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150063245 78B1 «y United States Patent (1 Patent Noz US 6,324,578 BL Cox et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 27, 2001 (58) METHODS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER OTHER PUBLICATIONS PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR stpacors : . MANAGEMENT OF CONFIGURABLE aa ilps oes en pallet OuLng APPLICATION PROGRAMS ON A icrasoft Windows NT 4.0 Profiles and Policies” pp. 1-76. ae tpt ont shaterv/acap-charer il “App {ation Configuration Access Protos! (ac) 6 pote. (75) Inventors: David E, Cox, Raleigh; Kent F. Hayes, 1PM Network Station Manager lor Windows NT Server 4.0, Penta aeaaaee Caper 5. Using the THM Network Slaton Manager, pp Chapel Hill; David B. Lindquist, Sot SAS, Raleigh, all of NC (US) (List continued on next page.) (79) Assignee: International Bosiness Machines Primary Examiner—Ayaz Sheikh ‘Corporation, Asmong, NY (US) ‘sistant Examiner—Prant B Jean . (Ga) Attorney, Agen, or Finn—Hesnine S, Raye (2) Novice: Suhjct to any estamos the erm ofthis Nye gel Sieg & Stjoce patent is extended or austed under 35 USEC 154 by 0 ayn oo ABSTRACT Management of congurable applications programs on a 21) Appl. No. 09/211,529 network Is provided sing wo program is foreach ae re Configurabieappbaton program. The two program files are (2) Files Le REia) provided to a network server station which operates as the G1) mar GO6F 1100, G06 15/16. Bredcmand server forsovare deployment amy a5 et (2) US.Ch 709/223; 709/224; 109/225, ase aplication server. The on-demand server makes the "708/201; 109/310; 707103 fist (coniguation manager) program wallabl oan admin- (58). Fle of Search 709223, 224, sralor to cblain preferences for the configurable peter “isi Hi, 8; WTTIOS ences ofthe applation program which have been Gesig- tated as administrator preferences, The on-demand server 6) References Cited tk proves a second (application launches) program ois ‘iet stations. The appieaton uncer program not only ‘US. PATENT DOCUMENTS provides for a user interface to execute the application S.208165 111902 Janis xysmas Progam ise but ao allows «vero specify one or more Peau een ‘tidal ofthe configurable puameter of the application program S5St570 * Si90 Ror era Siggaett An icon is displayed on the secen of the client ston Statin 5/1907 Chose "9223, through which wer may inate execution ofthe applica Sesto 1007 en ea 70202 tion program. The aplication Isher program previes Shonets ~ 10997 Min ta 407408 the enty ole ae tothe server along with ths cequest Sh mas 111997 Regnier a ova iitite execution of the application program. The SHEED * 4n998 Woman 7051 Samad ever hen ines eeu of he pp Sites) ioe Relea 70722 rogram vsing sored valves forthe ser and administrator ge er 713200 Set preferences of, if no preferences have yet been obtained (Lis contnved on next page) forthe pacar ser, obtains user preferences Deore i tating execution of the application program, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS wo 9850853111998 (WO) Coors 46 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets US 6,324,578 BL ase2 US, PATENT DOCUMENTS. COTTIER PUBLICATIONS. S7na3st 61998 Crawford 701229 uprvwwsovace bm com/os war iar sq202822m, Sorsses os fog et Pe ea SShST S16 Me ores Seas, oo Seis snore een RTI answmiealsomaINC, lava Desktop Eine S.848,243 © 12/1998 Kulkarni ct al 709224 from Triteal, pp. 1-2. Shean + loo Band a ia hp/ btn, Sia | ow betsy Tovaat—“idaea Vows". 1-2 Soi + Qi) alan ea 700) psenttelonmeesuiteeSuite, “The Right Work el “7233 Enwionment for Network Cee Comping” 24 psges. ce a ea 024 IME 10 Sofware Disration Users Gute, Version 31 {6105,063 * 82000 Hayes, Ie 77017203 Chapters 1, 4 and 5. Sisina £2000 Hepes ~ Raa “A Common Desktop Envitonment for Platforms Based on lingtos + 82000 Henkin 4023 he UNIN Operating Syseme by BLE. Crpee 1. A. ree m6 T12 * 2000 Hays Scr ant. ELavsen Hewlt Packard Hou, vl 47, samo 12200 Macon No.2, Ape 1 1996p. 6-14 Stee giao wm TER, Adniniration of Graphic User Inrface and Mutinea 5 Yano Dat “Onid Objects Using, Cooperative Proeaing” IDM Technical 220m! Oke st Finas—Dsclosare Butea, vol 37, No. 9 Sep. 1, 1998, pp. + 201 te ons) 675-678, XPUOTSSA2 Sica eo Tah im Gimaos oot Dawah M7 * cited by examine U.S. Patent Nov. 27, 2001 Sheet 1 of 5 US 6,324,578 BL 20 ell Network Managerfent Server 22° = Client Client feed Client Client FIG. 1 US. Patent Nov. 27, 2001 US 6,324,578 BL 50 Install Application File Packet 4 22 Distribute Application Launcher to Clients| Distribute i Configuration ‘Manager to Obtain User Preferences for Application t 8 Obtain Administrator Preferences for Application 60 a Yes Obtain Defaults Yes ‘Additional Applications? Distribution Complete FIG. 2 US. Patent Nov. 27, 2001 Receive Application File Packet i n Identify Clients to Receive Application and Administrator i m Distribute Launcher(s) and Manager(s) Z * Obtain Admin and/ or Default Preferences i = Receive Initiate Execution Request 13 0f5 US 6,324,578 BL 70 a4 and ID User Requesting 80 82 Obtain User Prefs Obtain User Prefs Associated With Associated With Authorized User Ld Authorized User From Memory From Launcher t Initiate Execution FIG. 3 of Application with User Prefs 86 US. Patent Nov. 27, 2001 US 6,324,578 BL Client:Launcher 90 Receive Application Launcher ¥ 2 Display Icon Associated With Application on Screen Icon Selected? y Yes |Obtain User ID and} Provide Request with ID to Server User Prefs Requested? yes 100 Provide User Preferences cf 102 Run Application With User and Admin Prefs FIG. 4 US. Patent Nov. 27, 2001 License Mgmnt Receive License Request 15005 Establish Default ‘Apply Administrator Overrides. ¥ Apply User Overrides. and Update Database: if Changes Track License Usage FIG. 5 186 188 190 192 194 US 6,324,578 BL US 6,324,578 BL 1 METHODS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR MANAGEMENT OF CONFIGURABLE APPLICATION PROGRAMS ON A NETWORK ‘CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED. APPLICATIONS, ‘This application is related to the following application fied concurrently herewith: METHODS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR CENTRAL IZED MANAGEMENT OF APPLICATION PROGRAMS ON A NETWORK. Ths application is also related to US. pateat application See. No, 09/072,597 fled May 5, 1998 tnd ealiled: Client-Server System for Maintaining « user Desktop Consistent with Server Application User Access Permissions which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, FIELD OF THE INVENTION ‘The present invention relates to network management in ‘general and in particular io application program manage- ment on a computer nebwork BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION uitional mainframe computer configurations provided for user interface to the computer through computer temi- nals which were directly connected by wie to ports of the mainirame computer. As computing technology has evolved, processing power has typically evolved from a ‘enteal processing eoster with a number of relatively low processing power terminals toa distributed envionment of networked processors. Examples of this shift in processing include local or wide area computer networks which inter ‘connect individual work stations where cach workstation has substantial independent processing capabilities. This shit may be further een in the popularity of the Internet which interconnects many processors and networks of processors through devices suchas, for example, couters. This type of network environment is often referred lo as a client-server ‘environment with client stations coupled to and supported by a server station. In the modera distributed processing computer environment, control over software, such as application programs, is more difficult than where a mainframe operated by an administator is used, pacticularly for lange organiza ‘ions with sumerous elit sations and servers distbuted widely geographically and utilized by a large number of ‘users, Furthermore individual users may move Irom loca. tion to location and need to access the etwork from laren client stations at differen times, The networked environment increases the challenges for a network admin. istalor in maintaining proper licenses for existing software and deploying new of updated applications programs aeross the network One approach to reducing software distribution and con- trol problems isto use an application server in which the application programs are installed and maintained on a centralized server which supports « plurality of elit sta- tions. In addition, the Systems Management Server (SMS) program from Micrasofl Corporation proves an ability 10 transmit an application program from a server toa number cof clients. The SMS system typically allows installation of programs and associated icons at client stations for SMS- ‘enabled applications. Acastomized install generally must be 2

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