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The Necronomicon

By Lightworker

© 2009 Lightworker

All Rights Reserved

This book may not be reproduced in whole or part by electronic or

other means without permission.

Printed in the USA

ISBN: 978-0-557-09356-4

Table of Contents

I. The Elders…….8
II. The Ancient Gods…….22
III. The Book of Shadows…….43


This text deals with astral and physical forces that can be
dangerous if misused or used carelessly. It is important that the
reader know his or her own physical, emotional, and psychological
limits before undertaking the studies within this book. The
exercises herein and techniques discussed are not to be used in lieu
of the services of trained and qualified professionals such as
physicians or psychologists. The reader is responsible, in every
way, for his or her actions involved in using the rituals in this book
and the author, publisher and the distributor of this text are not
responsible for any undesirable outcomes from the use of this book.

List of Books by the Author
To buy more of the Author’s books please go to
Available in print and download versions.

Magickal Evocation Rituals

Satan Speaks: The Grimoire of the Koton
Angel Magick
How to do Transcendental Meditation
The Goetia Ritual Book
Astrology Magick
Numerology Magick
The Enochian Angel’s Ritual Book
Tarot Magick
How to do Instant Magick
Voodoo Magick
The Kabbalah Tree of Life Ritual Book
The Santeria Ritual Book
The Fast Road to Enlightenment Workbook
Aztec and Mayan Magick

Rune Magick
How to Summons the 72 Names of God

And many more at


This book takes the Necronomicon and cuts it down to

the bone with step by step simple evocation rituals to
summon The Elders (good) and the Ancient Gods (evil) as
well as a Book of Shadows to record your rituals and
results. The spirits in this book are NOT in the
Necronomicon Spellbook by Simon. This Necronomicon
Ritual Book is the most powerful simple to the point
Magick you will ever do! These are the most powerful
spirits of good and evil from the original Necronomicon.
You have been warned so please proceed with caution…
“Beware of the forbidden path unless one dare
walk beyond the Gates…“ by Lightworker

How to Communicate with Spirits

Communicating with spirits or a spiritual energy is a

very powerful way to get answers to your questions from
the spirit world either instantly or in the next few days.
The best way to get really good at communication is to
practice. Practice makes perfect! Every time you do this
ritual your subconscious will be connecting better and
better to the astral plane where spirits reside. So even
though the ritual seems simple and you think you are just
saying words, you are in reality actually tuning your
vibration or aura into this spiritual plane where that
energy or spirit resides. In time your aura will be so
clearly connected to the astral plane that you will be
getting your more and more successful results from your
requests to the spirits! If you want quick results then do
this every day! The evocation ritual may seem simple but
I have summoned thousands of spirits and energies
successfully and have broken it down to only the essential
components you will need to easily and efficiently
summon these powerful energies. So at first glance it may
seem to simple but in time you will appreciate the fact
that you can quickly summon these Entities in as little as
10 minutes to visible appearance and communicate back
and forth live in a real time mode instantly and get all of
your requests answered!

I. The Elders

The Elder’s Sigil

The Elder’s Evocation Ritual

Temple Set Up
Put on a Robe and wear the Elders Sigil as a necklace

Put cloth on altar, with bell, lit candle and sandalwood incense on it

Put the rope circle around you and the altar and face East

Take out a digital recorder

Read the description of the Spirit and write your request

Opening Rituals

Ring Bell-“this temple is now open”

Opening Prayer: “Before me is Raphael, behind me is

Gabriel, on my right side is Michael and on my left side is

Auriel. For around me shines the Pentagram and within

me shines the six -rayed star”

Spirit Communication

Say this 3 times: “I summon and evoke thee, (name of spirit),

to visibly appear before me and answer my request of

(request or teach what I should know).”

Trance (count down 1 to 15)

To communicate with the spirit close your eyes and ask a

question(s) and then say into the recorder what you feel,

hear, think and see as your answer from the spirit.

Closing Rituals

License to Depart: “I thank thee, (spirit name), this ritual is

now done. All forces, Entities and Energies shall go about

their business until again I call. In the Ultimate Name, go

in peace to do my bidding. Harm nobody and none and

nothing that I have, that I like and love. So mote it be.”

Ring bell-”this temple is now closed”

Record your ritual and results in a AND listen to the

recorder to write down your communications with the


Also in the next few days pay attention to feelings,

dreams, thoughts and ideas, songs and sounds that you

hear and pay attention and follow these signs as these are

the messages from your request from the spirit! Be open

to synchronicities in your life as well as this is how the

spirit world brings you your answers to your requests.


Spirit Name: Marduk (mar-duke)

Description: one of The Elders and the spirit who

represented The Elders (good) in the great battle against

The Ancient Gods (evil) and successfully won the battle

and locked The Ancient Gods under the 7 gates of The

Necronomicon. He is now considered a leader of The

Elders and the most powerful spirit of The Elders.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for a small

amount of money that you could normally receive in a

day or two

Spirit Name: Shamash (shuh-mosh)

Description: one of The Elders. God of the Sun, justice

and healing.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for a large

amount of money that you could normally attain in a

quick amount of time. Also summon him for justice or

healing in any situation.

Spirit Name: Nebo (nuh-bow)

Description: one of The Elders

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for lifetime

wealth to have continual money flowing in from a specific

business or financial career you have set up

Spirit Name: Enki (en-kee)

Description: one of The Elders. Lord of the earth and God

of the air.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for wisdom

and knowledge to get specific answers in your life for a

specific question

Spirit Name: Anu (uh-new)

Description: one of The Elders. God of heaven, storms,

winds and waves.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for a specific

material goal that you want. The smaller the goal the

quicker you will be able to see the results of attaining it.

Spirit Name: Enlil (en-leel)

Description: one of The Elders

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon to find hidden

treasures in your life somewhere. Be open to places etc.

that you are drawn to look at after you summon this spirit

for treasures.

Spirit Name: Gula (goo-la)

Description: one of The Elders

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon to give

yourself amazing health. Be open to suggestions that will

lead you to improve your health after you summon this

spirit for amazing health.

Spirit Name: Ishtar (ish-tar)

Description: one of The Elders. Goddess of love and


What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for beauty,

strength, strength, fertility and love. Be open to

suggestions that give you ideas on how to improve your

appearance and physical strength as well.

Spirit Name: Sin (seen)

Description: one of The Elders. God of the moon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon this spirit to

find a soul mate. Be open to suggestions that lead you to

places and people that will allow you to meet this soul

mate. Also remember that many times we are drawn to be

with people that teach us the most learning lessons so

don’t assume that you will have a perfect relationship but

instead a growth filled relationship.

Spirit Name: Yog-Sothoth (yog-soth-oth)

Description: a neutral spirit. He guards the 7 gates of The

Necronomicon and knows all things past, present and


What to Summons the Spirit for: No Ritual set up

required for this spirit! Do not ask him any questions

either. He will give you simple suggestions on how to

improve all areas of your life from big to small so follow

these suggestions! You may have turbulent dreams the

first few nights until you are able to assimilate his energy

into your aura successfully. Simply say 3 times before you

go to sleep each night “Yog-Sothoth let me know the


II. The Ancient Gods

The Ancient God’s Sigil

The Ancient God’s Evocation Ritual

Temple Set Up
Put on Robe and wear Ancient Gods sigil as a necklace

Put cloth on altar, with bell, lit candle and sandalwood incense on it

Put the rope circle around you and the altar and face North

Take out a digital recorder

Read the description of the Spirit and write your request

Opening Rituals

Ring Bell-“this temple is now open”

Opening Prayer: “Before me is Raphael, behind me is

Gabriel, on my right side is Michael and on my left side is

Auriel. For around me shines the Pentagram and within

me shines the six -rayed star”

Spirit Communication

Say this 3 times: “I summon and evoke thee, (name of spirit),

to visibly appear before me and answer my request of

(request or teach what I should know).”

Trance (count down 1 to 15)

To communicate with the spirit close your eyes and ask a

question(s) and then say into the recorder what you feel,

hear, think and see as your answer from the spirit.

Closing Rituals

License to Depart: “I thank thee, (spirit name), this ritual is

now done. All forces, Entities and Energies shall go about

their business until again I call. In the Ultimate Name, go

in peace to do my bidding. Harm nobody and none and

nothing that I have, that I like and love. So mote it be.”

Ring bell-”this temple is now closed”

Record your ritual and results in a AND listen to the

recorder to write down your communications with the


Also in the next few days pay attention to feelings,

dreams, thoughts and ideas, songs and sounds that you

hear and pay attention and follow these signs as these are

the messages from your request from the spirit! Be open

to synchronicities in your life as well as this is how the

spirit world brings you your answers to your requests.


Spirit Name: Shub-Niggurath (shub-nigger-rath)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for a small

amount of money that you could normally receive in a

day or two. Also summon to find hidden treasures in

your life somewhere. Be open to places etc. that you are

drawn to look at after you summon this spirit for


Spirit Name: Cthulhu (koo-too-loo)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for a larger

amount of money that you could normally receive in a

few weeks or so. Also summons this spirit for a specific

health issue.

Spirit Name: Azathoth (aza-thoth)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. A creator God of the cosmos.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon this demon

for any power or control you need over someone or a

situation in your life.

Spirit Name: Yig (yig)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. A serpent woman with bat-

like wings or a giant snake.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon her for any

situation that you need to get ahead in life at the expense

of other people.

Spirit Name: Dagon (day-gun)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. God of agriculture.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summons for

agriculture needs or for growth in any part of your life

Spirit Name: Tiamat (tee-uh-mot)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. Goddess of the sea.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summons her for

increased psychic abilities, health and healing and any

help in relationships

Spirit Name: Apsu (ap-soo)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. Has access to the abyss.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon him for dark

magickal powers or to get back at an enemy.

Spirit Name: Kingu (keen-goo)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. Leader of the forces of the

battle in the beginning between The Ancient Gods and

The Elders.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for courage or

strength to complete any task.

Spirit Name: Ereshkigal (eh-resh-kee-gal)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. Goddess of the land of no


What to Summons the Spirit for: summon her for visions

and dreams for ways to improve your life.

Spirit Name: Ishnigarrab (ish-neega-rab)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon for a small

amount of money that you could normally receive in a

day or two. Also summon to find hidden treasures in

your life somewhere. Be open to places etc. that you are

drawn to look at after you summon this spirit for


Spirit Name: Ninnghizhidda (neen-giz-heed-da)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. A serpent with a human

head. The God of nature and of the underworld.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon him for

communication with the deceased or with any spirit. Also

summon him for health or any healing.

Spirit Name: Nammtar (nam-muh-tar)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon this God for

any general request.

Spirit Name: Humwawa (hum-wah-wah)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon this God for

any general request.

Spirit Name: Pazuzu (paz-zew-zew)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. King of the demons of the


What to Summons the Spirit for: summon this God for

control of the winds or water.

Spirit Name: An (an)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon. A God of heaven.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summon this God for

any dreams or visions.

Spirit Name: Hastur (has-ter)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: summons this spirit for

protection of any kind for any situation.

Spirit Name: Nyarlathotep (nyar-latho-tep)

Description: one of The Ancient Gods locked under the 7

gates of The Necronomicon.

What to Summons the Spirit for: No Ritual set up

required for this spirit! Ask him a specific question to get

a specific answer. Simply say 3 times the statement below

then ask your question and be open to conversations,

articles, online searches, etc, that you are drawn to for

your answers!

“Nyarlathotep let me know the answer to my question

of (question).”

III. The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows

Thank you to my spirit guides for your great wisdom and insight in

helping me write this book.


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