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New Features vs vs vs 11.1.2.

What's New

Oracle Essbase Release Highlights

Thread Pool for Parallel Operations
Beginning this release, the following parallel operations do not dynamically create threads, but instead use a set
number of threads from a pre-created pool of threads set through the new WORKERTHREADS configuration setting
 Parallel calculation, with CALCPARALLEL or FIXPARALLEL

 Parallel data load, for aggregate storage and block storage databases

 Parallel export, for block storage databases

 Parallel restructuring

XML Outline Editing

XML outline editing enables you to use an XML file to make basic changes to the database outline. This method is a
streamlined way to make outline edits without needing to use a rules file nor invoke the Outline API.
For more information, see EssBuildDimXML in the Oracle Essbase API Reference.

Enhancements to Hybrid Aggregation

In this release, Time-balance tagged members and Dynamic Time Series members can also be calculated in hybrid
aggregation mode.
Additionally, many more calculation functions are included in the list for member formulas that can be calculated in
hybrid aggregation mode.

Optimizations for Oracle Exalytics In-Memory machine

Enhancements have been introduced for Essbase Server running on Oracle Exalytics In-Memory machine.

Supporting POV and Pivot Enhancements for Smart View

Essbase and Oracle Hyperion Provider Services are enhanced to support the Oracle Smart View for Office Point of
View (POV) toolbar and pivoting behavior as follows:
 Multiple members can be pivoted from the grid to the POV toolbar.

 Multiple members can be pivoted from the POV toolbar to the grid.

 A single dimension can remain on the POV toolbar.

New Calculation Functions

@RELXRANGE—Generates a cross dimensional list based on the relative position of the cell that is currently being
calculated and the offsets.

Calculation Function Changes

Support for the XrangeList parameter is added to a number of functions. XrangeList is a range of members from one
or more dimensions, and can help you incorporate time continuum navigation.
The functions that support XrangeList are:
@RELXRANGE (new function)

New Configuration Settings (essbase.cfg)

WORKERTHREADS—See Thread Pool for Parallel Operations.
CRASHDUMPLOCATION—Sets the location where Essbase saves a core dump file when an abnormal termination
CONNECTIONTIMEOUT—Specifies the maximum time that Essbase should wait for a SQL connection before timing
QUERYTIMEOUT—Specifies the maximum time that Oracle Essbase should wait for a SQL query to execute before
timing out.
MaxL Grammar Changes
The MaxL export data statement includes grammar you can use to make exported data anonymous, wherein real
data is replaced with generated values. This removes the risk of sensitive data disclosure, and can be used in case a
model needs to be provided to technical support for reproduction of certain issues.

New C Main API Function

EssBuildDimXML—See XML Outline Editing.

New C Outline API Function

EssOtlVerifyOutlineEx3—A new API function for verifying outlines. This function differs from EssOtlVerifyOutlineEx in
that it provides both member warnings and formula errors.

Changed API Functions and Structures

ESS_PERF_CUSTCALC_T and ESS_PERF_ALLOC_T have an additional field, dataloadOption. Generated
calculation or allocation values can be added to existing values, instead of overwriting them.

Oracle Essbase PSU (Patchset) Highlights

Hybrid Aggregation Mode in Block Storage Databases
A new Essbase configuration setting, ASODYNAMICAGGINBSO, controls whether block storage databases use
hybrid aggregation mode. Hybrid aggregation for block storage databases means that wherever possible, block
storage data calculation executes with efficiency similar to that of aggregate storage databases.

FIXPARALLEL Parallel Calculation

Although parallel calculation can be performed using the CALCPARALLEL configuration setting, in certain cases it
might be beneficial to use the FIXPARALLEL command block method.
In a FIXPARALLEL command block, you input some commands to be executed, along with a number of threads
(numThreads) and a member list (mbrList) specifying the database regions (slices) to be calculated.
Essbase creates a list of tasks from the combinations in the member list, and divides the tasks across the threads.

Enabling CALCPARALLEL Parallel Calculation with @XREF and @XWRITE

In previous releases, Essbase would not attempt parallel calculation in scripts where @XREF or @XWRITE were
present, or in cases of complex formula dependencies. However, in some cases (for example, with currency
conversion, or read-only @XREF), you might be certain that dependencies precluding parallel calculation do not
exist. For such cases, you can force CALCPARALLEL parallel calculation using the calculation command SET

Enabling In-Place Data Writing with Exalytics

The INPLACEDATAWRITE setting in essbase.cfg enables or disables in-place data writing.
In-place data writing can help reduce data fragmentation and lower the need for frequent restructuring of database. It
also reduces the need for frequent index updates, resulting in improved performance.

Oracle Essbase Release Highlights

Using Runtime Substitution Variables in Calculation Scripts

Similar to substitution variables, a runtime substitution variable can be included in a calculation script wherever
substitution variables are allowed.
Optimizing Name Lookup and Insertion During Dimension Build and Outline Editing
A new hashtable implementation optimizes the performance of name lookup and insertion when building dimensions
and editing outlines.
To configure the hashtable, use the ESTIMATEDHASHSIZE configuration setting.
Unique Names for Shared Members
In grid clients (for example, Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office), shared members can be differentiated from their
base members if you specify for them to be displayed with a qualified name (for example, [Parent].[Child]). Shared
members can be displayed with qualified names even if you have not set the outline to enable duplicate member
names. Additionally, you can type qualified member names into the grid client for shared members.
Customizing Teradata TPT-API Load Settings
When using the Teradata TPT-API for data load, you can customize settings that provide greater flexibility while
loading data through the TPT-API.
New Calculation Functions
@CREATEBLOCK—Creates a block for a sparse member name or a sparse member combination and sets dense
values in the newly created block to #MISSING.
@INTERSECT—Returns the intersection of members that appear in two specified lists of members.
@ISMBRUDA—Returns TRUE if the specified user-defined attribute (UDA) exists for the specified member at
calculation time.
@ISRANGENONEMPTY—Returns TRUE if the specified user-defined attribute (UDA) exists for the specified
member at calculation time.
@MEMBERAT—Returns the specified member in a list of members.
@RANGEFIRSTVAL—Returns the first value, in a range of the specified mbrList, that satisfies the criterion
specified in the first function parameter.
@RANGELASTVAL—Returns the last value, in a range of the specified mbrList, that satisfies the criterion
specified in the first function parameter.
Calculation Function Changes
The @NAME calculation function has a new, optional argument, UNIQUE, which tells @NAME to return a unique
member name
New Calculation Command
SET RUNTIMESUBVARS—Declares runtime substitution variables that are used in a calculation script.
New Configuration Settings
ENABLERTSVLOGGING—Determines whether Oracle Essbase logs runtime substitution variables that are used
in a calculation script.
ESTIMATEDHASHSIZE—Specifies, in millions, the estimated number of member name and alias name strings
that are loaded into memory.
UNICODEENABLE—Enables Essbase Server to create Unicode-mode applications and to migrate applications to
Unicode mode, without needing to set the Essbase Server to Unicode mode using Oracle Essbase Administration
Services, MaxL, or the API.
MaxL Grammar Changes
The execute calculation MaxL statement has new grammar: with runtimesubvars RTSV-LIST. This grammar
executes a calculation script with the specified runtime substitution variables, which are specified as a string of
key/value pairs.

Oracle Essbase Release Highlights

UNC Path Support

On Windows, you can use Universal/Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) to describe the location of a network
resource, such as a shared directory. Syntax:
For Essbase running on Windows, UNC paths are supported to specify network shared paths for the following
Essbase Server application artifacts:
- Tablespace paths for aggregate storage applications
- Disk volume paths for block storage applications
New Calculation Function
The @IRREX calculation function is an extension of the @IRR calculation function, in which the initial guess of 0.07
cannot be changed.
New essbase.cfg Configuration Setting
SSBULKGRIDPROCESSING: Optimizes asymmetric Grid API queries for XOLAP.
Block Storage Parallel Calculation
The number of calculations tasks can be defined by specifying a value for CALCTASKDIMS in the essbase.cfg file.
Block Storage Parallel Restructuring
The number of restructuring threads to use is defined in essbase.cfg using the RESTRUCTURETHREADS
configuration setting.
Block Storage Parallel Data Export
The EXPORTTHREADS configuration setting has been enhanced to support block storage parallel data export.
(EXPORTTHREADS is used only when executing the PAREXPORT ESSCMD command without specifying the -
threads option.)
Block Storage Parallel Data Load
Parallel data load uses multiple parallel pipelines on the server side, and multiple threads on the client-side, to load
multiple data files concurrently, thus enabling data loads to be truly optimized to the capabilities of modern servers.
Optimizing Block Storage Parallel Data Load
Parallel data load includes a “throttle” to limit the number of client threads or server pipelines that are used. To control
the number of threads or pipelines spawned by a data load request, set the limit using the max_threads grammar in
the import data MaxL statement.
Cache Sizes Larger than 4 GB
The 64-bit Essbase Server has been expanded to accommodate larger index, data, and data file cache sizes without
setting a scaling factor. The MEMSCALINGFACTOR configuration setting is deprecated. For full database
functionality, you must upgrade to the latest client software.
Optimization of Distinct Count Calculations on Aggregate Storage Databases
On aggregate storage databases only, the NonEmptyCount MDX function is optimized so that the calculation of the
distinct count for all cells can be performed by scanning the database only once.
Distinct Way to Reference Shared Members in MDX
In previous releases, any reference in an MDX query to such a shared member was assumed to be a reference to the
original member, not the shared member. With this release, you can get a unique name for shared members by using
the MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME property in an MDX query.
Changing Essbase Server and Application Log Levels in Administration Services
You can change Essbase log levels at the server and application level in Administration Services Console. See
“Changing Log Levels” in the Oracle Essbase Administration Services Online Help.
MDX Property Expressions
In addition to querying for intrinsic and custom properties of a particular member, you can also query for properties of
related members, using the PROPERTY_EXPR function within the DIMENSION PROPERTIES section of the query
Throttle Active Transactions
Each allotted server thread for an application may create child threads for tasks such as parallel calculation, parallel
data load or export, and parallel restructuring. To control the issue of thread contention, you can use the
Essbase API Changes
Changed C Main API Structures
- The data structures ESS_DBINFO_T and ESS_DBSTATE_T have expanded fields to accommodate 64-bit long
typedefs. This is related to Cache Sizes Larger than 4 GB.
Compiler Support
- The supported compilers list for building Essbase API programs has been updated. See the “Supported Compilers”
topic in the Oracle Essbase API Reference.
Configuration Setting (essbase.cfg) Changes
New Configuration Settings
MAXACTIVEUPDATETRANSACTIONS. See Throttle Active Transactions.
MAXTOTALACTIVETRANSACTIONS. See Throttle Active Transactions.
NUMBLOCKSTOEXTEND: Determines the number of bytes by which data files in block storage databases are
extended to accommodate block updates that require additional disk space.
RESTRUCTURETHREADS: Specifies whether parallel restructuring is enabled for a database, and the number of
threads to use.
XOLAPMAXINCLAUSESIZE: Sets the maximum number of INLIST items allowed in SQL clauses (for XOLAP
Deprecated Configuration Setting
The MEMSCALINGFACTOR configuration setting is deprecated. The 64-bit Essbase Server has been expanded to
accommodate larger cache sizes without setting a scaling factor.
CALCPARALLEL Configuration Setting Enhancement
The maximum number of threads that can be made available for parallel calculation has been increased:
Block storage databases:
- Running on 32-bit platforms: 64
- Running on 64-bit platforms: 128
Aggregate storage databases (running on 32-bit or 64-bit platforms): 128
SET CALCPARALLEL Calculation Command Enhancement
The maximum number of threads that can be made available for parallel calculation has been increased:
- 32-bit platforms: 64
- 64-bit platforms: 128
New MDX Functions
PROPERTY_EXPR function (MDX Property Expressions), for querying properties of ancestor members.
CurrentAxisMember, for use with the PROPERTY_EXPR function.
MaxL Grammar Changes
The query database MaxL statement for aggregate storage databases has a new list aggregate_storage
slice_info clause, to display information about data slices and views.
The deploy MaxL statement for deploying cubes from Oracle Essbase Studio has the following new grammar:
- If an Essbase model is enabled for XOLAP, you can, when redeploying the cube, use
the outline_in_background grammar.
- When the model being deployed contains single or multiple relational data sources, you can deploy in streaming
mode using the use streaming build grammar if you want Essbase Studio to the query the external data source
directly (rather than using an ODBC connection).
The import data MaxL statement has a new using max_threads clause, for specifying maximum number of threads
to use for a parallel data load.
The alter system and alter application MaxL statements have new set ... message_level clauses, to set the
message logging level at the agent and application scopes.
The display system and display application MaxL statements have new message_level clauses, to display the
current message level settings.

Oracle Essbase Release Highlights

Communicating with Essbase Using SSL - Essbase supports the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol for all client-
to-server and server-to-server communication.
New essbase.cfg Configuration Settings
Logging In to Essbase Using Logical Names- Essbase cluster logical names can be used for login, in the form
Changes to login statements - The HOST-NAME parameter can be an Essbase cluster logical name, if using the
APSRESOLVER configuration setting. If using SSL, append :secure to the HOST-NAME parameter; for example:
login essexer password on "localhost:secure";
Managing Essbase Security Backup Files- You can manage the number of security backup files
(essbase_timestamp.bak) that Essbase maintains; the interval at which the security backup files are created; and
whether to switch to the latest, valid security backup file on startup if the essbase.sec file is invalid.
Pre-upgrade Security File Backup- When you upgrade to Essbase from an earlier release, a backup of
the security file for the earlier release is created before the security file is upgraded. This pre-upgrade backup file is
kept intact and is not subsequently updated by further operations.
New MaxL Statements- The statement 'display system' has new configuration grammar for displaying Essbase
configured values set using the essbase.cfg file.
Changed MaxL Grammar- Changes to alter system statement: The 'reconcile' keyword displays discrepancies in
application and database information between the security file and the external disk; the 'reconcile force' keyword
removes from the essbase.sec security file applications or databases that do not exist on the external disk but that
are listed in the security file.
New MDX Functions
MDX Query Execution Management- The essbase.cfg settings QRYGOVEXECBLK and QRYGOVEXECTIME can
now also control long-running MDX queries.

Oracle Essbase Release Highlights

 EPM System Security Enhancements- When Essbase is configured for Shared Services Aauthentication, user's
are no longer stored in the Essbase security file. For this reason it is no longer needed to perform security
synchronization between Essbase and Shared Services. Note that security filters are still stored in the Essbase
security file.
 Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases- It is now possible to perform allocations within an ASO cube. A new
MaxL statement 'execute allocation' is provided for this.
 Custom Calculations on Aggregate Storage Databases- It is now possible to perform custom calculations in an
ASO cube. A new MaxL statement ' execute calculation is provided for this.
 Dynamic Write-back to Blocks During Calculation- A new function @XWRITE is available for writing data to
blocks in the same database or in a remote database. The syntax is similar to @XREF.
 Alias Table Enhancements- Essbase supports 32 alias tables for block storage and aggregate storage databases.
 Increased Length for User, Group, and Filter Names- Essbase now supports 256 characters for user, group, and
filter names.
 Conversion of Block Storage Outlines to Unicode-mode Aggregate Storage Outlines- Support for conversion to
Unicode aggregate storage outline
 IPv6 Support- Essbase supports the IPv6 internet protocol on Microsoft Windows 2008 and all UNIX platforms.
 OCI Support- The EAS Data Prep editor now support using the Oracle OCI interface in addition to ODBC. In
Essbase Studio, it is now possible to specify Oracle OCI as a loading interface.
 Dataload Error Debugging Improvements- Essbase offers improved dataload error messages for debugging
purposes, and records causing errors are included in the log files.
 Increased Limit for MDX Query Size- Essbase supports MDX queries that exceed the 232 query limit.
 User Names with Leading Special Characters- User names can contain any characters defined within the code
page referenced by the ESSLANG variable. For example, you will now be able to create a user such as '$Hypadmin'.
 MaxL Shell Error Handling Improvements- The MaxL Shell IfError command can detect syntactical errors, nested
script errors, and lack-of-permission errors. The MaxL Shell Exit command can accept a non-zero argument to return
an exit status to the parent shell.
 Exception Messages in Calculation Scripts- Essbase can exit calculations immediately under specified logical
conditions. You can use the new @RETURN function to exit the calculation with customized error messages and
 Essbase Failover Support with OPMN- Essbase supports clustering of Essbase servers to provide active-passive
failover with write-back capability. Active-passive Essbase failover clusters use the service failover functionality of the
Oracle Process Manager and Notification (OPMN) Server.
 MaxL Support in Java API- Java API support for executing MaxL statements.
 Calculations with Varying Attributes- New calculation functions and command have been added to improve
calculation of databases that use varying attributes:

 New Calculation Functions

o @WITHATTR is enhanced to allow varying attributes to be specified in the function argument.

Oracle Essbase 11.1.1 Release Highlights

 Single Environment to Build and Maintain Oracle Essbase Cubes- Oracle Essbase Studio provides a single
interface for performing tasks related to data source modeling, cube design, and construction of analytic applications.
See Oracle Essbase Studio
 New Installation and ConfigurationOracle Essbase is now integrated into the EPM System Installer, to streamline
the installation of all EPM products within one tool.
 Lifecycle Management- Provides a consistent, repeatable way to move Oracle Essbase cubes, applications, or
individual artifacts between development, test and production environments. Also supports auditing and application
 Varying Attributes- Support for storing data in attributes that vary over one or more dimensions, and calculate
measures over the varying attributes.
 Typed Measures- extends the analytical capabilities of Oracle Essbase beyond numerical data to support for two
new data types: text measures and date measures. Applications can now use text and dates as measures in
multidimensional reporting. Oracle Essbase applications can now support analysis based on text or date measures.
 Backing Up and Restoring Block Storage Option (BSO) Databases- enables administrators to back up and
restore databases more efficiently.
 Transaction Logging and Replay- a backed-up database can be restored to a specified post-backup state by
replaying transactions related to data loads, data updates, and calculation (procedural)_scripts.
 Clearing Data from Specific Regions of Aggregate Storage (ASO) Databases- clear data from a specific region
and retain the data located in other regions, such as historical data.
 Environment Variables Used in the Calculation Scripts and Formulas of Block Storage Option (BSO)
Applications- supports use system environment variables as placeholders for user-specific system settings in
calculation scripts and outline member formulas
 New Calculation Functions- The following calculation functions are new in this release:
o @ILANCESTORS—Returns the specified members and either all ancestors of the members or the ancestors up to a
specified distance

o @ILDESCENDANTS—Returns the specified members and either all descendants of the members or the
descendants down to a specified distance
o @LANCESTORS—Returns all ancestors of the specified members or the ancestors up to a specified distance
o @LDESCENDANTS—Returns all descendants of the specified members or the descendants down to a specified
o @NEXTSIBLING—Returns the next sibling (the sibling to the immediate right) of the specified member
o @PREVSIBLING—Returns the previous sibling (the sibling to the immediate left) of the specified member
o @SHIFTSIBLING—Returns the specified member or the nth sibling of the specified member

 Grid Expansion During Queries of Transparent Partitions- forces the expansion of the grid when transparent
partitions are queried.
 Log Transaction Response Times from Transparent Partition Target- log transaction response times to monitor
performance and satisfy service level agreements with user communities.
 Grid Size Limits for Aggregate Storage Transparent Partition Target- in ASO, specify the maximum size of the
request grid and the response grid.
 Target of Partition- An ASO cube can be a target of a transparent or replicated partition for aggregation
performance benefits.
 Batch Insertion As Data Is Exported to Relational Databases- supports direct INSERT when exporting data from
Oracle Essbase into a relational database.
 Unicode Support for Aggregate Storage
 Query Cancel- cancels execution of processes such as data load, MaxL, MDX, Calc Script and others in
Administration Services:
 Smart Search Administration Enhancements- Advanced configuration of Google OneBox and Oracle Secure
Enterprise Search (SES) functionality including the ability to select report scripts, calc scripts for metadata indexing.
 MDX Enhancements- improvements to MDX time intelligence and member and hierarchy calculations.
 XOLAP - eXtending OLAP on Relational Database- support for Oracle Essbase cube that is transparently and
dynamically sourced from an RDBMS. Greatly increases the potential size and scope of an Oracle Essbase cube
through the use of a hybrid aggregation strategy. RDBMS friendly with fewer, simpler, more efficient SQL queries
from Oracle Essbase to the RDBMS.
 Parallel SQL Data Loads- Supports up to 8 rules files via temporary load buffers.
 Oracle EBS Financials 11 iSource Integration and Drill-back - when Oracle Essbase is used with Hyperion
Financial Data Quality Management, can now support drill back into Oracle EBS to see account balances and drill
even further from there. This feature adds even further confidence in a customer's financial data.
 Better Integration with Oracle Fusion Middleware- further adoption of key components of Oracle Fusion
Middleware to provide lowest total cost of ownership.
o Security: Integration with Oracle Access Manager, Oracle SSO, Desktop Kerberos Support, OID as the Native

o Systems Management, integration with System Installer, Oracle Patch Installer, Lifecycle Management, Auto
Deployment to Oracle Application Server
o Support for Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

What's New In Oracle Essbase Release 11.1?

Oracle Essbase, Release 9.3 Highlights

 Supports dates as first class objects

 Time dimension wizard automates creation of time dimension hierarchies within Oracle Essbase ASO databases

 Out of the box support for five predefined calendars: Gregorian, Manufacturing, ISO 8601, Fiscal, Retail

 Supports query hints for frequently used queries

 MDX optimizations:
o New functions enhance string processing
o Handling formulae that involve tuple/cross dimensional references
o Ranking tuples in sets
o Analysis of date hierarchies

 Supports high speed subset data export:

o Data slices (including dynamic calc members and aggregates) can be selected and exported lights out in a number of
different formats including directly into relational tables
o This feature is calculation script enabled

 Expanded 64-bit support for AIX and Sun Solaris

 "Reference cubes" improve @XREF performance

 EXCLUDE / ENDEXCLUDE construct allows calculation scripts to specify which members NOT to calculate

 MAXL has been enhanced to provide a means to encrypting usernames and passwords in scripts

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