HLT32715 - Daily Lab Record - For Student & USB

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HLT37215: Certificate III in Pathology Collection

All Health Training Simulated Workplace - Pathology Collection Centre

Daily Lab Record Assessment

Unit code & Title: Unit Descriptor

BSBMED301: Medical terminology will be used when reading and documenting on pathology referrals, orally receiving instructions from the industry
Interpret and apply medical experts, using test collection manuals, explaining procedures to patients, and pre and post venepuncture precautions in the simulated
terminology appropriately workplace.
HLTAID003: Within the simulated workplace, first aid may need to be administered in the event of any injury/incident, most likely in the advent of
Provide First Aid haemorrhaging, haematomas and syncope.
HLTINF001: Following infection control policies and procedures including standard precautions such as hand hygiene and wearing gloves, and using
Comply with infection prevention and additional precautions when necessary. The student will be responsible for appropriate waste disposal and maintenance of a clean work
control policies and procedures environment.
HLTWHS001: Students will need to identify the WHS hazards and risks within their role as they work in the simulated workplace. They will need to
Participate in workplace health and adjust the work environment to suit their individual needs, adhere to our WHS policies and procedures, follow needle safety policies and
safety dispose of all waste appropriately.
CHCCOM005: Students will need to work ethically in the simulated workplace, develop effective communication skills both verbally and non-verbally
Communicate and work in health or along with writing with their trainers and fellow students, practise high standards of personal hygiene, and take responsibility for their
community services own skills development.
HLTPAT002: Students will be performing venepuncture with vacutainer, needle and syringe, and winged infusion set (Butterfly) collection methods.
Perform blood collection They will be role-playing patient episodes including: patient ID, completing referrals, looking up tests, following infection control policies
and procedures, performing the venepuncture and applying dressing, completing the episode with patient instructions and packaging
specimens for transport.
HLTPAT001: Students will be obtaining clinical and personal information during each patient episode to inform them of the risks that may be present
Identify and respond to clinical risks with each patient, they will assess pre-test criteria, select an appropriate venepuncture site based on underpinning knowledge of the
in pathology collection anatomy of the arm, monitor the patient for any adverse reactions during the patient episode, and follow emergency procedures and first
aid protocols as necessary.
HLTPAT004: Students will be receiving requests for collection of specimens other than blood including urine, faeces, breath tests and sputum, they will
Collect pathology specimens other be checking pre-test criteria, selecting the appropriate equipment, using appropriate PPE, giving patients verbal and written instructions,
than blood and labelling and storing specimens correctly.
HLTAAP001: Students will be developing their understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body throughout the course. In the
Recognise healthy body systems simulated workplace this will focus strongly on the cardiovascular system through performing venepuncture and ECG.
CHCCCS027: Students will use the home visit collection kit to perform client visits on a range of simulated environments that may include: visits to
Visit client residence patients’ homes, hospital inpatients, worksite visits, supported residential services, aged care facilities. This will involve preparation,
performing the visit, and follow up post visit.
HLTCAR001: Students will be performing complete ECG patient episodes in the simulated workplace. This will include patient ID, clear explanation of
Perform electrocardiography (ECG) the procedure, managing any anxiety the patient may have, skin preparation, accurate electrode and lead placement, troubleshooting if
artefact is present, generating a quality ECG trace and discuss the procedure for forwarding to the cardiologist.
HLTPAT006: Students will be required to receive specimens, complete the administrative process to prepare samples for pathology testing, and
Receive, prepare and dispatch dispatch specimens. Students will follow established procedures, safety requirements and infection control guidelines in the receipt,
pathology specimens registration, sorting, storage and dispatch of at least 5 different pathology specimens

HLT37215: Daily Lab Record V1 1

HLT37215: Certificate III in Pathology Collection
All Health Training Simulated Workplace - Pathology Collection Centre
Daily Lab Record Assessment

CHCDIV001: Students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and
Work with diverse people situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

BSBCUS201: Students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to deliver all aspects of customer service at an introductory level. It includes
Deliver a service to customers creating a relationship with customers, identifying their needs, delivering services or products and processing customer feedback.

How will you prepare for venepuncture practical sessions and assessment?
 As each method of venepuncture is introduced, an industry Expert will demonstrate and explain the procedure for every learner to watch and listen to.
 The learner will have the opportunity throughout the course to spend time in the simulated Blood collection centre performing practical skills associated with venepuncture.
 There is access to videos of all venepuncture methods through the USB and the All Health Training YouTube channel, and the written steps and explanations in their own
Venepuncture Logbook.
 The venepuncture logbook also has the learner reflect on each venepuncture preformed to constructively critique their own performance and promote continuous improvement of
 Each session in the laboratory there will be practice of skills and procedures that represent the roles and responsibilities you require to work as a pathology collector in a Blood
Collection environment.
 This practice will be supervised by Industry Experts working one-on-one with the learner to ensure maximum learning benefit and safety.
 These Industry Experts are all currently employed in the pathology industry, and will observe your procedures in a coaching capacity, recording your performance and providing
ongoing feedback to you.
 You will have the opportunity to comment on feedback given and develop constructive solutions not only with the industry experts; but with your front of room trainer as required.

How will you be assessed?

You will be observed by demonstrating practical skills progressing through the stages that collectively will make up a full client/patient episode. Your assessor will observe you and measure
your performance against the assessment criteria using observation checklists.
Final Assessment will involve processing a complete episode according to a pathology patient episode including: patient identification, performing the procedure accurately and successfully
completing the whole episode without prompting or direction from the industry experts. This will include post-collection processing of specimens including centrifuging and preparing samples
for the courier.

Definition of successful procedure:

The student follows established technical, infection control and safety procedures and collects blood suitable for testing using venous blood collection.

HLT37215: Daily Lab Record V1 2

HLT37215: Certificate III in Pathology Collection
All Health Training Simulated Workplace - Pathology Collection Centre
Daily Lab Record Assessment

Student Name:
I.E.s circle any item not performed correctly: Method used: Number
o AHT Dress code has been adhered to e.g. hair tied back, enclosed footwear, personal hygiene, etc. □ Needle and syringe □ Vacutainer □ Butterfly performed
o Perform hand hygiene at appropriate times Site of venepuncture: this session:
o Greet patient with respect and obtain informed consent
□ Right arm □ Left arm
o Check pre-test criteria e.g. fasting status, last dose medication time/date
o Identify patient and check accuracy against the referral Vein used: Cumulative
o Apply tourniquet, palpate and select appropriate vein, loosen tourniquet □ Median cubital □ Cephalic □ Basilic total:
o Gather equipment according to tests requested and alcohol swab site Successful procedure:
o Perform procedure in line with the procedural steps  Yes  No
o Follow order of draw for filling blood tubes Industry Expert Comments: I.E. Name:
o Observe client during procedure for any adverse effects & apply First Aid if required
o Perform post-venepuncture care – apply pressure
o Safe needle disposal
o N&S method only: Transfer blood from syringe to tube safely
o Invert collection tubes within timeframe required
o Tubes labelled – Surname, Given name, D.O.B, time, date & collector ID
Partner Name:

Complete day sheet and referral

o Check site, apply dressing I.E. signature:
o Dispose of waste appropriately and remove gloves
o Discharge your patient with clear aftercare instructions both verbal & written

o Process and transport specimen appropriately to tests requested e.g. urgency, temperature.

I.E.s please circle any item not performed correctly: Method used: Number
o AHT Dress code has been adhered to e.g. hair tied back, enclosed footwear, personal hygiene, etc. □ Needle and syringe □ Vacutainer □ Butterfly performed
o Perform hand hygiene at appropriate times Site of venepuncture: this session:
o Greet patient with respect and obtain informed consent
□ Right arm □ Left arm
o Check pre-test criteria e.g. fasting status, last dose medication time/date Cumulative
o Identify patient and check accuracy against the referral Vein used: total:
o Apply tourniquet, palpate and select appropriate vein, loosen tourniquet □ Median cubital □ Cephalic □ Basilic
o Gather equipment according to tests requested and alcohol swab site Successful procedure:
o Perform procedure in line with the procedural steps  Yes  No
o Follow order of draw for filling blood tubes Industry Expert Comments: I.E. Name:
o Observe client during procedure for any adverse effects & apply First Aid if required
o Perform post-venepuncture care – apply pressure
o Safe needle disposal
o N&S method only: Transfer blood from syringe to tube safely
o Invert collection tubes within timeframe required
o Tubes labelled – Surname, Given name, D.O.B, time, date & collector ID
o Complete day sheet and referral
Partner Name:

o Check site, apply dressing I.E. signature:

o Dispose of waste appropriately and remove gloves
o Discharge your patient with clear aftercare instructions both verbal & written

o Process and transport specimen appropriately to tests requested e.g. urgency, temperature.

HLT37215: Daily Lab Record V1 3

HLT37215: Certificate III in Pathology Collection
All Health Training Simulated Workplace - Pathology Collection Centre
Daily Lab Record Assessment

HLT37215: Daily Lab Record V1 4

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