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3D Density of States

The density of states refers to the number of quantum states per unit energy. In other
words, the density of states, denoted by g ( E ) , indicates how densely packed quantum
states in a particular system. So, what is the importance of the density of states?
Consider the expression g ( E )dE . Integrating the density of the quantum states over a
range of energy will produce a number of states.

N ( E ) = �g ( E ) dE

Thus g ( E )dE represents the number of states between E and dE . The number of
quantum states is important in the determination of optical properties of a material such
as a semiconductor (i.e. carbon nanotubes as well as quantum dots).

From the Schrodinger equation, we know that the energy of a particle is quantized and is
given by

k 2 h2

The variable k is related to the physical quantity of momentum. A particle’s energy is

1 2 m2v 2 p 2
E= mv = =
2 2m 2m

Relating the previous two equations yields

k 2 h2 p 2 p
E= = �k =
2m 2 m h

The momentum is a vector which has components in the x, y, and z directions.

Therefore, k must also have direction components k x , k y , and k z . Since energy is not a
vector, the more accurate expression for energy is

k h2

In a 3D system, then, the total energy is given by

h2 2
( k x + k y2 + k z2 )
Recall the result of the analysis of the 1D potential well. An electron can only exist in the
well, and the wave function is given by

y ( x) = A cos(kx ) + B sin(kx )

where a is the width of the barrier. For the cosine term in the wave function, n must be
an odd integer, and for the sine term, n must be an even integer. Therefore, the wave
function is only valid for all integers greater than zero. In three dimensions, each
directional component of k would be

n xp np np
kx = , k y = y , and k z = z
a a a

The wave function is valid at regular intervals of . Below is a plot of the valid
solutions in k-space.
Each green or red dot represents two quantum states (one for an electron with “spin up”
and one for “spin down”). The red dots are those between the intervals of k and k +dk .
To find the density of these states, we need to first examine the unit cell and its volume.
The unit cell is the smallest shape which can be repeatedly be used to construct a lattice
as in a diamond crystal, for example. Examining the image above and knowing that the
quantum states are separated by an interval of , the unit cell would be a cube of which
the volume would be

�p �
V0 = � �
�a �

The density of states problem is a problem of finding the number of states in the interval
of E and E +dE . In k-space, the interval is simply k and k +dk . Because we are
operating three dimensions, k represents the radius of a sphere in k-space and dk is the
thickness of the sphere. Hence, a shell is created which encloses a certain amount of
quantum states in an infinitesimal interval. We use the sphere because k is directly
related to E , and all the points on the sphere have equal energy. Since we want to find
the density of states in an infinitesimal interval of energy, the shape used for the
boundaries of the interval must represent equal energies. The volume of the shell is
essentially the surface area of the inner sphere (of radius k ) multiplied by the thickness of
the sphere ( dk ).
V = 4p k 2 dk

Alternatively, we can find the volume by subtracting the volume inside the inner sphere
from the volume inside the outer sphere (of radius k + dk ). The result leaves a shell.

4 4
V = p ( k + dk ) - p ( k )
3 3

3 3
= p ( k 3 + 3k 2 dk + 3kdk 2 + dk 3 - k 3 )
because dk 2 and dk 3 have no real meaning,
the volume is
= p ( 3k 2 dk ) = 4p k 2 dk

Even though the k-space image displays valid wave equations solutions for both positive
and negative integers of k x , k y , and k z , the wave function should only be valid for all
positive values of k x , k y , and k z . Therefore, the entire shell’s volume is unnecessary; we
really only need to consider an eighth of the entire volume (i.e. the upper right hand
quadrant which satisfies x > 0, y > 0, and z > 0 collectively). The revised shell volume is
�1 � 2
V =�� 4p k dk
�8 �
= p k 2 dk

The number of quantum states in an interval of dk is found by dividing the volume of the
shell by the volume of a single state (i.e. the volume of the unit cell).

1 2
p k dk
g (k )dk = ( 2 ) 2 3
�p �
�a �
= 2 k 2 dk

Since we know the relation between k and E , we can find what we are searching: the
density of states as a function of energy. Once again, the relationship between k and E is

1 �2m �
�2mE � 2
dk = � 2 �� 2 � dE
2 �h ��h �
m �2mE � 2
= 2 � 2 � dE
h �h �

Substituting the results into the density of states equation will give the density of states in
terms of energy.

a3 2
g (k ) dk = 2 k dk
a 3m �2mE �
�2mE �2
g ( E )dE = 2 2 � 2 � � 2 � dE
p h �h � �h �

Multiplying out the expression gives the final result for the density of states.
( ) m ( m ) E ( E ) dE
-1 -1 -1
2 2
3 2 2 2 2
g ( E ) dE = 2
p h4 h-1

( )m
-1 3
3 22 2 2
= 2 EdE
2p h3

a 3 �2m �2
g ( E ) dE = 2 � 2 � EdE
2p �h �

2D Density of States

In 2D, an electron is confined along one dimension but able to travel freely in the other
two directions. In the image below, an electron would be confined in the z-direction but
would travel freely in the XY plane.

In the 3D density of states analysis, a spherical volume of width dk had to be used.

However, in 2D, the problem of calculating becomes easier because we only need to
operate in two dimensions. Instead of using the volume of a shell, the area of a ring with
width of dk is used. Analogous to the sphere in three dimensions, the circle is used
because all points on the circle are an equal distance from the origin; therefore, the circle
indicates equal values of energy. The radius becomes k = k x2 + k y2 . In the 2D case, the
unit cell is simply a square with side length of .
Following the same procedure which was used in the 3D situation, the area of the unit
cell is

�p �
A0 = � �
�a �

Next, we need to find the area of the ring and then divide by the area of the unit cell. The
area of a circle is p r 2 where r is the radius. The area of the ring, then, is

A = p (k + dk ) 2 - p k 2
= 2p kdk

However, only positive values of k should be considered. The figure below highlights the
correct area.
Therefore, we only need one-fourth of the entire area of the ring. The revised area is

A= 2p kdk
= kdk

Dividing the ring area by the unit cell area, the density of states can be found.

�A �
g (k )dk = 2 � �
�A0 �
= (2) 2 2
�p �
�a �
= kdk

Since we know the relation between k and E , we can find what we are searching: the
density of states as a function of energy. Once again, the relationship between k and E is
1 �2m �
�2mE � 2
dk = � 2 �� 2 � dE
2 �h ��h �
m �2mE � 2
= 2 � 2 � dE
h �h �

Substituting the results into the density of states equation will give the density of states in
terms of energy.

a 2 �2mE �2 �m �2mE � 2 �
1 -1

g ( E )dE = � 2 � �2 � 2 � �dE
p �h � � h h � �
� � �

g ( E )dE = dE
p h2

Notice that the 2D density of states, interestingly, does not depend on energy.

1D Density of States

The density of states for a 1D quantum mechanical system exhibits a unique solution
which has application in things such as nanowires and carbon nanotubes. In both the x
and y directions, the electron is confined, but it moves freely in the z direction.
Going from the 2D case to the 1D case, the unit cell becomes a line segment of length .
Just as a ring was used in the 2D system to find the number of quantum states in a
differential interval of energy, so a line segment is used in the 1D situation. The line
segment stretches from k to k + dk or E to E + dE , and the length of the line is simply
dE . Dividing the infinitesimal line length ( dE ) by the line length of the unit cell and
then multiplying by two (i.e. accounting for the two electron spins), the density of states
equation is

�L �
g (k )dk = 2 � �
�L0 �
= (2)
�p �
�a �
= dk

Substituting dE for dk using the well defined relation yields

g (k )dk = dk
2a �m �2mE � 2 �

g ( E )dE = �2 � 2 � �dE
p � h h � �
� � �
-1 -1
�a �(2)2 2 (m)m 2
=� � E 2
�p � h2 h-1

�a 2m � 1
g ( E )dE = �
�p � dE
� h2 �

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