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# Level 25, 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne, VIC Mobile +61 419462640

It's clear that much has changed in Southeast Asia since the Vietnam War. Over the past 25 years,
Vietnam has transformed itself. In 2007, Vietnam became a full-fledged member of the global economic
community through its membership in the World Trade Organization. It has become a magnet for foreign
investment and is evolving rapidly from an agricultural economy to one focused on higher-value
manufacturing and services. But if Vietnam wants to sustain its remarkable growth, it will need to boost
labour productivity in the industrial and service sectors in the years ahead.

1. Vietnam has grown more rapidly than any other Asian economy except China.
 Vietnam, a country once ravaged by war, has been one of Asia's economic success stories over the
past quarter-century.

 Ever since the Communist Party introduced reforms known as "Doi Moi" ("Renovation") in 1986,
the country has reduced barriers to trade and capital flows and opened the economy more widely
to private business.

 During this period, the economy has expanded faster than any other Asian economy except
China's, posting annual per capita GDP growth of 5.3 percent. This growth has continued in the
face of the 1990s Asian financial crisis and the recent global economic downturn (the economy
grew 7 percent per year from 1996 to 2010)—a more robust record than many other Asian
economies can boast.

2. Vietnam is moving out of the paddy fields.

 Vietnam's economy no longer revolves around agriculture. In fact, agriculture's contribution to
the country's GDP has been cut in half from 40 to 20 percent in just 15 years, in a much more
rapid shift than we have observed in other Asian economies. A comparable transformation took
29 years in China and 41 years in India.

 Over the past 10 years, agriculture's share of national employment has dropped by 13 percentage
points, while the share of workers employed in industry has risen by 9.6 points and in services by
3.4 points.

 This shift of workers from agriculture to industry and services has made a powerful contribution
to Vietnam's economic expansion because of the large differences in productivity between these
sectors. As a result, agriculture's share of GDP has fallen by 6.7 percentage points while industry's
share has risen by 7.2 percentage points over the past 10 years.

3. But Vietnam is a leading global exporter of pepper, cashews, rice, and coffee.
 Vietnam is the world's leading exporter of pepper, shipping 116,000 tons of the spice in 2010, and
has led the world in exports of cashews for four years in a row.

 The country is also the world's second-biggest exporter of rice after Thailand and second only to
Brazil in exports of coffee, which have nearly tripled in just four years. Vietnam ranks fifth in the
# Level 25, 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne, VIC Mobile +61 419462640

world in the production of tea and sixth in exports of seafood such as catfish, cuttlefish, shrimp,
and tuna.

4. Vietnam is not "China+1."

 Rising labor costs in China have already spurred some factory owners to shift production to
Vietnam, which has an abundance of low-wage labor.

 The trend has fuelled talk among many CEOs about Vietnam becoming Asia's next big platform for
manufacturing exports—a smaller version of China, or China+1.

 But Vietnam is very different from China in two respects. First, Vietnam's economy is driven more
by personal consumption than China's is. Consumption by households accounts for 65 percent of
Vietnam's GDP—an unusually high share in Asia. In China, by contrast, consumption accounts for
just 36 percent of GDP.

 Second, while China's rapid economic growth has been fuelled by manufacturing exports and
extraordinarily high levels of capital investment, Vietnam's economy is much more balanced
between manufacturing and services, which each accounting for approximately 40 percent of

 Vietnam's growth has been broad-based, with competitive niches across the economy. Over the
past five years, output in the industry (including construction, manufacturing, mining, and
utilities) and service sectors has grown at comparable annual rates of about 8 percent.

5. Vietnam is a magnet for foreign investment.

 Vietnam is on most lists of attractive emerging markets for foreign investors. Surveys by Britain's
trade and investment department and the Economist Intelligence Unit have consistently ranked
Vietnam the most attractive emerging-market destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) after
the BRIC quartet of Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

 Registered FDI flows into Vietnam increased from $3.2 billion in 2003 to $71.7 billion in 2008
before falling during the global recession to $21.5 billion in 2009.

 Here, again, Vietnam diverges from China. Nearly 60 percent of FDI in China has been poured into
labour-intensive manufacturing, compared with only 20 percent in Vietnam. In the latter case,
much of the remaining investment has found its way to mining, quarrying, and oil and gas
extraction (40 percent) and real estate (15 to 20 percent), reflecting rapid growth in Vietnam's
tourism industry. The number of foreign tourists coming to Vietnam has risen by one-third since

6. Vietnam has more advanced road infrastructure than the Philippines or Thailand.
 Vietnam has begun to make significant investments in infrastructure. Many visitors to Vietnam
still view the country's roads as pretty basic. But, for its stage of economic development, Vietnam
has been adding road infrastructure at quite a rate.
# Level 25, 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne, VIC Mobile +61 419462640

 Its road density reached 0.78 kilometers per square kilometer in 2009, which is higher than the
road density in the Philippines or Thailand, both economies that are further on in their
development than Vietnam is.

 That same year, electricity networks covered more than 96 percent of the country. New container
ports such as those in Dung Quat and Cai Mep and airports such as those in Da Nang in central
Vietnam and Can Tho in the Mekong Delta region have improved connections with the rest of the

7. Vietnam's young generation is going online.

 Vietnam's population is young, well-educated, and increasingly online. Mobile subscriptions in
Vietnam grew nearly 70 percent per year between 2000 and 2010 compared with less than 10
percent per year in the United States in the same decade. By the end of 2010, Vietnam had 170
million telephone subscribers, of which 154 million had mobile subscriptions.

 At 31 percent, Internet penetration in Vietnam is much lower than in other Asian states such as
Malaysia (55 percent) and Taiwan (72 percent). But this is changing rapidly.

 Broadband subscriptions in Vietnam increased from 0.5 million in 2006 to around 3.8 million in
2010, the same year that 3G subscriptions hit 7.7 million. Once the telecom infrastructure catches
up, mobile and Internet use is likely to explode. Already, 94 percent of Vietnam's Internet users
access news online. More than 40 percent of users access the web every day.

8. Vietnam is becoming a top location for outsourced and offshore services.

 Vietnam already employs more than 100,000 people in the outsourcing and offshore services
sector, which today generates annual revenues of more than $1.5 billion.

 Several prominent multinational corporations have established operations in Vietnam, including

Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Panasonic. In fact, the country has the potential to become one of the
top 10 locations in the world in this sector, due to its relatively large pool of young college
graduates (universities send 257,000 young men and women into the workforce each year) and
relatively low wages.

 A software programmer in Vietnam can be employed for less than 60 percent of what it costs to
hire one in China, while data-processing and voice-processing agents in Vietnam cost 50 percent
less to employ than their counterparts in China.

 Outsourcing and offshore services in Vietnam could produce annual revenues of between $6
billion and $8 billion a year, much of it export-oriented—as long as there is sufficient demand and
Vietnam ensures that it can satisfy that demand. This sector could become an engine of job
creation in urban areas, employing an additional 600,000 to 700,000 people by 2020 and
contributing 3 to 5 percent to Vietnam's GDP growth.
# Level 25, 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne, VIC Mobile +61 419462640

9. Vietnamese banks are lending at a faster rate than their Chinese, Indian, or ASEAN counterparts.
 Total outstanding bank loans in Vietnam have increased by 33 percent per year over the past
decade—a stronger growth rate than those recorded in China, India, or any Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) country.

 By the end of 2010, the value of outstanding loans had reached an estimated 120 percent of GDP,
compared with only 22 percent in 2000. Although this may be evidence of new dynamism in the
Vietnamese economy, oiled by an expanding banking system, the worry is that an associated rise
in non-performing loans could trigger significant economic distress in Vietnam (as it has
elsewhere) and force the government to intervene in the financial sector to protect depositors,
the banking system, and, ultimately, taxpayers.

10. Vietnam's demographic dividend is waning.

 Between 2005 and 2010, an expanding pool of young workers and a rapid shift away from
agriculture generated two-thirds of Vietnam's growth. The other one-third came from enhanced

 But now the first two drivers of growth are weakening. Official statistics predict that growth in the
labor force will decline to around 0.6 percent a year over the next decade, compared with annual
growth of 2.8 percent from 2000 to 2010.

 And it seems very unlikely that the transition from farm to factory can continue at anything like
the speed we have seen in the recent past.

Productivity improvements will therefore need to pick up the slack if Vietnam is to maintain its historical
growth rate. More precisely, labor productivity growth in the service and manufacturing sectors will need
to accelerate by more than 50 percent from 4.1 percent annually to 6.4 percent if the economy is to meet
the government's target of 7 to 8 percent annual growth by 2020. Should that productivity boost not
materialize, Vietnam's growth would likely decline to between 4.5 and 5 percent annually. At that pace,
Vietnam's GDP in 2020 would be 30 percent lower than it would have been had the economy continued
to grow by 7 percent each year.


Vietnam has many intrinsic strengths—a young labor force, abundant natural resources, and political
stability. If it acts decisively to head off short-term risks and pursues a productivity-led growth agenda, it
can enter a second wave of growth and prosperity.

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