Jackrabbit User Guide

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User Guide

March 18, 2011

Jackrabbit Technologies, Inc.

POB 31421, Charlotte, NC, 28231

© Copyright 2009 Jackrabbit Technologies, Inc

Jackrabbit – User Guide

NOTE: Please refer to separate User Guides for Getting Started, Online
Registration and E-Commerce Information

Table of Contents
Section 1 – Executive Overview......................................................................... 10

Staff Training ..................................................................................................................... 10

Software installation and support ......................................................................... 10
Data conversion / entry ................................................................................................ 10

Section 2 – Help and Technical Support ......................................................... 12

Video Help, User Guide, Email Support Team ................................................. 12

Pricing in Jackrabbit ..................................................................................................... 13
Hours of Support ............................................................................................................... 14
Additional Guides ............................................................................................................ 14

Section 3 – System Administration ................................................................... 15

Assigning a System Administrator to Manage your Database ............... 15

Locations: Adding Locations and Editing Locations .................................. 15
How Revenue is organized by Location .......................................................... 16
Changing an existing Location Code / Name ............................................... 16
Adding a Location ....................................................................................................... 16
Deleting a Location .................................................................................................... 17
Managing System Users .............................................................................................. 17
Adding a New User ID ............................................................................................... 17
Cloning a User............................................................................................................... 18
Deleting a User ID ....................................................................................................... 18
Changing a User ID..................................................................................................... 18
Changing a User ID‟s email address ................................................................. 18
Editing a User‟s Permissions – denying and allowing access ............ 19
Adding more concurrent Users for your organization ............................. 20
Viewing a User‟s Activity ........................................................................................ 20
Changing Passwords for Users ............................................................................ 20
Revoking / Un-revoking another User ID......................................................... 21
To Un-revoke your own User ID........................................................................... 22
Managing Email information in Jackrabbit ....................................................... 23

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Allowing customers to “opt out” of receiving your emails. .............................. 23

Adding Attachments to Emails ............................................................................ 23
Updating your Jackrabbit Account Email ...................................................... 23
Updating your Customer Portal Reply to and Send to Email: ............. 23
Updating your Websites Reply to Email address: ...................................... 24
Updating Event Notification Emails .................................................................. 24
Emailing Families / Students / Instructors......................................................... 25
Emailing Families / Students / Instructor for Birthdays ......................... 25
Email Templates .......................................................................................................... 25
Emailing Individuals in Jackrabbit .................................................................... 26
Emailing Individual Families ................................................................................. 26
Delivery Status Emails sent to you ................................................................... 26
Emailing a Specific Category of Class - Weather Closures .................. 27
Can I email an Archived Class? ........................................................................... 28
How can I find a list of families with NO email address on file? ...... 28
Why aren‟t mass emails I send always received? ..................................... 28
Updating the NEWS tab in your Customer Portal .......................................... 28
Sending a PRIVATE message to one family via the Customer Portal 29
Viewing the Registration Form once registration is complete .............. 29
How can you e-file Registration Confirmations for existing? ................. 29
Performing a Mail Merge ............................................................................................. 29
Labels .................................................................................................................................... 30
Printing Labels for Birthdays ................................................................................ 30
Printing Labels for Students no longer enrolled......................................... 30
My Labels / Statements are skewing ............................................................... 30
Importing Family / Student / Class / Enrollment Data .................................. 31
How to do an Import .................................................................................................. 31
Deleting Imported Data............................................................................................ 32
Executive Dashboard .................................................................................................... 32
Restricting Users From seeing the Executive Dashboard .................... 34
The Announcements Tab ............................................................................................ 34
Setting up your Logo ..................................................................................................... 34
Resizing your Logo ......................................................................................................... 35
Keep in touch with Recent Enhancements in Jackrabbit ........................ 35

Section 4 – Advanced Features for Families and Students ...................... 36

Understanding Family and Student Status – Active vs. Inactive .......... 36

Changing a Family‟s (last) Name ............................................................................ 36
Duplicate Families .......................................................................................................... 36

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Assigning a Billing Contact ....................................................................................... 36

Families with TWO billing Contacts ...................................................................... 36
Special Settings for Families .................................................................................... 37
Deleting a Family, Student or Contact ................................................................ 38
Adding / Updating Student Skills ............................................................................ 38
Families Birthday Medical Information – Color Coding .......................................... 39
Creating / Editing Student Skills List ................................................................... 39
5 User Definable Fields for extra Student Information............................... 39
5 User Definable Fields for extra Family Information ................................. 39

Section 5 – Classes: Basic Features ................................................................ 41

Classes Page – Tab Descriptions ........................................................................... 41

Adding Per-Day / Multiple Meetings Classes .................................................... 41
Enroll List Tab – Class Page – Specific to Per Day Classes ..................... 42
Private Lesson Classes ................................................................................................ 43
Private Lessons with Consistent Times and Days .................................... 44
Search Classes field ...................................................................................................... 45
Creating Class Lesson Plans .................................................................................... 50
Copying Classes – Individually or Many at a Time ........................................ 50
Copying prior Tuitions when copying classes ............................................. 51
Editing Multiple Classes: Edit All Classes ......................................................... 52
Costume Size Entry for a Class ............................................................................... 52
Deleting / Archiving / Restoring Classes............................................................. 53
Archiving Classes (Terminating)............................................................................. 54
Can I email an Archived Class? ............................................................................... 54
How do I transition between an ending session and a new session .. 55
Restoring Classes ........................................................................................................... 55
Class Rolls .......................................................................................................................... 55
Tracking Absences / Tracking Attendance ....................................................... 56
Track Attendance with your Barcode Scanner............................................... 57

Section 6 – Lead File.............................................................................................. 61

User Permissions for the Lead File ....................................................................... 62

Searching or creating a List of Leads .................................................................. 63
Adding a Lead to the Lead File ....................................................................................... 63
To do a Mass Archive of families to the Lead File ................................................... 63
To email families in the Lead File ................................................................................. 64
To export Lead File Information .................................................................................... 64
To import information INTO the Lead File .................................................................. 64
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Section 7 – Enrollment Types for classes ....................................................... 65

Basic Enrolling .................................................................................................................. 65

Enrolling ........................................................................................................................... 65
Dropping a Student from a Class ........................................................................ 66
Transferring a Student to Another Class ....................................................... 66
Enrolling a Family as a “Trial” family ................................................................... 67
Editing the Enrollment Type .................................................................................. 67
Tracking Trial Enrollments .................................................................................... 67
Future Enrollments ......................................................................................................... 67
Family View of Future Enrolls .............................................................................. 68
Student View of Future Enrolls ............................................................................ 68
Deleting Future Enrolls ............................................................................................ 69
Class View of Future Enrolls ................................................................................. 69
Reporting on Future Enrolls................................................................................... 69
Future Drops for student ............................................................................................. 70
Reporting on Future Drops ..................................................................................... 70
Dropping All Students from a Class ...................................................................... 70
Scheduling Make-up Classes .................................................................................... 70
Wait Lists ............................................................................................................................. 72
Adding a Student to a Wait List........................................................................... 72
Enrolling a Student from a Wait List ................................................................. 72
Deleting a Student from a Wait List .................................................................. 72

Section 8 - Ensuring Accurate Revenue Reporting ...................................... 74

How Revenue is organized by Location .............................................................. 74

The Importance of Category 1 ................................................................................. 74
Understanding the Importance of “Linking” Fees and Payments ......... 77
Unlink Fee and Re-apply Payment Buttons ....................................................... 79
No Fees appear on Payment Screen but a balance is owing .................. 81
Revenue Reports which show Linked Fees and Payments ...................... 81
Pre Payments – Credit Balances - Overpayments ......................................... 84
Partial Payments in Jackrabbit ............................................................................... 84
Finding Partially Paid Fees and Payments not fully applied .................... 84

Section 9 – Posting Fees and Payments ......................................................... 86

Posting Fees to one Family at a time................................................................... 87

Methods of Posting Fees to Multiple Families at one time ...................... 89
Posting Group (class) Transactions .................................................................. 90
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Posting Annual Fees – Registration Fees....................................................... 90

Posting Late Fees: ...................................................................................................... 91
Entering Payments ......................................................................................................... 92
Receipts – Printing Off or Emailing a Receipt ................................................. 95
Reconciling your Bank Deposits with your Bank Account Drafts ..... 97
The Importance of the E-payment Schedule ................................................ 98
Things to Consider Before You Run a Batch e-Payment ....................... 98
Undoing Multiple / Incorrect E-batch Transactions .................................... 100
Editing Transactions and Deleting Multiple Postings ............................... 100
Finding Expired Credit Cards .................................................................................. 103
Procedure for Recording Refunds ........................................................................ 103
Procedure for Recording Credits – (Gift Certificates, Coupons) .......... 106
Reporting for Credits ................................................................................................... 108
Refunds and Credits and Quick Books .............................................................. 108
Charging Tax in Jackrabbit – (Canadian Customers - GST) ................... 110
Tracking Revenue for Materials and Merchandise ..................................... 110
Tax Receipts – Year End Statements ................................................................ 111
NACHA Files (Bank Drafts) Usage ....................................................................... 111

Section 10 – Posting Class Tuition Fees as a batch posting .................. 115

Option 1 – Fixed Fee Posting .................................................................................. 115

Global Family Discount Value: ........................................................................... 117
Option 2 - Post Tuition Fees by Class values. ............................................... 118
Discounting Global Postings – Multi-class, Multi-student or Global
miscellaneous Discounts ...................................................................................... 119
Deciding if your organization does Family or Student Level
Discounting................................................................................................................... 119
Student Level Discounting: .................................................................................. 119
Multi-Class Discount Settings: ............................................................................... 120
Student Level – Multi Class - Discounting Example: .............................. 121
Family Level Discounting with the same Multi-Class Example: ...... 121
Multi-Student Discount Settings: .......................................................................... 122
Family Level Discounting – Multiple Student Discount Example: ... 122
Can I post Both Multi-Class AND Multi-student discounts? ................... 123
Option 3 – Posting Tuition Fees By Total Student hours ......................... 124
Isolating Billing Frequency by Family – Family Membership Type ..... 126
Miscellaneous Discounts – Closures, Global discounts ........................... 127
When Do I run Post Tuition Fees? ........................................................................ 127
Why are my Tuition Fees Posting Twice? ........................................................ 127

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How Can I determine who has NOT had tuition posted? ........................ 128
How will These Fees get Paid? ............................................................................. 128
How to Set Up Transactions for Passes / Punch Cards ........................... 128
Undoing a Group Tuition Fee Post - Deleting Tuition Fees .................... 129
How do I get a list of Families who have NOT paid their Tuition Fees
................................................................................................................................................. 129

Section 11 – Instructor Management ............................................................. 130

Adding an Instructor .................................................................................................... 130

Deleting an Instructor................................................................................................. 130
Viewing Instructor Schedules: 3 options ......................................................... 130
Adding Instructor Skills ............................................................................................. 131
Deleting Instructor Skills .......................................................................................... 131
Adding Instructor Pay Rates ................................................................................... 131
Instructor‟s Time Reporting .................................................................................... 133
Sending an email to Instructors ............................................................................ 134
Emailing Primary Instructor when dropping students .............................. 134

Section 12 – Events (Birthday Parties – One Time Events) ..................... 136

Adding an Event Type ................................................................................................. 136

Updating Event Notification Emails ................................................................ 137
Agreement Text ............................................................................................................. 138
Dates and Times Tab .................................................................................................. 139
Searching for an Event Type ................................................................................... 139
Booking an Event : 2 Options ................................................................................. 140
Viewing Event Enrollment ........................................................................................ 142
Emailing Event Participants .................................................................................... 142
Assigning an instructor to an event .................................................................... 142
Keeping Track of Online Event Registrations ............................................... 142

Section 13 – Recital Management Module ................................................... 143

Accessing the Recital module: .............................................................................. 143

Creating a New Recital .............................................................................................. 143
Multi-Recital Report ..................................................................................................... 147

Section 14 – Costume/Apparel/Supplies Module ......................................... 148

Creating Vendor Size Charts ................................................................................... 149

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Assigning Sizes to Students in a Class ............................................................. 149

Adding / Assigning Costumes to Classes and Students ........................... 150
Preventing a costume from being ordered for specific students ....... 151
Creating and Printing Purchase Orders for Vendors .................................. 151
Creating and Printing Costume Summary Reports ..................................... 151
Posting Costume Deposits and Fees .................................................................. 152
Using the Costume Module to Order Supplies by Class ........................... 152

Section 15 – Reporting ........................................................................................ 154

Exporting, Printing or Refreshing Reporting Information ........................ 154

Changing Sorting Criteria on Search Reports ............................................... 154
Understanding Search Criteria – How Reports are generated ............. 155
What causes blank Search Results ..................................................................... 156
Advanced Search Reports ........................................................................................ 156
Families Advanced Search....................................................................................... 156
Transactions Advanced Search ........................................................................ 157
Listing Reports ............................................................................................................... 157
General Reports ............................................................................................................. 158
Enrollment Reports .................................................................................................. 158
Pulling Enrollment Data for Past and Current Sessions....................... 160
Student Reports ......................................................................................................... 161
Family Reports ............................................................................................................ 161
Instructor Reports ........................................................................................................ 162
Online Registration Reports ................................................................................ 162
Financial Reports .......................................................................................................... 163
Reconciling Financial Reports ........................................................................... 164
What to do if my reports do not reconcile ................................................... 166
What are Unapplied Transactions on my Financial Reports? ........... 167
Integrating Jackrabbit with your QuickBooks Software ......................... 167
The QuickBooks Report ............................................................................................. 168
Creating an IIF File / Exporting to QuickBooks ............................................ 170
Importing the IIF File into QuickBooks ......................................................... 170
Statements ....................................................................................................................... 171
Delivery address for Statements ...................................................................... 171
Emailing Statements ............................................................................................... 171
Organization or “From” address on Emailed statements .................... 171
Printing Statements (Best Method) ................................................................. 172
Organization or “From” address on printed statements ...................... 172
Printing Statements (optional method) ......................................................... 173

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Setting up Family Statement Preferences .................................................. 173

Troubleshooting Statement Printing: ................................................................. 174
Field Matrix for Reports ............................................................................................. 175

Section 16 - Privacy Policy ................................................................................ 177

Policy ................................................................................................................................... 177

Information ....................................................................................................................... 177
Security .............................................................................................................................. 177
Data Encryption ............................................................................................................. 177
Commitment..................................................................................................................... 177

Section 17: Troubleshooting Issues - Jackrabbit and your Computer 178

Appearance that Jackrabbit „freezes‟ up or info is not saving ............ 178

How to know what Browser you are using? ................................................... 178
Perceived Problems Saving / Viewing in Jackrabbit ................................. 178
I can‟t get to the login fields on www.JackrabbitClass.com ................ 178
Appearance that Security Certificate is expired or not valid ............... 179
Appearance that Jackrabbit is running “slow” ............................................. 179

Section 18 - Jackrabbit Billing Policies & Procedures ............................. 181

Payment Schedule ........................................................................................................ 181

Failure to Pay .................................................................................................................. 181
Managing your Billing Account with Jackrabbit Technologies ........... 182
Cancelling your Jackrabbit Subscription ......................................................... 182

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Jackrabbit – User Guide

Section 1 – Executive Overview

Jackrabbit is the easiest to use and most accessible class management system available.
Owners and managers need an application that is simple to use by their staff and provides
comprehensive management reporting. Its unique executive dashboard shows management
critical information regarding enrollment, drops, openings percentage and aged accounts,
every time they logon.

Jackrabbit offers a comprehensive solution without the hassles of buying, installing &
updating software and eliminates the need to be at the office to use the system. A huge
benefit of Jackrabbit is that we host both the application and data for you—giving you the
flexibility to access your data from anywhere with an Internet connection.
The common concerns of management in regards to a new system are: staff training,
software installation & support and data conversion / entry. Jackrabbit addresses all of

Staff Training
The system is so simple to use that we challenge you that after watching the 5 minute
software video on our website that a person can easily input a financial transaction and / or
enroll a student. We offer online support and telephone support can also be scheduled.

Software installation and support

A web-based application eliminates the need for software installation, software updates and
technical support. All you need is an Internet connection (a high speed one is
recommended) and a web browser.

Data conversion / entry

Jackrabbit has the ability to import family, student, class and enrollment information from
an Excel spreadsheet template. For example, a 1000 student spreadsheet takes about one
minute to upload into the system and then you can begin using it immediately.

We offer a FREE 30 day trial to try out our software and we hope you take us up on our
offer. All we ask in return is that you provide us with your valued feedback. If you want to
continue using the system after your free trial, just sign up through the ―Buy Now‖ form on
the website.

Major Software Features include:

 Low monthly subscription fee

 Unique Executive Dashboard login page

 Complete contact management

 Class information, scheduling, & enrollment

 Billing and Accounts / Receivable

 Seamless integration of multi location data

 Easy view of combined location organizational reporting

 Security and permissions based functions

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 Comprehensive reporting

 Attendance and makeup tracking

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Section 2 – Help and Technical Support

Video Help, User Guide, Email Support Team

Jackrabbit support takes great pride in helping our users get the most from the product.
Jackrabbit accomplishes this by partnering with its clients for a multi-tiered approach.

1st Level – Online Videos & Additional User Guides (.pdf)

Select the ―Video Help‖ button located near the top right of any page. This will
display the most current Jackrabbit software video list. Click the link for the video
you would like to watch…TURN ON YOUR SPEAKERS!

Select the ―User Guide‖ link located in the upper right hand corner of any page. This
will display the most current Jackrabbit User Guide document. (.pdf format) There
are 3 ADDITIONAL Users Guides which focus on Getting Started, Online Registration
and e-commerce (credit card and bank account connectivity). Look for the links to
these documents on the Jackrabbit Sign In Page.

We suggest you have a PRINTED copy of a current User Guide available

for your employees.

Jackrabbit is continually changing and improving. ALL enhancements are

announced on the enhancements area of the dashboard and on the enhancements
report. Make it a habit to watch this area. Many items are here BEFORE they end up
in the User Guide.

We have gone to great efforts to keep the Videos & User Guide up to date and easy
to understand. Please take just a minute to see if the answer you are looking for is
on the video before contacting Support.

2nd Level – Internal Jackrabbit Systems Administrator

Each Jackrabbit Client should designate one internal employee as their ―Jackrabbit
Systems Administrator‖. If you require Jackrabbit support, please direct your
questions to this person. This addresses the issue of getting the same support

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question from the same client multiple times and helps us provide more efficient
service. The User Guide contains a chapter on System Administration.

3rd Level – Jackrabbit Support Desk

If you are not able to find a sufficient answer to your question after viewing the
videos, reviewing the User Guide and asking your Internal Systems Administrator,
please have your Internal Systems Administrator send us an email via the ―Support‖
button, located in the upper right hand corner of every page in Jackrabbit.

Please do not send an email directly to a person with Jackrabbit

Technologies as we rotate who is responding to support issues. Please use the
Support Buttons or send an email to Support@jackrabbittech.com.

Jackrabbit‘s Help Desk is available to answer your questions submitted through the
Support buttons in Jackrabbit or emails sent to support@jackrabbittech.com. If the
question / issue cannot be resolved via email, we will ask for your phone number and
a good time frame to call you and resolve the issue.

It is our intent to respond via email to all support emails within 2 business

Pricing in Jackrabbit

Jackrabbit bills on the number of ACTIVE and INACTIVE students in your database. Active
students are those currently enrolled in a class. Inactive students have no current
enrollment. If you have questions on your bill, please email billing@jackrabbittech.com.


 Your Jackrabbit fees are due on the 1st of each month.

 Your monthly Fee is based on the TOTAL # OF STUDENTS (active + inactive)
in your database PLUS any additional services you ordered.
 Your fee can change month-to-month depending on your TOTAL number of
 See the Price link on our website for details:
 The TOTAL STUDENT count is taken on a random day of the month to
determine your billing rate for the next month.
 On your request, Jackrabbit will delete INACTIVE students / families from
your database free of charge. Request this through the Support buttons.

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Hours of Support

Monday through Friday

8:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

Federal Holidays excluded
Emergency Support is available after hours via the ―Support‖ button only. Our Support
staff will attempt to contact you as soon as they receive the message.

Additional Guides

If you are just getting started with Jackrabbit – see the GETTING STARTED User Guide –
this guide gives you the basic navigational and set up processes to get a head start in

For Web Integration of Jackrabbit – see the ONLINE REGISTRATION User Guide – this
comprehensive guide describes all areas of integrating Jackrabbit with your website.

For e-commerce Integration of Jackrabbit – see the ECOMMERCE User Guide – this guide
explains HOW to accept Bank Drafts and Credit Cards through Jackrabbit. It will introduce
all of the partners that Jackrabbit works with. It also explains what you need to do if you
want to keep your existing merchant.

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Section 3 – System Administration

This section will outline System Administration tasks. Topics to be covered under system
administration are: adding or editing locations, managing users, understanding password
resets, adding your company logo to statements, and understanding email communications
from Jackrabbit through your organizations email.

The Getting Started User Guide is also available for initial setup information. This
guide can also be used by the administrator to initiate changes and understanding how
your organization is set up in Jackrabbit.

Assigning a System Administrator to Manage your Database

- System Overview
Administration should be assigned to one user in your organization that has ALL permissions
activated for their user ID. This person should be responsible for:

 Understanding all aspects of Jackrabbit and where information is entered

 Coordinating all support requests to Jackrabbit and distributing responses

 Have a good working knowledge of the organization structure in terms of staffing,

procedures, accounting and class set up

 Adding and deleting Users that have access to your database

 Understanding how to revoke and un-revoke Users on the system

 Understand the importance of Passwords

 Understand the needs of your clients and their use of Jackrabbit

 Check the Enhancements Report to understand all new enhancements Jackrabbit


Locations: Adding Locations and Editing Locations

The Getting Started User Guide contains a description of how to change and add
locations for your organization.

Your database was initially created with one default location ID. Locations in
Jackrabbit typically represent a facility. Locations can also represent a subsidiary of the
business located in a common facility. If the organization wants to separate out the
business unit so that those users can not access the other business unit‘s data, a separate
location can be used to do this. Locations should be assigned an abbreviation (3-10
characters) to represent a location‘s ID. This is so names do not take up a lot of room on
lists and reports.

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Important Notes Regarding Multiple Locations within a Single Database

1. Currently, the Executive Dashboard shows totals of all Locations. A per Location
break down is not yet available. Please inquire.

2. Students in a family of Location A CAN enroll in Classes of Location B (this

enrollment has to be done from the CLASS record, not the student / family record).
Transactions (fee and payments) for this family / class will take on the location of
the FAMILY, not the CLASS. Payment and revenue reporting will put this money
under the Family‘s location, NOT the class Location.

3. If you have Jackrabbit‘s e-Commerce Module and a single Jackrabbit Database with
multiple Locations, Jackrabbit can be linked to a single bank account. All Location‘s
ecommerce payments will be linked to the single bank account. If you need
ecommerce payments split between multiple bank accounts

Example: Location A money goes to one account, but your location B money needs to go to a separate
account. This cannot be done within a single Jackrabbit database. You would need to activate an
additional database for the other bank account / Location. (JR offers a 10% discount on a second

How Revenue is organized by Location

All Revenue is organized by FAMILY location and not CLASS Location. Families are assigned
a Location Value and Classes are assigned a Location value. If you post Fees to a Family In
Loc: Meadow for tuition in a class that is assigned a Loc: Prairie and the Fee is then
linked and paid off. When running a Revenue Report, the revenue will be found under Loc:

See the Ensuring Accurate Revenue Reporting section of this guide for more information.

Changing an existing Location Code / Name

When your database is initially set up, Jackrabbit creates a Location Code for you. You may
want to change the Location Code or Name. To do this, please email Jackrabbit support
with your original location code and the new location code. It is important to note that this
will switch any records currently with the ―old‖ code to the ―new‖ Location code.

The address information entered on the Location record (TOOLS – EDIT DEFAULTS
– LOCATION) will be used as the facility address printed on the Family Statements.

Adding a Location

Action => go to TOOLS – EDIT LOCATIONS

1. Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Edit Locations‖ item. Click on the
―Add Location‖ button to add a location or click on the ―Locations‖ tab to view the list
of current locations.

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2. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Save Changes‖
button near the top of the page and the changes will be saved.

Deleting a Location
If you need a location deleted from your database – please contact Customer Support
through the support button in your database.

Managing System Users

- Tools


Your database should have 1 person designated as the Jackrabbit Systems Administrator.
This person should be assigned all user permissions (see assigning permissions) to see and
do all functions in Jackrabbit. This person should be the business Owner or trusted
employee as financial data is visible.

Adding a New User ID

You can have as many User ID‘s within your organization as you like. The default amount
of user‘s in any organization is 2 CONCURRENT users (any 2 people logged in at any one
time). If 2 users are logged in and a 3rd tries to login – an error message will pop up
explaining that the number of concurrent users has been reached. Please see below on how
more CONCURRENT users can be added to Jackrabbit

The same User ID CANNOT login multiple times.

Each person must have his or her own unique user ID in Jackrabbit. Please note that this
ID cannot be in use by ANY other Jackrabbit CUSTOMER so if you create an ID and
Jackrabbit tells you it is a duplicate, this is because another organization in Jackrabbit may
have this ID.

Suggested format for User ID‘s are: First initial and Last name. For example: jdoe. If this
ID is in use try full first name and last name. There are places where Jackrabbit ―shortens‖
the User ID – do not make it too long.

Each User is assigned permissions under the edit permissions link that allow you to remove
their ability to see or access a function.

1. Highlight Tools on the main menu and select the Manage Users
& Permissions.

2. Click the Add User button

3. Enter a new User ID (see NOTE above) and password. We

suggest 12345 as an initial password. The User is prompted to
change this when they first login.

4. Click the submit button

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Each enrollment, drop and transaction in Jackrabbit will have this user ID stamped
on the record.

Use the clone user button under another user to copy their permissions

Cloning a User

This is a time saver. Set up one User ID with all their permissions. Then use the Clone
User button to create more users with the Same Permissions.

1. Click the User ID link of the User you want to Clone.

2. Click the ―Clone User‖ button on their record.

3. Enter the New User ID and the password for that new User.

4. You will be taken to the new User‘s record. Change the First /
Last name and email address to match the new user. Save

Deleting a User ID

1. Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Manage

Users & Permissions‖ item.

2. Click on the ―Users‖ tab to view the list of current users.

3. Click on the appropriate Users name and the ―User Profile‖ page
is displayed.

4. While on the ―User Profile‖ page click on the ―Delete‖ button

and the User ID will be permanently deleted.

Changing a User ID
You cannot CHANGE a user‘s User ID once it has been created. You must create a new User
ID (use ‗Clone User‘ button to quickly create new ID) and delete the old one. Use the Clone
User Feature to create identical User Permissions.

Changing a User ID‟s email address

It is important to have an email address associated with a User ID as this email address is
used to receive responses from Jackrabbit Support. If a User uses the Support button
within Jackrabbit, that User‘s email address is associated with that support request.

1. Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Manage

Users & Permissions‖ item.

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2. Click the User ID link of the user who needs and updated email

3. Enter the new email address

4. Click save changes

A User‘s ID‘s email is NOT your organization‘s reply to email which receives Web
Registrations and Online Bundles requests. Please see the organizations REPLY TO EMAIL to

Editing a User‟s Permissions – denying and allowing access

Once a User is created there are 3 areas which can be accessed to manage their account:

User ID link – This displays the user‘s name, email and password restriction
Edit Permissions Security link – This displays each Jackrabbit menu option, button and
feature with its description and a check box as to whether the user will be able to access the
Location Access link – This displays the Locations that have been setup and whether the
user will be able to access each Location.
Class Categories link – This displays the class categories that have been setup and
whether the user will be able to access each class that has been assigned the category. This
is often used if a user is only allowed to enroll students in beginner classes or other types of

These 4 areas that can be accessed can be viewed under the Manage Users and Permissions

You can click any of the links above to add or change permissions.

Action => Tools – Manage Users and Permissions select a user

ID link to change Permissions, location or category access

1. Select a link: permissions – location – category

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2. Select those areas which the user has access to

3. Click save changes


The User will need to log off and back on for the updated permissions to take

If you wish to add more concurrent User licenses, Please see explanation below
and contact Jackrabbit Support – They can make this change quickly and explain the
additional cost.

Adding more concurrent Users for your organization

Based on the level of Jackrabbit you subscribe to, each organization has a set number of
concurrent users. For example if you have 2 concurrent users then only 2 users can access
your Jackrabbit Database simultaneously. If too many users try to log into your database,
they will get a message that says ―You are exceeding your organizations MAX limit of
concurrent users. 'User ID' and 'User ID' are already logged in.‖

Please See our website and click the Pricing Tab to see how many concurrent users are
assigned to your website. There is an additional cost for each additional Concurrent User.
To add more concurrent users, contact Customer Support.

Viewing a User‟s Activity

You can view user activity when you edit / view a user

1. From The main TOOLS menu option – select Manage Users and Permissions.
2. Select the User who‘s activity you would like to View
3. On the left hand menu of options select – User Activity

Changing Passwords for Users

- Security
When users login to Jackrabbit the first time, it is suggested they change their password.

Changing your own password


1. Click ‗Tools‘ on the red tool bar menu - Select ―Change


2. You will be asked to enter your new password twice. Click on

the ―Save Changes‖ button near the top of the page and the
changes will be saved.

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If your user ID is revoked – click on the "I forgot my password link" located under
the User Sign In area of Jackrabbit

To change the password or reset the password for another User

1. From the Red Menu Bar go to Tools – Manage Users and


2. Click on the User ID Link

3. Click the reset Password Button

4. Enter a new password twice

5. Click Save Changes

Revoking / Un-revoking another User ID

User ID‘s can be revoked to prevent access to your database. You can revoke a user or the
system can automatically revoke a user for too many password attempts.

As a security measure, Jackrabbit will revoke a user if 3 incorrect passwords are



1. Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Manage

Users & Permissions‖ item.

2. Click on the ―Users‖ tab to view the list of current users.

3. Click on the appropriate User‘s name and the ―User Profile‖

page is displayed.

4. Change the ―Restrictions‖ value from ―Access revoked‖ to


5. Click ―Save Changes‖ button near the top of the page and the
changes will be saved.

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To Un-revoke your own User ID

If the User ID that has been revoked is YOU:

1. Click the ―I FORGOT MY PASSWORD‖ link located under the

Client Sign in area of Jackrabbit

2. Enter your User ID and Email address on your User Profile -


3. A Password reset email will be sent to you with instructions to

un-revoke your User ID.

Note: If you do not know your User ID or the Email address entered on your User Profile:
Ask another user in your database to look at your user ID and the email attached. (Tools –
manage Users and Permissions – select user)

Alternatively – please contact support at support@jackrabbittech.com to regain


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Managing Email information in Jackrabbit

If you want MULTIPLE email addresses in the notification field. Separate them with

Allowing customers to “opt out” of receiving your emails.

Jackrabbit offers you several ways to email and reach your parents, students and
instructors. Any time you send mass email out of Jackrabbit you should always offer clients
to ―opt out‖. This is simply verbiage offering customers the ability to be removed from your
email list if they find it bothersome.

Adding Attachments to Emails

Jackrabbit does not allow you to add attachments to emails. However on the email screen

To email an attachment, we recommend you upload the document to your website and include a link in the email.
Free upload services: www.4shared.com, www.box.net, www.uploading.com, www.mediafire.com, drop.io

Updating your Jackrabbit Account Email

This is the email address that Jackrabbit Technologies uses to send your monthly bill
1. From the Red Menu Bar select Tools - Edit Locations

2. Main tab – enter a NEW Organization e-mail

3. Click Save Changes

Updating your Customer Portal Reply to and Send to Email:

This is the email address that acts as the ―reply to‖ email address when clients submit
requests through the online bundle.
1. From the Red Menu Bar – go to tools – Customer Portal

2. Click on the Settings Tab

3. Change the Customer Portal Reply to and send to Email address

4. Click Save Changes

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Updating your Websites Reply to Email address:

This is the email that receives email notification of a web registration.
1. Go to Tools – Web Registration and Class Openings

2. Click on the Settings option located on the left hand side of the

3. Put your cursor in the Notification email field and enter a new

4. Save your change.

Updating Event Notification Emails

When you have an Event scheduled in Jackrabbit it is possibly to specify a specific
notification email address. This is most likely to be the person responsible for the event
1. Go to Tools – List Events

2. Select an Event type

3. On the Summary Page enter a Notification Email

4. Save your Changes.

See the managing Users Section to learn how to change an email address for a
particular User ID.
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Emailing Families / Students / Instructors

Note: Emails will be sent in TEXT ONLY format. It will not support special formatting (bold,
underline, centered, etc). You cannot send an attachment in the email. We recommend you
upload the attachment to your website and include a link in the email your clients can copy
& paste into their browser.)

1. Highlight ―Families‖ on the main menu and select the ―Email Families‖ item.
2. The system displays the ―Mass Email‖ page.
3. Please follow the non-spam guidelines.
4. You have the option to send the email to Parents / Students / Instructors, Parents /
Students, Parents Only and Students Only. (See ―Sending an Email to Instructors‖
section to email only Instructors)
5. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the email will be sent immediately.

The list of ‗Reply Email Addresses‘ comes from the addresses found on the User
Profiles for your organization.

Other criteria that can be used to email families are: location (single or multiple)
primary instructor, class meeting day, specific class or group of classes, Family Membership
Type, e-payment Type, e-Payment Schedule, Source.

Emailing Families / Students / Instructor for Birthdays

If you wish to email students for Birthdays or email Families about offering Birthday Parties,
you can do so form the EMAIL FAMILIES screen:
 From the Main FAMILIES drop down Menu – select Email Families
 Enter a Student‘s Age or Birth Month
 Enter the body of your email
 Submit the email

Email Templates

The 4 main email function (―Email Families‖, ―Email Class‖, ―Email Instructors‖, and ―Email
Event now support HTML and Text formats. For short reminder-type messages, users can
continue to send text-format emails quickly. But if they want to style the text with coloring,
fonts, etc they will want to choose ―HTML‖. The HTML editor being used for editing is the
same editor used for Announcements. This means you can now have styled, colorful emails
using ―Email Templates‖.

A template is a pre-defined email that can be reused and edited on-the-fly just before
sending. Templates can be ―text‖ or ―html‖. A new User permission ―Edit Email Templates‖
controls access to editing templates (add / update / delete). Template Name max length is
50 characters. Maximum size of the Email template (text or html) is 8000 characters. So,
this is not intended for sending out 1000 copies of a 5-10+ page newsletter or a copy of
―Charles Dickens‖. Instead, print to a PDF, upload to website and send out an
―announcement‖ with link in email. Keeping the email small and without attachments
increases the email deliverability to the intended recipients.
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This is a huge time-saver allowing schools to put their standard text communication, form
letters, or any repetitious messages into a canned template. So, if the same email needs to
be sent to 10 different classes (and they cannot use Email Families), they can make and re-
use a template. Users can also create a ―standard email‖ template which may have a
standard header, footer, etc.

To Create Email Templates:

1. From the Red Menu Bar, select Families – Email Families

2. Select the Gray Edit Email Templates Button
3. Select the Add template
4. Name your template, Email Type and add your text
5. Select the Add Template Button
6. The template will now be available to you in the template drop down field.

Emailing Individuals in Jackrabbit

In multiple places within Jackrabbit (search results, tabs, etc), a customer / contact‘s email
address may be linked (underlined and clickable) using the someuser@email.com. The
―mailto‖ protocol launches whatever mail client / program is installed on your computer
(locally, if there is one) such as ―Outlook‖.

If you use a web-mail client (where they login via a web browser - Yahoo mail, Gmail,
Hotmail, etc), the customer may NOT have any email client program installed in which case
clicking the link may do nothing.

For others that have a registered email client such as Outlook or Outlook Express installed
but NOT SETUP, when they do click on an email address link, this may trigger an email
client ―setup wizard‖ and prompt the user to please specify their email address, SMTP server
name, password, etc. We cannot assist you in setting up personal email.

If you wish to email customers individually:

You can copy the email address and paste into the ―TO‖ field in whatever email client /
program / browser you use.


You can setup a local Email client program such as Outlook or Outlook Express. Jackrabbit
support cannot assist you in doing this. You should contact their ISP / email provider for
specific instructions.

Emailing Individual Families

You have the ability to email students and / or contacts from the family page. If you have
the "Email Families" permission you will now see an "Email" button at the top of the family

Delivery Status Emails sent to you

Whenever you are sending an email from Jackrabbit, the possibility that you have an
incorrect or un-deliverable email address is there.

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A ―Delivery Status Notification‖ is not the real email sent to the customer, it is a just an
excerpt of the email as a ―status notification‖ sent to you the ―Sender‖ letting you know of
any delivery issues. These are ―Delivery Status Notification‖ email messages sent from the
Jackrabbit mail server, and they only send the first 1000 characters of the email (enough
for identification purposes only

Specifically, what you sent me below is a ―Delay‖ notification alerting you that our mail
server could not immediately reach the recipient joeblow@yehoo.com and will continue to
try until Sep. 23, 2008 7:36pm. Notice the typo ―@yehoo.com‖ which really should be

This email will ultimately fail (because ―yehoo.com‖ is not valid) and you will receive a
―Delivery Status Notification (failure)‖ email. This happens when the email address has a
typo, and these Delivery notifications help to alert you to the possibility of a bad email
address in your database!

To find the ―bad email‖ use the Global Search field (yellow textbox at the top-center of the
screen) and search on email addresses? Basically, any time you search text containing a
―@‖ symbol, Jackrabbit assumes you are searching for email addresses. Try searching on
―@yehoo.com‖ and you should find the bad email and can correct it.

Sending Mass Emails Outside of Jackrabbit from your own ISP

You also have the ability to export all the email addresses within Jackrabbit to Excel and
from Excel, formulate groups for emailing.

1. Go to the Reports Menu

2. Select the Email Listing report
3. Run the Report and click the EXCEL link at the top of the report
4. From Excel – select the emails and paste them into your own Email Program

Jackrabbit is NO longer the sender of this email.

Emailing a Specific Category of Class - Weather Closures

When emailing from Jackrabbit you can select any Category Value to isolate a certain group.
On the Email Screen you can select Category 1, Category 2 or Category 3 Values.

For example: If you have your CATEGORY 3 Value arranged by DAY, where the Category 3
value on the Class Page is the Day the class is offered, then you can email just a specific
DAY of classes.

1. From the Main Families Menu select the EMAIL FAMLIES screen
2. Enter your email information
3. Select a Category value
4. Submit the Email to be sent

Mass Email Note:

Sending a Mass email uses Jackrabbit‘s ISP, which can be seen as Spam by the recipients‘
ISP and could be blocked from delivery. (See FAQ section for other reasons your email was
not received.) Sending mass emails from your ISP may have a higher delivery rate. (See
Sending a mass email from your own ISP / Outside of Jackrabbit in this section).

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Single Emails (clicking on a contact's / student's email link) already uses your ISP: It
launches YOUR email software, inserts the recipient‘s address for you, and sends the email
from YOUR ISP.

To send a Mass Email (Email Families, Student, Instructors, Email class) from your
1. Use the Student Listing, Family Address Listing or List Instructors report.
2. Once the list is open, click excel link to export to Excel
3. Copy / Paste the email address column into the email you have created on YOUR
computer and send.

Can I email an Archived Class?

You can email an archived class – you must restore it first – send the email and then re-
archive it.

How can I find a list of families with NO email address on file?

If you wish to find a listing of those families that do not have an email address on file:

 From the Main Families Menu – select – Families Advanced Search

 Select the value Has No Email = TRUE
 Click submit

Why aren‟t mass emails I send always received?

Unfortunately there are multiple reasons why an email isn't received and 99% of them
cannot be researched by Jackrabbit. Some reasons could be:

1. The email was sorted to the recipient's Spam folder (so they don't know
they received it).
2. The email was automatically deleted by the recipient‘s spam
3. The User's Inbox is full and won't except any more emails until some are
cleared off
4. The user no longer has that email address
5. The recipients Internet Service Provider (ISP) refuses to deliver the email
because the ISP thinks‘ it is Spam.
6. The email address is mistyped in Jackrabbit (this can be checked out in

Updating the NEWS tab in your Customer Portal

(You must have the Customer Portal Active on your Website to use this feature)
If you have information that you would like to make visible to all users in your organization,
you can post it on your Customer Portal NEWS TAB. When Clients login to the Portal it is
the first screen they see.

To Update the Portal New Tab:

(You must make sure the News Tab Field has been selected for view)

1. From the TOOLS Menu, select Customer Portal Settings

2. Select the News and Announcements Tab
3. Select the EDIT link – enter your information and save.

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Sending a PRIVATE message to one family via the Customer Portal

You can also post an individual message to families via the Customer Portal

(You must have the Customer Portal Active on your Website to use this feature)
To Post an individual Message:
1. Go to the Families Page
2. Select the MISC Tab
3. In the Customer Portal Login Message – enter your text.
4. The Family will see the message on their next login.

Viewing the Registration Form once registration is complete

You have the ability to go back and view a Registration once it has been submitted. It is
stored within the Family record. To view this:

1. Go to the Family Page of the registration form you wish to view

2. Select the MISC Tab
3. Select the View Registrations Button

!!! Only Registrations that contained an email confirmation will be


How can you e-file Registration Confirmations for existing?

There is a ―transition‖ period where NEW customers have a copy of their registration form
and legalese acceptance viewable on their family page and older customers do not. You
cannot scan paper registration forms into Jackrabbit so it is necessary to keep those paper
copies on file OR have existing clients Fill out the QUICK REGISTRATION FORM from within
the database. This can be achieved by having a ―station‖ set up in your lobby for a period
of time. This Registration can also be viewed as described in the above section.

NOTE: Make sure when families fill out the Quick Registration form – they select the proper
LOCATION and enter Address info, etc exactly to avoid the creation of duplicate families.

Performing a Mail Merge

MS-Word 2003 Mail Merge Steps

Click the ―Excel‖ link to export your Family Address Listing Report to Excel
Click ―File – Save As‖ and save your file. Change ―Save as type‖ value to Microsoft Office
Excel Workbook (*.xls)
Start Microsoft Word
Click Tools – ―Letters and Mailings‖ – ―Mail Merge‖
Select Document Type. On the right-hand side, you should have a ―Mail Merge‖ pane
prompting you to ―Select document type‖. Choose ―Labels‖ and click ―Next: Starting
document‖ at the bottom.
Starting Document. Click the ―Label options…‖ link and choose your label type and click
―Ok‖. Click ―Next: Select Recipients‖ at the bottom.

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Select Recipients. Click the ―Browse…‖ link to browse and select the Excel file you created
in step 2. Click ―Ok‖ on the ―Select Table‖ window. Click ―Ok‖ on the ―Mail Merge
Recipients‖ window. Click the ―Next: Arrange your labels…‖ at the bottom
Arrange your labels. Click the ―More items…‖ link to open a window called ―Insert Merge
Field‖. Like this:

Select ―Name‖ and click ―Insert‖, Select ―Home Address‖ and click ―Insert‖, Select ―City‖ and
click ―Insert‖, Select ―State‖ and click ―Insert‖, Select ―Zip‖ and click ―Insert‖. Then click

Place your cursor between <<Name>> and <<Home_Address>> and press Enter to put
<<Home_Address>> on a new line. Repeat for <<City>> and add a comma between
<<City>> and <<State>>. Add some spacing between <<State>> and <<Zip>>.

Click the ―Update all labels‖ button to apply the same format to all label cells.

Finally, click ―Next: Preview your labels…‖ at the bottom.


Action => Reports – Family Mailing Labels

You have the ability to print Mailing Labels from Jackrabbit. These Labels use Avery 5160
Labels only. The address that pulls for these labels is Address found on the Family
Summary Page.

Printing Labels for Birthdays

You can print Student labels for a specific Birthday month. From the Reports menu –
Student Labels search criteria, enter a Student Birthday month. Jackrabbit will pull all
students with that month as a value.

Printing Labels for Students no longer enrolled

On the Family Labels or Student Labels screen, there is an option ―Currently Enrolled in
(Select classes below)‖. If set to ―Yes‖, searches only students ―Current Enrolled‖. If set to
―No (previously enrolled), only searches students previously in the class (terminated or
not). You can also set this option to (blank) meaning you don‘t care if student is currently
in class or not.

My Labels / Statements are skewing

There is a print option in Adobe Acrobat Reader that can cause the skewing.
Run your report (statements / labels, etc),
This opens up Adobe Acrobat with your report
Click File / Print
In the "Page Handling" Section Make sure that page scaling is set to ―none‖

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Importing Family / Student / Class / Enrollment Data

Jackrabbit has a powerful feature to import data from an Excel spreadsheet. We have had
great success with extracting information from other systems and importing the data into
Jackrabbit. If you need help with this, just send us an email.
This import can be performed many times to add additional data (not to update specific
fields) and the data imported can be deleted. If you do not know how to get your current
information into an Excel spreadsheet, please contact us for help. 5000 is the maximum
number of records that can be imported at a time. If you have more than this to import,
you will have to separate the families into different files. We do not currently import
historical financial data or instructors.

Jackrabbit can do your import for you at No charge (we are currently waiving the
$150 fee)! Please send an email to Jackrabbit Support by using the Support button and give
us your organization name as well as the current system you are using. Once we have your
files, imports can usually be completed within 48 hours.

How to do an Import

1. Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Import

Data‖ item.

2. This displays a page that has the instructions to download the

sample Excel spreadsheet and how to upload the spreadsheet
into the Jackrabbit system. Please read tab 4 with specific
formatting instructions for importing.

3. Once you have populated the spreadsheet with your data, you
can import the spreadsheet via this option.

If you have multiple families with the same last name, you will need to sort your
Excel spreadsheet by ADDRESS, then SAVE, and then Import. Doing this puts all the correct
family members together and it splits up the families that happen to have the same last
name: so the right ―Smith‖ kids go to the right ―Smith‖ family.

The import feature does NOT have ―duplicate checking‖. If you are importing
records of families who already existing in your database, (in an attempt to update contact /
student info) duplicate records will be created. There is no ―merge‖ function for Jackrabbit.

Phone Numbers MUST be imported in TEXT format. To force this, place a single
quote in front of each phone number (ex: 7048954034)

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Deleting Imported Data

If the data import did not execute correctly, you can delete the data based on the date of
import as many times as you like. This function, ―Delete Imported Data‖ (under the Tools
menu) typically only takes a matter of seconds and you can re-import the data immediately
after this deletion. This function removes ALL data imported on the date selected.

Executive Dashboard

- Executive Dashboard

Due to the sensitive financial information available on the Executive Dashboard,

only those Users who have permissions to see the Executive Dashboard will see it.
The Executive Dashboard is an awesome way to help keep management aware of critical
performance indicators.

 Set the parameter / threshold values on the Settings link at the bottom of the
dashboard, click ―Save Changes‖ button and the colored indicator bars will change

 Click the ―Refresh Dashboard‖ button when viewing the Dashboard to include all
updates in the results.

 To see details behind each indicator, just click on the indicator.

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From the Dashboard if Users select the following any of the below links, the following
information is launched:

 Drop History (covers ―Total Drops in last X days‖ on dashboard)

 Online Registrations (Class & Event – covers ―Web Registrations and NOT Portal
Registrations in the last X days‖)
 Aged Accounts Report (from the dashboard, this handles the ―under 30 days‖, etc
 Enroll Snapshot 1 (Enrollment Total and Enrollment % on dashboard)
 Customer Portal Log (covers the ―Portal Enrollment last X days‖)
 Source Report which covers ―how they heard about us‖ selections.
 The ―Birthdays Next X Days‖ (different from ―Birthday Report‖) is no longer fixed to
only 10 days. The report now runs the search based on the actual Dashboard

Alerts are slightly different and pull from reports under the Main Menu – Reports Menu and
are covered as follows:

 The ―Absences‖ link pulls from Absences / Make-ups Report otherwise if you are
tracking Attendance (Dojo version, or where Track Absences=No) information is
pulled from the Attendance Report. If tracking attendance, It is important to
understand that: This is more of an Attrition / retention value. The two indicators
are really Attrition indicators. Meaning, they are attempting to show # of Active
Students that HAVE NOT ATTENDED in last X days. (see below)

There are 2 indicators:

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1. students NOT attending a class 2-3 times in last 14 days,

2. 4 or more times in last 30 days with this info, you can do follow-ups to try to
prevent possible attrition.

 Scheduled Trials link uses the Enroll History Report

 Wait List with Openings pulls from (under the Classes menu) Wait Lists with

Restricting Users From seeing the Executive Dashboard

1. Go to ―Tools‖ menu and choose ―Manage Users Permissions‖.

2. Click ―Edit Permissions‖ link on that User‘s row.

3. Uncheck the ―executive Dashboard‖ box‖ and SAVE CHANGES.

If a User does NOT have this permission checked, they will see an Announcements

The Announcements Tab

If your staff does not have access to the Executive Dashboard, they view the
announcements page. This is a useful tool to communicate updates in your organization or
policies and procedures. To update the Announcements page:

1. From the Red Menu Bar – select Tools – Edit Locations

2. Select the Announcements Tab

3. Click the EDIT HTML link and enter your text

4. Save changes

Setting up your Logo

Action => Tools – Edit Settings – “Organization Logo” option

You can upload your company logo from your hard drive into Jackrabbit. Your Logo will
display on your Statements and if you have purchased the Online Bundle, your Web
Registration and Customer Portal pages.

Your logo file should be GIF or JPEG format. It cannot be in PNG format. To
determine what format your logo is, right click and select PROPERTIES. Your logo should
not be taller than 2 inches or greater than 200 pixels in height. You may replace your logo
at any time by simply uploading another in its place.

Once you have placed a logo here it cannot be removed only changed.

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1. Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Edit Settings‖ item. You will see
the ―Organization Logo‖ Option.

2. Click the ―upload image‖ link in the Logo file: field. The Upload File page will display.

3. Click ―Browse‖ to find your logo file in the directory where you have it saved.

4. Highlight the logo file and click ―open‖. The file name will be inserted into the ‗Image
File‘ field on the Upload File page.

5. Click Upload. You will see the logo on the organization logo page.

To test the size of your logo for Statements, Print a Family Statement and see how it looks (see
“Printing a Family Statement” section for directions)

Resizing your Logo

1. Open your logo from your hard drive - Right click on the logo, choose SAVE AS and
put it on your hard drive (remember where you put it)

2. Using Photo editing software (ex: MS Photo Editor, MS Paint, etc) Click IMAGE,

3. Click the down arrow on either width OR height to bring down (make smaller) the
percentage size. (make sure the "Allow Distortions" box is NOT checked)

4. Save (remember where you saved it!)

5. Go back to Jackrabbit, TOOLS => Edit Settings =>Organization Logo and click the
Browse link to find and select the logo you just changed and Upload.

6. Your new logo is now in place. Go through these steps again, resizing the
percentage. Saving and Reloading the new logo until you have the size you like.

Keep in touch with Recent Enhancements in Jackrabbit

Any time Jackrabbit releases an enhancement they are updated on the Recent
Enhancements list. They can also be found below your executive dashboard. If you want to
keep up to date on new features in Jackrabbit please review these regularly.

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Section 4 – Advanced Features for Families and

See the Getting Started User Guide on Basic functions for adding Families, students,
and Contacts

Understanding Family and Student Status – Active vs. Inactive

A family is ACTIVE when it has Students (remember Students are part of Families) who are
currently enrolled in an Active class. You cannot switch a family‘s status to Inactive if there
are enrollments.

In order to switch a family to Inactive status you must ARCHIVE the class that the student
is enrolled in (see further information on archiving classes in this document) or by dropping
the student from the class.

A Student is ACTIVE when he or she is enrolled in an Active class. To make a student

inactive, the class they are in must be archived (they are then dropped and the enrollment
is put into their enrollment history) OR they must be dropped from a class.

If you switch a family or Student status to Inactive, Jackrabbit will automatically switch
them back to Active (or visa-versa) overnight.

Changing a Family‟s (last) Name

1. Go to the Family record whose name you want to change.
2. Click on the ―Family Name‖ button and input the new last name.
3. Click the ―Submit‖ button.

Duplicate Families
If a duplicate family is created, you must copy the information from one family to the other.
There is no ―Merge‖ function in Jackrabbit at this time.

Assigning a Billing Contact

By default when you add a contact to a Family they are defaulted as the BILLING CONTACT.
The billing contact is assigned this value for TWO reasons.

1. The address of the Billing contact must match the Credit Card address for e-
commerce billing
2. The Billing Contact is the address used to send statements.

Families with TWO billing Contacts

Jackrabbit cannot split billing between families. The only way to process a different card for
a family (on alternate months for example) is to re-enter new credit card or bank
information on the Billing Info Tab of the family.

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Alternatively, you can create a second family for billing purposes and split tuition between
the two families. This requires manually changing the tuition amount on one family and
reposting the remaining amount on the second family.

Special Settings for Families

Flagging a Family as a Problem Account
1. Go to the Family record you want to set as a Problem account.
2. Set their ―Problem Account‖ field = yes (―Summary‖ tab). You may want to input
notes on the Misc Tab regarding the problem or issue or procedure to handle this
account. If notes are present, the Misc Tab will be highlighted Red.

A problem family account will be highlighted in RED on the Family Listing and
Global Search Results pages. *Use the ―Advanced Search‖ under the Families menu to find
all Problem Account families.

Printing Mailing Labels for Birthdays

You can print Student labels for a specific Birthday month. From the Reports menu –
Student Labels search criteria, enter a Student Birthday month. Jackrabbit will pull all
students with that month as a value.

Marking Families as Prospects

Some businesses find it useful to mark families as ―prospects‖.

To mark families as prospects:

On the Family / Account Page => Misc Tab there is a field labeled "Prospect" it is a Yes / No
field. This will help any business development team in their efforts of tracking who is in the
database and who has never enrolled.

Use the ―Advanced Search‖ under the Families menu to find all Problem Account

Families - Advanced Search

Under the ―Family‖ menu: The ―Advanced Search‖ is very useful in finding families based
on criteria:
 Families enrolled in particular class CAT1, 2 or 3, Session
 Search by Source, payment method, payment schedule, balance, Problem Accounts,
 Families with a Fixed Fee or Family Discount, Number of students, Registration
 And much more!
Input info in any of the fields, click SUBMIT to pull back a list of families who match those
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Deleting a Family, Student or Contact

Order is Important: 1st: Drop Students from all classes, 2nd: delete all students,
last: delete family
NOTE: Mass Delete: if you need to delete a mass of families / students (ex: all inactive
students), please contact Support (this can be done for you).

To delete a Family with students and current enrollment, you must drop the students from
all classes, delete the students and then you may delete the Family. Deleting a Family
deletes all contact for that family.

1. Using the ―Search‖ field at the top of page, input either the first and / or last name,
email address (must include the @ symbol ) or home phone number (last 7 digits) in
the field and click the ―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Search Results‖ showing family / student / contacts
results page. Click on the appropriate name and the page will be displayed.
3. Click on the ―Delete‖ Button near the top of the page.

Adding / Updating Student Skills

You Must CREATE the Student Skill List first (see below) before you can add skills
to a student‘s record.

1. From the student page, Skills Tab, click ADD SKILLS

2. The main skill and any sub-skills will be added to the student‘s record.
3. As the student achieve their skill, mark the date Attained.

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Please Do not use the “Level Attained, Date Attained and History” fields at
the bottom of this screen. This was the “old way” of recording skills (will be
deleted soon) and has been replaced by the “STUDENT SKILLS” box at the top of
the screen.

SKILLS entered in Old area display (at the bottom) appear on Class rolls &
global search but does not save on the students screen always.
SKILLS entered in New area (top portion) are searchable under the SKILLS
SEARCH (under Student menu) Use “Skills Search” under the Student menu to find
students with certain skills.

Families Birthday Medical Information – Color Coding

On the family page if a student has a birthday in the current or next month the birthdate
field will be highlighted in yellow. If a student has any information on the student medical
tab, the student will have a small red cross next to their name on the family page.

If a student has any medical information entered the MISC Tab itself is red.

Creating / Editing Student Skills List

Watch the

This must be done prior to adding skills to a Student‘s record.

Student Skills can be used to track skills a student is trying to achieve or has achieved. The
main skill can have numerous sub skills (e.g. The skill of Tumbling can have sub-skills of
Cartwheel, handspring, round off)

1 - Highlight ―Tools‖ on the main menu and select the ―Edit Student Skills List‖ item
2 – Click ―Add A Skill‖ button
3 – Once the skill is added you can add Sub-skills by clicking the ―Sub-skill‖ link on the
Skills Editor Results page.

5 User Definable Fields for extra Student Information

There are 5 fields on the MISC. Tab of a Student record. These fields can be used to record
―specific‖ information to your organization.

You can edit the names of the fields by going to Tools, Edit User Definable fields.

5 User Definable Fields for extra Family Information

There are 5 fields on the Misc Tab on the Family MISC Tab. These fields can be used to
record ―specific‖ information important to your organization. Ensure that you have
consistent information entered here as you can search on these fields on the Family
Advanced Search Screen.

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You can edit the names of the fields by going to Tools – Edit User Definable Fields.

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Section 5 – Classes: Basic Features

Watch the

!!! See the Getting Started User Guide on how to Add Group and
Private Classes

Classes Page – Tab Descriptions

On the Class Page you will see the following Tabs:

Summary – This is where the foundation of the class is built. On this page you would
indicate Time and Dates for the class, Class Description, Attendance Max / Min, Tuition to be
charged, Category assignments, etc. It is from THIS page that search criteria are pulled in
reporting and classes advanced Search.

Enroll List – This is a list of all students enrolled in the class. From this page, you have the
ability to Drop or Transfer a student. You also have the ability to indicate what TYPE of
enrollment a student has. For example, is the student a Trial or enrolled or a waitlist.

Drop List – This page summarizes the DROPS that have occurred for the class. You also
have the ability to indicate if the student actually completed the class or not. Whether a
student actually completed the class is not on THEIR (the student‘s) enrollment history.
However, NOTES and DROP REASON are found on the student enrollment history.

Absences / Attendance – This is where attendance or absences are marked for a class

Make-ups – This page indicates if there are any Make-ups scheduled for this class

Wait List – This page indicates if there are any students waiting for this class

Instructors – This page is where instructors are ASSIGNED to a class.

Lesson Plan – This page allows you to enter Class Lesson plan information. Use the ADD
LESSON PLAN ITEM button to enter information. If you would like to import Master Lesson
Plans from the Master Lesson Plans page under the Classes Menu, use the IMPORT MASTER

Misc – This page allows you to make additional notations for a Class. Additionally, you can
indicate if the class is a Corporate Class (class can be linked to a corporate website) or if the
Class has any ―unit‖ value or quantity that is necessary to track for students.

Adding Per-Day / Multiple Meetings Classes

Per-day classes are classes that meet multiple times during the week and students are
allowed to schedule which days of the week they are allowed to attend. This is a common
practice in martial arts, summer camps and also for some team and open workout

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Jackrabbit does not yet have the ability to schedule classes for different TIMES (vs.
days). If you have classes offered at different TIMES of day. You must create a class for
each time. An easy way to do this is to use the COPY CLASS button located on the Class

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and select the ―Add Class‖ item and the ―Add
Class‖ page will be displayed.

2. Input the Class ID and location and click the ―Submit‖ button. The class information
page will then be displayed.

3 – You will see the Per-Day field on the summary tab, change it to ―Yes‖ and click on the
―Save Changes‖ button.

4 – You will now see a new table display on the summary tab near the top labeled ―Per-Day
Class Tuition‖.
The ―1st Class‖ tuition amount is the fee if a student attends one class a week. The ―2nd
Class‖ tuition amount is the total fee if a student attends two days a week and so on.

The multi-class discounting feature in the ―Post Tuition Fees‖ function does not
apply to these tuition fees.

Enroll List Tab – Class Page – Specific to Per Day Classes

You will also see that the ―Enroll List‖ tab now contains check boxes for each day of the
week. This is how you indicate which days that students are attending. There is now an
openings value for each day of the week and these will be displayed on the class listings and
openings reports. Class Rolls are also printed out for each day that the class meets.

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Private Lesson Classes

For RECURRING Private lessons (the private lesson meets the same day / time each week
and has the same enrollment each meeting), set up as Classes.
Note: If you want to offer a onetime only private lesson, set this up through Events.
See Events section for more details.

1. Set up each private lesson as a separate class with Max size = 1.

Naming the Class Tips: Be descriptive in naming your class with day, time, and

Private classes suggested naming conventions:

If an instructor only teaches one instrument, suggested approaches would be:

Piano-Tue-Lisa-3pm – when viewing a list the order will be in Instrument / Day /
Instructor / Time
Tue-Lisa-Piano-3pm - when viewing a list the order will be in Day / Instructor /
Instrument / Time

If an instructor teachers multiple instruments, suggested approaches would be:

Tue-Lisa-3pm - – when viewing a list the order will be in Day / Instructor / Time
Lisa-Tue-3pm - – when viewing a list the order will be in Instructor - Day / Time

2. On the class record include: instructor name, day, start / end time, fee, Max size =
In the ‗description‘ field include the class name and the DATE of that class.

3. See ―copying a single class‖ below for tips on creating all of your private lessons

Tips for Private Classes:

 Class Rolls for a single Instructor: use the INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE (button on the
Instructor page).
 Daily class roll for multiple instructors: CLASSES ―Advanced search‖, WEEKLY VIEW.

 Multiple Instructor skills: On the Class Weekly / Daily / Room Schedule selection
page you can now select multiple Instructor Skills when searching for classes. An
example: If a family has two children that want to take piano and guitar lessons, you
can setup Instructor Skills showing which instruments each instructor can teach and
search on both. The Class Schedule will display instructors that teach one of those

 Instructor availability: This instructor availability enhancement will enable schools

that do private lessons to keep from having to setup empty place holder classes to
show when instructors are available. There is a new tab on the instructor page,
labeled Availability, which allows you to setup standard work hours and exceptions to
those work hours. This instructor availability can only be viewed on the Daily Class
schedule page. By setting up this availability, Jackrabbit will allow you to see when
an instructor is available without extra empty classes.

 Instructor Time Report: A new report has been added under the Instructors menu
that totals number of classes and total time per Instructor (total time is based on
class duration). For Private Lessons, report also shows if student was absent /
eligible for a makeup and the makeup student (if another student filled the spot).

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 Private Lessons: weekly / daily schedule: Now on Weekly / Daily / Room Schedules
when a private lesson (a class with a max size of one) has an enrolled student or a
makeup, it will display only the student's name on these schedules. This was
requested by several clients to make the schedules easier to read when there were
many private lessons on a page. Also, if a student is designated to be absent on a
day, the class label will revert back to the class name for that day only.

 Private lessons; weekly view: The Classes => Weekly & Daily class views now show the enrolled
student's name for private classes (max size = 1) when hovering over the class name.

Private Lessons with Consistent Times and Days

If you hold consistent private classes at the same time each day, but want to offer the
spot to different students you can do this. The Weekly schedule will keep the information
up to date and the appropriate student name will display.

For example: If your organization offers Swim or Voice Classes every 30 min each day of
the week, you can create ―windows‖ on the calendar. (Don‘t forget you can also color
private classes by category).

Example: 9:00-9:30 Monday - Friday.

John Smith wants every Monday and Wednesday, Susie Jones wants every Tuesday and
Thursday and Mary Martin wants Fridays.


 The individual student enrolled in the Class WILL show up on the Daily / Weekly
 If no student is enrolled the class name will display.
 The Per Day Attendance WILL show which class is available also.
 If a student is marked absent for one of the days, the class will show as the class
name – signifying it is available for enrollment* (see considerations)

 The billing amount or tuition fee must be the same for all
 The words ―class Full‖ will also appear on the screen when you hover over it.
However, this is only important on days when the Class name appears vs. the
student name – the class is NOT FULL on these days.
 When enrolling a student you must UNENROLL THEM on the days they do not wish to
 The student remains enrolled for the length of the class session unless they are
market ABSENT on the days they do NOT wish to attend.
 If you wish to schedule another student on a day where the initial student is absent
– you must enroll the new student as a MAKE-UP.

How to program Consistent Private Lessons:

1. From the Class Page select PER DAY=YES

2. Input all other relevant class information, days of the week, description, etc.
3. Set the Maximum Class size to 1
4. Enroll students as normal = remember you must UNENROLL them for the
days they do not wish to attend!

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Hard Fixing a class size Maximum for makeup‟s

For organizations tracking absences (not attendance) and scheduling makeup‘s, you can
now control how Jackrabbit handles the rules of scheduling makeup‘s and honoring class
max size. This setting can be found under Tools-Edit Settings. Historically, Jackrabbit
trusted the user in allowing single makeup‘s to exceed class max size. You can now set a
hard limit of 0 (cannot exceed max size), 1, 2, etc, so that if the class is full, there must be
an absence (an avail. spot) on the desired date in order to schedule a makeup for that date.

To set a hard Class Maximum Size:

1. Under the main TOOLS menu – select Edit Settings

2. Fill in the Class Size Makeup limit
3. Save your changes

Schedule View:

Search Classes field

1. Using the ―Search Classes‖ field at the top of page, input the first few letters of the
class and click the ―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Classes Search Results‖ showing class / status /
session / categories / age range / max & open slots and class fee. From here you can
also enroll a student into the class.

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Placing an asterisk * before letters in the class search field will find classes with
that word (letters) anywhere in the class name.

Searching for Classes with Openings

Under the CLASSES menu, there are 4 options to see classes with Openings:
1. Advanced Search (see details below)
2. Openings: Lists classes showing enrollment, openings, % enrollment, class details
3. Class Schedule: search page allows you to find classes with ‗Openings only‘ and
other criteria.
4. Monthly schedule: displays a calendar showing class names with number of Openings
in parenthesis
(Also see Wait Lists with Openings.)

Classes Advanced Search: Weekly, Daily & Room View

This is a search tool that provides tons of information! You can use this search to
 Find open slots in your scheduling (and add a class into that slot from the same
 View open slots in your instructor schedules
 View room availability
 View enrollment (names, openings, absences, makeup‘s) per class
 View classes based on skills

Classes must have the following to display on the weekly / daily views: Day of the
week selected and Class Start / end Times

1. Go to CLASSES Menu , click Advanced Search.

2. Enter Search Criteria to find specific classes or leave blank to pull back ALL classes.

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Click the button at the bottom relating to how you would like the results

The layout of the class information presented will depend on the view you choose (Daily,
Weekly or Room View).

SUBMIT Output FORMAT: Displays classes in a list

 Click the ―Class name‖ link to go to that class record.

 Click ―Enroll‖ link to enroll students into that class.
 Click the ‗number‘ in the SIZE column to go to that classes Enrollment Tab.


Displays classes in a week long calendar format

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 Change the date (‗WEEK OF‘ field) to display different weeks or use PREV and NEXT
 Use your mouse to hover over a class name and details will be displayed:
 (Class name (links to class), Times, Cat1, current size, openings, waitlist, room,
days, fee, Instructor)
 Check SHOW STUDENTS box to display enrolled students‘ name in hover details.
 Private Classes (max size=1): If full, the student‘s name will display. If there‘s an
opening, the class name will display.
 Multi-student classes (max size >1): the name of the class will display on the
 Classes with openings will show number of openings after class name in Parenthesis
(ex: Pre-Ballet (1) )
 If there‘s an opening, use the ―enroll‖ link in hover details to enroll student(s)
 Double click on a time slot to add a new class
 Number of openings (8), Absences (3a) and Makeup‘s (1m) will display next to class
 ex:
 For Color-coding classes based on CAT1, edit your Class Category1 drop-down
(under Tools) and set the color.


A single date‘s class schedule displays by Instructor and their skills. The columns are
dynamic and will shift to the left based on which instructor has the most activity.

For the Day Calendar, the column order of Instructors is based on ―Class count‖
meaning the most active instructors having the most classes appear first. After Class count,
they are sorted alphabetically by Last name. This was done to reduce the need to scroll the
window left-right.

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 Read bullets under WEEKLY VIEW description (above)

 Change the date to display different day‘s classes
 Check ―Hide Instructor w/no activity‖ box to hide those instructors with no classes
that day
 Instructor‘s Vacation / black out days will be visible (set on Instructor screen,
availability tab)
 Options to ‗Add New Class‘, Print, Settings (start / end times for display)
 ―Settings‖ link in the upper right of the Daily & Weekly Schedule: User‘s can now set
the starting time and ending time to something more specific than the 5am – 12am
range (which is the default)

ROOM VIEW Output FORMAT: a single date’s class schedule displays by room.
Similar to the Daily View, the column containing the Room with the most activity will shift to
the left.

 Read bullets under WEEKLY VIEW description (above)

 Change the date to display different day‘s classes

The order in which rooms are entered on this display are:

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 The first column is always the ―No Room‖ column meaning these classes have not
been assigned to a room.
 After this, Room columns are in the order of their total ―class count‖ from left to right
(highest to lowest). By default, the room‘s ―class count‖ is based on the # of
―Active‖ classes meeting in that room on the selected calendar day, and having
already started and not yet ended (or no end date). So, for example, if the class
set to meet in room ―Studio 1‖ has status=Active and has already started (Start
Date<=Today) and has not yet ended and (today being Tuesday) the class has
―Meets On‖=Tuesday, then this counts a 1 class for room ―Studio 1‖. If this room is
the most active today, it will be the left-most column.

My Weekly / Daily classes view won‟t Display / Print with Colors

To associate colors with each CAT1:
Go to Tools => Edit Drop Down Lists, choose ‗Class CAT1‘, and click the ―crayons‖ to choose
color, save changes

If colors are set up, but will not ―print‖ in color:

In Internet Explorer, click on the ―Tools‖ menu, click ―Internet Options‖, click ―Advanced‖
Scroll down until you see the ―Printing‖ section. In IE, for background colors to print, the
option ―Print background colors and images‖ must be checked.

Creating Class Lesson Plans

1. Go to Classes Menu, Master Lesson Plans option
2. To add a new Lesson Plan, Click ―Add Master Lesson Plan‖
3. Name and Submit
4. To add items to the master lesson plan, click the Lesson Plan link and click
the ―Add Lesson Plan Item‖ button.
5. Save when complete. Use the Green Arrows to shift the order of the items in
the Lesson plan.

Adding a Lesson Plan to a Class Record:

From the class page, click the Lesson Plan Tab and click the ‗Import Master Lesson Plan‘
You can also use ―Add Lesson Plan items‖ button from the Lesson plan tab.

Copying Classes – Individually or Many at a Time

Copying a Single Class
1. Go to the Class record you would like to copy.
2. Click on the ―Copy Class‖ button near the top of the page and the system will ask for
the new Class Name.
3. You offered to copy the enrollment from the existing class or not.
4. Click on the ―Submit Class‖ button and a duplicate class with the new class name will
be created.

This function does NOT copy the enrollment. If you select Copy family tuition
transactions (drop down value) only students that are CURRENTLY enrolled will have

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transactions copy. Also, ONLY transactions that have a Student Name and Class Name will
copy. This is how Jackrabbit distinguishes the transaction for this class.

You can create several new classes with this function and then use ―Edit All
Classes‖ under Classes Menu to make changes to all the classes on one screen, instead of
going into EACH CLASS, making changes, saving – going to the next class, making changes,
saving, …..etc.

Copying a Session of Classes: Copy Classes

You may have many classes that make up a session. When you are winding down one
session and ready to begin enrollment for the next session (e.g. Fall session to Winter
session), you may want to use this function to save time. Copy Classes, under the Classes
menu will make a duplicate of all your classes from the old session and put them into the
new, including copying enrollment and drop students from the old session, if you choose.

You must first create your new session item name in the ―Session‖ drop down field
(Tools, Edit Drop Down List).

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and select the ―Copy Classes‖ item and the
―Copy Classes‖ page will be displayed.

2. Input the appropriate parameters and click on the ―Submit‖ button and the new
classes will be created.

Note: The option: Copy Family Tuition Transactions will copy ALL transactions associated
with the class you are copying. For example, this might include a Registration Fee. If you
do not want to copy all of these transactions set this to NO.

! When copying classes and the associated enrollment, be mindful that Make ups, Future
enrolls and Future Drops do not copy. You should run Absence/Makeup report, Enrollment
Detail reports for a listing of these entries first.

Copying prior Tuitions when copying classes

If you wish to copy the tuitions posted to each family in a prior session you can. When
Copying Classes there is an option:

Copy Family Tuition Transactions: Yes/No

If this is set to YES, any tuition transactions that were posted in the prior session and have
the CLASS name assigned to the tuition posting (automatic upon enrollment posting or
when Post Tuition Fees is run. This is NOT automatic if the POST FEE button is used on the
family page). You should only use this feature if the tuition values will be the same.

You must know the Transaction Date for the Original Tuition Postings.

You can also use the DROP UNPAID FAMILIES feature to delete people who have not paid
their tuition by a certain point in time.

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Editing Multiple Classes: Edit All Classes

The best way to edit many classes at one time is to use the ―Edit All classes‖ function under
the Classes menu. This edits multiple classes without having to go into each class record

1. Click ―Edit All Classes‖ from under the Classes Menu

2. The Edit All classes ―Search Criteria‖ screen is displayed.
3. Using these fields, Choose the classes you need to edit and click Submit button.
4. The list of classes that meets your search is displayed (see below), make all the edits
to all the classes and ―Save Changes‖.

Costume Size Entry for a Class

This area of Jackrabbit was created before the Costume Module. The Costume Module
provides a much more comprehensive area for inputting measurements and ordering from

This area DOES NOT relate to the Costume Module and should be considered for reference

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and select one of the ―List Classes‖ items.
2. Select one of the classes listed. While viewing the Class Page, click on the ―Costume
Size Entry‖ button.

3. The class enrollment list will be displayed. Enter the known clothing sizes and known
4. Save Changes
5. The ―Costume Size Report‖ is under Reports menu (you must have User Permission
set to ―see‖ this report.)

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These measurements must be manually deleted / changed. They do not

automatically delete when the class is over. Option: send an email to Support to request
mass deletion of sizes for classes that have ended.

Deleting / Archiving / Restoring Classes

What Does Archiving Classes Do?

Archiving Classes takes an ACTIVE class and puts into TERMINATED status. Depending on
the settings you select, it will take the class drop the enrollment and put it "to sleep".

Can I restore an Archived Class?

If you need to restore an archived class you can always restore it if necessary. However,
you can only restore one class at a time.

To Restore an Archived Class – go to the LIST ARCHIVED CLASSES under the main Classes
Menu. Select the RESTORE link next to the name of the archived class. Alternatively, you
can restore from the Class Summary Page of a restored Class – next to the Status field –
select the RESTORE button.

Why is it important to Archive Classes instead of just Drop Students and change
the sessions and dates on a class?

If you simply "modify" an existing Class and drop the students from it, there is no
ENROLLMENT history recorded for your organization. By dropping students through the
Archive process, you put the student's enrollment, into their enrollment history. This also
ensures you have important historic, statistical data on your enrollment that can be
retrieved in the future.

What happens to the transactions for a family if I archive a class?

Nothing—all transaction history is kept the same. Archiving Classes does not Impact the
Student or the Family information. The only difference is that once a class is Archived,
you can no longer Post Tuition Fees to these classes through the Post Tuition Fees Function.
Additionally, their enrollment changes from current to Past.

What is the Best Way to implement this process?

In simple terms, and this may differ by organization, you should COPY existing Session
classes using the COPY CLASSES function under the Classes Menu. The New Classes should
have a New Session and New Dates. You can even choose to copy enrollment if you wish!

Once the old session is complete, you should Archive the old session. Now you have New
Classes ready to receive enrollment or continue with existing enrollment! You have
Enrollment history created for your previous session and you are ready to go!

Deleting a Class
Deleting a class deletes it from the database and cannot be retrieved.

1. Go to the Class record you wish to delete.

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2. Click on the ―Delete‖ button near the top of the page and the system will verify the
action and then delete the class.

Archiving Classes (Terminating)

You will want to archive a session of classes once it is completed. Using this function, you
can archive a whole session, category or single class. Once a class has been archived, the
classes will no longer show under List Active Classes. Archived classes appear as ―past
enrollment‖ for the students. Once Archived, these classes are only visible under Classes
menu, List Archived Classes.

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and select the ―Archive Classes‖ item
2. The ―Archive Classes‖ page will be displayed. Fill out the criteria and ‗Submit‘.
3. You will be taken to the ―List Archive Classes‖ results where you will see all Archived

To un-archive a class, Find the Class using List archived Classes, Click the Class
Name link, and change the class Status, Save Changes.

Archive Classes does the following:

 Updates the class setting and sets Status=Terminated

 Deletes any students on a wait list for this class
 Updates every enrolled student not already dropped (including future drops) by
setting Drop Date to today‘s date (Today being EST date)
 Drop Reason = Class Terminated
 Drop User ID to current User ID

The Student Status is not checked / updated immediately. Overnight, the status is updated
if they are no longer in any classes to ―Inactive‖.

You do not have to Mass Drop and the status will get updated automatically.

!!! See the Reports section of this document on enrollment status:

on the distinction between true drops, completed, early drops and
actively enrolled.

If you archive a class that has any Future Enrolls in it, restoring it will also restore
any ―future enrolls‖ – see Future Enrolls in this user guide for more information.

Can I email an Archived Class?

You can email an archived class – you must restore it first – send the email and then re-
archive it.

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How do I transition between an ending session and a new session

Towards the end of one session and before the new session begins there will be a time
when both sessions are active in your system (because the old session is still in progress
and you are enrolling for the new session).

Use the 'Copy Classes‘ function under the class‘s menu (see Copy a Session of Classes) to
create your new session of classes and copy over your enrollment from the old session.

Once the old session is completed and you have finished posting all tuition fees for classes
in that session, Use 'Archive Class‘ under the classes (see Section 8: Archiving Classes)
menu to archive the old session. You do NOT have to drop students from a class you are

IMPORTANT: This function should be performed after one or more classes

have been completed. It removes current enrollment and therefore should be run
after recurring billing for the session is over.

The Archive function removes enrollment (will not appear on Drop History report)
and will appear as Past Enrollment on the Student page.

Restoring Classes
If you have ARCHIVED a class, you have the ability to Restore the class and it‘s enrollment.
To RESTORE an archived class

1. From the Red Classes Menu – List ARCHIVED CLASSES

2. Select the RESTORE link next to the Class. You will be asked to confirm the
3. The Class Status is changed from Terminated to Active.

You can only Restore Classes one at a time. There is no ―global‖ restore feature.

You can also Restore a class from the SUMMARY page.

1. From the List Archived Classes page – select a class
2. From the SUMMARY page – select the RESTORE button next to the class status field.

Class Rolls
To print multiple rolls at one time, please follow these instructions:

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and select the ―Class Rolls ―and the selection
criteria page will be displayed.

2. Click on the appropriate selection criteria and options and the class rolls page will
then be displayed. You may need to hold the ―Control Key‖ while clicking on the
―Submit‖ button to bypass your pop-up blocker software.

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Note: Absences / Make-ups will only show on their respective day and within their
specified date range.

A Supplement to Class Rolls: The Enrollment Detail Report can be an excellent report to
supplement the class rolls. Fields displayed include: student phone / email, contact phone /
email, emergency contact, student medical fields, special needs, immunizations,
transportation, grade level and user definable fields.

Class Rolls are displayed as a .PDF file, so Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to
view and print them.

The option to Print SKILLS on Class Rolls is currently linked to the OLD and soon to
be eliminated Skills area (see updating student skills in this User Guide). The enhancement
to link the Class Rolls to the NEW skills area has not been made. Please check the
Enhancements Report for this future enhancement.

To easily print one class roll, please follow these instructions:

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu, select the ―List All Classes‖ item and a class
listing will be displayed. Click on the appropriate class name and the class page will
be displayed.

2. Click on the ―Class Roll‖ button and the class roll will then be displayed. You may
need to hold the ―Control Key‖ while clicking on the ―Class Roll‖ button to bypass
your pop-up blocker software.

Note: Class Rolls are displayed as a .PDF file, so Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view
and print them.

Tracking Absences / Tracking Attendance

Watch the

Jackrabbit defaults to tracking ―absences‖ (exception: Dojo edition tracks

Attendance). You cannot track BOTH absences and Attendance – it is one or the other.

The theory is students are present more than absent, so marking only the absences is less
administrative work for your staff.

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!!If you prefer to track Attendance, please see note below and
contact Support.

Recording Absences (for databases tracking Absences)

1. Go to the Class record for which you are entering absences.

2. Click on the ―Enter Absences‖ link above the row of tabs.
3. Verify the DATE of the absences you wish to enter for this class (click the calendar
icon and select date).
4. Each enrolled student is displayed. Check the ―Absent‖ box for each student absent.
a. Note: you may want to schedule a Make-up while recording an absence (see
5. Click the ―Save Changes‖ button and the system will display the number of absence
records saved (in RED).

Deleting Absences
1. Go to the class page - click on the absences tab.
2. next to the students name there will be a number of absences
3. click on the NUMBER and the red delete x is there - you can delete and then reenter.

Switching from one tracking method to another not recommended as the

previously entered info is ―hidden‖. (ex: if you have been tracking absences‘ and then
switch to tracking attendance, the previously record absence data is ―hidden‖ from view
(but it is not LOST). Please contact Support@jackrabbittech.com if you need to ―see‖
hidden info.

Recording Attendance (for databases tracking Attendance, ex: Dojo)

You cannot Enter makeup Classes when you database is set to track Attendance
instead of Absences.

1. Go to the Class record for which you are entering attendance.

2. Click on the ―Enter Attendance‖ link above the row of tabs.
3. Verify the DATE of the attendance you wish to enter for this class (click the calendar
icon and select date).
4. Each enrolled student is displayed. Check the ―Attendance‖ box for each student

Track Attendance with your Barcode Scanner

Watch the

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NOTE: Your database must be set to Track ATTENDANCE (not Absences, which is the

Barcode readers allow students to scan a card with a bar code and their attendance is
tracked and time stamped.

This feature uses the Student ID (field at the bottom of the Student Page) as the barcode
number. This feature works with most barcode readers and does not require any specific
reader and only requires the reader to send the barcode number and an ENTER key after

To use Jackrabbit‘s Barcode Scanning feature, you will need:

1 - A barcode scanner (not provided by Jackrabbit)
Barcode equipment partner -www.BarcodeFactory.com - (888) 237-8525 - They
have been in the barcode business 13 years and provide all the equipment and
supplies for barcode scanning.
Suggestion: CS9101 Barcode scanner: An inexpensive reliable scanner great for
attendance tracking available from Barcode Factory - CS9101 Scanner data
sheet (this info is also found on JackrabbitDojo.com ―Features‖ page.)

2 - Barcode labels - If you need to print barcode labels we can provide you a PDF file so you
can print barcodes on Avery 5160 labels. Just send us an email requesting the barcode
number range and we will email you a PDF at no cost. ALTERNATIVELY, you can find the
PDF document on the www.jackrabbitdojo.com site under the FEATURES tab – Attendance

Getting Started

Associate each student with a barcode number

1. Assign each student a barcode number on the STUDENT MISC TAB
2. Save the barcode number on the student‘s record either by either:

 putting the cursor in the Student ID field and scanning their barcode (the number
will display in the field)
 manually typing the number into the field. Do this for all the appropriate students.

Set the Attendance Barcode Options

1. Under the TOOLS menu, choose ―Attendance Barcode Reader‖ (Remember, each
System User ID must have the Barcode reader ―permission‖ box checked to see this
option – see manage user permissions)

2. The Barcode Options window wills pop-up. Make your choices for the following

Attendance Date: defaults to current date. Use calendar to change date.

Show Family Info:
NO: (Facing the Student mode) displays: Student picture, name, age and classes
YES: (Facing the Owner mode) displays: all above + family address, phone,
balance, problem acct status
Mark Student Present for:
All classes: Marks student present for all enrolled classes that day.

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Single Class: Marks student present for a single class

None: look up option only (ex: verify membership), but doesn‘t record attendance)
Page refresh / timeout: number of seconds the student info is displayed before resetting
for the next student.
Launch Full screen: default is checked (yes)

Your setup is now complete. You are now ready to take attendance via barcode scanning.

Launching Barcode Scanning for USE

Under the TOOLS menu, choose ―Attendance Barcode Reader‖ and click LAUNCH button.
A blank Attendance Page will appear.

To take attendance
1- With the cursor in the ―Enter Student ID‖ field, Staff or students can SCAN (or
manually enter) the student‘s barcode number.
2- The field will display the number and the screen will change to show their
information based on your settings. (see below)
3- The screen will auto-reset to accept the next barcode number.

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NOTE: student‘s name, class names and family name are LINKS that will take you to those
records within your database.

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Section 6 – Lead File

Jackrabbit allows you take partial information from inactive or otherwise dormant families
in your Jackrabbit database and move it to a Lead file. This process allows you to
subsequently remove inactive families from your Main Jackrabbit Database which is a cost
saver to you. Remember, Jackrabbit charges you on the number of active and inactive
students in your database.

By allowing you to export partial information, you can still contact and market to these
families. You can also restore this partial family information back into Jackrabbit if
necessary. You can keep an unlimited number of leads without increasing your Jackrabbit
Subscription rates!

Basically, The Lead File allows you to:

 Store & Track perspective customer‘s information for subsequent contact

 Mass Email all families in the Lead File with the ability to exclude specific families
 Mass Export all lead file information to an Excel Spreadsheet
 Print Mailing Labels

Information Tracked Per Lead:

Information being Tracked Per Lead:

Family Billing Contact: Contact Name, Contact Type, Contact Phone, Contact e-mail.
Family: Address, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Notes, Family User Defined Fields, Date Created,
Location, Family Balance upon export, Family Source – how did you hear about us.
Student: Name, Student Phone, DOB, gender, student e-mail, the last Class Student was
enrolled in (placed in notes field).

Information Not being Tracked Per Lead:

Family: Financial Transactions, Majority of Contact information (see above)

Student: Enrollment and Majority of Student Information (see above)


Once you Archive families to the Lead File, the Family Page and Student Page
(including all additional information) is GONE. As a safety valve, Jackrabbit forces
you to export this additional information into an Excel spreadsheet to be managed
by you on your own computer.

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User Permissions for the Lead File

There are 5 User Permissions (Tools – Manage Users and Permissions) that allow you to
access the Lead File.

Lead File email – Has access to email leads

Lead File – Access – Has access to view and search existing Leads only
Lead File– Manage – Has access to edit/delete/archive/restore a lead
Lead File Mass Archive – Has access to perform a mass archive
Lead File – Export Leads – Has access to export all leads to a file.

All or some of these permissions MUST be active in order to properly use the Lead File.

There are Four Options in creating Lead Files:

1. Add a Lead to the Lead File – this is not an existing Jackrabbit Family. It would be
supplemental to your Jackrabbit Leads

2. Individual Family Move to the Lead File – From the Family Page – select the ARCHIVE
FAMILY button to send that Family to the Lead File

3. Mass Archive – Based on selection criteria, move groups of Families to the Lead File.

4. You can import Lead Information from other databases (Excel Format) into
Jackrabbit as an Import and then archive them to the Lead File – this allows you to
keep all your lead information together.

There are two ways in which you can restore partial family information BACK into
Jackrabbit. (see note above on Partial Information )

1. This can be done Individually using the RESTORE FAMILY button on the Family Lead
File Page
2. Re-import Family Lead File information back into Jackrabbit – This allows you to
move a group of families back into Jackrabbit with only their Partial Lead File
Information restored.

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What does a Lead File Look Like

Once a family has been placed into the Lead File their information looks like the following:

Searching or creating a List of Leads

To get a listing that you can print or view of all your lead files:

1. From the Main Families Menu – Select the Lead File Option
2. Select List Leads or Search Leads – For searching Leads – enter the search criteria

Adding a Lead to the Lead File

As mentioned earlier – there are several ways to add a lead.

To add an EXISTING family into the Lead File You can do it from the individual FAMILY page
and select the Archive Family button or to add a ―new‖ lead (a family that does not exist in
your database)

1. From the Main Families Menu – select Lead File

2. Select the Add Lead option from the left hand side
3. Enter a Family Name – Fill in the information – save.

To do a Mass Archive of families to the Lead File

1. From the Main Families Menu – select Lead File

2. Select the mass Archive option on the left hand side
3. Select your criteria: Location, Families Created Prior to, Families that have not had a
student enrolled since, Families that have not had a transaction since, Families
imported on, Balance Criteria.
4. You are provided with a list of families to preview.
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5. Submit – the detailed family information is GONE – on the lead file information

To email families in the Lead File

To email Families in the Lead File:

1. From The Main Families Menu – select the Lead File Option
2. From the options provided on the left, select email families
3. Insert you template information and/or create your email information
4. Send the email.

To export Lead File Information

To export the information in your Lead File:

1. From the Main Families Menu – Select the Lead File Option
2. From the options provided on the left – select – Export Lead File
3. Choose your Format
4. Export the Lead File information.

To import information INTO the Lead File

If you have information outside of Jackrabbit with additional Lead File Family information
you can first IMPORT the information into Jackrabbit (see how to do an import in this
document) and then do a mass archive of this information into the Lead File.

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Section 7 – Enrollment Types for classes

Basic Enrolling

Watch the

See ‗Class Management Tasks‘ section for Enrolling Multiple Students in the same

1. Using the ―Search‖ field at the top of page, input either the first and / or last name,
email address (must include the @ symbol) or home phone number (last 7 digits) in
the field and click the ―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Search Results‖ showing family / student / contacts
results page. Click on the ―ENROLL‖ link on the appropriate student line and the
enroll student page will be displayed.
3. Active classes (with the same Location as the Student) with openings will be
4. Choose a class by clicking the ―enroll‖ link next to the class.
5. A Pop up window will prompt you to enroll without posting the class fee (click ‗Do Not
Post Fee‘) or enroll and Post fee (fill out fields and click ―Post Fee‖)
6. Repeat Steps 4 & 5 for each class for the student.
7. When enrollment is complete, click the ―Close‖ link.

Other ways to Enroll

 The ‗Enroll‘ link next to the Student‘s Name on the Family record, Summary
 ‗New Enroll‘ button on the Student‘s Record
 ‗Enroll‘ link on Global Classes Search Results (use ―Search Classes‖ field)

Enrolling a student in a class makes their status ―active‖

Post Fee following enrollment: After you enroll a student, you are prompted to
POST FEES for that student. This is helpful if you are initially registering students in a class
or have posted tuitions to all other students earlier in the month. If you post the tuition
fee, it is charged to that family‘s account. If you then run POST TUITION FEES (Monthly
billing) for that class, they will be double charged! Consider the timing when accepting this
prompt. See ―Fees / Payments‖ Section for ―How to Post Enrollment Fees‖.

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Dropping a Student from a Class

(See ‗Class Management Tasks‘ section for Dropping Multiple Students from the same class)

1. Using the ―Search‖ field at the top of page, input either the first and / or last name,
email address (must include the @ symbol) or home phone number (last 7 digits) in
the field and click the ―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Search Results‖ showing family / student / contacts
results page. Click on the appropriate student first name and the student page will
be displayed.
3. Click the ―Drop‖ link on the appropriate class enrollment line. The drop student class
page will be displayed.
4. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button.

You can also drop a student from the Class record, Enrollment Tab. Click ‗Drop‘
Link on the student‘s row.

If you need to Delete a Drop record, do this from the class page, drop list tab.
Use the Delete link. Save Changes.

All ‗Dropped‘ students will be reflected in the Drop History Report.

Transferring a Student to Another Class

1. Using the ―Search‖ field at the top of page, input either the first and / or last name,
email address (must include the @ symbol) or home phone number (last 7 digits) in
the field and click the ―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Search Results‖ showing family / student / contacts
results page. Click on the appropriate student first name and the student page will
be displayed.

3. Click on the ―Transfer‖ link on the appropriate class enrollment line. The Transfer
student page will be displayed.
4. Click on the ―Search‖ link and active classes that have openings will be displayed.
5. Choose a class by highlighting the class and clicking on it.
6. You will go back to the Transfer page, Click the ―Submit‖ button.
7. ‗Transfer Charges / Payments‘ field. This field should be set to YES if the student has
been charged and / or paid for the old class and now that they have transferred to
another class, you‘d like the charge and / or payment to be linked to the new class
instead of the old.

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When transferring a student from one class to another, Jackrabbit keeps the
enrollment history of the old class in the Student‘s ‗Past Enrollment‘ section. If the
enrollment in the original class was made in error, you can delete it.

Enrolling a Family as a “Trial” family

You can enroll students into a class with an enrollment type ―Trial‖. There is a field on the
Quick Registration form in the student area that must be set. To do this:

From the Quick Registration Form:

1. In the Student section set the TRIAL option to Yes

2. Select a Future Drop Date that is the day after the trial.

If the enrollment type is equal to Trial and the drop date is in the future, then the student is
displayed on the Class Rolls with the word TRIAL in front of their name.

Editing the Enrollment Type

To change the enrollment Type at any time:
1. go to the student‘s page and select the classes tab
2. Under the enrollment type column select a new enrollment type from the drop
downs provided.

Tracking Trial Enrollments

After the trial was completed, you may run any of the three enroll reports to view trials:
Drop History, Enroll History and Enrollment Detail. Just make sure you select "Trial" for the
Enrollment Type

If a Trial became a student, then you can erase the "Drop Date" from the Class Page and
change the Enrollment Type to "Trial-Enrolled". That way you can track the number of trials
that became students.

If a Trial did not become a student or was a no show, then leave the enrollment type as
Trial and put in the Drop Reason as to why they did not sign up. That way you can track the
number of trials that did NOT become students.

There is a new Dashboard Indicator labeled "Schedule Trials" and this displays the
number of upcoming trials. This is defined as any trials that have a drop date of today or is

Future Enrollments

Your database has the ability to do enrollments based on a future date. This feature must
be turned on in your database for you to do it.

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To Turn on Future Enrollments for your database:

1. From the Main Menu – Select TOOLS

2. Select Edit Settings
3. Scroll down until you see The Allow Future Enrollments Option
4. Select YES
5. Save
6. You must now LOGOUT and back in for this feature to be active.

How Future Enrollments Work

If you have turned on Future Enrollments you will now see a new box when enrolling

Family View of Future Enrolls

Now you can see any Future enrolls on the FAMILY summary page

Student View of Future Enrolls

Now on the STUDENT‘s summary page you can see a button called – View Future
Enrollment. When selected, it shows you the class and date:

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Deleting Future Enrolls

Per the screen above – from the student page – select the View Future Enrollments button –
select the red DELETE X on the screen to remove the future enrollment. OR, from the
FAMILY page, select the FUTURE ENROLLS link (shown above) and delete with the red X on
the Future Enrolls page.

Class View of Future Enrolls

When you have future enrolls, the Class Weekly / Daily View changes to include the
following acronyms: FE – Future Enrolls, FD – Future Drops

Reporting on Future Enrolls

You have the ability to pull a report with a list of all pending Future Enrolls.

1. From the main Reports Menu – select the Enrollment Detail Report
2. Select the active Class Session value
3. Select Enrollment From and To dates – IN THE FUTURE.
4. Select Current Enrollment Type: Enrolled
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5. Submit

Future Drops for student

A dropping a student from a class indicates the student is no longer taking classes. If the
student has stopped attending one class to attend another class, a ―Transfer‖ should be

NOTE: This can only be done from the Class record.

1. Using the ―Search Classes‖ field at the top of page input the class name and click the
―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Classes Search Results‖ results page. Click on the
appropriate class name and the record will be displayed.
3. Choose the Drop Date by clicking the small calendar next to the ―Future Drop‖ field
on the row of the student to be dropped. Click SAVE CHANGES button.

The student will remain enrolled in the class until the drop date chosen. The system will
automatically drop the student from the class on the date entered.

If you need to Edit / Delete a Future Drop Date, do this from the class page, enrollment
tab. Delete the current date or, choose another date using the calendar. Save Changes.

Reporting on Future Drops

You can pull a report of all Future Drops.

1. From the Main Reports Menu – Select the Enrollment Detail Report
2. Select Dropped From – Through Dates in the Future
3. Submit

Dropping All Students from a Class

(See ‗Family / Student Tasks‘ section for dropping or ―future dropping‖ a single student from
a class)

1 - Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and select the ―List Classes‖ item.
2 – The system displays the ―List Classes‖ page. Click on the appropriate class ID and the
class page is displayed.
3 – Click on the ―Mass Drop‖ button and the ―Mass Drop‖ page is displayed.
4 – When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button.

Scheduling Make-up Classes

Watch the

1. If you have just entered an absence from the Class page (below), click the student‘s
name to go to their record to record a makeup

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OR use ―Search‖ field at the very top of page to find the student‘s page.

2. While viewing the Student Page, click on the ―Absences‖ tab.

3. Click on the ―Schedule Makeup‖ link to locate a class for make-up and input the
make-up date.

The make-ups scheduled for a class are listed for that class on the ―Make-ups‖

Jackrabbit Allows the override of scheduling a Makeup for a FULL class. In order to
do this, you must schedule the makeup from the Absences Tab on the Student‘s Page.

Editing / Deleting a Scheduled Make-up class for a Student

1. Go to the Makeup class record (either Go to the Student‘s record, click the
―Absences‖ tab.
2. Click the Makeup Classes link to go to that class record OR use Class search field).

3. On the ―make-ups‖ tab of the Makeup class record, use the calendar icon to Edit the
date of the makeup OR you may REMOVE the makeup all together by clicking the

The screenshot below of the Class Adv. Search Weekly View shows you how a class will
appear with absences / make-ups for that class meeting date.

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Wait Lists
Adding a Student to a Wait List
1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and navigate to the appropriate class page via
one of the options.
2. While viewing the Class Page, click on the ―Edit Wait List‖ link and the Wait List Entry
page will be displayed.
3. Click on ―Add Student to Wait List‖ button and the Student Entry page will be
4. Click on Search link and select a student. Inputting notes is optional.
5. Click on the ―Submit‖ button to save the new wait list information.

Enrolling a Student from a Wait List

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and navigate to the appropriate class page via
one of the options.
2. While viewing the Class Page, click on the ―Wait List‖ tab.
3. Click on Enroll link beside the appropriate student.
4. The student will be enrolled into the class and deleted from the wait list.

Student‘s can also be enrolled thorough the ―Wait Listings‖ and ―Wait Lists with
Openings‖ functions

Deleting a Student from a Wait List

1. Highlight ―Classes‖ on the main menu and navigate to the appropriate class page via
one of the options.
2. While viewing the Class Page, click on the ―Wait List‖ tab.
3. Click on Delete link beside the appropriate student.
4. The student is permanently deleted from the wait list.

Searching Wait Lists

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You may search wait lists by using Search Wait Lists, Wait Listings and Wait List with
Openings under the Class menu.

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Section 8 - Ensuring Accurate Revenue Reporting

In addition to understanding HOW to post Fees and Payments in Jackrabbit (next section), it
is important to understand that HOW you post fees and apply the payments, directly effects
your revenue reporting. Jackrabbit has a proprietary accounting system. It is important to
understand and implement this system properly in order to retrieve accurate revenue

Jackrabbit works off a concept called ―Linking Fees and Payments‖. If Fees and Payments
are not linked, Revenue is not assigned and is considered UNAPPLIED.

For example: if you want to pay your Water bill, typically you assign a Water Company
Payee in your banking software to direct payments there. Once your payment is made,
your statement shows that you directed your money to pay your water bill. Similarly, If you
want to show where your revenue was directed in Jackrabbit, you have to assign proper
Category 1 values and ensure you direct the money to a fee(s) that have this category 1

If a Fee is not assigned a specific Category 1 value, revenue is not categorized and
shows as NO CATEGORY on your revenue reports.

PAYMENTS APPLIED FEES + CATEGORY 1‟S (revenue categories)


Before entering in any Fees or Payments it is necessary to add transaction related

drop down fields (see Getting Started – Edit Drop Down Lists). Transaction related drop
downs are: Category 1, Transaction Types, Transaction Subtypes and Payment Methods

How Revenue is organized by Location

Please see the Locations section of this User Guide for additional information on Locations.

All Revenue is organized by FAMILY location and not CLASS Location. Families are assigned
a Location Value and Classes are assigned a Location value. If you post Fees to a Family In
Loc: Meadow for tuition in a class that is assigned a Loc: Prairie and the Fee is then
linked and paid off. When running a Revenue Report, the revenue will be found under Loc:

The Importance of Category 1

In the Getting Started User Guide there is a section called Editing Drop Down Lists. One of
the Drop Down List values that is extremely important for revenue recording and
organization is the Category 1 Value.

The Category 1 value is populated on the Class Page so that when Fees are posted for a
specific class, that value is assigned. It can also be added to any Fees that are manually
posted through the Post Fee‘s button, the Post Annual Fees button and Post Group Fees
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button. The reason this value is provided is so that you have a ―bucket‖ or ―envelope‖ to
insert that revenue and later report on it.

As well as being extremely important for revenue organizing purposes, Category 1 is also a
sortable drop down value that can be used by your staff to find specific classes and is also
viewable by your clients to find classes during Web registration (it is standard to allow them
to view it, but can be optionally removed). Category 1 is a specific genre or area of
schooling offered.

For example:
If you are a dance school it may be: Tap, Jazz, Ballet.
If you are a swim school it may be: bubble babies, diving, stroke.
If you are a Gymnastics School it may be: tumbling, competitive, recreational
If you are a Dojo it may be: Little Dragons, Black Belt Competitve, Karate

So, Category 1 has TWO purposes. It is responsible for categorizing your revenue and also
the first value offered for sorting your classes. This means that you must create Category 1
values that are mindful of both purposes.

Here are some visual examples of where you and our clients will see Category 1 throughout
your database:

As a searchable Value within the Database to bring up all classes of a certain discipline:

Within your database the Classes: Weekly View (calendar of all your classes) can be color
coded by the Category 1 value placed on the class (see classes section of the User Guide):

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On your Website – Class Openings Table or Class Search Table:

On your Revenue Reports – Money is organized by Category 1:

(see more information in this section on Financial reporting)

Many organizations wish to break down their Revenue by Transaction Type. If this is how
you would like your revenue organized then you must use the Category 1 value as the
Transaction Type. Keep in mind that Transaction Types (different drop down value offered
by Jackrabbit) are available on financial reports so the information is there, but the
Transaction Types themselves become organized by the Category 1 value. If you use
Category 1 as your Revenue Organization then you may want to consider hiding the
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Category 1 values on your website and organizing your Class Registration by Category 2 or

Understanding the Importance of “Linking” Fees and Payments

There are two terms in Jackrabbit that are important to understand:

LINKING / LINKED: The term Linking or Linked refers to a Payment that has been
properly applied or assigned to a Fee. The result of accurately linking fees and payments is
recorded on revenue reports and is assigned into designated categories.

For example, if you receive a $10 payment for a piece of merchandise, you do not want that
$10 to show up under a tuition category of revenue. Rather you would like that $10 to
show up under a merchandise revenue category. You must apply the $10 to the Fee that
has the Category 1 value of Merchandise assigned to it. Once applied, the two are LINKED.

APPLIED: The term applied is used to describe how a payment is properly assigned or
―applied‖ to a Fee that has a proper Category 1 value assigned to it.

You can always make a payment, but if you do not tell JR what you want to pay off then it is
considered unapplied and will show up on revenue reports as unapplied revenue.

What it looks like:

When a FEE is first posted to a Families‘ transaction page, it is not LINKED until it has a
payment APPLIED to it. This is easily recognizable by the PINK area in the date paid

See the Diagram Below. It is an example of a Family that has a FEE that is awaiting

Once a PAYMENT is applied to the FEE the pink box disappears and the date paid is inserted
in the date paid field (see below). Additionally, if you click the edit link next to the
PAYMENT the payment has two pieces of information that detail the Payment is Linked to a
Fee. The Pink Date Box will not be replaced with a date until the ENTIRE fee is
paid off.

The screen below shows you how to apply a payment and select which Fee you want to
apply the payment to, hence linking them.
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After selecting the PAYMENT button on the Family page you are presented with the following

To investigate a linked Payment, From the Transaction page, click the EDIT link on the right
hand side. The Transaction notes will tell you what FEE the payment is linked to:

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The Blue Link at the bottom can actually be selected to show you which Fee the Payment
was applied to:

You can also EDIT the transaction from this link!

Unlink Fee and Re-apply Payment Buttons

On any Fee or Payment there are two very important buttons that will help you with
ensuring your payments and Fees are linked. The buttons are the:

Unlink Fee Button – found on the FEE transaction page. You will see it after clicking the edit
link on the right hand side of the fee. You can also see what payment this fee is linked to
by clicking the ―view related payment‖ button next to this button

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Unlink Payment Button – Found on the PAYMENT transaction page. You will see it after
clicking the edit link on the right hand side of the payment. You can also see what fee this
payment is linked to by clicking the ―view related Fee‖ button next to this button.

Reapply Payment Button – Found on the PAYMENT Transaction page. You will see this after
clicking the edit link on the right hand side of the payment and after unlinking the payment
from a fee. This button allows you to re-direct or re-apply this payment to any or the same
fee. Once you click this button the ―unapplied amount‖ will display next to the button to tell
you what funds can be applied.

The REAPPLY button can be used to go back and Link pre-payments. You should run your
Paid Fee Summary report, daily, weekly, monthly to tell you which payments are unapplied
and need to be re-linked.

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No Fees appear on Payment Screen but a balance is owing

If there are Fees on a families account that ―appear‖ to be paid off they will not show up
when you go to apply a payment. The Balance on a families‘ page is always an accurate
reflection of fees and payments posted.

If the family has a balance owing, but when you select the payment button there are no
fees listed, something has been incorrectly applied to fees.

For Example:

To find WHERE the fees are that need to be paid, you have to go back to the families
Transaction page and use the edit link next to the fees. It is likely that there are fees that
have a date paid and should not. The date paid must be removed. It is likely that that a
payment was applied in the past and the date paid was not removed.

You must find the fees that appear to have payments, but do not.

Revenue Reports which show Linked Fees and Payments

There are 2 reports in Jackrabbit which accurately report Linked Fees and Payments as
Revenue. These 2 reports, when run within the same date range should have matching
revenue totals.

The 2 reports are the Revenue Summary Report and the Payment Method Summary Report.
These reports are not reporting on Payment Transactions, they are reporting on FEES that
have been PAID (have a date in the ‗Date Paid‘ field).

By linking a payment to a fee, the fee is marked with a DATE PAID. The FEE transaction
contains all the information (Category1, date paid, student, session, etc).


Based on the transactions shown above under the FEES and PAYMENTS section, the Families
Transaction Page reflects the following FEE and PAYMENT:

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The associated Revenue Summary Report for the day of the transaction looks like:

Alternatively, the Payment Method Summary Report also reflects the revenue and can be
sorted by category

Revenue that has NO CATEGORY on your Revenue Reports

If you run a Revenue Summary or Payment Method Summary report and you see a
summary of revenue with no category the following has occurred:

 Payments were applied (and subsequently linked) to a FEE and that Fee did not
contain a Category 1 field. (Remember the PAYMENT takes the FEE information)

Because there is no Category 1 field, Jackrabbit assumes they are UNAPPLIED to any
revenue / Category 1 group.

Unassigned Fees contain all the relevant information for correction (Family Name – Amount)
To reassign Fees to a proper Revenue Category, you must edit the FEE and reassign the
payment. See below for an example of HOW this transaction appears on your Revenue
Summary or Paid Fees Summary Report:

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Please see the Reporting Section of this User Guide on other revenue reports.

Payments that are not applied to specific Fees on your Revenue Reports
If you have entered Payments and have not specifically applied that payment to a Fee (that
contains a Category 1 value,), Jackrabbit identifies these as UNAPPLIED.

Notice how they show up on your Paid Fees Summary or Revenue Summary Report:

How is it possible to have unapplied payments?

There are 3 ways that you can create unapplied payments:

1. The most obvious is a payment that has been applied and either not initially linked or
the unlink button was used and the payment was not reapplied.
2. An Overpayment where an amount more than the fees is paid. This could also
happen if someone edited a Payment and increased the amount to be MORE than the
fees it is paying off. The overpaid amount is considered unapplied. This is where
you can have PARTIAL unapplied amounts.
3. Pre-payments. Where a Payment is posted BEFORE a Fee. This is important! For
example: If you have a client with a pre-payment of $100 so their balance is $-100
and you then Post a Fee of $50. Jackrabbit will AUTOMATICALLY insert a date paid
in the date paid field (so it will show on the unapplied portion of the revenue reports)
This DOES NOT mean the payment and fee are LINKED. You must edit the Payment
and use the Re-apply button to link it to the fee.

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There is a feature available in Jackrabbit under the TOOLS menu. It is called Mark
Unpaid Items Paid. This feature will mark all your fees as paid, but they will all be funneled
into the unapplied bin. It does NOT link them to any fees and your revenue will therefore
NOT be categorized.

Pre Payments – Credit Balances - Overpayments

At this time, Jackrabbit pre-payments require a procedure be put into place. We
recommend that if you apply payment before a FEE or apply a payment larger than a FEE to
create a credit balance you start a procedure to go back and REAPPLY this revenue by
running a paid fees summary report either daily, weekly and / or whatever time frame
works for you. This report will tell you which fees and payments are not linked and need to
be reapplied.

Prepayments are not recommended because payments cannot be applied and subsequently
LINKED to any FEE. (see the Understanding Linking Fees and Payments Section of this User
Guide) Payments entered before a FEE become UNAPPLIED (see unapplied Fees in your
Revenue Reports Section of this User Guide).

The REAPPLY button can be used to go back and Link pre-payments. You should run your
Paid Fee Summary report, daily, weekly, monthly to re-link unapplied payments.

NOTE – If you post a Fee to an account that has a credit or pre-payment balance (so you
post a fee AFTER a payment), Jackrabbit inserts a date paid, BUT they are not linked and
will show up as unapplied.

Partial Payments in Jackrabbit

"Partial payments" are payments made against a Fee that does not completely pay off the
fee. Multiple partial payments can be linked to a fee until it is Paid off.

The partially paid fee will show in the "All unpaid charges / fees" BOX on the payment
screen UNLESS:
 a payment was made that took the family balance to 0 or a credit balance (negative
 a date was manually placed in the DATE PAID field on the partially paid fee.

When a partially paid fee displays in the unpaid fee box on the Payment Transaction Entry
screen, the ―original amount‖ owed is in the AMT column and the amount STILL owed is in
the UNPAID column.

If you make a partial payment, the unapplied amount should show up when you select the
PAYMENT button. This allows you to apply the remaining amount to the original fee and pay
more on it.

Finding Partially Paid Fees and Payments not fully applied

There are a couple of areas that show you Fees that are not fully paid – which allows you to
ensure payments can be targeted there. The most obvious area is on a Families
Transaction Page. There is a column call Unpaid Amt. It will show the FULL amount for

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Fees that have NO PAYMENT and the PARTIAL amount for Fees with partial payments. The
unpaid amount does not yet show for Payments.

In addition to the Transaction‘s page, you can also pull a report on these transactions.

To pull a list of Partially Paid FEES and partially applied PAYMENTS:

1. From the Red Transactions Menu – select the Transactions Advanced Search function
2. Enter a Transaction Date Range
3. From the bottom Search Option, select either the Payments with Un-applied Amounts
remaining OR the Fees Not Fully Paid (unapplied amounts) option
4. Use the results to correct transactions and adjust revenue reports.

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Section 9 – Posting Fees and Payments

See the E-commerce User Guide for Additional information on processing Credit Card or
Bank Draft Payments specifically.

**Sec the section Posting Class Fees to all enrolled students for information on posting
tuition fees to Multiple families at one time*

Post Fees:

From the Global Class Results List:

1. Using the ―Search Classes‖ field at the top of page, input the first few letters of the
class and click the ―Go‖ button.
2. The system displays the ―Global Classes Search Results‖ showing class / status /
session / categories / age range / max & open slots and class fee.
3. Click the ―Enroll‖ link next to the class name and a ―Last Name‖ search box will
4. Follow steps 3-8 below to enroll and optional post fees.

From the Class record:

1. select ―List Active Classes‖ under the Classes Menu and the ―List Classes Results‖
page will be displayed.
2. Click on the appropriate class ID to display the class record.
3. Click the ―Enroll Students‖ button and a ―last Name‖ search box will appear.
4. Begin typing the last name of the student to be enrolled and a list of matching
names will appear.
5. Click the ―Enroll‖ link next to the name of the student to be enrolled. Confirm
6. The student is now enrolled. A ―Post Enrollment Fees‖ window will pop up.

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7. Click ―Close‖ button to enroll and post NO FEES, or Enter info for 1 or 2 fees and click
―Post this fee‖ button(s).
8. Fees will be added to the student‘s family balance.
9. Repeat step 4 thru 7 for each student to be enrolled. Click ‗Close‘ when complete.

You can view the enrollment list by clicking the ‗Enroll List‘ Tab.

―Post Enrollment Fees‖ window: In a prior enhancement we locked down the

―Original Fee‖ when enrolling students in classes. We have now added a new User
Permission to allow users to edit the Original Amount again. If you want to allow editing of
enrollment fees check your User Permissions under TOOLS – MANAGE USERS AND

Posting Fees to one Family at a time

Fees in Jackrabbit are Charges applied to a Families Jackrabbit account. They Increase the
balance. (debits: tuition fees, merchandise, late fees, etc.) Fees can be posted individually
or to multiple families at a time. There are three methods of posting Fees to one family at a
POST FEE button (located on the family page)
POST FEES link (on family row when viewing a list)
POST ENROLLMENT FEES screen (this screen pops up automatically following student

These transactions are done for a single family (not a group of families) and can be for a
service (class / registration fee) or for non-service (merchandise, etc).

From the Family page select the Post Fee Button :

In the Post Fees pop-up screen, you can enter up to 3 separate fees (debits) at a time. For
each fee the following fields are available:

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Type: Type of debit (tuition, merchandise, registration fee, etc)

If a transaction type does not exist that you require, this can be added via Tools
=> Edit Drop Down lists. Make sure you put ―(Debit)‖ or ―(Credit)‖ in the transaction
description – just like the default values.
Subtype: (optional) but more descriptive (items also created via Edit Drop Down lists
Note: (optional)
Original: Enter original fee without any discounts
Discount: (optional) any discount amount you are giving
Amount: Jackrabbit calculates the amount (difference between Orig and Discount)
Add Tax: Check this box if you need to the tax calculated* and added to the fee. *see
Section ―Setting up Your Database: Other Settings‖ on how to set up tax options.
Student Search: You can select a particular student for a multi-student family.
Class Search: By selecting a Class / Event, you will associate this fee with that class /
event and it‘s CAT 1 and Session.
Cat 1: This is how the Fee will be categorized for Revenue. If the fee is not associated with
a class / event, you can still select a CAT 1 from the field.
Qty: If this is a purchase and Quantity is relevant (example: Merchandise), enter the QTY
(reports on Tran Sub Type Listing Report) Quantity Field does NOT multiply. It is a static

From the Family Listing page select the Post Fees Link:
From the Family Listing Screen (Families – List Active Families or Search Feature) there is a
Trans Link or a Post Fees link that you can select. You are presented with the same POST
FEES Box described above.

How to Post Fees following New Enrollment (single Family)

When you first enroll a student into Jackrabbit, you are given the option to Post the Tuition
Fee for that class immediately. This is a convenience feature and does not have to be

It is important during registration time, to determine whether you want to post all
the fees upon enrollment or select note to post fees and use Post Tuition Fees (group
posting – see more in this section).

After you have enrolled a student into a new class, the yellow ―Post Enrollment Fees‖ box
will pop up, allowing you the option of posting the tuition fee to the newly enrolled student‘s
family. This box is meant as a convenience to you and can be declined by closing the

When enrolling a student after enrolling the following window pops up:

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If you do not need to post any fees, simply click CLOSE. The student is enrolled
regardless of posting a fee or not.
If you would like to post the tuition fee (and any discounts) fill out the fields:

Original Fee: (prefilled with the class tuition amount from the class record)
Discount: enter amount of discount if one applies
Amount: auto-calculated amount to be billed (original fee – discount=amount)

Click the ―Post this Fee‖ button to post the Tuition fee.
Click CLOSE when complete.

If you need to post an additional fee (registration, costume, etc), complete the
fields in the bottom portion.

Methods of Posting Fees to Multiple Families at one time

Under the Red Menu Bar select TRANSACTIONS there are several functions to post fees to
multiple families (this section does not include posting tuition fees – please see “Posting
Class Tuition Fees” section of this User Guide:
 Post Group Transactions, Post Annual Fee and Post Late Fees

 Post Tuition Fees and Post Tuition Fees by Hour

These functions are applying fee transactions to a whole group (students in a class(s) or
group of people who registered in the same month, etc) or are transactions you run at a
certain time each month such as tuitions or Annual Fees

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Posting Group (class) Transactions

1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―Post Group Transactions‖

2. The system displays the ―Post Group Transactions‖ page.

3. Select the appropriate class and input the appropriate transaction information.

4. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the transactions will be posted.

You may view these transactions on each Family Page or run a Transaction Listing

Posting Annual Fees – Registration Fees

This feature can be used to post annual fees (registration, membership, insurance, etc) to
active families / students based on their registration month. This should be run monthly to
hit families / students who registered in each month.
Firstly, you must enter your Search Criteria:
1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―Post Annual Fees‖ item.

2. The system displays the ―Post Annual Fees‖ criteria page.

3. You have the option to select the following search criteria:

 Post the Fee Per Family (uses the Family Registration Month; Family
Summary tab)) or
 Post a fee per student (uses the student‘s Start date; Student Summary Tab)
 Post Fee per Student per class (posts a fee for each class the student is
 You have the option to select all students enrolled in a session or in Cat 1 or
Cat 2 classes.

The system will seek out any family / student who registered during the Month
chosen in ANY YEAR, including the current year. You may choose ―ALL‖ to select Families or
Student‘s who registered / started in every different month.

Secondly, you must enter Transaction Details:

1. Choose one of the following:

 If you chose ‗Post Fee per Family‘ enter the family registration fee.
 If you chose ‗Post Fee Per Student‘, enter the fees for Student 1, 2,
 (If there are more than 3 students in the family, the additional
students will be charged the same as student #3.)
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2. You have the option to advance the families or students registration date (called
―start date‖ on a student record) by one year. You can use this as a Due date.

3. When you have completed inputting the information, click the ―Submit‖ button and
the system will post the fees to the appropriate families and / or students. **Spot
check Family‘s Transaction Tab for correctness!

Recognizing Duplicate Fees Posted Annually

There is an option at the bottom of the Post Annual Fees screen that asks:

This will allow JR to search all transactions for families posted during this date range that
match exactly: The date of the transaction, The Transaction Type and amount.

Example: If you post an annual fee at the beginning of each Student or Family registration
month. Select Family or Student posting – select a registration month (ALL is a value in the
drop down list) – Enter the Transaction Type Details (see the note above – Transaction
information MUST match prior postings) Enter a duplicate detection date range. This is
the date range from start to finish that other fees of this nature may have been posted.

You will be presented with a list of NEW postings and a list of duplicate postings. You can
also edit or delete any postings on this list.

These fees can be deleted via the Transactions => Delete Transactions option

Make sure you choose a transaction type. If you do not have a registration fee
transaction type setup, setup one under Tools => Edit Drop-Down Lists. The transaction
sub-type and note fields are optional.

Posting Late Fees:

1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―Post Late Fees‖ item.

2. The system displays the ―Post Late Fees‖ criteria page.

3. You have the option to Post Fees to students in a particular class, Category 1 or
Category 2.

4. Set your balance amounts from and through

5. Set the balance date (the date of the last fee assessed)

6. Set the Transaction date you want posted on this Late fee and the Amount to be

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7. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the system will post the fee to the appropriate families.

If you make a mistake and would like to repost, these fees can be deleted via the
Red Transactions Menu => Delete Transactions option.

Entering Payments
Payments are Credits or ―pay-off‘s‖ on a Family account in Jackrabbit. They reduce the
overall balance. (Credits: Cash Payments, Gift Certificates, misc. credits) Payments should
always be targeted to specific Fees which LINKS them. Fees that are not LINKED show up
as PINK on the Family Transaction Page. See the Importance of Linking Fees and
payments which follows.

This section walks you through creating a payment transaction in Jackrabbit. This does not
discuss e-Commerce payments (charging credit cards / bank drafts) through Jackrabbit.
See Ecommerce section for creating e-Commerce Payments.

If you enter payments that result in a CREDIT balance – please ensure you
read the prior section discussing the importance of linking fees and payments.
Pre-payments should be avoided if possible.

ALL payments in Jackrabbit must be categorized as Transaction Type:

Payment (credit). You will see this is a default field that cannot be removed under
Edit Drop Down Lists.

The Payment Transaction does NOT contain Class / Event Name, Student Name
and / or Category 1 Information and does not NEED it since the reports are not looking at
the payment, but are looking at the Fee (that has been paid).

Entering Payments through the Payment Button or the Payment Link:

The Payment button is located on the Family page.

o Using the ―Search‖ field at the top of Jackrabbit, search for the family and either

o Go to the family‘s screen and Click the ―PAYMENT‖ button on their page or click the
―PAY‖ link on their row of the Global Search Results List.

Payment Button:

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PAY Link (on family row when viewing a Global Search Results list):

The ―Payment Transaction Entry‖ window for the family will display.
1. Enter the appropriate info in the fields, including the ―Pmt Amount‖ of the payment
(far right of screen) (See Diagram Below)

2. You will see a list of all unpaid charges / fees. (These represent Fee (debit)
transactions that DO NOT have a date in their ―Date Paid‖ field.)

3. To apply the payment to all unpaid debits, starting at the bottom click the box next
to each unpaid fee or click auto apply.

4. To individually apply payments to specific fees, click in the ―Apply Amt‖ box for the

5. When clicking in the box, the system will pre-fill the amount for you, you can edit
this to a different amount.

6. Save Changes - (If you have set up Jackrabbit‘s e-Commerce module to work with
your credit card processer, you will use the ‗E-PAYMENT & Save Changes‘ button
located on the family‘s ―Payment Trans Entry‖ screen to initiate a credit card charge.

Payments should ALWAYS be entered as Transaction Type: payment

(credit). These are the only transactions pulled in revenue reports.

If you want to pay off more than one fee with this payment, you can click in more
than one ―Apply Amt‖ box.

Please see below on how to confirm your payments are linked.

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If you are viewing Payment Transaction on a family's Transaction tab, payment

transactions (in yellow), NEVER have categories, session, student, etc. This information
comes from FEES (debits) that payments are linked to.

Charging a Single Family’s Credit Card / Bank Account

For families with TWO billing contacts, please see the Advanced Search function
for Families and Students in this guide.

Action –> From the FAMILY PAGE

 Select the ―Payment‖ button on the Family‘s record.

 The Payment Transaction Entry screen will display showing the unpaid fees, family
information and balance.

 The Payment Amount will default to the total balance owed by the family. If this is
not the amount to be charged to the credit card / bank account, edit the ―Pmt
 Apply the payment to the fees as usual. You may also edit the ―Apply Amt‖ with a
lesser amount to make a ―partial‖ payment against a fee.
 Click the ―e-Payment and Save‖ button.
 A small Post e-Payment window will pop up showing the family name, credit card
information and amount to be charged.

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 Select the ―Submit e-Payment‖ button to initiate the charge to the card. Jackrabbit
will send the information to your processor, who will attempt to charge the account
and return an Approval or Declined message. The window will show you the
approved or decline response.

 Click Ok to close the window and be taken to the Family‘s Main tab.
 On the Family‘s Transaction Tab, if the e-Payment was approved, a ―yellow‖ payment
transaction is written. This includes the approval code and transaction ID. If the
transaction was declined, a ZERO (Grey) payment transaction is written with the
declined code and transaction ID. If declined, please refer to the ―Decline Response
and Reason Codes from Processors‖ section on Page 15 of this guide.

Receipts – Printing Off or Emailing a Receipt

You can print off or email a receipt from Jackrabbit. To create a receipt you can go to either
the EDIT TRANSACTION screen or the Payment Window under the Payment Button

To Print a Receipt:
1. From a Family Page, select the PAYMENT button
2. Enter the payment information and select the PRINT RECEIPT box located next to the
Trans Date field.
3. A sample of the receipt will be displayed. Select the PRINT button to send the
document to the printer.

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1. From a Family TRANSACTION page, select the EDIT link next to a transaction
2. Select the Print Receipt Button
3. A sample of the receipt will be displayed. Select the PRINT button to send the
document to the printer.

To email a Receipt:

When you choose the PRINT RECEIPT option, instead of printing it, you can copy this
information into an email by doing the following:

1. Choose PRINT RECEIPT from the Payment Window or Edit Transaction window.
2. When the receipt window opens, close the print window that also pops up.
3. Right click anywhere on the receipt screen, choose select all
4. Right click again on that window and choose copy
5. Click on the families email address inside Jackrabbit. This will open your default e-
mail program.
6. Paste the information into the body of the email. (You will also be able to edit this as
needed by adding a full name, etc.)

See Example Below:

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From: Jackrabbit
123 Main ST
Charlotte, NC 28270

For: adam

Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Date Type Pmt Method Notes Amount

4/19/09 Payment Check 10.00

Charging a Batch (group) of Families’ Credit Card / Bank Account

Watch the

You can charge a whole batch of credit cards and / or bank accounts at one time by using
the "Batch e-Payment" function under Transactions.

Reconciling your Bank Deposits with your Bank Account Drafts

Because Bank Drafts are not done in ―real time‖ and may take 5-10 business days to
actually ―settle‖. Bank Drafts are APPROVED initially (unless the bank or routing number is
invalid). When we receive this response from your merchant, this is what is recorded in
Jackrabbit. We do not receive further information from your merchant after the transaction
has settled (declined or accepted). You will need to follow up with ACH / SAP or your bank
to find out if any of the bank drafts were actually DECLINED. The easiest way to do this is
to run a deposit slip report (in Jackrabbit) with Bank Drafts as the Payment Type and match
this to actual Bank Deposits. Any deposits missing would need to be checked in your virtual
terminal to see if they were declined.

If an account has been declined, you must edit the family‘s transaction in Jackrabbit to
reflect that the payment did not go through and they still owe the balance. You must delete
the payment.

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The Importance of the E-payment Schedule

E-Payments cannot be scheduled by a ―clock‖ or ―calendar‖ to occur at a specific time. The

e-Payment schedule field is the FILTER to select which families will be part of the e-batch
for a selected date. If you offer more than one option as to when you charge a client‘s card,
you must set the e-Payment field to match that date. If a family is part of the 1 st of the
month group when you select this schedule to run the e-batch, they will be billed when you
run the e-batch on the first of the month. The same is true for the 15 th. You drive the

If you are charging credit cards for some clients and drafting bank accounts for
other clients, you will run the Batch function two times (once for Credit cards and once for
bank drafts).

REMEMBER!! The full family balance is used as the amount to be paid. The Batch
e-Payment function CANNOT charge / draft a ―portion‖ of the full balance. (Only Single
Family e-Payment can charge / draft a partial amount.)

Things to Consider Before You Run a Batch e-Payment

 A User must have their PERMISSIONS set to ―see‖ the Batch e-Payment function
under the Transaction menu.
 Each family must have their ―e-Payment‖ field = CREDIT CARD or BANK ACCOUNT
on their Billing Info tab.
 Each family must have their ―e-Payment schedule‖ field set on their Billing Info tab.
 Each family must have a contact with Billing = YES and the full address associated
with that credit card / bank account.

Use the E-payment Listing REPORT to see your family information and look for
any ―holes‖ in the information.

Action –> From the Red Menu Bar – Transactions – Batch e-Payment
 From the Red Menu Bar, select Transactions and click on Batch e-Payment
 From the field drop down boxes – select your criteria:
 Location – if you are a multi-location organization, you must run this for each
 e-Payment Method – Choose Credit Card or Bank account. If you are approved for
both, you must run the batch twice, once for credit card families and once for bank
account (e-check) families.
 e-Payment Schedule – You may have different families set to different schedules. Set
as is applicable. See the first bullet under ―Things to Consider Before You Run a
Batch Payment‖.

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 Click Submit. Depending on how many families are in the batch, this may a take up
to 2-3 minutes or more. You can follow the progress by watching the countdown.
 Once the posting is complete, a list is returned for each family with their results.
 If your processor has declined the transaction, this transaction should be color-coded
in red. The Response Code, Reason Code and Reason Text will also give you an
explanation. If declined, resolve the issue and re-post until approved.
Crediting a Credit Card or Voiding a Credit Card Transaction
Because Jackrabbit does not process e-Commerce transactions (Jackrabbit stores the
information and sends it to your credit card processor for processing), posting credits or
voiding credit card charges (e-Payment transactions) CANNOT be done through Jackrabbit.

This must be performed through your gateway account, Authorize.Net, Orbital (MMOA) or
Studio Auto Pay / ACH. Using your gateway‘s virtual terminal, you can credit the credit card
or if caught in time, void the e-Payment transaction before it is processed. Please contact
your credit card processor / gateway if you have questions. This will record a refund on your
client‘s credit card, which you will also need to record in Jackrabbit. Using this procedure
will keep revenue reports balanced.

If you void or credit someone‘s credit card transaction, you must also adjust the Jackrabbit

There are 2 ways to do this.

Option 1
One way is to edit the original payment and modify it to reflect what was really paid( a
lesser amount or $0) You can put a notation in the notes field of the transaction, but this
leaves less of an ―audit trail‖ - record the fact that they once paid and you refunded the
money back to them.

This is done by clicking the EDIT link next to the payment and saving the changes.

Option 2

 Select the EDIT link on the payment.

 Select the VIEW LINKED FEES button on the Payment – and document which FEES
the payment paid off.
 Select the Un-link button on the payment and unlink it from all fees
 Ensure the DATE PAID was removed from the 2 fees it formerly paid off. If they are
not automatically removed – remove them.
 Edit the FEE amount down to what they are now paying and make a notation as to
why their amount has been reduced.
 Edit the original payment and re-link it to all the fees now posted on
the account. The balance should be $0 and all payments and fees are

For further information on this procedure, please refer to the Jackrabbit User Guide and
search for Posting Fees and Applying Payments to a Family.

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Using this procedure will ―un-pay‖ any fees that were paid off by this payment and
will reset the balance.

Payment transactions created through e-Commerce (e-Payments) CANNOT be

deleted unless you have permission to do so. Also, the date, amount and type cannot be
changed unless you have permission to do so.

Undoing Multiple / Incorrect E-batch Transactions

Occasionally, Jackrabbit Support gets an anxious email from clients who have run their e-
batch incorrectly. When you run an e-batch, the entire balance on the Transaction‘s page is
paid off. If you have mistakenly, run Post Tuition Fees twice before the e-batch, you will be
charging your customers the wrong amount.

In order to correct this:

1. Immediately login to your Merchant Account Virtual Terminal and delete these
unsettled transactions. If there is a delay before you realize the mistake, you should
be able to either VOID or REFUND these transactions. Other transactions might have
applied to their account from your organization, so make sure to recognize ONLY
those that are incorrect.
2. Wait a day before recharging to allow these accounts to settle.
3. At this time, you can still adjust your Jackrabbit Accounts. Run a TRANSACTIONS –
ADVANCED SEARCH for e-commerce transactions only (checked box). Go through
these transactions and determine which of these need to be removed from
Jackrabbit. Email this information (export to excel and attach) to Jackrabbit
Support. Our development team will have to mass delete this to avoid you having to
4. Run TRANSACTIONS – DELETE TUITION FEES and remove the double posting that
caused your amounts to be off.
5. Re-run Post Tuition Fees correctly. Spot Check and then run e-batch again for the
proper amount.

If Using Bank Drafts, you may have to work with your gateway to stop these
drafts. Clients may receive insufficient fund charges.

Editing Transactions and Deleting Multiple Postings

The Date, type, and amount of e Commerce (credit card or bank account)
transactions cannot be edited.

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You can edit FEE transactions (debit) that have not been marked "paid" and you
can edit PAYMENT transactions (credit) that are not paying off a particular FEE (debit)

To edit a FEE (debit) transaction that has a payment posted against it (marked
with a ―Date Paid‖), you must first delete the payments. Then you can edit the transaction
and re-enter the payment transaction.

You cannot edit a payment that is paying off a debit trans. You must delete the
payment and enter a new one.

To Edit a Fee or Payment:

1. Go to the Family‘s record and click on their ―Transactions‖ tab to see a list of their
2. Click on the blue ―Edit‖ link on the appropriate transaction line and the ―Edit
Transaction‖ page will be displayed.
3. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Save Changes‖
button and the transaction will be updated.

! Tip for editing multiple transactions in one screen:

You can use the Advanced Search under the Transaction menu to search for all transactions
(on a certain day, range of days, amounts, etc.) and can edit multiple family‘s transactions
all from one screen.

Editing a Transaction to include a “Date Paid”: Mark Unpaid Items Paid

Fees will show a DATE PAID (though they are not "linked" to a particular payment).

If you have families with Transactions that are paid in full, but have no date in the ―Date
Paid‖ field, you can use the ―Mark Unpaid Items Paid‖ function under the Tools menu. This
function will go through all the transaction fees of all the families that have zero or credit
balance and will mark all their unpaid fees with a date in the ―date paid‖ field.

This feature will take all of these ―paid off‖ fees and lump them into an UNAPPLIED category
within your Accounts Receivable reports (see: ―Unapplied Fees on your Revenue Report‖ in
this User guide.

Deleting a Single Fee (debit) Transaction

To delete a (debit) transaction that has a payment posted against it (marked with a ―Date
Paid‖), you must first delete the payments. Then you can delete the debit transaction.

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Before Deleting a Payment in order to delete a FEE – determine if Payment is

LINKED to anything. If it is NOT LINKED then you must manually remove the
DATE PAID field from the fees that have this money applied to it.

Consider it: if you apply a payment as a pre-payment and this money is not
LINKED to FEES and you delete this payment the FEE still has a date paid field in it
that matches when the payment was incorrectly applied. This Date paid field must
be deleted under the EDIT link so the FEE is available again. It can now be paid
off and linked.

1. Click in the ―Search‖ field at the very top of page, input either the first or last name
and click ―Go‖.

2. The system displays the ―Global Search Results‖ showing family / student / contacts
results page. Click on the appropriate family last name and the family page will be

3. Click on the ―Transactions‖ tab their list of transactions is displayed.

4. Click on the ―Delete‖ link on the appropriate transaction line and the ―Delete
Transaction‖ page will be displayed.

5. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Save Changes‖
button and the transaction will be updated.

Deleting Multiple Transactions Group, Annual or Late Fees

This function is ONLY used to delete group postings such as: Post Group Transaction, Post
Annual Fees and Post Late Fees. It will not delete group postings of Tuition Fees. To do this
you must use the Delete Tuition Fees function.

1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―Delete Transactions‖
2. The system displays the ―Delete Transactions‖ selection criteria page.
3. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the matching transactions will be deleted.

Date from‖ and ―Though‖ fields are the POSTING date, not necessarily the actual
date you recorded the transactions.

Deleting Group Tuition Fee Postings

If you have posted Tuition Fees and would like to ―un-post‖ them. Use this function:

1. From the Red Menu Bar highlight ―delete Tuition Fees‖

2. Select a Location
3. Enter the date of the Tuition Fee Posting
4. Enter the User ID that posted the Fees or leave it blank
5. Submit. (You will see a red line of text that tells you how many tuitions were

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Finding Expired Credit Cards

You can Find a list of expired cards by running a FAMILY E-PAYMENT LISTING report
1. From the main Reports menu – select the Family E-Payment Listing Report
2. Enter Your criteria and set the option: Search missing or Expired Card Expiration
to YES.
3. Click SUBMIT

Procedure for Recording Refunds

Definition: Jackrabbit defines a refund as when a customer is actually being returned

money and not just being given an account credit. (For account credits, please see the
Procedure for Recording Credits further on in this section) This refund feature records that
money has been given to the customer and is reflected in revenue reporting.

In Jackrabbit, Refunds are entered via the REFUND button on a Family‘s page. The Refund
button creates TWO transactions, one REFUND REQUEST (debit) and one REFUND GIVEN
(credit). Because Jackrabbit uses a process of ―Linking Debits and Credits – Fees and
Payments‖, it requires these two transactions, that once ―linked‖, record the return of
money to your client and adjusts your revenue reporting.

The reduction in revenue is displayed on the following reports: Deposit Slip, Paid Fees,
Summary, Revenue Summary and Dashboard.

(See the Ensuring Accurate Revenue Reporting section of this User Guide for
supporting information on this feature)

Jackrabbit CANNOT process Refunds to credit cards automatically. You

must manually refund a client’s Credit Card through your POS machine or Virtual
Terminal and then record the refund in Jackrabbit in the method described below.

Here is an example of posting Refunds in Jackrabbit:

The Smith Family enrolled in a class in January, the tuition Fee for the class was $85.00.
Unfortunately, they had to drop out of the class and you are happy to refund them two
thirds of their tuition price.

From the Families Transaction page, you see the original tuition posted on Jan 19, 2011.
Select the REFUND button to insert the refund. Make note of the Category 1 value of the
original transaction so that you can refund the appropriate Category 1 value on your
revenue reports.

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Upon pushing the REFUND button you are presented with the screen below. This screen
allows you to record the details of the refund to be posted.

A confirmation screen is presented once the Refund is posted.

In the example above, the Revenue in Category 1 – BRIGHT HORIZONS – BELLEVUE has
been reduced on 2/18/11 by $56.67. This is shown on Paid Fees and Revenue Summary.

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―Money‖ has been returned to the customer (you define in which payment method: cash,
credit card, etc) and this is reflected on your deposit slip for that day.

Deposit Slip – How the return of funds is shown on your Deposit Slip for that day.

From the REPORTS menu – select DEPOSIT SLIP:

The Resulting Deposits for that day are reduced by the REFUND amount as shown:

Paid Fees Summary and Revenue Summary – These Reports provide an accurate
revenue recording during a defined time period of all FEES that have been LINKED to

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payments. Both of these revenue reports have Refunds listed under the Category 1 value
they have been applied to.

Procedure for Recording Credits – (Gift Certificates, Coupons)

Definition: Jackrabbit defines a Credit: as when a customer‘s account is being credited a
particular amount as opposed to a refund which is when the customer receives money back.
Credits can come in many forms: Gift Certificates, Coupons, Client Credit. These credits do
reduce a client's balance, but are not classified as revenue on financial reports.

You must create Transaction Types and Payment Methods for Credits. Transaction Types
are created by you. A description on how to add the Transaction Type is below. Because
Credit Transaction Types are not the same as Transaction Type: Payment (credit)
(which are used for Payments recognized as revenue) these transactions will NOT show up
on revenue Reports and can be reported on separately.

Because a Credit is a different Payment Method, ie: not cash, credit card, check. You
should also create a Payment Method for this Credit such as: Groupon, Gift Certificate, or
company bucks.

(See the Ensuring Accurate Revenue Reporting section of this User Guide for
supporting information on this feature)

To create pre-defined Transaction Types for Credits:

1. From the Main Tools Menu – select Edit Drop Down Lists
2. From the List of Options on the left – select Transaction Type
3. Add a Transaction Type that makes ―sense‖ to your credit type: Gift
Certificate (credit), Groupon (credit), Tuition (credit)
4. Save your changes

ONLY use this transaction type for CREDITS (not payments or refunds).

To create pre-defined Payment Methods for Credits:

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1. From the Main Tools Menu – select Edit Drop Down Lists
2. From the List of Options on the left – select Payment Method
3. Add a Payment Method that makes ―sense‖ to your credit type: Gift
Certificate, Groupon, Account Credit.
4. Save your changes

Here is an example of posting a CREDIT in Jackrabbit:

The Smith Family registered and paid for a class on January 10 th with a tuition amount of
$88.00. Unfortunately, they were unable to complete the class you want to reduce their
account balance by offering them a CREDIT.

(Conversely, you may use a CREDIT as partial payment on an account because the Tuition
is being paid in both Cash and Groupon certificate, Gift Certificate, Customer Credit)

From the Global Search – find the Smith Account and select their Transactions Tab.

Select the PAYMENT button and insert the Payment with the Transaction Type = The Type of
credit you are giving. For example: Customer (credit) and Payment Method (account credit)

The Account now has a credit balance that must be Re-linked with Future FEES. If there
were FEES to be paid off, this credit would ―pay off‖ those fees and Revenue would not be
increased for your organization in those Category 1 areas of those FEES.

**See the Importance of Linking Fees and Payments elsewhere in this guide!

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Reporting for Credits

Because Credits are a different Transaction Type than Payment (credits) which record
revenue, they will not show up on revenue reports. You can easily run a list of all
transactions for ANY transaction type for any time period by running any of the following

 Transactions – Advanced Search

 Transaction Listing
 Transaction Summary
 Transaction Sub-Type Listing

Refunds and Credits and Quick Books

**Please see the Quick Books section of this User Guide for additional

Refunds which are Transaction Type: Refund Request (Debit) will transfer over to Quick
Books as a negative transaction. Credits do not affect revenue and do not transfer over to
Quick Books.

Here is an example of how a Refund Transaction appears in Quick Books:

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Deleting a Payment (credit) (e.g. bounced check)

Note: Payment transactions created through e-commerce (e-payments) can NOT be deleted
unless you have Permissions to do so).

From the family‘s Transaction Tab:

1. Select the EDIT link on the Payment

2. Select the ―unlink‖ button to ―un-attach‖ the payment from the original FEE.
3. Zero out the payment amount and put a notation on the Transaction: BOUNCED
CHECK – PAYMENT removed – original transaction information….
4. Save the edits – the balance on the account will adjust.

This will ―UN-LINK‖ (delete the Date Paid) on any fees this payment had paid off
and will reset the account balance.

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Charging Tax in Jackrabbit – (Canadian Customers - GST)

See ―Setting a Default Tax Rate‖ In the Getting Started User Guide. You can set your tax
rate to be automatically calculated on both service and / or non-service areas.

Tax settings are located under Tools –> Edit Settings -> Edit Defaults/Tax selection.
You will see several fields:

There are two areas where you may want the tax calculated for you as an addition to your
cost. If you charge Tax on Fees and Services you need to set up the following:

For Example: Canadian Clients charge GST on Services and Fees.

Services Taxable: set this field = yes if you tax your services (ex: classes).
When set, after you enroll a student in a class, the "Post Enrollment Fees" window
will display the Tax field. When running Post Tuition Fees or Post Tuition Fees by
Hour (described elsewhere in this guide) you are now able to post taxes on Tuitions
or not.

Post Fees Taxable: if this field is = yes, the Tax field on the "Post Fees" window
will be calculated automatically. Post Fees is used to post any type of fee, including
non-service (goods/products) fees.

Tax Rate: Enter your tax rate (without the %).

Tax Label: This is the tax field name on your Post Fees or Post Enrollment Fees
window. For Example: GST, PST

Tracking Revenue for Materials and Merchandise

It is possible to track revenue from Materials and / or Merchandise in Jackrabbit. Jackrabbit
does not yet offer any type of inventory control, but you can enter the sales of merchandise
in Jackrabbit and print reports on revenue generated.

In order to best track Merchandise revenue, you should add a Category 1 Value and a
Transaction Sub Type Value for each piece of merchandise. For example: Category 1: T-
shirt $9.99 and a matching Sub Type Value: T-Shirt $9.99. You should include the price in
the label to avoid having to tape a ―price list‖ to your counter top. The price is immediately

This may seen redundant, but it allows you to identify merchandise transactions and the
Category 1 value allows you to track the Revenue.

So, if you were to enter a Transaction for a T- Shirt that a family purchased, you would use
the Post Fee button and the transaction would look something like this:

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Tax Receipts – Year End Statements

You have the ability to produce either a printed copy of annual transactions for a family or
an email copy. This is done through the Statements –print feature or Statements – email

To Print statements with multiple transactions by date, type, paid or unpaid, with family
detail or none go to the Transaction Search area of printed or emailed statements:

For example: if you want to show all payments that a family has made in a year, you
would set the Transaction Date Jan 1- Jan 1. Transaction Type: Payments. Show Paid Only.

NACHA Files (Bank Drafts) Usage

STOP! Nacha Transactions do not Link in Jackrabbit – if you are using Nacha Files,
your revenue reporting will be off. Please see the Jackarbbit e-commerce User
Guide on preferred vendors who support e-checks or bank drafts without using
Nacha Files.

STOP! Studio AutoPay / ACH and Authorize.Net users DO NOT need to use NACHA files.
Please follow ecommerce usage directions above for initiating a bank draft.

If you have Money Movers of America as your merchant account and have been
approved to do bank drafts), you will draft bank accounts by creating a NACHA file in
Jackrabbit, saving the file to your hard drive and uploading it to your bank or to MMOA for

General Information:
A NACHA (―National Automated Clearing House Association‖) file is a standardized file
format that contains the information a bank needs (bank name, routing transit number,
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account name, account number and amount to be deducted) to transfer money from one
bank account to another. The ACH system is governed by the rules of the National
Automated Clearing House Association. This system provides for the interbank clearing of
electronic entries for participating financial institutions.

How does it work? Jackrabbit creates the NACHA file (under Transactions menu), you
save it to your computer and then you log into MMOA or your bank‘s application system and
upload the file.
**Please contact MMOA or your bank for specific pricing and upload procedures.

Jackrabbit has 3 NACHA steps (functions) that MUST be run at the same time to create your
NACHA file for MMOA or your bank and adjust your family‘s balances in Jackrabbit to reflect
the payment.

Important Information concerning NACHA Files (bank drafts):

1. When you create a NACHA file, the full family balance will be used as the
amount to be deducted from the bank account. You cannot draft a ―portion‖ of
the full balance. EX: If the family balance is $500 at the time you create the NACHA
file, $500 will be deducted from their bank account.
2. If you create a NACHA file, then makes changes to the family balance, a NEW
NACHA file MUST BE created to capture the new balance information. EX: If
the family balance is $500 at the time you create the NACHA file, you make changes
to the family record and the balance is now $100, you must create a new NACHA file
so the new $100 balance is captured. If you use the first NACHA file, $500 will be
deducted from their bank account.
3. The NACHA file is a tool used to initiate a bank draft. Bank Drafts are not done in
―real‖ time and may take 5-10 business days to actually ―settle‖. Bank drafts are
always APPROVED initially. You will need to follow up with MMOA or your
bank to find out if any of the bank drafts were actually DECLINED following
settlement and if so, edit the family‘s transactions in Jackrabbit to reflect they
payment did not go through and they still owe their balance.
4. NACHA files cannot be “scheduled” to occur automatically at a certain time
of the month. You must create the NACHA and upload it to MMOA or your bank
and the draft will occur.
EX: You may offer your clients the choice of drafting their accounts on the 1 st or the
15th of the month and have ―1st of month‖ and ―15th of month‖ as choices in your ―e-
payment schedule‖ field. On the 1st of each month, you will create a NACHA file and
set the ―e-payment schedule‖ = ‗1st of month‘. Jackrabbit will find all those families
who have ‗1st of month‘ as their ―e-payment schedule‖ on their billing info tab and
include them in the NACHA file. You will do this again on the 15 th of the month to
draft families who have ―15th of month‖ on their ―e-payment schedule‖ field.

Before you begin, verify these items:

 A User must have their PERMISSIONS set to ―see‖ the 3 NACHA items under the
Transaction menu.
 Each ―bank draft‖ family must have their ―e-payment‖ field = BANK ACCOUNT on their
Billing info tab.
 Each ―bank draft‖ family must have their ―e-payment schedule‖ field set on their Billing
info tab.

Step 1: NACHA Report

This report will show you the families whose ―e-payment‖ field = Bank Account, their family
balance and the associated bank information.. You may want to view this before creating

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your NACHA file to verify the balances are correct and all your bank draft families are
accounted for.
1 - Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―NACHA Report‖ item.

Step 2: Create a NACHA file

This is the file you will create, save to your hard drive and later upload to MMOA or your
bank. MMOA or your bank will use the information in this file to draft the accounts. A
typical NACHA file looks like this:

101 07212586B094101
5200 PPDRECEIVABLE070202070202 1 0000001
6270656346683151545466 0000005000 Rick Brown 0 0000001
6270445645466546453353 0000005000 Mary Jones 0 0000001
6270645486454245787987 0000002500 Bob Smith 0 0000001

1st column is routing / bank account #

2nd column is the amount to be deducted (last 2 digits are the (cents)) Ex: 0000005000 =
3rd column is name on account
4th / 5th columns are NACHA related information

1 - Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―NACHA File Export‖ item.

2 - Verify the ―e-Payment method‖ is set to (bank account).

3 - The ―e-payment schedule‖ field should be set to pull the families you want to include
that have the same item selected on their Billing info tab. (see 4# above in ―important
information concerning NACHA files‖)

4 - Set Service Class Code = 225 and Entry Class Code = PPD
MMOA does not require any of the other fields to be entered (Destination, company name,
etc). You will need to verify if any of the other fields are required by your bank or other
payment processor whom you are going to upload the NACHA file. They will give you the
needed information (IF ANY) for these fields.


6 – The NACHA text file will open in another window (see above for example of what it will
resemble). Click File, SAVE and save the file on your hard drive (remember where you save
it (it‘s a good idea to create a special ―folder‖ on your hard drive where you can save all of
your NACHA files).

7 – Following directions given to you from MMOA or your bank, Upload the file.

Step 3: Payoff NACHA accounts

Once you are sure you have uploaded the NACHA file to MMOA or your bank properly, you
will want to run the ―NACHA Payoff‖ function which will create a payment transaction for all
those accounts in Jackrabbit, and will also recalculate the family balance to 0.
NOTE: The NACHA file is a tool used to initiate a bank draft. Bank Drafts are not done in
―real‖ time and may take 5-10 business days to actually ―settle‖. Bank drafts are
always APPROVED initially. You will need to follow up with MMOA or your bank
to find out if any of the bank drafts were actually DECLINED following settlement
and if so, edit the family‘s transactions in Jackrabbit to reflect they payment did not go
through and they still owe their balance.
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1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―NACHA Payoff‖ item.
2. Verify ―e-Payment Type:‖ is set to Bank Account
3. Set the ‖e-payment schedule‖ to the item you used when you ran the NACHA file.
4. Transaction Type = Payment (credit) (no other trans type will be reflected in rev
5. Payment Method = Bank Draft
6. Optional: set the note field to ―NACHA Bank draft‖ or ―Drafted on the 1 st‖ a similar
7. Click on the ―Submit‖ button

Note: If you need to re-create the NACHA file after paying off the accounts, you can delete
the Payoff Payment transactions and re-create the NACHA file.

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Section 10 – Posting Class Tuition Fees as a batch


Watch the

Please see section 6 on Posting Individual Fees in this guide to post individual Fees
to families at one time.

You will Post Tuition Fees each time you want the fees posted to the accounts.
This is not something that can be scheduled to occur automatically. This procedure is
typically a monthly occurrence, but can be divided out to include, sessional, semi-monthly,
annual postings. You control the posting.

There are several ways that Posting Tuitions can be accomplished. Remember the flexibility
and manipulation of posting mass fees is huge. Be Creative!

1. Post by Fixed individual Family Fee – value kept on Family Page

2. Post Tuition Fees by Class Criteria and / or Family Membership Type which allow
you to apply multiple class, multiple student and / or miscellaneous discounts.
3. Post Tuition Fees by Total Hours taken

Option 1 – Fixed Fee Posting

You have the ability in Jackrabbit to post tuition values by manually calculating and entering
a ―family specific‖ amount on each Families Billing Info page or a ―student specific‖ amount
on each students Summary page. Then, by using the Post Tuition Fees function,
Jackrabbit will find these values on the Family or Student page(s) and post them to the
individual family‘s Transaction Page.

This has the appearance of being the ―easiest‖ method of posting tuition to many families at
one time. Keep in mind that this method means you must constantly monitor and modify a
family‘s charges based on enrollment and changes that occur.

If your organization does not have CONSISTANT discounting (same percentage or dollar
value (for either the number of students or classes taken) for EVERYONE being billed as a
group, then you will have to use this Fixed Fee Field for Post Tuition Fees. Please compare
this method with option 2 below.

 The room for error is much larger with this method. Staff must change the value
each time a student adds or drops a class.
 There is only 1 category 1 value that can be assigned to this revenue.
 You can use Membership Type selection Criteria to Bill only certain families at certain
times. (ex: monthly, session, annual)
 This method does not require a discount value as the Fixed Fee is the total fees and
discounts combined to a single value.

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Example 1 = Family Fixed Fee Value:

The Jones Family has 2 students taking 3 classes. The discounts are so specific to your
organization that there is no consistent multi-class or multi-student value they should
receive. Their total tuition amount is $198.32

On the Family Billing Info page – you can have this amount of tuition a notation and a
single category 1 value selected.

To Set the value on the Jones Family Page:

 Select The Billing Info Tab
 Scroll down and enter $198.32 in the Fixed Fee area
 Add a notation: Tuition For Summer Session
 Select a Category1 value for Revenue: example would be tuition

To Post the Value to the Jones Family account:

 From the Main Transactions Menu:
 Select Membership or Class Criteria
 Select Post Tuition Fees
 Simply click SUBMIT

The Family Fixed Fee Overrides ANY values placed on the Post Tuitions Fee Screen.

Always check your postings either by the summary page provided or by running a
List All Families which shows Family balances.

Use the Membership Type Value as a family filter to post a Fixed Fee value to only
SOME of the families in your database. (special circumstances)

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Example 2 = Student Fixed Fee Value:

A family with multiple students charges each student differently based on tuition structure.
A FAMILY fixed fee would work, but they would like to see a break down of per student fees

To Set the value on the Jones Student Page(s):

 From the Jones Family Page – select the first student you wish to enter a fixed fee
for. Click on the student name
 On the students Summary Page – enter a Fixed Fee Value
 Enter a Transaction note and enter a Category 1 value
 Save Changes

To Post the Value to the Jones Family account:

 From the Main Transactions Menu:
 Select Membership or Class Criteria
 Select Post Tuition Fees
 Simply click SUBMIT

Always check your postings either by the summary page provided or by running a
List All Families which shows Family balances.

Use the Membership Type Value as a family filter to post a Fixed Fee value to only
SOME of the families in your database. (special circumstances)

Global Family Discount Value:

Jackrabbit also has a Family Discount value located under the Family Fixed Fee. This allows
you to assign discounts on a FAMILY basis which will OVERRIDE any discounts present on
the Post Tuition Fees Screen. Family Discount Values can be notated and assigned to
special families. For example: Staff 50% discount, Service men / women %30 discount.

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Option 2 - Post Tuition Fees by Class values.

An alternative method of Posting tuition fees is The Post Tuition Fees Function. This allows
you to select a class, group of classes, category of classes, Location of classes or session of
classes to bill for. Based on the selection criteria you enter, Jackrabbit looks at the tuition
value on the class summary page and then looks at who is enrolled. Once you click
submit, Jackrabbit applies that tuition value to the enrolled families account. This tuition
value can also be discounted.

 Less room for error as enrollment dictates the charges posted
 Ability to control which families get billed based on Membership Type
 Ability to select and control which classes are billed based on those you select.
 Ability to choose wide selection criteria to select many classes to bill at once.

Post Tuition Fees Format:

In addition to the class selection criteria mentioned above, it is also important to understand
that there is one criteria that is not class based, but family based. This value is known as
Membership Type and allows you to control which FAMILIES within the classes selected are
to billed.

For example: You can separate Families out based on billing type – Monthly, annual, billing.
(This is not the same as when their credit card or bank accounts are charged that is the e-
payment schedule)

**Note the Pink and Yellow Selection differences**

Thus: The Selection Criteria (Family and Class)=>Pulls those Families ENROLLED
in those Classes and / or matching that membership type =>Finds Class Tuition
=> => Posts to Family Transaction Page.

Search Criteria on the Post Tuition Fees Screen:

1st = Location – allows you to separate the billing of one Location vs. another – relates to
Class Location Field

2nd = Membership Type – This is Family selection criteria based on organizing Families by
membership Type which is found on the Families – Billing Info Page. Common
Membership Types are: Monthly Payer, Semi-session Payer, Full Payer

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3rd = CLASS Criteria (Room, session, Category 1,2,3, class or multiple class names) This
allows you to either post to ALL or by different groups at a time. This Criteria finds all
classes that have that criteria entered on the class summary page!!!

Create classes for special posting use Post Tuition Fees to post the amount to all these
families. This is good for monthly postings – see also Post Group Fees in this User Guide.

Discounting Global Postings – Multi-class, Multi-student or Global

miscellaneous Discounts
The Second half of the Post Tuition Screen Page determines Discounting. This area allows
you to globally discount based on consistent values.

In the Family Discounting section discussed earlier – the Family Discount Value
OVERRIDES any discounts entered on the Post Tuition Fees Screen.

Jackrabbit allows you to Discount your tuition fee postings based on multiple Students in a
Family, Multiple Classes taken by a student or Family. There is also a miscellaneous global
posting that can be applied as a single value to everyone.

Deciding if your organization does Family or Student Level Discounting

Does your organization post discounts based on a FAMILY level of discounting or a STUDENT
level of discounting. Multi-student discounting is the same for either family or student level
discounting. The difference lies in the Multi-class discount where family counts all classes
all students are taking and student level counts each students classes.

Jackrabbit‘s default setting is to look at classes at a student level. If you give discounts
based on classes from a FAMILY level (e.g. How many total classes that all students in
the FAMILY are enrolled in), use the support button in Jackrabbit and request this setting be
changed for your organization. Otherwise your discounting will be incorrect!

Student Level Discounting:

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Creates the following Fees on the Family Transaction Page…

Family Level Discounting:

Creates the Following Fees on the Family Transaction Page…

Multi-Class Discount Settings:

Discount per number of classes: This is the discount given (dollar or percentage) when a
student is enrolled in the corresponding number of classes.

The example below * shows an offering of full price on the first class, 10% on the second
class, 20% on third, 30% on fourth and 50% on 5th and subsequent classes.

In family based discounting it counts the number of classes a FAMILY takes. In

student based discounting it counts the number of classes each STUDENT takes.
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Student Level – Multi Class - Discounting Example:

Family with 2 students. One student taking 2 classes Class Tuitions are $50 and $80 and
one student in one class with tuition at $50 – Net Tuition to be $80 + <$50 – 10%>+

See our criteria entered in MULTI-CLASS discount fields below *:


Discount is “dollar” or “percentage” – If dollar is chosen, then values inputted below

will be used as dollar discount amounts. If percentage is chosen, then the values inputted
below will be used as percentages. For example, if you choose ―dollar‖ and a ―5‖ is inputted
in the ―2nd Class‖ field, then a student enrolled in two classes will receive a five dollar

If “percentage” discount, does it apply to all classes? - Only if you are discounting
based on a ―percentage‖, will this data field be used. If yes, then only one percentage is
used and is applied to all the student‘s class tuition total. For example, if a student is
enrolled in two classes and 20 is in the ―2nd Class‖ field, then the student will receive a 20
percent discount off their total class tuition (class one plus class two).

If “percentage” discount, discount the lowest or highest tuition? - Only if you are
discounting based on a ―percentage‖ and if the percentage is applied to each individual
class‘s tuition, will this data field be used. For example, if ―Lowest‖ then and there is a value
of 10 percent in the ―2nd Class‖ field, then a student will receive 10 percent off of only the
lower class tuition.

Family Level Discounting with the same Multi-Class Example:

Family with two children. One child (like above) is taking two classes with tuition values of
$50 and $80 and one Child is taking one Class with Tuition value of $50.
Net Tuition of $80 + <$50-10%> + <50-20%>= $165

See our criteria entered below:

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Discount is “dollar” or “percentage” – If dollar is chosen, then values inputted below

will be used as dollar discount amounts. If percentage is chosen, then the values inputted
below will be used as percentages. For example, if you choose ―dollar‖ and a ―5‖ is inputted
in the ―2nd Class‖ field, then a student enrolled in two classes will receive a five dollar

If “percentage” discount, does it apply to all classes? - Only if you are discounting
based on a ―percentage‖, will this data field be used. If yes, then only one percentage is
used and is applied to all the student‘s class tuition total. For example, if a student is
enrolled in two classes and 20 is in the ―2nd Class‖ field, then the student will receive a 20
percent discount off their total class tuition (class one plus class two).

If “percentage” discount, discount the lowest or highest tuition? - Only if you are
discounting based on a ―percentage‖ and if the percentage is applied to each individual
class‘s tuition, will this data field be used. For example, if ―Lowest‖ then and there is a value
of 10 percent in the ―2nd Class‖ field, then a student will receive 10 percent off of only the
lower class tuition.

Multi-Student Discount Settings:

Discount per number of students: This is the discount given (dollar or percentage) when
a family has more than one student enrolled in the corresponding number of classes. This
discounting typically does not apply to databases set with STUDENT LEVEL discounting
because it is the same value as a multi-class discount. A Family receiving multiple class
discounts is a family receiving multiple student discounts based on the classes being
counted up.

The example below * shows an offering of full price on the first class, 10% on the second
class, 20% on third, 30% on fourth and 50% on 5th and subsequent classes.

Family Level Discounting – Multiple Student Discount Example:

Family with two children. One child (like above) is taking two classes with tuition values of
$50 and $80 and one Child is taking one Class with Tuition value of $50.
Net Tuition of $80 + 50 + <50-10%>= $175

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Search Criteria entered in Multi STUDENT Discount field *:


Discount is “dollar” or “percentage” – If dollar is chosen, then values inputted below

will be used as dollar discount amounts. If percentage is chosen, then the values inputted
below will be used as percentages. For example, if you choose ―dollar‖ and a ―5‖ is inputted
in the ―2nd Student‖, then a family with two students enrolled in classes will receive a five
dollar discount.

If “percentage” discount, does it apply to all students? - Only if you are discounting
based on a ―percentage‖, will this data field be used. If yes, then only one percentage is
used and is applied to all the family‘s student‘s class tuition total. For example, if a family
has 2 students enrolled in classes and 20 is in the ―2nd Student‖ field, then the family will
receive a 20 percent discount off their total class tuition (student one total plus student two

If “percentage” discount, discount the lowest or highest tuition? - Only if you are
discounting based on a ―percentage‖ and if the percentage is applied to each individual
student‘s tuition, will this data field be used. For example, if ―Lowest‖ then and there is a
value of 10 percent in the ―2nd Student‖ field, then a family will receive 10 percent off of
only the student with the lower class tuition total.

Can I post Both Multi-Class AND Multi-student discounts?

If you look at the screen shot of the Post Tuition‘s Fee screen below it is now combined to
include both Multi-class and Multi-student discounting. You CAN apply both, but make sure
you want this! If you are set to FAMILY level discounting and you leave this at yes, then
you will double your discounting. If this is set to No then only Multi-Class discounts are

In the family example above: Family with two children. One child (like above) is taking two
classes with tuition values of $50 and $80 and one Child is taking one Class with Tuition
value of $50. With both tuitions allowed the net tuition is: $80 + <$50-10%>+ <$50 –
10% - 10%> = $160

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For Student Level Discounting you Can say YES to this value as it will then look at the
individual discount types based on a STUDENT level – only those that qualify for multi-class
will get that discount AND more than one student enrolled in classes will get multi-student
discount as well.

Family with 2 students. One student taking 2 classes Class Tuitions are $50 and $80 and
one student in one class with tuition at $50 – Net Tuition to be $80 + <$50 – 10%>+<$50-

Both Multi-Class and Multi-Student Discounts are available on the Post Tuitions Fee screen:

Option 3 – Posting Tuition Fees By Total Student hours

If your Tuition structure is such that you tally up the total number of hours a student takes
in order to bill Tuition then you must use the Post Tuition Fees by Total Hours.

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1. Post Tuition Fees by Total Hour will Recognize those Families that have a Fixed Fee
on the Family Billing Info page. It will also recognize the family discount field.
2. You are able to distinguish Membership Types (the only FAMILY filter) on Post Tuition
Fees by Total Hours.
3. A class MUST have a duration value in order for Post Tuition Fees to work properly

To Run Post Tuition Fees by Total Hours:

1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―Post Tuition by Total
Hours‖ item.
2. The system displays the ―Post Tuition by Total Hours‖ criteria page.
3. Click on the ―Edit Total Hours Fee Schedule‖ and input the fees associated with a
family‘s total # of hours. The software totals up the # of hours for all the students,
based on the ―Duration‖ field of each class (found on the class page) and charges
each family the tuition found on the Class page. The system then looks up the
Tuition Amount in the Hourly Fees Table and calculates the difference and posts a
discount – so your clients can see what type of price break you are giving them
based on their family‘s total hours. Remember: A class MUST have a duration value
or it will not work.

JR calculates in the following order:


The Fee Schedule screen looks as below – you must fill this in first to have your tuitions
calculate properly:

4. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the transaction billing will begin. These transactions can be deleted by the
―Delete Tuition Fees‖ option.

Transactions Example:

Student Class Duration Tuition

Suzie Smith Ballet I 1 hr $50.00
Suzie Smith Tap I 1 hr $50.00
Janet Smith Ballet II 1 hr $50.00
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Janet Smith Tap II 1 hr $50.00

Discount -$10.00

The software looks up in the Hourly Fees Table: 4 Hours Tuition Amount $190.00 and
calculates the $10.00 discount.

5. After the billing has completed, then a ―Post Tuition Fees Summary‖ screen with
totals will be displayed. If you click on ―View Transactions‖, the individual
transactions will be displayed. If you see any results that are missing a duration
value (Class duration=0.00) this is an important indicator that a class is missing it‘s
duration value and the total hours will be off for anyone enrolled in this class.

Isolating Billing Frequency by Family – Family Membership Type

This is not the same thing as when you charge Credit Cards although often the e-
commerce schedule is modeled or matches the Family Membership Type. Family
Membership Type allows you to isolate out WHICH families should have tuitions posted and
then pay.

If you use Membership Types you must assign them to all families as a blank value in the
selection criteria when billing equates to ALL PEOPLE. So, if some families are monthly
payers and some are annual payers, you must assign one of these two values to all families.


Consider you have people who pay tuition in different frequencies (monthly, annually, by
session, partially, in- full, etc). You can create the values you need, assign them to the
families Billing Info page and then sort by these values when posting.

To create a Family Membership Type:

1. From the Main Tools Menu – select Edit Drop Down Lists
2. From the list provided on the left side – select membership type
3. Select the Add Row button
4. Type in the desired Value
5. Save changes

To Assign a Family Membership Type (This must be done to ALL families – to distinguish

1. From the individual Family Page – select the Billing Info Tab
2. From the drop down list you created – select a membership type
3. Save Changes

To Bill By Membership Type:

1. From the Post Tuition screen AND / OR the Post Tuition By Total Family Hours screen
– select Membership Type
2. Enter your Classes Search Criteria
3. Enter your Discounting Criteria
4. Submit
5. Review the list provided

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Miscellaneous Discounts – Closures, Global discounts

Sometimes you may be required to discount everyone based on a closure or global
reduction in their tuition. To do this use the Miscellaneous discount field found on the Post
Tuition Fee Screen.

This discount value will be applied to ALL other discounts to ALL fees. You can also type in
a unique discount value / name that appears on the transaction page.

When Do I run Post Tuition Fees?

Post Tuition Fees can be run whenever you want Tuition Fees posted to a Families account
in order to collect payment.

If you have Membership Types Assigned that indicate payment frequency, you will probably
run Post Tuition Fees based on these Membership Types and their schedules.

Tuition Postings are NOT automatic and cannot be scheduled.

Why are my Tuition Fees Posting Twice?

If you Post Tuition Fees when ENROLLING a student in a class (Yellow Post Fees Window)
and then run Post Tuition Fees Under the Transaction‘s Menu (Posting to Multiple Families at
one time) your Tuition will be posted twice.

During Enrollment Periods, you have to determine WHICH method you want to use.
Commonly, most organizations want to collect money as soon as possible. In this case, you
should post tuition for all students as they enroll (Yellow Post Fees Window). Do not Run
Post Tuition Fees for this month and begin the following month to begin the re-occurring
billing process

Assume you have not posted the fee for this class upon enrollment (you are given the
option to do this and this is a separate type of posting)
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Whenever your organization wants to bill clients or POST FEES to FAMILIES you should run
PTF. This a ―semi-automatic‖ way of billing because it bills more than one family at a time.
Commonly, PTF is done at the 1st of the month. When run, you should spot check the
Transaction Tab of families to ensure billing is correct.
In our example, the Transaction page looks like:

How Can I determine who has NOT had tuition posted?

1. From the main FAMILIES menu select Families Advanced Search
2. Select the ―has not been charged since‖ option
3. Submit

How will These Fees get Paid?

If you use Jackrabbits e-commerce module, you can run Batch e-payment for families that
have a bank account or credit card on file. (Please see Batch E-payment under e-commerce

If you do not use Jackrabbits e-commerce module, you can post payments as you receive
them by using the PAYMENT button (Family record) or PAY link (viewing list of families).
Please note it is important to use the payment button to ensure payments get LINKED.
(see ‗understanding LINKED payments‖)

How to Set Up Transactions for Passes / Punch Cards

For passes / punch cards (e.g. 15 class pass) have them purchase the card in full, so they
have a credit balance (e.g. -80.00) with you, then charge their account (debit) transaction
as they take classes. The credit balance goes back to 0. See next Example:
They purchase an 8-class punch card, which costs $80 ($10 / class)
Do an POST FEE using the Payment section
Amount = $80
Sub Type= 8 class card*
*add your pass name to the drop down list by going to Tools, Edit Drop Down and choose
Trans Sub Type)

Now they have a credit balance of -$80

As they come in and take the classes, you charge them the class fee:
POST FEE, a (debit)
Amount = $10
Subtype = class (debit)

Each time you enter a debit transaction, it chips away at the -$80, bringing it up to 0,
where they need to buy another card.

Since the payment (credit) is posted before the fee (debits) You cannot use the
Payment screen to ―Link‖ the two together. You will need to mark the each fee (debit)
transaction with a date in the ‗Date Paid‘ field, so the payments are accounted for in your
revenue reporting.

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Undoing a Group Tuition Fee Post - Deleting Tuition Fees

1. Highlight ―Transactions‖ on the main menu and select the ―Delete Tuition Fees‖ item.
2. The system displays the ―Delete Tuition Fees‖ criteria page.
3. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the system will delete the appropriate transaction billing and display the # of

This function will only delete Tuition Fees created through the Post Tuition Fees or
Post Tuition Fees By Hours function. It will NOT delete TRANSACTIONS, including those
transactions called ―Tuition Fee‖ created by using the POST FEE function. Use ‖Delete
Transactions‖ for this.

How do I get a list of Families who have NOT paid their Tuition Fees
If you wish to get a list of families who have NOT paid their Tuition Fees (or any Transaction

1. From the Main TRANSACTIONS menu select – Advanced Search

2. Select a Transaction Date and through Date (when The tuitions were posted)
3. Select A Transaction Type: Tuition Fee (Debit)
4. Select the UNPAID FEES ONLY drop down value to = YES
5. Click Submit

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Section 11 – Instructor Management

Watch the

This section covers adding instructor records to your database (to track hours /
compensation, add instructors to classes, etc). To add an instructor to your database as a
USER, please see the User Management section.

Adding an Instructor

1. From the Main Menu, Select the Instructors Option and select the ―Add Instructor‖
2. Input the first and last name and click the ―Submit‖ button. The instructor page will
be displayed.
3. Complete the information on the Summary and other tabs, click ―Save Changes‖

*Instructor Position: items can be added Tool => Edit Drop Down List =>Instructor

*Certifications Tab: allows up to 5 different certifications achieved and dates earned.

Deleting an Instructor
1. From the Main Menu, Select the Instructors option and select List All Instructors or
List Active Instructors
2. Click on the name of the Instructor you wish to delete.
3. Select the Delete button in the top left hand corner of the screen. Confirm the

Viewing Instructor Schedules: 3 options

1. From the Main Menu, select the ―Instructors‖ menu and select a ―List Instructors‖
2. Click the ―Calendar‖ or ―Weekly Schedule‖ links on the Instructor‘s row.


1. Select an Instructor by clicking on their name

2. Once on their Instructor‘s page click the ―Instructor Schedule‖ and ―Instructor
Calendar‖ buttons on an Instructor‘s record.

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1. Use the CLASSES ―Advanced Search‖ DAILY VIEW for a specific Instructor (see the
―Group & Private Class Management section, classes Advanced Search for details)

Adding Instructor Skills

Many schools use the Instructor Skills to indicate which skill / instruments an
instructor can teach.

These Instructor skills are displayed on the classes Advanced search, DAILY
VIEW - right below the instructors' name.

1. Go to the Instructor‘s record and click the SKILLS TAB.

2. Click the ADD SKILL button on the top left of the Skills Tab.
3. Choose the Skill to be added from the Skills drop down Field* and any notes.
4. *You must first add skills to the Skills drop down List (Tools=> edit drop down
Lists=>Instructor skills)

Deleting Instructor Skills

To delete a Skill from an Instructor, Click the on the Skill row.

Adding Instructor Pay Rates

This does not calculate an instructor‘s pay.

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The Compensation Tab provides a place to enter multiple pay rates for different classes.
Click the ―Add Pay Rate‖ button on the Compensation tab to add line for additional pay rate

Users must have ―permission‖ to see the AVAILABILITY tab.

1. On the Instructor‘s page, click the AVAILABILITY tab.

2. There are two sets of ―time‖ Enter appropriate dates and times (see example above).

 Standard Available Hours = this is the normal work schedule Ex. MWF 10am
– 4pm;

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 Exceptions –blocks out time that overrides the Standard Available Hours.

Setting up the ‗Stand Available Hours‘ and the ‗Exceptions‘ (holiday, time off) is ―visual
color-coding‖ of the Classes Advanced Search DAILY VIEW (the only schedule showing
Instructor Columns See example below)

 IMPORTANT: Instructor Availability will not in any way impact or prevent the
Scheduling of Classes.
 Until the user starts to setup availability, the DAILY VIEW calendar will appear
white as usual.
 Once you begin to setup ―Standard Hours‖, time outside of these hours will
appear grey on the Daily View Calendar.
 ―Exceptions‖ will appear with the label you set (‗DENTIST‘ in our example).

Notice in the picture below, ‗Dentist‘ appt for Mar. 17 from 10am-11pm. Also notice
the Instructor has his Standard hours set for 9:30am-4pm for MWF and the other
hours are Grayed out.

Instructor‟s Time Reporting

This is an Instructor TIME report – it does NOT calculate pay based on hours

To work, Classes must have the following: Start Date, "Meets on Days" boxes
checked, and an Instructor.

1. From the Main Menu, select the Instructor‘s Option.

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2. Select the ‗Instructor Time Report‘

3. Complete the criteria page,
4. Click Submit Button

Sending an email to Instructors

1. From the Main Menu select the ―Instructors‖ Option.
2. Select the ―Email Instructors‖ item.
3. The system displays the ―Email Instructors‖ page.
4. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button
and the email will be sent immediately.

To email an attachment, we recommend you upload the document to your website

and include a link in the email.

Please follow the non-spam guidelines.

Emailing Primary Instructor when dropping students

When dropping a student. You have the option to email the primary instructor of the class
to notify them of the drop. The primary instructor is the instructor assigned to the class
that the student was enrolled in.

To Email the primary instructor about a drop:

1. Perform a drop by selecting the drop link next to the student‘s name
2. Select Email Primary Instructor
3. Save

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Section 12 – Events (Birthday Parties – One Time


Watch the

Events are used typically for: birthday parties, parents‘ night out, private (one time only)

The Events Module of Jackrabbit is available at no charge. You can create Events and
register customers for the Events from within your Jackrabbit database for no additional fee.

If you would like to integrate your Event Calendar with your website and allow your
customers to register for Events via your website, See the Online Registration Guide on our

Events are different than Classes. They are treated separately and therefore cannot
be combined with classes on the Class Schedule View. Similarly, they are also viewed
separately on your web page if you are using Web Events and Web Class Registration.

! You must have PERMISSION to modify and add Events. If you do not see the
EVENTS option – check your User Permissions under TOOLS – MANAGE USERS AND

Adding an Event Type

Ex. of an Event Type: birthday party, parents night out, private lesson (meets one time)*

Classes are used typically for: group / private classes that meet more than one
time at the same time each week. See the Classes section for Class details.

To Create an Event:

1. From the main menu select the Events Option

2. Select the ―Add Event Type‖ item and the ―Add Event‖ page will be displayed.
3. Input the Event Type name and location and click the ―Submit‖ button. The Event
Type information page will then be displayed.

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Summary Tab
Calendar Label: This is the text displayed for this event type displayed on the Events

Calendar Background Color: (click the ―crayons‖ icon and choose a color). This is the
background color of the Calendar Label text displayed for this event type on the Events
Calendar. Using Background colors can sometimes make a calendar easier to read and find
particular types of events.

Credit Card Required: 3 options

1. Yes: displays Credit card fields and MUST be completed
2. No: does NOT display credit card fields
3. Optional: Displays fields, but is not REQUIRED to be completed.

Notification emails: an email will be sent to the staff‘s email address entered here each
time a customer registers thru EVENTS web registration for this event. If you have multiple
emails, separate them with a COMMA.

Updating Event Notification Emails

When you have an Event scheduled in Jackrabbit it is possibly to specify a specific
notification email address. This is most likely to be the person responsible for the event
5. Go to Tools – List Events

6. Select an Event type

7. On the Summary Page enter a Notification Email

8. Save your Changes.

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View Calendar Button: Click to view the calendar with the event which is displayed on
your website.

Description Tab

Registration Form Description: This text is the description displayed on the EVENT Web
Registration Form.

Questions Tab
Create the questions and agreements you want your customers to answer while registering
for this event.

Question Type column:

Options: Check box, Text Box, LARGE text box, Yes / No

Agreement Text
Each AGREEMENT TEXT BOX created will have its own ―I have Read and Agree‖ check box
that is required to be ―checked‖ in order for the ―Submit‖ button to work on the bottom of
the registration form.

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Any Events created without a date and time will have a ? in the list of Events.

Dates and Times Tab

Only Events with a status of OPEN will display on your events calendar. You are given the
option to select a status for your event when adding dates and times. Events with HOLD,
UNAVAIL or BOOKED will not show up on the Event Calendar.

Click on the ―Add Date & Time‖ button to create the entries that will be displayed on the
Events Calendar. You can repeat this process as many times as needed.

Delete individual dates

To delete individual dates and times, click on the red ―X‖ next to each date and time entry
on this tab.

Delete multiple Dates

To delete multiple dates click the DELETE EVENTS button and filling out criteria for deletion.
Click the date link to go to the record for that date of that event type.

Searching for an Event Type

1. From the Main Menu, Highlight ―Events‖ on the main menu and select the ―List Event
Types‖ item and the ―Event Type Listing‖ page will be displayed.
2. Click on the appropriate Event Type Name and the Event Type information page will
then be displayed.

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3. Make your changes for this Event Type and click the ―Save Changes‖ button. Any of
the appropriate changes to an Event Type will be immediately reflected on the
Events Calendar.

Booking an Event : 2 Options

Option 1: Via your Database

To register a new / existing customer for an event from the EVENT page within your
Jackrabbit database:

1. From the Main Menu, Highlight ―Events‖ and select the ―List Dates & Times‖ item and
the ―Event Dates & Times Listing‖ page will be displayed. Click the DATE you want
to open that date‘s page for that event.


1. Highlight ―Events‖ on the main menu and select the ―Calendar - Open‖ item and the
Events Calendar will be displayed with available events.
2. Click on the appropriate Date & Time item and the Date & Time information page will
then be displayed.

To Enroll an Existing Family or Student (already has a record within

your database):

1. Click on the ―Enroll Existing Family‖ or ―Enroll Existing Student‖ button and select the
appropriate family or student.
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Note: The ―REGISTER‖ button can also be used to enroll an existing family and an email
will be sent to the family and staff indicated on the Event type page. The system will
attempt to match the information you provide to an existing family in your database
based on the Last Name, 1st 5 characters of the address field and zip code. If an exact
match is NOT found, the system will CREATE a NEW family record. (this method MIGHT
produce DUPLICATES).

!! You must POST FEES from the Family’s record for the EVENT (fees
are not automatically posted for EVENTS.)

To Enroll a New Family (does NOT have a record within your


1. Click the ―REGISTER‖ button and the Event Registration form will pop up (example in
Option 2 below).
2. Fill out the form with all family student information, answer questions and
3. If you entered an email address for the Contact, an email will be sent to the family‘s
Contact and staff indicated on the Event Type page.
4. The system will create the family / student record and enroll them in the EVENT.

!! You must POST FEES from the Family’s record for the EVENT (fees
are not automatically posted for EVENTS.)

OPTION 2: Via Your Website

(This option requires that you have added Web Events to your website)

Once you have added the HTML we provide you to your website, Your customers can
register for an EVENT through your website‘s EVENTS Calendar and Event Web registration

1. On the Calendar, Customers Find and Click the Link for the Date and Event they wish
to register.
2. Clicking the Link pops up the Event Web Registration form:
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3. Customers Fill out the form with all family / student information, answer questions /
4. If they entered an email address for the Contact, an email will auto be sent to the
family and Your staff (―Notification email‖ indicated on the Event Type page).
5. The system will create the family / student record and enroll them in the EVENT.

!!You must POST FEES from the Family’s record for the EVENT (fees
are not automatically posted for EVENTS.)

Viewing Event Enrollment

From a specific date record for an Event, Click the ENROLLMENT Tab.
From a Family‘s record, Click the ENROLLMENT Tab, Click the VIEW EVENT ENROLLMENT

Emailing Event Participants

1. Navigate to the Date / Time of the Event.
2. Click the ―Email Event Enrollment‖ button
3. Complete the Email form and SUBMIT.

Assigning an instructor to an event

1. Navigate to the events summary page
2. Select an Instructor from the Instructor Drop Down Field

Events are currently NOT calculated in the Instructor‘s Time Report

Keeping Track of Online Event Registrations

You can pull a list of online Event Registrations for your organization.

1. From the EVENTS Menu select Online Registrations

2. This report can be printed or exported to Excel – select SHOW ALL first.

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Section 13 – Recital Management Module

Watch the

The Recital Management Module is available in the Dance, Music, Class and Mastermind
editions of Jackrabbit.
In our recital module you can Create a recital, choosing classes and / or individual students
to perform, assign / arrange order of performances with music, sync performance roster
with class additions / drops and more!

Accessing the Recital module:

1. From the Red Menu Bar:
2. Go to the EVENTS menu and click ―List Recitals‖ (If you do not see “List Recitals’,
check your User Permissions and verify the Recital Module box is checked
for your User ID.)
3. Once you have clicked ―List Recitals‖ under the EVENTS menu, you will be on the
Recitals Search screen. From this screen you can create a NEW recital (button), see
a list of existing recitals (bottom section) and search for an existing recital (top
section with search fields / search button).

Creating a New Recital

1. Click the ―Create New Recital‖ button

2. Enter info for the recital‘s Name, Description, Date, Start / End time and ―Conflict
Gap Required‖ number.

Conflict Gap Required field:

This is the number of performances required between each student's performance.
You will enter a number in this field that will represent the number of performances
(songs) you need between a student‘s performances (ex: to allow for costume

3. Click ―Submit‖ after completing the new recital info and the new recital will be
displayed on the Search Recital screen.

Editing an existing Recital:

1 - From the Recital Search screen, click the ‗EDIT‘ link next to the recital you would like to
**Too many recitals listed to find the one you want? Use the Search fields: Recital Name,
Description and / or Date. Then click ―Search‖ button.
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A recital consists of one or more performances. Each performance has an associated song
and a length in minutes and seconds. Within each performance, you can include one or
more classes that will participate in the performance.

Performance Action buttons in the Recital Editor

(circled in RED above on the right)
HELP: describes functions on this screen.
ADD: adds a performance to the recital
DELETE: Deletes a performance from the recital
VIEW / REFRESH CONFLICTS: Points out student‘s whose performances are too close
EXPAND / COLLAPSE ALL: expands / collapses the Performance tree
REFRESH ROSTERS: refreshes performance roster with class drops / new enrollments.

Expand / Collapse Folders
The recital module uses main levels and sublevels. Under the ‗Select a Class‘ section (left
side) are your CAT1 items. Under each CAT1 item is the list of classes (sublevel) for that
(ex: above Ballroom has Salsa 1, Salsa 2, etc. classes under it).

To EXPAND a CAT1 item to see the classes under it, click the + sign next to the
Note: All CAT1 items will have a +, in the event there are no classes with that CAT1, when
you click the +, it will become a box symbol (see circled symbol above).

Drag / Drop
This module uses drag and drop functions to ―move‖ an item from one place to another.
Example: move a class (left side, under the Cat1 headings) under a performance (right

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To Drag / Drop an item:

Click the item you want to move, while holding down your mouse button, drag the item to
its destination and then let go of your mouse button.

Adding a Performance
To add a Performance (song) to a recital, click the ADD button (circled above) and complete
the form (seen below).

Adding a Class to a Performance

Once you have added a Performance to a recital, you need to add Classes who are taking
part in the performances.
1 – in the ―Select a Class‖ (left side) section, Expand the CAT1 items to display the classes
under each

2 –locate the class you want in the performance. click on the class name drag / drop the
class onto the Performance (on the right).

Reordering Performances
You can alter the sequence of performances by clicking and dragging the performance up or
down and dropping above or below the desired position.

Removing a Student from a performance

In the Performance section (right side), Expand the performance and Expand the class to
reveal the students. Then uncheck the student. SAVE CHANGES.

Removing a Class from a performance

Expand the performance, click on the class name, and then click on the DELETE button.

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Refreshing Rosters
As you are managing your recital, you will want any new students added to the class and
any student drops to be taken into consideration for your recital. To do this,
1 - click the ―REFRESH ROSTERS‖ button (circled in GREEN above)

Clicking this button will add newly enrolled students to the performances under their
respective class(s).
It will also mark (uncheck) any student who has Dropped from a performing class.
**NOTE: If this student has dropped the class, but will still perform, you will need to CHECK
their box again and SAVE CHANGES.

You will see a message of any changes (additions / drops) made in the message line (circled
in GREEN above).

Identifying Conflicts (not enough performances between a students’ performance)

1 - Click "VIEW / REFRESH CONFLICTS" button (circled in RED above) to see if any
student‘s have too few performances between their performances (based on the ―Conflict
Gap‖ number you set).

2 – Any conflicts found will display on the right side of the screen (circled in RED above)
Clicking on the conflict link will navigate you to the second performance of the student.

OPTIONS to resolve conflicts:

1 - Change the ―Performance Gap Required‖ number to allow more / less performances
between individual‘s performances. (save changes)
2 - take the student out of a performance (uncheck the their box)
3 – make no changes (ignore the conflict).

As you make changes (add more performances, change the conflict gap, etc, you can save
changes and click ―VIEW / REFRESH CONFLICTS‖ to see how your changes impact the

Printing Reports
Print Detail: shows a listing of the performances, songs, length, etc as well as the students
performing within each performance.
Print Family Detail: shows the recital with a breakdown per FAMILY, showing each student,
their performance and lengths.
Print Summary: lists the performances and a total student count.

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Multi-Recital Report
Many studios have more than one recital and enjoy a report that displays the performances
of the students by family across multiple recitals.
There is a button - Multi Recital Family Detail Report on the recital list screen. You may run
this report based on a recital date range.

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Section 14 – Costume/Apparel/Supplies Module

Watch the
* Depending on the edition of Jackrabbit you have this module is called different things but
functions the same for all.

While the Costume Module was initially designed with Dance Studio‘s in mind for Recital
Costumes, you can also use the Costume Module to order Supplies and Equipment.

Jackrabbit‘s Costume Module makes the job of ordering costumes for special events, MUCH
easier. The Costume Module offers you an integrated method of organizing your costume
orders so they can be sent to your selected Vendors in a clear and concise format. The
Module allows you:

 Ability to setup and manage Vendors (Tools => Costume Management)

 Ability to setup and manage Vendor size charts (Tools => Costume Management)
 Ability to add costume(s) to classes (Class Page => Costume Tab)
 Ability to auto-assign sizes based on Vendor Size Charts (Class Page => Costume
Tab => Auto-Size Costumes button)
 Ability to manually assign sizes (Class Page => Costume Tab => Costume Sizes
 Ability to Generate Orders
 Ability to Print Vendor Reports
 Ability to Post Costume Fees to Classes either in full or with deposit first

If you have one of the versions of Jackrabbit that offers the Costume Module as a
feature*, you can find it under the Main Red Tools Menu. If you do not see the Costume
Management option under the TOOLS menu – please check your User Permissions (Tools –
Manage Users and Permissions)

Drop Down Options that should be created First

There are several Drop Down Menu‘s in the Costume Module – By setting up these items
first, it can make your organization much easier. You can also add / change these options

From the Red TOOLS menu – Select Edit Drop Down Lists.

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Vendor Types – Is this a Costume Vendor? Equipment Vendor, Book Supplier? This
classifies the type of Vendor you will be entering information for.

Sizes – Usually based on your vendor of choice – enter their size structure here. If they
are based on Units – enter unit bundles or packaging here.

Creating Vendor Size Charts

The First step in setting up the Costume Module is to enter in the information for your
Vendor(s) of choice

From the Main Tools Menu – Select Costume Module. From the Options on the Left – select
Vendor / Size Chart.

1. Select the Add Vendor Button

2. Enter All information for the Vendor
3. Save information
4. The Vendor can now be selected from your vendor list.

Now that you have Entered in your Vendor Details – you now need to enter your Vendor
Sizes. These are the sizes that will match up with your students‘ sizing information.

1. Select your vendor from the list

2. From the left hand menu select the Size Chart Link to Create a specific Size Chart
3. Enter the Sizes (created from the sizes drop down menu option) and associated Girth
From and Girth To fields (Girth values CAN overlap)
4. Save

Assigning Sizes to Students in a Class

Note! You can print a Measurements Worksheet – from The Costumer Module main
page – Reports to manually document each student‘s sizing information and then enter
them on the Class Page.

1. From the Class Page – select the Enroll List

2. Select the Sizes Measurement Button
3. Enter Student Sizing Information from the work sheet or as you go.
4. Save Changes

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Adding / Assigning Costumes to Classes and Students

Navigate your way to a specific Class either from the Global Search window or the List of

1. From the Class Page – select the Costumes Tab

2. Select the Add Costume Button or the add existing costume. Remember: you can
manually or automatically size the costumes assigned. If you select the AUTOSIZE
box, Jackrabbit will look at the GIRTH of the student and compare it to the Vendor
Size Chart you entered on the Vendor‘s page in the Costume Module. If you do not
select this box – you must manually judge the size to be assigned to each student.
3. Review the sizes assigned by selecting the Costume Size Button. This will ensure
measurements have been entered correctly and the appropriate size will be ordered.
4. You must enter a Unit Cost and / or Deposit amount if you wish to post Costume
amounts or deposits from the Costume Module.
5. Save

Note: Vendor Sizing goes by the GIRTH assigned to the child. It matches this field with
the GIRTH range created on the Vendor Size Chart.

Note: If a student does not have a GENDER assigned to them on their student page and a
costume is assigned a gender, Jackrabbit will mark the item DO NOT ORDER and will not
auto-size it.

See Diagram Below

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Preventing a costume from being ordered for specific students

If you don‘t want to order a costume for anyone in the class – select the do not order box
on the Costume Page of a Class.

Creating and Printing Purchase Orders for Vendors

Ship to Location - Before Creating Orders it is helpful to enter a shipping location. Any
location entered here can be selected when creating your order. This will then print out on
the order for your vendor to have accurate information.

Create an Order – accessed from the Orders Menu on the left hand side of the Costume
Management Page, this allows you to create a list of costumes by type and size. You are
able to select or de-select an order by individually selecting the Order Column, Check all
rows or uncheck-all rows.

Select Create Order and Preview to bring up a list. To Create an order you must Save.

Add Items to an Order – If you modify a Classes Costume and wish to add the new
entries to an existing Order – use this feature found under the Orders Menu on the Class
Management Page.

List Orders – This allows you to see a listing of all Orders Created

Print Orders – This allows you to select a specific Order and Print it to be faxed to the

Creating and Printing Costume Summary Reports

There are two types of reports you can run for costume Ordering. These are not Purchase
Orders, but merely a helpful tool in documenting your costume ordering.

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Costume Listing – Allows you to select by class, session, vendor etc and provides a
cumulative report by Class Name, Item Name, Vendor Name, Vendor Size, Gender, Color
Quantity, Deposit amount, List Amount and Unit amount. This report can be printed or
exported to Excel.

Student Costume Listing – This report lists Costumes with Student Name and lists if a
costume will be ordered yes / no.

Measurement Worksheet – This can also be accessed from the Costume Tab of the Class
page. This will provide you with a worksheet in which to record student measurements. As
mentioned above – the GIRTH is the only measurement that is used to match to Vendor

Posting Costume Deposits and Fees

You have the ability to post both a Deposit and the remaining Costume Fee for students in
each class through the Costume Module.

When you are adding Costumes to a Class (as shown above) you are asked to enter a Unit
cost, list Price and deposit. The Unit Price is the amount the costume costs you, the

The List Price Cost is the amount posted after the Deposit. The List Price is the amount you
charge the customer and is used to create the balance owing after the deposit is posted.

To Post Deposits or Balance:

1. From the Red Tools Menu – select Costume Management.

2. From the Costume Management page – select Post Deposit / Balance
3. From the Post Class Items Fee page – select Deposit or Balance to be posted and the
appropriate class, category, session values supplied
4. The amount found on the Costume Item found on the Class page is what is posted.

Using the Costume Module to Order Supplies by Class

Since the basic structure of the Costume Module is to order items by class and student, you
could also use this module to order any items such as books, shoes, training packages – be

Follow the steps above with these suggestions in mind:

Instead of assigning Vendor Sizes – consider this drop down value to Vendor ―ITEMS‖.

Instead of Vendor Measurements – consider this drop down to be a different value such as
color, level, etc. Remember it is the GIRTH value that is picked up on the Student
Measurements to ensure a proper match. Enter a Girth Value of 1 to 1 or 2 to 2 with the
value being the eventual vendor size. 1 = beginner 2= intermediate, etc.

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Section 15 – Reporting

Watch the
From the Red Main Menu bar, you are given the option to select REPORTS. From the
Reports menu, all reports are listed alphabetically. There are reports which provide
―general‖ information on Classes, Students and Families and also reports which focus on
―Accounting and Financial‖ information. In addition to Reports, there are also Advanced

Exporting, Printing or Refreshing Reporting Information

Within each report there are 4 Links at the top of each report. The print link allows you to
send the information to your printer. The Refresh link refresh‘s the screen. The Excel Link
allows you to export the information to Excel. Remember, in Excel you can add columns,
sort, find, tally, etc which allows the information to manipulated in such a way that you can
use it best. The Show All link allows you to compile the information on one page.

Changing Sorting Criteria on Search Reports

On any of the Search reports you can click on a heading to ―resort‖ the information based
on the column name.

You can also sort through Excel. By exporting a report to Excel (clicking the Excel Link) you
are given all the power Excel offers to manipulate your data.

Because of the width of many of Jackrabbit‘s reports, when you export to Excel some cells
may be merged. You can ―un merge‖ these cells by doing the following:

 Export the Report from Jackrabbit to Excel by clicking the Excel Link
 From within Excel select the blank box in the Upper-most left hand corner and the
entire report will be highlighted.

 Select the Merge and Center Button: The Cells

are now Unmerge

 Highlight the column you would like to sort.

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Understanding Search Criteria – How Reports are generated

When using any of the Reports in Jackrabbit, it is important to understand what criteria to
select and where that information is found in other parts of Jackrabbit. Once mastered, this
understanding allows you to combine information, design information and tailor your
Information structure to ensure you can pull helpful information in the future.

Within the Jackrabbit database there are fields that are CLASS related (found on the Class
Page) and fields that are more STUDENT or FAMILY related (found on the Student or
Family Page). Within some of the Transaction Reports, there are also fields that are also
TRANSACTION related (found on a families Transaction Page).

Much of the search criteria can be created or modified under: TOOLS – EDIT DROP DOWN
LISTS. Once created the information must exist within the main part of the database in
order to be used as a Search Criteria. Other information is modified on the class page or
family page directly.

Family Field Searches Student Field Searches

Contact Type First Name / Last Name
Credit Card Types Birth date – Age – Gender
Drop Reason Gender – Citizenship
e-payment Schedule Grade Level
Family Source Email
Family Status Student Phone Number
Membership Type Transportation
Family Name School
City – Neighborhood – Zip Start Date
Contact Employer – Contact Job Title – Emergency Form
Contact Notes
Number of Students – Number of Students
Registration Month
Balance From – Balance Through (pulled
from Transaction Page)
Enrolled in Session
Enrolled in Category 1 , 2, 3
Billing Delivery Method
Payment Method
Has Family Discount – Has Family Fixed Fee
Problem Account – Billing Instructions
Has not been Charged Since Date
5 User Modifiable Fields *

Class Field Searches Transaction Field Searches

Class Category 1, 2 and 3 Transaction Types
Class Status – Active / Inactive Transaction sub Types
Class Session Location
Class Start and End Date Family
Class Registration Date Student
Absences Class
Wait List Note
Tuition Transaction Type and Sub Type
Days of the Week Payment Method

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Instructors (see also Instructors Menu) Check #

Location (changed under Tools – Edit Amount From – To
Locations) Unpaid Fees Only
Enrollment Type Date Paid
Transaction From – To Date
E-commerce Transactions Only
Class Category 1

What causes blank Search Results

If you run a report and the returned report is blank, check to ensure you do not have a
blank value in the Edit Drop Down List. For example, if you have a blank line under your
Category 1 values, JR cannot find the ―blank‖ value and will therefore determine there is no
criteria that matches your request.

Delete the blank value by having your cursor in the blank field and hit the delete button.

Advanced Search Reports

In addition to Reports, there are two Advanced Searches that are great search tools in
Jackrabbit. The first is located under the Red Families Menu and the Second is under the
red Transactions Menu.

These overall search tools are very helpful when troubleshooting or finding the ―needle in
the haystack‖ as broad search criteria can pull up lists of information.

Families Advanced Search

The families advanced search allows you to select from a huge variety of Family Search
Criteria. All of these Search values are from information entered on the family page.

Families Advanced Search is located under the Red Families Menu – Advanced Search

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Transactions Advanced Search

The Transactions Advanced Search allows you to select from a wide variety of Transaction
Search Criteria. This is very useful when reconciling Revenue Reports or searching for
specific transactions or listing e-commerce payments.

Listing Reports
In addition to reports found under the Red Reports menu, there are several LISTING reports
which provide a listing of all information matching that criteria. They are basically a ―dump‖
of ALL information matching the selection criteria

The Listing Reports include:

Under Families Menu

List All Families or List Active Families

Under Students Menu

List All Students or List Active Students

Under Classes Menu

List All Classes or List Active Classes or List Archived Classes

Under Events Menu

List Event Types

Under Instructors Menu

List Instructors and List All Instructors -

Under Reports Menu

Email Listing – Listing of all Student AND Contact Email Addresses. There are various
search criteria that allow you to refine your search.

Family Listing Report – A listing of Families in your database. The Search Criteria for this
report allow you to pull a list of families for a neighborhood, a registration period, a billing
method, whether they have a discount, etc. This report is in PDF format or can be selected
to be in Excel format

Family Address Listing

Family E-payment Listing – Allows Listing of Family based on E-payment Type. This allows
you to List who is paying by what TYPE of Credit card and / or Bank Account vs. Credit Card.

Student Listing – Allows you to search All or Ever been enrolled in a Class and / or Currently
Enrolled in a Class. The Student Listing report also allows you to search students that have
No enrollment history. This is helpful in identifying old data that can be deleted.

Note: This report is VERY WIDE you must scroll left to right. This report is great if exported
to Excel (unmerge your cells) and then omit or rename columns as necessary.

Transaction Listing Report – Lists Transactions during a specific Time Frame. A great way to
check or find certain ―types‖ of transactions.

Transaction Sub-Type Listing

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General Reports
All reports are listed alphabetically under the Red Reports Menu. The non-financial reports
in Jackrabbit provide information on Enrollment, Family, Student and Online Registration

Enrollment Reports
Important definitions that define criteria created on enrollment reports:

Currently Enrolled – The student is currently enrolled in an ACTIVE class.

True Drop – The Student did not complete the class. They were dropped before the class
was completed. The DROP link is selected on the enrollment page. This is what the Drop
History report is after! These are the real drops that signal a possible problem with the
class or teacher.

Note: If the user does a single drop of a student (incomplete class enrollment) as opposed
to a class mass drop, if the drop occurred AFTER the class ended, it is assumed the student
completed the class and therefore it is not a ―True Drop‖ . Therefore you should never drop
a student on the enrollment page on a date AFTER the class end date.

Jackrabbit has always distinguished an early drop (incomplete) from an end of class drop
(complete). Drops at the end of a class are assumed to be completed and are therefore
excluded from Drop History. If you incorrectly dropped students from a class instead of
archiving and completing the class, you now have the ability to override this behavior by
editing a new "Completed" setting on the Class "Drop List" tab. (see below)

Completed Drop – The student did not complete the class – they were dropped before the
class was completed.

Note: If the user does a single drop of a student (incomplete class enrollment) as opposed
to a class mass drop, if the drop occurred AFTER the class ended, it is assumed the student
completed the class and therefore it is not a real ―Drop‖ (like the kid quit in the middle).
Therefore you should never drop a student on the enrollment page on a date AFTER the
class end date.

Being able to edit this field addresses two situations:

1. Customers with perpetual classes that individually drop students out when they
complete. These are typically marked as ―incomplete‖ by JR and will show on the
Drop History report.

2. If the Class End Date has passed yet customer is still actively using the class and has
a drop, JR marks the drop as ―completed‖ when drop occurs after End Date and
therefore this drop does NOT show on report. If user wants this to be treated as a
―true drop‖, they must mark the drop as an ―incomplete‖. *** Watch out for cases
where user drops student after end date (drop does not show), then user changes
end date from past date to future date.

See Diagram Below:

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Single Drop vs. Mass Drop – A single drop is done by selecting the DROP link next to a
student‘s name. A Mass drop is done through Archiving Classes and is considered a
completed drop.

Transfer – When the ―Transfer‖ function is used to move a student from one class to
another. This creates a Past Enrollment record but this drop is treated as a ―Transfer‖ and
does not negatively reflect on the school / class / teacher and therefore is excluded from
Drop History report. In other words if a student is dropped only for the purposes of
transferring them into another class they are excluded from the report.

Absences – Makeup’s Report or Attendance Report:

This report allows you to select a certain date range in order to have a compiled list of
absences and corresponding make-ups. The report is broken down in columns which
include: Locations, Student Name, Class, Class Category 1, Absence date, Notes, Home
Phone number, Makeup date, Makeup Class and Makeup Instructor. If your org is set to
track Attendances vs. Absences this report is changed to an Attendance Report.

The Attendance Report is simply a compiled list of attendances, broken down by: Location,
Attendance Date, Student, Class, Notes, Home phone number.

Drop History:
This was one of the first reports created in Jackrabbit that was created to simply provide a
listing of recent drops from Classes. There are other reports to be discussed, which
enhance the information found on this report. This report allows you to pull drop
information by Class, Session, Class Category 1, Date, Drop Reason, Enrollment status,
User ID.

Because you have the ability to enroll students in a class as an enrollment type: TRIAL, this
report would allow you to recognize how many trials did not enroll or change their status to
TRIAL ENROLLED. If an accurate Drop Reason is placed next to the drop, you can also track
if there is consistency in drop reasons and potentially issues that may need to be addressed.

Enroll History:
This report allows you to look at past enrollment by ENROLLMENT date not the Class Start
date. You may want a snap shot of Sept 2007 but because the search criteria looks at
enrollment date, you have to select a range (registration period) that includes when the first
students would have enrolled until a point of "cut off" that you determine. Additionally, this
report counts each class a student enrolls in, so the total at the top of the page is
enrollment per class where there might be multiple enrollments by one student. A
suggestion would be to export this report to Excel (blue link at the top of this report) and
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clicking on the Student Column to sort by students or the Class Column to sort by Class.
This report does not allow you to search by archived classes only current classes are listed.

If there are TRANSFERS that have taken place within the date range these might inflate
your enrollment numbers as they will show the initial class and the transferred to class.

The enrollment Snapshot 1 and 2:

These reports are looking at current day enrollments and are not historical. These reports
allow you to search by classes that are Active and not inactive. It is simply a snapshot of
the Current size vs. the Maximum allowed multiplied with the tuition fee for each class. It
does not look at drops or transfers.

If there are TRANSFERS that have taken place within the date range these might inflate
your enrollment numbers as they will show the initial class and the transferred to class.

Enrollment Detail:
Probably, one of the more powerful reports in Jackrabbit, the Enrollment Detail report allows
you to pull a great deal of information regarding current and historical class enrollment.

Suggested Uses:

 You can run an enrollment detail report with enrollment status = TRIAL and this will
list all those who are enrolled as a trial and have a future drop date.
 This can be an excellent report to supplement the class rolls. Fields displayed
include: student phone / email, contact phone / email, emergency contact, student
medical fields, special needs, immunizations, transportation, grade level and user
definable fields.

Pulling Enrollment Data for Past and Current Sessions

It is not uncommon for us to get requests for enrollment totals for past and current session
for comparison purposes. The Enrollment Detail Report is probably one of the most
powerful reports in Jackrabbit because it can provide totals for comparison.

It is important to understand that totals for this report are only available if classes have
been ARCHIVED properly. (see Archiving Classes in this User Guide P. 60) Archiving
Class‘s drop‘s the enrollment for the class and puts the enrollment data into a ―historical
holding‖ pattern. If you simply mark a class Inactive or Closed, the enrollment does not
change and is considered current in a non-current class.

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Example: To pull a previous session‘s enrollment, select the Session =>

Active Class = No => Show Enrollments (blank = all)

Student Reports
Birthday Report:
This report allows you to search Birthdays, by age, Birth Month, Gender, Class and Address.
Once run, you are presented with a compiled list of students matching this criteria. In
addition to the students name and birthday, you are provided with family information that
may be useful in contacting those with Birthdays at that time.

Costume Size Report:

Common amongst Dance Organizations, this report lists student costume sizes by class,
session, etc. The fields in this report are pulled from the STUDENTS page, SIZES tab. It is
assumed that this information is kept up to date, however, If you wish to have this
information cleared from your database, contact Customer Support. A request will be put in
and your Costume Sizes cleared within 24-48 hours.

Student Listing:
This report shows you most of the details about each student. This report is very WIDE.
Note, you can scroll from Left to Right within this document. If you wish to print or export
this document, scroll to the middle.

Family Reports
Email Listing:
A listing of all emails entered into your Jackrabbit Family accounts (contacts and students).
This report can be exported to Excel and the emails copied into your personal email
software for mass emails ―outside‖ of Jackrabbit.

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Family Address Listing:

This displays contact information along with other info for families. This listing can be used
to provide mailing information to mailing houses.

Family e-payment Listing

This provides you with a listing of all families set up with ecommerce billing options. This
means you can produce a list of families by e-payment type, e-payment Schedule, Credit or
Card type. You can also search Missing or Expired Credit Card Expiration dates.

Family Listing:
A report used for listing families for phone calls, totals, late fees and much more. Selection
criteria for this report includes: family, city, state, zip code, balance range, type, last
updated, date imported, contact's work and cell phone

Family / Student Mailing Labels:

Run your report (statements / labels, etc),
This opens up Adobe Acrobat with your report
Select File / Print
In the "Page Handling" Section Make sure "Page Scaling" is set to "None".

This format is specifically for Avery 5160 mailing labels.

There is a print option in Adobe Acrobat Reader that can cause the skewing.

Helpful Hint: Printing Labels for Students with Birthdays can be done from the Student
Labels. Just select the Birthday month as the criteria

Zip Code Report:

This report shows a breakdown of enrollment by Zip code. It also shows the class
Category1 detail by zip code.

Instructor Reports
Instructor Time Report
This report allows you to pull a listing of an Instructors Time based on the Classes they are
assigned to and the duration field found on the class page. The Instructor MUST be
assigned to the class in order to pull duration for this class or category.

Please see the INSTRUCTORS chapter for further information on this.

Online Registration Reports

Customer Portal Log Report:
This report allows you to have a compiled list of activity on your Customer Portal.
Information listed is: Date / Time, Location, Family Name, Contact Name, User ID, Number
of Logins, email address and message. The message field provides information on the
login. For example, whether the login was successful or not, whether they enrolled in a
class, changed information, etc.

This report allows you to have an overview of your portal activity and recognize if there is
information that needs attention.
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Online Registrations:
This report displays the most recent online CLASS Web registrations from your website. This
report only displays information if you are using the Online Class Web Registration feature.
It does NOT include Portal Registrations.

The new Tax field is now displayed and totaled on the Transaction Listing and Payment
Category reports.

Financial Reports

Watch the

All the reports are listed alphabetically under the Red Reports menu. However, within the
list of reports there are several financial reports that all show revenue reporting in
Jackrabbit. Please see the IMPORTANCE OF LINKING FEES AND PAYMENT in Section 5 to
see further discussion on Jackrabbit financial information and reporting.

All Reports can be easily reconciled with each other for any given time period:

Aged Accounts Report

Deposit Slip
Paid Fees Summary
Payment Method Summary
Revenue Summary
Transaction Listing
Transaction Sub Type Listing
Transaction Summary

Aged Accounts Report:

The Aged Accounts report pulls information that call also be seen on the Executive
dashboard. The Aged Accounts Report looks at the BALANCE DATE field on the Family Page.

The Balance Date (on the Family Summary Tab) is the date when the account last went
from a zero / credit balance to having a positive ―owing‖ balance. When the balance on the
account is fully paid (or has a credit), the ―Balance Date‖ is cleared. The next time a fee is
posted, this creates a positive balance and the Balance Date is set to the current date (not
the trans / post date). ―Balance Date‖ is used to determine the ―age‖ of the account
balance, and it is the basis of the Aged Accounts Report and the Exec Dashboard
―Outstanding Balances 0-30, 30-60, 60-90, over 90 amounts.

Jackrabbit is an ―Open Items‖ Accounting system versus a ‖Balance Forward‖ Accounting

system. A Balance Forward Accounting system tallies up the debits and credits (without
linking them), and the Balance Date then reflects the date that the account last had a
balance. The assumption in this original method is that the balance would get paid off
which clears the ―Balance Date‖. If the account never got fully paid-off, the ―Balance Date‖
would be stuck at an old date until the balance was paid.

With an ―Open Items‖ system, a payment is applied to one or more FEES and those FEES
are either unpaid / partially paid (open) or paid (closed). In this scenario, the ―Balance
Date serves the purpose of indicating that last time the account went from a 0 balance to
having a balance. With open-items accounting, you can have one fee go unpaid and age
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while another fee is paid off. Basically, we are now in an ‖item aging‖ world, rather than a
―balance aging‖ world.

So the Aged Accounts Report must be understood especially for those where the timing of
fees and payments causes the balance to never touch 0.

Deposit Slip Report:

The Deposit Slip Report provides a listing of Payment Types and their amounts for a certain
day or time period. A specific payment type can be selected or all payment types can be
listed. This report is commonly used at the end of a business day and provides a summary
of all payments collected for that period which is useful when ―cashing out‖ or when making
deposits at your bank.

Revenue Summary:
This report displays the revenue generated and class details based on the current

Note that : This report and its layout are not meant to give totals based original amounts
minus the discounts. It is a SUMMARY of revenues. We will be expanding the capabilities of
this report in the future.

Transaction Listing Report:

The Transaction Listing Report shows all transactions by Family or Class and how the
payment was made. This is A report used for revenue tracking, fee generation and much
more. A selection criterion for this report includes: family, date range, type, check #,
amount range and User ID

The Common use of this report is to provide reporting information on the type of
transactions that occurred either by a specific date range, class – class type, family. If you
are trying to search out a specific transaction, the options allow you to fine tune your

This report provides a total of taxes as well.

Transaction Summary:
This report is the same provides the totals for each transaction type.

Transaction Sub-Type Listing:

A report used for deposit slips, revenue tracking, fee generation and much more. A
selection criterion for this report includes: family, date range, type, check #, amount range
and User ID.

Paid Fees Summary:

This report displays the payments by class Category1 field. The Payment Cat Summary
Report is NOT based off of PAYMENT transactions; they are based off of FEES that have
been PAID.

This report provides a total of taxes as well.

*This used to be called the Payment Category Summary Report

Reconciling Financial Reports

On any given day or within any given date range, you should be able to run one or more of
the financial reports listed and they should reconcile.

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Here is an example of the reconciliation of the financial reports within Jackrabbit. For
example. At the end of a day, you want to have a listing of all transactions and payments
received for that day (example: June 1 2008)

Step 1
The first report you could run is the Deposit Slip Report showing the types and amounts of
PAYMENTS received. This provides an idea of monies collected for any particular day. As
mentioned previously, this is often used to reconcile deposits or cash out‘s.

Step 2
Because these payments were used to pay off FEES, they should show up as revenue under
Revenue reports. This can be done for a small window of time or large. In this example,
there is only a one day time frame.

Run the Transaction Listing Report:

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Step 3
The above reports can be similarly compared to the Payment Method Summary Report
which Categorizes Payments based on the Category 1 value of the FEE that the Payment
was applied to. This tells you WHERE your revenue was earned.

*The name on this report is Paid Fees Summary now.

Step 4
Finally, the Paid Fees Summary Report (Formerly the Payment Category Summary Report)
can be used as well for this date range:

Step 5
If you want, you could ALSO run a Revenue Summary Report which should also reconcile
with the reports outlined above.

What to do if my reports do not reconcile

If there are transactions that were not initially LINKED (see linking payments in this User
Guide) They will NOT be recorded as revenue on any of your revenue summary reports.
The best way to determine which transactions are not being recorded, is to run a
TRANSACTIONS – ADVANCED SEARCH for a Category or transaction type. You can then
use the EDIT command next to the transaction to edit the payment.

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Please also see EDITITNG TRANSACTIONS in this User Guide

What are Unapplied Transactions on my Financial Reports?

Unapplied payments are transactions that did not have a Category 1 value assigned to
them. To find a listing of Unapplied payments, use the TRANSACTIONS – ADVANCED
SEARCH for a date range or amount. You can use the EDIT command next to the
transaction to add the Category 1 value. Remember the Category 1 value must be assigned
to a FEE (not a yellow payment) in order to be applied.

Please also see LINKING FEES in this User Guide.

Integrating Jackrabbit with your QuickBooks Software

Watch the
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The online version of QuickBooks cannot import an IIF file and cannot be used with
Jackrabbit. You can use the QUICKBOOKS REPORT from Jackrabbit to manually enter
revenue totals into this version of QuickBooks.

This powerful function allows for the creation of Daily Revenue Totals in Jackrabbit to be
exported as an IIF file and then imported into QuickBooks. Jackrabbit Software is used for
Class Management, Revenue Tracking, and holds all your customer information.
QuickBooks does everything else such as Payroll and Accounts Payable.

Synchronizing Jackrabbit with your QuickBooks Accounting Software is basically, Jackrabbit

organizing your revenue into CATEGORY 1 ―groups‖ and totaling them for importing into

The QuickBooks Report


Run the report for the desired date range. (In our Example the date was January 23,
2009.) This report gives you the ability to REVIEW the information that will be exported out
to Quick Books. It is a Reviewing tool that should be run before exporting. This can also be
used if you have an ONLINE VERSION of Quick Books and these totals can be manually
entered into Quick Books

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Based on the RECONCILING FINANCIAL REPORTS examples above, we had several totals:

$400 Cheerleading,
$100 Dance
$50 Team
$100 for Merchandise that has No category.

This Income of $100 is an Unapplied group of revenue. It is money collected that was not
associated with a FEE. Because it was not matched with the FEE, it has no Category.

This MUST be corrected in order to be assigned a Category 1 value so that you can upload
and assign an IIF value to be uploaded into QuickBooks.

The easiest way to ―re-assign‖ a Category 1 value to this revenue, is to check the date and
transaction amount in the Transactions Advance Search. (Red Transactions Menu) There
will be a blank in the Category 1 field of the FEE.

If this is not immediately recognizable, there could be a payment that was not LINKED to a
FEE, possibly a pre-payment (see LINKING PAYMENTS IN THIS GUIDE). Compare the
amount on the Quick Books Report with transactions on the Advanced Search – Click the
edit link on the PAYMENT to ensure it is Linked. (see linking Fees and payments in this User
Guide P.33. It is also helpful to run a Payment Method Summary Report for this date range
with HIDE DETAIL= NO. This will list ALL unapplied payments and the family name so you
can edit them.

See Diagram Below:

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In this case, Click the EDIT link next to the FEE to add the category to the FEE. The
Payment will assume this value and apply the category to this revenue.

Creating an IIF File / Exporting to QuickBooks

Firstly, you must make sure the Quick Books accounts are set up properly in Jackrabbit:

1. From the Quick Books Report / Export page, select the EDIT QUICK
BOOKS account Button.
2. Make Sure the proper QuickBooks accounts are entered. For Sub
accounts put a colon between the account name and sub account
name. These are CASE SENSITIVE and should have NO spaces
between account names. It is suggested to Copy and paste these
out of Quick Books
3. Save Changes

To Create the IIF file:

1. Select the Create IIF file button. You can open to view it or save it
to open Quick Books and Import it.
2. This creates a text file broken down by dates and Journal Entry,
category and payment method.

Importing the IIF File into QuickBooks

See the

From Quick Books:

1. View your Chart of Accounts and view the accounts set up to
receive the information from Jackrabbit
2. Import the information by selecting: FILE – UTILITIES –
IMPORT – IIF Files (this may be slightly different depending on
your version of Quick Books)
3. The information is brought into Quick Books – go to your Chart
of Accounts and check the entries for your various accounts.

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This option allows you to print statements that fit in a Standard #10 return envelope with
many different parameters.

Delivery address for Statements

The delivery address used for statements is the FAMILY – CONTACT billing address.
Whichever contact is set to BILLING CONTACT = YES is the contact address that appears on
the statement.

Emailing Statements
You have the ability to email family statements. The DESTINATION email address is located
on the Family Billing Contact page.

You must have User Permission to do this. If you don‘t see this under the
REPORTS menu, check your User Permissions under TOOLS.

1. To email Statements highlight the REPORTS menu on the main screen and select the
―statements – email‖ option.
2. Specify search criteria, enter statement ―format options‖ and click the PREVIEW
3. Review the statement List and the statements

*You can view and / or delete individual statements, you can NOT ―edit‖ the

4. Check individual rows or click ―check all‖ and click ―send emails‖

*First-timers Test: Setup a "Test" family / contact with your email address and send a
single email statement.


Your organizations email address for sending statements and mass emails is located under:


Organization or “From” address on Emailed statements

The Organization NAME and ADDRESS that prints on printed statements can be changed

1. From the Main Menu – Tools

2. Select Edit Settings
3. Manage Locations
4. Select View on the location you wish to change
5. Enter new Organization Name and / or address information
6. Save Changes

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Mass Email Note:

Sending a Mass email uses Jackrabbit‘s ISP, which can be seen as Spam by the recipients‘
ISP and could be blocked from delivery. (See FAQ section for other reasons your email was
not received.) Sending mass emails from your ISP may have a higher delivery rate.

Single Emails (clicking on a contact's / student's email link) already uses your ISP: It
launches YOUR email software, inserts the recipient‘s address for you, and sends the email
from YOUR ISP.

To send a Mass Email (Email Families, Student, Instructors, Email class) from your
4. Use the Student Listing, Family Address Listing or List Instructors report.
5. Once the list is open, click excel link to export to Excel
6. Copy / Paste the email address column into the email you have created on YOUR
computer and send.

Please see the System Administration section for more information about
emailing from Jackrabbit

Printing Statements (Best Method)

Set up your Statement Preferences under the Tools menu first.

1. Highlight ―Reports‖ on the main menu and select the ―Statements‖ item.
2. Set your criteria on the ―Family Statements‖ criteria page.
3. To print a statement for 1 family, use the ‗Select Family‘ field to choose the family.
You may also choose to print statements for multiple families in a certain class,
session or category.
4. You can choose to print Transaction Notes, Add special Header / Footer messages,
other options.
5. When you have completed inputting the information, click on the ―Submit‖ button.

Note: The statement will be displayed as an Adobe Acrobat document. If the

statement does NOT appear, your pop-up blocker software may be blocking the
statement window or you may need the Adobe Reader. See Frequently Asked

Organization or “From” address on printed statements

The Organization NAME that prints on printed statements can be changed from:

1. From the Main Menu – Tools

2. Select Edit Settings
3. Select Edit Statement Preferences
4. Organization Name Field
5. Save Changes

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The Organization ADDRESS that prints on printed statements is pulled from the LOCATION
address for each Location. To Change this Address:

7. From the Main Menu – Tools

8. Select Edit Settings
9. Manage Locations
10. Select View on the location you wish to change
11. Save Changes

Printing Statements (optional method)

This method does NOT allow for any personalization (Additional Header / Footer, etc) of the

Tip – Set up your Statement Preferences under the Tools menu first.

1. Click on the ―Search‖ at the very top of page, input either the first or last name in
the field and press the Enter key.
2. The system displays the ―Global Search Results‖ showing family / student / contacts
results page. Click on the appropriate family last name and their family page will be
3. While on the Family Page click on the ―Statement‖ button located near the top of the

Setting up Family Statement Preferences

Action => Tools => Edit Settings =>Edit Statement Preferences

By setting your Statement Preferences you can standardize your statement format.

1. Under the Tools menu choose, Edit Settings - Edit Statement

2. You have the following options:
 Organization name‘ to be displayed (overrides the
current display)
 Statement Footer
 # of days Transaction History = Number of Days to Print
 Show Tax on Statements
 Print Transaction Notes
 Statement Address Positioning = Position of the Family
Address (for window envelopes)
 Statement Fold Line

The Default Statement Footer is ―Balance Due Upon Request‖. If you don‘t like
this, you must replace it with your own verbiage.

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Jackrabbit will only print the Families Last name on the statements unless the Contact
on the Family page has Billing Contact = Yes. Then it will print the full Contact Name on the

Troubleshooting Statement Printing:

The Billing Contacts address is wrong on Statements
Sometimes the system holds on to "ghost" data (like a name / address that was the billing
contact and now it is someone else).
Go the current billing contact and set Billing contact? = NO and save changes.
Then go back and set Billing contact? = YES and save again
This usually triggers the new billing contact info to save.

My business address isn‟t showing up on my statements

Your Business address that appears on Statements is pulled from you MAIN location
address. You must ensure that your Main Location has an address. Go to TOOLS – EDIT
LOCATIONS to add a location address.

My Labels / Statements are skewing

There is a print option in Adobe Acrobat Reader that can cause the skewing.
Run your report (statements / labels, etc),
This opens up Adobe Acrobat with your report
Click File / Print
In the "Page Handling" Section Make sure that page scaling is set to ―none‖

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Field Matrix for Reports

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Section 16 - Privacy Policy

Jackrabbit is committed to respecting your privacy. We recognize your need for appropriate
protection and management of personally identifiable information you share with us. We
want you to understand the care with which we treat your personal information.

To protect your privacy, we have adopted the following principles:

Jackrabbit will not disclose your private and confidential information to any outside
organization. Information regarding your company (such as company name, address and
phone number) will not be given or sold to any outside organization.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords or any account
information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you're online. While we strive to
protect your confidential information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any
information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

Data Encryption
Jackrabbit is committed to data security with respect to information collected and
maintained on our site(s). To help protect your confidential information, we support the
ability to encrypt all data. Encryption is a process by which we use software to scramble
your confidential information in transit to and from Jackrabbit.

The Jackrabbit.com site utilizes an industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

technology to allow for the encryption of confidential information. Use of our site requires
the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 (or higher). This browser is security-
enabled so you can choose whether or not the information you transmit to us is encrypted,
making it extremely difficult to read even if it is wrongly intercepted.

Personal data privacy is a policy we are committed to and Jackrabbit is constantly
addressing new demands. If you have any comments or questions regarding our privacy
policy, please contact us at info@JackrabbitTech.com.

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Section 17: Troubleshooting Issues - Jackrabbit and

your Computer

Appearance that Jackrabbit „freezes‟ up or info is not saving

Problems likes these are usually attributable to Safari Browser users (Mac). Jackrabbit does
not run well under Safari. If you are currently using Safari, you will find Jackrabbit works
much better under Firefox and most preferably IE (Internet Explorer).

How to know what Browser you are using?

To find out what browser you are using, you can:

1. Go to the Client Login page.

2. Below the user ID and Password fields, you will see verbiage concerning the
browsers Jackrabbit supports.
3. Below this you will see a Phrase that says ―You are using (browser) ―
4. If you are running Safari, please click the ―Get Firefox‖ link

Perceived Problems Saving / Viewing in Jackrabbit

Jackrabbit has a time saving feature called ―Background Save‖. The system saves your
changes, but does not refresh the screen to always SHOW you your change (refreshing a
screen takes lots of memory and can slow the system down). On certain screens you may
make a change and not see the results.

Once you click the ―Save Changes‖ button on any screen, you will see a RED TEXT
MESSAGE LINE under the bunny logo on the left side that will change from
Saving…Please wait to Save Complete. If you cannot see your change, right mouse
click on the page and choose the refresh or reload option. The full screen will refresh itself
and you will see your change.

I can‟t get to the login fields on www.JackrabbitClass.com

Jackrabbit may be experiencing an issue with the marketing site server. The Client Login
fields are on the marketing sites. The Jackrabbit APPLICATION itself is NOT down and your
database is NOT being affected.

To access your database, please go to: https://app.jackrabbitclass.com and Enter

your User ID and password.

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Appearance that Security Certificate is expired or not valid

Because Jackrabbit is responsible for sending secure information, we are required to have
an SSL certificate.

An SSL certificate is a means by which web servers prove their identity to web browsers,
allowing a secure site to communicate privately with the web browser via the HTTPS
protocol. (found in the URL area at the top of your screen – before a website address)

An SSL certificate is digitally "signed" by a certificate authority, such as GoDaddy or Thawte,

that web browsers already trust. This allows the web browser to verify the identity of a
secure site before sending private personal information, such as bank account or credit card
numbers. Webmasters can purchase certificates from the certificate authorities, which verify
the webmaster's identity to varying degrees.

Our certificate is good through the end of 2012. SSL requires a ―certificate‖ to be installed
on our web server that proves we are who we say we are. Our certificate will not expire
until end of 2012, but on some rare occasions some browsers do not see that it is not
expired. If you click the little ―lock‖ icon in your browser when you are logged into
Jackrabbit you will be given the option to view information about our certificate including

Some reasons why browsers can get a ―expiration alert‖ when certificate is valid:

 Browser does not have the newest ―root certificates‖ installed. – this can be fixed by
running Windows Update or going to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and
clicking ―Scan for updates‖. Click the YES button when asked to download
Microsoft's update package. Microsoft will create a customized update package for
your browser, which should include a CA Root update. Typically this is found under
the heading Recommended Updates. If there are any issues or questions with this
page or these updates, please contact Microsoft Support

 User is on an old version of the browser – I see this user is on IE7 which is ok.

 Computer date-time clock is way off (not on today‘s date).

Appearance that Jackrabbit is running “slow”

It is important to understand that there are many factors which can affect your use of
Jackrabbit; some of which are not directly related to Jackrabbit.

Thing that can affect your usage are: speed of internet connection, type of internet
connection (cable vs. DSL), age of computer, cpu, memory, how many apps are actively
running, etc

We ask that you consider/do the following:

 During the slow periods, go to www.speedtest.net. This is a website that allows you
to test your connection speed - in your area. It may be possible that your Internet
"pipe" experiences a "bog down" during certain times in your region. Running a
"speed test" at the time of slowdown will tell you if your internet connection is
slow in general. Another thought, is if you have a "Lite" high-speed internet
connection - (let's say 1MB vs. the 3-6MB DSL connection DSL users have). In this
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case, if 5 people all try to do something intensive at the same time. All 5 users are
trying to "squeeze through" the 1MB internet connection and that could be too
much. If thats the case, you should look into whether they you get a faster
connection through their internet provider.

 Ensure that users are not running an other applications on the PC that require alot
"energy" from your computer. Such sites include: streaming music, videos, watching
YouTube, etc.

 Also consider what version of your Browser you are using. For example, you cn
upgrade your version of Firefox. There are some areas in Jackrabbit that do load
quite slowly with Firefox version 3.0 and upgrading to Firefox 3.5 has improved this.
You can download Firefox 3.5 for free at www.firefox.com. This will not affect your
"overall" usage of Jackrabbit, but will help certain screens load.

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Section 18 - Jackrabbit Billing Policies & Procedures

Monthly Jackrabbit Fee Calculation

Your monthly Subscription Fee is based on the Total Number of Students both active and
Inactive you have in your database. The student count is taken on a random day of the
month to determine your billing rate for the next month.

For ways to reduce your monthly Jackrabbit Fee – please see the LEAD FILE
section of this User Guide.

Payment Schedule
Your credit card / bank account is charged on the 1st of each month.

IMPORTANT: Your fee can change month-to-month depending on your Total number of
students. See the Price link on our website for details:


Your first month's fees may be prorated depending on your sign-up date.

Failure to Pay
We understand that from time-to-time credit cards or other payment methods may be
declined. If your credit card or other payment method is declined on the first of the month,
Jackrabbit will:

1. Immediately alert you to the problem via email and ask you to use our Customer
Portal to initiate a payment.

2. Jackrabbit will attempt to obtain an approved payment during the first 7 days of the

If your fees are not paid in full by the 6th of the month A $10 late fee will be added to your
balance on the 7th

If your fees are not paid in full by the 9th of the month your Jackrabbit database will be
suspended on the 10th until payment is made via approved credit card payment.

If your account remains suspended your corporate data will be subject to deletion.

To place your account in good-standing, Jackrabbit must receive an approved CREDIT CARD
payment. We cannot accept a bank draft for an overdue payment.

Keeping the lines of communication open can keep your database from being
suspended. We are available to work with you concerning your account. Please
contact our Billing Dept: billing@jackrabbittech.com

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Jackrabbit – User Guide

Managing your Billing Account with Jackrabbit Technologies

You may find it necessary to update your payment method and / or information with
As a Jackrabbit client you can login into our Customer Portal to:

View / Change your Contact / Payment information (Jackrabbit will be

notified when changes are made)
View your Fees / Payments
Make a Payment (Jackrabbit will be notified when payments are made)
View the Options (called Classes) on your account (ex: e-commerce,
online bundle, and concurrent users)

Customer Portal NOTES:

The Jackrabbit Customer Portal is NOT within YOUR Jackrabbit database.
The User ID / password you use to log into YOUR Jackrabbit database will not
work in our Customer Portal.

Follow instructions below to receive a Jackrabbit Technologies Portal


To Log into Jackrabbit Technologies Customer Portal:

You will need to open a new browser and go to:
www.Jackrabbitclass.com and Click CONTACT US
Jackrabbit Technologies Portal Box, click the "Log in to the Portal here"
If you have previously received a Portal Password, use it now to login.

Never signed into the Portal before or don't know your Portal Password?

Click the "I don't know my password" link.

Enter the email address we used to send you this email.
A password will be emailed to you IMMEDIATELY.
Once received, Sign-in to the Portal using the same email address and the


Once you are logged into the portal, you can change your Portal User ID and Password (this
is for access to the Portal only - this does not affect your User ID / Password you use to log
into YOUR Jackrabbit database).


Send an Email to ccarper@jackrabbittech.com

Cancelling your Jackrabbit Subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Please send an email BEFORE the first of the
month to avoid being charged that month‘s service fee.

Cancelled accounts will remain active until the start of the next billing period (1st of next
month) following the date of the cancellation.

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