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 Good afternoon everyone..

Today I’ m going to talk about Carbohydrate.

 To start with,I’ll give you the definition of Carbohydrate. Then, I’ll mention about the
functions of carbohydrate. After that,I’ll tell you the chemical structure of carbohydrate. And
then,I’ll describe you about the chemical structure of carbohydrate. Next,I’ll explain you
about the disease that related to carbohydrate. Finally,l’ll summarize my presentation.I’ll try
to answer any of your question after the presentation
 Let’s begin by the definition of carbohydrate.According to free online
dictionary,carbohydrate is..One of the three nutrient compounds along with fat and
protein,used as energy sources or calories by the body

According to wikipedia,carbohydrate is..An organic compound consist only of

Carbon,Oxygen, and Hydrogen

Well,I’ve told you about the definition of carbo. Let’s move on to the function of

 According to,The primary function of carbohydrates is for short-

term energy storage (Simple carbohydrates are easily digested by the body, and the energy
get used up quickly). A secondary function is for long gterm energy storage. Complex
carbohydrates take longer to break down, and provide a longer lasting energy.

That’s all I have to say about the functions of carbohydrate. Let me turn now to the chemical
structure of carbohydrate.

 That’s all I have to say about the chemical structure of carbohydrate. Let’s move on to the
best source of carbohydrate.

The general molecular formula for a carbohydrate is (CH2O)n. The n represents the number
of times the CH2O unite is repeated.

A carbohydrate is an organic compound that is composed of atoms of carbon, hydrogen and

oxygen in a ratio of 1 carbon atom, 2 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom.

 The best sources of carbohydrates are from

grains (wheat and rice),
tubers (potato, cassava, sweet potato),
beans, and sugar.
Produced from carbohydrate sources is the noodles. rice noodles, bread, jam, syrup, etc.
Well,I’ve told you about the best source of Carbohydrate. Now,we’ll move on to the diseases
related to carbohydrate.
 According to IPD’s book, there are some diseases related to carbohydrate,like
ketosis,Marasmus, anfd Hypoglycemia. Ketosis: ketosis is an accumulation of ketones in the
body. This may lead to water loss, removal of sodium from the body, tiredness and lethargy.
Maramus due to malnutrition : is a deficiency of proteins and calories seen in children. It
involves wasting of muscles due to starvation and Impairment of growth
Hypoglycemia:The lack of glucose (hypoglycemia) as energy for the brain can cause
symptoms ranging from headache, abnormal behavior, unconsciousness, seizure, coma and
Well,I’ve told you about the disease related to carbohydrate.

 Now,it’s time for me to give you a conclution of my presentation.

In conclution,
Carbohydrate is an organic compound consist only of Carbon,Oxygen, and Hydrogen.
There are 2 functions of carbohydrate. The primary function is for short-term energy and the
secondary is for long term energy storage.
General molecular formula CH2O
The best sources of carbohydrates are from
grains (wheat and rice),tubers (potato, cassava, sweet potato),etc.
There are some diseases related to carbohydrate,like ketosis,Marasmus, anfd Hypoglycemia.

 May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.

Can I answer any question??

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