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Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research J SCI IND RES VOL 66 NOVEMBER 2007

Vol. 66, November 2007, pp. 912-918

Wear and fatigue analysis of two wheeler transmission chain

P Sadagopan1*, R Rudramoorthy1 and R Krishnamurthy2
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641 004
Former Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036

Received 01 March 2007; revised 19 July 2007; accepted 23 July 2007

This paper presents wear reduction of existing chain used in 100 cc motorcycles. Elongation of chain is calculated and
compared with the field result. In an alternate design developed, theoretical evaluation for elongation is made applying the
same conditions used for evaluating the existing chain. Fatigue properties of existing standard chain components are evaluated
based on mathematical model as well as by using ANSYS software.

Keywords: Bush, Chains, Deflection, Elongation, Fatigue, Pin, Wear

in length. After running in period, pins and bushes wear

Introduction at a steady rate causing chain elongation (CE) till the
Chain drives have been used in automotive and hardened case depth of pins and bushes wears out, after
industrial fields for a long time, research on chains have which chain elongates rapidly. Because of continuous
been carried out mostly in the latter half of the 20th elongations, chains run loose and make more noise
century. Morrison1 modeled a chain link system and was during operation in addition to experiencing impact
the first to discuss on polygonal action. Binder2 presented loading. In present study, roller chains, which are used
first step towards static analysis of chains. Mahalingam3 in two-wheeler final drive application, are considered.
showed dynamic loading of chain system similar to Transmission chains used in 100 cc motorcycle should
forced vibrations. Naji & Marshek4 presented improved satisfy dimensional specifications (ISO 606/IS 2403) as
model on load and pressure angle in chain drive. follows: breaking load, 18600 N (min); pitch, 12.7 mm;
Troedsson &Vedmar5 made a static calculation with the pin diam (max), 4.5 mm; roller diam, 8.5 mm; width
complete geometry and the elastic deformation. Fawcett between inner plates, 8.0 mm; width over inner plates,
& Nicol6 developed a dynamic chain model using a 11.2 mm; drive sprocket number of teeth, 15; driven
discrete dynamic method. Troedsson & Vedmar7 were sprocket number of teeth, 44; and number of pitches of
first to use the complete geometry with a dynamic model. chain, 112.
Yixing et al8 made an experimental data for jumping Chains should also satisfy fatigue requirements.
over teeth. James et al 9 made an analytical and Fatigue failure of plates at the eyes is main criterion for
experimental study of bicycle chain. Calvo et al10 made heavily loaded high-speed roller chains. Fatigue limit
a study on noise and vibration of timing chains in diesel will occur between 106-107 cycles (ISO 10190:1992).
engines. When a chain is operating under load, outer surface of
This paper presents theoretical analysis on elongation pins and inner surface of bushings slide against each
and fatigue on transmission drive chain used in 100 cc other due to articulation, thereby causing wear. Due to
motorcycles of the existing design of local make and continuous articulation movement, wear can occur in
proposed changes in alternate design. every contact cycle causing cumulative wear and
consequent chain elongation. In general, for drive
Chains for Automotive Application
chains 11 , permissible elongation is 2-3% and for
Chain pins and bushes wear faster during running in
industrial chains it is 3% of the initial length of chain.
period of motorcycle, thereby causing faster elongation
Failure Mode of Chains
*Author for correspondence
Tel 0422-2572177; Fax 0422-2573833 Failure modes of chains are normal wear, roller
E-mail: cracking and fatigue, besides failure due to poor pin bush

interference and assembly error. CE is mostly due to

cumulative wear of pins and bushes. In present analysis,
pin-bush interference is sufficient and there is no pin-
bush rotation in link plates. Roller breaking is mainly
due to impact of rollers with sprocket tooth flank
especially at high speeds. Existing chain rollers are able
to withstand torque, load and speed of small sprockets

1.5  P 
H 2 = 746 K N 1   / n11.5 kW … (1)
 25.4 

where N1, number of teeth in small sprocket; n1, sprocket

speed in rpm; P, pitch in mm; and K, constant. Also,
rollers are made of through hardened steels ensuring
enhanced fatigue strength. No roller failure has been
found in two wheeler field applications.
Chain fatigue failure mostly occurs in link plates and Fig. 1—a) Profile bush; b) Existing bush
is due to repeated tensile cyclic loading. Fatigue value
of link plate is calculated as12

considered in theoretical evaluation and a comparison
 P 
 3 − 0.07  25 .4   of CEs is made under maximum load condition.
 P    
H 1 = 0.003 N11.08 n10.9   kW … (2) In existing chains, pins and bushes are hardened and
 25.4  further increase in hardness by casehardening may
deteriorate toughness of both the components. In
Plate can transmit up to 9.6 kW load. But engine theoretical evaluation of pin and bush wear, yield value13
power of motorcycle is 5 kW. Due to this, chain plates is taken as 1400N/mm2 and further increase in hardness
are subjected to safer fatigue load while transmitting will not change the value drastically. Regarding
power from engine. dimensional and geometric tolerances, chain components
CE is influenced by lubricant, method of lubrication, are made in special purpose machines and are mass
relative hardness of pin and bush, dimensional and produced. Further improvements will increase the cost
geometric tolerances, surface finish of pin and bush, type of manufacturing and it will not be economical to
of assembly, preloading, and driving conditions. CE produce the same, since the chain price is very low. Pins
causes noise and vibration and running over sprocket, are ground and polished to 2-3 Ra roughness value and
thereby limiting chain life. bushes are cold rolled and have burnished finish while
forming. Lapping of pins is possible but not lapped due
Materials and Methods to cost factor. Chains are assembled in special assembly
Chain Elongation Evaluation machines and are preloaded to a minimum value of 1/3rd
In present study, chains (R428, 12.7 mm pitch) with of breaking load and length dimensions are maintained
existing design and proposed modifications in another as per standards. Regarding transmission load and
design are compared for elongation. These chains have driving conditions, it cannot be controlled since it purely
identical dimensional, material, heat treatment, finish depends on drivers and the nature of roads. During
properties and lubricated with identical lubricants (Servo assembling of bushes in inner links, bushes shrink at
chain compound of Indian Oil Corp.). However, main the end due to interference fit with link plates. Shrinkage
difference in existing and proposed modification value14 for existing chain, calculated as per Eqs (3) and
(Fig. 1) is that there is a profile in inner wall of bush and (4), is 0.0153 mm at bush ends for nominal interference
bushes are caulked (riveted). Profile in the bush is value (0.05 mm).
,)( 10-3

where, P, contact pressure in N/mm2
due to interference;
Eo -'2
E, Young's modulus; a, inner radius of bush; b, outer 0
radius of bush; c, outer radius of plate; and 11, £ -3
interference between bush and plate. 0'"

Shrinkage of bush (t3.a ) = - -Pa

( 22b
2 J -5

0 2 •• 6 8
Pin Length, mm
For modified chains, interference value is 0.025mm
Fig.2- Chain pin deflection before and after running in period
and this causes shrinkage of 0.0075mm, which does not
cause pins to have initial contact at the shrunk portion
due to taper profile provided in inner wall of bushes.
Moreover, in modified chain, bushes are caulked during
assembly and they do not rotate in service. 0- MODIFIED
Maximum net power of engine is 5.2 kW at 8500 rpm.
Gear over all ratios is 10.09: 1. Hence, speed of rear
sprocket or rear wheel of motorcycle is 842 rpm and
torgue is 58.57 Nm. Pitch circle diameter of rear sprocket
is 178.02 mm and hence the force on the chain is 658 N.
Pin bending due to the above transmission load is
calculated in initial contact at shrunk portion of bush
and in steady state. Due to shrinkage of bush, initial
contact will be a point load in existing chain. Deflection
at shrunk portion of bush is calculated asl2

Fx 2 2
Y\. =-(x + 3a - 3Ia) ... (5)
. 6E1
Using Eg. (5), deflection at x = 1.6 (at shrunk portion of period (curve 2 in Fig. 2). Since, maximum deflection is
bush) is -1.072 x 10-3mm and maximum deflection (y max ) only 5 microns in both cases; effect of deflection on
= -2.5 x 1O-3mm (curve 1 in Fig. 2). After initial wear of wear is same for both the cases and is negligible. Hence,
shrunk portion, pin bush load will be uniformly this effect is not considered in present calculation. Also,
distributed instead of point loading. deflection of bush, when it is coming in contact with
sprocket (Fig. 3), is maximum at 0.8 micron. In case of
modified bush profile chain, contact between pin and
w b
Y = __
{4112 < x > -lib [< x - a > -
0 _
bush is better than the regular bush chain due to profile
in inside wall of the bush.
In case of existing chain, due to shrinkage of bush
and elastic bending of pin, contact area between pin and
... (6) bush will be less during initial running in period and
Using singularity functionl5, Eg. (6) is derived for hence wear will be higher even though chains run with
deflection and its value at x = 1.6 is -9.8 x 1O-4mm and lubrication done by manufacturers before packing. Pin
maximum deflection is y max = -5.8 x 1O-3mm. Elastic and bush wear is calculated based on Archard's adhesive
deflection in the case of modified chain pin is same as wear modell6. Initial wear is calculated up to shrinkage
that of standard chain pin deflection after running in value of bush beyond which contacts between pin and
bush increases to the maximum value. During initial
wear period, adhesive wear model is taken and later due
to entrapment of worn out particles from bushes as well
as from pins to the grease, wear characteristics will
change. Since, pin on disk wear method will not
represent similar conditions of transmission chain with
initial lubricated condition, it will be difficult to find
wear coefficients in laboratory. Hence, four wear
coefficients were assumed in four stages in pin and bush
wear calculations and applied same condition for both
the chains. Assumptions are for initial running in period,
coefficient of wear K is taken as 3 x 10-6. After running
in period, due to worn out particles that might get mixed
with grease lubricant, coefficient K is taken as
4.2 x 10-5 and K value is taken as 9 x 10-5 after 1% of CE
since more worn out particles would be present in the
grease. Finally, after 2% elongation, K value is taken as
1.5 x 10-5, since grease would have lost its properties
due to large quantities of worn out particles and the wear
system will be almost like abrasive wear condition.
Equation for abrasive wear conditions is similar to that
of adhesive wear except change in wear coefficient.
Since, wear comparison is made for both chains; errors failure. Main factors that contribute to fatigue failures
in assumption do not influence comparison results. include: i) Number of load cycles experienced; ii) Range
Wear coefficients are taken from various test results of stress experienced in each load cycle; iii) Mean stress
(Table 1). experienced in each load cycle; and iv) Presence oflocal
Based on above assumptions, wear rate, number of stress concentrations. Input is a stress vs. number of
cycles the chain would have rotated and corresponding cycles curve and output is in the form of a table of
distance the vehicle would have traveled is calculated alternating stress intensities (listed in decreasing order)
as with corresponding pairs of event/loadings, as well as
cycles used, cycles allowed, and partial usage factor.
K w
Following that, cumulative usage factor is shown for
Adhesive wear, dUdh = 9s AL
y that particular location. This information is repeated for
where, K, Archard's wear constant; sy , yield stress of all locations. The output shows the contributing pairs of
softer material of mating surfaces; w, normal load; A, events and loadings for any given alternating stress-
apparent contact area; and L, sliding distance. intensity range. This information can help isolate
transients (events/loadings) causing the most fatigue
Fatigue Analysis damage. Flow chart (Fig. 4) indicates various steps
Fatigue strength is the maximum stress that can be involved in fatigue analysis of a roller chain drive17•
sustained for a specified number of cycles without The results of fatigue test usually are plotted as
maximum stress, minimum stress, or stress amplitude
to number of cycles N to failure; a logarithmic scale is
always used for N and linear or log scale is used for
stress. The resulting plot of the data is an S-N curve
(Fig. 5). Number of cycles of stress that a metal can
Un-lubricated 5 X 103 2 X 10-4 endure before failures increases with decreasing stress.
Poor lubrication 2 X 104 2 X 10-4 Below that limiting stress, known as the fatigue limit or
Average lubrication 2 X 10-5 2 X 105 endurance limit, material can endure an infinite number
Excellent lubrication 2 X 10-6 to 10-7 2 X 106 to 10-7
of cycles without failure.
2000 15001.
1800 1600 -(',
~ 1600
-E 1400 N- 1400 j '0,
.E 1200 E 1200 "
1000 ~
.---~ _
"- _. _.~ ....•... ------+-~ _

1: 600
•• 400
200 II) 400 1
O+-----~----._----~---~ 200
1.00E+03 1.00E"04 1.00e"05 1.00E"06 o '-----~.-------------~
No of cycle. to fIlllu,e 1.00E+03 1.00E.•04 1.00ETQS 1.00E-OB
NQ of cycle. to failure

1800 1800,

1600 J',
1400 I " .••• _

----- _-_. __
E 1200 ~ 1200 ~

~ 1~~~ ..• ......----..-........ __ ..


1000 ~

¥J 600"1
400 ~
200 200 ~
o o ,,;--------_----~---~
1.00E.•03 1.001;+04 1.00ETQS 1.00E.•05 l.COE+D3 1.00E1'04 1.001;:+05 1.00E ..•06 ,.OOE;: ...•07
NQ Df Qy~.o •. tG faUUr'1I
No of cycles to faHure

_ 1600 "
N e 1400 ""---.
~ 1200 ~"
~ 1000 -..---~- •._. ....__•.
~ 800 '''~~
~ 600 . ~----~.----.
f/l 400
o +------r----._---~-----~
1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07
No of cycles to failure

Results and Discussion cycles the chain is rotated or number of cycles of pin
Chain Elongation articulation is 230330 and the distance covered by a
In the case of standard existing chain by using wear vehicle during this period is 986.74 km. For steady wear
model, initial running wear rate is found 7.687 x 10-8 depth (0.12 mm per pin), wear rate is 3.28 x 10-8 and
and for wear amount of 0.0177 mm per pin, number of number of cycles the chain is rotated is 3658500 and
3.0 molten grease between pin and bush. This is due to taper
-0-0- EXISTING CHAIN provided in the inside profile of bush and entry chamfer
*-* MODIFIED CHAIN obtained during caulking of bush (wax base grease
2.0 solidifies after entering between pin and bush). Hence,
ci applying same procedure to modified chain with an
.~ 1·5 assumption of 20% improvement in lubrication, for
I:: initial wear of 0.0177 mm, wear rate is 2.0098x 10-8 and
0 1.0
Iii number of cycles the chain is rotated is 755700 and
0.5 corresponding distance vehicle would have covered is
3773 km. For steady state wear of 0.12 mm, wear rate is
1.5 2·0 2·5 3.0 3.5 4·0 2.5625xlO-8 and number of cycles the chain is rotated is
xl0· 4682900 and distance covered is 20062 km. In the second
half of steady wear condition, for wear of 0.1187 mm,
wear rate is 5.9903xlO-8 and number of cycles the chain
corresponding distance covered is 15673 km. In the is rotated is 1941500 and distance covered is 8317 km.
second half of steady wear condition, for wear of Similar to previous cases, after 2% elongation, case
0.1187 mm, wear rate is 6.5893x 10-8 and number of depth of pin and bushes are reduced and hence wear
cycles the chain is rotated is 1804400 and the distance rate will be high. For 0.1 mm wear, wear rate is
covered is 7729 km. After 2% elongation, with reduced 1.0982xlO-7 and numb~r of cycles the chain is rotated is
case depth of chain pins and bushes due to wear and 965200 and distance covered is 4135 km. Distance
also nil or trace grease lubricant present between pins covered for an elongation of2.01 % is 32152 km and for
and bushes, wear rate will be high. By using wear model, 2.79% elongation distance covered is 36287 km
for 0.1 mm wear, wear rate is found 1.0982 x 10-7 and (Fig. 6).
number of cycles the chain is rotated is 965200 and Standard CE evaluated by theoretical models has been
corresponding distance covered is 4135 km. Distance observed to closely fit with the elongation curve plotted
covered for an elongation of 2.01 % is observed to be based on actual measurement done on chains in two
24370 km and for 2.79% elongation, distance covered wheeler service stations (Fig. 6). This supports the
is 28505 km (Fig. 6). assumption made for theoretical evaluation of standard
Same parameters are used for the proposed design. existing CE performance. However, in case of field
For initial wear of 0.0177 mm, wear rate is 2.3429 x results, there are fluctuations due to different driving
10-8 and number of cycles the chain is rotated is 755490 conditions like different load and acceleration of vehicle.
and corresponding distance the vehicle would have Hence, proposed design is observed with a considerable
covered is 3237 km. For the steady state wear of improvement in chain performance (Fig. 6). CE
0.12 mm, wear rate is 3.0750x 10-8 and number of cycles comparisons by theoretical evaluation of existing,
the chain is rotated is 3902400 and distance covered is modified and modified with improved grease are shown
16718 km. In the second half of steady wear condi tion, in Table 2.
for wear of 0.1187 mm, wear rate is 6.5893x 10-8 and
number of cycles the chain is rotated is 1764900 and Fatigue
distance covered is 7561 km. Here also, after 2% Endurance limit of chain parts (number of cycles,
elongation, case depths of pin and bushes are reduced 5x106) using ANSYS, has been found as follows: roller,
and hence wear rate will be high. For 0.1 mm wear, wear 750; bush, 700; pin, 725; pin link plate, 825; and roller
rate is 1.0982x 10-7 and number of cycles the chain is link plate, 600 N/mm2• Under maximum load conditions,
rotated is 965200 and distance covered is 4135 km. chain pins and bushes are subjected to maximum stress
Distance covered for an elongation of2.01 % is observed value of 65MPa and 95MPa respectively. These stresses
to be 27516 km and for 2.79% elongation, distance are well within endurance stress and therefore these
covered is 31651 km (Fig. 6). components will not fail during operation. Also, inner
Modified chain can be easily lubricated due to entry plates and outer plates are subjected to stress level of
chamfyLobtained due to caulking. Better lubrication 115 MPa and 104 MPa respecti vely. This is again within
could be obtained due to improvement in penetration of the limits of endurance stress and hence components

Table 2 — Chain elongation comparison

Standard chain Modified chain Modified chain
with improved lube

Elongation Elongation Cumulative Distance Cumulative Distance Cumulative Distance Cumulative

per pin % elongation covered distance covered distance covered distance
mm % km km km km km km

0.0177 0.14 0.14 968 968 3237 3237 3773 3773

0.12 0.94 1.08 15673 16641 16718 19955 20062 23835
0.1187 0.93 2.01 7729 24370 7561 27516 8317 32152
0.1 0.78 2.79 4135 28505 4135 31651 4135 36287

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