Meausred in 3 Ways, Relevance of Base Year, Changes in Claculation Methods of GDP, NDP, GNP

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Expansionary Fiscal Policies, Monetary Policies, Crowding out effect, Recession-what kind plicies the

govt. frames and during depression. Tax regime, Functions of tax, componentsof GDP. AD., Investment,
Savings, Circular flow of income, Investment multiplier, open economy and clased economy how the AD
behaves, production function in classical and neo classical, underground economy,, Role of RBI and
Federal Reserves, Excange rate, Interest rate, Inflation, Philips curve, Long run and sgort run, Philips
curve in the Long Run, Unemployment, Natural rate of Unemployment, structural Unemployment,
Seasonal unemployment, Net Exports, Net Capiatl Outflow, Niti Aayog, FDI, OFDI, Goods market, Mney
market, Money-Functions of money, Capiatl to GDP ratio, Debt to GDP ratio, Role of US economy impact
on India in terms of interest rate, Sacrifice ratio, Okun's law, Impact of global financial crisis.

Principles of Economics, concepts of VUCA, new normals in the economy, Difference b/w Macro
and Managerial Economics/macroeconomics, Economy in the Short Run and Long Run, all the
macro variables-GDP, Inflation, Interest rate, tax rate, unemployment, Excange rate, Fiscal
policy, Monetary Policy, incremental cpaital to output ratio, amcroeconomic policy objectives,
Circular flow of economy, National Income Accounting- GDP, GDP Deflator, why GDP
meausred in 3 ways, relevance of base year, changes in claculation methods of GDP, NDP, GNP,
NFIA, Depreciation, National Income, Relation b/w saving and investment in simple and open
economies, Fiscal Deficit and Current Account Deficit. money and functions of money, Quantity
theory of money, velocity of money, Fisher equation, Fisher Effect, demand for money, money
multiplier, Tax and rate, interest rtae, relevance of interest for business, relation between
excahnge rate and interest rate, inflation, measure emt of inflation through CPI, WPI, relvance
of inflation social cost of inflation, Inflation and money supply, Managment of inflation, core
inflation, structural inflation, Demand Pull and Cost-Push inflation, costs of unanticpated
inflation, Hperinflation, Unemployment, AD= C+I +G +X-M= Expenditure method, consumption,

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