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EGME 324: Mechanics of Machinery Project Specifications

Fall 2017 Group Work

Term Project

This year project aims to give you the experience of applying your knowledge of Mechanics (of
Machinery) to a somewhat academic, but practically sounded problem. To be specific, you and your
team need to design an object-throwing device that can pitch a weighted-object to some specific
distances within some specific time. You can think of a device that can make an object to move in a
projectile motion, or you can think of a catapult (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Basic configuration of the catapult


Copyright 2017: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mahidol University
EGME 324: Mechanics of Machinery Project Specifications
Fall 2017 Group Work

Design specifications:

- The mechanism must be able to throw a spherical object accurately to a specific target.
- The mechanism is able to take a given object which has weight ranged from 0.050 – 0.150
kg, e.g. a tennis ball (0.056 kg.).
- The mechanism is able to move (throw) the object over variable distance from 1.0 – 10.0 m.
- The mechanism must include a single set of four bar linkage.
- The driving link and the load-carrying link must not be the same link.
- The power source can be of any form, i.e. mechanical, electrical, etc.
- The mechanism should be light in weight.
- Budget of 500 baht or less

Required works:

Dates Submission
9 November Cenceptual design report
16 November Report on calculation framework and Methods of setting the specifications
23 November Calculation report and the Annoucement of team’s specifications and
compettion goals.
30 November Final report and Presentation
25 December Competitions

- All reports format and sections are up to the team’s decision. But the followings are required
o Half-page abstract summarizes your work and findings. This must be the first page
follows the report cover.
o Summary of work distributions for each member in the team

Scoring Rules (total of 600 and accounted for 20% of your grade):

- 100 for each report (400 total)

o 60 Completion of the assignment
o 20 Correctness of the assignment
o 10 Professionality, readability, comprehencibility and neatness
o 10 Work distribution

- 200 Presentation (10 minutes + 5 minutes q&a)

***Each team must submit an ELECTRONIC FILE (.pptx or .ai or .jpeg) for an A0 poster
presenting your product showing all necessary information including design specifications
and team member (with pictures)***
o (20) Topics being presented
o (40) Detailed Information (must include the derivation of all specifications and goals)
o (40) Application of all knowledge learnt from class
o (40) Team’s distribution
o (20) Marketing
o (20) Presentation time management
o (20) Questions and answers

Copyright 2017: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mahidol University
EGME 324: Mechanics of Machinery Project Specifications
Fall 2017 Group Work

Competition Events and Scoring Rules (total of 1,000 and accounted for 20% of your grade)
- Hail marry (Fig. 2):
o Moving (throwing) the object forwardly to a target (a bucket) within distance of 10
m., as many times as possible in 3 minutes
o Each team must specify the weight of the load, and the moving distance. The weight
of the load ranges from 0.050 kg. to 0.150 kg (each has 0.050 kg. difference).
o The mechanism must be placed on the ground. And to help aiding the mechanism
setup, the mechanism is allowed to moved forwardly back and forth with in the
distance of 0.5 m.
o Each team is eligible for 3 trials. The 1st trial must be set according to the predefined
specifications (from the final presentation).
o The score is the summation of weight*distance of all successful attemps.

Your choice
(Max 10 m.)

Fig. 2 Hail marry contest

- Hitch (Fig. 3):

o Moving (throwing) the object forwardly to the targets at 3 predefined distances
(within the distance of 10 m.) as many round as possible in 3 minutes, or untill the
team completes at least 1 attemp for each distance, unless the trial is called off by
the team themselve. (a single round of attemp is considered by completely moving
the load to 3 distances)
o Each team must specify the weight of the load for 3 distances. Each distance must
be at least 2 m. apart when measured in forward direction. The weight for each
selected distance can be similar or different.
o The mechanism setup and the weight range are similar to those of the Hail marry.
o Each team is eligible for 3 trials. The 1st trial must be set according to the predefined
specifications (from the final presentation).
o The score is the summation of weight*distance of all successful round(s) of attemps

x is 2.0 m. minimum x x

Fig. 3 Hitch contest

Copyright 2017: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mahidol University
EGME 324: Mechanics of Machinery Project Specifications
Fall 2017 Group Work


- Hail marry:
o The score is taken from the results of the best trial.
o The team with the highest total weight*distance gets 100 where the rests get 5
point deduction by the order of the results.
o The team with the highest load carrying gets 100 where the rests get 5 point
deduction by the order of the results.
o The team with the highest total distance gets 100 where the rests get 5 point
deduction by the order of the results.
o Additional 100 if the best results comes from the 1st trial.
- Hitch:
o Similarly, the score is taken from the results of the best trial.
o The team with the highest total weight*distance gets 100 where the rests get 5
point deduction by the order of the results.
o The team with the highest load carrying gets 100 where the rests get 5 point
deduction by the order of the results.
o The team with the highest total distance gets 100 where the rests get 5 point
deduction by the order of the results.
o Additional 100 if the best results comes from the 1st trial.
- The lightest gets 100 where the rests get 5 point deduction by the order of the results.
- The cheapest gets 100 where the rests get 5 point deduction by the order of the results. Be
honest on this item. All costs for both materials and labors must be reported or resonably
estimated. Your current labor cost is 300 baht/day or 40 baht/hr.

Have Fun!

Copyright 2017: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mahidol University

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