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Risk and regulation: Boat owner’s perception of recent antifouling legislation

Author: Ragnar Lofstedt

Publish by:

Palgrave macmillan journals

Baltic Sea which is situated in Swedish is more increasingly going polluted. Thirty years ago or
more the government of Swedish established the Swedish environmental protection agencies.
Where different researches results showing the relationship between chemical spills and stunted
algae growth. Agencies active at that time to protect the Baltic as they became aware that sea his
on hand a unique habitat that deserves to be protected and on the other hand there is series of
hard to solve physical and environmental problem. The Helsinki the commission (HELCOM)
formed to support the recently public survey that shows there is a large number of point of
sources ranging from Swedish and finish pulp and paper plants to sewages system of st
Petersburg cause most of pollution. There are many other diverse pollution sources .Swedish has
formed a series of measures to curb the pollution to Baltic Sea from domestic sources. There
regulations can also decrease the risk of new product development let’s see.

If any company violets the rules and regulations related to the business. Than this act will also
led to decrease the risk of new product development. Like Swedish has initiate some measures
to curb the pollution from domestic sources there measures includes phasing out chlorine bleach
paper production raising the taxes on different fertilizers the passing a series of bills on
regulating pleasure boats bills involves the phasing out of antifouling points for pleasure boats
use. This is the topic of this paper. Since hjorth R.building international institutions for
environmental protection linking Swedish chemical inspectorate has implemented one of the
strictest in the world for the use of antifouling paints on pleasure boats. It has two the inspector
has denied approval for the use of these paints in fresh water areas or along the entire Baltic Sea
coast. The overall aim of inspector is phase out the use of antifouling paints from all types of
boats be very pleasure boats or working vessels. If the boat owners stop using of antifouling
paint. They will reduce the new product development risk. Otherwise this will increase the risk
of new product development risk in the term of facing so many problems .in pesticide sector
regulatory system based on assessment of need for a product and risk to human health and
environment if risk to human health and environment is average and is weak leads to the
rejection of application and vice versa.

To calculate the risk factors in pesticide sectors, in Swedish appropriate regulatory conducts a
risk benefit analysis. Which evaluate the human health risk of a product. Under 1985 pesticide
ordinance risk benefit approach is used for the approval of all pesticides .untill 1992 antifouling
paints containing biocides a type of pesticides were exempt from 1985 ordnance. Research
shows that environmental risk of using their paints outweighs the short term benefits. Therefore
boat owners attract towards it. For the awareness about the ordinance in Swedish chemical
inspectors spent time and money communicating risk of antifouling paints to pleasure boat
owners and their organizations. To ensure a smooth passage of antifouling legislation and to
receive maximum compliance among boat owners affected. Three major factor of this
communication, dissemination of information regarding phasing out of toxie paints in Sweden
,face to face meeting with representatives from boat owners associations and from other
government bodies to discuss the about toxie paints ,use the media to explain about the
reasoning behind its band aware the aware the public ,ask different question about toxie paint
from boat owners and public analysis review .

After running this complain in Sweden the boat owners which were not aware of this fact and
this rule they respond that they are now knowledgeable honest loyal and innovate .over the
source of pollution has declined the use of chlorine pulp for paper has been loaned .and due to
succession of price rises and the use of artificial fertilizers’ has been decreased over ten years
.which leads to the reducing risks of new product development if boat owners follow this rule
they will be successful in their new product development.
Multiple risk factors in family environment and youth problems behavior

Author: jean M.Gerard and Cheryl Buehler

Publish by:

National council on family relations

The risk of new product development are not only connected with functional term. It also
connected with psychological term. Means a company should not only follow the rules and
regulation cost effects ect but also read the mind of customers or to understand the psychological
aspect, youth behavioral and emotional factors. Many stressful experiencing generally are
unfavorable for a child’s psychological well beings risk often conceptualized in the term of the
amount or number of success events recently encountered by the youth (Johnson 1982). Risk is
frequently assessed by using life’s event study. In which stressful life experiences are
encountered .by increasing the strength these people ,the risk for new product development is
also increasing which can be minimize through different method and approaches .to understand
the factors which effect in how many ways .and how many people are affected. After a complete
survey a company should assemble new product according to their factors.

in this article discuss that first companies should study that how many families are highly
experienced the risk factors and how many families faces low number of risk factors. Suppose in
any auto mile sector high number of risk factors experienced families are firstly high lighted.
Their kids will be aggressive adventures mostly are in upper class. So company will manufacture
speedy luxurious, high technological car for that class mostly and low numbers of risk factors
experience youth lies in middle class. For that Class Company will manufacture cost control car
so company should have a sophisticated R&D department. In this article there are also describe
some techniques to capture the basic idea of the problem and its solution. Different research
schools efforts show the results to underscore the importance of particular life events and
circumstances that predispose the youth to adjustment problems. Multiple risks factors enhance
our understanding of etiological roots of youth maladjustments. This line of research suffers
limitations with respect to issues of conceptualization measurements modeling,

In this article three risk models are discuss; independent additive model this model of risk
suggest that weither the main effect of risk factors is on independent variable corresponding the
idea of ( pifep mccubin and Peterson 1983) this model describe that individual risk factors
operate in a cumulative linear pattern to place youth at risk for maladjustment. Thus the total risk
factors is summation of their individual effects interactive model. There is at least one
conditional relations between two of risk factors. Conditional means that association between
one risk factor and a measure of child adjustment. Basically it is a statistical test of stress
buffering and stress exacerbating notion posted by risk and resilient researchers. Exponential
model Rutter 1979 cumulative effect of risk some degree of risk factors can be endured but the
accumulation of risk factors results in an accelerating or exponential increase in youth
maladjustment. Exponential model suggests that risk factor can be double as time passed means
the effect of individual risk factors multiply each other.

Thus in this article author throw light on a very unique aspect of reducing risk of new product
development. The risks can be reduced if companies spend time and money on proper research .
Research can be related to cost reduction aspect, increase success factor through judging
customers behavior etc. That study makes a significant contribution to the literatures on family
stress and children’s risk in socialization context by clearly delineating and testing these three
models basically called risk models.
A decision oriented model for new product analysis and forecasting

Author: Lewis G.pringle , R.Dale Wilson Edeawd I.brody

Now a days companies use different models to explain predict the early sales of new brand in
competitive environment. This greatly influenced the market thought and practice. Different
experts gave different models, some gave for repeat purchase by customers and some gave first
time purchase of product by customer. It means objectives and methods of using are totally
different from each and other. But their main target is to test market data to generate diagnostics
and sales predictions for new brand in relatively inexpensive frequently purchase product
categories. Than these results helps the managers to decide whether the new brand should be
stand. A rapidly used new product model is BBDO. New Product Early Warning System
(NEWS).in stating NEWS was used for sales prediction over the time some changes have been
made to NEWs. This is also used to analyses the strengths and weakness of new product
marketing plans recommendations related product concept.

In this article authors compared NEWS model with different model to explain the objectives of
this model. A series of models include two major factors

1: depth of pattern of repeat purchase

2: various hierarchy of effect schemes to present the consumer decision process

Some other model like diffusion process models can not be compared with NEWs model.
Because these models focus on repeat purchase method. Claycamp and lindy (1969) specified
another model named as pre-test market model. A graphical display of results of this model on
advertising recall to be expected thirteen weeks after the new brand introduction, expected level
of starting purchase is the end of thirteen weeks. But NEWs approach totally different from
claycamp and lindy approach. Because they used the data from past new brand introduction to
estimate the consumer response but NEWs model uses data input derived specifically from new
brand under investigation test market model. This model require consumer diary panned data to
generate depth of repeat probabilities for product being test market but NEWs required data only
from consumer survey. These models (test market models) also do not explicitly effect the
marketing mix variables. Sprinter model provides a comprehensive approach to new product
modeling that involves the marketing the marketing managers in selection of the proper form of
model. Three versions have been introduced of this model.

NEWS model can be applicable through this method. This model is suitable for use in a
particular product class only to extent that these assumptions are satisfied

1:product or new brand must be purchase on regular basis

2:consumer become aware of brand through publicity or advertising

3:brand must be easily available for purchase

4:consumer are insisted to make first purchase of a new brand

5:satisfaction with first purchase may be made consumer repeat purchases

6:after introduction phase awareness and trail begin to achieve their maximum introductory
potential .

Successful use of NEWS model requires accurate estimation of its inputs firstly. Second thing
source material prior customer marketing research regarding product experience all are
necessary. In NEWS model the estimation of advertising and marketing from survey research
conducted in the test market. In the best suitable case manufactures made tracking procedure to
collect data at appropriate purchase cycle intervals. Research programs established that collects
these data at certain points in time .in describing how many observations to employ a trade off
series for desire more data points and needs for timely decisions. Normally forecast is made
using data from first three months of test market with different sample sizes

If companies starts attempting the suitable predicting models for their new product. Than they
can reduce the risks of new product NEWS model. These models predict the market condition
expected sales etc. The models reaches to the formalize thinking of marketing management as
results of experience with actual market place.
Reducing the risk of new product development

Author: Susuma Ogawa and Frank T.Piller

Companies try to make the products exactly what customers want or you can also say that the
manufacturing of product s based on needs and wants of customers, but to attain this task for the
companies is becoming more difficult because the preference of customers are quickly changing.
Not only preference but also diverse characteristics of demand of customers and micro
segmentation of many product categories. Many new products fail not because of any technical
fault but because there is no market for that product. Not surprisingly preferences and
requirements are areas of information necessary for product development. For collecting such
data companies have heavy-often successful-investment n traditional market research –
Alternatively some companies started to join customers in innovative process.

Now a days companies started to leave the traditional research method to know about the
customers preferences and requirements to make their product successful because its very time
consuming and money wasting process. A very rough idea is obtained through traditional
research method. In a traditional research method, companies make some questionnaire to ask
questions from customers, take interview to get their opinion etc. So it is very difficult to
manufacture new product development with low risk of failure. During traditional market
research focus group have so many drawback like test from few customer which are not reliable,
focus groups lack realism because consumer often give verbal opinion or underestimate the
benefit of new product which is truly unique and do not measure people real purchasing behavior
so author divert our attention towards non-conventional or untraditional market research.

They used collective customer commitment method for reducing the risk of failure of any new
product. In this method, companies identified new product concept from them and pursuing the
most popular of those ideas. These firms also ask the customer for their commitment about
purchasing of new product for the commencing of any final development and manufacturing. If
customer show their commitment than company manufacture his new product. A young Chicago
based Fashion Company; designers are Jake Nickell and Jacob Dehart; using the collective
customer commitment method and it is top fashion company in the world. Also using two term
in collective customer commitment called mass customization and postponement; in
postponement term, generic components are built to stock, once the company has more
information about market demand these parts are assemble into final product. In mass
customization, customers first code – sign their own product, using configuring system to specify
their preferences. The individualized offering are then manufacturing on demand.

Old things are replacing with new ones because everything is continuously changing like
customer needs and wants etc than how can old methods can help us to describe the actual
product structure because new generation is more clever more aggressive and adventurous then
old generation. So it is very difficult to predict their attitude with conventional market research
methods to reduce the risks of failures of new product.

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