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I T ’ S E L E M E N T A R Y

Second Grade Amelia Elementary

Created by: Miss Van Eman

Attendance: Conferences PTA

 Second grade is an important  There are 2 scheduled conference  Our school is fortunate to have a
academic year for your child. times. The first one is Novem- wonderful P.T.A. Please join the
Attendance is VITAL for your ber 16th or 23rd and the second P.T.A. for $ 5.00.
child because he/she will be in one is in Feb. 2nd or Feb. 9th.
ongoing small instructional *Days are subject to change*  WALK-A-THON is May 20th.
groups that meet daily.  FALL FESTIVIAL is Friday,
 If your child is late for school
Fees October 15 from 6:30-9:00.
you must check them into the of-  School fees are $40.00 per child.
fice so that they can get a pink ($10.00 payments due by the end
tardy slip. of each quarter). Checks should
be made payable to Amelia
Elementary School. You may
send payment for school fees
with your child or make
payments in the school office. Classroom parties
Please try to pay fees by the end  We love to celebrate birthdays in
of September. second grade so treats are ac-
If your child is ill: Report Cards ceptable.
 Remember to send in a note on  Your child will bring home a re-  We will be having a Winter Party
the next school day with the rea- port card at the end of each quar- on Wednesday, December 23rd.
son for his/her absence. ter. Please sign and return the We will not be having a Hallo-
 Please call the school office
report card envelope. Reports ween Party or a Valentine’s Party
are for you to keep. but will do having special
before 10:00 AM when your
child is going to be absent. If it is themed activities during the day.
Note: School fees must be paid
before 8:00 AM, call 943-3804 before report cards can be sent
and leave a message stating your
Picking Up Your Child
child’s name, homeroom  If you wish to pick up your child,
teacher’s name, your name and you must sign him/her out in the
the reason for the absence. office first.
How to reach me:  If someone else is picking up
your child please send a note in
 Phone Number- 513-943-3818 with your child. The note needs
 Email- to contain the new transportation

information along with the dates the most people for that week
your child will be following the will receive a small prize.
new pick up schedule. If your Reading this special poem many
child is picked up by a different times throughout the week will
individual they will be asked to help students build two major
show identification before the Guest Reader Program reading skills, fluency and
child can be released. comprehension. Let the races
 Another way to volunteer is to
Bus read a book to your child’s class.
Each week we will have a sur-  Bag of Books: Your child will
 If your child is changing drop off prise guest reader. Guest readers go ―book shopping‖ on Mondays
locations, I must have it in writ- can be moms, dads, step-parents, to collect 3 books to read during
ing. I need the dates and the grandparents, aunts, uncles, older the week. On Fridays the books
address where your child is siblings, or anyone that is special are collected and check in. Your
going. If no note is received your to your child. child can check out new books
child will go on their regular bus.  Call or email me to sign up for a when ALL 3 books are returned.
 If it is a permanent change, you day/ time to bring in your favo- Book orders
must fill out a transportation re- rite children’s book to share with
quest form, which can be found the class.  Now it's easier than ever to find
in the office.  The best part is that it will be a the right books for your child —
total surprise to everyone…even and help us earn FREE books for
your little one! our classroom library at the same
time! With new online ordering
from Scholastic Book Clubs, you
can choose from a much wider
selection of books than in the
printed flyer. Plus, you can send
Volunteering your orders directly to me online
 A classroom is not complete and use your credit card.
without parent help. Please con- Reading
 SIGN UP at
sider volunteering for any  Reading Street: This year we
amount of time during the week.
will be using a new reading se-
Your child will LOVE to see you On the parent page, click the
ries. Reading Street will help to
in our classroom! "Don't have a User Name and-
build readers through motivating
Password?" link, and then regis-
 If you are not available to volun- and engaging literature,
ter for your own username and
teer during the school day please scientifically research-based
password. Next, enter the Class
consider helping with special instruction, and a wealth of
Activation Code (GR3HT).
projects at home. Projects can reliable teaching tools. This
include tasks such as sharpening program allows for  SELECT the books you'd like to
pencils, counting reading logs, differentiation in instruction with order.
a strong emphasis on ongoing
creating themed projects.  SEND your order to me online
progress-monitoring. Lastly,
 All school volunteers must be by the due date. Books will be
Reading Street prioritizes skill
fingerprinted before working delivered directly to our class-
instruction, to assure students are
with the students. Please stop by room, as always.
focusing on the right reading
the West Clermont School Board skill at the right time for every
offices at 4350 Aicholtz Road, student.
Suite 220, Cincinnati, Ohio
45245 (in the Civic Center  The Great Poetry Race: Each
behind Eastgate Wal-Mart) on week in your child will bring
Mondays, Wednesdays or home a poem. Your child should
Fridays between the hours of – read this poem to as many people
10:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. If you as possible. When your child has
have questions, please phone read the poem they will collect
943-5000. signatures on the back of the
poem and the student who read to

2 Second Grade

Writing Homework
 This year your child will be pro-  Homework will be given out on
ducing many types of writing. Mondays in your child’s home-
He or She will have a writing work folder. Please return their
folder where their work is kept homework and the folder on Fri-
and revisited throughout each days.
unit of study. At the end of each Technology In The Classroom
unit your child will publish one
 This year your child will be using
piece of writing to display in the technology daily.
classroom and take the rest home
 Please visit our classroom blog at
to share with their family. http://vanemansecondgrade.blogs
 Tiger Tales: This year we will . I will be posting im-
portant information, pictures and
have a special friend in the
videos throughout the year.
classroom…Tanner Tiger. Your
child will take Tanner home for a
weekend and write about what
they did with Tanner. On
Mondays the student who took
Tanner home will share their
page from the Tiger Tales Binder
with the class. Cultural Arts
 Specials will be from 10:05-
 The specials schedule will follow
a color rotation. Each week your
child will visit every special once
Math with an additional day of art, mu-
sic, library or gym depending on
 Our Math program is Everyday the rotation for the week.
Math. This program is very in-
teractive and will help your child  Color Rotation Schedule:
connect math concepts to the real Red Day (Art), Yellow Day
world. (Gym), Green Day (Music),
Blue Day (Library).
 Please help your child remember
to wear their tennis shoes on all
―yellow‖ (gym) days.

Wednesday Folders
 Our school will continue the
Wednesday folder program.
Each week on Wednesdays your
child will bring home their
orange folder with important
school and PTA information.

Second Grade

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