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Sheehan Syndrome: A Rare Complication of

Postpartum Hemorrhage
Sarina Schrager, MD, and Laura Sabo, MD

Life-threatening postpartum hemorrhage is un- gency Department. She started feeling nauseous
common as a result of the advances in obstetric the last 2 days of her initial hospitalization. The
care. As this case illustrates, however, the conse- nausea worsened, and she developed vomiting, di-
quences of postpartum hemorrhage can be severe. arrhea, dizziness, and fatigue.
In the Emergency Department, the patient was
Case Report normovolemic. Her blood pressure, pulse, respira-
A healthy 39-year-old woman, gravida 2 para 1, tory rate, and temperature were normal, and she
came to the Emergency Department with a 2-day did not have orthostatic hypotension. Her sodium
history of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and was 108 mEq/L. Her hemoglobin was 10.7 mL/dL,
fatigue. Twelve days earlier, she had undergone a hematocrit 29%, white cell count 6,000/␮L, potas-
primary low transverse cesarean section at term for sium 4.6 mEq/L, chloride 81 mEq/L, carbon diox-
failure to descend after premature rupture of mem- ide content 16 mEq /L, blood urea nitrogen 5.0
branes, oxytocin augmentation, and 21⁄2 hours of mg/L, and creatinine 0.7 mmol/L. She was alert
active pushing. A viable male infant weighing 3,832 and oriented and had normal findings on neuro-
g was delivered with Apgar scores of 9 and 9 at 1 logic examination. She was admitted to the hospital
and 5 minutes, respectively. The patient’s uterus for severe hyponatremia. Initially her hyponatre-
was found to be boggy and patulous after delivery. mia rapidly corrected to 119 mEq/L by active hy-
A lower uterine segment laceration was repaired, dration with normal saline solution and then furo-
and the uterus and skin incisions were closed. She semide diuresis. The patient subsequently had
had considerable postpartum bleeding and received fluids restricted; however, her sodium level was
misoprostol and dinoprostone. slow to correct. At admission, her serum osmolality
The patient continued to hemorrhage despite was 220 mOsm/L, and her urine osmolality was
these interventions and was taken back to the op- 120 mOsm/L. Her cortisol level and thyroid-stim-
erating room for an emergent supracervical hyster- ulating hormone (TSH) level were also measured at
ectomy. Because her right ovary was hemorrhagic, admission and were low at 1.9 ␮g/dL and 0.44
she also had a right oophorectomy. She continued ng/dL, respectively. Later her free thyroxine and
to hemorrhage after the hysterectomy and under- triiodothyronine (T3) levels were found to be ⬍0.4
went an embolization of her right vaginal artery. ng/dL and 44 ng/dL, respectively. These labora-
The embolization finally stopped her bleeding. tory values suggested pituitary failure. To ascertain
During these procedures she was hypotensive and whether this patient did in fact have pituitary fail-
coagulopathic and received numerous units of ure, an insulin tolerance test was conducted on day
blood, platelets, and fresh frozen plasma. After the 4 of her hospitalization; the results are displayed in
embolization, the patient remained in the intensive Table 1.
care unit for 2 days and spent a total of 10 days in Based on these results, pituitary failure caused by
the hospital. A sodium level measured on the 5th Sheehan syndrome was diagnosed. The patient was
day of her hospitalization was normal. She had
started on cortisone acetate while still an inpatient
been home for 2 days when she came to the Emer-
and on levothyroxine and estrogen 1 week after her
discharge. She was advised to wear a Medic Alert
bracelet indicating adrenal insufficiency. The pa-
Submitted, revised, 16 January 2001.
From the Department of Family Medicine (SS, LS), Uni- tient will need to remain on both estrogen and
versity of Wisconsin, Madison. Address reprint requests to levothyroxine therapy for the rest of her life. She
Sarina Schrager, MD, Department of Family Medicine,
University of Wisconsin, 777 S. Mills St, Madison, WI will need adrenocortical steroid replacement when-
53715. ever she has surgery or is severely ill.

Sheehan Syndrome 389

Table 1. Insulin Tolerance Test Results, by Minutes itary. In this case, the patient responded slightly to
After Insulin Administration. fluid restriction, but her sodium levels did not re-
30 45 60 90 120
turn to normal until she received hydrocortisone
Components Measured min min min min min replacement therapy.
Diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome can be difficult.
Corticotropin (ACTH) (pg/mL) 16 18 17 15 12
The diagnosis is based on clinical evidence of hy-
Cortisol (␮g/dL) 1.6 1.8 3.2 3.3 3.0
popituitarism in a woman with a history of a post-
Glucose (mg/dL) 47 38 50 74 104
Growth hormone (ng/mL) 0.5 0.8 2.4 1.7 1.3
partum hemorrhage. Deficiencies of specific ante-
rior pituitary hormones will cause varied
symptoms. Corticotropin deficiency can cause
Discussion weakness, fatigue, hypoglycemia, or dizziness. Go-
Sheehan syndrome, or necrosis of the pituitary nadotropin deficiency will often cause amenorrhea,
gland, is a rare complication of postpartum hem- oligomenorrhea, hot flashes, or decreased libido.
orrhage initially described in 1937.1 This case il- Growth hormone deficiency causes many vague
lustrates an example of Sheehan syndrome at 2 symptoms including fatigue, decreased quality of
weeks postpartum with severe hyponatremia. The life, and decreased muscle mass.
pituitary gland is physiologically enlarged in preg- Secondary hypothyroidism is clinically indistin-
nancy and is therefore very sensitive to the de- guishable from primary hypothyroidism, but pa-
creased blood flow caused by massive hemorrhage tients with hypothyroidism caused by hypopituitar-
and hypovolemic shock. Women with Sheehan ism have low T3 and T4 levels with normal or even
syndrome have varying degrees of hypopituitarism, inappropriately low TSH levels. Diagnosis of pan-
ranging from panhypopituitarism to only selective hypopituitarism is straightforward, but partial de-
pituitary deficiencies.2– 4 The anterior pituitary is ficiencies are often difficult to elicit.9 A woman
more susceptible to damage than the posterior pi- with panhypopituitarism will have low levels of
tuitary. pituitary hormones (luteinizing hormone, cortico-
Failure to lactate or difficulties with lactation are tropin, and thyrotropin) as well as the target hor-
common initial symptoms of Sheehan syndrome.5 mones (cortisol and thyroxine). Stimulation tests
Many women also report amenorrhea or oligomen- (insulin-induced hypoglycemia or metyrapone
orrhea after delivery. In some cases, the diagnosis is stimulation test) are often necessary for diagnosis in
not made until years later, when features of hypo- the acute phase or in situations where a partial
pituitarism, such as secondary hypothyroidism or deficiency is suspected.10
secondary adrenal insufficiency, become evident in In this case, the diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome
a woman who had a postpartum hemorrhage. A was suspected because of her history, hyponatre-
woman with undiagnosed hypopituitarism from mia, and low baseline cortisol and thyroid hor-
Sheehan syndrome might be relatively asymptom- mones levels. Neither cortisol, corticotropin, nor
atic until her body is stressed by a severe infection growth hormone levels responded to a hypoglyce-
or surgery years after her delivery, and she goes mic state. The insulin tolerance test induces tran-
into an adrenal crisis. sient hypoglycemia, which in a person with a nor-
Hyponatremia is an uncommon acute presenta- mal pituitary gland stimulates corticotropin
tion of Sheehan syndrome.6 – 8 There are several production and cortisol release. Normal stimulated
possible mechanisms by which hypopituitarism can levels of cortisol range in the hundreds. This pa-
result in hyponatremia. Hypothyroidism can cause tient’s cortisol level never went higher than 3 ␮g/
decreased free-water clearance and subsequent hy- dL. The insulin tolerance test can also test for
ponatremia. Glucocorticoid deficiency can also growth hormone deficiency but is an unpleasant
cause decreased free-water clearance independent test for the patient and is contraindicated in pa-
of vasopressin. Hypopituitarism itself can stimulate tients who have coronary artery disease or seizures.
vasopressin secretion and can cause severe inappro- Radiologic imaging with either computed to-
priate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, which can mography or magnetic resonance imaging is usu-
also cause hyponatremia. The potassium level in ally not helpful in the acute phase and has not been
these situations is normal, because adrenal produc- used frequently in acute diagnosis.11 Several studies
tion of aldosterone is not dependent on the pitu- have shown an empty sella, however, in women

390 JABFP September–October 2001 Vol. 14 No. 5

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