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Understanding an Analytical Equation of the “Analysis of Finite laminar Opposed-Jet

With and without Rigid Body Rotation” Paper

Study case : Non-identical OJF without rigid-body rotation, inviscid solution
By : Annas Fauzy(N16067054)
The analytical analysis of this paper are divide into two special case, that is non-identical OJF
without and identical OJW with rigid body rotation. In this analytical we analyze non-identical
OJF without rigid-body rotation with inviscid solution. Some assumption are used, such as
buoyancy and dilatation effect negligible. Than the other assumption ρi and µi are constant in each
flow region, define equation 8,9,10 :

We define the stream function (Ψi) as A1. So

then from this equation, we can express the velocity component as :

Than we substitute equation (3) and (4) into equation (9) and (10), into non-linear ODE, than we
can define (A4) as
With A1 are first integration constant. We can simplify that equation that large number of Reynolds
number because of viscous term, so the new equation are :

The boundary condition of the equation are :

The boundary condition change into f1 (1) = - f2 (0) = ½; f1 ‘(1) = f2 ‘(0) = f1(xs) = f2 (xs) = 0. Than,
subtitution equation (A4’) into :

And Integration respect to x, so the new equation are :

Which A2 are the second integration constant. Integration equation (A5) again
With K0, K1, and K2 are the constants. Use the boundary condition to get the equation of K0, K1,
and K2, than :

Based of that solution, we can define the equation (A2) and (A3). The value of Xs define as :

Or we can assume that two molecular weight of upper and lower jet are identic so :
The final inviscid solution of the equation determined as ;

If we want to get the viscous solution, we change the non-linear ODE into Runge-Kutta method to
get the equation (A4).

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