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C-Programming (For Civil Students) - Laboratory Programs

Lab - 1 : Basic Programs-I

1. Write a program to print your personal details (i.e name, age, city etc).
2. Write a program to find area of circle.
3. Write a program to volume of a cylinder.
4. Write a program to calculate simple interest.
5. Write a program to compute temperature in Fahrenheit from Centigrade.
6. Write a program to calculate final velocity of a vehicle at time 50 sec whose initial velocity is
5 m/s and acceleration is 1 m/s2.

Lab - 2 : Basic Programs-II

1. Write a program to find perimeter of a circle.
2. Two resistors are R1 and R2 are connected in parallel with each other. Write a program to
compute equivalent resistant Req of the circuit. (R1 and R2 values should be read by ‘scanf’
3. Write a program to calculate the distance travelled by a car at time 45 sec, given the initial
velocity 10 m/s and acceleration 7 m/s2.
4. Write a program to compute average marks for a student of his marks in 5 subjects. Use
Lab - 3 : C-Operators
1. Write a program to convert a given number of days into months and days.
2. Write a program to find out the greatest integer out of given three integers using ternary
3. Write a program to convert the distance from inches into feet and inches.
4. Write a program to find whether a given year is a leap year.
5. Write a program to obtain the following result: (x*(x+y)+(x-y))^1/3

Lab - 4 : Decision making and Branching

1. Write a program to find whether a given year is a leap year using ‘simple if else’.
2. Given the three sides of a triangle, write a program to find whether the triangle is right
angled or not using ‘simple if else’.
3. Write a program to find out the smallest integer out of given three integers ‘nested if else’.
4. Write a program to assign Grade to a student based on his total percentage using ‘elseif
5. Write a program to make simple calculator using ‘elseif ladder’.

Lab - 5 : Decision making and Looping

1. Write a program to read any five numbers and print the average value.
2. Write a program to find sum of digits of a given number.
3. Write a program to check whether given number is a prime number or not.
4. Write a program to calculate the following: 1! + 2! + 3! + …. + n!.
5. Write a program to find out Least Common Multiplier for two positive integers.
Lab - 6 : Patterns
Write a program to print the following Patterns.
1 5 a 1
12 44 bb 121
123 333 ccc 12321
1234 2222 dddd 1234321
12345 11111 eeeee

12345 11111 55555 1

1234 2222 4444 212
123 333 333 32123
12 44 22 4321234
1 5 1

Lab - 7 Arrays
1. Write a program to find maximum element from 1-D array.
2. Write a program to find number of odd and even elements from 1-D array.
3. Write a program to sort a given array in ascending order using bubble sort.
4. Write a program to delete an element from 1-D array.
5. Write a program to insert an element in 1-D array at specified place.
6. Write a program to remove duplicate elements from a given 1-D array

Lab - 8 : 2D Arrays
1. Write a program to print transpose of a matrix.
2. Write a program to count number of positive, negative and zero elements from 3x3 matrix.
3. Write a program to check whether a matrix is upper triangular matrix or not.
4. Write a program to print Pascal’s triangle using 2-D array.
5. Write a program to scan two matrices A and B and find A*B and |A+B|.
6. Write a program to check whether a matrix is symmetrical matrix or not.

Lab - 9 : Strings
1. Write a program to count number of words in a string.
2. Write a program replace a particular character in a string.
3. Write a program to toggle the characters in a given string.
4. Write a program to check whether a string is palindrome or not.
5. Write a program to append a string.

Lab - 10 : User Defined Functions

1. Write a function program to find sum of square of first ‘n’ numbers.
2. Write a function program to find factorial of a given number.
3. Write a function program to find maximum of 20 numbers.
4. Write a function program to find x^y.
5. Write a function program to reverse a string.

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