Newsletter January 1st, 2018

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 Buhari: Nigeria’s Future Is Secured With Leaders Like Dogara

 Dogara Celebrates 50th Birthday With Church Thanksgiving,
Visits To Orphanage Homes"
Dogara Celebrates 50th
Birthday With Church
Thanksgiving, Visits To
Orphanage Homes
...charges orphans, underprivileged not to feel lim-
ited by their circumstances

As part of his dedication to the upliftment of the

underprivileged in the society, Speaker of the
House of Representatives, Hon Yakubu Dogara,
celebrated his 50th birthday in different orphanage
homes located in the Federal Capital Territory,

This was after a special thanksgiving service which

held at Living Faith Church, Goshen.

The Speaker said he chose to celebrate his 50th

birthday, the first time in his life he will be celebrat-
ing any birthday, in order to review his journey in
life and make an impact in the lives of others, espe-
cially internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the

The visits were simultaneously held in 19 orphan-

age homes, with the Speaker physically present in 2
and represented by lawmakers and friends in 17

On his visit to Treasure Orphanage Home and Karu

Children's Home, the Speaker motivated the chil-
dren to work hard to achieve their dreams and not
be discouraged by the circumstances they have
found themselves.

He assured them that they can attain whatever

heights they desire if they believe in God, live a dis-
ciplined and focused life and work hard, adding
that though they have no father, they have God as
their fathers, they will get to the highest of what
God has in future for them

The Speaker appealed to able men and women in

the society to join in supporting the children who
have found themselves in a situation not due to
their own faults.
.....Pledges To Meet FCT ......Impacting Lives Positively
Administration Over Free More Of Achievement To Me
Education, Medicals For Than Speakership - Dogara
Orphans, Underprivileged Speaker Yakubu Dogara has said that as he cele-
In FCT brates his 50th birthday, he takes stock of his
achievements more by the measure of positive im-
The Speaker also disclosed that members of the pact he has been able to make in the lives of people,
House will engage the administration of the Federal especially the less privileged in the society, than po-
Capital Territory on the possibility of providing free sitions he has occupied, including that of the Speak-
medical services and education for orphans and un- er.
derprivileged children in the FCT.
He said his greatest achievement would be summed
The Speaker was reacting to a request from the ad- up in his ability to better the lots of most citizens of
ministrator of the Abuja Children's Home, Mrs Han- the country, adding that a lot of people think it is
natu Attah, for a policy that will give free education because he is the Speaker; the Number 4 person in
at all levels, as well as free medical services to the Nigeria, that he has achieved a lot.
children in orphanage homes in order to ease the
financial burden of paying the bills. "To me, that’s not an achievement. I am measuring
my life by the impact that those 50 years have
He pointed out that while democracy promotes en- brought to bear on the lives of others and I have
trepreneurship, the House is not empowered to seen it myself and so many people have been able
make such a policy pronouncement but it may be to tell me how I have impacted on their lives these
under the purview of the administration of the FCT 50 years.
to handle such requests.
” So, it is a special moment for me. And as I mark 50,
He then assured her that he will meet with the rep- my next journey in life is to be able to reassess
resentatives of the FCT in the National Assembly so where I have not done very well so that I can
that they can present the request to the FCT minis- strengthen those areas and strengthen my resolve
ter. to serve humanity better. “For me, Nigeria is a great
country. It will be greater and that’s if all of us do
The Speaker also declared that all proceeds of his our work. The problem we have now is that virtually
birthday activities, including his book launch, will go everyone looks up to government. Every Nigerian
to orphans, internally displaced and underprivileged must go to work and if Nigerians go to work and do
in the society. the right work, I can assure you that in the next 50
years, this nation will be a cesspool of prosperity for
"That is what we should be doing; empowering oth- all the citizens of this country. Everything we run
ers and not ourselves at this point of our lives. Eve- abroad for, we will have them in this country if all of
rytime will be devoted to charity. We have been able us make collective effort not just people in govern-
to raise quite a lot and I promise that every dime we ment.”
have raised and will raise today will be solely devot-
ed to the less privileged".
of remarkable achievements and
awards that have culminated into
this golden jubilee.

The President extols Dogara’s hu-

mility, simplicity and discipline in
providing exceptional leadership for
the lower house for over two years
by diligently bridging

the gaps and creating a harmonious

atmosphere for debates and ex-
change of ideas for national devel-

President Buhari affirms that the

Buhari: Nigeria’s Future Is Secured Speaker’s personal attributes of
With Leaders Like Dogara, Speaker selflessness, maturity and friendli-
Dogara Has Exceptional Leadership ness have substantially eased the
relationship between the Executive
and the Legislative arm, resulting in
the passage of bills that directly im-
President Muhammadu Buhari's Birth-
pact the livelihood of Nigerians.
day Message To Speaker Dogara At 50
Recalling his personal interactions
On behalf of the Federal Executive Coun-
with the Speaker, and having fol-
cil and all Nigerians, President Muham-
lowed his political trajectory in the
madu Buhari warmly felicitates with the
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
House of Representatives, President
Hon. Yakubu Dogara, as he turns 50 Buhari believes Nigeria’s future can
years. only be secured with great leader-
ship by younger Nigerians, who are
President Buhari joins the National As- fired with the zeal to build one
sembly, the Nigerian Bar Association, great nation that everyone can call
friends and family of the erudite and a home.
charismatic leader in celebrating the years
"Dogara Is A Special Person."

Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo's

Birthday Message To Speaker
Dogara At 50.
I had told the Rt. Hon. Speaker that I would not be
able to attend his birthday event, because today is a
day when annually, I host all members of my family,
and I had done this for very many years and he had
excused me from coming and said he understood.

But about two days ago, it just struck me that I had

to be here and now I understand why I had to be
underscored to him that there is something im-
I have always known that the Speaker is an excep- portant about redemption and greatness.
tional person in this funny world of politics. As you
can imagine, politics is not a picnic, but there are I was so pleased today when I heard Pastor Abioye
people who stand by their word and you can take talk about that relationship between redemption
them by their word. and greatness – the understanding that our lives
really must be about service, because the one who
I heard, I think at some point, that the Speaker is a saved us died for us and served us till the end.
Christian. Over time, I got to know that. I didn’t
even know his antecedents, but I recognised that So, I’m really so excited to be here and to celebrate
there was something distinct and special about him. with my brother because I have been greatly en-
riched today and greatly encouraged in my Chris-
I think that, by just hearing the stories and various tian faith. And I want to just bless the name of the
testimonies of his life, it is evident that he is a good Lord for you, your wife and children.
Christian. I have always said that if you are a Chris-
tian, we must know your salvation experience; we I pray that, just like the scriptures say, “That the
must know your story. path of the just is like a shining light and it will
shine brighter and brighter until that perfect day”, I
If you don’t have a salvation experience you must pray that your light will shine brighter until that
go get one, but when you know a man or a wom- perfect day in the mighty name of Jesus. I also pray
an’s salvation experience, then you know where he that as your day, so shall your strength, so shall
is coming from and you will understand why he is your wisdom and so shall your favour increase with
who he is today. God.

I am really grateful to God for today and I am going Your family, who you see today, you will continue
to get the book (to be unveiled today about the to see and you will have pride and joy in them eve-
Speaker). I am going to tell my son the story be- ry day. All your children will be greater than you
cause I always tell him stories, especially about and all that you desire, the Lord God Almighty will
greatness and about great people. I have always bring to pass in Jesus name.
Saraki Supported Me To Become Speaker -
The Speaker of the House of Represent- disposal, the Senate president played a
atives, Yakubu Dogara, has disclosed key role by making himself available to
that President of the Senate, Dr. Abuba- give ideas and financial support.
kar Bukola Saraki, was instrumental to
his clinching of the speakership of the "Whenever we ran into trouble during
House. the campaigns, we would go to him.
He contributed a lot of ideas and even
He said though his colleagues made money, although I’m not going to
him speaker against all odds, as virtually mention how much.
everything was done against the project
from the party to even resources at his

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