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Student Name: DILLROY K.


Student Identification Number: AC1309217

Course Number and Title: COI4ILG- PSYCHOLOGY

Assignment Number and Title: FOUR (4) – COGNITION AND INTELLIGENCE

Date of Submission: 17/09/2015

PART A: Applying principles of operant conditioning to modify an existing behavior.

Existing undesirable behavior – DISOBEDIENCE

My seven (7) year old daughter has an existing undesirable behavior of constantly disobeying her

mother when she is told to carry out immediate tasks or commands. Complaints of her

disobedience are made almost on a daily basis upon my return from work. Recently, I observed

her reluctance to comply when she believes that I am not paying attention. Examples of her

insubordination incudes:

a. Taking extra play time when told to stop play and get ready for her bath.

b. Leaving her books, art supplies and games on the floor after using them.

c. Refusing to take off the television when told to do so.

d. Leaving her bike on the outside

Reasons for changing her disobedient behavior:

a. Eliminate indecent, ill-discipline actions

b. Prevent time wasting

c. Averting insubordination for persons in authority


a. Able to manage her time wisely without supervision

b. Becoming a decent and disciplined individual

c. Becoming obedient to persons in authority

d. Setting the right examples for her siblings


PRINCIPLES One week Two weeks Two weeks

Positive Verbal praises/ Complimentary notes beach day/ fun walk/

Reinforcers compliments with Candy/chocolate ice cream evening

Negative Assist the child to Before each activity Giving child

Reinforcers create and use a let child remind you responsibilities to

personal time of time agreed upon help younger siblings

table and daily for each activity and spend their time

task list. expectations of her. wisely- eg. Read

story to siblings or

help them clean up.

SHAPING Engage in activities Read moral bedtime Family discussions

with the child while stories focusing on

following time table obedience, tidiness

and task list. etc.

Punishment Disobedience warrants Introduce- No beach day, No ice

less play time No television evening cream, extra home

No bike evening chores

Schedules of Continuous Variable -ratio Fixed interval

reinforcement reinforcement: (every schedule: schedule:

time it occurs) (unpredictable) (every two days)

PART B: Howard Gardener’s multiple intelligence – designing test items.


Logical / Mathematical Logics test:

1. Complete the sequence of numbers 3, 5, ___12, 17

2. If today is Saturday, what day will it be in 4 days?

3. Peter lost 3 of his marbles, he gave John 5 and kept 6,

how many marbles Peter had altogether?

Linguistic Create a picture story:

Test subject is asked to write a short story based on a

sequence of pictures shown of progressive scenes. Story

should reflect no grammatical errors and the use of at least

four figures of speech.

Musical In every genre of music around the world, such as jazz, hip

hop, gospel, blues, reggae, instrumental, vocal etc., tempo

plays an important component to such genres.

Tempo refers to the speed or pace of a given piece. It is

measured in beats per minute (bpm).

Tempo test 1: (a.) Play various music genres to get various

tempos. (b.) Using a drum, the instructor will make simple,

single hand taps that keeps in tempo (pace) with the music

played. (c.) Using another drum, the test subject will try to

imitate the instructor’s tempos. (d.) results will be recorded

to reflect the number of tries before the subject gets it right.

Tempo test 2: Each step of tempo test 1 should be repeated

except that in this test the instructor allows the subject to

catch the tempo without any prompt.

Spatial Observation test: Test subject is given photographs of

architectural buildings and asked to identify various 3

dimensional (3D) forms that include: sphere, pyramid,

cylinder and cone shapes

Bodily / Kinesthetic Dance session: Test subject (s) are asked to dance to

various genres of music and they are assessed based on how

they maintain balance, body rhythm and overall

Interpersonal Research:

Test subject is to research the reasons why a specific social

ill (eg. high levels of teenage pregnancy) exist in a

particular community.

Intrapersonal Drama:

Test subject is given the character of a counsellor in an

impromptu drama piece where he/she is given

responsibilities to counsel a friend who is traumatized after

her mother died.

Naturalistic Project: The test subject is given flowers/vegetable seeds

and are asked to create a backyard garden and produce

weekly reports including pictures on the progress of work.

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