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Automation Functions

Array Functions
Array Remove Item

Private Sub ArrayRemoveItem(ItemArray As Variant, ByVal ItemElement As

Dim lCtr As Long: Dim lTop As Long: Dim lBottom As Long

If Not IsArray(ItemArray) Then

Err.Raise 13, , "Type Mismatch."
Exit Sub
End If

lTop = UBound(ItemArray)
lBottom = LBound(ItemArray)

If ItemElement < lBottom Or ItemElement > lTop Then

Err.Raise 9, , "Subscript out of Range."
Exit Sub
End If

For lCtr = ItemElement To lTop - 1

ItemArray(lCtr) = ItemArray(lCtr + 1)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

ReDim Preserve ItemArray(lBottom To lTop - 1)

Exit Sub
Err.Raise Err.Number, , _
"You must pass a resizable array to this function."
End Sub

Delete HS Objects Array

Sub DeleteHSObjectsArray(InputArray As Variant)

If UBound(InputArray) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For X = 0 To UBound(InputArray) - 1
MyHSFactory.DeleteObjectForDatum InputArray(X)
Next X
End Sub

Delete Non Surface (From Array)

Sub DeleteNonSurface(InputObj As Variant)

On Error GoTo KBlast
Dim KMeas
Set KMeas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(InputObj)
If KMeas.GeometryName <> CatMeasurableSurface Then
MyHSFactory.DeleteObjectForDatum InputObj
End If
Exit Sub
If MySel.Count <> 0 Then
End If
MySel.Add InputObj
End Sub

Exists In Array

Function ExistsInArray(CurName As String, NameArray As Variant) As

If UBound(NameArray) = 0 Then
ExistsInArray = False
Exit Function
End If
For X = 0 To UBound(NameArray)
If IsEmpty(NameArray(X)) = False Then
If CurName = NameArray(X) Then
ExistsInArray = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next X
ExistsInArray = False
End Function

Force Color Array

Sub ForceColorArray(InputArray As Variant, R As Integer, G As Integer,

B As Integer, LineTypeNo As Integer, PointTypeNo As Integer,
ThicknessNo As Integer)
Dim VizProp As VisPropertySet
Set VizProp = MySel.VisProperties

If MySel.Count <> 0 Then

End If

For gg = 0 To UBound(InputArray) - 1
MySel.Add InputArray(gg)
Next gg

If R <> 1000 Or G <> 1000 Or B <> 1000 Then

VizProp.SetVisibleColor R, G, B, 1
End If
If LineTypeNo <> 1000 Then
VizProp.SetVisibleLineType LineTypeNo, 1
End If
If PointTypeNo <> 1000 Then
VizProp.SetSymbolType PointTypeNo
End If
If ThicknessNo <> 1000 Then
VizProp.SetVisibleWidth ThicknessNo, 1
End If
End Sub

Generate Length Parameters From Dbl Array

Function GenerateLengthParametersFromDblArray(ParmList As Parameters,

DblArr As Variant) As Variant
'Default units are mm.
Dim ParmArr()
ReDim ParmArr(UBound(DblArr))
For X = 0 To UBound(DblArr)
Set ParmArr(X) = ParmList.CreateDimension("STD_Rad" & Format(X,
"00"), "LENGTH", DblArr(X))
Next X
GenerateLengthParametersFromDblArray = ParmArr
End Function

Generate Real Parameters From Dbl Array

Function GenerateRealParametersFromDblArray(ParmList As Parameters,

DblArr As Variant) As Variant
Dim ParmArr()
ReDim ParmArr(UBound(DblArr))
For X = 0 To UBound(DblArr)
Set ParmArr(X) = ParmList.CreateReal("STD_Rad" & Format(X, "00"),
Next X
GenerateRealParametersFromDblArray = ParmArr
End Function

Is array empty

Function isarrempty(arrayobj) As Boolean

On Error GoTo failed

num = UBound(arrayobj)

If num < 0 Then

GoTo failed
isarrempty = False
Exit Function
End If


isarrempty = True

End Function

Load file to array

Sub loadfiletoarray(path, myarray,delimeter)

filename = path

Open filename For Input As 1

ReDim myarray(0)
counter = 0
While Not EOF(1)
lineval = ""
Line Input #1, lineval

lineval = Split(lineval, delimeter)

myarray(UBound(myarray)) = lineval
ReDim Preserve myarray(UBound(myarray) + 1)

counter = counter + 1

Close #1
End Sub

‘Comments: The text file should contain all elements separated by a delimiter such as a comma
or another type of special character. Every line should be considered an element you want in
the array.

'Example a text file containing only this:




'When running the function it will create an array containing 3 arrays each of which will have 4
sub elements.

'array 1 :
'1st element: name
'2nd element: lastname
'3rd element: age
'4th element: haircolor

'array 2 :
'1st element: jose
'2nd element: Guzman
'3rd element: 34
'4th element: black

'array 3 :
'1st element: john
'2nd element: doe
'3rd element: 10
'4th element: brown
Make Array From Excel Column

Function MakeArrayFromExcelColumn(ColumnNo As Integer, TotalRows As

Integer) As Variant
Dim CurArr()
ReDim CurArr(1)
CurArr(0) = ""

For MK = 2 To TotalRows
Dim CurStr As String
CurStr = CStr(CurCells(MK, ColumnNo).Value)

Dim WCounter As Integer

WCounter = 0
While WCounter < UBound(CurArr) And CurStr <> CurArr(WCounter)
WCounter = WCounter + 1

If WCounter >= UBound(CurArr) Then

CurArr(UBound(CurArr)) = CurStr
ReDim Preserve CurArr(UBound(CurArr) + 1)
End If
Next MK

MakeArrayFromExcelColumn = CurArr
End Function

Make Array From Search

Function MakeArrayFromSearch(SearchStr As String) As Variant

MySel.Search SearchStr
Dim TempArr()
If MySel.Count = 0 Then
ReDim TempArr(0)
MakeArrayFromSearch = TempArr
Exit Function
End If
ReDim TempArr(MySel.Count - 1)
For X = 0 To MySel.Count - 1
Set TempArr(X) = MySel.Item(X + 1).Value
Next X
MakeArrayFromSearch = TempArr
End Function

Make Array Mid Doubles

Function MakeArrayMidDoubles(InputArr As Variant) As Variant

Dim MidArr()
ReDim MidArr(UBound(InputArr) - 1)
For X = 0 To UBound(InputArr) - 1
Dim FVal
FVal = InputArr(X)
Dim SVal
SVal = InputArr(X + 1)
MidArr(X) = (CDbl(FVal) + CDbl(SVal)) / 2
Next X
MakeArrayMidDoubles = MidArr
End Function

Put Contents Of Hybrid Body Into Array

Function PutContentsOfHybridBodyIntoArray(GeomSet As HybridBody) As

Dim MasterArr()
ReDim MasterArr(GeomSet.HybridShapes.Count - 1)
For X = 1 To GeomSet.HybridShapes.Count
Set MasterArr(X - 1) = GeomSet.HybridShapes.Item(X)
Next X
PutContentsOfHybridBodyIntoArray = MasterArr
End Function

Replace Last Elements In Array

Function ReplaceLastElementsInArray(MainArray As Variant,

SubstituteArray As Variant) As Variant
Dim WC As Integer
WC = UBound(MainArray)
Dim SC As Integer
SC = 0
While WC >= 0 And SC <= UBound(SubstituteArray)
MainArray(WC) = SubstituteArray(SC)
SC = SC + 1
WC = WC - 1
ReplaceLastElementsInArray = MainArray
End Function

Return Activity Parm From Array

Function ReturnActivityParmFromArray(CurArr As Variant) As Parameter

Dim XO As Integer 'Used to find the Parent of a UDF
XO = 0
While XO < UBound(CurArr)
If TypeName(CurArr(XO)) = "BoolParam" Then
If InStr(CurArr(XO).Name, "\Activity") <> 0 Then
Set ReturnActivityParmFromArray = CurArr(XO)
Exit Function
End If
End If
XO = XO + 1
set ReturnActivityParmFromArray = Nothing
End Function

Return Axis Sys From Array By Name

Function ReturnAxisSysFromArrayByName(AxisArr As Variant, NameStr As
String) As AxisSystem
For X = 0 To UBound(AxisArr)
If AxisArr(X).Name = NameStr Then
Set ReturnAxisSysFromArrayByName = AxisArr(X)
Exit Function
End If
End Function

Return Closest Element In Array

Function ReturnClosestElementInArray(SampleArr As Variant, TestObj As

Variant) As Variant
Dim WinningDist As Double
WinningDist = 100000023
Dim WinningObj
For X = 0 To UBound(SampleArr)
If IsEmpty(SampleArr(X)) = False Then
Dim CurMeas
Set CurMeas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(SampleArr(X))
Dim CurDist As Double
CurDist = CurMeas.GetMinimumDistance(TestObj)
If CurDist < WinningDist Then
WinningDist = CurDist
Set WinningObj = SampleArr(X)
End If
End If
Next X
Set ReturnClosestElementInArray = WinningObj
End Function

Return Closest Index In Array

Function ReturnClosestIndexInArray(SampleArr As Variant, TestNum As

Variant) As Integer
Dim WinningDist As Double
WinningDist = 100000023
Dim WinningObj
For X = 0 To UBound(SampleArr)
Dim CurNum
CurNum = SampleArr(X)
Dim CurDist As Double
CurDist = Abs(CurNum - TestNum)
If CurDist < WinningDist Then
WinningDist = CurDist
WinningObj = X
End If
Next X
ReturnClosestIndexInArray = WinningObj
End Function

Return Closest Number In Array

Function ReturnClosestNumberInArray(SampleArr As Variant, TestNum As
Variant) As Double
Dim WinningDist As Double
WinningDist = 100000023
Dim WinningObj
For X = 0 To UBound(SampleArr)
Dim CurNum
CurNum = SampleArr(X)
Dim CurDist As Double
CurDist = Abs(CurNum - TestNum)
If CurDist < WinningDist Then
WinningDist = CurDist
WinningObj = SampleArr(X)
End If
Next X
ReturnClosestNumberInArray = WinningObj
End Function

Reverse Array

Function ReverseArray(SampleArr) As Variant

Dim TempArr()
ReDim TempArr(UBound(SampleArr))
For X = 0 To UBound(SampleArr)
If IsEmpty(SampleArr(UBound(SampleArr) - X)) = False Then
TempArr(X) = SampleArr(UBound(SampleArr) - X)
End If
Next X
ReverseArray = TempArr
End Function

Round Values In Array

Function RoundValuesInArray(SampArr As Variant, DivisorVal As Double)

As Variant
For X = 0 To UBound(SampArr)
Dim TempNum3 As Double
TempNum3 = Int(SampArr(X) / DivisorVal) * DivisorVal
SampArr(X) = TempNum3
Next X
RoundValuesInArray = SampArr
End Function

Sort 2 Arrays

Public Function Sort2Arrays(ByRef TheArray As Variant, ByRef

TheSecondArray As Variant)
Sorted = False
Do While Not Sorted
Sorted = True
For X = 0 To UBound(TheArray) - 1
If TheArray(X) > TheArray(X + 1) Then
Temp2 = TheSecondArray(X + 1)
Temp = TheArray(X + 1)
TheSecondArray(X + 1) = TheSecondArray(X)
TheArray(X + 1) = TheArray(X)
TheSecondArray(X) = Temp2
TheArray(X) = Temp
Sorted = False
End If
Next X
End Function

Sort Array

Public Function SortArray(ByRef TheArray As Variant)

Sorted = False 'Public Code from non-GT site.
Do While Not Sorted
Sorted = True
For X = 0 To UBound(TheArray) - 1
If TheArray(X) < TheArray(X + 1) Then
Temp = TheArray(X + 1)
TheArray(X + 1) = TheArray(X)
TheArray(X) = Temp
Sorted = False
End If
Next X
End Function

Excel Functions

Check Excel Duplicates

Function CheckExcelDuplicates(ColumnNo As Integer, EndRow As Integer,

CheckEmptyStrings As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim ColStrArr()
ReDim ColStrArr(0)
For X = 1 To EndRow
Dim XCounter As Integer
XCounter = 0
Dim CurCellStr As String
CurCellStr = CStr(CurCells(X, ColumnNo).Value)
While XCounter < UBound(ColStrArr)
If ColStrArr(XCounter) = CurCellStr Then
CheckExcelDuplicates = True
CurCells(X, ColumnNo).Font.colorindex = 41
Exit Function
End If
XCounter = XCounter + 1

If CheckEmptyStrings = False And CurCellStr = "" Then

ColStrArr(UBound(ColStrArr)) = CurCellStr
ReDim Preserve ColStrArr(UBound(ColStrArr) + 1)
End If
Next X
End Function
Export Pt Coord to XLS

Sub ExportPtCoordToXLS(CurPtObj As Variant)

If IsUpdatable(CurPtObj) Then
Dim CIMeas
Set CIMeas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(CurPtObj)
Dim CICoords()
ReDim CICoords(2)
CIMeas.GetPoint CICoords
CurCells(CSVCounter, 1).Value = CurPtObj.Name
CurCells(CSVCounter, 2).Value = CICoords(0)
CurCells(CSVCounter, 3).Value = CICoords(1)
CurCells(CSVCounter, 4).Value = CICoords(2)

CSVCounter = CSVCounter + 1
End If
End Sub

Get First Instance in Excel

Function GetFirstInstanceInExcel(InputVal As String, ColumnNo As

Integer, EndRow As Integer) As Integer
Dim LCounter As Integer
LCounter = 2
While LCounter <= EndRow
CurCellStr = CStr(CurCells(LCounter, ColumnNo).Value)
If CurCellStr = InputVal Then
GetFirstInstanceInExcel = LCounter
Exit Function
End If
LCounter = LCounter + 1
GetFirstInstanceInExcel = -1
End Function

Is App Open

Function IsAppOpen(AppName As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo Blast
Set MyApp = GetObject(, AppName & ".Application")
IsAppOpen = True
Exit Function
IsAppOpen = False
End Function

Return Total Rows

Function ReturnTotalRows() As Integer

Dim RowCounter As Integer
RowCounter = 1
Dim FileCheck As Boolean
FileCheck = False
While RowCounter < 1000 And FileCheck = False
FileCheck = True
For colcounter = 1 To 15
If CurCells(RowCounter, colcounter) <> "" Then
FileCheck = False
End If
Next colcounter
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
ReturnTotalRows = RowCounter
End Function]

Spaces Below

Function SpacesBelow(RowNum As Variant, ColNum As Variant) As Integer

Dim RC As Integer
RC = 0
Dim CurName As String
CurName = CurCells(RowNum, ColNum)
While CurName = "" And RowNum + RC <= TotalRows + 1
CurName = CStr(CurCells(RowNum + RC, ColNum).Value)
RC = RC + 1
SpacesBelow = RC - 1
End Function

Geometrical Set Functions

Add Set If Not There

Function AddSetIfNotThere(ContainerSet As Variant, HBName As String)

As HybridBody
Dim JKL As HybridBody
If ContainerSet.HybridBodies.Count = 0 Then
Set JKL = ContainerSet.HybridBodies.Add
JKL.Name = HBName
Set AddSetIfNotThere = JKL
Exit Function
End If

Dim SetCounter As Integer

SetCounter = 1
While SetCounter <= ContainerSet.HybridBodies.Count
If ContainerSet.HybridBodies.Item(SetCounter).Name = HBName Then
Set JKL = ContainerSet.HybridBodies.Item(HBName)
Set AddSetIfNotThere = JKL
Exit Function
End If
SetCounter = SetCounter + 1
Set JKL = ContainerSet.HybridBodies.Add
JKL.Name = HBName
Set AddSetIfNotThere = JKL
End Function

Delete Duplicate Hybrid Shapes in Geom Set

Sub DeleteDuplicateHybridShapesInGeomSet(geom_set As HybridBody,

cur_part As Part, cur_HSF As HybridShapeFactory)
Dim numb_set As Integer
numb_set = geom_set.HybridShapes.Count
Dim array_1()
ReDim array_1(numb_set - 1)
Dim loop1 As Integer
For loop1 = 0 To (numb_set - 1)
Set array_1(loop1) = geom_set.HybridShapes.Item(loop1 + 1)
Next loop1
Dim loop2 As Integer
For loop2 = 0 To (numb_set - 1)
Dim compare_obj1 As HybridShape
If IsEmpty(array_1(loop2)) = False Then
Set compare_obj1 = array_1(loop2)
Dim compare_obj2 As HybridShape
Dim loop3 As Integer
For loop3 = 0 To (numb_set - 1)
If IsEmpty(array_1(loop3)) = False Then
Set compare_obj2 = array_1(loop3)
If compare_obj1.Name = compare_obj2.Name Then
ElseIf CheckIfTwoObjectsAreDuplicates(compare_obj1,
compare_obj2, cur_part, cur_HSF, geom_set) = True Then
MyHSFactory.DeleteObjectForDatum compare_obj2
End If
End If
Next loop3
End If
Next loop2
End Sub

Delete Non Surfaces (from Geom Set)

Sub DeleteNonSurfaces(InputHS As Variant)

Dim ObjArr()
ReDim ObjArr(InputHS.HybridShapes.Count - 1)
For X = 0 To InputHS.HybridShapes.Count - 1
Set ObjArr(X) = InputHS.HybridShapes.Item(X + 1)

For Inputcounter = 1 To UBound(ObjArr)

Dim KObj
Set KObj = ObjArr(Inputcounter - 1)
Dim KMeas
Set KMeas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(KObj)
If KMeas.GeometryName <> CatMeasurableSurface Then
MyHSFactory.DeleteObjectForDatum KObj
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Find Closest Object in Geom Set

Function FindClosestObjectInGeomSet(GeomSet As HybridBody, CurrentPt

As Variant) As Variant
Dim WinningDist As Double
WinningDist = 1000000000

Dim CMeas 'As Measurable

Set CMeas = theSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(CurrentPt)
For xxx = 1 To GeomSet.HybridShapes.Count
Dim CurLine 'As HybridShape
Set CurLine = GeomSet.HybridShapes.Item(xxx)

Dim TempDist As Double

TempDist = CMeas.GetMinimumDistance(CurLine)

If TempDist < WinningDist Then

WinningDist = TempDist
Set winningObj = CurLine
End If
Next xxx

Set FindClosestObjectInGeomSet = winningObj

End Function

Find Obj by String in Geom Set

Function FindObjByStringInGeomSet(GeoSet As HybridBody, StrSeg As

String) As HybridShape
Dim numb_set As Integer
numb_set = GeoSet.HybridShapes.Count
Dim loop_x As Integer
For loop_x = 1 To numb_set
If InStr(GeoSet.HybridShapes.Item(loop_x).Name, StrSeg) <> 0 Then
Set FindObjByStringInGeomSet =
loop_x = numb_set
End If
Next loop_x
End Function

Hybrid Shape Exists in Hybrid Body

Function HybridShapeExistsInHybridBody(InputStr As String, CurSet as

HybridBody) As Boolean
On Error GoTo blast
Set HHH = CurSet.HybridShapes.Item(InputStr)
HybridShapeExistsInHybridBody = True
Exit Function
HybridShapeExistsInHybridBody = False
End Function
Remove Blank Set

Sub RemoveBlankSet(NewPart As Variant)

If NewPart.HybridBodies.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If NewPart.HybridBodies.Item(1).Name = "Geometrical Set.1" And
NewPart.HybridBodies.Item(1).HybridShapes.Count = 0 Then
If MySel.Count <> 0 Then
End If
MySel.Add NewPart.HybridBodies.Item(1)
End If
End Sub

Return Axis from Set

Function ReturnAxisFromSet(HB As HybridBody) As AxisSystem

Dim CurParms As Parameters

Set CurParms = MyPart.Parameters.SubList(HB, True)
Dim FirstParm As Parameter
Set FirstParm = FindFirstAxisParmInParms(CurParms)
Dim AxisPath As String
AxisPath = FirstParm.Name
AxisNameArr = Split(AxisPath, "\")
Dim AxisName As String
AxisName = AxisNameArr(UBound(AxisNameArr) - 2)

Dim CurAxisInSet As AxisSystem

Set CurAxisInSet = ReturnAxisSysFromArrayByName(AxisArr, AxisName)
'Global declaration: AxisArr = MakeArrayFromSearch("Type='Part
Design'.'Axis System',all")
Set ReturnAxisFromSet = CurAxisInSet
End Function

Return Intersecting Object from Set

Function ReturnIntersectingObjectFromSet(SampleSet As HybridBody,

CurObj As Variant) As Variant
For X = 1 To SampleSet.HybridShapes.Count
Dim CurSamp
Set CurSamp = SampleSet.HybridShapes.Item(X)
If CheckIntersection(CurSamp, CurObj, MyPart) Then
Set ReturnIntersectingObjectFromSet = CurSamp
Exit Function
End If
Next X
End Function

Set Axis Systems ToI n Geom Set

Sub SetAxisSystemsToInGeomSet()
Set MyPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
Set MySel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

Dim NewAxis As AxisSystem

Set NewAxis = MyPart.AxisSystems.Add
MyPart.UpdateObject NewAxis

If MySel.Count <> 0 Then

End If
If HasParent(NewAxis) Then
'In Axis System
CATIA.StartCommand "Axis System"
CATIA.RefreshDisplay = True

SendKeys "{Tab 9}", True

SendKeys " "
SendKeys "{Enter}", True
CATIA.RefreshDisplay = True

'9-tabs + space + enter

MySel.Add MyPart.InWorkObject
MySel.Search "Name='Axis System.'*,sel"
Dim CurAxisObj
Set CurAxisObj = MySel.Item(MySel.Count).Value
If MySel.Count <> 0 Then
End If
MySel.Add CurAxisObj
'In Geom Set
End If
MySel.Add NewAxis
End Sub

Set External References as Visible

Sub SetExternalReferencesAsVisible(True_or_False As Boolean)

Dim SetCont As SettingControllers
Set SetCont = CATIA.SettingControllers
Dim PartAtt As PartInfrastructureSettingAtt
Set PartAtt = SetCont.Item("CATMmuPartInfrastructureSettingCtrl")
PartAtt.ExternalReferencesAsVisible = True_or_False
End Sub

Geometry Functions

Add Louvre with End Offset By Curve from Origin Axis

Function AddLouvreWithEndOffsetByCurveFromOriginAxis(SketchProfileREF
As Reference, GuideCurve As Variant, OffsetDim As Double, ConstSet As
HybridBody, FinalSet As HybridBody) As HybridShapeSweepExplicit
Dim EndPt1 As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set EndPt1 =
MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromDistance(GuideCurve, OffsetDim,
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape EndPt1
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility EndPt1, 0
Dim EndPt3 As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set EndPt3 =
MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromDistance(GuideCurve, OffsetDim,
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape EndPt3
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility EndPt3, 0

Dim MSupSpl1 As HybridShapeSplit

Set MSupSpl1 = MyHSFactory.AddNewHybridSplit(GuideCurve, EndPt3,
MSupSpl1.AddElementToKeep EndPt1
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MSupSpl1
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MSupSpl1, 0
Dim MSupSpl2 As HybridShapeSplit
Set MSupSpl2 = MyHSFactory.AddNewHybridSplit(MSupSpl1, EndPt1, 1)
MSupSpl2.AddElementToKeep EndPt3
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MSupSpl2
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MSupSpl2, 0

Dim MSupFirstPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve

Set MSupFirstPt =
MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(MSupSpl2, 0, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MSupFirstPt
'MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MSupFirstPt, 0

Dim MSubStartDirLin As HybridShapeLineTangency

Set MSubStartDirLin = MyHSFactory.AddNewLineTangency(MSupSpl2,
MSupFirstPt, 0, 25.4, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MSubStartDirLin
MyPart.UpdateObject MSubStartDirLin
'MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MSubStartDirLin, 0
Dim MSubNormPlane As HybridShapeLineNormal 'As
Set MSubNormPlane = MyHSFactory.AddNewLineNormal(DriverSrf,
MSupFirstPt, 0, 10, True) 'AddNewPlane2Lines(MSubStartDirLin,
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MSubNormPlane
MyPart.UpdateObject MSubNormPlane
'MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MSubNormPlane, 0
Dim MSub2LinesPlane As HybridShapePlane2Lines
Set MSub2LinesPlane =
MyHSFactory.AddNewPlane2Lines(MSubStartDirLin, MSubNormPlane)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MSub2LinesPlane
MyPart.UpdateObject MSub2LinesPlane
'MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MSub2LinesPlane, 0

Dim axisSystems1 As AxisSystems

Set axisSystems1 = MyPart.AxisSystems
Dim axisSystem1 As AxisSystem
Set axisSystem1 = axisSystems1.Add()
axisSystem1.OriginType = catAxisSystemOriginByPoint
axisSystem1.OriginPoint = MSupFirstPt
axisSystem1.XAxisType = catAxisSystemAxisOppositeDirection
axisSystem1.XAxisDirection = MSubNormPlane
axisSystem1.YAxisType = catAxisSystemAxisOppositeDirection
'Dim hybridShapePlaneExplicit1 As HybridShapePlaneExplicit
'Set hybridShapePlaneExplicit1 = MyPart.OriginElements.PlaneXY
'axisSystem1.YAxisDirection = hybridShapePlaneExplicit1
axisSystem1.YAxisDirection = MSub2LinesPlane
axisSystem1.ZAxisType = catAxisSystemAxisSameDirection
axisSystem1.ZAxisDirection = MSubStartDirLin
'SafeHide axisSystem1 'x flips

Dim MainAxisSysREF As Reference

Set MainAxisSysREF = MyPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(MainAxisSys)
Dim axisSystem1REF As Reference
Set axisSystem1REF = MyPart.CreateReferenceFromObject(axisSystem1)

Dim NAxis2Axis As HybridShapeAxisToAxis

Set NAxis2Axis = MyHSFactory.AddNewAxisToAxis(SketchProfileREF,
MainAxisSysREF, axisSystem1REF)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape NAxis2Axis
'MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility NAxis2Axis, 0

Dim LouvreSweep As HybridShapeSweepExplicit

Set LouvreSweep = MyHSFactory.AddNewSweepExplicit(NAxis2Axis,
LouvreSweep.SubType = 1
LouvreSweep.Reference = MyPart.OriginElements.PlaneXY
LouvreSweep.SetAngleRef 1, 0#
LouvreSweep.SolutionNo = 0
LouvreSweep.SmoothActivity = False
LouvreSweep.GuideDeviationActivity = False
FinalSet.AppendHybridShape LouvreSweep
'MyPart.UpdateObject LouvreSweep
LouvreSweep.Name = GuideCurve.Name & "_MULLGEOM"
'MoveAxisSystemXDirFartherFromCoord axisSystem1, LouvreSweep, 0,
0, 0
Set AddLouvreByCurveFromOriginAxis = LouvreSweep
IsUpdatable LouvreSweep
End Function

Batch Extrude From Selection

Sub BatchExtrudeFromSelection()
Dim MyPart As Part
Dim MyHSFactory As HybridShapeFactory
Dim MySel As Selection
Set MyPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
Set MySel = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Set MyHSFactory = MyPart.HybridShapeFactory

If MySel.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

Dim CurSet As HybridBody

Set CurSet = MyPart.InWorkObject
Dim Zaxis As HybridShapeDirection
Set Zaxis = MyHSFactory.AddNewDirectionByCoord(0, 0, 1)

For X = 1 To MySel.Count
CATIA.StatusBar = "Completed... " & Round((X / MySel.Count) *
100, 0)
Dim CurExt As HybridShapeExtrude
Set CurExt = MyHSFactory.AddNewExtrude(MySel.Item(X).Value, 0, -42
* 25.4, Zaxis)
CurSet.AppendHybridShape CurExt
CurExt.Name = MySel.Item(X).Value.Name & "_EXT"
End Sub

Fillet Stabilizer

Function FilletStabilizer(CurveBefore As Variant, CurveAfter As

Variant, InPlane As Variant, FilletRad As Double, GeomSet As
HybridBody, SurfName As String) As Boolean
FilletStabilizer = True

Dim MyPart As Part

Set MyPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part
Dim MyHSFactory As HybridShapeFactory
Set MyHSFactory = MyPart.HybridShapeFactory

Dim FilletObj As HybridShapeCircleBitangentRadius

Set FilletObj = MyHSFactory.AddNewCircleBitangentRadius(CurveBefore,
CurveAfter, Nothing, FilletRad, 1, 1)
FilletObj.DiscriminationIndex = 1
'DestSet.AppendHybridShape FilletObj
FilletObj.BeginOfCircle = 2
FilletObj.SetLimitation 2
FilletObj.TrimMode = 0
'FilletObj.EndAngle = 180
'FilletObj.StartAngle = 0
GeomSet.AppendHybridShape FilletObj
FilletObj.Name = SurfName & "Fillet_edge_line"

Dim FC As Boolean
FC = False

Dim SuperMatrix
ReDim SuperMatrix(15)
SuperMatrix(0) = Array(1, 1, 1, 1)
SuperMatrix(1) = Array(-1, 1, 1, 1)
SuperMatrix(2) = Array(1, -1, 1, 1)
SuperMatrix(3) = Array(-1, -1, 1, 1) '
SuperMatrix(4) = Array(1, 1, -1, 1)
SuperMatrix(5) = Array(-1, 1, -1, 1)
SuperMatrix(6) = Array(1, -1, -1, 1)
SuperMatrix(7) = Array(-1, -1, -1, 1) '
SuperMatrix(8) = Array(1, 1, 1, -1)
SuperMatrix(9) = Array(-1, 1, 1, -1)
SuperMatrix(10) = Array(1, -1, 1, -1)
SuperMatrix(11) = Array(-1, -1, 1, 1) '
SuperMatrix(12) = Array(1, 1, -1, -1)
SuperMatrix(13) = Array(-1, 1, -1, -1)
SuperMatrix(14) = Array(1, -1, -1, -1)
SuperMatrix(15) = Array(-1, -1, -1, -1)

Dim FCCounter As Integer

FCCounter = 0
While FC = False And FCCounter < 16
FC = FilletCheck(FilletObj, SuperMatrix(FCCounter)(0),
FCCounter = FCCounter + 1

If FC = False Then
FilletStabilizer = False
Exit Function
End If

'FilletObj.Support = inplane

MyPart.InWorkObject = FilletObj
MyPart.UpdateObject FilletObj

End Function

Line from Arc End Pts

Function LineFromArcEndPts(ArcCrv As Variant, ConstSet As HybridBody,

DestSet As HybridBody) As HybridShapeLinePtPt
If CrvCheck(ArcCrv) Then
Dim BPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set BPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 0, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape BPt
BPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_BPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility BPt, 0
Dim EPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set EPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 1, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape EPt
EPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_EPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility EPt, 0

Dim LineObj As HybridShapeLinePtPt

Set LineObj = MyHSFactory.AddNewLinePtPt(BPt, EPt)
DestSet.AppendHybridShape LineObj
LineObj.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_FINLINE"
IsUpdatable LineObj
Set LineFromArcEndPts = LineObj
End If
End Function

Make Tangent Line at Pt

Sub MakeTangentLineAtPt(InputCrv As Variant, EndPt As Variant, DestSet

As HybridBody)
Dim TangLine As HybridShapeLineTangency
Set TangLine = MyHSFactory.AddNewLineTangency(InputCrv, EndPt, 0, 100,
DestSet.AppendHybridShape TangLine
TangLine.Name = InputCrv.Name & "_TANGLINE"
IsUpdatable TangLine

Dim Tmeas
Set Tmeas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(InputCrv)
Dim PtCoords(8)
Tmeas.GetPointsOnCurve PtCoords
MoveLineTangencyCloserToCoord TangLine, CDbl(PtCoords(3)),
CDbl(PtCoords(4)), CDbl(PtCoords(5))
IsUpdatable TangLine
ForceColorObjUgly TangLine, 30, 230, 100, 6, 1000, 1, 1000
End Sub

Match Blend Orientations with End Pts

Sub MatchBlendOrientations(InputBlend As HybridShapeBlend)

Dim Curve1
Set Curve1 =
Dim Curve2
Set Curve2 =

IsUpdatable Curve1
Dim C1Meas
Set C1Meas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(Curve1)
Dim C1Coords()
ReDim C1Coords(8)
C1Meas.GetPointsOnCurve C1Coords
IsUpdatable Curve2
Dim C2Meas
Set C2Meas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(Curve2)
Dim C2Coords()
ReDim C2Coords(8)
C2Meas.GetPointsOnCurve C2Coords

Dim FirstDist As Double

FirstDist = find3DDistance(C1Coords(0), C1Coords(1), C1Coords(2),
C2Coords(0), C2Coords(1), C2Coords(2))
Dim SecondDist As Double
SecondDist = find3DDistance(C1Coords(0), C1Coords(1), C1Coords(2),
C2Coords(6), C2Coords(7), C2Coords(8))

If FirstDist > SecondDist Then

InputBlend.SetOrientation 1, 1
InputBlend.SetOrientation 2, -1
End If
End Sub

Poly Line from Arc Pts

Function PolyLineFromArcPts(ArcCrv As Variant, ConstSet As HybridBody,

DestSet As HybridBody) As HybridShapePolyline
If CrvCheck(ArcCrv) Then
Dim BPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set BPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 0, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape BPt
BPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_BPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility BPt, 0
Dim MPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set MPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 0.5, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MPt
MPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_MPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MPt, 0
Dim EPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set EPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 1, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape EPt
EPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_EPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility EPt, 0

Dim LineObj As HybridShapePolyline

Set LineObj = MyHSFactory.AddNewPolyline()
LineObj.InsertElement BPt, 1
LineObj.InsertElement MPt, 2
LineObj.InsertElement EPt, 3
DestSet.AppendHybridShape LineObj
LineObj.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_FINPLINE"
IsUpdatable LineObj
Set PolyLineFromArcPts = LineObj
End If
End Function

Return Closest Point

Function ReturnClosestPoint(StartPoint As Variant, Point1 As Variant, Point2 As Variant) As

MyPart.UpdateObject StartPoint
MyPart.UpdateObject Point1
MyPart.UpdateObject Point2
Dim CMeas
Set CMeas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(StartPoint)
Dim Dist1, Dist2 As Double
Dist1 = CMeas.GetMinimumDistance(Point1)
Dist2 = CMeas.GetMinimumDistance(Point2)
Dim RCP()
ReDim RCP(1)
If Dist1 < Dist2 Then
Set RCP(0) = Point1
Set RCP(1) = Point2
Set RCP(0) = Point2
Set RCP(1) = Point1
End If
ReturnClosestPoint = RCP
End Function

Std Arc from Arc End Pts

Function StdArcFromArcEndPts(ArcCrv As Variant, StdRadVal As Double,

ConstSet As HybridBody, DestSet As HybridBody) As
If CrvCheck(ArcCrv) Then
Dim BPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set BPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 0, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape BPt
BPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_BPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility BPt, 0
Dim MPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set MPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 0.5, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape MPt
MPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_MPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility MPt, 0
Dim EPt As HybridShapePointOnCurve
Set EPt = MyHSFactory.AddNewPointOnCurveFromPercent(ArcCrv, 1, True)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape EPt
EPt.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_EPT"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility EPt, 0

Dim CurPlane As HybridShapePlane3Points

Set CurPlane = MyHSFactory.AddNewPlane3Points(BPt, MPt, EPt)
ConstSet.AppendHybridShape CurPlane
CurPlane.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_CP"
MyHSFactory.GSMVisibility CurPlane, 0

Dim LineObj As HybridShapeCircle2PointsRad

Set LineObj = MyHSFactory.AddNewCircle2PointsRad(BPt, EPt, CurPlane,
False, StdRadVal, 1)
DestSet.AppendHybridShape LineObj
LineObj.Name = ArcCrv.Name & "_FINLINE"
IsUpdatable LineObj
MoveCircle2PointsRadCloserToObj LineObj, MPt
Set StdArcFromArcEndPts = LineObj
End If
End Function

Tension Relief

Sub TensionRelief(InputSpline As Variant, IntersectionCurve As

CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.UpdateObject InputSpline
Dim Meas
Set Meas = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(InputSpline)
Dim LLength As Double
LLength = Meas.Length
InputSpline.SetPointConstraintFromCurve 1, IntersectionCurve, -1#, -1,
CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.UpdateObject InputSpline

Dim Meas2
Set Meas2 = TheSPAWorkbench.GetMeasurable(InputSpline)
Dim LLength2 As Double
LLength2 = Meas2.Length
If LLength < LLength2 Then
InputSpline.SetPointConstraintFromCurve 1, IntersectionCurve, 1#,
-1, 1
CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part.UpdateObject InputSpline
End If
End Sub

Math Functions

Angle between two planes - Dihedral Angle

Public Function DihedralAngle(FirstPlane As iPlan, SecondPlane As
iPlan) As Double
DihedralAngle = ArcCos(FirstPlane.Ax * SecondPlane.Ax + FirstPlane.By
* SecondPlane.By + FirstPlane.Cz * SecondPlane.Cz / _
Sqr((FirstPlane.Ax ^ 2 + FirstPlane.By ^ 2 + FirstPlane.Cz ^ 2) *
(SecondPlane.Ax ^ 2 + SecondPlane.By ^ 2 + SecondPlane.Cz ^ 2)))
End Function


Public Function ArcCos(Radians As Double) As Double

If Round(Radians, 8) = 1 Then ArcCos = 0: Exit Function
If Round(Radians, 8) = -1 Then ArcCos = PI: Exit Function
ArcCos = Atn(-Radians / Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2)) + 2 * Atn(1)
End Function


Public Function ArcSin(Radians As Double) As Double

If (Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2) <= 0.000000000001) And (Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2)
>= -0.000000000001) Then
ArcSin = PI / 2
ArcSin = Atn(Radians / Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2))
End If
End Function

Color to RGB

Function Color_to_RGB(Color As Long) As Variant

Dim CurRGB() As Integer
ReDim CurRGB(2)
CurRGB(0) = Color Mod 256
CurRGB(1) = (Color \ 256) Mod 256
CurRGB(2) = (Color \ 256 \ 256) Mod 256
Color_to_RGB = CurRGB
End Function

Cross Product

Function CrossProduct(PtAx As Double, PtAy As Double, PtAz As Double,

PtBx As Double, PtBy As Double, PtBz As Double, PtCx As Double, PtCy
As Double, PtCz As Double) As Variant
Dim Vec1()
ReDim Vec1(2)
Dim Vec2()
ReDim Vec2(2)
Vec1(0) = PtAx - PtBx
Vec1(1) = PtAy - PtBy
Vec1(2) = PtAz - PtBz
Vec2(0) = PtCx - PtBx
Vec2(1) = PtCy - PtBy
Vec2(2) = PtCz - PtBz
'Ax As Double, Ay As Double, Az As Double, Bx As Double, By As Double,
Bz As Double
Dim CrossArr()
ReDim CrossArr(2)
CrossArr(0) = Vec1(1) * Vec2(2) - Vec2(1) * Vec1(2)
CrossArr(1) = Vec1(2) * Vec2(0) - Vec2(2) * Vec1(0)
CrossArr(2) = Vec1(0) * Vec2(1) - Vec2(0) * Vec1(1)
CrossProduct = CrossArr
End Function

Dec 2 Fract

Function Dec2Fract(X As Single) As String

Dim F As String, Y As Single, Num As Integer, Den As Integer

Den = 16 'Denominator: can be set to 8, 16, 32, 64 etc

If X = 0 Then
Dec2Fract = ""
Exit Function

Y = Abs(X)
If Y > 1 Then Y = Y - Int(Y) ' get fractional part
Num = CInt(Den * Y)

If Num = Den Then

F = "1"
ElseIf Num = 0 Then
If Abs(X) < 1 Then F = "0" Else F = ""
Do Until Num Mod 2 <> 0
Num = Num / 2
Den = Den / 2
F = LTrim$(Str$(Num)) + "/" + LTrim$(Str$(Den))
End If

If Abs(X) > 1 Then

If F <> "1" Then
F = Trim$(Str$(Fix(X))) + " " + F
F = Trim$(Str$(CInt(X)))
End If
End If

If X < 0 And X > -1 Then F = "-" + F

Dec2Fract = F
End If
End Function

Deg to rad

Function deg_to_rad(InputDegrees As Double) As Double

deg_to_rad = InputDegrees * 3.14159265 / 180
End Function

Determinant of an NxN matrix

Public Function GetDet(M() As Double) As Double

Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Dim Size As Integer: Size = UBound(M): Dim RetVal As Double
If Size = 1 Then
RetVal = RetVal + M(0, 0) * M(1, 1) - M(0, 1) * M(1, 0) 'daca e
deteminant 2x2
For i = 0 To Size
RetVal = RetVal + ((-1) ^ i) * M(0, i) * GetDet(GetMinor(M, 0, i))
'daca e determinant NxN
End If
GetDet = RetVal
End Function

Minor matrix - it is used to calculate the determinant of an NxN matrix

Public Function GetMinor(Min() As Double, RemRow As Integer, RemCol As

Integer) As Double()
Dim RetVal() As Double: Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Dim IdxC As Integer: Dim IdxR As Integer
Dim Size As Integer: IdxR = 0: Size = UBound(Min) - 1
ReDim RetVal(Size, Size) As Double
For i = 0 To Size + 1
If i <> RemRow Then
IdxC = 0
For j = 0 To Size + 1
If j <> RemCol Then
RetVal(IdxR, IdxC) = Min(i, j)
IdxC = IdxC + 1
End If
IdxR = IdxR + 1
End If
GetMinor = RetVal
Erase RetVal
End Function

Distance between two points

Public Function P2PDist(FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As

Distance = Sqr((SecondPoint.X - FirstPoint.X) ^ 2 + (SecondPoint.Y -
FirstPoint.Y) ^ 2 + (SecondPoint.Z - FirstPoint.Z) ^ 2)
End Function

Distance from Equation of Line

Function DistanceFromEquationOfLine(LineSlope As Variant,
Line_Y_Intersept As Variant, Pt_X_Coord As Double, Pt_Y_Coord As
Double) As Double
DistanceFromEquationOfLine = Abs(Pt_Y_Coord - (LineSlope * Pt_X_Coord)
- Line_Y_Intersept) / Sqr((LineSlope * LineSlope) + 1)
End Function

Dot Product

Function DotProduct(U, V)
temp = U(0) * V(0) + U(1) * V(1) + U(2) * V(2)
DotProduct = temp
End Function

Find 3D Distance

Function find3DDistance(Xdim As Variant, Ydim As Variant, Zdim As

Variant, X2dim As Variant, Y2Dim As Variant, Z2Dim As Variant) As
find3DDistance = Sqr(((Xdim - X2dim) * (Xdim - X2dim)) + ((Ydim -
Y2Dim) * (Ydim - Y2Dim)) + ((Zdim - Z2Dim) * (Zdim - Z2Dim)))
End Function

Get Acute Angle

Function GetAcuteAngle(Line1 As Variant, Line2 As Variant) As Double

Dim AMeas
Set AMeas = TheSPAWorkBench.GetMeasurable(Line1)
Dim AAng As Double
AAng = AMeas.GetAngleBetween(Line2)
If AAng > 135 Then
GetAcuteAngle = 180 - AAng
GetAcuteAngle = AAng
End If
End Function

Get Angle Between

Function GetAngleBetween(PtAx As Variant, PtAy As Variant, PtAz As

Variant, PtBx As Variant, PtBy As Variant, PtBz As Variant, PtCx As
Variant, PtCy As Variant, PtCz As Variant) As Double
Dim Vec1()
ReDim Vec1(2)
Dim Vec2()
ReDim Vec2(2)
Vec1(0) = PtAx - PtBx
Vec1(1) = PtAy - PtBy
Vec1(2) = PtAz - PtBz
Vec2(0) = PtCx - PtBx
Vec2(1) = PtCy - PtBy
Vec2(2) = PtCz - PtBz
Length1 = Sqr(Vec1(0) * Vec1(0) + Vec1(1) * Vec1(1) + Vec1(2) *
Length2 = Sqr(Vec2(0) * Vec2(0) + Vec2(1) * Vec2(1) + Vec2(2) *
DotP = (Vec1(0) * Vec2(0) + Vec1(1) * Vec2(1) + Vec1(2) * Vec2(2))
Calc = DotP / (Length1 * Length2)
'Arccos (77)
GetAngleBetween = (Atn(-Calc / Sqr(-Calc * Calc + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)) *
(180 / PI)
End Function

Get Distance

Function GetDistance(EdgeRef1, EdgeRef2)

Dim CurrentMeasurable ' As Measurable
Set TheSPAWorkBench =
Dim TempDistance
Set CurrentMeasurable = TheSPAWorkBench.GetMeasurable(EdgeRef1)
TempDistance = CurrentMeasurable.GetMinimumDistance(EdgeRef2)
GetDistance = TempDistance
End Function

Get Slope

Function GetSlope(X1 As Variant, X2 As Variant, Y1 As Variant, Y2 As

Variant) As Double
GetSlope = (Y1 - Y2) / (X1 - X2)
End Function

Get Y Intercept

Function GetYIntercept(X1 As Variant, X2 As Variant, Y1 As Variant, Y2

As Variant) As Double
GetYIntercept = Y1 - (X1 * (Y1 - Y2) / (X1 - X2))
End Function

Inverse of an NxN matrix

Public Function GetInverse(M() As Double) As Double()

Dim RetVal() As Double: Dim Size As Integer
Dim Det As Double: Dim Adj() As Double
Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Size = UBound(M): Det = GetDet(M)
If Det <> 0 Then
ReDim RetVal(Size, Size)
Adj = GetAdjoint(M)
For i = 0 To Size
For j = 0 To Size
RetVal(i, j) = Adj(i, j) / Det
Erase Adj
GetInverse = RetVal
Erase RetVal
End If
End Function

Adjoint matrix - it is used to calculate the inverse of an NxN matrix

Public Function GetAdjoint(M() As Double) As Double()

Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer
Dim Size As Integer: Size = UBound(M)
Dim RetVal() As Double: ReDim RV(Size, Size)
For i = 0 To Size
For j = 0 To Size
RetVal(j, i) = ((-1) ^ (i + j)) * GetDet(GetMinor(M, i, j))
'RetVal(i, j)=matricea cofactor; RetVal(j, i)= transpusa matricii
GetAdjoint = RetVal
Erase RetVal
End Function


Function Numberator(InputInt As Integer) As String

If InputInt < 0 Then
Numberator = ""
ElseIf InputInt > -1 And InputInt < 10 Then
Numberator = "00" & CStr(InputInt)
ElseIf InputInt > 9 And InputInt < 100 Then
Numberator = "0" & CStr(InputInt)
ElseIf InputInt > 99 And InputInt < 1000 Then
Numberator = CStr(InputInt)
MsgBox "Numbers are too big. Select less lines or start with a
lower value.", vbCritical, "Numbers are too large."
Numberator = ""
End If
End Function

Plane Equation

Public Function PlaneEquation(PartOrigin As iPct, PlaneOrigin As iPct,

FirstVector As iPct, SecondVector As iPct) As iPlan
Set PlaneEquation = New iPlan
PlaneEquation.Ax = PartOrigin.Y * (FirstVector.Z - SecondVector.Z) +
FirstVector.Y * (SecondVector.Z - PartOrigin.Z) + SecondVector.Y *
(PartOrigin.Z - FirstVector.Z)
PlaneEquation.By = PartOrigin.Z * (FirstVector.X - SecondVector.X) +
FirstVector.Z * (SecondVector.X - PartOrigin.X) + SecondVector.Z *
(PartOrigin.X - FirstVector.X)
PlaneEquation.Cz = PartOrigin.X * (FirstVector.Y - SecondVector.Y) +
FirstVector.X * (SecondVector.Y - PartOrigin.Y) + SecondVector.X *
(PartOrigin.Y - FirstVector.Y)
PlaneEquation.Dt = PlaneOrigin.X * (FirstVector.Y * SecondVector.Z -
SecondVector.Y * FirstVector.Z) + FirstVector.X * (SecondVector.Y *
PlaneOrigin.Z - PlaneOrigin.Y * _
SecondVector.Z) + SecondVector.X * (PlaneOrigin.Y * FirstVector.Z -
FirstVector.Y * PlaneOrigin.Z)
End Function

Points on the same side of the plane (2 points)

Public Function WhichSideOfPlane(Plane As iPlan, FirstPoint As iPct,

SecondPoint As iPct) As Integer()
Dim ArrReturn() As Integer: ReDim ArrReturn(1)
ArrReturn(0) = Plane.Ax * FirstPoint.X + Plane.By * FirstPoint.Y +
Plane.Cz * FirstPoint.Z - Plane.Dt
ArrReturn(1) = Plane.Ax * SecondPoint.X + Plane.By * SecondPoint.Y +
Plane.Cz * SecondPoint.Z - Plane.Dt
WhichSideOfPlane = ArrReturn
Erase ArrReturn
End Function

RGB to Hex

Public Function rgbtohex(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte)

'input format = 255,255,255

'Get the r value

If r < 16 Then
hex1 = 0 & Hex(r)
hex1 = Hex(r)
End If

'Get the g value

If r < 16 Then
hex2 = 0 & Hex(g)
hex2 = Hex(g)
End If

'Get the b value

If b < 16 Then
hex3 = 0 & Hex(b)
hex3 = Hex(b)
End If

rgbtohex = "#" & hex1 & hex2 & hex3

End Function

Subtract Date Time

Function SubtractDateTime(Time1, Time2)
Dim TimeDiff
SecDifference = Second(Time2) - Second(Time1)
MinDifference = Minute(Time2) - Minute(Time1)
HourDifference = Hour(Time2) - Hour(Time1)
DayDifference = Day(Time2) - Day(Time1)
If SecDifference < 0 Then
SecDifference = 60 + SecDifference
MinDifference = MinDifference - 1
End If
If MinDifference < 0 Then
MinDifference = 60 + MinDifference
HourDifference = HourDifference - 1
End If
If HourDifference < 0 Then
HourDifference = 24 + HourDifference
DayDifference = DayDifference - 1
End If
If DayDifference < 0 Then
DayDifference = 31 + DayDifference
End If
SubtractDateTime = SecDifference + MinDifference * 60 + HourDifference
* 3600 + DayDifference * 86400
End Function

Vector of line

Public Function GetLineVector(FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct)

As iPct
Dim Dist As Double: Set GetLineVector = New iPct
Dist = P2PDist(FirstPoint, Seconpoint)
GetLineVector.X = (SecondPoint.X - FirstPoint.X) / Dist
GetLineVector.Y = (SecondPoint.Y - FirstPoint.Y) / Dist
GetLineVector.Z = (SecondPoint.Z - FirstPoint.Z) / Dist
End Function

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