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The intubating laryngeal mask airway

A Steel

Emerg Med J 2005;22:47–49. doi: 10.1136/emj.2004.020644

he laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is accepted as both a reduced level of consciousness and is unable to maintain an
rescue ventilation and a primary airway management effective airway. Tracheal intubation by direct laryngoscopy is
device in both the prehospital and emergency depart- impossible. You wonder whether the prehospital use of an
ment environments.1–3 A modified version of the LMA, the ILMA as a primary airway management or rescue ventilation
intubating laryngeal mask airway (ILMA, LMA-Fastrach; device would be better than a standard LMA.
Intavent Ltd, Reading, UK) exists, which, when combined
with a modified tracheal tube, can be used for blind tracheal
intubation. There is evidence that the ILMA is an effective
In [patients with a reduced level of consciousness] is [pre-
means of maintaining ventilation and oxygenation in the
prehospital,4 operating theatre,5 and emergency department6 7 hospital insertion of an ILMA] more or less likely to be
environments. In addition, it has been reported to be effective [successful and associated with effective ventilation and
in facial trauma,7 neck immobilisation,8 9 in a lateral oxygenation] compared with a standard LMA?
position,10 while wearing a chemical protective hood,11 and
while in a helicopter.12 Importantly, it has been shown to be SEARCH STRATEGY
effective even among inexperienced operators.6 8 13 14 A best Primary sources of evidence (Medline and Embase) were
evidence equipment review was undertaken to assess searched using [intubating laryngeal mask airway, intubat-
whether, when compared with a conventional LMA, the ing LMA OR] with Medline and [‘‘intubating
ILMA would be of use as an airway rescue device. laryngeal mask airway, intubating LMA OR Fastrach’’] with
Embase. This search strategy was checked with an informa-
DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE tion specialist. The same search strategy was applied to the
The ILMA is a modified version of the LMA, which, in Cochrane Library as a source of secondary evidence. In
addition to permitting ventilation, is designed to facilitate addition, a text word internet search and direct communica-
blind tracheal intubation with a tracheal tube in an obtunded tion with the manufacturer was undertaken.
or anaesthetised patient. It has a soft inflatable laryngeal
mask and a rigid, anatomically curved airway tube terminat-
ing in a standard 15 mm connector and is wide enough to
accept a cuffed 8 mm tracheal tube. The rigid handle permits
removal and ‘‘steering’’ of the device in relation to the larynx.
The device measures about 20 mm in transverse diameter at
its widest point. An epiglottic elevator bar in the mask
aperture elevates the epiglottis when an endotracheal tube is
passed through the aperture (fig 1)


The ILMA permits single handed insertion from any operator
position, without moving the head or neck from a neutral
position and without placing fingers in the patient’s mouth.
It can be used as an airway device in its own right, permitting
ventilatory control and oxygenation between intubation
attempts. Indications include use during difficult airway
situations, specifically including the need for manual in-line
stabilisation and situations where there is restricted access to
the patient or when personnel with intubation skills are not
available, or where there is suspected cervical spine injury.
The laryngeal mask component serves to guide the reinforced
tracheal tube directly to the glottis without displacing
anatomical structures. Unless the patient is deeply uncon-
scious or has had topical anaesthesia applied to their upper
airway, this will require concomitant neuromuscular block.
Intubation through the ILMA is contraindicated in the
presence of oesophageal or pharyngeal abnormality, although
oesophageal abnormality alone is not a contraindication to
the use of the ILMA purely as a rescue ventilation device.
Figure 1 The intubating LMA with modified tracheal tube component
CLINICAL SCENARIO inserted (with permission of The Laryngeal Mask Company Ltd). The
A young adult is involved in a road traffic collision resulting tracheal tube component shown is minus its detachable 15 mm
in a head injury and lower limb entrapment. He has a connector.
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48 Best evidence equipment review

Table 1 Relevant papers

Reference Study Outcomes Key results Weaknesses

15 Randomised crossover study (1) Speed of placement (1) Insertion of ILMA was (1) Unblinded
25 electively anaesthetised (2) Ease of placement significantly faster than (2) Hospital based ASA 1–2 patients
patients with manual in-line (3) Adequacy of ventilation LMA (p,0.001) (3) Patients with neck/upper
stabilisation. LMA crossed over based on chest movement, (2) Insertion of ILMA was respiratory abnormality or at risk of
with ILMA. Randomised first compliance and the significantly easier than aspiration excluded
device selection presence of leak LMA (p,0.001) (4) Muscle relaxants used
(3) Adequate ventilation (5) Capnography/pulse oximetry not
achieved in 100% of ILMA used
insertions v 88% of LMA
13 Randomised crossover study. (1) Speed of insertion (1) No significant difference (1) Unblinded
55 electively anaesthetised (2) Successful ventilation in mean insertion time (2) Hospital based female patients
patients. Randomised as shown by positive (2) No significant difference only
to use either LMA or ILMA end tidal CO2 in success of ventilation (3) Inexperienced operators
(4) BMI .30/reduced mouth
opening/reduced neck movements
16 Prospective study. 75 electively (1) Speed of insertion (1) No significant difference (1) Unblinded
anaesthetised patients. 24 (2) Adequacy of ventilation in insertion time (2) Hospital based ASA 1–2 patients
inexperienced operators. LMA based on chest expansion (2) No significant difference in (3) Inexperienced operators
crossed over with ILMA. and end tidal CO2.4kPa success of insertion or ventilation (4) Patients with risk factors for
Randomised first device selection (3) Pressure at which leak (3) The ILMA was better at regurgitation excluded
developed around device providing adequate ventilation
without an audible leak p = 0.009

SEARCH OUTCOME early 2005. A single use dedicated tracheal tube will also be
There were no randomised controlled trials comparing the available in late 2004.
use of the ILMA with that of a standard LMA in the
prehospital setting. Three hospital based research reports Training
were found to be relevant (see table 1).13 15 16 Complimentary video and manikin based training is provided
by the UK distributor (
RESULTS This would normally be done within a half day session and
These studies suggest that, in hospital, the intubating include theoretical training, maintenance, and two consecu-
laryngeal mask is at least as quick and as easy to insert as tive successful manikin based insertions (which have been
a standard LMA. The ILMA is more likely to provide shown to predict successful insertion and ventilation among
successful ventilation than a standard LMA. There were no patients).18
significant complications reported as a result of using an
ILMA. Expiry
The device is reusable and warranted against manufacturing
PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS defects for 40 uses or one year from the date of purchase
Availability (whichever is earlier).
Most UK anaesthetic departments will have the device
available as part of a difficult airway equipment set. Most Cost
emergency departments and ambulance services, however, Single reusable ILMA: £304. Single reusable tracheal compo-
will be unfamiliar with the ILMA and the prehospital care nent: £46. Complete set: £1050 (containing mask sizes 3, 4,
practitioner can expect the need to assist emergency and 5 with reinforced tracheal tubes size 7, 7.5, and 8 and
department staff in its use.4 17 three stabiliser rods). A reusable standard (non-intubating)
LMA is £91 and the disposable standard (non-intubating)
Presentation LMA (also available in sizes 3, 4, and 5) is £9 (Intavent-
The device comes packaged as three separate components— Orthofix, personal communication).
the ILMA, a straight reinforced tracheal tube and a stabiliser
rod. The stabiliser rod is used to prevent dislodgement of the
tracheal component while the LMA component is being CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE
extracted around it, although for short periods the LMA There is reasonable evidence that the ILMA can be inserted
component may be left in situ to facilitate airway control on with as much success as a standard LMA with the additional
subsequent extubation. Three sizes are of ILMA are avail- advantage of probable subsequent successful tracheal intu-
able—size 3 (children 30–50 kg), size 4 (adult 50–70 kg), and bation if necessary. Individual practitioners may find the cost
size 5 (adult 70–100 kg). Use of a standard cuffed tracheal prohibitively expensive and the practical considerations of
tube (rather than the specifically designed tracheal tube) is sterilisation overburdening. However, single use versions are
not recommended by the manufacturer. expected to be significantly more affordable and should be
available soon. For prehospital care practitioners or systems
Sterilisation that regularly encounter difficult airways in patients anaes-
It is delivered non-sterile and must be cleaned and sterilised thetised or with reduced levels of consciousness, the ILMA is
before initial use and before each subsequent use. Steam a useful rescue ventilation and primary airway management
autoclaving is the recommended method of sterilisation. The device that could be carried as an alternative to the standard
ILMA device can be reused up to 40 times. The dedicated LMA.
tracheal component can be steam sterilised and used up to 10 Funding: this work was supported by the MAGPAS Research
times. A single use plastic version of the ILMA is currently Programme.
awaiting CE approval and has an anticipated launch date of Conflicts of interest: none declared.
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Best evidence equipment review 49

Correspondence to: Dr A Steel, MAGPAS, 105 Needingworth Road, St 9 Wakeling HG, Bagwell A. The intubating laryngeal mask (ILMA) in an
Ives, Cambridgeshire PE27 5WF, UK; emergency failed intubation. Anaesthesia 1999;54:305–6.
10 Komatsu R, Nagata O, Sessler DI, et al. The intubating laryngeal mask airway
facilitates tracheal intubation in the lateral position. Anesth Analg
REFERENCES 11 Talbot TS, Cuenca PJ, Wedmore IS. Intubating laryngeal mask airway versus
1 Henderson JJ, Popat MT, Latto IP, et al. Difficult Airway Society guidelines for laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in the nuclear, biological and
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Downloaded from on May 11, 2017 - Published by

The intubating laryngeal mask airway

A Steel

Emerg Med J 2005 22: 47-49

doi: 10.1136/emj.2004.020644

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