Tirao Family's Initial Data Base A.) Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics

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Tirao Family’s Initial Data Base

A.) Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics

The Tirao family has a five family members, namely: Rogelio T., 48 years old, born on
December 15, 1962 in Bicol, is the father and the head of the family. Aileen T., 38 years old born
on May 14, 1972 in Davoa, is the wife of Rogelio T. and the mother of their three children. John
Roel T., 14 years old, born on March 25,1996,male and the eldest of the siblings. Ceryl Jean
T.,10 years old born on Februaury 11, 2000,female ,2nd child of the Tirao family. Princess T., 1
year old child female, youngest child in the family. All their children were born in Manila.

The family is currently living at 70-C victory street barangay tatalon, Quezon City for
almost 3 months now for their old house is burned. All family member live in the same house for
all their children is consider minor. The family is cohabiting for 14 years for now since John
Roel was born. The father is the Decision maker when it comes to food at money going out,
Patriarchal in type.

Aileen T. is the one who is responsible for the health of the whole family. .

They don’t have any role relationship problem for they have harmonious relationship in
terms of respect of parents authority. Tagalog is their medium for communication inside and
outside the house since it’s been 14 years when they start living here in Manila.

B.)Socio- Economic and Cultural Characteristics

Rogelio, Head of the family, is a security guard in taft avenue in manila and a part time
school supply vendor in the same company for about 3 years from now. Aileen T., mother,
sometimes made some rags for additional income of the family since Rogelio take home 5,001-
10,000 pesos a month.

The family spend almost 5,001-10,000 pesos a month for their monthly expenditure. The
Family have enough income that covers all the expenses for their whole month and luckily they
didn’t experience yet shortage in their budget . Aileen is now unemployed for the reason that she
will be the one who will attend for the needs of their children specially princess. Rogelio T. is a
college undergrad due to lack of financial support. John Roel T., is presently studying as a 3 rd
year HS student while Ceryl T., presently studying as a Grade 5 student.

The Family is a Catholic Baptist except for Aileen who is Muslim in her previous
homeland which is davao. Aileen verbalized that she is almost a catholic member, the only
problem is not being baptized in the catholic church, she concluded that because she partially
practice some belief of a catholic Christian. They only pray in times the family is facing a big
They are not aware on any community program, not a member of any community
organization, they also didn’t celebrate any tradition and not yet familiar on their neighbor,
because their only new in the compound. But Family is always trying to mingle and talk to their
new neighbor if they have free time. They also recognized their neighbor as a leader.

C.) Environmental Aspect

The Tirao family is renting a house with rent free land made up of light materials with 1.5
x 2 meter flooring and .5 x .5 window. There is a poor lighting inside the house which causes
Aileen’s difficulty in reading the assessment tool. they are only supplied by electricity between
4 pm and 5am in the morning for they only use illegal connection, that may result fire hazard on
the family including the slippery floor that may cause accident. Family use their own private
toilet that is flush type with open drainage and free flowing. They disposed their garbage every
morning in the garbage collector truck. There are also presence of breeding sites in front and
beside the house. Presence of rats, flies, mosquito and roaches is also noted but according to
them they do not do anything to control vector. They put their left over food in a clean covered
plastic container. The source of drinking water of the family is through a commercial water
refilling station but sometimes they only boil water if they do not have enough budget. Jeepney
and tricycle is being use for transportation. Health center is approximately 300 m away from
their house.

D.)Health State of each Family member

The mother perception with their family’s health(ok naman…) is unsure. She also
verbalized that their family often experienced cough and cold without seeking medical attention
that results of family’s philosophy that cough and cold is only normal. They also perceive a
positive outlook regarding their health even though cough and cold is most often present within
the members of the family , for they do not have enough knowledge about what a good health is.

Mother, as she verbalized, family members never skip breakfast. For them , it is the most
important meal of the day. During breakfast, they either eat bread , sopas or pancit. For lunch,
they prefer rice. Dinner, they, most of the time, eat rice. The family according to mother have an
average intake of 6 glasses of water a day.

Aileen also ranked health as their second priority in their family expenditure, But it
doesn’t reflect on the given data that they don’t have any resources allotted for their health. They
are aware of the free consultation, immunization, family planning, prenatal-check-up, well baby
clinic that the health center offers.

Days Breakfast Lunch Dinner

1 Sopas(macaroni Ginisang gulay with Ginisang gulay with
soup), rice, 2 glasses of rice ,
2 glasses of water * water* 2 glasses of water *
2 Bread,1 cup of coffee Mongo with rice, 2 Mongo with rice, 2
or 2 glasses of water* glasses of water* glasses of water*
3 Pancit,2 glasses of Mechado with rice, 2 Mechado with rice, 2
water* glasses a day* glasses of water*
*each member of the family

E.) Values , Habits, Practices on Health promotion, Maintenance and disease prevention.

All the children in the family is fully immunized. They take a bath everyday and change
clothes after every bath. The family member also use hygienic product like shampoo, soap,
toothbrush and toothpaste that is included in their monthly expenditure. Cutting of toe and finger
nails, ear cleaning with the use of cotton buds is also practiced. While dental check-up is not
practiced unless there is present of tooth ache. None of the family member do smoke and take
prohibited drugs.

The family usually sleeps within 5-6 hours every night. Sometimes, the children take a
nap in the afternoon after their class for about 2-3 hours. They place a “Banig” on the floor for
them to sleep on. They don’t use mosquito nets when sleeping .Most of the time family sleeps
well without any interruption. They don’t have a hard time of sleeping because as she verbalized
when they fall on their floor to sleep they immediately dozes off. They don’ have a hard time of
waking up either.

Client (mother)verbalized that washing of clothes is the only way for her to exercise . if
client is not doing anything she either walk on the street with her one year old child. Aileen cope
up stress by drinking liquor and just laugh at the problem.

The family consulted the doctor in times any family member experience any grave
disease while neighbor is the one being consulted for some minor illness.

The mother is now using pills after the birth of their last child . and mother verbalized
that they often have Sexual intercourse for the space of the house is small and children is always
inside the house.

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