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Vaccination produces immunity in order to protect the human body against infectious
diseases. It is easy, effective and used worldwide.
You have been experiencing flu symptoms and you find an online article on flu shot as
well as information on a homemade remedy to ease flu symptoms.

1. When is it recommended to take a flu shot?

A. Fortnightly
B. Annually
C. Monthly
D. Weekly

Text Format Continuous

Item Type Multiple Choice Question
Aspect Scan and locate
Coding Full Credit Code 1: Annually

No Credit Code 0: Other responses

Code 9 Missing
2. “Scientists keep an eye on the virus and how it changes to come up with a new flu
vaccine „recipe‟ each year.”

Which of the following statements reflects the writer‟s idea?

A. Scientists discover new flu recipes every year to cure flu.

B. Scientists monitor the changes of new emerging virus to improve the vaccines.
C. Every year, new vaccines will be created and developed by scientists to help
combat flu.
D. Scientists will formulate new and better vaccines that are more cost effective and

Text Format Continuous

Item Type Multiple Choice Question
Aspect Integrate and generate inferences
Coding Full Credit Code 1: Scientists monitor the changes of new
emerging virus to improve the

No Credit Code 0: Other responses

Code 9 Missing
3. Why do people such as pregnant women, the elderly, people living with HIV or
suffering from chronic diseases, such as asthma and diabetes require vaccines more
than other people?
I. Their immune system is weak.
II. Natural remedies do not work on them.
III. Natural remedies will worsen their condition.
IV. They must recover quickly to avoid other complications.

A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. IV and III

Text Format Continuous

Item Type Multiple Selection
Aspect Integrate and generate inferences
Coding Full Credit Code 1: I and IV

No Credit Code 0: Other responses

Code 9 Missing
4. “If you miss the pre-flu season window, never fear! There‟s no cut-off date to have the
Will this statement affect one‟s mindset of having flu shot on time? Give a reason to
support your answer.

Text Format Continuous

Item Type Open - ended
Aspect Reflect on content and form
Coding Full Credit Code 1: Answers „YES‟ or „NO‟ and gives an
explanation that is consistent with an
understanding whether the statement sways
the readers‟ opinion of having the flu shot on
 Yes, it does affect because it gives the
idea that you don‟t need to have your
vaccination on time.
 No, it does not affect one‟s mindset
because the whole article has stated
the importance of taking flu shot.

No Credit Code 0: Answers „YES‟ or „NO‟ and gives

insufficient or vague response; OR
Answers „YES‟ or „NO‟ without
 Yes, because it is easy.
 No, because it is important.
 Yes ( No explanation)
 No (No explanation)

Code 9 Missing
5. Read the following statements below and identify which are true or false. Show your
answer by placing a tick (√) in the correct box in the table.

Statement TRUE FALSE

1 Flu shots are 100% effective to help humans cure flu and
avoid the disease from spreading.
2 The prevention of flu through vaccination will save money
and time.
3 Once you get flu shots you are protected for life from flu-type
4 Homemade remedies for curing flu will help boost your
immune system naturally, making your body stronger and
5 Once you are vaccinated, natural remedies for flu would not
work on you anymore.

Statement TRUE FALSE

1 Flu shots are 100% effective to help humans cure flu and √
avoid the disease from spreading.
2 The prevention of flu through vaccination will save money √
and time.
3 Once you get flu shots you are protected for life from flu-type √
4 Homemade remedies for curing flu will help boost your √
immune system naturally, making your body stronger and
5 Once you are vaccinated, natural remedies for flu would not √
work on you anymore.

Text Format Mixed

Item Type Complex Multiple Choice Question
Aspect Integrate and generate inferences
Coding Full Credit Code 1 for every correct answer

No Credit Code 0: Other responses

Code 9 Missing
6. Ms. Anita is a 32-year-old businesswoman who has a busy schedule. All her life she
has been a positive, fit and healthy person. She rarely gets sick. In addition, she
maintains a balanced diet and eats only organic food. However, she is concerned
because she is experiencing early symptoms of flu.

Based on the texts, and after understanding the benefits of both options (medical and
natural remedy), which precautionary measure would you recommend to Ms. Anita?
Explain your recommendation.

Text Format Mixed

Item Type Open - ended
Aspect Corroborate, identify and handle conflict
Coding Full Credit Code 2: Chooses flu shot or natural remedy
AND explain recommendation by
providing a concrete reason in relation
to the statements about Ms. Anita, or
the benefits of flu shot or natural
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because she is a busy
businesswoman who needs speedy
recovery/ can cure her fast
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because she can afford to pay for the
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because it is 100% effective/ proven
to be effective/ proven record
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because it can reduce her chances of
being admitted to the hospital and
miss work
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because it is cheaper.
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because it heals naturally.
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because she only eats organic food.
Therefore, it is safe and chemical
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because it is easy to prepare/ can be
prepared at home/ the ingredients
can be easily purchased from the

Partial Credit Code 1: Chooses flu shot or natural remedy

AND explain recommendation by
providing insufficient or vague
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because it is good/ effective.
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because it is important.
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because it is modern.
 Ms. Anita should take flu shot
because it is in trend.
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because it is easy.
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because it is important.
 Ms. Anita should take natural remedy
because it is good/ effective.

No Credit Code 0: Answers only flu shot or natural

remedy without explaining recommendation
 Nature‟s Flu Shot
 Natural flu shot
 home-made remedy
 flu shot

Code 9 Missing

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