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Course:      MCH 4002 Informatics in Healthcare
Faculty:                      Terry J. Bell, B.S., RHIT
Date:                           Early Fall 2010
Credit Hours:  2 credits (1 lecture, 2  lab)
Prerequisites:            Ability to keyboard or OT 3007 Keyboarding
Course Description:  Orientation to the use of technology in the healthcare delivery system
including hardware, software, user interfaces, telecommunications and networks, and health
management information systems (HMIS). The course will also provide students with an
overview of electronic health records management (EHR). Students will utilize hands on
application of medical records software system components in order to apply EHR applications
to the real medical office setting.

Course Objectives:  At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:
            1.      Identify various types of hardware, software and interface technologies associated
with healthcare informatics.
            2.      Describe technology-based allied health applications in hospitals, community health
agencies, education and research.
            3.      Research healthcare topics with the use of the Internet and appropriate databases.
            4.      Discuss ethical and legal considerations related to proprietary software, data
security, information privacy and confidentiality.
            5.      Discuss the importance of life long learning as it relates to the challenges of
implementing, operating and upgrading health management information systems.
Course Outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge of informational literacy appropriate for the entry-level healthcare
professional. Students will utilize hands on application of medical records software system
components in order to apply these applications to the real medical office setting.

Outline of Course Topics
The Assignment folder will list topics to be discussed on Blackboard.
Resource Materials
                1.      Information Technology for the Health Professions, 2004, by Lillian Burke and
Barbara Weill, Published by Brady/Prentice Hall Health.
                2.      Internet Resource Guide for Nurses and Health Care Professionals, 3nd edition,
2005, by Cynthia Mascara, Patricia Czar, and Toni Hebda, Published by
Brady/Prentice Hall Health.
            3.      Information located in the MCH 4002 Course Enhancement on the World Wide
Web (Blackboard)
            4.      Information collected and downloaded by students via the World Wide Web.
Computer Requirements:    You must submit all your documents and homework assignments
in a current version of Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel.  If you do not
have this at home you can use the open lab times on main campus to do your
homework assignments.   You can obtain a schedule of open lab times in Room 330
on the main campus.
Testing and Grading Procedures
1.    Students will complete assignments by the posted due date. No late assignments
will be accepted unless scheduled prior to assignment due date. All tests will be
averaged together for 60% of the final grade.  Other assignments (labs, exercises,
attendance, etc.) will be averaged for 40%.
Grading Scale
            Percentage   Grade  
            90 - 100%     A
            80 -  90%     B
            70 -  80%     C
            60 -  70%        D
            59% and below           F
Any permanently disabled student in need of academic accommodations should make an
appointment to meet with David Cover Counselor/Special Needs 569-1544 or 569-1613.
The collegiate institution recognizes and supports the standards set forth in Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which are designed
to prevent discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities. Disabilities are defined
as mental and/or physical impairments which substantially limit one or more of a person’s major
life activities, and which necessitate modifications to the facilities, programs, or services of the
College. The College is committed to making reasonable accommodations for qualifying
students in accordance with law and to creating full accessibility to campus facilities.

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