A Comparison of Oral Methylprednisolone Plus Azathioprine or Mycophenolate Mofetil For The Treatm

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A Comparison of Oral Methylprednisolone

Plus Azathioprine or Mycophenolate Mofetil
for the Treatment of Pemphigus
Stefan Beissert, MD; Thomas Werfel, MD; Uta Frieling, MD; Markus Böhm, MD; Michael Sticherling, MD;
Rudolf Stadler, MD; Detlev Zillikens, MD; Berthold Rzany, MD; Nicolas Hunzelmann, MD; Michael Meurer, MD;
Harald Gollnick, MD; Thomas Ruzicka, MD; Hans Pillekamp, MD; Volker Junghans, MD; Thomas A. Luger, MD

Objective: To investigate the safety and efficacy of oral outcome measures were safety profiles and duration of
methylprednisolone combined with azathioprine sodium remission.
or mycophenolate mofetil for the treatment of pemphigus.
Results: In 13 (72%) of 18 patients with pemphigus re-
Design: A prospective, multicenter, randomized, non- ceiving oral methylprednisolone and azathioprine, com-
blinded clinical trial to compare 2 parallel groups of pa- plete remission was achieved after a mean±SD of 74±127
tients with pemphigus (pemphigus vulgaris and pem- days compared with 20 (95%) of 21 patients receiving
phigus foliaceus) treated with oral methylprednisolone oral methylprednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil in
plus azathioprine or oral methylprednisolone plus my- whom complete remission occurred after a mean±SD of
cophenolate mofetil. 91±113 days. The total median cumulative methylpred-
nisolone dose used was 8916 mg (SD, ±29 844 mg) in
Settings: Thirteen departments of dermatology in Ger-
the azathioprine group compared with 9334 mg (SD,
±13 280 mg) in the mycophenolate group. In 6 (33%) of
Patients: We included patients with pemphigus vul- 18 patients treated with azathioprine, grade 3 or 4 ad-
garis (n=33) or pemphigus foliaceus (n = 7) evidenced verse effects were documented in contrast to 4 (19%) of
by clinical lesions suggestive of pemphigus, intraepider- 21 patients who received mycophenolate mofetil.
mal blistering on histological analysis of skin biopsy speci-
mens, intercellular deposition of IgG within the epider- Conclusion: Mycophenolate mofetil and azathioprine
mis, and immunoblot analysis findings for antidesmoglein demonstrate similar efficacy, corticosteroid-sparing ef-
3 and/or antidesmoglein 1 autoantibodies. fects, and safety profiles as adjuvants during treatment
of pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus.
Main Outcome Measures: The cumulative total meth-
ylprednisolone doses and rate of remission. Secondary Arch Dermatol. 2006;142:1447-1454

EMPHIGUS IS AN ACQUIRED is more superficial in pemphigus folia-
bullous autoimmune disor- ceus compared with pemphigus vulgaris.
der of the skin and mucous Pemphigus vulgaris accounts for about two
membranes in which auto- thirds of all pemphigus cases and prob-
antibodies against keratino- ably constitutes the most common bul-
cyte antigens lead to a loss of cell-cell ad- lous autoimmune disorder in the eastern
hesion, resulting in erosions and blister countries of Eurasia. In the West, pem-
formation. The autoantibodies are di- phigus vulgaris is less common.5
rected against epidermal cadherins, a fam- The major pemphigus vulgaris auto-
ily of calcium2⫹-dependent cell-cell adhe- antigen is desmoglein 3 (Dsg3), a desmo-
sion molecules.1,2 According to clinical somal cadherin.1,2 Anti-Dsg3 autoantibod-
lesion appearance and autoantibody reac- ies bind to the extracelluar domain of the
tivity, pemphigus can be further classi- NH2 region of Dsg3, which is proposed to
fied into different subtypes, each with a have a direct effect on the adhesive func-
characteristic intraepidermal loss of cel- tion of Dsg3. Accordingly, experimental
lular attachments. By histological classi- injection of anti-Dsg3 autoantibodies into
fication, the 2 major subtypes, pemphi- newborn mice induced epidermal blister
gus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus, are formation similar to pemphigus vul-
Author Affiliations are listed at distinguished by the level of cleavage garis.6 The relevance of Dsg3 for the ad-
the end of this article. within the epidermis.3,4 Blister formation herence of keratinocytes is demonstrated



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in mice with a spontaneous mutation in Dsg3 and in cause complete healing of the lesions, as defined by a com-
knockout animals with a disrupted Dsg3 gene induced plete reepithelization of all previous lesions, was the first pri-
by homologous recombination.7 Pemphigus vulgaris mary outcome measure, blinding was not regarded as necessary.
serum samples may also contain autoantibodies to The second primary outcome measure was the cumulative oral
corticosteroid dose used until complete remission, allowing com-
desmocollins and Dsg1, the pemphigus foliaceus anti-
parison of the corticosteroid-sparing effects of the 2 alterna-
gen.8-10 Dsg3 expression is restricted to the basal and im- tive immunosuppressants. Secondary outcome measures were
mediate suprabasal layers of the epidermis, whereas Dsg1 duration of remission and safety profiles of the 2 treatment arms.
is expressed in the superficial layers.11 Randomization was stratified according to the clinical center
There is no standard treatment of pemphigus fulfill- and performed centrally with the use of random numbers of
ing the criteria of evidence-based medicine, and there are 3 for each stratum. Patients were randomly assigned, irrespec-
few, if any, controlled studies on individual therapeutic tive of severity of disease, to receive 2 mg/kg of methylpred-
strategies in pemphigus. Before the therapeutic use of cor- nisolone once daily (Urbason; Aventis Pharma Deutschland
ticosteroids, pemphigus was almost invariably a fatal dis- GmbH, Bad Soden, Germany) with 2 mg/kg of azathioprine so-
ease with a mortality of more than 70%.12,13 Ever since, dium (Imurek; GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co KG, Munich, Ger-
many) or 2 mg/kg of methylprednisolone once daily with 1000
the high mortality could be reduced to less than 10%. Ac-
mg of mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept; Hoffmann-La Roche
cordingly, even today, corticosteroids remain the main- AG, Grenzach-Wyhlen, Germany) given twice daily (2 g/d). The
stay treatment of pemphigus. However, the relatively high initial dosage was maintained until blister formation ceased,
doses and long duration of treatment often required to crusts and erosions disappeared, and reepithelialization of pre-
control the disease lead to a variety of adverse effects, many vious lesions started. The corticosteroid dosage was subse-
of which are serious. Today, corticosteroids are usually quently reduced to 40 mg/d. Afterward, the corticosteroid dos-
given in combination with adjuvant immunosuppres- age was sequentially reduced by 10 mg/d every 2 weeks until a
sant therapy to reduce the cumulative corticosteroid dose dosage of 20 mg/d was reached, followed by reductions in 5-mg
and adverse effects. Nevertheless, most patients who die steps every 2 weeks until 10 mg/d was reached and in 2.5-mg
of pemphigus today die of complications from the treat- steps every 2 weeks until discontinuation of treatment. After
discontinuation of corticosteroid therapy, azathioprine or my-
ment. Therefore, the search for safe and effective treat-
cophenolate dosages were maintained at the initial dosage as
ment regimens is of particular practical interest. Among monotherapy for an additional 12 weeks. Subsequently, aza-
the different immunosuppressants, azathioprine so- thioprine sodium was reduced by 0.5 mg/kg every 4 weeks to
dium has been widely used since the late 1960s to con- a dosage of 100 mg/d. Thereafter, the azathioprine sodium dos-
trol disease in patients with pemphigus (hereafter re- age was tapered in 25-mg steps every 4 weeks until discon-
ferred to as pemphigus patients). 14 More recently, tinuation of treatment. Mycophenolate mofetil therapy was re-
pemphigus was successfully treated with a combination duced in 500-mg/d steps every 4 weeks to 1000 mg/d. Afterward,
therapy using mycophenolate mofetil.15-17 Therefore, we the mycophenolate mofetil dosage was decreased in 250-mg steps
were interested in investigating and comparing the safety every 4 weeks until discontinuation of treatment.
and efficacy of azathioprine vs mycophenolate mofetil, If new blisters developed 7 days after the initiation of therapy,
the methylprednisolone dosage was increased by 1 mg/kg ev-
each in combination with oral methylprednisolone, for
ery 7 days until blister development ceased.
the treatment of pemphigus. We herein present the re- Relapse was defined as new blister formation during dos-
sults of a national randomized multicenter study ad- age reduction of methylprednisolone or immunosuppres-
dressing this issue. sants. If a relapse was noticed when the methylprednisolone
dosage was at least 40 mg/d, the previous corticosteroid dos-
METHODS age that permitted control of the disease was given. If a relapse
was noticed when the methylprednisolone dosage was less than
40 mg/d, including the phase of immunosuppressant mono-
STUDY PATIENTS therapy or its reduction, the corticosteroid dosage was in-
creased to 40 mg/d and the initial immunosuppressant dosage
Thirteen dermatologic departments in Germany participated was given.
in this prospective, randomized investigation. The study pro-
tocol was approved by the ethics committee of the University
of Münster, Münster, Germany, and written informed consent BASELINE AND FOLLOW-UP EVALUATIONS
was obtained from each patient. Consecutive patients with pem-
phigus vulgaris or pemphigus foliaceus were eligible for entry At baseline, each patient underwent physical examination fol-
if they met the following criteria: clinical lesions suggestive of lowed by a complete blood cell count, liver function tests,
pemphigus, intraepidermal blistering on histological analysis blood pressure evaluation, fecal occult blood test, and urine
of skin biopsy specimens, intercellular deposition of IgG within analysis. In addition, abdominal ultrasonography, chest radi-
the epidermis, and detection of anti-Dsg3 and/or anti-Dsg1 auto- ography, electrocardiography, quantitative computed tomog-
antibodies by immunoblot analysis. Exclusion criteria were treat- raphy for determination of bone density, and ophthalmologi-
ment with oral or topical corticosteroids and other immuno- cal evaluation to measure inner eye pressure and to determine
suppressive drugs during the previous 4 weeks. cataract status were performed. The extent and location of
blisters and erosions were documented by a physician who
STUDY DESIGN was not otherwise involved in the study. At each follow-up
visit (on days 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 270, 360, 540,
This multicenter, randomized, nonblinded clinical trial com- and 720), the patient underwent physical examination, com-
pared 2 parallel groups of patients with pemphigus vulgaris and plete blood cell count, liver function tests, blood pressure
pemphigus foliaceus treated with oral methylprednisolone in evaluation, and stool and urine analysis, and the extent and
combination with azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. Be- location of blisters and erosions and the cumulative dose of



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Patients
47 Assessed for Eligibility

Characteristic Finding 7 Excluded

4 Did Not Meet
Age, mean ± SD, y 56.5 ± 13.4 Inclusion Criteria
Sex, No. M/F 16/23 3 Refused to Participate
Days between diagnosis and randomization, mean ± SD 129 ± 325
No. with pemphigus vulgaris/pemphigus foliaceous 33/7 40 Randomized
Previous treatment of pemphigus, No. (%)
Yes 5 (13)
19 Allocated to Azathioprine Sodium 21 Allocated to Mycophenolate Mofetil
No 34 (87) and Received Allocated Treatment
18 Received Allocated Treatment
Body surface involvement, No. (%) (n = 37) 1 Did Not Receive Allocated
0 1 (3) Treatment (Patient Withdrew
⬍5% 16 (43) Written Consent)
⬍10% 11 (30)
⬍20% 2 (5) 18 Analyzed 21 Analyzed
ⱖ20% 7 (19)
Oral mucosa involvement, No. of patients (n = 35)
Yes 28 Figure 1. Flow diagram of the trial profile showing randomization of 40
patients to treatment with oral methylprednisolone combined with adjuvant
No 7
azathioprine sodium or mycophenolate mofetil.
Presence of circulating antibodies against
keratinocyte surface antigens, No. of patients
Yes 30
No 9 1.0

methylprednisolone that had been taken were noted. The date

Rate Without Remission

of any relapse was also noted. Any adverse effects of treatment
were assessed, and their severity was graded as 1 for mild ef- 0.6
fects, 2 for moderate effects, 3 for severe effects, or 4 for life-
threatening effects, according to the standard criteria of the 0.4
World Health Organization. Azathioprine (n = 18)

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Mycophenolate Mofetil (n = 21)

Cumulative corticosteroid dosages as the primary endpoint of 0

the study were compared using the Wilcoxon rank sum test 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

for independent observations. All other analyses presented herein Time, d

are of a descriptive or a hypothesis-generating nature. Dichoto-
mous and ordered categorical data were analyzed with the Fisher Figure 2. Rate and duration until clinical remission. Pemphigus patients
exact test and a corresponding exact permutation version of were randomized to receive azathioprine sodium (n = 18) or mycophenolate
the Mantel-Haenszel test, respectively. Event-related data, such mofetil (n = 21) as adjuvant treatments in combination with oral
as the time to achieve a remission or the time to recurrence, methylprednisolone. Kaplan-Meier graph shows the rate without remission
over time (P = .75).
were estimated according to the Kaplan-Meier method and even-
tually compared using the log-rank test. All event or censor-
ing times were calculated from the time of randomization. All tion, 1 patient withdrew written consent. Thirty-four pa-
P values reported are 2 sided. Unless otherwise indicated, data
tients (87%) were newly diagnosed as having pemphigus,
are expressed as mean±SD.
whereas 5 (13%) had been previously treated for their
disease. The mean duration of follow-up among the pem-
RESULTS phigus patients was 438 days for the AZA group and 438
days for the MMF group.
Between October 1997 and October 2000, 47 patients with
pemphigus underwent assessment for eligibility In all 18 pemphigus patients who were assigned to the
(Table 1). Three patients declined to provide written AZA group (15 with pemphigus vulgaris and 3 with
consent. Use of other medication effective against pem- pemphigus foliaceus) and in all 21 pemphigus patients
phigus (in 2 patients), diagnosis of another bullous au- who were assigned to the MMF group (17 with pemphi-
toimmune disorder (in 1 patient), and severe cardiac in- gus vulgaris and 4 with pemphigus foliaceus), disease
sufficiency (in 1 patient) were other reasons for exclusion. progression was inhibited by day 30±7 days. Complete
Of the remaining 40 patients, 33 had pemphigus vul- healing of the lesions and remission was achieved in 13
garis and 7 had pemphigus foliaceus. The 40 patients were (72%) of the 18 AZA group patients (Figure 2).
randomly assigned to receive the methylprednisolone- Among the other 5 patients with incomplete healing
azathioprine combination (AZA group; n = 18) or the (28%), 2 did not respond to treatment with the methyl-
methylprednisolone–mycophenolate mofetil combina- prednisolone-azathioprine combination, treatment
tion (MMF group; n = 21) (Figure 1). After randomiza- had to be discontinued owing to severe adverse effects



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

1.0 1.0

>7 d (n = 17)
Rate Without Recurrence 0.8 0.8

Rate Without Recurrence

0.6 0.6 ≤7 d (n = 22)

0.4 0.4
Mycophenolate Mofetil (n = 21)

0.2 Azathioprine (n = 18) 0.2

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, d Time, d

Figure 3. Disease-free interval. Kaplan-Meier graph shows that the rate Figure 5. Effects of the length of time from the diagnosis to the initiation of
without recurrence of disease after remission was achieved in pemphigus treatment on the recurrence of disease. Kaplan-Meier graph shows the rate
patients treated with azathioprine sodium (n=18) or mycophenolate mofetil without recurrence of pemphigus over time in patients treated for 7 days or
(n = 21) as adjuvants (P =.69). less or for more than 7 days after the diagnosis of pemphigus (P =.97).

1.0 Table 2. Total Cumulative Corticosteroid Doses

Used to Control Pemphigus
Drug No. (%) of Patients Median ± SD Dose
Rate Without Remission

Azathioprine (n = 18)
Azathioprine sodium 18 (51) 8916 ± 29 844
Mycophenolate mofetil 17 (49) 9334 ± 13 280
Pemphigus 35 (100) 9334 ± 23 049
0.4 Mycophenolate Mofetil
(n = 21)

time from the diagnosis of pemphigus to the beginning
of treatment. The result in Figure 5 shows that the du-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
ration from the diagnosis to the initiation of therapy of
Time, d 7 days or less or of more than 7 days did not signifi-
cantly influence the time until a relapse of disease was
Figure 4. Duration until relapse. Kaplan-Meier graph shows the time since
noted. These findings indicate that pemphigus can be suc-
randomization until pemphigus patients developed a recurrence of disease cessfully controlled with both treatment regimens.
during the reduction phase of treatment medication (P=.59).
in 2 patients, and contact was lost with 1 patient. Com-
plete healing of the lesions and disease remission was One of the aims of this investigation was to determine
noted in 20 (95%) of the 21 MMF group patients. One whether the corticosteroid-sparing effect of either im-
patient from this group (5%) did not achieve remission munosuppressant would be superior. Therefore, the cu-
(Figure 2). This patient was noncompliant and discon- mulative corticosteroid dose was calculated for each pem-
tinued therapy prematurely. phigus patient after the beginning of treatment and
Complete remission was achieved after a mean dura- through the documentation period for at least 720 days.
tion of 74±127 days of treatment in the AZA group. In The data in Table 2 show that pemphigus patients who
the MMF group, complete remission was noted after a were randomized to the AZA group received a median±SD
mean of 91±113 days (P⬎.05). The mean disease-free methylprednisolone dose of 8916 ± 29 844 mg. In the
interval from the time when complete remission was MMF group, the median±SD methylprednisolone dose
achieved until recurrence of lesions was 258 ± 183 days was 9334±13 280 mg. In general, these numbers are simi-
for the AZA group and 123±103 days for the MMF group lar and possibly reflect the comparable immunosuppres-
(P⬎.05). The Kaplan-Meier graph in Figure 3 shows sive potential of both drugs.
the rate without relapse in pemphigus patients over time, The results in Table 3 further demonstrate that 19
indicating that both adjuvants in the 2 treatment arms (54%) of 35 pemphigus patients received a cumulative
controlled disease equally well. methylprednisolone dose of 10 000 mg or less during the
The data in Figure 4, depicting the duration until course of treatment. Nine (26%) of 35 patients received
relapse of disease, was documented from the time of ran- 10 001 to 20 000 mg of corticosteroids. The distribution
domization. The 2 curves show a similar course and are, of the pemphigus patients to the different corticosteroid
therefore, not significantly different. In addition, the du- dose groups (Table 3) was similar for the AZA and MMF
ration until relapse was differentiated in relation to the adjuvant treatment groups. In summary, similar cumu-



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Table 3. Groups of Cumulative Corticosteroid Doses Table 4. Incidence of Grade 3 and 4 Adverse Events
After the Initiation of Treatment
No. (%) of Patients
No. (%) of Patients
Azathioprine Mycophenolate No. of
Corticosteroid Sodium Mofetil Pemphigus Symptom Patients Grade 3 Grade 4
Dosage, mg (n = 18) (n = 17) (n = 35)
Azathioprine sodium
1-10 000 9 (50) 10 (59) 19 (54) adjuvant treatment
10 001-20 000 5 (28) 4 (24) 9 (26) Blood pressure 17 2 (12) 0
20 001-30 000 0 2 (12) 2 (6) Cushing syndrome 17 1 (6) 0
30 001-40 000 1 (6) 0 1 (3) Diarrhea 17 1 (6) 0
40 001-50 000 0 0 0 Hyperglycemia 18 1 (6) 0
50 001-60 001 1 (6) 1 (6) 2 (6) Infection 17 1 (6) 0
⬎75 000 2 (11) 0 2 (6) Liver-function tests 18 1 (6) 0
Myalgia/arthralgia 17 1 (6) 0
Dizziness 17 1 (6) 0
Nausea 17 2 (12) 0
lative corticosteroid concentrations were taken during Psychiatric symptoms 17 0 1
therapy in both treatment arms. Mycophenolate mofetil
adjuvant treatment
COMPLIANCE WITH TREATMENT Blood pressure 21 1 (5) 0
Cushing syndrome 21 0 0
Diarrhea 21 0 0
Hyperglycemia 21 3 (14) 0
One patient showed no compliance, withdrew written Infection 21 1 (5) 0
consent, and discontinued treatment. Contact was lost Liver function tests 21 0 0
with another patient. Myalgia/arthralgia 21 0 0
Overall, 17 severe (grade 3) or life-threatening (grade Dizziness 21 0 0
Nausea 21 0 0
4) adverse effects were reported in 10 patients (Table 4).
In 6 (33%) of 18 patients randomized to the AZA group,
grade 3 or 4 adverse effects were documented, com-
pared with 4 (19%) of 21 patients from the MMF group dose of prednisolone (200-400 mg) over up to 8 weeks.
(P⬎.05). The results in Table 4 demonstrate that the ad- After the healing of the lesions, the dosage should be
verse effects that are typically associated with the immu- reduced to a maintenance level of 15 mg/d. The treat-
nosuppressants used in this investigation, such as nau- ment regimen proposed by Bystryn and Steinman12 took
sea (P=.06), vomiting (P = .21), elevated liver function the variable course of pemphigus into account and rec-
test results (P = .21), and infections (P = .86), did not dif- ommended starting treatment with relatively low pred-
fer significantly between treatment arms. Together, the nisolone dosages (20 mg/d). In patients with severe
adverse effects and efficacy reported were not signifi- forms of the disease or in those who do not respond,
cantly different between the 2 treatment arms. the corticosteroid dosage is continuously increased
until the disease activity is controlled. This higher dos-
COMMENT age is maintained until most lesions are cleared and is
then reduced every 2 weeks. Another approach is to
This randomized investigation demonstrates that pem- treat pemphigus with corticosteroid megadose pulses
phigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus can be con- (1 g/d).19,20 Although disease can be controlled by using
trolled equally well by methylprednisolone therapy in these different treatment regimens, many patients
combination with adjuvant azathioprine or mycopheno- develop severe complications of long-term use of corti-
late mofetil therapy. Both immunosuppressants had a simi- costeroids; in 1 report, more pemphigus patients died of
lar effect on disease activity and a similar safety profile. corticosteroid complications than of uncontrolled dis-
The cumulative corticosteroid doses used to treat dis- ease.21 Such developments sparked the hope that adju-
ease were comparable in both treatment arms, suggest- vant therapy would reduce the total cumulative cortico-
ing that the corticosteroid-sparing effect of one adju- steroid doses needed for treatment.
vant was not superior to that of the other. Also, most of The immunosuppressive drugs established for adju-
the adverse effects were equally distributed between the vant therapy of pemphigus are azathioprine and cyclo-
groups, with a slight but not statistically significant trend phosphamide. 12,14,22-30 Azathioprine has been used
in favor of mycophenolate mofetil for inducing fewer successfully for nearly 4 decades as an adjuvant in com-
grades 3 and 4 adverse events. bination with corticosteroids. The active metabolite of
Corticosteroids are the mainstay of pemphigus azathioprine is mercaptopurine, which is intracellularly
therapy to this day because they constitute the only converted to 6-thionine acid. These metabolites inhibit
treatment that is able to rapidly inhibit new blister for- lymphocyte proliferation and activation by interfering with
mation. In the past few years, several strategies for the several enzymes required for nucleotide replication, such
use of corticosteroids to treat pemphigus have been as inositol monophosphate dehydrogenase, glutamine
advocated. The original recommendation by Lever and 5-phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase, and
Schaumburg-Lever18 was to give patients a fixed daily adenylosuccinate synthetase.31 Azathioprine and its me-



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

tabolites are thereby able to block DNA replication at sev- pared with 10% using mycophenolate mofetil. The re-
eral pivotal steps. Furthermore, mercaptopurine can in- currence rate during reduction of treatment was similar
tegrate into DNA strands, leading to stable mutations. The in both groups (Figure 3). After about 720 days, all pa-
most common doses used for azathioprine range from tients had experienced a relapse, suggesting the benefit
1.5 to 2.5 mg/kg, which may be increased to 3 mg/kg. of prolonging the intervals during the reduction phase
Our findings are in agreement with the reported data12,14 of treatment in future treatment regimens.
on the efficacy and adverse effects of azathioprine and The profile of adverse effects of mycophenolate mofetil
corticosteroid treatment in pemphigus patients. Most ad- was similar to that of azathioprine. However, fewer grade
verse effects were graded as mild to moderate, as has been 3 and no grade 4 events were noted (Table 3). In one pa-
reported before, and did not differ significantly from those tient from the MMF treatment group, arterial hyperten-
induced by mycophenolate.14,32 Only 1 severe pneumo- sion was documented, which required treatment. In an-
nia infection, which required antimicrobial therapy, was other patient, a severe type 2 herpes simplex virus
documented. Two patients developed severe arterial hy- infection occurred that was successfully controlled by vala-
pertension and 1 developed severe diarrhea. In another cyclovir.
patient, corticosteroid-induced depression was diag- A key diagnostic feature in pemphigus is the anti-
nosed that resolved after reduction of the methylpred- Dsg1/3 autoantibody titer, which correlates with dis-
nisolone dosage. ease activity.40 Mycophenolate mofetil treatment has
One of the more recent adjuvant therapies for pemphi- been shown to reduce these titers to below detectable
gus is mycophenolate mofetil. This drug is approved world- levels in selected pemphigus patients.16 These data
wide for the prophylaxis of solid organ transplant rejec- agree with our results. Combination treatment with
tions. After its approval in transplantation medicine, mycophenolate mofetil and methylprednisolone de-
mycophenolate has been successfully used in patients with creased the serum concentration of autoantibodies in
bullous pemphigoid or pemphigus vulgaris on a casuisti- all of the patients investigated, similar to the reduction
cal basis.15,16,33,34 Remission could be induced in pemphi- of autoantibody titers in all patients receiving azathio-
gus patients who did not respond to azathioprine therapy.16 prine and methylprednisolone. These findings were not
Mycophenolate mofetil is the ester of mycophenolic acid, significantly different between the 2 treatment arms
which is the active metabolite. Similar to azathioprine, my- (data not shown). A contraindication for receiving aza-
cophenolate mofetil inhibits the proliferation of lympho- thioprine is thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency,
cytes by interfering with DNA replication.35 Mycophe- which appears in 0.3% of the population.41,42 However,
nolic acid exclusively and reversibly inhibits inositol we cannot completely rule out that the patients from
monophosphate dehydrogenase, the essential enzyme for the AZA group who developed adverse effects had re-
the de novo guanine nucleotide synthesis.16 Additional duced thiopurine methyltransferase activity. Mycophe-
specificity is obtained because mycophenolic acid ap- nolic acid plasma concentrations have been measured
pears to block isoforms of inositol monophosphate dehy- in transplantation patients who were treated with my-
drogenase expressed primarily in proliferating lympho- cophenolate mofetil. Perhaps future evaluation of my-
cytes. In contrast to azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil cophenolic acid levels in pemphigus patients will help
is nonmutagenic. Furthermore, mycophenolic acid has to determine these patients’ responsiveness to treat-
been shown to abrogate B-cell proliferation, which is im- ment. Because remission was induced in 90% of our
portant in autoantibody-mediated bullous diseases, and pemphigus patients within 175 days, we believe that
has a significant antitumoral effect in several experimen- routine analysis of mycophenolic acid plasma concen-
tal models.36 Accordingly, fewer malignancies were docu- trations is not necessary.
mented in transplant patients receiving mycophenolate for One important aspect of adjuvant therapy is to re-
longer periods.37-39 duce the total cumulative corticosteroid dose required
In patients with bullous autoimmune disease, myco- to achieve remission. To this end, a combination of cy-
phenolate mofetil was shown to be effective and well tol- closporine and prednisolone therapy was shown to sig-
erated.36 These reports are consistent with our results, nificantly reduce the total corticosteroid dose in pem-
because the methylprednisolone–mycophenolate mofetil phigus patients when compared with a historical
application was able to induce remissions in 90% of the control group.43 Comparable cumulative methylpred-
pemphigus patients treated. However, the time needed nisolone doses were documented in our investigation in
to achieve disease control in 50% of the patients was about both therapy arms. These results suggest that, indeed,
30 days in the AZA group compared with about 75 days adjuvant therapy is able to reduce corticosteroid use.
in the MMF group (Figure 2). Blockade of at least 3 dif- However, in this investigation, no pemphigus patient
ferent enzymatic pathways by azathioprine compared with cohort was treated with corticosteroid-only immuno-
the inhibition of primarily 1 pathway by mycopheno- suppression.
late mofetil may explain the slightly earlier remission af- Another important immunosuppressant for the treat-
ter onset of therapy in the AZA group. Nevertheless, look- ment of pemphigus is cyclophosphamide. Cyclophos-
ing at the rate of remission after 200 days, mycophenolate phamide is often used as a pulse treatment in combina-
mofetil treatment was shown to induce a 90% remission tion with prednisolone, especially in eastern Eurasia.28-30,44
in these patients compared with 43% in those receiving By inducing DNA cross-linkage, cyclophosphamide has
azathioprine. This trend persisted after 600 days of treat- a different mode of action compared with azathioprine
ment because 20% of the pemphigus patients were still and mycophenolate mofetil. Cyclophosphamide treat-
not achieving effective control with azathioprine com- ment is more effective but is related to a higher inci-



©2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

dence of adverse effects when compared with azathio- Financial Disclosure: Dr Beissert has served as consul-
prine or mycophenolate mofetil. Although azathioprine tant and paid speaker for Hoffman-La Roche AG. Dr Luger
may typically induce severe cholestatic hepatitis and has served as consultant for Hoffman-La Roche AG.
an increased long-term risk of malignancy, cyclophos- Funding/Support: This study was supported by an un-
phamide can cause hemorrhagic cystitis, bladder can- restricted grant from Hoffmann-La Roche AG.
cer, and infertility. The antitumoral effects of mycophe- Acknowledgment: We thank Jochen Dress and Axel
nolate mofetil observed in experimental models and Hinke, PhD, of WISP Wissenschaftlicher Service Pharma,
the reduced malignancy rate in transplantation patients Langenfeld, Germany, for their help with the statistical
receiving long-term treatment favor the use of this analysis of the data and study supervision.
agent in pemphigus patients, especially because remis-
sion can be induced in a high percentage of the pa-
tients.36,39,45 To further study the clinical efficacy of dif- REFERENCES
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tal, Shaqra, Saudi Arabia. The correct answer to our Au-
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complete discussion of this case, see the Off-Center Fold
section in the September ARCHIVES (Perlis C, Robinson-
Bostom L, Telang G, DiGiovanna J. A thick lichenified
plaque on the ventral penile shaft. Arch Dermatol. 2006;
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