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The British college


Information technology: Impacts of

Artificial Intelligence

Submitted to:
Mrs.Falak Ollee
The British College, Thapathali, Kathmandu

Submitted by:
Bijay Giri
Bsc(hons)Computing, L3

Dec 15, 2017

This is an analytical study of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on
the society or human race. This is a qualitative research involving
interviews with a convenience sample selected randomly. The study
was carried out with a sample size of 33 students from The British
College, Kathmandu and 15 other people working in different IT
firms. The data from this study showed that these students and
programmers think that Artificial Intelligence, undoubtedly has
affected our daily life in both positive and negative ways and it’s
further development may be fruitful or threat to human race.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of information technology
that can perform tasks that need human intelligence, such as speech
recognition, reasoning, visual perception and language translation
by the development and use of computers. The goal of artificial
intelligence (AI) as a science is to make machines do things that
would require intelligence if done by humans (Boden, 1977). One of
the main objectives of AI is to develop computer programs that
display “intelligent” behavior. It is believed that Artificial
Intelligence is started at a conference held at Dartmouth College in
1956. This conference was first held by Marvin Minsky, computer
scientist and innovator in information technology. The term AI was
first coined in 1995 by John McCarthy. Artificial Intelligence helps to
make the computers and machine more ‘intelligent’ and ‘powerful’.
Findings and results (Main Body)
This is a basic type of research and secondary method of data
collection was used for this research. A questionnaire was first
developed according to the research objectives. Quantitative
approach of research was used for writing this research. I choose
this approach of research because Qualitative Research is used to
discover trends in thought and views, and look deeper into the
problem and online questionnaires were used for collecting data.
The questionnaires were filled by the respondents online. The
reason for choosing online method of survey is that it is easy to keep
record, convenient for both researcher and respondents and easy to
compile output. After collecting the answers to the questionnaires
outcome was compiled. Secondary source of data was used for this

Artificial intelligence is developing machines and computers that

have the capability to think and take decision on their own. The
reason for creating Artificial intelligence is to make human life
easier, comfortable and luxurious. AI may help so solve the biggest
challenges that society might face. Artificial intelligence is debated
whether it is boon or bane for long time. It has both pros and cons
and this research has helped to shed light on the impacts of Artificial
Intelligence in our society. At present, there are no computers or
bots that shows complete artificial intelligence and are able to
simulate human characters.

Positive Impacts of Artificial Intelligence:

 Error Reduction: The advancement in Artificial intelligence has
helped us to reduce the errors and may help to reach new level
of preciseness.

 Fast processing: Development in Artificial intelligence will help

in faster processing of data, millions of time faster than the
present computers. The speed of these computers is in FLOPS
which is a very high processing power. Not only this but these
computers also take very quick decisions.

 Perform task that are life threatening to humans: AI can work

in hostile environment, can work in dangerous environmental
conditions, can go out in the space, explore far in the galaxies,
and solve the problems that would harm or kill us.

 AI can replace people in laborious, repetitive and provocative

works. Or in the Industries where it is risky for humans. AI
doesn’t need to sleep, take rest or break and don’t get bored. So
they can work with almost 100% efficiency and accuracy.

 Smartphones are examples of AI. Predicting text before

completing the whole word, GPS and map features are the
examples of AI. The Siri application in IPhone act as personal

 AI is widely used in computer gaming and entertainment.

Robots can interact with people for assisting in their work,
providing company and can help them with depression and

 Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role in field of science and

medicine. AI with the help of algorithm can assist doctors to
generate side effects of different kinds of medicine. Different
types of neurological disorders can be detected and cured with
the help of AI. And it can also be used in radiosurgery for
removing brain tumors.
Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence: Every good thing has
some limitations or negative impacts, likewise Artificial intelligence
also has some disadvantages.

 The development or creation of Artificial Intelligence is

extremely expensive. AI requires lot of maintenance and repair
cost and resource because they are complex computers.

 Many people criticize AI as it’s supposed to be morally

unethical to create copies of human beings. Many people object
AI by saying that intelligence is the gift of nature and it
shouldn’t be put into machines for one’s benefit.

 Replacing humans by AI in laborious work may sound good but

mass replacement of humans by computer may give birth to
mass unemployment. It will eventually make people dull and
totally dependent on machineries for every simple tasks.

 AI can be used in wrong ways. AI can be used as deadly

weapons by simply programming them and AI may cause cold
war between countries.

 AI can also be used for hacking of useful data and personal

information such as credit card numbers, phone numbers etc.

 Many researchers and computer scientists have predicted that

robots may surpass or take place of humans. AI may cause
enslaving of human beings causing AI apocalypse.

Considering the possible threats and profits of the Artificial
Intelligence, the progress in Artificial intelligence should be
continued but there also should be investment for safety measures
or safeguards in case of AI apocalypse. The use of “black box” AI and
algorithmic systemic should be stopped by the public agencies.
Companies should pre-test AI systems thoroughly for errors before
releasing them. And even after the release of AI systems its use in
different places should be properly watched. Experts with good
decision taking capability from computer science and engineering
field should be hired by IT industries.

We should keep in mind that AI has lot of advantages but it has cons
as well. The advantages and threats of AI should be weighed
properly before implementing it for convenience of people. Or, in
greed to play against the nature, we may result in the end of human
race, and leave the world under the rule of machines and computers.

1) Paterson, Daniel (2017) what are the advantages &
disadvantages of artificial intelligence? Quora[Online]Available
disadvantages-of-artificial-intelligence [Accessed date: 12
December, 2017]
2) Reddy, Krishna (2017) Wise step. Available from:
artificial-intelligence/ [Accessed date: 12 December, 2017]
3) Negnevitsky, Michael(2005) Artificial Intelligence, A guide to
intelligent system 2nd edition(Online) Pearson Education
[Accessed date: 12 December,2017]
4) Fekety, Mike (2015) LinkedIn. Available from:
intelligence-mike-fekety [Accessed date: 12 December, 2017]

Link to the online survey:

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