Exercises Present Simple - Continuous

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I (not/like) politics.

How many languages (you/speak) ?

Where (you/live) ?

What (you/do) at the moment?

I (not/believe) that you are a millionaire.

He (not/wear) a tie today.

He often (travel) abroad on business.

David is in Paris this week. He (stay) at the Hilton.

Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study)

French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) .

5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) .

6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) because everybody (talk) so

7. Justin (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he

can find a good publisher when he is finished.

8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) to a movie tonight with some friends.

9. The business cards (be, normally ) printed by a company in New York. Their
prices (be) inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

10. This delicious chocolate (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich,

is leaving
1. Look! He (leave) the house.
2. Quiet please! I (write) a test.
3. She usually (walk) to school.
4. But look! Today she (go) by bike.
5. Every Sunday we (go) to see my grandparents.
6. He often (go) to the cinema.
7. We (play) Monopoly at the moment.
8. The child seldom (cry) .
9. I (not / do) anything at the moment.
10. (watch / he) the news regularly?

 I always ________ my best.

a. try
b. am trying

 I'm sorry, ________ to me?

a. are you talking
b. did you talk

 I ________ to the mountains this weekend.

a. go
b. am going

 What time ________ lunch?

a. do you normally eat
b. are you normally eating

 I have to go to bed early tonight because my train ________ at 6 AM tomorrow morning.

a. is leaving
b. leaves

 We normally eat lunch at noon, but today ________ at 1.

a. we're eating
b. we eat

 How long ________ the flu.

a. did you have
b. were you having

 ________ a good time? Yes, I'm really enjoying this.

a. Are you having
b. Do you have
 We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room.
a. had
b. were having

 Don't talk so loudly - Brian ________ to sleep.

a. tries
b. is trying

 I usually ________ my teeth twice a day.

a. brush
b. am brushing
 She's a student. The train always (leave) on time.

2. What's the matter? Why (cry/you)?

3. That's strange. Our kids (not/watch) TV because they are too tired.

4. He (not/speak) very good English.

5. Please be quiet. I (do) my homework!

6. Where (live/they)?

7. Listen! John (play) music!

8. I never (go) to the swimming-pool.

9. Harold Black is a famous pianist. He (give) two or three concerts every week.

10. He (travel) a lot and this week he's in New York.

11. He (stay) at an expensive hotel.

12. He's at his hotel now. He (have) his breakfast in the dining-room.

13. He (drink) a cup of coffee, and...

14. ... he (read) a newspaper.

15. Harold's always very busy. He (play) the piano regularly.

16. He (practise) for four hours every day.

17. He (go) to bed late and...

18. ... he always (get up) early.

19. But he sometimes (get) dressed too quickly...

20. ... and this morning he (wear) one blue sock and one red one!

1. When ________________ the company? a) have you joined b) did you joined c) did
you join d) have you ever joined
2. ___________________ in Pakistan? a) Did you ever worked b) Have you ever
worked c) Worked you d) Didn't you have worked

3. That's the best presentation ______________ a) I never heard b) I didn't hear c) I

used to hear d) I've ever heard

4. He's the most difficult customer _____________________ a) I never dealt with. b) I

never had to deal with. c) I've ever had to deal with. d) I've never had to deal with.

5. ___________________ to him last week. a) I spoke b) I've already spoken c) I didn't

spoke d) I speaked

6. ______________ a binding contract last year and it is still valid. a) We have signed
b) We signed c) We haven't signed d) We have sign

7. The reason I look so brown is that _______________ from a business trip to Barbados
a) I come back b) I came back c) I never came back d) I've just come back

8. Sales ________ in 1995 but then _____ in 1996. a) rised falled b)

rose fell c) have risen have fallen d) rose have fallen

9. You ____________ to a word ____________ a) listened I haven't

said b) didn't listen I say c) listened saying d) haven't
listened I've said

10. It's obvious that ________________ this report. a) you haven't read b) you didn't
read c) you don't read d) you read not
- He ..... there when he was a child
has lived

Q2 - I ........ her since last year

haven't seen
didn't see

Q3 - They ......... a few minutes ago

have left

Q4 - She .......... unemployed since she left school

has not been
was not

Q5 - They ....... the contract last week

have finalised

Q6 - The film .......... yet

hasn't started
didn't start

Q7 - She ........ ill since Thursday

has been

Q8 - I ........ the project last night

have finished

Q9 - Look- someone ....... their handbag in the room

has left

Q10 - ............ to Rome?

Did you ever go
Have you ever been

Q11 - I can't get into my house because I ........ my keys

have lost

Q12 - Nobody ....... the phone when it rang

has answered

Q13 - I ......... up smoking last year

have given

Q14 - You can't see her because she ......... home

has gone

Q15 - ............... to the United States?

Did you ever go
Have you ever been

Q16 - I never ......... my grandmother as she died before I was born

have known

Q17 - It's the first time I ........ caviar

have eaten

Q18 - The first time we ......... was just the other day
have spoken

Q19 - It stinks in here; someone ........... smoking

has been

Q20 - He's in hospital because he ............. leg

has broken

Q21 - I've known her since we ......... at school together

have been

Q22 - It's ages since we ........

have spoken

Q23 - It's been ages since we ........ from Dave

have heard

Q24 - The last time I saw Fran ........ ages ago

has been

Q25 - I ........ from her lately

haven't heard
didn't hear

Q26 - I just ........ the time to go to the cinema recently

didn't have
haven't had

Q27 - I ........ just Meg and Brian at the party

have seen

Q28 - I ........ busy for the past fortnight

have been

Q29 - She ......... away for the last two weeks

has been

Q30 - ......... to the concert on Friday?

Did you go
Have you been

Q31 - This is the first time I ........ here

have been

Q32 - I ....... them since my schooldays

have known

Q33 - He ......... yet

hasn't arrived
didn't arrive

Q34 - They ........... the contract yet

didn't sign
haven't signed

Q35 - The newspaper ......... very successful lately

hasn't been

Q36 - He ...... during the war

has died

Q37 - I ......... breakfast before leaving home this morning

haven't had
didn't have

Q38 - I ....... a taxi so I came on the bus

haven't found
didn't find

Q39 - John's nervous because he .......... such a difficult test before

has never taken
never took

Q40 - My stereo ....... working last night

has stopped

Q41 - Two people ....... at the game on Saturday

were arrested
have been arrested

Q42 - I .......... a holiday for ages

didn't have
haven't had

Q43 - We ....... out on Saturday night

haven't gone
didn't go

Q44 - I ....... it last week

have bought

Q45 - She hasn't ........ here for ages


Q46 - I .......... to water-ski in 1993

have learnt

Q47 - She ....... an absolute fortune last year

has earned

Q48 - The weather ....... dreadful for the whole two weeks we were there
has been

Q49 - No one ...... to do it yet

has managed

Q50 - I ...... the dog for a walk because it was raining

haven't taken
didn't take

Q51 - I ........... finished the exam in time yesterday

only just finished
have only just finished

Q52 - The weather ..... dreadful at the weekend

has been
1. Jack (live) in Boston for the past 15 years.
2. Janet (work) for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us.
3. Dad (you/finish) reading the paper yet?
4. I would love to visit Prague sometime. Unfortunately, I
(be/never) there.
5. Peter (play) Tennis for five years when he (be) at school.
6. Jane: Can you help me? I (finish) my homework, but I still don't
understand number 7.
7. I (work) in Italy for 5 years. I (begin) work as soon as I
8. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I (eat/already).
9. When Jack was at school, he (learn) to play the saxophone. He
(play) it ever since.
10. Could you give me some advice? I (buy) this sweater at Macy's. Do you
think I should take it back?
11. Maria lives in Boston. Before she (move)here, she (live) in
Seattle for 3 years.
12. Peter (go) to Paris last year. That means that he (be) to Paris
3 times!
13. Just a moment! I (think) of a good idea yet!
14. Maria (believe) that for ages!
15. How long (you/live) there before coming here?

His brother __________ London last year.

has visited
was visited

2. I __________ this quiz.

haven't finished yet
haven't yet finished
yet haven't finished

3. __________ my car in 1991.

I've bought
I've owned
I bought

4. __________ my car for five years.

I've had
I bought
I've bought

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