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Geomicrobiology Journal

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Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from

Coal Mines of Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan

Qaiser Jamal, Iftikhar Ahmed, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Saira Abbas, Kil Yong Kim
& Muhammad Anees

To cite this article: Qaiser Jamal, Iftikhar Ahmed, Shafiq Ur Rehman, Saira Abbas, Kil Yong Kim
& Muhammad Anees (2016) Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Coal Mines of Dara
Adam Khel, Pakistan, Geomicrobiology Journal, 33:1, 1-9, DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2014.964886

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Geomicrobiology Journal (2016) 33, 1–9
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0149-0451 print / 1521-0529 online
DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2014.964886

Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Coal Mines

of Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

Institute of Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chonnam National University, Gwangju,
National Institute for Genomics and Advanced Biotechnology (NIGAB), National Agricultural Research Center (NARC),
Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Botany, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat Pakistan
Department of Microbiology, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat Pakistan

Received July 2014; Accepted September 2014

The coal fields of Pakistan and their microbiology have not been fully explored. Therefore, a study was conducted on the coal mines
of Dara Adam Khel located in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. For this purpose, sampling was done from nine
different mines with varying depths. A total of 32 bacterial strains were isolated and their colony size, form, texture, color, margin,
elevation and opacity were noted. The majority of the strains (75%) were found Gram negative. The bacterial strains were then
characterized in detail by different biochemical tests including catalase, citrate, oxidase, indole, triple sugar iron, motility, methyl
red-Vogues Proskeur, nitrate reduction and phenylalanine deaminase, and an enormous physiological diversity was observed. The
Gram positive strains were further characterized on molecular level using 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequence analysis.
Based on molecular analysis, seven strains were identified as Bacillus tequilensis, B. cereus, Janibacter melonis, Kocuria atrinae,
B. anthracis, K. rosea and B. simplex. The other two strains (strains 6 and 41) had molecular similarity of only 98% and 97% with
Brachybacterium spp. and Arthrobacter spp. respectively. The phylogenetic analysis further suggested that the strains 6 and 41 may
be potential candidates for novel species; however, further work is needed for confirmation.
Keywords: Bacillus species, biochemical characterization, coal mines in Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan, Kocuria species

Introduction conversion of coal to methane (Orem et al. 2010), bioremedi-

ation of heavy metals (Luo et al. 2011), biodegradation of
Pakistan is a coal rich country with 185 billion tons of coal the toxic material from soil (Safekordi and Yaghmaei 2001)
(NEPRA 2004). Huge reserves of coal have been discovered and antimicrobial activities (Khulana and Niranjan 2012).
in Dara Adam Khel. However, large part of the coal reserves Extremely acidic environments (pH < 3) occur naturally in
in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the coal mining areas due to anthropogenic activities, and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Province of Pakistan has not microorganisms are present in such areas which are acid-tol-
been explored (Malkani 2012). The coal in these areas is clas- erant or acidophilic (Johnson and McGinness 1991).
sified as Sub-bituminous with low sulfur and ash contents. However, the idea is old, as in 1908, Potter reported that
The coal beds in Hangu District are thicker than rest of these bacteria act as catalytic agents in the oxidation of amorphous
areas (NEPRA 2004). Although very little data has been brown coal and 2 years later, Galle (1910) could isolate pure
reported from different coal mines of Pakistan, the present cultures of bacteria grown on brown coal samples. Further-
study was, however, based on the sampling from the coal more, numerous experiments on coal solubilization by bacte-
mines of Dara Adam Khel. ria have since been performed (Fakoussa and Hofrichter
A number of phylogenetic studies on subsurface coal beds 1999; Laborda et al. 1997). Fakoussa investigated the ability
have described active microbial communities especially that of bacteria to degrade and solubilize the organic phase of
of bacteria (Green et al. 2008; Shimizu et al. 2007). There are hard coal (Fakoussa 1988). Moreover, the wood–rot fungi
several reasons to investigate microbial activities in coal could quantitatively solubilize the low-rank Leonardite
mines. These bacteria may possess versatile abilities including (Catcheside and Ralph 1999).
Various microorganisms including bacteria (e.g., Bacillus
*Address correspondence to Muhammad Anees, Department of sp. Proteobacteria, Streptomyces badius, Streptomyces setoni,
Microbiology, Kohat University of Science & Technology, A. ferrooxidans and L. ferrooxidans), and fungi (e.g., Coriolus
Kohat 26000, Pakistan; Email: versicolor, Phanerochaete chrysporium, Poria placent,
2 Jamal et al.

Piptoporus betulinus, Coprinus sclerotigenis, Candida sp., Biochemical tests

Fusarium oxysporum, Aspergillus sp. and Trichoderma atro- Standard biochemical tests were used to characterize bacte-
viride) are known to be present in coal mines (Faison 1991; rial isolates (Hussain et al. 2013). Briefly, for the indole test,
Holker et al. 1999; Laborda et al. 1997). cultures were incubated for 24 h on peptone broth and
From the context given here, it is clear that coal mines can Kovak’s solution was used as reagent (MacFaddin 2000).
be an important reservoir of useful bacteria. They represent For the methyl red and Voges-Proskauer test (MRVP), the
an extreme environment for microorganisms. The chance of bacteria were inoculated onto buffered peptone-glucose broth
finding novel species is greater in extreme environments such using methyl red and potassium hydroxide as indicators.
as coal mines because of their being less explored to date Starch hydrolysis was detected by growing bacteria in starch
(Roohi et al. 2014). Moreover, Pakistan is rich with reser- agar medium with the addition of iodine for 24 to 48 h. For
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

voirs. The present study was, therefore, based on the isolation citrate and ammonia utilization tests, the bacteria were
and identification of the indigenous bacterial strains of coal grown on Simmons citrate agar for 24–48 h.
from different coal mines of Dara Adam Khel. The charac- To determine whether the microbe produces the enzyme
terization of the isolates was also done by using biochemical phenylalanine deaminase, the bacteria were grown onto phe-
assays. Selected strains were identified by molecular methods, nylalanine agar, a nutrient medium enriched supplemented
especially including the sequencing of bacterial strains by the with 0.2% phenylalanine and 10% ferric chloride as reagent
16S rRNA gene. for 24-h-old cultures. Bacteria were screened out for enzyme
cytochrome oxidase when 24-h-old cultures were transferred
to filter paper and then were moistened with a few drops of
Methodology 1% tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride. The
motility of the bacterial isolates was observed in semisolid
Coal Sample Collection for Isolation of Bacteria nutrient agar. Nitrate reduction was also tested by using stan-
Coal samples were collected from nine coal mines of various dard assays (Chapin and Lauderdale 2007). A small amount
depths from Dara Adam Khel (33 410 1.5300 N, 71 310 of 1% hydrogen peroxide was added to bacterial cultures for
4.1200 E), Pakistan (Table 1). Sampling was performed during the detection of catalase activity. To detect the bacteria that
the period of October 2010. Samples were collected asepti- can utilize any or all of the different sugars, dextrose, lactose
cally in 500 g sterile autoclavable plastic boxes. Before and sucrose were supplemented in TSI Agar after 24–72 h.
isolation, coal samples were crushed with the help of a
well-cleaned grinder and were completely powdered for serial
dilution to isolate of bacterial flora of coal. Serial dilutions Molecular Identification of Bacterial Strains
were performed for the isolation. Dilutions were grown on
Nutrient agar plates using the pour-plate method. The Genomic DNA was extracted by using colony-PCR
method by using TE buffer, absolute ethanol and 70% etha-
nol. Colonies from fresh bacterial cultures were suspended in
Phenotypic Characterization 20 uL TE buffer and heated for 10 min at 95 C in PCR
machine followed by centrifuging for 6 min at 8000 rpm. The
Staining, morphology, and cultural characteristics supernatant was then used as template DNA for the amplifi-
Cultures were examined for cell morphology and Gram reac- cation of 16S rRNA gene.
tion after 24 h of growth in nutrient agar medium. A total of The 16S rRNA gene of all the isolated strains were ampli-
32 isolates were selected. Colony morphology of all the iso- fied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers 9F(50 -
lates was examined by using cultures that were grown for GAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-30 ) and 1510R (50 - GGC
2 days on nutrient agar (McClelland 2001). Characteristics TACCTTGTTACGA-30 ) using PreMix ExTaq (Takara,
including form, texture, color, margin, elevation and opacity Japan) as described previously (Ahmed et al. 2007). The
were studied. PCR was carried out by an initial denaturation step at 95 C

Table 1. Sampling from coal mines of Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan. ‘Isolates id’ were denoted to different bacterial isolates picked
from the respective mines
Mine name Owner Location Depth of mines Isolates id

Mine No 1 Fakaruddin Feroz Mela 800–900ft 25,41

Mine No 2 Saranzeb Feroz Mela 700–850 ft 6,9,17,18
Mine No 3 Khanzada Feroz Mela 800ft 15,24
Mine No 4 Rizwan Tandi Kala 900–950ft 5,8,13,43,2
Mine No 5 Ahmad Feroz Mela 600–700ft 14,19,29,30
Mine No 6 Abdur Rehman Tandi Kala 800ft 12,10,16,33,34,36
Mine No 7 Saranzeb Feroz Mela 1000ft 7,11,39
Mine No 8 Fakaruddin Tandi Kala 800–900ft 28,31,35
Mine No 9 Shakeel Feroz Mela 1000ft 4,20,32
Bacteria from Coal Mines of Dara Adam Khel 3

for 1 min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 95 C for Neighbor-joining tree and Maximum Parsimony Algorithm
20 s, annealing at 52 C for 40 s, and elongation at 72 C for methods were used to construct phylogenetic tree of the
1 min 30 s. Cycling was completed by a final elongation step sequenced strains (Marcheggiani et al. 2008).
at 72 C for 10 min. The amplified PCR products of 16S
rRNA gene of bacterial strains were purified and sequenced
using commercial service of Macrogen, Inc. Korea (www.
The sequences obtained were compared with the sequences
Morphological and Cultural Characteristics
present in the GenBank Database by using the BLAST pro-
gram of the National Center of Biotechnology Information The surface characteristics of bacterial isolates were found to
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

(NCBI). Matching hit with e-values closest to 0.0 were chosen be smooth, rough, dry, glistening and shiny. Most of the colo-
for alignment. The alignment and editing was performed nies, which were selected visually based on differences with
using BIOEDIT, EZTaxon Server 2. The nearest taxa of the the naked eye, were whitish and cream color, while a yellow
16s rRNA sequence of isolates were identified by EZTaxon color was also observed. A margin of colonies of bacterial
server 2.1 (Kim et al. 2012). Reported and reference sequen- isolates were found to be entire, undulate, filliform, lobate
ces were aligned using BIOEDIT and MEGA5. MEGA5 and convex. Out 32 bacterial isolates, 75% were Gram nega-
software package was used to generate phylogenetic tive. Most of the isolates were rod-shaped (78%), 25% isolates
tree for the strains, which showed lower similarities with were Gram positive rods and 6% isolates were Gram positive
the already identified sequences present in the databases. cocci.

Table 2. The biochemical test results of the different isolates picked from the coal mines of Dara Adam Khel
Vogues Nitrate Starch Phenylalanine Triple
Strain Indole Methyl Proskauer Citrate Reduction Catalase Oxidase Motility hydrolysis Deaminase Sugar Iron
ID Test Red Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test

2 C C ¡ ¡ C C ¡ C C ¡ C
4 ¡ ¡ C C ¡ ¡ ¡ C C C C
5 ¡ C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C C C
6 ¡ C C ¡ ¡ C ¡ C ¡ ¡ C
7 ¡ C C C C ¡ ¡ C C ¡ ¡
8 C C C ¡ ¡ C ¡ C ¡ C C
9 ¡ C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ C ¡ C ¡
10 ¡ C C C ¡ C ¡ C ¡ ¡ ¡
11 ¡ C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C C ¡ C
12 ¡ C C ¡ C C ¡ C ¡ ¡ ¡
13 ¡ ¡ C C ¡ ¡ ¡ C ¡ C C
14 C C C C ¡ C ¡ C C ¡ ¡
15 ¡ C C C ¡ C ¡ C C ¡ C
16 ¡ C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C ¡ C
17 C C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ C C C ¡
18 ¡ C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C C ¡ C
19 ¡ C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C C C
20 ¡ ¡ C C ¡ C ¡ C C C ¡
24 C C C C ¡ C ¡ C C C C
25 C C C C ¡ C ¡ C C C ¡
28 C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C ¡ ¡
29 C C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ C C ¡ C
30 ¡ C C ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ C C C ¡
31 ¡ C C C ¡ ¡ ¡ C C C ¡
32 ¡ ¡ C ¡ ¡ C ¡ ¡ C C C
33 ¡ C C C C ¡ ¡ C C C ¡
34 ¡ C C ¡ ¡ C ¡ C C C C
35 ¡ C C ¡ ¡ C ¡ C C ¡ C
36 ¡ C C C C ¡ ¡ C C C C
39 ¡ C C ¡ C C ¡ C C ¡ C
41 ¡ C C C ¡ C ¡ C ¡ C ¡
43 ¡ ¡ C C ¡ C ¡ C ¡ ¡ C
‘C’ means the activity takes place and ‘¡‘ means the no activity.
4 Jamal et al.

Table 3. Molecular identification of isolated bacterial strains isolated from the coal mines in Dara Adam Khel, Pakistan
Accession Number of Sequence
Strain From number of nucleotides of Closely related validly similarity(%) of 16S
ID Mine 16S rRNA gene 16SrRNA gene published taxa rRNA gene

41 Mine 1 AB753823 1531 Arthrobacter globiformis AB279890 97.770

6 Mine 2 AB753794 1405 Brachybacterium sacelli AJ415384 98.513
24 Mine 3 AB753818 1129 Bacillus cereus AE016877 99.911
2 Mine 4 AB753793 1120 Bacillus tequilensis HQ223107 99.911
30 Mine 5 AB753819 1137 Bacillus anthracis AB190217 100.000
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12 Mine 6 AB753795 944 Janibacter melonis AY522568 99.353

39 Mine 7 AB753822 969 Bacillus simplex AB363738 100.000
35 Mine 8 AB753821 1029 Kocuria atrinae FJ607311 100.000
32 Mine 9 AB753820 1155 Kocuria rosea X87756 99.653

5 Arthrobacter oxydans (X83408)

9 Arthrobacter polychromogenes (X80741)
6 Arthrobacter scleromae (AF330692)

8 Arthrobacter phenanthrenivorans (CP002379)

Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus(CP001341)
Arthrobacter equi (FN673551)
9 6
7 Arthrobacter defluvii (AM409361)
10 Arthrobacter niigatensis (AB248526)
Arthrobacter sulfonivorans (AF235091)
Arthrobacter methylotrophus (AF235090)
9 Arthrobacter alkaliphilus (AB248527)
Arthrobacter flavus (AB299278)
1 Arthrobacter tec (AJ639829)
9 Arthrobacter paries (AJ639830)
6 Arthrobacter tumbae (AJ315069)
NCCP 773 (AB753823)
Arthrobacter globiformis (M23411)
2 Arthrobacter pascens (X80740)
5 Arthrobacter oryzae (AB279889)
9 Arthrobacter humicola (AB279890)
Arthrobacter crystallopoietes (X80738)
Arthrobacter woluwensis (X93353)
Arthrobacter rhombi (Y15885)
Arthrobacter cryotolerans (GQ406812)
Arthrobacter bergerei (AJ609630)
Arthrobacter kerguelensis (AJ606062)
Arthrobacter sulfureus (X83409)
6 Arthrobacter antarccus (AM931709)
9 Arthrobacter gangotriensis (AJ606061)
Micrococcus luteus (CP001628)

Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree showing relationship of strain 41(NCCP 773) with closely related taxa contingent from 16S rRNA sequen-
ces. Tree was generated using the Neighbor-Joining. Bootstrap values (more than 50%), expressed as percentage of 1000 replications,
and are indicated at the nodes. Accession number of each type strain is shown in parentheses.
Bacteria from Coal Mines of Dara Adam Khel 5

A variety of biochemical assays were carried out to Discussion

have a comprehensive view of the phenotypic characteris-
tics of bacteria (Table 2). It was observed that 75% of Coal is the biggest resource for power generation globally
bacterial isolates were indole-positive and 84% were acid and a major anthropogenic source of CO2 production (Man-
producers, while the rest of the isolates were capable of cuso and Seavoy 1981). Although Pakistan is rich and has an
producing neutral compounds in media. Overall, the bac- abundance of coal reserves, the coal production has been low
terial isolates showed various biochemical attributes. due to lack of facilities, inadequate financing and inadequate
Briefly, bacterial isolates were positive for citrate utiliza- modern coal exploration technical expertise and has not been
tion (62.5%), nitrate reduction (19%), catalase test (50%), developed for the last three decades. Moreover, the coal
oxidase (100%), motility test (85%), starch hydrolysis reserves in FATA and KPK province of Pakistan are not
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

(75%), phenylalanine deaminase test (53%) and triple fully researched. Furthermore, ecological data for microbiol-
sugar iron test (60%). ogy of coal is unavailable although such areas might contain
the potentially new bacterial species (Roohi et al. 2014).
Therefore, the present study was based on isolation, charac-
Molecular Characterization terization and identification of bacteria from the coal mines
Out of 9 strains that were identified on a molecular level, in Dara Adam Khel, FATA Pakistan.
4 (strains 2, 24, 30 and 39) were identified as Bacillus spp. Purification of enrichment cultures of bacteria in addition
(Table 3). Strain 2 was identified as B. tequilensis. Strain to the isolation and enumeration of bacteria from natural
24 was identified as B. cereus, strain 30 as B. anthracis samples were satisfactorily accomplished through conven-
and strain 39 as B. simplex. Strain 6 was identified as Bra- tional plating techniques. Colony morphology is an impor-
chybacterium sacelli. Strain 12 was identified as Janibacter tant aspect for the isolation of bacteria as in pure cultural
melonis. Moreover, strain 32 was identified as Kocaria work. It is sometimes necessary to make suppositions because
rosea, and strain 35 as K. atrinae. Strain 41 was identified bacterial colonies of the same morphology may represent the
as Arthrobacter globiformis. Furthermore, the phylogenetic same bacterial species. Therefore, in the present study, the
analyses supported the identification (Figures 1–6). All the bacterial isolates were initially selected on the basis of differ-
sequences were submitted to GenBank for further ences in colony morphology. According to this study most of
referencing (Table 3). the coal bacteria were Gram negative (75%).

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree showing inter-relationship of strain 41 (NCCP 773) with closely related taxa, inferred from 16S rRNA
sequences. Tree was generated using the Maximum-Parsimony Algorithm. Bootstrap values (more than 50%), expressed as percent-
age of 1000 replications, and are indicated at the nodes. Accession number of each type strain is shown in parentheses.
6 Jamal et al.
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree showing inter-relationship of strain 41 (NCCP773) with closely related taxa, the, inferred from 16S rRNA
sequences. Tree was generated using the Maximum Likelihood algorithm and Bootstrap values (more than 50%), expressed as per-
centage of 1000 replications, and is indicated at the nodes. Accession number of each type strain is shown in parentheses.

Previous workers have demonstrated the existence and bigger diversity at the metabolic level among the different
nonexistence of Gram-positive bacteria in coal mines. Dugan bacterial isolates from the coal mines of Dara Adam Khel
et al. (1968) were able to isolate two Gram-positive and five may suggest the presence of variable genotypes and higher
Gram- negative bacteria from acidic (pH 2.8) mine drainage. chances of finding potential novel bacterial strains. To con-
Johnson and McGinness (1991) isolated several Gram-posi- firm the hypothesis, molecular identification was performed
tive bacteria, including Staphylococci, Micrococci, Coryne- using 16S rRNA gene sequencing.
bacteria, and spore-forming bacilli, from the drainage of an All the Gram-positive bacteria (9 out of 32) were identified
abandoned coal mine. Tuttle et al. (1968) isolated eight in the present study on a molecular basis. Bacillus tequilensis,
Gram-negative bacilli and no Gram-positive bacteria from Bacillus cereus, Janibacter melonis, Kocuria atrinae, Bacillus
an acidic, coal pile drainage. The low number of Gram-posi- anthracis, Kocuria rosea, Bacillus simplex were identified in
tive bacteria in coal may be due to a greater leak in the struc- coal mines of Dara Adam Khel based on molecular analysis.
ture of the Gram-positive cell walls to toxic hydrogen ions. Two strains (6 and 41) showed lower similarity of 97% with
Moreover, the biochemical characterization was also per- Arthrobacter globiformis and 98% with Brachybacterium
formed in the present study as an essential part in characteri- sacelli respectively based on the NCBI BLAST analysis.
zation of bacteria. An enormous diversity could be found Strains 6 and 41 were, therefore, subjected to phylogenetic
using the variable standard biochemical assay (Table 2). The analysis using variable algorithms, which suggested that the
Bacteria from Coal Mines of Dara Adam Khel 7

100 Brachybacterium paraconglomeratum (AJ415377)

95 Brachybacterium conglomeratum (X91030)
92 Brachybacterium saurashtrense (EU937750)
52 Brachybacterium faecium (CP001643)
Brachybacterium alimentarium (X91031)
97 Brachybacterium tyrofermentans (X91657)

76 Brachybacterium sacelli (AJ415384)

53 Brachybacterium fresconis (AJ415378)
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

NCCP-762 (AB753794)
14 Brachybacterium muris (AJ537574)

28 Brachybacterium squillarum (GQ339911)

43 Brachybacterium rhamnosum (AJ415376)
Brachybacterium zhongshanense (EF125186)
Brachybacterium nesterenkovii (X91033)
Brachybacterium phenoliresistens (DQ822566)
Arthrobacter globiformis (M23411)

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree showing inter-relationship of strain 6 (NCCP 762) with closely related taxa, inferred from 16S rRNA
sequences. Tree was generated using the Neighbor-Joining Algorithm and Bootstrap values (more than 50%), expressed as percent-
age of 1000 replications, and is indicated at the nodes. Accession number of each type strain is shown in parentheses.

strains may be considered as candidates for novel species mining soils showing high resistance (Shi et al. 2013).
(Figures 1–6). Another strain CM100B of B. cereus was isolated from the
However, further work is needed to confirm the hypothe- coal mines and showed high effectiveness in generation of
sis. B. tequilensis was first time isolated and identified as novel selenium nanoparticles (SNs) by transformation of toxic sele-
species from a sample taken from an approximately 2000- nite (SeO32¡) anions into red elemental selenium (Se0) under
year-old shaft-tomb located in the Mexican state of Jalisco, aerobic conditions (Dhanjal and Cameotra 2010). Similarly,
near the city of Tequila (Gaston et al. 2006). Additionally, Kocuria spp. were isolated from the coal amended fly ash, the
Bacillus spp., Arthrobacter, Janibacter spp. isolated from the combustion remains of the coal, and was found resistant to
mining soils could oxidize the Antimony present in the fly ash (Jabeen and Sinha 2012).

Brachybacterium paraconglomeratum (AJ415377)

81 Brachybacterium conglomeratum (X91030)
10 87 Brachybacterium saurashtrense (EU937750)
4 Brachybacterium faecium (CP001643)

66 Brachybacterium sacelli (AJ415384)

Brachybacterium fresconis (AJ415378)
74 Brachybacterium alimentarium (X91031)
88 Brachybacterium tyrofermentans (X91657)
NCCP-762 (AB753794)
Brachybacterium muris (AJ537574)
18 Brachybacterium squillarum (GQ339911)
36 Brachybacterium rhamnosum (AJ415376)
Brachybacterium nesterenkovii (X91033)
Brachybacterium zhongshanense (EF125186)
Brachybacterium phenoliresistens (DQ822566)
Arthrobacter globiformis (M23411)

Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree showing inter-relationship of strain 6 (NCCP 762) with closely related taxa inferred from 16S rRNA sequen-
ces. Tree was generated using the Maximum-Parsimony Algorithm and Bootstrap values (more than 50%), expressed as percentage
of 1000 replications, and is indicated at the nodes. Accession number of each type strain is shown in parentheses.
8 Jamal et al.

99 Brachybacterium paraconglomeratum (AJ415377)

82 Brachybacterium conglomeratum (X91030)
93 Brachybacterium saurashtrense (EU937750)
Brachybacterium faecium (CP001643)

72 94 Brachybacterium alimentarium (X91031)

37 Brachybacterium tyrofermentans (X91657)
78 Brachybacterium fresconis (AJ415378)
Brachybacterium sacelli (AJ415384)
31 NCCP-762 (AB753794)
Downloaded by [NWFP University of Engineering & Technology - Peshawar] at 22:18 27 September 2017

Brachybacterium zhongshanense (EF125186)

72 Brachybacterium muris (AJ537574)

Brachybacterium squillarum (GQ339911)
43 Brachybacterium rhamnosum (AJ415376)
Brachybacterium nesterenkovii (X91033)
Brachybacterium phenoliresistens phenol (DQ822566)
Arthrobacter globiformis (M23411)

Fig. 6. Phylogenetic tree showing inter-relationship of strain 6 (NCCP 762) with closely related taxa inferred from 16S rRNA sequen-
ces. Tree was generated using the Maximum-Likelihood Algorithm. Bootstrap values (more than 50%), expressed as percentage of
1000 replications, and are indicated at the nodes. Accession number of each type strain is shown in parentheses.

In conclusion, the bacterial strains isolated from coal 2000-year-old Mexican shaft-tomb, is closely related to Bacillus
mines in Dara Adam Khel showed diversity at physiologi- subtilis Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol 56:1475–84.
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methanogenic consortium enriched from a coalbed methane well in
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the Powder River Basin, U.S.A. Int J Coal Geol 76:34–45.
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