Powers Abyss

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Powers: Abyss

The Abyss power is not generally available to players within the campaign. For one thing, this power
causes the slow degradation of the body and mind. The only creatures who seem to be able to survive
the long-term effects of Abyssal exposure are creatures who possess demonic shapeshifting abilities.
Standard or even advanced shapeshifters are not protected from the baneful effects of the Abyss.
Another potent side-effect is that Abyssal powers are far from subtle. Anyone with the Pattern Lens,
Logrus Sight, Sorcerous Sight, or even a medium-degree of psychic sensitivity (medium-ranked
Psyche) can recognize the Abyssal Taint in an individual. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to
conceal the taint, even through the use of magic or shapeshifting. Passage through shadow using
Abyssal powers always leaves a noticeable trail, and tends to damage the shadows as well. Abyss is a
destructive and unsubtle power, and generally not well-suited for anyone attempting to operate within
Abyssal Initiate 35
Abyssal Taint 10
Abyssal Defense 15
Abyssal Sight 5
Abyssal Shadowwalk 5
Abyssal Adept 35
Abyssal Negation 10
Abyssal Gate 10
Abyssal Manifestation 15
Abyssal Tunnel 5
Entropy 10
Summon Abyssal Minions 10
Summon Abyssal Storm 15
Infuse with Abyss 15
Abyssal Taint (10)- This power gives the Abyssal Initiate the ability to survive in the Abyss and
handle abyssal energies. Without this power, exposure to the Abyss will result in immediate physical
deterioration and possibly death.
Abyssal Defense (15)- This power enables the Abyssal Initiate to infuse his/her body with Abyssal
energy, such that the initiate is resistant to attacks by Pattern, Logrus, and Trump. Spells that utilize
such energies are much reduced in efficacy, though they may have some effect. The initiate must
concentrate to activate this power, but after activation the effect lingers for 10-40 minutes, during
which time the initiate is protected. Note that it is impossible to contact the initiate with trump while
he/she is infused with Abyssal energy. Another facet of this power is that while imbued the Initiates
touch becomes harmful to non-abyssal creatures. Wounds inflicted by the Initiate while in such a
state do not heal normally, and often become infected.
Abyssal Sight (5)- This power enables the initiate to perceive the presence of greater energies, in
much the way that Logrus Sight works.
Abyssal Shadowwalk (5)- This power enables the Abyssal Initiate to move through shadow, at much
the same slow rate that someone bearing the Broken Pattern Imprint does. Note that this power
damages the boundaries between shadows on a temporary basis, such that anyone with Pattern or
Logrus can easily track the passage of an Abyssal Initiate.
Abyssal Negation (10)- This power accomplished two effects. On one hand, it can be used to 'edit' a
shadow. The adept can use this power to destroy a shadow, to weaken it, to increase the overall
entropy in the shadow, or to alter the passage of time within the shadow. Another effect of this power
is that the Adept can use it to disrupt manifestation of greater powers. It can be used to break trump
contacts, to hinder the raising of the Sign of the Logrus, or the Pattern, and it can even inhibit
shapeshifting. Note the choice of words: inhibit, hinder, disrupt. This power is in no way perfect, but
it does make it harder for someone to use the greater powers.
Abyssal Gate (10)- This power enables the Adept to open a physical gate to the Abyss, through
which he/she can flee. Please note that the opening of such an Abyss generally disrupts the use of
greater powers in the area and increases the strength of the Adept's powers.
Abyssal Manifestation (15)- Much like Logrus tendrils, an Abyssal Adept can summon a physical
manifestation of the Abyss, which can be used to manipulate and damage. Damage caused by such
Manifestations is slow to heal and can be instantly fatal to non-real creatures. Possible manifestations
include: tendrils, swords, energy pulses, etc.
Abyssal Tunnel (5)- This power enables the Abyssal Adept to open a rift between any two locations,
which allows him/her to effectively teleport. The rift closes immediately after the adept has passed
through, but always leaves some kind of trace destruction at both sites.
Entropy (10)- Essentially, Anti-Conjuration, the power to destroy objects or steal reality from 'real'
things. Still in development.
Summon Abyssal Minions (10)- This power enables the Abyssal Master to summon Abyssal
Demons to his/her current location.
Summon Abyssal Storm (15)- Self-explanatory. Not available to players.
Infuse with Abyss (15)- This power enables an Abyssal Adept to infuse a creature with the Abyss.
Creatures so infused will either die immediately, or adapt by taking on an Abyssal Taint (meaning the
creature is forced to buy the power Abyssal Taint). Not available to players.

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