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Case study: Rapid Process Improvement Workshop

1. What is the objective of the Rapid Process Improvement Workshop? (5 marks)

 Objective is to eliminate waste and reduce cost. Waste is anything that does
not add value or doesn’t’t contribute to customer / patient’s satisfaction or
 RPIW NO.24 : Decrease the lead time for total joint replacement surgery
patients for day of surgery. (at unit 3600, block area, city hospital
 They use lean -RPI (shorter improvement events) tools to improve the process
in the hospital. Kaizen is continuous improvement approach.

2. Compare and contrast before and after the implementation of process improvement
at the hospital. (10 marks).

 Before:
- limited space in unit 3600, unnecessary inventory
- patients experience ( have to face two area before surgery)
- No communication (unit 3600 doesn’t know the if there are patients check in
until the patients arrived)
 After:
- The receiving bay at block area shifted to unit 3600, as one stop place for
the patients to be test and consult by surgeon.
- Less lead time for the potter to send the patients to surgery.
- Unessasry inventory was eliminated
- ask patients test the infection control test at home instead at hospital. They
also did 5s (sort, simplify, sweep, standardize and self-discipline) at
inventory room unit 3600. Organize space to minimize space.
- After moving the procedure beds to more space corner which can allow
family which previously can’t. It will be a one stop place for the patients to
be prepare before the operation. Patients was happy when their family
members can be beside them. (emotional)
- 36& reduction in total space (7 bays in 3600 & 4 bays in block unit)
- 50% reduction in nursing forms used
- 30% reduction in patient walking distance
- 64% reduction in porter/attendant walking distance
- 54% reduction in forms travel distance
- 55% reduction in stretcher travel distance
- 100% reduction in defects per day
- 17% improvement in combined productivity 3600 & block unit
- 143% improvement in 5s in 3600 service room
- 100% reduction in setup time for sage wipes
- 100% reduction in cycle time for block RN assessment
- 42% increase in combined capacity in 3600 & block

3. What are the Return on Investments (ROIs) from the RPW? (5 marks)

 Time savings, customer/patients satisfaction

4. What are the flow of process improvement implemented at the hospital? Describe it
using a flow chart. (20 marks)

 Understanding patients experience and see the current process flow and time
consume (traveling).
 Staff experience (identifying problems and issues). Cramp space (for doing
procedure for patients-spine nerve block)
 Communicate to the process owner (staff) & explain the PRI purpose and
objective to make them understand to avoid any resistance.
 Day 1 – Introduction on lean system and use GEMBA to fins the 7 waste
(over-production, waiting, movement, inventory, defects, transportation, over-
 Day 2 – GEMBA analysis, came up with ideas to improve.
 Day 3- Use PDSA (Plan do, study Act) cycle is use to test ideas. (using fail-
forward -fast) don’t over analysis, try, if fail, come up with another idea.
 Day 4 – Implement the plan and documenting the results.
 Day 5 – Report presented to top management. 1st
 Week plus 1 -Training on the SOP in continued, the process owner is
responsible for the process work standard followed and maintain.
 Futher audit was done 30-90 days to ensure the improvement and sustain
5. What are the factors contributing to the success of process improvement in the
hospital? (10 marks)

 Leadership (top management commitment -CEO),

 Teamwork-Communication
 Internal Motivation -want to see good thing to happen
 Culture

6. What can be the barrier factors to process improvement implemented in the

hospital? (10 marks)

 Resistance to change by other staff.

 Additional workload, (chart, checklist)

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