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Brief Trello Manual

Trello basics
Trello workflow
Administrator functions

1. When you receive invitation follow the link and click the Join Board button

2. Create your Trello account

3. A Trello board appears and you can start working with it

4. The board has a specific name and has named vertical lists where cards with tasks can be

5. Clicking on the Boards button opens up the menu with the list of available Boards. The
required board can be selected here for further work

6. The Board names and List names are already chosen and NOT to be changed.
7. To create a card simply select and click the link “Add a card…” at the bottom of the card

8. New card placeholder appears with the field where a card name should be entered

Enter the Task name and press the Add button to create the Task card

The Task has been created and appears as the greyed rectangle with the Task name on it

9. In order to add Task details to the card, select the card and click on it
The Task Editing Panel pops up

10. Add Task description by selecting and clicking the link “Edit the description…” then save it
by clicking the Save button

The Task description can be formatted. There is formatting help available by clicking the
“Formatting help” link

11. An attachment (document, image) can be added to the Task card by clicking the
Attachment button

12. You can comment the Task and its execution in the Add Comment field, attach a file or
notify a person to be informed by referencing that person

Click @ symbol in order to select and refer a specific person

A file can be attached to the Task card by selecting it in a computer folder and then doing drag-
and-drop or by copying and then pasting it when the Task editor panel is open

13. The card link can be copied and sent to any person allowed to work on the specific board or
can be mentioned in a document (e.g. Google Doc) or chat. In order to do this click “Share
and more…” link and then copy a link that will appear in the “Link to this card” field

14. An e-mail can be sent to the specific card and will appear as a comment. In order to do this
click “Share and more…” link and then copy a link that will appear in the “Email for this
card” field and use it as the Task card email address.

15. If you want to be notified on the Task progress (comments, status changes etc.) Subscribe
to a specific Task card by clicking the Subscribe button

16. A card in any list can be dragged to another list by selecting and holding a card, then
dragging it to a list you want it to be moved.

When you hover of the list where the card should be moved, just release it above the spot
where you want it to be placed. The card can be placed in any position and in any order in the

17. The bell icon colored in red indicates that you have unread notifications

1. The Trello Workflow for the Darakht-e Danesh Library and Smart App Technology
personnel cooperation is as follows:
a. A new card with a new Task to be done shall be created in the TO DO list
b. This new card should be dragged and placed in the chosen order of priority on this
c. The card shall assigned by the creator to a specific person responsible for managing
this Task
i. In case of Development by Smart App Technology this is Sergei
ii. In case of Content Editing the Darakht-e Danesh Library (DDL) the person
is selected according to their rules.
d. The person managing this Task selects a person who will be executing the Task
and adds that person to the card. The card with the assigned actor shall be moved
i. to the IN PROGRESS (DEV) list in case of tasks created on boards DDL
Regular Requests or DDL URGENT REQUESTS
ii. to the List with that specific person name who will edit the content in case of
the Content Editing Requests board
e. When the card Task is completed the person who executed the Task moves the
card to the TEST list where a person responsible for Quality Assurance checks if the
Task results are satisfactory (Darakht-e Danesh Library established rules of
Quality Assurance should be followed).
i. If the Task passes the Quality Assurance check, the card shall be moved to
the DONE list
ii. If the Task does not pass the Quality Assurance check, the card shall be
moved back to the TO DO list and placed at the top of the list

1. Administrator can add new participants called Team Members to the boards they manage.
New members shall be added to specific boards in the Board Menu. Select “Show Menu”
link to open the Menu Panel

Click “Add Members…” button

In the email field enter an email address of a person you want to add to this specific board

Click the Send button to invite the person to this board


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