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SmartLF Gx Scanner

Manual Stitch Instructions


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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

SmartLF Gx Scanner

Manual Stitch Instructions

Revision 1.1

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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

Manual Stitch

1. The Stitch target is provided with the scanner and is used for the auto stitch function, but it is also used for
checking manual stitch. Insert the target centrally face down into the scanner, with the logo at the top.

NOTE: The manual stitch is completely electronic using the utilities program. NO mechanical adjustment is made to
the actual scanner at all during this procedure.

2. Open the Gx Utilities from the start menu, and enter the stitch program by clicking the utilities button in bottom
left hand corner.

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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

3. If any values are change as part of the manual stitch process, the ‘Set Stitch’ button MUST be pressed to sent
the new information to the scanner, or else the stitch values will not change during a scan.

4. Open ScanWorks* (or above) and set the scan perimeters to 400dpi (or 600dpi depending on PC ability),
greyscale, 40” x 25” and set the ‘Media Handling’ to ‘rewind on Save/delete’. ScanWorks and Gx Utilities both
need to be left open during this adjustment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before manual stitching the scanner,

adaptive stitch MUST be turned off in ScanWorks in the
‘Data control’ tab

 = switched on : blank = switch off

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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

5. By pressing the scan button on the already opened ScanWorks, the scanner will scan the whole target. Zoom
into the horizontal lines at each stitch point to check for misalignment using the normal zoom method in the
ScanWorks software.

NOTE: When looking at the scanned image, camera 1 is at the left-hand end of the image, with camera 5 at the right-
hand end

The cross over points of the cameras can be found roughly in the centre of the diagonal lines.

1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5

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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

Cam 1 Cam 2 Cam 3 Cam 4 Cam 5

6. Starting with Cam 1 & 2, correct the stitch at this point before working along the 4 stitch points, i.e. stitch 2 – 3;
stitch 3 – 4 & 4 – 5. Adjust the FB ( Front/Back) stitch before the LR (Left/Right).

7. At Camera stitch point 1 & 2, try changing the figure on Cam 2 higher or lower to adjust the FB stitch between
the two Camera arrays. Stitch values can only be positive numbers and the lowest denomination is ‘0’. It is
important that before re-scanning the media, the ‘Set Stitch’ button MUST be press. The media should have
rewind itself (if the ‘media handling’ is set to do so), press ‘scan’, if it looks worse try changing the value to go the
other way from the original value and ‘set stitch’ and re-scan. If it looked like the image was getting better,
change the value again the same way and set and re-scan.

8. Use the following as an indication as to which way to set the FB figures:

NOTE: If it is not
possible to adjust
the 2 camera
value (i.e. Camera
4 on cam 3 – 4)
because the value
on camera 4 is
already a ‘0’, then
adjust the camera 3
value upwards. But
because cameras
1, 2 & 3 have
already be set to be
aligned, then
whatever value you
change camera 3
by, cameras 1 & 2
must be adjusted
by exactly the same
amount, in the
same direction, to
keep them on the
same alignment.

Good Stitch FB out, decrease figure FB out, increase figure

for Cam 2. for Cam 2.

9. Adjust Cam 2 to correct the stitch point 1 – 2, then adjust Cam 3 to adjust the stitch point 2 – 3, and so on until
all the Cam arrays are FB aligned.

General Rule: If the line wants to go up, increase the value set for that camera, if it wants to go down, take the value

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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

Cam 1 Cam 2 Cam 3 Cam 4 Cam 5

10. When you have finished adjusting the FB stitch between all the Cam arrays, then adjust the LR of these arrays.

11. At Cam stitch point 1 & 2, try changing the figure on Cam 2 higher or lower to adjust the LR stitch between the
two Cam arrays. Stitch values can only be positive numbers and the lowest denomination is ‘0’. It is important
that before re-scanning the media, the ‘Set Stitch’ button MUST be press. The media should have rewind itself (if
the ‘media handling’ is set to do so), press ‘scan’, if it looks worse try changing the value to go the other way
from the original value and ‘set stitch’ and re-scan. If it looked like the image was getting better, change the value
again the same way and set and re-scan.

12. Use the following as an indication as to which way to set the LR figures:

Good Stitch LR out, decrease LR out, increase

figure for Cam 2. figure for Cam 2.

13. Adjust Cam 2 to correct stitch point 1 – 2, then adjust Cam 3 to adjust the stitch point 2 – 3, and so on until all
the Cam arrays are LR aligned.

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SmartLF Gx Utilities Instructions

14. When all the FB and LR stitch points look to be good, exit the engineering menu software. The scanner is now
ready for use.

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