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Any success you have in life must begin with a vision. A vision is the ability to see what
others cannot see. It is being able to have a picture in your mind of exactly the result you
intend to produce. The visionary entrepreneur is able to see exactly what his or her business
is going to look like in every detail when it is finished.

The visionary entrepreneur constantly thinks in terms of innovation. Innovation is the

process of constantly looking for and better ways of doing business. It is the process of
constantly coming up with better and more cost effective ways of bringing your products and
services to your prospects and customers. As author and management consultant Peter
Drucker said, A business has only one function and that is to create a customer. The only way
you do that is with marketing and innovation. Everything else is just costs and expenses of
doing business.

Entrepreneurs have the vision to plan not only for the short term, but for a long time
to achieve the goals and vision of the organization. For example, they make the best decisions
and to consider the challenges, threats and opportunities that will be encountered. The
entrepreneurial vision is not about creating new products or services. It is all about creating a
better way of doing something that enriches people's lives.

Entrepreneur vision should give them a clear and focused intention of exactly what
they want for their life and for their business. When they have a clear and focused vision,
they can take any ordinary business and make it perform in an extraordinary way. When the
entrepreneurs do this any business they build will achieve extraordinary results.

For example the story of women’s entrepreneurs Madam Sairolniza Jamadi who have
the high vision. The entrepreneur opened a business called Rabiah Amit Cake House.
Visionary in itself clear when the vision is to change the traditional marketing its Sarawak
Layer Cake maker of the methods of dealing face to form a business online. Entrepreneurs
are also expanding business market that are inherited from the mother at the global level
using information technology skills. Despite various obstacles impassable either from outside
or inside, these entrepreneurs continue to persevere and make it a challenge.

According to Yep White (1985), challenges that must be passed by an entrepreneur

can be divided into self and family, challenge yourself more centred on his ability to perform
the duties and responsibilities efficiently and effectively. Effectiveness depends on the skills,
experience, ability and willingness to discipline yourself to sacrifice pleasure and leisure. The
second challenge, namely the family occurs in two forms, namely they did not believe in the
ability of the individual business. As a result of this situation could discourage entrepreneurs.
Moreover, the family refused to give a positive and constructive cooperation to prevent


The next trait is a failure for entrepreneurs is on option. An entrepreneur who wants to
succeed in the 21st century need to think about any failures that occur due to the choice
should be made part in the business, which everyone would encounter it. Thus, the
entrepreneur will be pessimistic about the difficulties, hardship and difficulties that it faces
and will not repeat the same mistakes in the future.

Furthermore, in any business or field of endeavours, not everyone will be successful

because there are some entrepreneurs who succeed, while others fail. Among one of the
failures of an entrepreneur is an attitude, (MB Young, 2003). All sorts of things can be
classified as a person's attitude, for example in terms of work discipline, ethics and sense of
responsibility. Therefore, every choice whether in making decisions and actions need to be
studied in depth after taking into account the calculated risk.

For example, business owners of Aqaf Gallery and Aqaf Trading who name Zaklean
Ansari Zambri. This women’s entrepreneurs initially only hamper trade, souvenirs, gifts and
organize the event. Madam Zaklean is a single mother who tireless care of their children and
at the same time on-line trading in organizing events and providing corporate hampers and
gifts. In fact, this single mother did not give up even more eager to live independently seek to
raise their children.

Thanks to the enthusiasm and support from the government to give encouragement
and motivation, single parents made the choice to rise again and continue to do business
online. The method used to facilitate entrepreneurs to be more active because it does not
require high capital and there is no need to provide the business premises as well as enough
to provide all of their own homes.


Open culture is a concept according to which knowledge should be spread freely and its
growth should come from developing, altering or enriching already existing works on the
basis of sharing and collaboration, without being restricted by rules linked to the legal
protection of intellectual property. In a context of globalization, the consequence is that all
citizens should have equal access to information. In an entrepreneurial view open culture are
work is more than a job, it is a lifestyle. Employees are more like a team than in most
companies, and in some cases, they are even like a family.

Fundamental to the success of open cultured is the breaking of barrier. The

entrepreneur needs to create an environment where people can interact with each other,
support each other and recognise each other’s efforts and achievement. The entrepreneur
need to share information, so that employees are aware of the direction of the business and
are involved in it. Besides that, treating employees with respect help enable them to do their
jobs to the best of their ability.

One example of open culture entrepreneur is Richard Stallman. He is who was

working with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology resigned February 1984 and
launched the GNU project. In 1989, he created the General Public License that gave
interested researchers not only the ability to have access to the source code, but also to
reproduce, modify, and distribute it.

However, the movement split in two different directions. Stallman and the Free
Software Foundation, created in 1985, adopted a social dimension by putting the emphasis on
knowledge sharing, while Eric Raymond and his Open Source Initiative (OSI), created in
1998 stressed the possibilities for technological development opened up by the fact that
developers could freely use their predecessors’ work.

Richard Stallman and Lawrence Lessing developed tools such as Creative Commons
licensing and “copy left” licenses to help bring about a more open culture. Although open
science has many parallels to the open culture movement, science faces a unique set of forces
that inhibit open sharing. That means that tools such as Creative Commons licenses, which
have been tremendously effective in moving to a more open culture, do not directly address
the principal underlying challenge in science. Although open science can learn a lot from the
open culture movement, it also requires new thinking.


Outcome oriented is synonymous with result oriented, strategic and effective. It refer to
organization or individual who are seek to achieve clearly defined goals. Where they and
their grantees pursue evidence-based strategies for achieving those goals and where they will
monitor progress toward outcomes and assess their success in achieving them in order to
make appropriate correct decision. Besides that, Outcome oriented also is a term used to
describe an individual or organization the focuses on outcome rather than process used to
produce a product or deliver a service. As such, a number of processes are used where the
most effective and economical process is identified.

The example of entrepreneur that is has outcome oriented traits is Richard Branson.
Richard Branson is well known as a leading business figure throughout the western world.
Although not all of his business ventures and investments have been successful, he has
created a global online and many other businesses, including a chain if music distribution and
retail enterprises, most of which are marketed under the Virgin brand. Branson is one of a
new breed of business leaders who combine personal flair and entrepreneurial vision with
sound business logic and decision-making.

He initiated airline Virgin Australia, which has challenged the entrenched players in
New Zealand and Australia. As business entrepreneurs are motivated by a desire to see things
change and to produce measureable returns. The results they seek are essentially linked to
‘making the world a better place’, for example through improving quality of life, access to
basic resources or supporting disadvantaged groups.


Team oriented means businesses that stress a spirit of teamwork and collaboration can
capitalize on the individual strengths of their employees. When effective teams are in place,
the collective product is greater than the sum of the individual effort. There are the ways to
ensure a team oriented in business culture. Which are focuses on communication for large
organization to be effective communicator, they must break down the silos and build a
communication strategy around transparency. The team need to know where the company
stands are. Where it has been and where it is headed.

By communicating the mission and vision and how each team member plays a role in
achieving success, everyone can move in the same direction. Besides that, install loyalty is
also the one way to ensure a team oriented. The loyalty has to come from the top.
Management must exemplify loyalty by never throwing anyone under the bus, never leaving
anyone behind and always communicating candidly also providing unconditional support.
KONOSUKE Matsushita is the one entrepreneurship that practice team oriented in
him business. He was born into a well-off landowning family in the Japanese village of
Wasa, on November 27, 1894. He grew into a nervous, rather sickly young adult with an un-
promising future. At a time when you had to be well educated, charismatic, even rich, to
succeed, he seemed destined for a life of struggle meant that Matsushita's education was cut
short. When he at age of nine, he took a job as an apprentice in a bicycle shop to help the
family survive.

One of the traits that followed Matsushita throughout his career was a willingness to
take risks. He did that when he quit his bicycle shop job to accept employment at Osaka
Electric Light Company, when he was 16. Matsushita was quickly promoted and eventually
became an inspector, which job Matsushita considered that was a respectable job at which
many might have stayed until retirement. Nevertheless, while working at Osaka Light, he had
managed to create a new type of light socket, one that was better than anything available at
the time. Matsushita showed the invention to his boss, who was unimpressed.

Matsushita had no money and no real business experience, but he did have drive and
ambition. Therefore, in 1917, at the age of 23, Konosuke Matsushita began the Panasonic’s
journey. He decided to manufacture the device himself. With the help of his wife and three
eager assistants, Matsushita began his business. The combined education of the five
amounted to less than a high school education, and none had any experience in
manufacturing an electric plug. However, they had ambition. In a cramped two-room
tenement house, they worked long hours, seven days a week. After several very lean months,
they had completed a few samples of the new product.

Wholesalers generally rejected his new style electric plug. They told him it was
acceptable, even innovative, but that he needed far more than one single item for the large
wholesalers and retailers to be interested in his company. He persevered, and gradually
people began to buy the plug, when they saw that it was better in quality and almost 50%
lower in price. Matsushita kept his business afloat by taking on contracts for other items, such
as insulator plates.

By 1922, his firm was introducing new items every month. He was also developing
business strategies that made him stand out from his competitors. He learned that a new
product had to be 30% better and 30% less expensive, than one already on the market. By
giving his products away, he could eventually sell many more of them. He also pioneered an
effective after sale service program. Since this, Panasonic Corporation grew to become the
largest Japanese electronics producer.

In the late 1980s, Matsushita’s revenues hit a whopping $42 billion. With nearly
20,000 employees, Matsushita grew such household brand names as National, Panasonic and
Techniques. Matsushita's success has made him Japan's biggest yen billionaire. He has also
made himself the most widely admired business person in Japan.

In 1929, based on his belief that success can only be achieved if all employees
understand what they are doing and why, Konosuke Matsushita penned his Seven Basic
Business Principles. It was his desire that everyone in the organization have a sense of
purpose, a clear direction, and a firm basis for tackling problems in an ever-changing world.
He believed that these principles, based on a philosophy that respects nature and society, are
applicable to any country in the world, at any time.

More than eight decades later, Panasonic employees around the world find these
principles as relevant in our age of digital and wireless technologies as when Matsushita first
wrote them. We support these principles in everything we do. All of our employees around
the world aim to continually provide valuable ideas to enrich people’s lives and contribute to
the advancement of society through our development, manufacturing, sales, and service

The Several Basic Business Principles that he introduce which are:

i. Contribution to Society
We will conduct ourselves at all times in accordance with the Basic
Management Objective, faithfully fulfilling our responsibilities as industrialists to the
communities in which we operate.

ii. Fairness and Honesty

We will be fair and honest in all our business dealings and personal conduct.
No matter how talented and knowledgeable we may be, without personal integrity, we
can neither earn the respect of others, nor enhance our own self-respect.

iii. Untiring Effort for Improvement

We will strive constantly to improve our ability to contribute to society
through our business activities. Only through this untiring effort can we fulfil our
Basic Management Objective and help to realize lasting peace and prosperity.

iv. Courtesy and Humility

We will always be cordial and modest, respecting the rights and needs of
others in order to strengthen healthy social relationships and improve the quality of
life in our communities.

v. Adaptability
We will continually adapt our thinking and behaviour to meet the ever-
changing conditions around us, taking care to act in harmony with nature to ensure
progress and success in our endeavours.

vi. Gratitude
We will act out of a sense of gratitude for all the benefits we have received,
confident that this attitude will be a source of unbounded joy and vitality, enabling us
to overcome any obstacles we encounter.


Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires many skills. One of the key components of
being an entrepreneur is be a proactive. Being proactive means creating or controlling a
situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
(Krista Hillis, 2014). Proactive also means planning ahead. The entrepreneur needs to know
their business inside and out. A proactive entrepreneur is likely to gain various
accomplishments. Be controlling various situation, they will have specific goals in mind.

In order to be a proactive entrepreneur, they need to develop habits that allow them to
pursue business goals. Habits become a second nature, so it’s important to incorporate
proactive habits into your everyday work life. These habits will include targeting possible
problems before they occur. The entrepreneur should get into the habit of being
precautionary, while you create backup plans.
Besides that, the entrepreneur also needs to be organised in term of the planning.
Continually make list regarding task that need to be completed in the near future. Tackle this
task before there any issues involved. The entrepreneur also needs to focus on the steps that
are required to get them where they are needed to be. These steps will include planning for
unforeseen events. Once all proper steps are taken, they can respond to situations effectively.

Vivy Yusof or her real name Vivy Sofinas Yusof who is the Managing Director at a very young age at the age of 25 years. Although she earned a master
and bachelor degree in law from the School of Economics, United Kingdom, but she did not
choose it as a career field. At first, she wanted to be a businessperson and a dream to open a
real estate based company. However, due to the fashion world obsessed and prone shopping
experience for five years during the study in London She intends to open a fashion business
called of a web local designers sell their work through online.

She was excited by the population in London who so appreciates the work of local
designers and fashion development there makes it as motivation to open up a fashion business
through the web. However, she put a limit to sell clothes that are not outrageous and
disrespectful. She is to be selective in choosing a design that will participate in this because she will only choose designs that are relevant to wear, simple ,
polite , do not overdo it and make sure the quality of the goods and beautiful to wear. She
was fond of and willing to tighten their belts just for shopping through online takes up the
challenge with open a business after graduation through the web in Malaysia because at that
time she realized technology development in Malaysia is booming .

Busy with everyday tasks at the office in order to help her manage the business deal
of her father caused she have no enough time to go to mall and caused traffic congestion in
Kuala Lumpur. She have took proactive steps to figure out how she should do something to
facilitate the purchase of goods by means faster and fun with her best friend , Fadzarudin
Maher . She is also taking proactive steps by being thrifty in their spending and make savings
in preparation to expand her business one day and make her father's example and reference
for the conduct of business and gained a lot of useful advice.


One of successful entrepreneur that we choose is Bryan Loo. Bryan Loo is a Malaysia
entrepreneur and he is the master franchisor for the Chatime brand in Malaysia. He is the
CEO of the faster growing beverage brand in Malaysia. Bryan Loo has been the winner of the
Best Master Franchiser award in 2012 and be called “ Emerging Entrepreneur Of The Year”
at the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards in 2013.

Bryan Loo was born in Perlis, the smallest state in Malaysia. Loo is married and has
second daughter. His first entrepreneurial venture was at the tender age of 7. He was good at
drawing comic book and found friend who were willing to pay just for read his comics. He
sells his comic book at RM0.50 to get a bit more pocket money.

He earned a degree in biotech from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. After

his graduation, he returned to Malaysia and worked for a biotech company. After two years
being a worker, Loo have decided to start his own business, and looked into the possibility to
selling bubble tea. To achieve he dreams, Loo travelled to Taiwan with his father. He was
approached five companies with an offer to bring their brand to Malaysia, but all rejected his

After that, his cousin who had just returned from Taiwan told Loo that Chatime was
looking to expand their business. Bryan Loo contacted them and Chatime CEO was flew to
Malaysia to meet Loo within 24 hours. Following the meeting, Bryan Loo was given the
Master franchise for Malaysia. Now, Chatime is currently the fastest growing beverage brand
in Malaysia, and Bryan Loo leads Chatime franchise in the ASEAN region and was opening
100 outlets in three years. (). There are some valuable lessons or some trait that we could
learn from him and his success.

Visionary is one of the defining traits of entrepreneurial, which is the ability to spot an
opportunity and imagine something where others haven’t. They imagine another world and
have the ability to communicate that vision effectively to investors, customer and staff.
Entrepreneurship is not merely about earning money, it is also about entrepreneur satisfaction
and purpose. Before Bryan Loo brought in Chatime to Malaysia, his vision then was to bring
the culture of drinking bubble tea into Malaysia as well as cultivate a tea drinking culture
among Malaysia consumers. His visions come true when Chatime franchise become one of
the fastest growing beverage brands in Malaysia and in ASEAN region.

Risk taking is a part of entrepreneurial life. Entrepreneurs have to have a risk taking
sprit, it is because not taking risk can kill a business before it gets off the ground. Because of
that, open risk taker is the one traits in entrepreneurial. In Bryan Loo case, he is open risk
taker when he makes the decision to leave his paid job and start the Chatime franchise. Loo
willing to leave his job and travel to Taiwan to search the company that have business in
bubble tea and want to bring their brand to Malaysia. But he failed, Loo was rejected by
many top brands and none of them were keen to expand their business in Malaysia. Until his
cousin come and tell him about Chatime. Result of that, Bryan Loo has become the Best
Master Franchise in 2012.

Besides that, observant also a traits in entrepreneurial. Being observant of your

surrounding is one way to unleash your inner creativity. You do not necessarily have to be an
expert in a specific business in order to be a successful entrepreneur. Learning from its
history and observing trend is key to ensure your decision. Bryan Loo also does not have
previous working background in the food and beverage industry. He started doing research on
the industry by visiting different trade expos with his father in Taiwan. With his aim to look
for a food and beverages business that require only an automated process to control quality.

After that, Loo see a gap in the beverage industry, at the time only the coffee market
such as Starbucks was the trend. Brayan Loo describe, “There was no real tea beverages
offered to the middle low range target market.” After another few months of hard work and
persuading mall operators to give his concept a chance, and in 2010, he eventually opened his
first Chatime stall in Pavilion KL. That was when the bubble tea bubble started to grow, and
now, with over 100 outlets in nationwide (The Star, 2013).

Networked in entrepreneurship aim is not to grow a single organization but to achieve

a greater impact through a network of collaborators and partners. It will increase the range of
resources that can be brought to bear on an issue and multiples the number of experiment and
innovations and at the same time allowing a solution to be tailored to particular circumstances
(Alex, 2006). In order to be networked, Loo was working on a bigger project to expand into
fast-moving consumer goods. He plans to produce canned Chatime beverages that can be sold
in convenience stores, restaurants and supermarket. Besides that, Chatime has embarked on
marketing campaigns with social apps such as WeChat and LINE, offering discount and

The company also sells a limited selection of beverages on Air Asia flights and has
featured the budget airline’s ads on the plastic cover of its beverages. (Ann Tan, 2014).
Furthermore, Loo wants to embark on co-branding exercises with well-known consumer
brands. In terms of beverages, two out of five new beverages it has launched in Malaysia are
co-branded drinks featuring locally accepted flavours. For example, last year, it introduced
Horlicks and Oreo-flavoured beverages.
The company recently announced that it would tie up with Cadbury to offer chocolate
beverages. (Ann Tan, 2014). Bryan Loo said, “Co-branding and localization has become very
important to us because we want to eventually make our brand a household name. We want
people to be really familiar with our brand”. This is why networked become important trait in
entrepreneur view.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires many skills. One of the key components
of being an entrepreneur is be a proactive. Being proactive means, creating or controlling a
situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
To be a proactive entrepreneur, you must focus on the steps that are required to get you where
you need to be. These steps will include planning for unforeseen events. Once all proper steps
are taken, you can respond to situation effectively as they surface. In order to be a proactive
entrepreneur, Bryan Loo want to implementing a series of business plan to grow the Taiwan
based lifestyle tea brand in Malaysia. Loo was confident in the Chatime brands potential and
growth plan underscore his steadfast belief that tea beverages are not merely a fad that will
eventually fizzle out.

Loo said, “I want to correct the public’s mindset that we are a bubble tea shop. We are
not a bubble tea company. We are a lifestyle tea provider.” He adds that the confusion could
have come about because Chatime offers bubble tea in its menu, and tapioca-based pearl
topping can be added to its drinks as an option. However, that is just one small part of
Chatimes large beverage menu, which offers coffee, milk teas, green and black tea, chocolate
and fruit beverages. Besides that, Bryan Loo intention that from day one, his target had been
to cultivate a modern tea-drinking culture in Malaysia, much like what he saw in Taiwan.
Taiwan has more than 190 tea brands and over 15,000 outlets, which form the base for the
country sturdy is tea culture. “The business was never about creating hype in Malaysia, it is
about modernizing the entire tea drinking culture in Malaysia.” Loo said.


As a conclusion, based on the characteristics of entrepreneurship as we describe the network,

risking the open, sharp thinking, visionary, failure is an option, open culture, result-oriented,
team-oriented, and proactive, clearly shows that an entrepreneur must have such
characteristics that can distinguish between normal traders with successful entrepreneurs. The
failure of an entrepreneur when starting a new exercise is normal for them because failure is
not a failure faced forever but instead it was a failure that leads them towards a better and
more successful than others. These entrepreneurs not only seek to gain an advantage for
themselves alone, but they have also contributed to the nation growth and strengthen to the
country's industry.

In addition to creating a new business, they also provide social welfare to the public
as providing assistance, job opportunities and much more. This clearly shows that a country
is not going to achieve the status of developed countries if it not have successful and
competitive entrepreneurs. It may be worth mentioning here that every individual is capable
and has the opportunity to be succeeding an entrepreneur.

Overall discussion so far has highlighted the successful entrepreneur in the whole
world and the growing pride such individual have in their vision. The future may see
narrower definitions of entrepreneurship leading to only a smaller subset of the current
description may encourage more creativity and courage in the younger generation to become
likely entrepreneurs. Politically and administratively, it will be more acceptable to express
one desire to become a great entrepreneur.

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