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CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(161000) : Sets the Experience of the currently-selected

party member to 161,000 EXP.

CLUAConsole:CreateItem("SCRL75") : Creates a single Identify scroll in your party's
first empty Inventory slot.
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("AROW01", 50) : Creates a single stack of 50 unenchanted
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("KILLSW01") : In BG2, this creates the "Killsword," a
Longsword usable by any character, which does thousands of
hp of various types of damage, grants 100% Magic Resistance and bonuses
of -10 to AC & -50 to THAC0, as well as a bunch of immunities.
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("GIBBER01") : Creates a hostile Gibberling.
CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR0300") : Teleports selected party members (as close as
possible) to the upper-left hand corner of
AR0300.ARE. In BG1, AR0300 is BG City Northeast, and in BG2, it's the
Docks District.
CLUAConsole:ExploreArea() : Removes all the Fog of War in the area, as if you had
already explored the entire map.
CLUAConsole:AddGold(456) : Adds 456 gold pieces to the party's current amount of
CLUAConsole:SetWeather(0) : For the next hour or so, there will be no weather
effects. Using a parameter of 1 with this
command will cause it to rain, and a parameter of 2 will make it snow.
CLUAConsole:AddSpell("SPPR302") : The creature under the mouse pointer will learn
the Priest spell of Call Lightning,
if it has access to Priest spells.
CLUAConsole:CriticalItems() : Places certain items needed for the endgame of BG1 in
your Inventory.
CLUAConsole:FirstAid() : Creates 5 Potions of Healing, 5 Antidotes, and a Stone to
Flesh scroll.
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("CHAPTER", "GLOBAL") : Displays the value of Global variable
CHAPTER in the
game's text window. GLOBAL may also be replaced with LOCALS or a specific
area file, if you wish to check those
types of variables.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("CHAPTER", "GLOBAL", 6) : Sets the Global variable CHAPTER to
equal 6.
CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() : If you're in BG1, or have not added the
"CheatKeys=1" line to the BALDUR.INI
of BG2, this command activates the in-game Cheat Keys, listed below. If
the Cheat Keys are activated via the
CLUA console and not through the .INI file, they will be once again
turned off the next time the game is Reloaded.

The Cheat Keys (not all of which were implemented in BG1):

CTRL-8 : During the "rolling your stats" section of Character Creation, sets your
stats to 18(00) / 18 / 18 / 18 / 18 / 18.
CTRL-1 : Cycles the "armor level" of the avatar / paperdoll of the selected
character. Cosmetic only, it does not change their actual AC.
CTRL-2 : Screen fades to black, used in some cutscenes.
CTRL-3 : Screen fades from black back to normal, again used in cutscenes.
CTRL-4 : Toggles highlighting of "interactive" portions of the map, such as doors,
traps, and other triggers.
CTRL-6 : The avatar / paperdoll of the selected character cycles upward to the next
avatar in the list.
CTRL-7 : The avatar / paperdoll of the selected character cycles downward to the
next avatar in the list.
CTRL-I : Prompts an in-party banter to occur.
CTRL-J : All selected party members teleport (as close as possible) to the mouse
CTRL-Q : Forces creature under the mouse pointer to join the party.
CTRL-R : Creature under mouse pointer is fully healed & Dispelled.
CTRL-T : Jumps the game's clock forward by 1 hour, which has the side effect of
causing short-duration effects to expire.
CTRL-X : Gives the ARxxxx, and x-pos / y-pos coordinates, of the point under the
mouse pointer.
CTRL-Y : Applies thousands of hp of various damage types to the creature under the
mouse pointer.
CLUAConsole:ExploreArea() Set current area to fully explored

CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("[Number]") Set XP for selected characters

Example - CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("1000") will give the current character/party
1000 experience points.

CLUAConsole:AddGold("[Number]") Sets the party gold

Example - CLUAConsole:AddGold("1000") will give the party 1000 gold.

CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[Item name]") Creates an item in the leaders inventory

Example - CLUAConsole:CreateItem("SW1H01") will create a long sword.

CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[item]", [number]) sets the amount of charges that an item

will have upon spawning it- if the item has charges anyway.
Example -
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("POTN08", 10) will create 10 potions of cure light wounds.
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("amul17", 50) to get a Greenstone Amulet with 50 charges
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("scrl75",99) 99 Identify Scrolls
Cheats:FirstAid(); Adds 5 potions of healing, 5 antidotes and a stone to flesh
scroll to your inventory
CLUAConsole:AddGold("XXXXX") Adds gold to your inventory equal to whatever number
you put in place of the X's
Cheats:TheGreatGonzo(); Creates 10 friendly chickens around caster
Cheats:CowKill(); Creates a Cowkill scroll if a cow is nearby (cowkill is a mage
Cheats:DrizztAttacks(); Drizzt will appear at the centre of the screen and attack
Cheats:DrizztDefends(); Drizzt will appear at the centre of the screen and attack
your opponents
Cheats:Midas(); Gives you 500 gold
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("XXXXX") Set selected party member(s) experience to
whatever number you put in place of the X's up to the experience cap
Cheats:Hans(); Teleports selected party member(s) to cursor position
Cheats:ExploreArea(); Uncovers entire map
Cheats:CriticalItems(); You get all the items required to complete the main plot

AMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles

AMUL02 - Necklace
AMUL04 - Studded Necklace with Zios Gems
AMUL05 - Bluestone Necklace
AMUL06 - Agni Mani Necklace
AMUL07 - Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
AMUL08 - Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace
AMUL09 - Silver Necklace
AMUL10 - Gold Necklace
AMUL11 - Pearl Necklace
AMUL12 - Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp)
AMUL13 - Bloodstone Amulet
AMUL14 - Amulet of Protection +1
AMUL15 - Shield Amulet
AMUL16 - Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell)
AROW01 - Arrow
AROW02 - Arrow +1
AROW03 - Arrow of Slaying
AROW04 - Acid Arrow
AROW05 - Arrow of Biting
AROW06 - Arrow of Detonation
AROW07 - Arrow or Dispelling
AROW08 - Arrow of Fire
AROW09 - Arrow of Ice
AROW10 - Arrow of Piercing
AROW11 - Arrow +2
AROW1A - Arrow +2 (different graphic)

AX1H01 - Battle Axe

AX1H02 - Battle Axe +1
AX1H03 - Battle Axe +2
AX1H04 - Throwing Axe
AX1H05 - Throwing Axe +2

BELT01 - Girdle
BELT02 - Golden Girdle
BELT03 - Girdle of Bluntness
BELT04 - Girdle of Piercing
BELT05 - Girdle of Sex Change

BLUN01 - Club
BLUN02 - Flail
BLUN03 - Flail +1
BLUN04 - Mace
BLUN05 - Mace +1
BLUN06 - Morning Star
BLUN07 - Morning Star +1

BOLT01 - Bolt
BOLT02 - Bolt +1
BOLT03 - Bolt of Lightning
BOLT04 - Bolt of Biting
BOLT05 - Bolt of Polymorphing
BOLT06 - Bolt +2

BOOK01 - Magical Book

BOOK02 - Spell Book
BOOK03 - +1 con
BOOK04 - +1 str
BOOK05 - +1 dex
BOOK06 - +1 int
BOOK07 - +1 chr
BOOK08 - +1 wis
BOOK09 - Normal Book
BOOK** - 10 - 64 misc reading not all numbers may work
BOOK** - 65 - 67 history of waterdeep
BOOK68 - History of the Nether Scrolls
BOOK70 - Yago's book of curses

BOOT01 - Boots of Speed

BOOT02 - Boots of Stealth
BOOT03 - Boots of the North
BOOT04 - Boots of Avoidance
BOOT05 - Boots of Grounding
BOOTDRIZ - Boots of speed, but from Drizzt, still the same tho

BOW01 - Composite Long Bow

BOW02 - Composite Long Bow +1
BOW03 - Long Bow
BOW04 - Long Bow +1
BOW05 - Short Bow
BOW06 - Short Bow +1
BOW07 - Long Bow of Marksmanship
BOW08 - Eagle Bow

BRAC01 - Bracers of Defense AC 8

BRAC02 - Bracers of Defense AC 7
BRAC03 - Bracers of Defense AC 6
BRAC04 - Bracers of Archery
BRAC05 - Bracers
BRAC06 - Gauntlets of Ogre Power
BRAC07 - Gauntlets of Dexterity
BRAC08 - Gauntlets of Fumbling
BRAC09 - Gauntlets of Weapon Skill
BRAC10 - Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise

BULL01 - Bullet
BULL02 - Bullet +1
BULL03 - Bullet +2

CHAN01 - Chainmail
CHAN02 - Chainmail +1
CHAN03 - Chainmail +2
CHAN04 - Splint Mail
CHAN05 - Splint Mail +1
CHAN06 - Mithril Chain Mail +4

CLCK01 - Cloak of Protection +1

CLCK02 - Cloak of Protection +2
CLCK03 - Cloak of Displacement
CLCK04 - Cloak of the Wolf
CLCK05 - Cloak of Balduran
CLCK06 - Cloak of Non-Detection
CLCK07 - Nymph Cloak
CLCK12 - Knave's Robe good for mage/thief
CLCK13 - Traveller's Robe
CLCK14 - Adventure's Robe
CLCK15 - Robe of the Good Archmagi
CLCK16 - Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
CLCK17 - Robe of the Evil Archmagi
CLCK** - 18 - 19 same as 12 - 15

DAGG01 - Dagger
DAGG02 - Dagger +1
DAGG03 - Dagger +2
DAGG04 - Dagger +2, Longtooth
DAGG05 - Throwing Dagger
DAGG06 - Nesters Dagger
DAGG07 - Kylee's Dagger
DAGG08 - same as 07

DART01 - Dart
DART02 - Dart +1
DART03 - Dart of Stunning
DART04 - Dart of Wounding

HALB01 - Halberd
HALB02 - Halberd +1
HALB03 - Halberd +2

HAMM01 - War Hammer

HAMM02 - War Hammer +1
HAMM03 - War hammer +2

HELM01 - Helmet
HELM02 - Helm of Opposite Alignment
HELM03 - Helm of Glory
HELM04 - Helm of Defense
HELM05 - Helm of Infravision
HELM06 - Helm of Charm Protection
HELM07 - Helm of Balduran
HELM08 - Decorative very nice
HELM09 - Decorative nice like Flaming Fist
HELM** - 10 - 11 Dec same
HELM12 - Decorative oooo very nice
HELM14 - same as 10 11

LEAT01 - Leather Armor

LEAT02 - Leather Armor +1
LEAT03 - Leather Armor +2
LEAT04 - Studded Leather Armor
LEAT05 - Studded Leather Armor +1
LEAT06 - Studded Leather Armor +2, missile attraction
LEAT07 - Studded Leather Armor +2
LEAT08 - Shadow Armor

MAGE01 - Ring of Invisibility

MAGE02 - Barkskin
MAGE03 - Mirror Image Ring
MAGE04 - Blur Ring
MAGE05 - Ring of Free Action
MAGE06 - Ring of Free Action

MISC01 - Winter Wolf Pelt

MISC07 - Gold Piece
MISC12 - Ankheg Shell
MISC13 - Samuel (body)
MISC16 - Fire Agate Gem
MISC17 - Lynx Eye Gem
MISC18 - Sunstone Gem
MISC19 - Turquoise Gem
MISC20 - Bloodstone Gem
MISC21 - Skydrop Gem
MISC22 - Andar Gem
MISC23 - Jasper Gem
MISC24 - Tchazar Gem
MISC25 - Zircon Gem
MISC26 - Iol Gem
MISC27 - Moonstone Gem
MISC28 - Waterstar Gem
MISC29 - Ziose Gem
MISC30 - Chrysoberyl Gem
MISC31 - Star Diopside Gem
MISC32 - Shandon Gem
MISC33 - Aquamarine Gem
MISC34 - Garnet Gem
MISC35 - Horn Coral Gem
MISC36 - Pearl
MISC37 - Sphene Gem
MISC38 - Black Opal
MISC39 - Water Opal
MISC40 - Moonbar Gem
MISC41 - Star Saphire(sic)
MISC42 - Diamond
MISC43 - Emerald
MISC44 - Kings Tears
MISC45 - Rogue Stone
MISC47 - Golden Pantaloons
MISC48 - Idol
MISC49 - Melicamp the Chicken
MISC50 - Skull
MISC51 - Lock of Nymph's Hair
MISC52 - Wyvern Head
MISC53 - Bowl of Water Elemental Control
MISC54 - Child's Body
MISC55 - Duke Eltan's Body
MISC56 - Broken Weapon
MISC57 - Broken Shield
MISC58 - Broken Armor
MISC59 - Broken Miscellaneous
MISC60 - Spider Body
MISC61 - Bottle of Wine
MISC62 - Dead Cat
MISC63 - Chew Toy
MISC64 - Telescope
MISC65 - Brage's body
MISC68 - Abela the Nymph dead
MISC69 - Helshara's Artifact Fragment
MISC70 - Delorna's Statue
MISC72 - The Claw of Kazgaroth
MISC73 - The Horn of Kazgaroth
MISC74 - The Candle
MISC79 - Female Body
MISC80 - Male Body
MISC83 - Key to River Plug
MISC85 - Mulahey's Holy Symbol
MISC86 - Bandit Scalp
MISC87 - Contaminated Iron
MISC88 - Rabbit's Foot

PLAT01 - Plate Mail Armor

PLAT02 - Plate Mail +1
PLAT04 - Full Plate Mail
PLAT05 - Full Plate Mail +1
PLAT06 - Ankheg Plate Mail

POTN02 - Potion of Fire Resistance

POTN03 - Potion of Hill Giant Strength
POTN04 - Potion of Frost Giant Strength
POTN05 - Potion of Fire Giant Strength
POTN06 - Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
POTN07 - Potion of Storm Giant Strength
POTN08 - Potion of Healing
POTN09 - Potion of Heroism
POTN10 - Potion of Invisibility
POTN11 - Potion of Invulnerability
POTN12 - Potion of Stone Giant Strength
POTN13 - Oil of Firey Burning
POTN14 - Oil of Speed
POTN15 - Red Potion
POTN16 - Violet Potion
POTN17 - Elixir of Health
POTN18 - Potion of Absorption
POTN19 - Potion of Agility
POTN20 - Antidote
POTN21 - Potion of Clarity
POTN22 - Potion of Cold Resistance
POTN23 - Oil of Speed
POTN24 - Potion of Defense
POTN25 - Potion of Healing
POTN26 - Potion of Explosions
POTN27 - Potion of Firebreath
POTN28 - Potion of Fortitude
POTN29 - Potion of Genius
POTN30 - Potion of Infravision
POTN31 - Potion of Insulation
POTN32 - Antidote
POTN33 - Potion of Magic Blocking
POTN34 - Potion of Magic Protection
POTN35 - Potion of Magic Shielding
POTN36 - Potion of Master Thievery
POTN37 - Potion of Mind Focusing
POTN38 - Potion of Mirrored Eyes
POTN39 - Potion of Perception
POTN40 - Potion of Invulnerability
POTN41 - Potion of Power
POTN42 - Potion of Regeneration
POTN43 - Potion of Insight
POTN44 - Potion of Strength
POTN45 - Potion of Freedom
POTN46 - Potion of Stone Form

RING01 - Ring
RING02 - Ring of Fire Resistance
RING03 - Ring of Animal Friendship
RING04 - Ring of Clumsiness
RING05 - Ring of Invisibility
RING06 - Ring of Protection +1
RING07 - Ring of Protection +2
RING08 - Ring of Wizardry
RING09 - Ring of Free Action
RING10 - Gold Ring
RING11 - Silver Ring
RING12 - Onyx Ring
RING13 - Jade Ring
RING14 - Greenstone Ring
RING15 - Bloodstone Ring
RING16 - Angel Skin Ring
RING17 - Flamedance Ring
RING18 - Fire Opal Ring
RING19 - Ruby Ring
RING20 - Ring of Energy
RING21 - Ring of Infravision
RING22 - Ring of Holiness
RING23 - Ring of Folly
RING25 - Koveras Ring of Protection
RING94 - Ring
RING95 - Ring
RING96 - Ring
RING99 - Ring

SCRL02 - Spell Scroll

SCRL03 - Protection from Acid
SCRL04 - Protection from Cold
SCRL05 - Protection from Electricity
SCRL06 - Protection from Fire
SCRL07 - Protection from Magic
SCRL08 - Protection from Poison
SCRL09 - Protection from Undead
SCRL10 - Cursed Scroll of Weakness
SCRL15 - Protection from Petrification
SCRL18 - Cursed Scroll of Stupidity
SCRL1B - Agannazar's Scorcher
SCRL1C - Ghoul Touch
SCRL1D - Clairvoyance
SCRL1E - Dispel Magic
SCRL1F - Flame Arrow
SCRL1G - Fireball
SCRL1H - Haste
SCRL1I - Hold Person
SCRL1K - Lightning Bolt
SCRL1L - Monster Summoning I
SCRL1M - Non-Detection
SCRL1N - Protection from Normal Missiles
SCRL1O - Slow
SCRL1P - Skull Trap
SCRL1Q - Vampiric Touch
SCRL1R - Wraith Form
SCRL1S - Dire Charm
SCRL1T - Ghost Armor
SCRL1U - Confusion
SCRL1V - Dimension Door
SCRL1Y - Improved Invisibility
SCRL1Z - Minor Globe of Invulnerability
SCRL2A - Monster Summoning II
SCRL2D - Animate Dead
SCRL2E - Cloudkill
SCRL2F - Cone of Cold
SCRL2G - Monster Summoning III
SCRL2H - Shadow Door

SCRL56 - Cure Serious Wounds

SCRL58 - Free Action
SCRL59 - Neutralize Poison
SCRL61 - Cure Critical Wounds
SCRL62 - Flame Strike
SCRL63 - Raise Dead
SCRL66 - Grease
SCRL67 - Armor
SCRL68 - Burning Hands
SCRL69 - Charm Person
SCRL70 - Color Spray
SCRL71 - Blindness
SCRL72 - Friends
SCRL73 - Protection from Petrification
SCRL75 - Identify
SCRL76 - Infravision
SCRL77 - Magic Missile
SCRL78 - Protection from Evil
SCRL79 - Shield
SCRL80 - Shocking Grasp
SCRL81 - Sleep
SCRL82 - Chill Touch
SCRL83 - Chromatic Orb
SCRL84 - Larloch's Minor Drain
SCRL85 - Blur
SCRL86 - Detect Evil
SCRL87 - Detect Invisibility
SCRL89 - Horror
SCRL90 - Invisibility
SCRL91 - Knock
SCRL92 - Know Alignment
SCRL93 - Luck
SCRL94 - Resist Fear
SCRL95 - Melf's Acid Arrow
SCRL96 - Mirror Image
SCRL97 - Stinking Cloud
SCRL98 - Strength
SCRL99 - Web
SCRL** - 2i - 3h misc letters
SCRLJALA - Geas removal scroll
SCRLPET - Stone to Flesh

SHLD01 - Small Shield

SHLD02 - Small Shield +1
SHLD03 - Medium Shield
SHLD04 - Medium Shield +1
SHLD05 - Large Shield
SHLD06 - Large Shield +1
SHLD07 - Large Shield +1, +4 vs Missiles
SHLD08 - Buckler
SHLD09 - Buckler
SHLD10 - Buckler
SHLD11 - Small Shield
SHLD12 - Small Shield
SHLD13 - Medium Shield
SHLD14 - Medium Shield
SHLD15 - Large Shield
SHLD16 - Large Shield

SLNG01 - Sling
SLNG02 - Sling +1

SPER01 - Spear
SPER02 - Spear +1
SPER03 - Spear +3, Backbiter
STAF01 - Quarterstaff
STAF02 - Quarterstaff +1

SW1H01 - Bastard Sword

SW1H02 - Bastard Sword +1
SW1H03 - Bastard Sword +1, Shapeshifters
SW1H04 - Long Sword
SW1H05 - Long Sword +1
SW1H06 - Long Sword +2
SW1H07 - Short Sword
SW1H08 - Short Sword +1
SW1H09 - Short Sword +2
SW1H10 - Short Sword of Backstabbing
SW1H13 - Moonblade
SW1H15 - Scimitar +3, Frostbrand aka Icingdeath
SW1H16 - Scimitar +3, +2 armor Defender aka Twinkle
SW1H17 - Perdue's short sword

SW2H01 - Two Handed Sword

SW2H02 - Two Handed Sword +1
SW2H03 - Two Handed Sword, Berserking
SW2H06 - Spider's Bane

WAND02 - Wand of Fear

WAND03 - Wand of Magic Missiles
WAND04 - Wand of Paralyzation
WAND05 - Wand of Fire
WAND06 - Wand of Frost
WAND07 - Wand of Lightning
WAND08 - Wand of Sleep
WAND09 - Wand of Polymorphing
WAND10 - Wand of Monster Summoning
WAND11 - Wand of the Heavens

POTN33 Magic Blocking Potion

SHLD04 +1 Medium Shield
STAF02 +1 Quarterstaff
SLNG02 +1 Sling
SHLD02 +1 Small Shield
SPER02 +1 Spear
POTN18 Absorption Potion
AROW04 Acid Arrow
SCRL1B Agannazars Scorcher
AMUL06 Agni Mani Necklace
AMUL16 Amulet of Metaspell Influence
AMUL14 Amulet of Protection +1
MISC22 Andar Gem
RING16 Angel Skin Ring
RING03 Animal Friendship Ring
SCRL2D Animate Dead
PLAT06 Ankheg Plate Mail
MISC12 Ankheg Shell
POTN20 Antidote
MISC33 Aquamarine Gem
SCRL67 Armor
AROW01 Arrow
AROW02 Arrow +1
AROW11 Arrow +2
AROW05 Arrow of Biting
AROW06 Arrow of Detonation
AROW07 Arrow of Dispelling
AROW08 Arrow of Fire
AROW09 Arrow of Ice
AROW10 Arrow of Piercing
AROW03 Arrow of Slaying
MISC69 Artifact Fragment
CLCK05 Balduran Cloak
MISC86 Bandit Scalp
SW1H01 Bastard Sword
SW1H02 Bastard Sword +1
AX1H01 Battle Axe
AX1H02 Battle Axe +1
AX1H03 Battle Axe +2
BELT01 Belt
BELT03 Belt of Bluntness
BELT04 Belt of Piercing
MISC38 Black Opal
SCRL71 Blindness
AMUL13 Bloodstone Amulet
MISC20 Bloodstone Gem
RING15 Bloodstone Ring
AMUL05 Bluestone Necklace
SCRL85 Blur
BOLT01 Bolt
BOLT02 Bolt +1
BOLT06 Bolt +2
BOLT04 Bolt of Biting
BOLT03 Bolt of Lightning
BOLT05 Bolt of Polymorphing
BOOT04 Boots of Avoidance
BOOT05 Boots of Grounding
BOOT01 Boots of Speed
BOOT02 Boots of Stealth
BOOT03 Boots of the North
BRAC05 Bracers
BRAC04 Bracers of Archery
MISC58 Broken Armor
MISC57 Broken Shield
MISC56 Broken Weapon
SHLD08 Buckler
BULL01 Bullet
BULL02 Bullet +1
BULL03 Bullet +2
SCRL68 Burning Hands
MISC74 Candle
CHAN01 Chainmail
CHAN02 Chainmail +1
CHAN03 Chainmail +2
SCRL69 Charm Person
MISC63 Chew Toy
MISC54 Child Body
SCRL82 Chill Touch
SCRL83 Chromatic Orb
MISC30 Chrysoberyl Gem
SCRL1D Clairvoyance
MISC72 Claw of Kazgaroth
POTN06 Cloud Giant Strength Potion
SCRL2E Cloud-kill
BLUN01 Club
RING04 Clumsiness Ring
POTN22 Cold Resistance Potion
SCRL70 Color Spray
BOW01 Composite Long Bow
BOW02 Composite Long Bow +1
SCRL1U Confusion
MISC87 Contaminated Iron
XBOW01 Crossbow (Heavy)
XBOW02 Crossbow +1 (Heavy)
XBOW03 Crossbow of Accuracy (Heavy)
SCRL56 Cure a Serious Wound
SCRL61 Cures Critical Wound
SCRL18 Cursed Scroll of Stupidity
SCRL10 Cursed Scroll of Weakness
DAGG01 Dagger
DAGG02 Dagger +1
DAGG03 Dagger +2
DART01 Dart
DART02 Dart +1
MISC62 Dead Cat
POTN24 Defense Potion
MISC70 Delornas Statue
SCRL86 Detects Evil
SCRL87 Detects Invisibility
BRAC07 Dexterity Gauntlets
MISC42 Diamond
SCRL1V Dimension Door
SCRL1S Dire Charm
SCRL1E Dispel Magic
CLCK03 Displacement Cloak
BOW08 Eagle Bow
MISC53 Elemental Water
MISC55 Eltans Body
MISC43 Emerald
MISC79 Female Body
MISC16 Fire Agate Gem
POTN05 Fire Giant Strength Potion
RING18 Fire Opal Ring
POTN02 Fire Resistance Potion
RING02 Fire Resistance Ring
SCRL1G Fireball
BLUN02 Flail
BLUN03 Flail +1
SCRL1F Flame Arrow
SCRL62 Flame Strike
RING17 Flamedance Ring
POTN28 Fortitude Potion
POTN45 Freedom Potion
SCRL72 Friends
POTN04 Frost Giant, Strength Potion
PLAT04 Full Plate Mail
PLAT05 Full Plate Mail +1
BRAC08 Fumbling Gauntlets
MISC34 Garnet Gem
BRAC10 Gauntlets of Weapon Expert
MISC26 Gem
POTN29 Genius Potion
SCRL1T Ghost Armor
SCRL1C Ghoul Touch
AMUL10 Gold Necklace
MISC47 Gold Pantaloons
MISC07 Gold Piece
RING10 Gold Ring
BELT02 Golden Belt
SCRL66 Grease
RING14 Greenstone Ring
HALB01 Halberd
HALB02 Halberd +1
HALB03 Halberd +2
SCRL1H Haste
POTN08 Healing Potion
POTN25 Healing Potion
POTN17 Health Elixir
HELM07 Helm of Balduran
HELM06 Helm of Charm Protection
HELM04 Helm of Defense
HELM03 Helm of Glory
HELM05 Helm of Infravision
HELM02 Helm of Opposite Alignment
HELM01 Helmet
POTN09 Heroism Potion
POTN03 Hill Giant, Strength Potion
MISC85 Holy Symbol
MISC35 Horn Coral Gem
MISC73 Horn of Kazgaroth
SCRL89 Horror
SCRL75 Identify
MISC48 Idol
POTN30 Infravision Potion
POTN43 Insight Potion
POTN31 Insulation Potion
POTN10 Invisibility Potion
RING05 Invisibility Ring
POTN11 Invulnerable Potion
RING13 Jade Ring
MISC23 Jasper Gem
MISC83 Key to the River Plug
MISC44 Kings Tears
SCRL91 Knock
SCRL92 Know Alignment
AMUL12 Laerals Tear Necklace
SHLD05 Large Shield
SHLD06 Large Shield +1
SCRL84 Larlochs Minor Drain
LEAT01 Leather Armor
LEAT02 Leather Armor +1
LEAT03 Leather Armor +2
SCRL2I Letter
XBOW04 Light Crossbow
XBOW05 Light Crossbow +1
XBOW06 Light Crossbow of Speed
SCRL1K Lightning Bolt
MISC51 Lock of Nymphs Hair
BOW03 Long Bow
BOW04 Long Bow +1
BOW07 Long Bow of Marksmanship
SW1H04 Long Sword
SW1H05 Long Sword +1
SW1H06 Long Sword +2
SCRL93 Luck
MISC17 Lynx Eye Gem
BLUN04 Mace
BLUN05 Mace +1
POTN34 Magic Protection Potion
POTN35 Magic Shield Potion
MISC80 Male Body
POTN36 Master Thief Potion
SHLD03 Medium Shield
SCRL95 Melfs Acid Arrow
MISC49 Melicamp the Chicken
POTN37 Mind Focus Potion
SCRL1Z Minor Globe of Invulnerability
SCRL96 Mirror Image
CHAN06 Mithril Chain Mail +4
SCRL1L Monster Summoning 1
SCRL2A Monster Summoning 2
SCRL2G Monster Summoning 3
MISC40 Moonbar Gem
SW1H13 Moonblade
MISC27 Moonstone Gem
BLUN06 Morning Star
BLUN07 Morning Star +1
AMUL02 Necklace
AMUL01 Necklace of Missiles
SCRL59 Neutralize Poison
SCRL1M Non-Detect
CLCK07 Nymph Cloak
BRAC06 Ogre Power Gauntlets
POTN13 Oil of Firey Burning
POTN14 Oil of Speed
RING12 Onyx Ring
MISC36 Pearl
AMUL11 Pearl Necklace
POTN39 Perception Potion
PLAT02 Plate Mail +1
PLAT01 Plate Mail Armor
POTN19 Potion of Agility
POTN21 Potion of Clarity
POTN26 Potion of Explosions
POTN27 Potion of Firebreath
POTN41 Power Potion
SCRL03 Protect from Acid
SCRL04 Protect from Cold
SCRL05 Protect from Electricity
SCRL78 Protect from Evil
SCRL06 Protect from Fire
SCRL07 Protect from Magic
SCRL1N Protect from Normal Missiles
SCRL15 Protect from Petrification
SCRL73 Protect from Petrification
SCRL08 Protect from Poison
CLCK01 Protection +1 Cloak
RING06 Protection +1 Ring
CLCK02 Protection +2 Cloak
RING07 Protection +2 Ring
STAF01 Quarterstaff
MISC88 Rabbits Foot
AMUL07 Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
SCRL63 Raise the Dead
POTN15 Red Potion
POTN42 Regeneration Potion
SCRL94 Resists Fear
RING01 Ring
RING20 Ring of Energy
RING23 Ring of Folly
RING09 Ring of Free Action
RING22 Ring of Holiness
RING21 Ring of Infravision
MISC45 Rogue Stone
RING19 Ruby Ring
MISC13 Samuel
SW1H15 Scimitar +3, Frostbrand
LEAT08 Shadow Armor
SCRL2H Shadow Door
MISC32 Shandon Gem
SCRL79 Shield
AMUL15 Shield Amulet
SCRL80 Shocking Grasp
BOW05 Short Bow
BOW06 Short Bow +1
SW1H07 Short Sword
SW1H08 Short Sword +1
SW1H09 Short Sword +2
SW1H10 Short Sword of Backstabbing
AMUL09 Silver Necklace
RING11 Silver Ring
MISC50 Skull
SCRL1P Skull Trap
MISC21 Skydrop Gem
SCRL81 Sleep
SLNG01 Sling
SHLD01 Small Shield
SPER01 Spear
SPER03 Spear +3
SCRL02 Spell Scroll
MISC37 Sphene Gem
MISC60 Spider Body
SW2H06 Spiders Bane
CHAN04 Splint Mail
CHAN05 Splint Mail +1
MISC31 Star Diopside Gem
MISC41 Star Saphire
SCRL97 Stinking Cloud
POTN46 Stone Form Potion
POTN07 Storm Giant Strength Potion
SCRL98 Strength
POTN44 Strength Potion
LEAT04 Studded Leather Armor
LEAT05 Studded Leather Armor +1
LEAT07 Studded Leather Armor +2
LEAT06 Studded Leather Armor +2, missile attraction
AMUL04 Studded Necklace with Zios Gems
DART03 Stunning Dart
MISC18 Sunstone Gem
MISC24 Tchazar Gem
MISC64 Telescope
AX1H04 Throwing Axe
AX1H05 Throwing Axe +2
DAGG05 Throwing Dagger
AMUL08 Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace
MISC19 Turquoise Gem
SW2H01 Two Handed Sword
SW2H02 Two Handed Sword +1
CLCK06 Undetection Cloak
SCRL1Q Vampire Touch
POTN16 Violet Potion
WAND02 Wand of Fear
WAND05 Wand of Fire
WAND06 Wand of Frost
WAND07 Wand of Lightning
WAND03 Wand of Magic Missiles
WAND10 Wand of Monster Summoning
WAND04 Wand of Paralyzation
WAND09 Wand of Polymorphing
WAND08 Wand of Sleep
WAND11 Wand of the Heavens
HAMM01 War Hammer
HAMM02 War Hammer +1
HAMM03 War hammer +2
MISC39 Water Opal
MISC28 Waterstar Gem
BRAC09 Weapon Skill Gauntlets
SCRL99 Web
MISC61 Wine
MISC01 Winter Wolf Pelt
RING08 Wizardry Ring
CLCK04 Wolf Cloak
DART04 Wounding Dart
SCRL1R Wraith Form
MISC52 Wyvern Head
MISC29 Ziose Gem
MISC25 Zircon Gem

XBOW01 - Heavy Crossbow

XBOW02 - Heavy Crossbow +1
XBOW03 - Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy
XBOW04 - Light Crossbow
XBOW05 - Light Crossbow +1
XBOW06 - Light Crossbow of Speed

BOOK** - 10 - 64 misc reading not all numbers may work BOOK** - 65 - 67 history of
waterdeep BOOK68 - History of the Nether Scrolls
BOOK70 - Yago's book of curses
BOOTDRIZ - Boots of speed, but from Drizzt, still the same tho
CLCK12 - Knave's Robe good for mage/thief
CLCK13 - Traveller's Robe
CLCK14 - Adventure's Robe
CLCK15 - Robe of the Good Archmagi
CLCK16 - Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
CLCK17 - Robe of the Evil Archmagi
CLCK** - 18 - 19 same as 12 - 15
DAGG06 - Nesters Dagger
DAGG07 - Kylee's Dagger
DAGG08 - same as 07
HELM08 - Decorative very nice
HELM09 - Decorative nice like Flaming Fist
HELM** - 10 - 11 Dec same
HELM12 - Decorative oooo very nice
HELM14 - same as 10 11
MAGE01 - Ring of Invisibility
MAGE02 - Barkskin
MAGE03 - Mirror Image Ring
MAGE04 - Blur Ring
MAGE05 - Ring of Free Action
MAGE06 - Ring of Free Action
MISC65 - Brage's body
MISC68 - Abela the Nymph dead
SW1H16 - Scimitar +3, +2 armor Defender aka Twinkle
SW1H17 - Perdue's short sword
RING25 - Koveras Ring of Protection
RING94 - Ring
RING95 - Ring
RING96 - Ring
RING99 - Ring
SCRL** - 2i - 3h misc letters
SCRLJALA - Geas removal scroll
SCRLPET - Stone to Flesh
AMUL17 -- Greenstone Amulet
MISC2M -- Dwarven Rune Wardstone
MISC2O -- Lock of hair from Kirindale
MISC2I -- Wardstone Forgery
STAF06 -- Staff-Mace
STAF07 -- Staff-Spear +2
STAF08 -- Quarterstaff +3
SCRL5A -- Mental Domination
SCRL5B -- Defensive Harmony
SCRL5C -- Protection from Lightening
SCRL5D -- Protection from Evil 10' Radius
SCRL5E -- Champion's Strength
SCRL5F -- Chaotic Commands
SCRL5G -- Remove Curse
SCRL5H -- Emotion
SCRL5I -- Greater Malaison
SCRL5R -- Anderis Journal
SCRL5S -- Dezekiel's Scroll

BRAC11 -- Bracers of Binding (cursed item)

CLCK20 -- Cloak of the Shield
CLCK21 -- Holy cloak
CLCK22 -- Shandalar's cloak

DAGG09 -- Silver dagger - Werebane

DAGG10 -- Soultaker Dagger

HAMM04 -- Warhammer +1,+4 vs giant humanoids

LEAT09 -- Leather armor +3

LEAT10 -- Hide armor
MISC1A -- Bottle of wine
MISC1B -- Butter knife of Balduran
MISC1C -- Sea Charts
MISC2A -- Doppleganger's Wardstone
MISC2B -- Level 1 exit Wardstone
MISC2C -- Islanne Wardstone
MISC2D -- Kiel Wardstone
MISC2E -- Fuernebol Wardstone
MISC2F -- Teleportation Wardstone
MISC2G -- Level 2 exit Wardstone
MISC2H -- Shandalar's Wardstone
MISC2J -- Wardstone of forgery
MISC2K -- Compass Wardstone
MISC2L -- Bone Wardstone
MISC2N -- Dwarven's Rune Wardstone
MISC2P -- Greagan's Harp
MISC91 -- Grapes
MISC92 -- Switch for engine
MISC93 -- Odd looking key
MISC94 -- Mallet head
MISC95 -- Mallet handle
MISC96 -- Peladon
MISC97 -- De'Tranion's Baalor ale
MISC98 -- Durlag's goblet
MISC99 -- Plate mail armor (cursed item..belt icon)

PLAT08 -- Plate Mail +3

SCRL5J -- Oliluke's resilient sphere

SCRL5K -- Spirit armor
SCRL5L -- Polymorph Other
SCRL5M -- Polymorph Self
SCRL5N -- Domination
SCRL5O -- Hold Monster
SCRL5P -- Chaos
SCRL5Q -- Feeblemind

STAF05 -- Staff of Striking

SW1H18 -- Sword of Balduran

SW1H19 -- The Vampire's revenge (cursed item)
SW1H20 -- Scimitar
SW1H21 -- Short sword
SW1H22 -- Scimitar +1
SW1H23 -- Scimitar +2
SW1H24 -- Long Sword +1, Flame Tongue

SW2H07 -- Two-Handed sword +3

SW2H08 -- Two-Handed sword +2

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("[CRE FILE]") Spawn a creature

Example - CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("GIBBER") will create a gibberling using

CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("[Area Name]") Move selected characters to an area

Example - CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR2300") will move the player to the Friendly
Arms Inn.

Cheats:Hans() -- If you get stuck somehow this moves your characters to a free,
adjacent area.
Cheats:ExploreArea() -- Marks the entire area as explored
Cheats:TheGreatGonzo() -- Summons 10 killer chickens who defend you at all cost.
Cheats:CowKill() -- Creates a CowKill spell if you're near a cow.
Cheats:CriticalItems() -- Spawns all the game critical items
Cheats:DrizztAttacks() -- Creates a hostile Drizzt
Cheats:DrizztDefends() -- Creates a friendly Drizzt
Cheats:FirstAid() -- Creates 5 healing potions, 5 neutralize poison potions and 1
stone to flesh scroll.
Cheats:Midas() -- Gives you 500 gold.
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("xxx") -- Summons a creature or NPC, where "xxx" is the
name of any creature in the game.
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(###) -- Sets your experience to ###.

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