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1 Soil Description

1. Particulars of the following should be given

a. Ground water level and the date when it was established, is the pre-contract
water level and the ground water level which shall be re-established throughout the
time the various excavation works are carried out, is the post contract water level.
Ground water levels should be described in details and the average of the mean high
and low levels should be given due to the water level being the subject to periodic
changes due to tidal or similar effects.

b. Location of trial pits or bore holes shall be stated.

c. Over or underground services.

2. If the above information is not available a description of the ground and strata which is to
be assumed shall be stated.

Site preparation

D.2 Removing hedges, m

Cutting down hedges and grubbing up their roots, including their disposal. State the nature
and height of each hedge in metres or its location.

Example: Cutting down hibiscus hedges with average height of 1.00m

D3 Clearing Undergrowth, m2

Clearing Site of undergrowth, bushes, scrub and grubbing up their roots, including their
disposal, shall be given in square meters.


1. Clearing undergrowth is a very important step we must done in sit clearance.

2. Because the top layer of ground contains material which is decomposing such as grasses,
roots, scrub, bushes which easily compressible and unsuitable for foundation.

3. When clearing undergrowth, we must remember grubbing up their roots.

4. In clearing undergrowth, we must measure and calculate the area of the clearing site and
the unit is in meters square.

5. Measurements for each item separately.

6. Disposal of plants which already cut no need stated as the works, assume include in the
measurement of items.
D.4 Removing trees

Cutting down trees and grubbing up their roots, including their disposal, shall be enumerated
and classified in stages of 300mm girth ( measured at height of 1.00m above ground). Filling
in voids, after removal of tree roots shall be given in description.

Explanation: 1. Not exceeding 300mm girth

2. Exceeding 300mm and not exceeding 600mm girth.

3. Exceeding 600mm and not exceeding 900mm girth.

And thereafter in 300 mm stages.

D.5 Tree stumps

Removing existing tree stump and grubbing up their roots, including their disposal, shall be
enumerated and classified in stages of 300mm girth (measured at height of above ground or
at their tops if lower in height). Filling in voids if required, after removal of tree roots shall be
given in the description.

Explanation: 1. Not exceeding 300mm girth

2. Exceeding 300mm and not exceeding 600mm girth.

3. Exceeding 600mm and not exceeding 900mm girth.

And thereafter in 300 mm stages.

D6: Lifting Turf,m2

Turfs are lifted to be preserved shall be given in square metres and state the method of preservation
and disposal.

D7. Topsoil,m2

Topsoil are excavated to be preserved shall be given in square meters and state the average depth.
Handling and disposal of topsoil shall be given.

D8: Alternative method of measurement

 Cutting down trees and removing tree stumps (irrespective of girth) and grubbing up their
roots, which shall be deemed to include their disposal, may be given as an item stating the
area. Clearing of undergrowth within such areas and grubbing up their roots shall be given in
the description.

1. Same theory as in clearing undergrowth but the method is different.

2. All sites clearing works can be given in one item by state out the area of the site.

3. The unit use is in item.

4. The different is all the works of site clearing that measured separately in alternative
1 can be change into one item only in alternative 2 and the area of site should be
given at last of description.


D09: Volume to be measured

The quantities given for excavating and subsequent disposal shall be the bulk before excavating and
no allowance shall be made for any subsequent variations to bulk or for any extra space required to
accommodate earthwork support, formwork for concrete and working space.

D10: Depth classification

 Depth of excavation shall unless otherwise required by this document be classified as


Maximum depth not exceeding 0.25m

Maximum depth not exceeding 1.00m

Maximum depth not exceeding 2.00m

Maximum depth not exceeding 4.00m

and thereafter in 2.00m stages.


1. This is use in classify the depth of excavation which can be used in different
excavation such as excavation to reduce level, excavation pit for pad foundation,
excavation trench for ground beam.
2. We cannot straight away mention the real values of depth of excavation in
description however we must classify them into group given above in the description
of excavation.

3. Different depth of excavation, so differences classes of depth write in description.

D11 Starting Level

Starting level shall be ‘ground level’, ‘reduced level’, ‘ formation level’ from which excavation shall
commence and appropriate level shall be stated and described.

D12 Types of Excavation

 All excavation must follow the depth classification:

Depth classification of excavation:

Maximum depth not exceeding 0.25m

Maximum depth not exceeding 1.00m

Maximum depth not exceeding 2.00m

Maximum depth not exceeding 4.00m

And thereafter in 2.00m stages.

Excavation around piles shall be so described.

 Pile is one type of deep foundation.

 We do the excavation works below lowest floor finish after piling is done.

 Excavation around piles is only cover the area of the piles and not cover for whole area.

 The description is same as the pits excavation for pad foundation but we need to mention
the ‘excavation around piles’ at last of description.

 The unit used cubic metres.

 Stating the number (irrespective the size of pits).

 Stating starting level which includes ground level, reduced level and formation level.

Excavation for rock shall be given as ‘Extra Over” . Calculate by using 5% or 10% of the excavation pit.

Curved excavation shall be described irrespective radius.

Excavating to reduced level given in cubic metres,m3.

Excavating trenches to receive foundation given in cubic metres,m3 and state its level.

D15. Surface water ,item

An item shall be given for keeping the surface of the site and the excavations free of surface water.

D16 Water in the ground,item

Where excavation is measured below the water level, an item shall give for keeping excavations free
of ground water.

 When doing excavation, there will certainly have water on the surface of the ground and also
water in the ground.

 Contractor is responsible to always keep the site free from water.

 Shall be given in item.

 An item used when doing earthwork.

 To keep the site free from water on the surface of the ground such as rain water.

 Is a must to ‘measure’ after measuring all excavation.

Disposal of excavated material

D.17 Multipel handling

D18 Disposal on site, m3

Removal soil should be specified either stored or dispersed and stated the condition of deposites
location or average distance from excavation (m or km)

D.19 Disposal off site, m3

Removal of soil from site should be specified the condition of dump or indicated other charges unless
otherwise noted.

D.20 Topsoil spread on site

Thick ≤250mm – m2

Thick ≥ 250mm – m3

Top soil which dispersed on site is measured separately for soil from preserved and imported

D.21 Topsoil for re-use, m3

Topsoil stored on site for reuse should describe the site store or the average distance from the
ecavation (m or km)

D.22 Topsoil removed from site

Thick ≤250mm – m2

Thick ≥ 250mm – m3

D.23 Classification for filling material

-material arising from excavated material

-material arising from excavated material which is to be selected or treated and shall be stated of
how selection or treatment of material
-imported material which is from off site .Type and source of supply imported material shall be stated
in decription

D.24 Measurement

-measurement of filling is same with size of the void to be filled and no extra volume of filling before
compaction.Thickness of filling shall be deemed after compaction
-forming slopes and finishing to falls and cambers for the various items of filling the description but
for hand packing hardcore shall be follow with clauses

D.25 Filling to excavations

-all the filling to excavation shall be measured in cubic metres except to services trenches ( D.12.9 )
which filling shall be given in description of such trenches

D.26 Filling to make up level

-filling to make up levels shall be measured in cubic metres for the thickness over 250 mm
-thickness not exceeding 250 mm thick shall be measured in square metre and stated average

D.27 Filling deposited and compacted in layers

-filling required to be deposited and compacted in layer shall be explained of the maximum thickness
if the layers in descriptions

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