachery, murder, assassination, scandal, disgrace, mental pain, bed
comforts, charity, segregation as jails, asylums, invalid and the prisoner, Sanatoriums,
Nursing homes, Ashramaas, arson, loot, rape, smuggling, blackmailing, Underground
movements(living in dens), etc.
Signification of the 8th house:- Mystery and misery, misfortune, sorrow and strife, worries
and privations, delay and dejections, disappointment and defeat, blame and ill-repute,
wrong-actions, theft, robbery, corruptions, Sufferings caused by enemies, etc.
Significations of the 5th house:- pleasures, artistic talents and gains, recreation, enter-
tainment, amusement, sports, dance , merriment and amusements, romance and similar
interests, gambling, betting, Love affairs, courtship and licentiousness, Kidnap, rape, reli-
gious mindedness, profound learning and wisdom, spiritual practices, etc .

In this natal chart, the 5th and 8th CSL Moon (4-12) is in the star of Mercury (12-2,11) and
in the sub of Jupiter (12-5,8). Thus, the 5th CSL, Moon, signifies all the required houses (5-
8-12) of S. No 1 to 6 in the above table. So, it is justified astrologically that this native is in-
volved in the Scandalous Love affair having an affair with one’s partner and also enjoyment
premarital sex etc.

Venus is a planet of glamour, (cinema & media), arts and luxuries. Such Venus (1-3,10) is
in the star of Venus (1-3,10) and in the sub of Rahu (8). Rahu represents Mars (3-4,9). So,
he became a songs writer, actor, filmmaker, etc leading a luxurious life.
Note:- Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are the significators of the 12th house
as A-grade significators. Saturn and both nodes are also signifying the 8th house. (See the
table of significators).
Generally houses 12 and 8 are not good houses.

(1)Horary astrology Reader VI.
(2) Further lights on Nakshatra Chintamani;
(3) Jyotish Abhigyan.

KP Ezine October 2017 16

Astrological Study of Serial Killers
By: Sumanadasa Namarathna (Sunaparantha Kalyan)
Ex-Accountant, Justice of Peace
No.22/1, Udugampola Road, Marapola, Veyangoda,

To study the real issue of what astrological factors make a native to become a murderer is a
big game hunting in the unlimited boundaries of the Astrological world. The subject has
been studied by numerous western astrological researchers during a considerable period of
time using latest scientific research technologies with the help of newly invented computer
programs, and by the Vedic astrologers by using the olden principles including Yogas, com-
binations and many more Rishi's teachings.
As per the available research documents, western researches have used several systems by
analyzing hundreds of trusted horoscopes of serial killers/murder to identify an overall as-
trological pattern such as Frequencies of Aspects of the planets, Combinations of Aspects,
Effects of outer planets (Uranus, Neptune), Behavior of Nodes, Combinations of luminaries
with other planets, Emphasis on the properties of the signs, Birth Year, Month, Stress as-
pects of Neptune with 7 main planets and many more hypotheses.
Among the rules used by Vedic Astrologers, scrutiny of the 4th house for one’s psychological
and philosophical make‐up, influence of Upgraha, Gulika, Sarpa yoga for impulsive
thoughts leading to anti-social criminal behaviors, Unmaada Yoga (Melancholy/Madness)
and Pisacha Badhaka Yoga for one's aggressive thoughts have been considered as im-
portant. In some Vedic researches, Rahu is labeled as the main causative planet for crimi-
nals. In 2004, a Muslim Astrologer by the name of Muhammad Saleem Dada, in his study
using charts of 52 murderers, with the grace and the blessings of Allah has revealed that
the aspects of Pluto for four bodies in the natal chart as the prime rule founded at the rate
of 57.69% of 52 charts and square or opposition of Mars to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Nep-
tune, Pluto, at the success rate of 36 out of 52 charts.
As such, according to the available information, no fool proof evidence for efficacious rules
are found in empirical studies conducted by any school of Astrology in this connection, and
it was limited up to a discussion level only in some astrological discussion forums and per-
sonal purviews. And also, no researcher had yet gone beyond the boundaries of the words
MURDER or KILLER and, as such, consequential reactions like criminal proceedings, pun-
ishment for the act, etc. were not illuminated in any of research paper available. According
to my limited knowledge of the available materials on this subject, neither Easterners nor
Westerners have come to a solid conclusion yet to identify a murderer by the birth chart.
Whatever may be the hypothesis, my personal point of view in this connection is that if a
person is identified as a murderer by completing and matching with any astrological param-
eter that appears in the natal chart, the following factsalso must be simultaneously and
conclusively written in it.
In addition to the rule for Murder,
1) Rule for criminal proceedings.
2) Rule for Imprisonment or Death Sentence

That is why I concluded this to be big game hunting. On studying the western astrological
research of serial killers, no evidence is to be seen in connection with the above require-
ments. When comparing with the other systems of Astrology, the KP system is the only tool
for easy discovery of all at once. In KP, for research, no need to follow statistical test meth-
ods like T-Test, F-Test etc., but a simple approach by checking chart-by-chart in accord-
ance with the Sub Lord Theory, is more than enough to come to an acceptable conclusion.

KP Ezine October 2017 17

To kill a person, one should have sudden, exciting and rush impulses with energy, anger
and aggression in mind. In astrology, most of these emotional factors are ruled by Mars, the
king of the emotions, that make people martial, bellicose, quarrelsome, rash, impetuous,
hot tempered, injurious, cruel, murderous and "left over" animal nature of the man. It pre-
disposes towards anger, foolhardiness, gunshots, haste, hurts and murder. Also, Mars in-
fluences tend towards violence, disputes and quarrels and all blood shedding. Even in my
initial checking of the charts under study, Mars doesn’t seem to be a benevolent planet with
its frequent connection with the terminal and untreatable houses of all the charts. These
character traits in hand, connected with Mars and its negative connections, are principally
the causes of murders, and causing people to do things under sudden, exciting and rush
impulses. Also, the hypothesis of Mars is supported by some authors as below.

 Sun and Mars afflicted at birth, which are the positive, electric and heat producing
planets tend to produce Assassins - Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr.
H.L.Cornell MD, DA

 Assassins are ruled by Mars, Neptune and 12th house. - The Rulership Book by Rex E.

As such my explicative judgment in this study goes toward Mars, the Son of the Gun.

Table - 01 Sample Charts:

"AA" rated 30 natal charts randomly selected from the Astro Data Bank
01  M  06.05.1930  San Francisco, California, USA  12:03:39  22° 47' 40"  Scorpio 
Lat: 37:47:00 N  Magha 4 
09.16.00 pm  Lon: 122:25:00 W 
02  M  28.02.1960  El Paso, Texas, USA  12:29:52  23° 12' 38"  Scorpio 
Lat: 31:46:00 N  UBhadra 1 
02.07.00 am  Lon: 106:29:00 W 
03  M  24.11.1946  Burlington, Vermont, USA  02:56:03  23° 1' 32"  Leo 
Lat: 44:29:00 N  Jyeshta, 3 
10.35.00 pm  Lon: 73:13:00 W 
04  M  15.10.1962  Angers, Pays de la Loire, 16:42:28  23° 14' 51"  Capricorn 
France  Krittika, 1 
04.10.00  Lat: 47:28:00 N 
pm  Lon: 00:33:00 W 
05  M  02.01.1938  Glasgow, Lanarkshire, United 19:08:58  22° 54' 5"  Aries 
Kingdom  P.Ashada, 4 
12.40.00  Lat: 55:53:00 N 
pm  Lon: 04:15:00 W 
06  M  21.05.1960  Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA  07:40:29  23° 12' 50"  Virgo 
Lat: 43:02:00 N  Revati, 4 
04.34.00  Lon: 87:54:00 W 
07  M  19.09.1964  Winthrop, Massachusetts, USA  13:45:49  23° 16' 27  Sagittarius 
Lat: 42:23:00 N 
02.35.00  Lon: 70:59:00 W  Satabhisha, 1 
08  M  30.12.1921  Houston, Texas, USA  14:12:24  22° 40' 41"  Sagittarius 
Lat: 29:46:00 N  U.Ashada, 2 
08.00.00 Lon: 95:22:00 W 
09  M  12.11.1934  Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  19:27:30  22° 51' 27"  Aries 
Lat: 39:10:00 N  Sravana, 1 
04.40.00  Lon: 84:27:00 W 

10  M  07.01.1925  Vicchio, Toscana, Italy  21:52:20  22° 43' 13"  Gemini 
Lat: 43:56:00 N  Mrigasira, 1 
03.00.00  Lon: 11:28:00 E 

KP Ezine October 2017 18

11  M  25.10.1879  Hanovre > Hannover,  20:14:53  22° 5' 22"  Taurus 
Niedersachsen, Germany  P.Bhadra, 1 
06.00.00  Lat: 52:24:00 N 
pm  Lon: 09:44:00 E 
12  M  15.11.1928  Evanston, Illinois, USA  00:18:57  22° 46' 26"  Cancer 
Lat: 42:02:00 N  Moola, 4 
08.30.00  Lon: 87:41:00 W 
13  M  01.06.1953  Brooklyn, New York, USA  08:36:25  23° 7' 00"  Libra 
Lat: 40:38:00 N  Sravana, 1 
04.52.00  Lon: 73:56:00 W 
14  M  13.12.1960  Mulhouse (Mülhausen), Al- 12:12:04  23° 13' 18"  Scorpio 
sace,  Hasta, 3 
07.15.00  France 
am  Lat: 47:45:00 N 
Lon: 07:20:00 E 
15  F  19.10.1956  Stockton, California, USA  16:38:23  23° 9' 50"  Capricorn 
Lat: 37:57:00 N  Aswini, 2 
02.50.00  Lon: 121:17:00 W 
16  M  13.08.1961  Merced, California, USA  17:04:26  23° 13' 52"  Aquarius 
Lat: 37:18:00 N  U.Phalguni, 1 
08.37.00  Lon: 120:28:00 W 
17  M  12.10.1943  New York, New York, USA  18:19:23  22° 58' 55"  Pisces 
Lat: 40:43:00 N  Revati, 1 
05.53.00  Lon: 74:00:00 W 
18  M  10.12.1966  Springfield, Massachusetts, 16:06:20  23° 18' 19"  Capricorn 
USA  Anuradha, 1 
10.41.00  Lat: 42:06:00 N 
am  Lon: 72:35:00 W 
19  M  15.04.1952  Hamilton, Ohio, USA  18:45:57  23° 6' 3"  Pisces 
Lat: 39:23:00 N  Moola, 3 
05.50.00  Lon: 84:33:00 W 
20  M  17.07.1971  San Bonifacio, Veneto, Italy  08:23:42  23° 22' 10"  Libra 
Lat: 45:24:00 N  Krittika, 2 
02.00.00  Lon: 11:16:00 E 
21  M  10.09.1940  Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  21:23:15  22° 56' 20"  Taurus 
Lat: 39:10:00 N  P.Ashada, 4 
10.41.00  Lon: 84:27:00 W 
22  M  24.03.1955  Medford, Massachusetts, USA  19:04:18  23° 8' 31"  Aries 
Lat: 42:25:00 N  U.Bhadra, 4 
06.44.00  Lon: 71:06:00 W 
23  F  10.01.1970  Mantes la Jolie, Ile-de-France, 22:40:47  23° 20' 54"  Gemini 
France  Dhanishta, 4 
04.15.00  Lat: 48:59:00 N 
pm  Lon: 01:43:00 E 
24  M  17.01.1897  Auxerre, Bourgogne, France  10:52:26  22° 19' 47"  Scorpio 
Lat: 47:48:00 N  Aridra, 3 
03.00.00  Lon: 03:34:00 E 
25  M  18.04.1947  Salinas, California, USA  19:42:47  23° 1' 52"  Scorpio 
Lat: 36:41:00 N  P.Bhadra, 4 
06.06.00  Lon: 121:39:00 W 
26  M  23.11.1945  Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, 07:59:03  23° 0' 42"  Virgo 
United  Punarvasu, 2 
04.00.00  Kingdom 
am  Lat: 57:42:00 N 
Lon: 02:00:00 W 

KP Ezine October 2017 19

27  M  14.05.1954  Boston, Massachusetts, USA  17:37:45  23° 7' 47"  Aquarius 
Lat: 42:21:00 N  Hasta, 4 
02.56.00  Lon: 71:03:00 W 
28  M  27.12.1965  St Laurent du Maroni, Saint 13:01:37  23° 17' 31"  Sagittarius 
Laurent  Dhanishta, 3 
06.15.00  du Maroni, French Guiana 
am  Lat: 05:30:00 N Lon: 54:02:00

29  M  07.10.1965  Worcester, Massachusetts, 23:24:58  23° 17' 20"  Gemini 
USA  P.Bhadra, 1 
11.06.00  Lat: 42:15:00 N 
pm  Lon: 71:48:00 W 
30  M  31.12.1960  New Orleans, Louisiana, USA  12:51:21  23° 13' 20"  Sagittarius 
Lat: 29:57:00 N  Mrigasira, 3 
06.12.00  Lon: 90:05:00 W 

Table - 02 : Scrutiny of Mars and Ascendant

Table details:-
Col. 2, 3, 4, 5 are related to Mars and Col. 6, 7, 8 are related to Ascendant
Col. 5- Significations: •Row 1- 4/6 fold, •Row 2- By sub, •Row 3- Aspects, •Row 4-Aspected by
Conjunctions : Not considered, since important conjunction are not indicated
Most considered Cusp : 4,6,8,12 and Maraka & Badhaka
Abbreviations:- Asp = Vedic Aspects as per KPAstro 4.1, Bdk = Badhaka, con=Connection

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 
C/No.  Sign Cusp Co- Significations & Char Asc. Sub's Sig- Sa's Signifi-
in  in  rulers  Aspects  t Asc. nifications  cations 
01  Pis  4  Ju-Me- •6-4-8,10-1,5,12 Sco- 9  Ve:9-6--6,7,11  6 -1- 6, 7, 11 -3 
Me  •Me: 5-6-9-8,10 Sb: Ju 4-7-1,5,12-
•8,11,12 2,4 
Ju->Sa+  • --
02+  Cap  2  Sa-Mo- •3-2-8-1,5,12 Sco- 9  Sa:2 -1 -6, 7, 11 -2, 2 -1 -6, 7, 11 -2,
Mo  •Mo: 1-3-2,3-8 3  3 
•6,9,10 Sb: Own sb 
• --
03+  Sco  4  Ma-Me- •4-4-3-5,10 Leo- 9  Ve:3-4-9-4,11  12- 12 -6, 7, 8 -
Ve  •Ve: 3-4-9-4,11(6,8) Sb: Own sb  6, 7, 8 
Ma->Sa  •7,10,11, Ra(12)
(Trine)  • --

04+  Can  6  Mo-Sa- •12-6-1-3,10 Cap- Sa:3-12-7-1  3 -12- 7- 1 (6 by

Ve  •Ve: 1-9-2,11,12-4,9 11  Sb: Ma 12-6-1- Ma's asp.) 
• 1,2,10 3,10 
•Sa (3,12,7)(8)
05 +  Aqu  12  Sa-Ra-Ve  •7-12--1,8 Ari- 11  Sa:12-12-11,12- 12-12-11,12-
•Ve: 1-9--2,7(8) 11,12 (6 asp.)  11,12 (6 asp.) 
•2,5,6, Ke ( 1) Sb: Me 1-9--3,4 
• --
06+  Pis  6  Ju-Sa-Ra  •3-6-4,5-3,8 Vir - 7  Ju:5-3--6,7  8 -3- 2, 9- 4, 5 
•Ra: 8-11-11(12) Sb: Own sb  (6 asp) 
07  Can  7  Mo-Sa- •2-7-2-4,5,12 Sag - Sa:7-2-4,5,12-2  7 -2 -4, 5, 12 -2
Ve  •Ve:8-8-7,9-6,10,11 7  Sb: Mo+ 6-2--8  (6 by Sb Mo) 

KP Ezine October 2017 20

08  M  30.12.1921  Houston, Texas, USA  14:12:24  22° 40' 41"  Sagittarius 
Lat: 29:46:00 N  U.Ashada, 2 
08.00.00 Lon: 95:22:00 W 
09  M  12.11.1934  Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  19:27:30  22° 51' 27"  Aries 
Lat: 39:10:00 N  Sravana, 1 
04.40.00  Lon: 84:27:00 W 

10  M  07.01.1925  Vicchio, Toscana, Italy  21:52:20  22° 43' 13"  Gemini 
Lat: 43:56:00 N  Mrigasira, 1 
03.00.00  Lon: 11:28:00 E 
11  M  25.10.1879  Hanovre > Hannover,  20:14:53  22° 5' 22"  Taurus 
Niedersachsen, Germany  P.Bhadra, 1 
06.00.00  Lat: 52:24:00 N 
pm  Lon: 09:44:00 E 
12  M  15.11.1928  Evanston, Illinois, USA  00:18:57  22° 46' 26"  Cancer 
Lat: 42:02:00 N  Moola, 4 
08.30.00  Lon: 87:41:00 W 
13  M  01.06.1953  Brooklyn, New York, USA  08:36:25  23° 7' 00"  Libra 
Lat: 40:38:00 N  Sravana, 1 
04.52.00  Lon: 73:56:00 W 
14  M  13.12.1960  Mulhouse (Mülhausen), Al- 12:12:04  23° 13' 18"  Scorpio 
sace,  Hasta, 3 
07.15.00  France 
am  Lat: 47:45:00 N 
Lon: 07:20:00 E 
15  F  19.10.1956  Stockton, California, USA  16:38:23  23° 9' 50"  Capricorn 
Lat: 37:57:00 N  Aswini, 2 
02.50.00  Lon: 121:17:00 W 
16  M  13.08.1961  Merced, California, USA  17:04:26  23° 13' 52"  Aquarius 
Lat: 37:18:00 N  U.Phalguni, 1 
08.37.00  Lon: 120:28:00 W 
17  M  12.10.1943  New York, New York, USA  18:19:23  22° 58' 55"  Pisces 
Lat: 40:43:00 N  Revati, 1 
05.53.00  Lon: 74:00:00 W 
18  M  10.12.1966  Springfield, Massachusetts, 16:06:20  23° 18' 19"  Capricorn 
USA  Anuradha, 1 
10.41.00  Lat: 42:06:00 N 
am  Lon: 72:35:00 W 
19  M  15.04.1952  Hamilton, Ohio, USA  18:45:57  23° 6' 3"  Pisces 
Lat: 39:23:00 N  Moola, 3 
05.50.00  Lon: 84:33:00 W 
20  M  17.07.1971  San Bonifacio, Veneto, Italy  08:23:42  23° 22' 10"  Libra 
Lat: 45:24:00 N  Krittika, 2 
02.00.00  Lon: 11:16:00 E 
21  M  10.09.1940  Cincinnati, Ohio, USA  21:23:15  22° 56' 20"  Taurus 
Lat: 39:10:00 N  P.Ashada, 4 
10.41.00  Lon: 84:27:00 W 
22  M  24.03.1955  Medford, Massachusetts, USA  19:04:18  23° 8' 31"  Aries 
Lat: 42:25:00 N  U.Bhadra, 4 
06.44.00  Lon: 71:06:00 W 
23  F  10.01.1970  Mantes la Jolie, Ile-de-France, 22:40:47  23° 20' 54"  Gemini 
France  Dhanishta, 4 
04.15.00  Lat: 48:59:00 N 
pm  Lon: 01:43:00 E 

KP Ezine October 2017 21

24  M  17.01.1897  Auxerre, Bourgogne, France  10:52:26  22° 19' 47"  Scorpio 
Lat: 47:48:00 N  Aridra, 3 
03.00.00  Lon: 03:34:00 E 
25  M  18.04.1947  Salinas, California, USA  19:42:47  23° 1' 52"  Scorpio 
Lat: 36:41:00 N  P.Bhadra, 4 
06.06.00  Lon: 121:39:00 W 
26  M  23.11.1945  Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, 07:59:03  23° 0' 42"  Virgo 
United  Punarvasu, 2 
04.00.00  Kingdom 
am  Lat: 57:42:00 N 
Lon: 02:00:00 W 
27  M  14.05.1954  Boston, Massachusetts, USA  17:37:45  23° 7' 47"  Aquarius 
Lat: 42:21:00 N  Hasta, 4 
02.56.00  Lon: 71:03:00 W 
28  M  27.12.1965  St Laurent du Maroni, Saint 13:01:37  23° 17' 31"  Sagittarius 
Laurent  Dhanishta, 3 
06.15.00  du Maroni, French Guiana 
am  Lat: 05:30:00 N Lon: 54:02:00

29  M  07.10.1965  Worcester, Massachusetts, 23:24:58  23° 17' 20"  Gemini 
USA  P.Bhadra, 1 
11.06.00  Lat: 42:15:00 N 
pm  Lon: 71:48:00 W 
30  M  31.12.1960  New Orleans, Louisiana, USA  12:51:21  23° 13' 20"  Sagittarius 
Lat: 29:57:00 N  Mrigasira, 3 
06.12.00  Lon: 90:05:00 W 

Table - 02 : Scrutiny of Mars and Ascendant

Table details:-
Col. 2, 3, 4, 5 are related to Mars and Col. 6, 7, 8 are related to Ascendant
Col. 5- Significations: •Row 1- 4/6 fold, •Row 2- By sub, •Row 3- Aspects, •Row 4-Aspected by
Conjunctions : Not considered, since important conjunction are not indicated
Most considered Cusp : 4,6,8,12 and Maraka & Badhaka
Abbreviations:- Asp = Vedic Aspects as per KPAstro 4.1, Bdk = Badhaka, con=Connection

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 
C/No.  Sign Cusp Co- Significations & Char Asc. Sub's Sig- Sa's Signifi-
in  in  rulers  Aspects  t Asc. nifications  cations 
01  Pis  4  Ju-Me- •6-4-8,10-1,5,12 Sco- 9  Ve:9-6--6,7,11  6 -1- 6, 7, 11 -3 
Me  •Me: 5-6-9-8,10 Sb: Ju 4-7-1,5,12-
•8,11,12 2,4 
Ju->Sa+  • --
02+  Cap  2  Sa-Mo- •3-2-8-1,5,12 Sco- 9  Sa:2 -1 -6, 7, 11 -2, 2 -1 -6, 7, 11 -2,
Mo  •Mo: 1-3-2,3-8 3  3 
•6,9,10 Sb: Own sb 
• --
03+  Sco  4  Ma-Me- •4-4-3-5,10 Leo- 9  Ve:3-4-9-4,11  12- 12 -6, 7, 8 -
Ve  •Ve: 3-4-9-4,11(6,8) Sb: Own sb  6, 7, 8 
Ma->Sa  •7,10,11, Ra(12)
(Trine)  • --

KP Ezine October 2017 22

04+  Can  6  Mo-Sa- •12-6-1-3,10 Cap- Sa:3-12-7-1  3 -12- 7- 1 (6 by
Ve  •Ve: 1-9-2,11,12-4,9 11  Sb: Ma 12-6-1- Ma's asp.) 
• 1,2,10 3,10 
•Sa (3,12,7)(8)
05 +  Aqu  12  Sa-Ra-Ve  •7-12--1,8 Ari- 11  Sa:12-12-11,12- 12-12-11,12-
•Ve: 1-9--2,7(8) 11,12 (6 asp.)  11,12 (6 asp.) 
•2,5,6, Ke ( 1) Sb: Me 1-9--3,4 
• --
06+  Pis  6  Ju-Sa-Ra  •3-6-4,5-3,8 Vir - 7  Ju:5-3--6,7  8 -3- 2, 9- 4, 5 
•Ra: 8-11-11(12) Sb: Own sb  (6 asp) 
07  Can  7  Mo-Sa- •2-7-2-4,5,12 Sag - Sa:7-2-4,5,12-2  7 -2 -4, 5, 12 -2
Ve  •Ve:8-8-7,9-6,10,11 7  Sb: Mo+ 6-2--8  (6 by Sb Mo) 
08  Lib  10  Ve-Ra-Ju  •9-10--4,11 Sag - Me:12-12-5,10- 1 -9 --2 (6 by st.
• Ju+:10-9-4,11- 7  6,7,9  lord Ma) 
Ju->Sa+  1,3,12  Sb: Ma 9-10--4,11 
•2,5,6 &
Mo (12,1,8) 
09  Leo  5/6  Su-Ve-Sa  •7-5-2,7-1,8(6) Ari -11  Me+:10-7- -3,4-  5 11 1, 8 11, 12
• Sa:5-11-1,8-11,12 Sb: Ju 10-7- - 9,10  (6 asp by Me+
•8,11,12 sb of 1,6,12 
10  Pis  11  Ju-Me- •7-11-1,2,5-12 Gem- Me: 9-7--1,2,5  3- 6 --9, 10 
Ke  •Ke:12-9-3(6,8) 7  Sb: Mo 11-12-12-3 
Ke->Sa+  •1,4,5
11+  Tau  12  Ve-Su- •6-12-5-7 Vir - 9  Ju: 9-11--8,9,12  6 -12 -2, 3, 6 -
Sa+  •Sa+:6-12-2,3,6- Sb: Sa 6-12-2,3,6- 10, 11 
10,11  10,11 
•Sa (6,12)
12+  Gem  12  Me-Ra- •11-12--6,11 Can - Ma:11-12--6,11:  4 -6 -4 -7, 8, 9 
Ve  •Ve: 5-6--5,12(8) 11  Sb: Ve 5-6--5,12 
Ra->Sa  •3,6,7
• Mo (6)Ve (6,12)
13  Tau  8  Ve-Ma- •8-8-2,7-2,7 Lib - Ra+:4-4-10  8 -12 -2, 7 -4, 5 
Sa  •Sa:8-12-2,7-4,5(6) 11  Sb:Own sb  (6 by asp.) 
•2,3,11 Ra Rep 
•---  Ju(4-8-10-3,6) 
14+  Gem  8  Me-Ju-Sa  •1-8-2,4-1,5,6 Sco -7  Ju:2-1-7,11,12-2,4  2 -2- 7, 11, 12 -3 
•Sa:2-2-7,11,12-3 Sb: Mo 10-10- - -  (6 asp by Ma) 
•Ju (7,12) Sa (7,12)

15  Aqu  1  Sa-Ju-Ju  •7-1-2,11-3,10 Aqu - Ve:7-7-4,9-4,9  9 -9 -1, 12 -1, 12 

•Ju:8-7-7-2,11 (6,12) 9  Sb: Sa 9-9-1,12- (6 Trine) 
•4,7,8 1,12 
•Ju (8,7,2)
Ve (7,4,9) 
16  Vir  7  Me-Su- •6-7-7-9,10 Aqu - Ke:7-12-9,10  6-11-7-1,12(8) 
Sa+  •Sa+:6-11-7-1,12(8) 9  Sb: Ve 6-5--3,4 
•2,3,11 Ke Rep 
•Ju (6,11,7,2) Mo(6-7-7-6) 
Sa+ (6-11-7-1,12) 

KP Ezine October 2017 23

17  Tau  3  Ve-Ma- •3-3-2,9-2,9 Pis -7  Ju+:6-6-4,7,-1,10  3 -3- 2, 9 -11,
Ju  •Ju+ 6-6-4,7-1,10 Sb: Sa 3-3-2,9- 12 
Ju->Sa+  (8,12)  11,12  (6 by asp) 
18+  Vir  8  Me-Mo- •9-8-7-3,10 Cap - Ke:6-9-2,11,12  6 -1 -2, 11, 12 -1 
Mo  •Mo:1-9-1-7(6) 11  Sb:Ju 1-6-1-
Me-> Sa  •3,4,12 2,11,12 
Mo->Sa  •---  Ke Rep 
19  Lib  7  Ve-Ju-Sa  •1-7-1,10-8,9 Pis -7  Ra:7-11-8,9  9 -6 -5 -11, 12 
•Sa:9-6-5-11,12 Sb: Ve 6-12-11,12-
•2,3,11 2,3 
•Su(5-1--6) Ra Rep 
Ju(5-1--1,10) Sa(9-6-5-11,12) 

20  Cap  4  Sa+-Ma- •4-4-2,7-2,7 Lib-11  Ve:4-9--1,8  9-8-11-4,5 (6

Sa+  •Sa+:9-8-11-4,5 Sb: Ma 4-4-2,7- by Ju's asp.) 
•7,10,11 2,7 
21+  Leo  4  Su-Ve-Ju  •3-4-1,6-7,12 Tau-9  Me:5-5-5-2  3 -12 -1, 6 -9,
Ju->Sa  •Ju:3-12-1,6-8 Sb: Ra+ 6-6-3,8- 10, 11 
•7,10,11 3,8 
•Ju (3-12-1,6-8)
22  Ari  1  Ma-Ve- •11-1-2,7-1,8 Ari - Ma: 11-1-2,7-1,8  4-7-9,10-11,12 
Me+  •Me+:9-12--3,4(6) 11  Sb: Me+ 9-12--3,4
Me+->Sa  •4,7,8 (6) 
Ve->Sa  •Sa+(4-7-9,10-11,12)
23  Aqu  10  Sa+-Ju- •5-10-7,11-6 Gem - Ve:7-7-12-12  4-11--8,9,10
Ke  •Ke:7-4-12(8) 7  Sb: Sa+ 4-11-- (Con. with Ma
•3,4,12 8,9,10(6)  Ld of 6) 
24  Tau  7  Ve-Mo- •8-7-9-1,6 Sco - Ma:8-7-9-1,6 
Me  •Me:8-3-9-8,11(12) 9  Sb:Me 8-3-9-8,11  1 -1 -3, 4 -3, 4
Ve->Sa  •1,2,10 (Con. with Ma
Me->Sa  •Sa(1-1-3,4-3,4)(6) Ld of 6) 
25+  Pis  12  Ju-Sa- •4-12-10,11-1,8 Ari-11  Mo:7-12-9,12-4,5  4 -4 -10, 11 -10,
Ma+  •Ma+: as above Sb:Ra 12-1-4,5  11 (6 by asp.) 
26  Can  10  Mo-Sa- •10-10-4,5-3,8 Vir- 7  Ju:10-1-3,8-6,7  1 -10- 6, 7- 4, 5 
Ve  •Ve+:1-2-6,7-2,9(12) Sb: Ra 9-9 
27  Sag  10  Ju-Ve-Ve  •3-10-3,8-2,9 Aqu - Ve: 10-3-2,9-3,8  11-8--1,12 (6 by
Ve->Sa+  •Ve:10-3-2,9-3,8 9  Sb:Ra 3-11-3,8  asp.) 
Opp Ke+(4-5-10,11) 
28  Cap  1  Sa-Su- •12-1-9-5,12 Sag -7  Ra:12-5-9  5 -3 --2, 3 (6 by
Ve+  •Ve+:2-2-8-6,11 Sb: Ve 2-2-8-6,11  Ju's asp.) 
29  Sco  5  Ma-Sa- •9-5-8,9,10-6,11 Gem - Ma: 9-5-8,9,10- 12 -9 - -8, 9, 10
Ve+  •Ve+:9-5-8,9,10-5,12 7  6,11  (6 by asp.) 
•1,9,12 Sb: Ve 9-5-8,9,10-
•Sa(12-9--8,9,10) 5,12 
30  Gem  7  Me-Ra- •9-7--5,12 Sag -7  Ma: 9-7--5,12  2-1-6,11-2,3 
Ke  •Ke+:9-3(6,8) Sb: Ke 9-3 
Ke->Sa+  •1,2,10

KP Ezine October 2017 24

Observations of Table - 02
1) Mars is a significator for 6, 8, 12 (by 4 or 6 fold) almost all charts.
2) Saturn is amongst the Co-Rulers of Mars OR Saturn is connected with any of the co-
rulers in almost all charts.
3) Saturn presents as the sub Lord of the Ascendant in 4 natal charts, and Saturn is in
any way connected with the sub lord of the Ascendant in all the rest.
4) Saturn is in any way connected with the 6th cusp in 20 charts out of 30. Hence, taking
Saturn as a significator for the 6th house is immaterial and this signification of Saturn
doesn't indicate all the killers chart like Galon U Saw (Murderer of General Aung San),
Nathuram Godse (assassin of India’s Mahatma Gandhi) and some more, which are not
included here, but were under my observation.
5) But as in above 3 & 4 Saturn plays a great role in all the charts irrespective of its partic-
ular house signification.
6) No significant pattern indicated in the signs occupied by Mars.

Criminal Proceedings

KP Rule - If the sub lord of the 10th cusp (Status) be the significator (in the star of the oc-
cupant or owner) of houses 7 (court proceedings), 8 (infamy) or 12 (crimes), the native will
be involved in court proceedings relating to crimes, will be ill-reputed and will be inflicted
with punishment, during the joint period of the significators of houses 7, 8 and 12. (Ref:
Prashna Jyotish by C R Bhatt, page no: 316)

Table 03 - Scrutiny of 10th Cuspal sub Lord for Criminal Proceedings

C 10 CSL  4-/6 Fold)  By Sub of CSL 10  Satisfaction  Common Connect-
h  of the rule  ors 
1  Ve  9 - 6 - 6, 7, 11 Ju: 4 -7- 1, 5, 12- 2, 4  Yes  Ju-> Ra 
2  Ju  3 -1-- 4  Ra: 3 -9 -9  Yes  Ju-> Ra 
Rep- Mo: 8 
Sa: 7 
3  Sa  12 -12- 6, 7, 8 - Ju: 3- 3- 9- 9  Yes  10-> Ra 
6, 7, 8 
4  Ke  3-12-7  Ma:3-12-7  Yes  Ma-> Ra 
Sa: 12,7 
5  Sa  12 -12- 11, 12- 11, Me: 1 -9 --3, 4  Yes  Sa-> Ra 
6  Mo  8 -7 -1, 12- 10  Ju: 5 -3 --6, 7  Yes  Ju-> Ra 
7  Su  9-9- - -  Sa: 7 -2 -4, 5, 12 -2  Yes  10-> Ra(E Grade) 
8  Me  12 -12- 5, 10 -6, Ma:9-10--4,11  Yes  Me-> Ra 
7, 9 
9  Mo  10-10-5-5  Ma: 7- 5 -2, 7- 1, 8  Yes  Mo-> Ra 
10  Ve  7 -7 -1, 2, 5- 6  Sa+:3-6--9,10(asp 12)  Yes  Sa-> Ra 
11  Ve+  6- 5 -5- 1  Ju :9 -11-- 8, 9, 12  Yes  Ju-> Ra 
12  Ma+  Ma+ 11 -12 --6, Ve+: 5-6--5,12  Yes  Ve-> Ra 
(asp 7,8) 
13  Ra+  4-4-10--  Ra: 4-4-10--  Yes  Ra 
Rep. Mo: - 
Ju: 8 
Sa: 8,12,7 
14  Mo  10-10---  Me: 2- 1- 3 -8, 10  Yes  Mo-> Ra 
15  Me+  2 -8- 6 -5, 8  Me+:2 -8- 6 -5, 8  Yes  10 Ld Ma-> Ra 

KP Ezine October 2017 25

16  Ma  6-7-7-9,10  Sa+:6 -11 -7 -1, 12  Yes  10-> Ra(E Grade) 
17  Me  7 -6 -6 -4, 7  Ve: 6-6-3,8-3,8  Yes  10 Ld Ju->Ra 
18  Ve  9-11--3,8 (7,8)  Ve : 9-11--3,8 (7,8)  Yes  10 Ld Ma->Ra 
10 St Sa->Ra 
19  Ma  1 -7 -1, 10 -8, 9  Sa: 9 -6 -5- 11, 12  Yes  Sa-> Ra 
20  Ve+  4-9--1,8  Ma : 4 -4 -2, 7 -2, 7  Yes  Ma-> Ra 
21  Ra+  8 -5 -3, 4--  Me :5- 5- 5- 2  Yes  Ra 
22  Ju  4 -4-9, 10 -9, 10  Ve: 1 -11 -1, 8 -2, 7  Yes  Ju-> Ra 
23  Ke  7-4-12  Ju : 10 -5-- 7, 11  Yes  Ju-> Ra 
24  Ra  7-3-1,6  Ma: 8 -3 -9 -8, 11  Yes  Ra 
25  Ra+  12-1-4,5  Ma : 4- 12 -10, 11 -1, 8  Yes  Ra 
26  Sa  1 -10 -6, 7- 4, 5  Ra : 9-9  Yes  Ra 
asp. 8  Rep. Mo: 7 
Me : 12 
27  Ve  10- 3- 2, 9 -3, 8  Ra : 3 -11- 3, 8--  Yes  Ra 
Rep. Ma: 8 
Ju : 8 
Sa : 8,12 
28  Ma  12- 1- 9 -5, 12  Ve+: 2 -2 -8 -6, 11  Yes  Ve-> Ra 
29  Ve  9- 5 -8, 9, 10 -5, Sa : 12- 9 --8, 9, 10  Yes  Ve-> Ra 
30  Ve  7 -2 -5, 12- 6, 11  Me+: 2 -1- 6, 11- 7, 10  Yes  Ve-> Ra 

Observations of Table - 03
KP Rule for Criminal Proceedings is satisfied in all the charts (100%)
Rahu is in any way connected with the 10th cusp for Criminal Proceedings

KP Rule : The signification of 2, 3, 8, 12 houses by the 12 CSL (KP House Grouping Part
I by Sri Tin Win ji)

Table 04 - Scrutiny of 12th Cuspal sub Lord

Ch. 12th Significations  Satisfaction 
No.  CSL  of rule 
01  Mo  Mo aspects 3, Sub of Moon, Me is the lord of 8  Yes 
02  Ke  Ke in 3, Conj with Me 3 & Mo 3, 8  Yes 
03  Sa  12, 8 in Sub Ju 3,  Yes 
04  Ma  3, 12 in Sub Ve 12  Yes 
05  Me+  3, in Sub Sa 12  Yes 
06  Ju  3, asp 8  Yes 
07  Ve  8, in sub Ke 12  Yes 
08  Ve  3, 12  Yes 
09  Me  3, asp by Sa 8,12  Yes 
10  Ma  12, in sub Ke 3,12  Yes 
11  Ra  By sub Mo 8,12, by representing Ma-12, Ju-8,12 Sa- 3,12  Yes 

KP Ezine October 2017 26

12  Ju  By sub Sa 8  Yes 
13  Ju  3, 8 & in sub Ra Rep of Ju 3,8 & Sa 2, 8, 12  Yes 
14  Ve  2, 12 & Mo the star and sub of Ve is asp by Ma 2,8  Yes 
15  Ju  2, 8 & by sub Mo 3  Yes 
16  Mo+  By sub Su 3, Oppo Ke 12  Yes 
17  Me  In sub Ve L/o 3, 8 and aspects 12  Yes 
18  Sa  2, 12 & asp 3  Yes 
19  Sa  12, asp by Me-12 & Ve - 2, 12  Yes 
20  Ma  2, in sub Sa 8 & asp 2  Yes 
21  Ra  3,8, Rep Me-2  Yes 
22  Ve  2, 8 in sub Sa 12  Yes 
23  Me  8 & asp 2,3  Yes 
24  Me  8, in sub Sa 3  Yes 
25  Ma+  12, 8  Yes 
26  Me  3,12  Yes 
27  Sa+  8, 12  Yes 
28  Su  12, in sub Me 12  Yes 
29  Ra  2, 3, 12  Yes 
30  Ma  12, in sub Ke 3  Yes 

Table - 04 Observation
Imprisonment rule is satisfied in all the charts.

Table 05 - Punishments
As per the information available with the birth data, the punishment given by the court of
law for each murderer is as below.

No  Killer's Name  Punishment by the Court of Law 

01  David Carpenter  Prison sentence 
02  Ricardo Ramirez  Prison sentence 
03  Ted Bundy  Death by Execution -Electrocuted 
04  Guy Georges  Prison sentence - Life Time 
05  Ian Brady  Prison sentence - Life Time 
06  Dahmer, Jeffrey  Prison sentence - Life Time 
07  McCollom, Eugene  Prison sentence - Life Time 
08  Charles Rogers  Prison sentence 
09  Charles Manson  Death by Execution 
10  Pietro Pacciani  Prison sentence - Life Time 
11  Haarmann, Fritz  Death by Execution - Beheaded 
12  Heirens, William  life imprisonment x 3 
13  Berkowitz, David  Prison sentence of 365 years. 
14  Keller, Yvan  Death by Execution - Lethal injection 
15  Gallego, Charlene  Prison sentence (Lethal injection, appealed) 

KP Ezine October 2017 27

16  Stayner, Cary  Prison sentence - Life Time 
17  MacDonald, Jeffrey  Prison sentence 
18  Gaynor, Alfred  Prison sentence 
19  Harvey, Donald  Prison sentence 
20  Maso, Pietro  Prison sentence 
21  Buell, Robert  Death by Execution - Lethal injection 
22  Caruso, Steven  Prison sentence 
23  Malèvre, Christine  Prison sentence - 10 years 
24  Petiot, Marcel  Death by Execution - Guillotine 
25  Mullin, Herbert  Prison sentence - Life Time 
26  Nilsen, Dennis  Prison sentence - Life Time 
27  McLaughlin, Joseph  Prison sentence - 20 years 
28  Jean-Thierry  Prison sentence 
29  Abbott, Dale  Prison sentence 
30  Muhammad, John  Death by Execution - Lethal injection 

Table - 05 : Observation
1) As found in the Table 04 above, all the killers are liable to undergo prison sentence, irre-
spective of final judgment of the court of law.
2) Killers Chart Nos. 3, 10, 11, 14, 21, 24 & 30 were sentenced to death penalty.
Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) by the court of Law
If a native is to be put to death by a third party in any manner, it is an unnatural death. In
KP, unnatural death is indicated by 1st and 8th CSLs’ signification of Badhaka, Maraka, 8,
12th houses with connection to Mars.
Death by Law is denoted when Saturn is involved in the configuration otherwise indicating a
violent death, as Saturn is said to rule Judges and the Law. (Encycl. of Medical Astrology by
Dr. H.L.Cornell). In my point of view, though this is an unnatural death, it is an execution
of sentence to be put to death, which comes through the order of the court of law. Hence,
the houses 9 (Law suit) and 11 (Court Order- 3rd from 9th court) are also to be considered
to complete the rule.
Table 06 - Application of Death Sentence rule
Significations considered = In addition to the general significations, sub of the CSL and as-
pects were considered.
Ch. 1st CSL & It's 8th CSL & It's Connected with  Sig. of Court Or-
No.  sub  sub  Mars  der 
03  Ve : 9B, 7M, 8  Sa:12, 7M, 8  Ve->Mars 7,8  7, 8  9,11 by Ve 
Sub Ve: as Sub Ju: 9 B  9,11 by Sa 
10  Me: 2M, 7M&B, Ju+: 7, 8  Me->Saturn 7,8  2,7,12  9,11 by Me 
Sub Mo:12  Asp by Sa: 6  Me->Mars 7,12  9,11 by Ju 
Sub Me: 2,7  Ju->Saturn 7,8 
11  Ju: 8,12, 9B  Mo+: 8,12, 9B  Ju->Saturn 12  7, 8  9,11 by Ju 
Sub Sa+:2M, 12  Ju: 8,12, 9B  Sa->Mars+ 12  9,11 by Mo 
14  Ju:2, 7M, 9B  Ju:2, 7M, 9B  Ju-> Sa 2,7,12  8  9,11 by Ju 
Mo: 8 by Ma  Mo: 8 by Ma  Mo->Mars 8 
21  Me: 2M, 8,12  Sa: 12, 9B  Sa->Mars 7, 12  7,12  9,11 by Sa 
Ra+:8  Ju+: 12,8  Ju-> Mars 7, 12 
24  Ma: 8, 7M, 9B  Ke+: 8, 9B  Ke->Mars 8,7,9  7M,9B, 8  9,11 by Me 
Me: 8, 9B  Ma: 8, 7M, 9B  9,11by Ke+ 
Ma Opp to Sa: 

KP Ezine October 2017 28

Table - 06 : Observation
1) Rule for unnatural death is satisfied in almost all the charts.
2) Saturn is connected with the sub of the 8th house, the house of death, indicating law en-
forcement in all charts
3) Ascendant Sub Lord or the 8th Sub Lord is a significator for houses 9 & 11 in all charts.

Note: Further empirical study should be done on a sufficient number of charts of death by
execution to confirm the 9, 11 house significations for death sentence.

Final Conclusion
If the following three KP rules are simultaneously satisfied in the natal chart, the native
could be identified as a serial killer.

(a) If Mars is a significator for houses 6, 8, 12 and is connected with Saturn, who
is in any manner connected with the Ascendant.
(b) If the 10th cuspal sub lord is a significator for houses 7, 8, 12 and is connect-
ed with Rahu.
(c) If the 12th sub lord is a significator for houses 2, 3, 8, 12

And, together with the above three rules,

(d) If the Ascendant and 8th house sub lords are significators for houses 8, 12,
Maraka, Badhaka, and are in any manner connected with Mars, Saturn and
houses 9, 11, the native will be punished with the death penalty pronounced
by a court of law.

My humble and gracious Namskar to Sri K.S.Krishnamurti Guruji and

my KP Guru Sri Tin Win ji.

KP Ezine October 2017 29

Will there be spinalcord surgery for me ?” –a natal
chart analysis through K.P system
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

A friend of my wife posed the above question by furnishing her birth details, expressing her
deep anxiety. Following are the birth details as furnished by the native—
DOB—08 JUNE 1944
TOB—07-21-18 a.m
POB---Nagayalanka, A.P.
The natal chart is attached.
The 8th house of the native in the chart indicates surgery.
The KP rule on this subject says -“ if the 8th cusp sub lord signifies-houses 6th-sickness/
disease, 8th- house of surgery and problems for the native, or 12th house-indicates hospital-
ization and confinement to bed, the native will undergo surgery.
The same sub lord should also be in some way connected to Mars- karaka for knife and sur-
gery. Operation/ surgery will take place during the conjoined period of the significators of
houses 6-8-12.
Analysis of the native’s natal chart—as per the chart, the 8th cusp sub lord is Rahu+. No
planets are placed in Rahu’s stars and so Rahu strongly signifies the 8th house. Rahu is
placed in the 2nd cusp with Mars –the 6th cusp lord and, thus, Mars’ connection with rele-
vant houses is established.
Rahu is placed in the star of Saturn–lord of houses 9 and 10, placed in the lagna cusp, and
in the sub of Mercury, lord of houses 1 and 5, placed in the 11th cusp. It is placed within 2
degrees orb to the 12th cusp signifying the 12th cusp also.
Rahu represents Moon, Mars and Jupiter.
Moon is the lord of the 3rd house, placed in the 7th –badhaka sthana lord, Mars is the lord of
the 6th placed in the 2nd, and Jupiter, lord of houses 7,8 and 11, placed in the 3rd cusp.
Thus, the 8th cusp sub lord Rahu+ signifies –
6th cusp- disease, 10th cusp- karma sthana- experiencing the past karma, 5th cusp- cure for
the disease, 11th cusp- treatment by cure, 7th cusp- medication, badhaka sthana ie physical
suffering, 8th cusp- surgery and 9th cusp – bhagaya sthana.
So, from the above significations, it is clear that this native would have to undergo surgery
and she would also have the cure for the problem.
Six fold Significations of 6-8-12 houses---
Houses A B C D E F
A-planets in the sub of bhava occ. B-planets in the star of bhava occ.
C-planets in the bhava. D-planets in the sub of B.L.
E-planets in the star of B.L. F- Bhava lord.
Period analysis--
Jupiter is the dasa lord which is running presently and it is up to 2028. Jupiter is the
badhaka house lord for Gemini lagna of this native. Jupiter + signifies at its star level-
houses 1-native, 5- cure, 7-doctors and medication with treatment, 8- surgery, 11- cure by
treatment and 12- hospitalization, and at its sub lord level houses 1-health of the native,10-
karma sthana and 9- bhagya sthana.
Bhukthi lord running is that of Venus+ from Jan 2015 to Sep 2017. Venus+ signifies at STL

KP Ezine October 2017 30

Friend of my wife
Sun Rise: 06:33:55 AM Sun Set: 07:36:29 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Jupiter Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Ve Me Me
2 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Mo Ra Ra
3 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Ju Sa
Ruling Planets - 05/Jul/2017 01:21:13 PM 4 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Ke Ra Ju
6 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Ma Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Me Sa
Lagna Ve Ma Ve Sa Ma 8 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Ju Me
Moon Ma Sa Ke Ke Ve 9 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Ju Sa
Day Lord: Mercury 10 P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ke Ju Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Ra Su
12 Krittika(2) Ve Su Sa Sa Ra
Ra 06:46:15 Su 24:06:28
Ma 16:34:27 Ve 18:52:51 Planetary Positions
II 29:37:31 XII 03:15:39
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:26:57 Su Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ma Mo Ve
III 26:09:43 Sa 05:25:01 Mo Moola(3) Ju Ke Sa Ke Ve
XI 29:39:48
Ju 28:25:45 3 2 Me 01:48:35 Ma Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ra Ve
4 12 Me Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Me Ve
Ju Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Sa Me Ra
Ve Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Ra Ju
Sa Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Su Ke Mo
IV 26:14:43 X 26:14:43 Ra Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Me Ra Ma
Ke U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Me Sa Me
5 11 Significators - Planets View
9 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 2 12 6 4
Mo 8 7 3
Mo 09:59:19 Ma 1 2 9, 10 6
V 29:39:48 VII 04:26:57 IX 26:09:43 Me 12 12 4 1, 2, 5
Ju+ 12 3 1, 2, 5 7, 8, 11
6 10 Ve+ 7 12 3 12
8 9 Sa 2 1 6 9, 10
Ra+ 1 2 9, 10
VI 03:15:39 VIII 29:37:31 Ke 12 8 4
Ke 06:46:15
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Me 01:48:35 I 04:26:57 Dasa Summary

XII 03:15:39 Sa 05:25:01
Ve 18:52:51 II 29:37:31 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Su 24:06:28 Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
10-Mar-1939 - 10-Mar-1946 10-Mar-1946 - 10-Mar-1966 10-Mar-1966 - 10-Mar-1972
Ketu 10-Mar-1939 Venus 10-Mar-1946 Sun 10-Mar-1966
Venus 06-Aug-1939 Sun 10-Jul-1949 Moon 28-Jun-1966
Sun 06-Oct-1940 Moon 10-Jul-1950 Mars 27-Dec-1966
XI 29:39:48 Moon 11-Feb-1941 Mars 10-Mar-1952 Rahu 04-May-1967
Name: Friend of my wife Ra 06:46:15 Mars 12-Sep-1941 Rahu 09-May-1953 Jupiter 28-Mar-1968
Gender: Female Ma 16:34:27 Rahu 08-Feb-1942 Jupiter 09-May-1956 Saturn 14-Jan-1969
Date: Thursday, 08/Jun/1944 III 26:09:43 Jupiter 27-Feb-1943 Saturn 08-Jan-1959 Mercury 27-Dec-1969
Ju 28:25:45 Saturn 03-Feb-1944 Mercury 10-Mar-1962 Ketu 03-Nov-1970
Time: 07:21:37 AM SID: 23:20:26 Mercury 14-Mar-1945 Ketu 08-Jan-1965 Venus 11-Mar-1971
Lat: 15:56:00 N Lon: 80:55:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
Place: Nagayalanka, ANDHRA PRADESH, 10-Mar-1972 - 10-Mar-1982 10-Mar-1982 - 10-Mar-1989 10-Mar-1989 - 10-Mar-2007
Moon 10-Mar-1972 Mars 10-Mar-1982 Rahu 10-Mar-1989
X 26:14:43 Mars 09-Jan-1973 Rahu 06-Aug-1982 Jupiter 21-Nov-1991
Ayanamsa: 22° 59' 28" IV 26:14:43 Rahu 10-Aug-1973 Jupiter 25-Aug-1983 Saturn 16-Apr-1994
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Jupiter 08-Feb-1975 Saturn 31-Jul-1984 Mercury 21-Feb-1997
Star: Moola, Pada 3 Saturn 09-Jun-1976 Mercury 08-Sep-1985 Ketu 09-Sep-1999
Star Lord: Ketu Mercury 08-Jan-1978 Ketu 05-Sep-1986 Venus 28-Sep-2000
Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Ketu 09-Jun-1979 Venus 02-Feb-1987 Sun 28-Sep-2003
Venus 08-Jan-1980 Sun 02-Apr-1988 Moon 21-Aug-2004
Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury
Sun 09-Sep-1981 Moon 08-Aug-1988 Mars 20-Feb-2006
IX 26:09:43 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvitiya
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
Ke 06:46:15 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 1 Y, 9 M, 2 D 10-Mar-2007 - 10-Mar-2023 10-Mar-2023 - 10-Mar-2042 10-Mar-2042 - 10-Mar-2059
V 29:39:48 Jupiter 10-Mar-2007 Saturn 10-Mar-2023 Mercury 10-Mar-2042
Saturn 28-Apr-2009 Mercury 13-Mar-2026 Ketu 06-Aug-2044
Mercury 09-Nov-2011 Ketu 21-Nov-2028 Venus 04-Aug-2045
Ketu 14-Feb-2014 Venus 31-Dec-2029 Sun 03-Jun-2048
Venus 21-Jan-2015 Sun 01-Mar-2033 Moon 10-Apr-2049
Sun 22-Sep-2017 Moon 11-Feb-2034 Mars 09-Sep-2050
VIII 29:37:31 Moon 11-Jul-2018 Mars 13-Sep-2035 Rahu 06-Sep-2051
Mo 09:59:19 Mars 10-Nov-2019 Rahu 22-Oct-2036 Jupiter 26-Mar-2054
VII 04:26:57 VI 03:15:39 Rahu 16-Oct-2020 Jupiter 29-Aug-2039 Saturn 01-Jul-2056
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine October 2017
level- houses 3- away from home, 7- treatment and medication by doctors, and at its sub
lord level-houses 1-native,5- control and 11- cure by treatment.
Under Venus bhukthi period, Mercury antra runs from 10/3/2017 to 26/7/2017, and Mer-
cury signifies at its star level houses 2,4,5 & 8, and at its sub lord level houses 1,7,8 &11.
Sun transits in Jupiter sign (signifies houses 8 & 12) on Mercury star (A/L) from 30/3 to
14/4 agrees.
Under Mercury antra period, Saturn sookshma runs from 4/7/2017 to 26/7/2017 and Sat-
urn signifies (6 and 12) at its STL level houses 1,6,8,& 10, and at its sub lord level houses 4
Ketu antra period is presently running from 26/7/2017 to 22/9/2017.
Ketu signifies the 4th cusp which falls in Leo indicating clearly-spinal cord, houses 8- its sur-
gery and 12-hospitalization due to surgery- at its star level, and at its sub lord level houses
1,2,5,11. Under Ketu antra, Venus sookshma period which runs from 30/7/2017 to
8/8/2017 is likely to get full relief and she will safely come home.
All the above significations clearly indicate that this native is destined to undergo spinal
cord surgery and will also have a complete cure before 8/August/ 2017.
The same has been informed to the native that she would undergo spinal cord surgery and
complete cure before 8/8/2017.
Facts of the case – ( as informed by the native to my wife)
The native informed that she was admitted to the Kamineni hospital on 24/7/2017, got op-
erated for her spinal cord on26/7/2017 and finally discharged from the hospital on
When I heard the facts of the case, I felt happy and paid my deep felt tributes to our late as-
trology master Sri KSK in my heart of hearts. I express my sincere thanks to Sri Kanak ji
who encouraged me all the while to write articles like this.

KP Ezine October 2017 32

Software KP Astro 4.5
when will get release
By: Dr.Snehal N Kothari (MBBS‐DA)
KP Visharad-KP Acharya
Nemijyot ,Bunglow A2, Sai Laxmi Nagar
Behind KEYS Hotel

I was waiting for up gradation of software KP Astro since 6 month .So question came to my
mind but did not find what rules are
I asked Kanak Bosmia sir to guide me. After 1 hr he message me new rule to find out dura-
tion for release of any software updates

Hints : 10 csl should signify 9,12,& 6

9---Long range plan, 12----releasing 6----computer programming and 10----- waiting for

Horary No. came in my mind was 97/249 on 19/8/17 at 4.02.32 pm Shirdi

10 csl is Mer 1(2,11) in star of Ven 11(3,10) in sub of Sun+ 12(1) {3} signify 12 ok
Significators ... 9> Jup Ket Mars 12> Mo Mars Mer Jup Ket Sun Rah And 6> Rah sun
Ket Sat Mer

Rps on TOJ are Day lord ...Sat Acs... Jup Ven Moon Moon ...Moon Jup Rah
Common from above are Sat, Jup(2),Moon(2) and Rah
DBA to find out duration for release KP Astro 4.5

Dasha Jup 2(5,8) in star of Mars 12(4,9) in Sub of Rah + 12 {1,5} rep Mer 1(2,11) &
Sun+12(1){3} signify 9,12 ok

Bhukti Rah+12 {1,5} rep Mer 1(2,11) & Sun+12(1){3} in star and sub of Ket 6 rep Mars 12
(4,9) signify 6,9,12 ok

Antara Rah till 22/9/17, taken once so next antara i will select is Jup (twice in rp )
Antara Jup 2(5,8) in star of Mars 12(4,9) in Sub of Rah + 12 {1,5} rep Mer 1(2,11) &
Sun+12(1){3} signify 9,12 ok which was from 22/9/17 to 17/1/18
Prediction: KP Astro 4.5 will release between 22/9/17 to 17/1/18

Actual Fact : New release of KP Astro 4.5 was on 16/10/17 in sookshma of Sat (Rp)
{Sat Sookshma was running from 8 to 26 th Oct 2017}

Long Live KP and special thanks to Kanak sir for his guidance

KP Ezine October 2017 33

Horary No. 97/249
Sun Rise: 06:13:35 AM Sun Set: 06:57:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata Hora: Mars Karana: Gar Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 97 1 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ra Ra
Question : When KP Astro 5 softwere release or updates will come 2 Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Su Ju
3 Swati(4) Ve Ra Su Mo Ke
Ruling Planets - 19/Aug/2017 04:02:32 PM 4 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Sa Mo
SHIRDI, MAHARASHTRA, India 5 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Sa Me
6 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Mo Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Mo Mo Mo
Lagna Ju Ve Mo Sa Ju 8 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Me Ma
Moon Mo Ju Ra Ra Ve 9 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ma Ju Sa
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Ve Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Me Me
12 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Ve Me
II 05:16:48:48 Ma 03:25:11:16
Ju 05:25:46:43 XII 03:18:42:21 Planetary Positions
Me[R] 04:15:44:54
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Su 04:02:37:25
I 04:18:06:40 Ra 04:00:00:36 Su Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Me Ve
III 06:17:31:14 Mo Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ra Ve
Ve 02:27:58:32
6 4 XI 02:18:45:39 Ma Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Me Ra
3 Mo 03:01:33:08 Me[R] P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Ra Ve
Ju Chitra(1) Me Ma Ra Su Sa
Ve Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ju Ra
Sa[R] Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Ve Sa
IV 07:18:26:10 X 01:18:26:10 Ra Magha(1) Su Ke Ke Ke Ve
Sa[R] 07:27:11:57
Ke Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Me Me
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 6 12 1
Mo+ 2 11 5, 8 12
VII 10:18:06:40 Ma 1 12 2, 11 4, 9
V 08:18:45:39 IX 00:17:31:14 Me 11 1 3, 10 2, 11
Ju 12 2 4, 9 5, 8
9 1 Ve 2 11 5, 8 3, 10
10 12 Sa+ 1 4 2, 11 6, 7
Ra+ 6 12
Ke 10:00:00:36 VIII 11:16:48:48 Ke 12 6 4, 9
VI 09:18:42:21
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
(B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma, Me, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 17:31:14 X 18:26:10 XI 18:45:39 Dasa Summary

Ve 27:58:32
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
07-Oct-2003 - 07-Oct-2019 07-Oct-2019 - 07-Oct-2038 07-Oct-2038 - 07-Oct-2055
Jupiter 07-Oct-2003 Saturn 07-Oct-2019 Mercury 07-Oct-2038
Saturn 25-Nov-2005 Mercury 10-Oct-2022 Ketu 06-Mar-2041
Mercury 07-Jun-2008 Ketu 20-Jun-2025 Venus 03-Mar-2042
VIII 16:48:48 Ketu 12-Sep-2010 Venus 30-Jul-2026 Sun 01-Jan-2045
Name: Softwere Release Mo 01:33:08 Venus 19-Aug-2011 Sun 29-Sep-2029 Moon 08-Nov-2045
Gender: Male XII 18:42:21 Sun 20-Apr-2014 Moon 11-Sep-2030 Mars 09-Apr-2047
Date: Saturday, 19/Aug/2017 Ma 25:11:16 Moon 06-Feb-2015 Mars 11-Apr-2032 Rahu 05-Apr-2048
Mars 07-Jun-2016 Rahu 20-May-2033 Jupiter 23-Oct-2050
Time: 04:02:32 PM SID: 13:22:20 Rahu 14-May-2017 Jupiter 26-Mar-2036 Saturn 28-Jan-2053
Lat: 19:46:00 N Lon: 74:29:00 E
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
Place: SHIRDI, MAHARASHTRA, India 07-Oct-2055 - 07-Oct-2062 07-Oct-2062 - 07-Oct-2082 07-Oct-2082 - 07-Oct-2088
VII 18:06:40 Ketu 07-Oct-2055 Venus 07-Oct-2062 Sun 07-Oct-2082
Ke 00:00:36 Venus 05-Mar-2056 Sun 06-Feb-2066 Moon 25-Jan-2083
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 47" Ra 00:00:36 Sun 04-May-2057 Moon 06-Feb-2067 Mars 27-Jul-2083
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Su 02:37:25 Moon 09-Sep-2057 Mars 07-Oct-2068 Rahu 01-Dec-2083
Star: Punarvasu, Pada 4 Me[R] 15:44:54 Mars 10-Apr-2058 Rahu 07-Dec-2069 Jupiter 25-Oct-2084
Star Lord: Jupiter I 18:06:40 Rahu 07-Sep-2058 Jupiter 07-Dec-2072 Saturn 13-Aug-2085
Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Jupiter 25-Sep-2059 Saturn 07-Aug-2075 Mercury 26-Jul-2086
Saturn 31-Aug-2060 Mercury 07-Oct-2078 Ketu 02-Jun-2087
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Mercury 09-Oct-2061 Ketu 07-Aug-2081 Venus 08-Oct-2087
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
VI 18:42:21 Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 2 Y, 1 M, 19 D 07-Oct-2088 - 07-Oct-2098 07-Oct-2098 - 07-Oct-2105 07-Oct-2105 - 07-Oct-2123
II 16:48:48 Moon 07-Oct-2088 Mars 07-Oct-2098 Rahu 07-Oct-2105
Ju 25:46:43 Mars 08-Aug-2089 Rahu 06-Mar-2099 Jupiter 19-Jun-2108
Rahu 09-Mar-2090 Jupiter 24-Mar-2100 Saturn 12-Nov-2110
Jupiter 08-Sep-2091 Saturn 28-Feb-2101 Mercury 19-Sep-2113
Saturn 07-Jan-2093 Mercury 08-Apr-2102 Ketu 07-Apr-2116
Mercury 08-Aug-2094 Ketu 06-Apr-2103 Venus 25-Apr-2117
Ketu 08-Jan-2096 Venus 02-Sep-2103 Sun 25-Apr-2120
Sa[R] 27:11:57 Venus 08-Aug-2096 Sun 02-Nov-2104 Moon 20-Mar-2121
V 18:45:39 IV 18:26:10 III 17:31:14 Sun 08-Apr-2098 Moon 09-Mar-2105 Mars 18-Sep-2122
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:
KP Ezine October 2017
Birth time rectification
By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874.

The following birth particulars are given by Sri.RK

Name:-Sri. RK; DOB:-25-01-1972; Tuesday; TOB:-10-34-00 PM; POB;-MACHILIPATNAM;

Birth time RPs are as follows:-

Lagna Star lord:-Moon;
Lagna Sign lord:- Mercury;
Moon Star lord :-Moon;
Moon Sign lord:- Venus;
Day Lord:- Tuesday:-Mars
Note:-Rahu represents Sun, Saturn.
Ketu represents Sun, Moon, Saturn.

Particulars of Ruling Planets are as follows:_

RP Date:-23-10-2017;Monday; RP Time:- 07-41-55 PM(IST); RP Place:-Kurnool;

KP Ezine October 2017 35

RPs at the time of judgment are as follows:-
Lagna Star lord:- Sun;
Lagna Sign lord:- Venus;
Moon Star lord:- Mercury;
Moon Sign lord:-Mars;
Note:-Rahu represents Moon; Ketu represents Saturn;


The ruling planets at the time of judgment correspond or agree or tally with:-
The ruling planets at the birth; OR
The Signlord, Star lord, sublord and Sub-Sublord of the ascendant at the birth.
The Signlord, Star lord, Sublord and Sub-Sublord of the Ascendant at the birth are
found either in the star or sub of the ruling planet or planets at the time of judgment.

S.No & Name of the Rul- At the  me  At the  Remarks 

ing Planet  of judg- me of 
Lagna Star lord  Venus  Mercury  Mercury(Lagna Star lord at birth) is reflected as Lagna 
Signlord of RP 
Lagna Sign lord  Sun  Moon  Moon(Lagna Signlord at birth) is reflected as Day lord of 
Moon Star lord  Mars  Venus  Venus(Moon Star lord at birth)  is reflected as Lagna Star 
lord of RP. 
Moon Sign lord  Mercury  Moon  Moon(Moon’s Sign lord at birth)  is reflected as Day lord 
of RP. 
Day lord  Moon  Mars.  Mars(Daylord at  birth) is reflected as Moon starlord of 

Ascendant at the birth is in VIRGO 17-31-42. It is jointly ruled as under:-

KP Ezine October 2017 36

Signlord- Star lord- Sublord- Sub-Sublord
Mercury- Moon- Saturn- Jupiter
Mercury(signlord) at birth is directly reflected as Moon’s Star lord of RPs at the time of
judgment. OK.
Moon(Star lord) at birth is directly reflected as Daylord of RPs at the time of judgment.
Saturn(Sublord) at birth is in the star of Sun and in the sub of Mercury. This Sun is re-
flected as Star lord of Lagna RPS at the time of judgment. Mercury is reflected as Star
lord of Moon RPs at the time of judgment. OK.
Jupiter(Sub-Sublord) at birth is in the star of Ketu and in the sub of Moon. Ketu is re-
flected as sublord of Lagna as well as Moon RPs at the time of judgment. Moon is also
reflected as daylord of RP at the time of judgment. OK.
Thus in this case, the ruling planets both at the time of judgment and birth tally. The joint
rulers of the Ascendant at the birth also correspond to the ruling planets at the time of
judgment. So the given birth time is correct.

If the rectified time of birth is truly correct, then the Ascendant must be linked with
the 9th cusp.

In the natal chart of Sri. RK, (1) the Ascendant Sign lord Mercury and the 9th cusp Sign
lord Venus both are in the sub of Sun. Thus both 1st CSL Mercury and 9th CSL Venus are
well connected through a third planet Sun. (2) The Ascendant Star lord is Moon and the 9th
CSL is also Moon. Both are one and the same planet. (3) The Ascendant Sublord is Saturn
and the 9th CSL is also Saturn. Both are one and the same planet. Thus ROO is also tallied.
Hence it is confirmed that the given birth time is correct one.

Sun(Atmakaraka), Jupiter(Progeny Karaka), Venus(Kamakaraka) any one among these

three one must reflect as 9th cusp co-rulers. Then only the birth chart is correct.
In this natal chart Venus reflected as Signlord of the 9th cusp. So it is once again confirmed
as a correct one.

Verification of the past events:-

Married on 04-03-2001:- during the joint period of Rahu/Venus/Jupiter/Rahu:- from
22-02-2001 to 15-03-2001.

Dasa lord and Sookshmalord Rahu signifies 11th and 8th houses which are required
houses for marriage.
Bhukthi lord Venus signifies 2nd house. Venus is the CSL of 2nd cusp having no planets
in it s stars. Thus Venus is a strong significator for 2nd house. OK.
Anthra lord Jupiter signifies 7 and 11 houses. OK.
Thus all the DBAS are signifying 2-7-11 houses. OK

2nd Child Birth on 19-02-2008:- during the joint period of Jupiter/Saturn/Saturn/

Mars:-from 15-02-2008 to 24-02-2008.

Dasanatha Jupiter signifies 11th house. OK.

Bhukthi and Anthra lord Saturn signifies 5th house. OK.
Sookshmalord Mars aspects the 2nd house with 8th aspect. OK.
Thus all the DBAS are signifying 2-5-11 houses OK.

Death of father:- 02-10-2010:- during the joint period of Jupiter/Mercury/Ketu/Rahu:-

from 09-10-2010 to 16-10-2010.

Taurus will be the lagna of the native’s father.

10th & 3rd are Maraka houses;

KP Ezine October 2017 37

8th is mokshasthana;
5th is badhakasthana;
12th is end of everything;
6th is exit from this world;
Dasanatha Jupiter signifies 8(mokshasthana)-10(end of everything)-3(marakasthana);
Jupiter aspects the 12th house which indicates end of everything.OK.
Bhuthilord Mercury signifies 12(end of everything) & 10(maraca). OK.
Anthranatha Ketu signifies 5(Badhakasthana), 8(mokshasthana) and 10(maraka). OK.
Sookshmanatha Rahu signifies 8(mokshasthana). OK.
Thus all the DBAS are signifying the 10-3-5-8-12-6 houses. OK.

Death of Maternal Grand Mother:-10-01-1994:- during the joint period of Rahu/

Saturn/Venus/Rahu:- from 08-01-1994 to 03-02-1994.

8th is for maraca;

1st is for maraca & badhaka;.
6th is for moksha;
10th is for end of everything;
4th is for exit from this world;
Dasanatha and Sookshmanatha Rahu signifies 4(exit from this world) and 8(maraca)
houses. OK.
Bhukthinatha Saturn signifies 4(exit from this world), 8(maraca), 10(end of everything)
and 6(moksha). OK.
Anthranatha Venus signifies 4(exit from this world) and 6(moksha). Venus is the CSL of
10th cusp having no planets in its stars. So it is a self-strong significator for 10(end of
everything). OK.
Thus all the DBAS are signifying all the required houses causing the death of Grand-
mother of this native. OK.

First job:-03-03-1997:-during the joint period of Rahu/Mercury/Rahu/Jupiter:- from

27-02-1997 to 18-03-1997;

Dasanatha and Anthranatha rahu signifies 11 only. If we carefully observe the E grade
signification of Rahu we can find the houses which are required for job (2-6-10-11).
Bhukthinatha Mercury signifies 10th by owning it.
Sookshmanatha Jupiter signifies 10 & 11.
Thus all the DBAS are signifying all the required houses of 2-6-10-11 for job. Ok.

Last date of the last job:- 15-11-2015. From that time till today the native is not work-
ing. He is free now. During the joint period of Jupiter/Venus/Mercury/Sun:- from 14
-11-2015 to 20-11-2015.

Dasalord Jupiter is the occupant of 3 and the 12th (LOSS) is also aspected by Jupiter.
Bhukthi lord Venus is the lord of 9(negation for 10th). It is in the sub of Sun which is the
lord of 12(loss).
Anthralord Mercury signifies 1(negation for 2) & 12(Loss).
Sookshmalord Sun signifies 12th (loss).
Thus all the DBAS are signifying all the negations of Job. OK.

First overseas travel:- 17-08-1998 started from India. Landed in the USA on 18-08-
1998. During the Joint period of Rahu/Ketu/Mars/Jupiter= 14-08-1998 to 17-08-
1998. Rahu/Ketu/Mars/Saturn period= 17-08-1998 to 21-08-1998.

Dasanatha Rahu represents Sun(Lord of 12th house) and Saturn(lord of 6th for Job).

KP Ezine October 2017 38

Bhukthinatha Ketu also represents Sun(12th lord) and Saurn(6th lord for job).
Anthralord Mars signifies 3rd (leaving the native land) and 10th (profession).
Sookshmalord Jupiter signifies 10 (profession) and 3(leaving his native land).
Thus all the DBAS are signifying 3-6-10-12 houses. It shows that the native went abroad
for job/profession purpose only.

Got USA Citizenship on 27-07-2015:- during the joint period of Jupiter/Venus/

Saturn/Moon:- 20-07-2015 to 02-08-2015.

If 3rd and 11th cusp sub lords signify 3, 9, 11, 12, one can get passport, visa, green
card or permanent resident card/Citizenship to go foreign during the DBA signifying
3, 9, 11, 12. If the querent has already been abroad for several years, houses 4, 11
in place of 3, 12 are to be considered to stay on there.
In this natal chart, 3rd & 11th CSL Mercury(4-1,10) is in the star and sub of Sun(4-12). OK.

Dasalord Jupiter signifies 3-4,11.

Bhukthilord Venus signifies 4-9-12.
Anthralord Saturn signifies 4-12.
Sookshmalord Moon signifies 11 & 3.
Thus all the DBAS are signifying all the required houses for getting PR/citizenship.
Hence the given birth time is 100% correct.


KP Ezine October 2017 39

Questions & Answers
By: Tin Win

Question 1: Transit
For predicting the time of an event,
1. Some are of the opinion that transit of planets is only is an value added information and
nowhere it is mentioned that PROVIDED the transit agrees, then only the event will
take place, in the joint period of rulers.
2. Some more are of the opinion that the joint period rulers are in transit either of star or sub
of the significators, for the event to take place.
3. One more group is of the opinion that the joint period rulers, sun and moon should transit
either in the star or sub of the joint period rulers ONLY for the event to take place.

I request for your valuable opinion and guidance for me.

Answer 1:
In the timing of events, generally an event happens during the joint DBAS period of the sig-
nificators when transit agrees. Particularly at the time of event, Sun, Moon and joint period
DBAS lords are generally found to be transiting-
a) mainly in the star or sub of the same joint period DBAS lords;
b) additionally in the star of the significators of the event (other than the joint period
DBAS lords) in the horoscope.

It is to check first the chosen DBAS lords whether they are transiting in the star or sub of
the same DBAS lords and then other planets. Here it is not open-ended to take the significa-
tion of transiting DBAS lords which is not promised in the natal chart for them. And then
for accurate timing, it is to choose the transiting Sun and Moon, which are mostly found in
the star or sub of Sookshma lord at the time of event. For slow moving planets, in addition
to stars and subs, the bhavas they are transiting may be also taken into account.

Needless to say the sub will decide the matters signified by the star of transiting planets are
favorable or not. The signification of star and sub, in which planets are transitting, by occu-
pation and lordship will be as per the for-ever- fixed `Bhavas' of the natal chart in accord-
ance to the time and place of birth. However, if the native has been resided in another place
for a long time, the relocation chart would be better fit for prediction. (KP Reader V: Transit,
1983 Edition page 155 (2004 Edition page 162): "One should not always calculate the As-
cendant for the place of birth unless the native is permanent in his birth place.")

In the Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy's computer analysis of 1005 (one thousand & five) TOB
AA rated marriage charts collected by Kanak Bosmia, transit DBAS lords, Sun, Moon are
found transiting in the star & sub of DBAS lords by 79% (Dasa lord), 76% (Bhukti lord),
76% (Antara lord), 76% (Sookshma lord), 79% (Sun), and 80% (Moon) respectively on the
date of marriage, in line with KP transit.

Question 2: Timing of Event

Sometimes, the event does not happen at that time of prediction.
What can be the probable reasons, for such a situation?.
Is it the selections of fruitful significators has gone wrong?.
Is it that transit of joint period rulers is not agreeing?.
To avoid the birth time correction/doubt in birth time, Horary no. is taken. Even then , some

KP Ezine October 2017 40

times, it is happening.
OR any other reasons are there.
I request you to kindly educate me in this regard.

Answer 2:
The timing of event is the most difficult task even for well experienced astrologers. The main
reason of failure is choice of fruitful significators as DBAS lords and their sequence.

Question 3: KP New Ayanamsa

Should KP Straight Line (Adjusted ) Ayanamsa be preferred in KP Astro 4.5 SW to cast chart
with accuracy and identical to chart being cast with KP StarOne 6.7.24 when KP NA is select-
ed...I have gone through your guidelines on KP Straight Line (Adjusted) Ayanamsa and you
say sir that the value of this ayanamsa is correct up to the required month and date, which is
called the 'KP straight line (adjusted) ayanamsa' in the KPAstro 3.5, since its first...
Continue Reading

Yahoo! Groups

Answer 3:
The KP ayanamsa in both KPAsro 3.5 or 4.5 & KPStarOne by default is the new KP aya-
namsa, which is recommendable to use as guided by Guruji KSK.

KP Ezine October 2017 41

Book Review - Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

By: Tin Win


Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases

by Mridula Trivedi , T.P. Trivedi
Sukriti Nikunj, 2009, 284 pages

This is a Vedic medical astrology book based on research of various birth charts on many
types of diseases, as shown in the contents.

In this book, the study of various cases covers almost all general and complex problems of
heart. It is said that the chief significator of heart, the Sun should be unafflicted and strong.
However, subsequently Mars, Moon, the 4th house and 5th house, Cancer and Leo sign,
play a role in creating heart problems of different kinds. If the 4th house is occupied by the
Sun in association with malifics like nodes, Mars and Saturn, it may cause heart problems.
The problem will be more severe if the concerning planets own the 6th, 8th and 12th house
or 4th lord occupies trikas with affliction. However, if Rahu or Ketu occupies 4th house with
the Sun, under close association and the 4th lord is posited in 6th, 8th, or 12th house, the
heart attack is almost certain. If the lord of the maraca houses i.e. 2nd and 7th houses are
posited in the 4th house and fall in the constellation of malefic or nodes, one will certainly
suffer from pain in the heart. There are various planetary configurations which give rise to
massive heart attack, other heart problems like coronary thrombosis, Engina, Trachocardia,
Malfunctioning of left ventricle, hole in heart, myocardial infarction, and swelling of heart,
valve and electrical impulse problems. Saturn and Rahu mostly create blockage in the
blood vessel and if Ketu plays a negative role and afflicts Sun, diseases like trachocardia
and SAN (Sino Atrial Node) may be evident.

1. Medical Science and Cardiac Problems

KP Ezine October 2017 42

2. Rendezvous with Medical Astrology
3. Kaalpususha and the Human Body
4. Cardiac Troubles and Planets
5. Predicting and Preventing Cardiac Troubles
6. Planetary Afflictions for Diseases of the Eye
7. Rectificational Spritual Measures for Problems of the Eye
8. Planetary Positions for various Liver Diseases
9. Determinants of Diseases of the Ear
10. Astrocalculus for Surgical Success
11. Drug Addiction: Case Studies
12. Planets and Paralysis
13. Length of Life
14. Easy Method for Judgment of Life Span
15. Longevity at a Glance: Guidelines

KP Ezine October 2017 43

Planetary Positions
For O5.30 AM Ahmedabad
October 2017

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/Oct/2017 05:30:04 Vi 13:59:42 Cp 15:50:12 Le 22:13:10 Vi 07:45:00 Li 03:57:02 Le 19:24:03 Sc 28:13:42 Cn 27:45:14 Cp 27:45:14
02/Oct/2017 05:34:01 Vi 14:58:41 Cp 28:19:09 Le 22:51:08 Vi 09:33:42 Li 04:09:41 Le 20:37:53 Sc 28:17:09 Cn 27:42:04 Cp 27:42:04
03/Oct/2017 05:37:57 Vi 15:57:42 Aq 11:08:14 Le 23:29:06 Vi 11:21:57 Li 04:22:22 Le 21:51:45 Sc 28:20:41 Cn 27:38:53 Cp 27:38:53
04/Oct/2017 05:41:54 Vi 16:56:45 Aq 24:19:40 Le 24:07:04 Vi 13:09:39 Li 04:35:05 Le 23:05:40 Sc 28:24:17 Cn 27:35:42 Cp 27:35:42
05/Oct/2017 05:45:50 Vi 17:55:50 Pi 07:53:51 Le 24:45:01 Vi 14:56:44 Li 04:47:49 Le 24:19:39 Sc 28:27:59 Cn 27:32:31 Cp 27:32:31
06/Oct/2017 05:49:47 Vi 18:54:56 Pi 21:49:06 Le 25:22:58 Vi 16:43:11 Li 05:00:35 Le 25:33:40 Sc 28:31:45 Cn 27:29:20 Cp 27:29:20
07/Oct/2017 05:53:43 Vi 19:54:05 Ar 06:01:39 Le 26:00:54 Vi 18:28:56 Li 05:13:23 Le 26:47:44 Sc 28:35:36 Cn 27:26:09 Cp 27:26:09
08/Oct/2017 05:57:40 Vi 20:53:16 Ar 20:26:05 Le 26:38:51 Vi 20:13:59 Li 05:26:13 Le 28:01:50 Sc 28:39:32 Cn 27:22:58 Cp 27:22:58
09/Oct/2017 06:01:36 Vi 21:52:29 Ta 04:56:04 Le 27:16:48 Vi 21:58:17 Li 05:39:04 Le 29:16:00 Sc 28:43:33 Cn 27:19:47 Cp 27:19:47
10/Oct/2017 06:05:33 Vi 22:51:45 Ta 19:25:26 Le 27:54:44 Vi 23:41:52 Li 05:51:56 Vi 00:30:13 Sc 28:47:38 Cn 27:16:37 Cp 27:16:37
11/Oct/2017 06:09:30 Vi 23:51:03 Ge 03:49:03 Le 28:32:41 Vi 25:24:42 Li 06:04:50 Vi 01:44:28 Sc 28:51:48 Cn 27:13:26 Cp 27:13:26
12/Oct/2017 06:13:26 Vi 24:50:23 Ge 18:03:20 Le 29:10:37 Vi 27:06:47 Li 06:17:45 Vi 02:58:47 Sc 28:56:03 Cn 27:10:15 Cp 27:10:15
13/Oct/2017 06:17:23 Vi 25:49:45 Cn 02:06:21 Le 29:48:33 Vi 28:48:09 Li 06:30:42 Vi 04:13:07 Sc 29:00:22 Cn 27:07:05 Cp 27:07:05
14/Oct/2017 06:21:19 Vi 26:49:10 Cn 15:57:27 Vi 00:26:30 Li 00:28:47 Li 06:43:40 Vi 05:27:31 Sc 29:04:46 Cn 27:03:54 Cp 27:03:54
15/Oct/2017 06:25:16 Vi 27:48:37 Cn 29:36:51 Vi 01:04:26 Li 02:08:43 Li 06:56:39 Vi 06:41:57 Sc 29:09:14 Cn 27:00:43 Cp 27:00:43
16/Oct/2017 06:29:12 Vi 28:48:07 Le 13:04:58 Vi 01:42:22 Li 03:47:57 Li 07:09:38 Vi 07:56:25 Sc 29:13:47 Cn 26:57:32 Cp 26:57:32
17/Oct/2017 06:33:09 Vi 29:47:38 Le 26:22:08 Vi 02:20:17 Li 05:26:30 Li 07:22:39 Vi 09:10:55 Sc 29:18:24 Cn 26:54:21 Cp 26:54:21
18/Oct/2017 06:37:05 Li 00:47:12 Vi 09:28:19 Vi 02:58:13 Li 07:04:23 Li 07:35:41 Vi 10:25:28 Sc 29:23:05 Cn 26:51:10 Cp 26:51:10
19/Oct/2017 06:41:02 Li 01:46:48 Vi 22:23:10 Vi 03:36:08 Li 08:41:37 Li 07:48:43 Vi 11:40:03 Sc 29:27:50 Cn 26:47:59 Cp 26:47:59
20/Oct/2017 06:44:59 Li 02:46:26 Li 05:06:11 Vi 04:14:03 Li 10:18:13 Li 08:01:46 Vi 12:54:40 Sc 29:32:39 Cn 26:44:49 Cp 26:44:49
21/Oct/2017 06:48:55 Li 03:46:06 Li 17:37:00 Vi 04:51:58 Li 11:54:12 Li 08:14:50 Vi 14:09:19 Sc 29:37:33 Cn 26:41:38 Cp 26:41:38
22/Oct/2017 06:52:52 Li 04:45:48 Li 29:55:45 Vi 05:29:53 Li 13:29:35 Li 08:27:54 Vi 15:24:00 Sc 29:42:31 Cn 26:38:27 Cp 26:38:27
23/Oct/2017 06:56:48 Li 05:45:31 Sc 12:03:19 Vi 06:07:47 Li 15:04:23 Li 08:40:59 Vi 16:38:43 Sc 29:47:33 Cn 26:35:16 Cp 26:35:16
24/Oct/2017 07:00:45 Li 06:45:17 Sc 24:01:32 Vi 06:45:42 Li 16:38:37 Li 08:54:04 Vi 17:53:28 Sc 29:52:38 Cn 26:32:05 Cp 26:32:05
25/Oct/2017 07:04:41 Li 07:45:05 Sg 05:53:11 Vi 07:23:35 Li 18:12:17 Li 09:07:10 Vi 19:08:14 Sc 29:57:48 Cn 26:28:55 Cp 26:28:55
26/Oct/2017 07:08:38 Li 08:44:54 Sg 17:41:59 Vi 08:01:29 Li 19:45:26 Li 09:20:16 Vi 20:23:03 Sg 00:03:02 Cn 26:25:44 Cp 26:25:44
27/Oct/2017 07:12:34 Li 09:44:45 Sg 29:32:27 Vi 08:39:22 Li 21:18:02 Li 09:33:21 Vi 21:37:52 Sg 00:08:19 Cn 26:22:33 Cp 26:22:33
28/Oct/2017 07:16:31 Li 10:44:37 Cp 11:29:43 Vi 09:17:15 Li 22:50:07 Li 09:46:27 Vi 22:52:44 Sg 00:13:40 Cn 26:19:22 Cp 26:19:22
29/Oct/2017 07:20:28 Li 11:44:31 Cp 23:39:13 Vi 09:55:08 Li 24:21:42 Li 09:59:33 Vi 24:07:37 Sg 00:19:04 Cn 26:16:12 Cp 26:16:12
30/Oct/2017 07:24:24 Li 12:44:27 Aq 06:06:21 Vi 10:33:00 Li 25:52:46 Li 10:12:38 Vi 25:22:31 Sg 00:24:32 Cn 26:13:01 Cp 26:13:01
31/Oct/2017 07:28:21 Li 13:44:25 Aq 18:55:57 Vi 11:10:53 Li 27:23:20 Li 10:25:44 Vi 26:37:27 Sg 00:30:04 Cn 26:09:50 Cp 26:09:50

KPEzine October 2017 44

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