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lnternatiolual Jotwrtal of

ELSEVIER International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58

The effectiveness of participatory ergonomics

in the red meat packing industry
Evaluation of a corporation
J. Steven Moore a'*, Arun Garg b
aDepartment of Occupational Health Sciences, University of Texas Health Center at Tyler, P.O. Box 2003, Tyler, TX 75710-2003, USA
bDepartment of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 784, Milwaukee, W1 53201, USA

Received 29 December 1995; received in revised form 12 June 1996; accepted 26 December 1996


This investigation evaluated the effectiveness of a corporate ergonomics program that used a participatory approach
to solving problems related to musculoskeletal hazards. This meat products corporation developed and implemented
a structured, centrally managed participatory ergonomics program in 1986. In the years following implementation, the
corporation experienced an increase in the crude incidence rate; a significant decrease in the percentage of recordable
disorders related to musculoskeletal risk factors; a marked decrease in the lost-time incidence rate; and a marked decrease
in total and per capita annual workers' compensation costs. These results were consistent with the inference that an
ergonomics program that uses a participatory approach to identifying and solving problems in the red meat packing
industry may be effective in reducing the severity of musculoskeletal morbidity and workers' compensation costs.

Relevance to industry
If a company implements an ergonomics program that incorporates employee participation, what changes in
injury/illness statistics and workers' compensation costs might be anticipated? Will incidence rates go up or down? Will
costs related to workers compensation claims increase or decrease? This paper presents such information from one
corporation. It provides data for estimating the direction and magnitude of such effects for a new program as well as data
for benchmarking an existing program.

Keywords: Participatory ergonomics; Ergonomics programs; Workers" compensation costs; Meat products industry;
Program evaluation

1. Introduction ject s p o n s o r e d by the US N a t i o n a l Institute for

O c c u p a t i o n a l Safety a n d H e a l t h ( N I O S H ) . T h e
D u r i n g 1992-1993, a c o r p o r a t i o n involved in red p u r p o s e of the project was to e v a l u a t e the effec-
m e a t p a c k i n g p a r t i c i p a t e d in a d e m o n s t r a t i o n p r o - tiveness of the p a r t i c i p a t o r y a p p r o a c h to solving
e r g o n o m i c s p r o b l e m s in that industry. T h e
* Corresponding author. Tel.: (903)877-5900; fax: (903)877- m e t h o d s a n d results for the entire project were
7982. p u b l i s h e d as p a r t of a N I O S H d o c u m e n t ( M o o r e

0169-8141/98/$19.00 Copyright @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

PII S0 1 69-8 1 4 1 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 2 4 - 3
48 J. Steven Moore, ,4. Garg / hzternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47-58

and Garg, 1994a). The project had two major com- the five year period preceding 1983 (Masear et al.,
ponents. The component reported in this paper 1986).
involved describing the historical development and As described by Habes, a variety of circumstan-
implementation of the corporation's ergonomics ces brought significant changes to this industry in
program and presenting descriptive information re- the US in the early 1980s, e.g. higher production
lated to evaluating this program's effectiveness rates, machine pacing, and task specialization
across the entire corporation. Similar results de- (Habes, 1994). In the late 1980s, the US meat pack-
scribing the effectiveness of the program within one ing industry"s incidence of 'disorders due to repeat-
of the corporation's pork slaughtering and process- ed trauma' was reported to be approximately 75
ing plants have been presented elsewhere (Moore times higher than the average for US industries as
and Garg, in press). The other component of the a whole (Sheridan, 1991). According to data from
project involved working with two ergonomics the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the annual
teams in the slaughtering and processing plant to crude incidence rates (total injuries and illnesses per
identify problems and develop solutions for tar- 100 workers per year) between 1976 1994 (inclu-
geted jobs. Description of the problem-solving pro- sive) for US private industry (SIC-0000) and the
cess used by the teams and its application to three US meat products industry (SIC-2010) were fairly
jobs as well as feedback from members of the teams constant, but the rates for the meat products indus-
have been published elsewhere (Moore and Garg, try were approximately three times higher than
in press; Moore and Garg, 1996). private industry (Fig. 1). The annual lost-time
The red meat packing industry has been asso- incidence rates (injuries and illnesses with at least
ciated with an increased prevalence and incidence one lost or restricted work day per 100 workers per
of upper extremity disorders. The National Insti- year) were also fairly constant for US private indus-
tute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) try and the US meat products industry during this
observed that the prevalence of symptoms and/or time period, but the rate for the US meat products
physical findings of upper extremity disorders industry was approximately four times higher than
among workers performing varied meat packing general industry (Fig. 2). In 1987 and 1988, the US.
tasks ranged from 21% to 83% (NIOSH, 1989). Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Finnish investigators also reported increased (OSHA) levied unprecedented fines on two of the
prevalence of tension neck and peritendinitis or largest US meat packing companies based, in part,
tenosynovitis in the distal upper extremity among on these increased incidence rates. As part of their
meat packing and meat processing workers 'settlement agreements', they agreed to implement
(Viikari-Juntura, 1983; Viikari-Juntura et al., 1991). ergonomics programs. In 1990, OSHA published
Kurppa et al. (1991) reported an increased inci- its Ergonomics Program Management Guidelinesfi~r
dence rate of epicondylitis and tenosynovitis Meatpackin9 Plants (OSHA, 1990). This document
among meat cutters, sausage makers, and packers recommended a participatory approach, especially
compared to controls (Kurppa et al., 1991). Moore worker involvement.
and Garg noted a statistically significant increased A review of the literature revealed no published
risk of developing a distal upper extremity disorder papers that described the effectiveness, or lack
among workers performing 'hazardous' tasks in thereof, of an ergonomics program in the red meat
a pork processing plant (Moore and Garg, 1994b). packing industry, including the 'settlement agree-
Several investigators have also reported an associ- ment' programs mentioned above. Three studies in
ation between carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and nonmeat packing industries reported pre-interven-
meat packing or meat processing work (Falck and tion versus post-intervention comparisons of in-
Aarnio, 1983; Masear et al., 1986; Moore and Garg, jury/illness data (Garg and Owen, 1992; McKenzie
1994b). Masear et al. (1986) noted that, on average, et al., 1985; Moore, 1994). They reported modest
one case of CTS (one hand) was associated with decreases in incidence rates and marked decreases
53.6 d away from work, $1848 in workers' compen- in measures of severity, e.g. severity or lost-time
sation costs, and $8073 in settlement costs during incidence rates.
J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58 49

Meat Prodacts
40.0 ---0--Private IndusUy




0.0 I I I [ I I I I [ I I I I I I I I I
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8:3 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

Fig. 1. The annual crude incidence rates (total number of recordable injuries and illnesses per 100 workers per year) for all US private
industry and the US meat products industry for years 1976 1994 (BLS, 1996).

~.0 l + Meat Products

--o-- Private Industry


10.0 -

0.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

Fig. 2. The annual lost-time incidence rates (total number of recordable injuries and illnesses with at least one day of lost or restricted
work per 100 workers per year) for all US private industry and the US meat products industry for years 1976-1994 (BLS, 1996).

2. Background The corporation is owned by approximately

10500 stockholders and employs approximately
2.1. The corporation 11000 people. In 1993, the corporation posted
earnings of $105 million based on sales of $2.85
The corporation participating in this study was billion prior to a one-time accounting adjustment.
founded in the United States in 1891. The corpora- Historically, production employees have been
tion and its subsidiaries manufacture, market, and represented by organized labor. Employees first
distribute thousands of meat products worldwide, organized as a union in 1933, forming the Indepen-
including sausages, hams, wieners, bacon, canned dent Union of All Workers No. 1. The name of
luncheon meats, shelf-stable micro-wavable en- the union changed over the years as a result of
trees, stews, chilis, hash, meat spreads, and frozen affiliations and mergers. Since the late 1970s, the
processed products. The corporation has two plant workers have been represented by the United
plants in the United States that slaughter and pro- Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW),
cess pork. Other meat and food products manufac- AFL-CIO.
turing facilities are located throughout the United In terms of employee benefits, the corporation
States. Internationally, the corporation has opera- established guaranteed annual wage for its produc-
tions in the Philippines, Japan, Korea, England, tion workers in 1933. This program guarantees all
and other European countries. workers a minimum annual wage based on 36 h per
50 J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58

week, even if the actual number of hours worked and Security Manager; the Group Vice President
was less. The company established a Joint Earnings for Operations; and the Corporate Ergonomics
Plan, a profit sharing plan for all employees, in Coordinator. The Corporate Steering Committee
1938. This plan is guaranteed and allows workers communicates to individual ergonomics commit-
with 30 yr of seniority, regardless of age, to retire tees within each plant via the management of the
with no reduction in benefits. For years, the cor- plant. This is done to ensure supervisory as well as
poration used an incentive system to determine employee participation.
worker wages. In 1978, the corporation and the The following sections briefly describe the cor-
UFCW reached agreement that led to the ultimate poration's Ergonomics Program and its implemen-
discontinuance of the incentive pay system that had tation. For more detail, the reader is referred to the
been in effect for 41 yr for union workers. complete report in the NIOSH document (Moore
and Garg, 1994).
2.2. The corporate ergonomics program
2.3. Management commitment
The corporation began development and imple-
mentation of its Ergonomics Program in 1986. In 1986, the Chairman, the President, and the
Three factors contributed to the company's aware- Chief Executive Officer of the corporation for-
ness of the need for an ergonomics program: (1) malized the company's policy on the issues of
OSHA citations of other red meat packers; (2) me- safety, health, and ergonomics. This Safety, Health,
dia attention; and (3) a corporate evaluation of and Ergonomics Policy focuses on four key ele-
workers' compensation costs. The proposed goal of ments:
the program was to: 1. the corporation is concerned about employees'
Establish a company-wide employee-involved continued health and safety,
continuing program to: 2. the corporation is committed to the implemen-
1. reduce the amount of physical stress in the tation and maintenance of effective safety,
workplace, health, and ergonomics programs and to the
2. prevent internal damage to the body, and promotion of these programs through employee
3. reduce the cost of work-related injuries and il- participation, awareness and education,
lnesses. 3. through each plant's established committees and
This program was developed primarily by a Cor- programs on safety, health, and ergonomics, the
porate Ergonomics Coordinator. This person is an employees are encouraged to participate and
industrial engineer with more than 45 yr experience provide input to develop and maintain a safe
in the meat packing and processing of pork. Even and effective workplace,
though the corporate Ergonomics Program started 4. the safety, health, and ergonomics programs are,
in 1986, the written program was not completed and must continue to be, an integral part of all of
and distributed to all company personnel until the corporation's operations.
1992. One reason for this delay was a decision to
use the OSHA Ergonomics Program Management 2.4. Employee involvement
Guidelinesfor Meatpackin9 Plants as a template for
the formal written corporate program (OSHA, The corporation is committed to employee in-
1990). volvement. Methods to achieve this objective in-
In terms of structure, the corporation uses a Cor- clude:
porate Steering Committee to authorize, guide, and 1. the use of employee surveys, questionnaires, and
support all ergonomics-related activities. The mem- suggestion procedures in a spirit of cooperation
bers of this committee include the Vice President and mutual benefit,
for Engineering; the Corporate Counsel; the Vice 2. the use of procedures that endorse prompt and
President of Beef and Pork Operations; the Dir- accurate reporting of signs and symptoms (use of
ector of Industrial Engineering; Corporate Safety an educational videotape and booklet about
J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47-58 51

signs and symptoms, ergonomics, and participa- neering techniques are best done during design or
tion; an encouraging letter from the Corporate modification of work stations, work methods, or
Steering Committee; and re-emphasis during the tools.
training program),
3. interaction with other quality, safety, and health 2.5.3. Medical management
committees, The medical management component of the cor-
4. training of all members of each ergonomics com- poration's Ergonomics Program is described as 'a
mittee to develop ergonomic skills (this training conscientious attempt to eliminate the risk of devel-
is coordinated and given by the Corporate Ergo- opment of cumulative trauma disorder signs and
nomics Coordinator). symptoms through early identification and treat-
ment and to the prevention of future problems'.
2.5. Program elements This component includes the availability of first aid
and nearby physician and emergency medical care.
The corporation's Ergonomics Program closely
parallels the OSHA Red Meat Packing Guidelines 2.5.4. Training and education
(OSHA, 1990). There are four major sections. The purpose of the corporation's training and
education efforts are to ensure that employees are
2.5.1. Workplace analysis sufficiently informed about ergonomics principles
The corporation uses its own forms and check- and injury prevention to actively participate in the
lists, injury/illness data, and workers' compensa- corporation's ergonomics efforts. In addition, the
tion expense data to target jobs for more detailed training incorporates topics about how employees
analysis. Aside from identifying existing problems can participate in the program. The training audi-
(retrospective intervention), this method also ence includes all hourly employees (plant and of-
allows the ergonomics committees to become in- rice), engineering and maintenance personnel,
volved in planned changes, such as new facilities, supervision, management, and health care
processes, materials, or equipment (prospective in- providers in all plants. The training is presented in
tervention and design). applicable language at an appropriate level of un-
derstanding for the target audience. Topics include
2.5.2. Hazard correction, prevention, and control proper and safe work methods; the physiology and
The corporation uses the following procedure for symptoms of cumulative trauma disorders; and
hazard correction: means of prevention, coping, or treatment.
1. Targeted corrections are listed.
2. Priorities for corrections are established. 2.6. Implementation
3. Individual assignments are made (e.g. the indus-
trial engineer is to contact a manufacturer to All components of the corporation's Ergonomics
obtain some equipment within one week). Program were implemented simultaneously in
4. Action is initiated. 1986. Since the Ergonomics Program has been op-
5. Progress is monitored. erating for several years, a certain methodological
6. Problems that arise are solved. pattern has emerged in terms of implementation. In
7. Accomplishments are recorded. general, the Corporate Ergonomics Coordinator
8. Corrected status is maintained. first examines the injury investigation reports for
9. Successes are shared with other plants. a plant or a specific department within a plant.
In terms of prevention and control, the corpora- These reports are used to target specific jobs for
tion relies on the four traditional techniques of evaluation. The next step is a Safety and Ergono-
exposure control: engineering techniques, work mics Survey. This survey, completed by all workers
practice controls, personal protective equipment, performing all jobs in the plant, asks about the
and administrative controls. The corporation pre- presence of symptoms (lasting aches or sore spots);
fers engineering solutions and believes that engi- the perceived cause of these symptoms; the comfort
52 J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58

of the workstation; the comfort of tools (if any); workers returning after injury with limited capabil-
miscellaneous questions related to the way the job ities.
is performed (e.g. lifting, lighting, pushing, pulling, In addition to the assimilation of data from the
posture, footing, noise, reach envelope); and other Safety and Ergonomics Survey, the CTD Risk Fac-
safety-related issues. The responses for each Safety tor Checklist, and the Job Analysis Checklist, the
and Ergonomics Survey are reviewed by the indus- ergonomics teams also meet with the workers per-
trial engineer assigned to the department. Obvious forming the jobs. One or more team members,
hazards are addressed immediately. Other identi- using a Worker Feedback Form as a guide, meet
fied or suggested problems, such as the presence 'of with workers individually to discuss the job (per-
musculoskeletal risk factors, are marked for special ceived problems and recommended solutions) and
study. The results of the survey and any corrective its effects on that worker (body part discomfort).
actions are communicated to the Corporate Ergo- Following this data collection process, the ergo-
nomics Coordinator. nomic teams summarize their findings, brainstorm
The next step is to prepare supervisors and possible solutions (e.g. new ideas, new opportuni-
workers at the plant for upcoming study of the ties to apply old ideas or interventions from other
ergonomics-related problems identified in the sur- facilities), and discuss potential problems asso-
vey. These activities are done by ergonomics teams ciated with the proposed solutions. After the teams
composed of representatives from production reach consensus on the recommended interven-
workers, clerical workers, management, super- tions, implementation is discussed with supervision
vision, mechanics, and engineers. In general, the and their findings are documented in writing.
production and clerical workers are volunteers Prior to submitting a recommendation for
that, if represented by a union, would either be change to management, the ergonomics teams use
selected or endorsed by the union. The committees a checklist for ergonomic safety and efficiency as an
are structured so that the number of worker and additional level of assessment of the intervention.
management representatives are balanced. All This checklist is presented to the plant manager
members of the ergonomics teams are trained by and, when approved, referred to the Corporate
the Corporate Ergonomics Coordinator. This Engineering Group for consideration. The Corpo-
training includes information related to musculo- rate Engineering Group reviews the ergonomics
skeletal risk factors, musculoskeletal disorders, and team's findings, obtains clarification of any obscure
teamwork. As of 1993, this training had been given or confusing findings, and prioritizes the recom-
to over 5000 plant employees participating on ergo- mended interventions. The team leader of each
nomics teams. ergonomics committee, usually an industrial engi-
Each ergonomics team studies each job in its neer, works with the Corporate Engineering Group
department using assessment tools developed by to sort, assign, and schedule follow-up evaluation.
the corporation - i.e. a Cumulative Trauma Dis- As needed, the teams or the Corporate Engineering
order (CTD) Risk Factor Checklist and a Job Anal- Group obtains assistance related to design, draft-
ysis Checklist. The CTD Risk Factor Checklist ing, ordering, and/or installing new equipment.
inquires about the presence of generic risk factors They may also need assistance in obtaining
for upper extremity disorders as well as postural appropriate approvals (e.g. from the United States
stability, unaccustomed activity, work pace, and Department of Agriculture) and obtaining appro-
selected personal characteristics. The Job Analysis priated funds. All negative comments related to this
Checklist is a one-page checklist that asks about checklist must be addressed before the plans for
risk factors related to the torso, the hands, the intervention are considered acceptable.
wrists, and the environment in general. This check- When necessary, an ergonomics team can use
list is also being developed so that it can be match- a task force approach that incorporates a larger
ed to a worker capability assessment, completed by scope of human resources at the plant. The ergo-
health care providers, to optimize matching of nomics teams also revisit prior interventions to
worker capabilities to job demands, especially for follow-up on their effectiveness and review new or
J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58 53

proposed workstations or operations. The teams This change improved the quality of meat for the
also assess or monitor all new installations or corporation's products. Yield increased slightly,
modifications at the plant to ensure 'ergonomic but this slight increase, when multiplied by millions
correctness'. This may involve administration of of hogs per year, was significant.
one or more of the checklists. Finally, the teams The company has also invented several devices,
provide information and success stories to corpo- such as automatic hog splitters and hand-held skin-
rate for distribution to other plants. ners and markers. These inventions have been li-
censed for manufacturing and sale by national
2. 7. Communication distributors.
Several devices available from national distribu-
Each ergonomics team submits a monthly status tors have been modified for unique applications at
report. This report is organized as a standardized the company. Examples include the development of
agenda to be used for an ergonomics team's new handles for vacuum carrying devices for ma-
monthly meeting. At the corporate level, these nipulating heavy boxes, barrels, or bags, and modi-
monthly reports (from all ergonomics teams in all fications to Whizard knives (new handles).
plants within the corporation) are reviewed by the The company has also developed a variety of
Industrial Engineering Manager and the Corporate innovations for their own use. These include: bacon
Ergonomics Coordinator. This allows them to comb lifters; casing and film roll manipulators; ba-
monitor each plant's or team's activity and pro- con comb sharpeners and straighteners; and belly
gress. Since 1988, corporate has published a quar- inverters. Projects nearing installation include au-
terly newsletter entitled 'What's New in tomated pulling of loins and automatic trimming of
Ergonomics'. The purpose of this newsletter is to bellies.
communicate news related to ergonomics, report
on the status of the ergonomics program, serve as
a reminder so that heightened awareness is main- 3. Methods
tained, and share the experiences of individual
ergonomics teams. 3.1. Program evaluation criteria

2.8. Examples of ergonomic interventions Information related to injuries and illnesses were
derived from the corporate OSHA 200 logs. The
Prior to 1982, deboning picnics required over 25 OSHA 200 logs are records that are required to be
workers using knives to manually dissect out the maintained by the US Department of Labor
bone from the picnic. Aside from the inevitable cuts (OSHA, 1986). According to the recordkeeping re-
and bruises, this work was associated with a large quirements, all work-related occupational injuries
number of upper extremity disorders. In 1980, the and illnesses (except extremely minor ones treated
corporation started a project to examine the possi- only with first aid) that occur during a calendar
bility of automating this difficult task. A corporate year are required to be recorded on that year's
Methods and Layout Engineer worked with OSHA 200 log. The OSHA 200 logs are required to
a Dutch food equipment manufacturer to adapt be maintained for 5 yr. At this corporation, each
their machinery to their production process. The OSHA 200 entry included a case number; the date
design was based on squeezing the meat from the of injury or illness; the employee's name; an ab-
bone. Four Deboning Machines were introduced at breviated description of the condition; and the em-
one plant in 1983. The new process involved four ployee's department and occupation; and if the
machines and five workers (two operators, two injury or illness did or did not involve lost or
meat inspectors, and a trucker). This equipment restricted work days and, if so, the number of days
was subsequently installed in two other plants. The away from work or the number of days on re-
same principle was later adapted to the deboning of stricted activity. For illnesses only, it was also
hams. These machines were installed at four plants. noted if the illness was a skin disorder; a dust
54 J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / lnternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58

disease of the lung; a respiratory condition caused were compared using constant dollars (adjusted for
by a toxic agent; systemic poisoning; a disorder due inflation). According to the corporation's top insur-
to repeated trauma or physical agents; or another ance executive, the company's average annual rate
type of occupational illness. Workers' compensa- of inflation for this expense was 12% in this time
tion cost data was obtained from annual reports period. As with the injury/illness statistics, the com-
sent to the corporation by their workers' compen- pany preferred not to report its absolute dollar
sation insurance carrier. figures; therefore, 1987 was used as a baseline with
Crude annual incidence rates were calculated by costs from subsequent years reported as a percent-
dividing the total number of injuries and illnesses age of this year.
recorded on the OSHA 200 log for each year by the Annual corporate workers" compensation expenses
average number of workers employed by the cor- per employee (per capita workers' compensation
poration during that year, then multiplying by 100. costs) were calculated by dividing the annual
Since OSHA 200 records were retained only 5 yr, workers" compensation costs for one year by the
crude annual incidence rate data were only avail- average number of workers employed during that
able for years 1987-1993 (all post-implementation year. As before, the results were expressed as a per-
years). centage of 1987. The per capita costs were not
Lost-time incidence rates were calculated in adjusted for inflation.
a manner similar to the crude incidence rates, ex- Evidence of trend was evaluated using the
cept only the number of lost-time injuries was in- Cox-Stuart test for trend (Daniel, 1978). Since this
cluded in the numerator. Lost-time incidence rate method requires at least 10 observations to deter-
data were available back to 1984. mine significance at the 0.05 level, it was not pos-
The percentage of recordable incidents related to sible to determine a statistically significant trend
musculoskeletal risk factors was calculated by divid- for outcomes other than the lost-time incidence
ing the number of musculoskeletal disorders re- rate.
lated to musculoskeletal risk factors by the total
number of recordable incidents. Data was available
for years 1987-1993. 4. Results
The company preferred not to publish its crude
incidence rates and lost-time incidence rates dir- 4.1. Injury and illness statistics
ectly; therefore, results were presented in the form
of a percentage relative to a baseline year. For the In the baseline year (1987), the crude incidence
crude incidence rates, the rate for 1987 (the first rate for the corporation was approximately 2.5
year) was chosen as the baseline and assigned times greater than the rate for US private industry
a value of 100%. Rates for years 1988-1993 were and approximately 20% less than the rate for the
expressed as percentages of the 1987 rate. For the US meat products industry. The crude incidence
lost-time incidence rates, the rate for 1984 was used rates increased during the early post-implementa-
as the baseline. tion period, then reached a plateau at a level
Workers' compensation cost data were available approximately 33% higher than baseline (Fig. 3).
for the years 1987-1993. Workers' compensation In the most recent two years, the crude incidence
costs include expenses related to medical treatment rate decreased and was almost equal to the 1987
and evaluation, wage replacement during periods level.
of temporary disability (usually 67% of base), pay- The corporate lost-time incidence rate in the
ments for permanent disability, and legal expenses. baseline year (1984) was approximately 4 times
Given this scope of potential expenses, workers' higher than the rate for private industry and ap-
compensation expenses often do not correlate with proximately 25% higher than the rate for the US
other measures of injury severity, e.g. the lost-time meat products industry. The lost-time incidence
incidence rate. Benefits may vary state-to-state. In rates, expressed as a percentage of the 1984 rate,
this project, annual workers" compensation costs exhibited a consistent and marked decrease in the
J. Steven Moore, A. Garg /International Journal of lndustrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47-58 55




0% ¸
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Fig. 3. Annual crude incidence rates for the years 1987-1993 Fig. 5. Percentage of total recordable conditions that were mus-
expressed as a percentage of the 1987 rate. This rate represents culoskeletal conditions (e.g. strains or sprains) related to mus-
the number of injuries and illnesses per 100 workers for the culoskeletal risk factors (e.g. lifting, lowering, or carrying) for the
specified year. In the baseline year (1987), the incidence rate for years 1987 1993.
the corporation was approximately 2.5 times greater than the
rate for US private industry and approximately 20% less than
the rate for the US meat products industry. 100%

100% 8o% j
100% II(~l ss%


60%- 20%
40%- 0% ~ ~ ~
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
Fig. 6. Annual corporate workers' compensation expenses for
years 1987-1993 expressed as a percentage of 1987 expenses
1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
(adjusted for inflation).

Fig. 4. Lost-time incidence rates for years 1984-1993 expressed

as a percentage of the rate in 1984. The program was imple-
mented in 1986. This rate represents the number of injuries and 4.2. Worker's compensation costs
illnesses with at least one day of lost or restricted work per 100
workers for the specified year. In the baseline year (1987), the Annual workers' compensation costs, expressed
rate for the corporation was approximately 4 times higher than as a percentage of 1987, decreased since 1987
lhe rate for US private industry and approximately 25% higher
than the rate for the US meat products industry. For years
(Fig. 6). While the decline was not particularly
1990 1993 (inclusive), the rates for the corporation were below steady, there was an overall decrease in this expense
the rates for private industry. subsequent to implementation of the ergonomics
program. The 1993 expenses were 16% of those of
1987 (an 84% decrease). If inflation were disre-
lost-time incidence rate since the implementation of garded, 1993 expenses were 31% of those of 1987 (a
the ergonomics program (Fig. 4). This downward 69% decrease). According to company personnel,
trend was statistically significant (p < 0.05). a decrease in workers' compensation expenses had
For years 1987 and 1988, approximately 67% of not been observed prior to the start of the com-
the recordable incidents on the OSHA 200 log were pany's ergonomics program.
musculoskeletal disorders related to musculo- Per capita workers' compensation expenses pro-
skeletal risk factors (Fig. 5). For years 1989-1993, gressively declined (Fig. 7). The 1993 expenses per
this percentage decreased by 37% to a mean value employee was approximately 73% lower than in
of 42% (range: 37-46%). 1987.
56 J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47-58

I00% the US meat products industry. As a result, the

observed changes were not likely due to this cor-
8 0 % ~ 7z -,,o poration having uniquely low or high crude inci-
dence rates at the baseline year compared to the US
60% 48% "~?"
I . ..o,o 4,% ~ meat products industry. The annual crude inci-
40% dence rate increased by approximately one-third
after implementing the ergonomics program. Ac-

2 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

cording to the Corporate Ergonomics Coordi-
nator, employee training on early recognition and
reporting of musculoskeletal conditions was be-
lieved to be a major contributing factor to this
Fig. 7. Annual per capita workers' compensation expenses for
years 1987-1993 expressed as a percentage of 1987 (not adjusted observation. It was a bit premature to be certain,
for inflation). but the data also suggested that the corporate
crude incidence rate may ultimately decrease as
the program matures (increases beyond a few
years). Comparison of Figs. 1 and 3 suggests some
5. Discussion similarity between trends in the US meat products
industry and this corporation during years
One purpose of the demonstration project was to 1987 1993 (inclusive). One possible explanation is
evaluate the effectiveness of an established ergo- that reporting and recording of injuries and ill-
nomics program that relied on a participatory ap- nesses in the US meat products industry may have
proach to solving ergonomics problems in the red increased following the OSHA citations in 1987
meat packing industry. This paper reports an and 1988, including the implementation of ergo-
evaluation of one such program. The observations nomics programs as part of the 'settlement agree-
are primarily descriptive. Since the methodology ments' for the two largest US meat packers.
was not experimental, e.g. there were no control or Overall, these observations suggested that an
comparison groups, it was not possible to draw increase in crude incidence rate might be expect-
definitive conclusions regarding factors that caused ed following implementation of an ergonomics
or contributed to the observations. program and it might take several years for the
To describe the long-term effects potentially re- incidence rate to fall back to its pre-implementa-
lated to implementing a participatory ergonomics tion level. If effectiveness was to be measured by
program, this analysis examined injury and illness a crude incidence rate yardstick, institution of
statistics plus workers' compensation costs. Except a participatory ergonomics program appeared to
for one measure, the lost-time incidence rate, it was require a long-term perspective. In fact, an in-
not possible to compare pre-implementation data creased crude incidence rate may reflect an effective
to post-implementation data because such data program.
were not available. As a result, most of the observed There was a dramatic and statistically significant
changes reflect the corporation's experience in the downward trend in the lost-time incidence rate.
years just after implementation of the program. The corporation's 1987 lost-time incidence rate was
Given the way the corporation implemented its several-fold above the rate for private industry and
program, it was not possible to apportion the ob- only slightly higher than the US meat products
served changes among the various program ele- industry. As a result, the observed changes were not
ments. It is possible that factors other than the likely due to this corporation having uniquely low
ergonomics program contributed to some of the or high lost-time incidence rate at the baseline year.
observed changes. The lost-time incidence rate for the corporation
The 1987 crude incidence rate for the corpora- dropped 50% during the first year of the ergono-
tion was several-fold greater than the rate for US mics program (1986) to a level that was approxi-
private industry and modestly less than the rate for mately half the rate for the US meat products
J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47-58 57

industry that year. This rate continued to fall an- processing and packaging plants, observed de-
nually thereafter; and, during years 1990-1993 in- creases ranging from 50 to 66%.
clusive, dropped below the rate for US private Even though there was insufficient number of
industry. The lost-time incidence rates in US pri- years to demonstrate a statistically significant
vate industry and the US meat products industry downward trend for workers" compensation costs,
were essentially constant during this time period the corporation experienced financially meaningful
(see Fig. 2). Therefore, the changes in the corporate decreases for annual as well as per capita expendi-
rates are unlikely to be explained by general fac- tures. Based on inflation-adjusted dollars, the an-
tors, e.g. economic or labor conditions. In 1993, this nual workers' compensation costs decreased 84%
rate was only 11% of that observed in 1984 an over 6 yr. This represented several millions of
89% decrease. In general, this same phenomenon dollars in savings. Unadjusted per capita costs
has been observed by others that used a participa- decreased 73%. These savings in workers' compen-
tory approach to ergonomics (Garg and Owen, sation costs would have a major impact on any
1992; McKenzie et al., 1985; Moore, 1994). There company's profitability, but was especially significant
are several possible interpretations for this down- in the red meat packing industry. Corporate person-
ward trend. The Corporate Ergonomics Coor- nel estimated that a $1000 expense required the sale of
dinator attributed this observation to ergonomics approximately 35 000 pounds of product in order
and safety-related improvements as well as other for the profits from this sale to cover this expense.
factors, such as altered assignments for workers
recovering from injuries. Since this decrease in
lost-time incidence rate occurred while the crude 6. Conclusions
incidence rate increased, it is also possible that the
reported conditions were associated with less im- The observations associated with this project
pairment or that workers were able to continue to were consistent with the inference that the long-
perform their usual jobs, perhaps due to train- ing term effects of a structured, centrally managed,
that emphasized early reporting, thus not accruing participatory ergonomics program were favorable
any lost or restricted days. There is suggestion of for one corporation. The following were noted dur-
a downward trend prior to the implementation of ing the years following implementation of such
the ergonomic program in 1986. While no single a program:
explanation can be reliably offered for this observa- 1. an increase in the crude incidence rate (at least
tion, it was noted that the corporation had imple- for several years),
mented (and was implementing) several significant 2. a marked decrease in the lost-time incidence
interventions prior to the implementation of the rate,
program (see Ergonomic Interventions). 3. a significant reduction in the percentage of mus-
Even though the crude incidence rate increased culoskeletal disorders related to musculoskeletal
33% in the post-implementation years, the percent- risk factors,
age of recordable disorders related to musculo- 4. a marked reduction in total and per capita an-
skeletal risk factors decreased 37% during this nual workers' compensation costs.
same period. These changes are approximately While not known with certainty, it is possible
equivalent to an overall 20% decrease in the num- that these results might also be observed in other
ber of recordable disorders related to musculo- industries or work environments that implement
skeletal risk factors. According to the Corporate a participatory ergonomics program.
Ergonomics Coordinator, the percentage decrease
in recordable disorders related to musculoskeletal
risk factors varied from plant to plant. Highly auto- Acknowledgements
mated facilities, e.g. canning plants, observed
decreases ranging from 9 to 16%. Less automated This study would not have been possible with-
facilities with hand-intensive processes, e.g. meat out the patience, assistance, and support of the
58 J. Steven Moore, A. Garg / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 21 (1998) 47 58

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This work was supported by NIOSH Cooperative ics intervention. American Industrial Hygiene Association
Agreement No. U60/CCU508741-01. The investi- Journal 55, 236-244.
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