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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

Intermediate Conversation DID YOU HEAR ABOUT…

News and Current Events
Material #51

Sections in red are for the tutor’s reference only.

This material aims to teach intermediate students new words and expressions for a specific topic,
and use them in conversations. Encourage the student to talk more whenever possible.

Exercise 1: Picture Conversation

A. Read the dialogue below.

Did you hear about

the forest fires up
Yeah, I saw it
on TV this

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

B. Quick Q&A (2-3 minutes)

 (Tutor may ask follow-up questions, but ensure that the discussion does not
exceed three minutes.)
1. Do you read/watch the news every day?
2. Have you tried reading/watching news in other languages?
3. Do you think it’s important to be updated on current events?
4. Where do you usually get information on current events?
5. What types of information can you get from a newspaper?

Exercise 2: Say It! (3 minutes)

Read the following words and sample sentences below.


 There is no need for the tutor to read and ask the student to repeat, unless
student specifically requests for it.
A. Vocabulary

anchor The senator was interviewed by the anchor from ANX News.
ニュースキャスター その上院議員は ANX ニュースの司会者にインタビューされた。

report John Smith will present the weather report.

報道、記事 ジョン・スミスが天気予報をお伝えします。
subscription I have a monthly subscription of our local newspaper.
購読 私は、毎月地元の新聞を購読しています。
tabloid Did you see the story about the president in the tabloids today?
タブロイド新聞 今日のタブロイド紙にあった大統領についての記事を読みましたか?
Paper My father was interviewed by a local paper for his work.
新聞 私の父は、仕事で地元の新聞からインタビューを受けました。

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Intermediate Conversation Material

B. Expressions

Did you hear about… Did you hear about the robbery next door?

~について聞きましたが? 隣の家の強盗について聞きましたか?

Made the headlines Jean made the headlines after winning the pageant.

重大ニュースになる コンテストで優勝した後、ジーンのことは重大ニュースになりまし

breaking news They interrupted the show to report the breaking

news about the fire on 2 Street.

2 番通りの火事に関する最新ニュースを報道するため、番組は中断し

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Intermediate Conversation Material

Exercise 3: Role-Play (4 minutes)

Read the dialogues below. The vocabulary words and expressions from the previous
exercise are highlighted for your reference.
次の会話を読んでみましょう。太字で示されているのはエクササイズ 2 で学習した単語と表現です。

Correct the student’s mispronunciations no more than two times.


Student What did you think of the new anchor on BCS News?

Tutor He looked really nervous. I wonder if that was the first time he read the

news report.

Student That’s a possibility. He looks very young.

Tutor I agree.


Student Your mail arrived when you were out. I placed it on the kitchen counter.

Tutor Thanks!

Student I didn’t know you still had that newspaper subscription. Why don’t you

switch to their digital edition?

Tutor I haven’t really thought about it. Is it better?

Student Well, yeah. I mean, it’s cheaper and you get access to news videos you

can’t get in print.

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

Exercise 4: Answer It! (5 minutes)

A. Complete the dialogue using the new vocabulary words and expressions we learned.
 Student can review Exercise 2 for the possible answers.

Student Did you hear about Alan? He’s on the front page of the paper!

Tutor No, I haven’t seen the papers yet. What happened to him?

Student He just won first place at an international tournament. I guess his training

really paid off.

Tutor Indeed. I’ll just drop by his place later to congratulate him.

B. Complete the dialogue using your own answers. You can use any of new vocabulary
words and expressions, if possible.
 Student is expected to provide his/her own answer. It is all right if student does not
use any of the vocabulary words or expressions.

Tutor Do you consider yourself updated on current events?

Student I think I (am/am not) because (student’s answer: e.g. I read the newspaper

every day, I barely watch the news, etc.).

Tutor What do you think is the importance of being updated?

Student I think (student’s answer: e.g. it makes us aware of our surroundings,

enhances our knowledge on social issues, etc.).

Tutor I see.

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Intermediate Conversation Material

Exercise 5: Conversation Starter (10 minutes)

Pick one of the four scenarios below, and start a conversation with your tutor.
次の 4 つのシナリオの中から好きなものを選んで、講師と会話をしてみましょう。

 Student should be the one to start the conversation. If he/she is struggling,

recommend how he/she can start. Do not provide the exact line, if possible.
 Some items require the student to defend an unusual stance on something. This is
meant to test their persuasive skills.
 Ask follow-up questions that will encourage the student to keep talking.

Name three news sections that you

usually find interesting. (e.g Sports,
Talk about news reports which you
Entertainment, Business, etc.) Specify
think are unnecessary.
your reasons.
あなたが面白いと思うニュース分野を 3 つ挙げてく 話してください。

Pretend your tutor is searching for reliable

sources of current events. Provide him/her Discuss with your tutor what type of

with recommendations. (e.g. news news reports you think is the most

websites, newspaper companies, etc.) important. State your reasons.

講師が最近のイベントについての信頼できる情報源を あなたが最も重要だと考えるニュース報道の種
探しているとします。彼/彼女にお勧めの情報源(た 類を講師と話してみましょう。理由も言いまし
とえば、ウェブサイト、新聞社など)を教えてあげく / ょう。

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Intermediate Conversation Material

 If there is remaining time, ask the student to choose another scenario and start a
conversation about it.

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