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The Word of God1 on the Sunday in remembrance of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise2

I come down into your midst with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, people of My word,
and I advise you with Him, I strengthen you with Him and with Him I have always breathed
refreshment upon you, so that I may be able to work with you and you with Me over the earth
with My Spirit, with the new making of the world, for there is nothing else but only the end
of the world over everything on earth, because the world without God does nothing else but
it works its end only, only temporariness, for it does not wait for its eternity and there is no one
to tell it about it, and I come down with it upon the earth and I have no one to tell about it and
I have no one to give it. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the
Lord”, r.n.)

I comfort Myself with you within My sigh, My people. I sigh with you, for I have taught
you to take after Me and to sigh after the man too, for the man’s wandering on earth is great,
and I, the Lord, have My coming after the man into your midst, My work of calling after each
man, for the man to come in the way of the light and to stay in it, and that he may escape from
the spirit of the darkness of this age, which keeps the man within the spirit of wandering away
from God.

I want to draw the man back to the Father. When I went to the Father to stand again
on His right side, in obedience of Him, after My ascension in the heavenly things, I said that if
I would go I would draw all to the Father. However, I have mercy not only on those who loved
and love Me and who have always waited for Me longingly, but I have also got mercy on every
soul on the earth, and I am merciful and I sigh after the man. However, if the man has sighed
after Me, I would no longer bear with so much sighing, but the man does not know what the
Lord’s sighing is, the sighing of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit with Whom I have
come down on earth to teach the man the Spirit of God, and that the man may get away from
his spirit, which brings sufferance and sighing to him and to Me. This is what it happened to
the man built by My hand in the time of creation in the beginning, after I had made the haven
and the earth and all their ornaments. The man forsook God and took after his spirit and he has
never come back to Me so that I may give him My life in him again, My dwelling in him, and
that he may give Me his life and his love out of which I built him.

I built the man with great love. Moreover, I am building you within great love, now in
the end of the time, My people. I am breathing the Holy Spirit upon your being with great, great
longing, so that you may always get used to My being within you, with the Holy Spirit, the
Comforter, Who teaches you My love and Who shares with you My sighing after the man. I
remember with pain and tears within your midst the day when I lost the man and when he lost
the garden of Paradise in which I set him after I had built him. I built him to have comfort
from him, just as a parent gives birth to a child to be comforted with him and from him. How-
ever, the man departed from his Father and from his mother and joined to his wife and he sep-
arated from the One Who made him. Oh, the man has no longer had any comfort on the earth
and he has sought in vain to have it, and the man bears sons in vain. Everything is only lying
on earth, and the man does no longer know how to come back to God. However, I have come

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.


with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, for I told those who loved Me: «I will not leave you or-
phans when I go to the Father, and I will send you another Comforter to teach you and to be
with you into the world». (See also John 14:16-18)

The Holy Spirit is the One who gave Himself thorough the prophets and the earth has
not been without God on it, but the man has no longer had eyes and ears towards God, for he
fell down on earth, and I come to raise him and to give him back the paradise, for it is for him
that I made the paradise, My people.

The man left the paradise within tears and uncomforted sighing, after he had violated
the law of God’s love, and now, I, the Lord, want that the man may seek with tears and sighing
after his place in paradise, for the paradise was made and it is, just as God is and wants to call
the man back into the paradise, into the life of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, for I did not leave
the man orphan, when in My obedience I went to be on the right side of the Father to be His
will and not Mine, and that the man may take the example from Me and to stand on My right
side and to appreciate Me, and that I may appreciate him as well, and to keep him from the
enmity of the spirit opposing to God and who took the man out of My arm, out of the paradise
that was made for the man so that the man may be Mine.

Oh, My people led by the whisper of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter! When the man can
work, the Lord cannot. Teach yourself from Me, My people, for I stand on the right side of the
Father to teach, and when I work I look at Him, for the son who takes after his father, that one
is the father’s comfort; however, this wonder is no longer on earth. And behold, those, who
were asking about Me when I came from the Father among people, loved Me. Those who wan-
dered away in their life had also come and found Me and loved Me, and those who called
themselves sons, judged Me like a man, for they did not love Me if I did not take after them,
and they were blind for My coming of that time, and which they knew through the prophets

I Myself have come after the man, for the man does no longer see the way that is to take
him to his peace, to his rest after his such a long running away. I come and I stay with the word
of the Holy Spirit in the way of the man, only that the man may come to know Me. If the man
wants, he knows Me, and if he does not want, he does not open his heart and his ear to know
My whisper, My sighing after the man to bring his reconciliation to the Father, and then to give
him My hand and to draw him to the Father, where the embracing of the Father and the joy of
the heaven wait for the man’s returning to the Father. Amen.

Oh, Father Sabaoth, I have been walking sighingly after the man in order to bring him
back to You, Father, as I said that I would work then when I left My disciples and when I told
them that I would come to You to draw all of them to You, to My Father, to be again in happi-
ness with the man, Father. Behold, I pray to You from the midst of the people that receives Us
as God, and I pray from its midst and together with it I pray to fulfill the Scripture of the new
birth of the world. I pray to You for a new heart in man, Father, for I have been longing
for My love in man, to bring back the man to You, to draw Him to You and that the man may

The man built by My hand cries; he cries after every man who was born of man, and he
prays to You and to Me to give a new heart to the man of today, so that the man of today may
become a savior and to listen to God as I listen to You, Father, for I am Your beloved Son, and


You do Your will through Me, because this is how I want it and this is how I am Your beloved
Son. Amen.

– Oh, Son with the spirit of a child, You are true God of true God, and you work like
Me with a spirit of My child, and You knew this heavenly mystery then when You said that if
the man does not become a child, he would in no way enter God’s kingdom, and he would not
have God’s kingdom in him as well. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God3”,

The spirit of a child like Your Spirit, child-God, this is what I, the Father, want for the
people of Your coming after two ages, when You went again on to the earth after the man to
make the man again in Our image and after Our likeness, child-God. I sent You down on earth
and I told everybody that You were My child, and this is how I have also told everybody
today again: He is My Son, and I am in Him and I am well pleased with Him, and the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter, is in Him, the word of the Father and of the Son for the new birth
of the world, for I, together with My Son, work again and We make them all new, as it is
written to be fulfilled now, in the end. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, sons of the people, the Father and the Son, the Son and the Father, are speaking
to you from the midst of the people of the Lord’s coming for the new making of the world. Let
yourselves be called and let yourselves be chosen, for the Lord is coming down on earth to
choose those who are faithful to His coming, and to give them a prepared place, so that where
He is you may also be, but become disciples of My coming from the Father in you and after

Give up the spirit of this age, for the spirit of the world is the spirit opposing to God and
no one can do God’s things if he is not called, chosen and faithful, and if he is not sent by
God, when that a man like that resembles God. Come into the light, come out into the light,
for life means God, and learn the mystery of life. Fast from everything that is evil and dark and
feed on the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, because I have told everybody that the man does not
live on bread alone, but he rather lives only if he feeds on the word that has come out of God’s
mouth. And here is My table! Take from it, and be fed on the spirit of the eternal life, and
become sons of God, full of grace and truth, worshiping God. Prepare your life and your little
garment feeding on the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and be ready like those who wait for their
Master to come back and to bring them the joy of their eternity, the new heaven and the new
earth for those who learn from God, as I teach them from the Father, and as I come from Him
and I give you. Amen, amen, amen.

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And as for you, My people, Jerusalem, bless My name that is on your head and honor
the Lord preaching His coming upon you, and from you to all the nations of the earth, from the
four corners, so that they may come to the mountain of the teaching and to take and to become
sons of God, with grace and truth in them, and that I may be their God. Amen.

Peace to you, New Jerusalem! Keep yourself within a new garment. Let My grace and
truth be your work so that we may do the Father’s work and that the nations of the earth may
see My light that is upon you, My word, which calls and sanctifies everyone who believes and
will be saved by believing and fulfilling My kingdom within him.

Oh, My people, do not forget to work power for Me upon you, and to comfort and to
strengthen My coming to you, and to be the child of My Father, as I am. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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