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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

Intermediate Conversation I LOOK UP TO…

Material #52

Sections in red are for the tutor’s reference only.

This material aims to teach intermediate students new words and expressions for a specific topic,
and use them in conversations. Encourage the student to talk more whenever possible.

Exercise 1: Picture Conversation

A. Read the dialogue below.

Who’s your
role model at I look up to

work? James. He’s

very smart.

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

B. Quick Q&A (2-3 minutes)

 (Tutor may ask follow-up questions, but ensure that the discussion does not
exceed three minutes.)
1. Who comes to your mind when you hear the word, “leader?”
2. What does “leadership” mean to you?
3. Have you ever led a group before?
4. Do you see yourself more like a leader or a follower?
5. If you had the chance, would you like to be your country’s leader?

Exercise 2: Say It! (3 minutes)

Read the following words and sample sentences below.


 There is no need for the tutor to read and ask the student to repeat, unless
student specifically requests for it.
A. Vocabulary

motivate A good leader knows how to motivate employees to always do

動機づける、誘導する their best.

head Ricky will head the new department.

先頭に立つ、トップにた リッキーは新しい部のトップになります。

vision The prime minister’s vision for the country is to lower the
ビジョン、未来像 unemployment rate by 10% in one year.
首相のビジョンは、国の失業率を 1 年で 10%下げることです。
leadership I’m not confident to lead the team yet because I think I need to
指導者 work on my leadership skills.
solutions I admire my team leader’s ability to come up with solutions
解決策 quickly.

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

B. Expressions

count on I can always count on my boss to make a decision

(someone/something) quickly.

(人・もの)に頼る 迅速な決断をする際、私はいつも上司に頼っています。

lead by example Our CEO leads by example – she’s never late, so we

手本を示す make it a point to be on time always.

当社の CEO は手本を示します。決して遅刻をすることはなく、常に


strike a balance Our boss always reminds us it’s important to strike a

balance between our work and home life.

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

Exercise 3: Role-Play (4 minutes)

Read the dialogues below. The vocabulary words and expressions from the previous
exercise are highlighted for your reference.
次の会話を読んでみましょう。太字で示されているのはエクササイズ 2 で学習した単語と表現です。

Correct the student’s mispronunciations no more than two times.


Tutor Let’s talk about the manager position now. What skills will we put in the

job ad?

Student Well, the first would be strategic thinking. A manager should be able to

have a vision that all members will work towards. Next, the ability to

make tough decisions.

Tutor Those are good ideas. A manager must be able to come up with

solutions if problems arise.

Student I agree. Excellent organizational skills are also necessary. Please add

that in the ad.


Student I heard you’ll be heading the next project. Congratulations!

Tutor Thanks. I’m a bit worried, to be honest.

Student Why?

Tutor I don’t think I’m ready. I’ve never headed a project yet. Any tips for me?

Student Hmm…be sure to manage your time properly. Your members are

counting on you now, so you have to strike a balance between your

responsibilities and theirs.

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

Exercise 4: Answer It! (5 minutes)

A. Complete the dialogue using the new vocabulary words and expressions we learned.
 Student can review Exercise 2 for the possible answers.

Tutor Looking forward to the leadership training?

Student Yeah. What do you want them to discuss in the talks?

Tutor I hope they talk about effective communication. There’s been a lot of

miscommunication in my team lately, so I hope to learn more on how to

address communication gaps.

Student That would be really helpful. I’m also interested in learning more about

how to motivate my team members. Some of my members look

demotivated lately.

B. Complete the dialogue using your own answers. You can use any of new vocabulary
words and expressions, if possible.
 Student is expected to provide his/her own answer. It is all right if student does not
use any of the vocabulary words or expressions.

Tutor What qualities do you think a leader should have?

Student A good leader should be (student’s answer: e.g. honest, strategic, etc.)

because (student’s answer: e.g. he should be a role model to his team

members, it’s easier to trust a leader who has a vision and a game plan, etc.).

Tutor Do you think leadership skills are learned or are people born with them?

Student I think (student’s answer: e.g. it’s learned, people are born with it, it’s a

combination of both, etc.).

Tutor Yeah, you have a point there.

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

Intermediate Conversation Material

Exercise 5: Conversation Starter (10 minutes)

Pick one of the four scenarios below, and start a conversation with your tutor.
次の 4 つのシナリオの中から好きなものを選んで、講師と会話をしてみましょう。

 Student should be the one to start the conversation. If he/she is struggling,

recommend how he/she can start. Do not provide the exact line, if possible.
 Some items require the student to defend an unusual stance on something. This is
meant to test their persuasive skills.
 Ask follow-up questions that will encourage the student to keep talking.

Share your opinion on why leadership

Name a person you consider a leader, is important. Support your answer by
then describe the qualities you admire in citing your own experiences of
him/her. leading.

あなたが、まさに指導者だと考える人の名前を挙げて 指導力が重要である理由について、あなたの考え
ください。そして、彼/彼女の持つ資質で、あなたが を教えてください。これまでの指導の経験を思い
尊敬できる点を説明してください。 起こすことで、あなたの答えを裏付けてくださ

Talk about possible ways on how a

Share your understanding of the phrase,
person can enhance his/her
“lead by example.”
leadership skills.
すか? 自分の指導力を高めるにはどうしたらいいか、

 If there is remaining time, ask the student to choose another scenario and start a
conversation about it.

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