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EXERCISE 0.2 (page 3) EXERCISE 0.6 (page 22)

1. True. 3. False; the natural numbers are 1, 2, 3, and so on. 1. 11x-2y-3. 3. 6t2-2s2+6.
5. True. 7. False; 125=5, a positive integer. 5. 21x + 12y + 13z.
9. True. 11. True. 7. 6x2 - 9xy - 2z + 12 - 4.
9. 12y - 13z. 11. –15x+15y-27.
EXERCISE 0.3 (page 7) 13. x2+9y2+xy. 15. 6x2+96.
1. False. 3. False. 5. False. 7. True. 9. False. 17. –6x -18x-18. 19. x2+9x+20.
11. Distributive. 13. Associative. 15. Commutative. 21. w¤-3w-10. 23. 10x2+19x+6.
17. Definition of subtraction. 19. Distributive. 25. x +6x+9. 27. x2-10x+25.
29. 2y + 612y + 9. 31. 4s¤-1.
EXERCISE 0.4 (page 10) 33. x3+4x2-3x-12.
1. –6. 3. 2. 5. 11. 7. –2. 9. –63. 35. 3x4+2x3-13x2-8x+4. 37. 5x3+5x2+6x.
2 2
11. –6. 13. 6-x. 15. –12x+12y (or 12y-12x). 39. 3x +2y +5xy+2x-8.
1 41. x3+15x2+75x+125.
17. - . 19. –2. 21. 18. 23. 64. 25. 3x-12.
5 43. 8x3-36x2+54x-27. 45. z-18.
8 5x 2 3 1 -1
27. –x+2. 29. . 31. - . 33. . 35. 3. 47. 3x + 2x - 2. 49. x + .
11 7y 3x 2x x + 3
- 37 64
7 5 1 x - y 1 51. 3x2 - 8x + 17 + . 53. t + 8 + .
37. . 39. . 41. - . 43. . 45. . x + 2 t - 8
xy 6 6 9 40 7
k 55. x - 2 + .
47. . 49. Not defined. 51. Not defined. 3x + 2
EXERCISE 0.7 (page 25)
EXERCISE 0.5 (page 16)
1. 2(3x+2). 3. 5x(2y+z).
x8 a21 5. 4bc(2a3-3ab2d+b3cd2). 7. (z+7)(z-7).
1. 25 =
( 32). 3. w12. 5. 17 . 7. 20 .
x b 9. (p+3)(p+1). 11. (4x+3)(4x-3).
9. 8x6y9. 11. x6. 13. x14. 15. 5. 17. –2. 13. (z+4)(z+2). 15. (x+3)2.
1 1 1 17. 5(x+3)(x+2). 19. 3(x-1)(x+1).
19. . 21. 7. 23. 8. 25. . 27. .
2 4 16 21. (6y+1)(y+2). 23. 2s(3s+4)(2s-1).
3 3
29. 412. 31. x 12. 33. 4x . 2
35. –2 13+4 12 . 25. x2/3y(1+2xy)(1-2xy). 27. 2x(x+3)(x-2).
2 3
2 9t x 5 1 29. 4(2x+1)2. 31. x(xy-7)2.
37. 3z . 39. . 41. 2 2 . 43. 9 . 45. 2 .
4 yz m 9t 33. (x-2)2(x+2). 35. (y+4)2(y+1)(y-1).
1/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 x9>4z3>4 37. (x+2)(x -2x+4).
47. 7 s . 49. x -y . 51. . 39. (x+1)(x2-x+1)(x-1)(x2+x+1).
41. 2(x+3)2(x+1)(x-1). 43. P(1+r)2.
- y 2 4.
5 1 3 1
53. 218x 55. 5 4 . 57. 5 3 - 5 . 2
45. (x +4)(x+2)(x-2).
2x 2w 227w3
47. (y4+1)(y2+1)(y+1)(y-1).
317 212x 29x 2
49. (x2+2)(x+1)(x-1). 51. y(x+1)2(x-1)2.
59. . 61. . 63. . 65. 4.
7 x 3x
216a10b15 2x6 64y6x1>2 EXERCISE 0.8 (page 31)
67. . 69. 3 . 71. t2/3. 73. .
ab y x2 x + 2 x - 5 3x + 2
1. . 3. . 5. .
1 4y4 y10 x x + 5 x + 2
75. xyz. 77. . 79. 2 . 81. x2y5/2. 83. 2 .
3 x z y2 3 - 2x
1y - 3 2 1y + 22
7. - . 9. .
8 4 4x4z4 3 + 2x
85. x . 87. - 5 . 89. .
s 9y4 21 x + 42 x n 2
1x - 4 2 1x + 2 2
11. . 13. . 15. . 17. .
2 3 3

AN2 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

2x2 EXERCISE 1.2 (page 46)

19. –27x2. 21. 1. 23. . 25. 1.
x - 1 1 8 5
12x + 3 2 11 + x2 7 1.
. 3. . 5. .
7. 2. 9. 0. 11. .
27. - . 29. x+2. 31. .
x + 4 3t 1 5
13. . 15. 3. 17. . 19. . 21. 11.
1 2x2 + 3x + 12 8 13
12x - 1 2 1x + 32
33. 2. 35. . 262 10 49
1 - p 23. . 25. - . 27. 2. 29. 7. 31. .
2x - 3 35 - 8x 5 9 36
1 x - 2 2 1x + 1 2 1 x - 12 1 x - 1 2 1 x + 52
37. . 39. . 9 r - d 2mI
33. - . 35. t = . 37. n = - 1.
x + 2x + 1 x 4x + 1 4 rd rB
41. . 43. . 45. . d d
x2 1 - xy 3x 39. 20. 41. t = ;r = + c.
1 x + 2 2 16x - 1 2 2 1x - 2 1x + h r - c t
2x2 1x + 3 2
47. . 49. . 43. Antenna B: 4 m; Antenna A: 12.25 m.
1x1x + h
51. 2-13 . 53. - . 55. –4-216.
3 1. The number is –5 or 6. 2. 50 feet by 60 feet.
x - 15 3. 1*1*5. 4. 15 items at $15 per item.
57. . 59. 4 12-5 13+14.
x2 - 5 5. 2.5 seconds and 7.5 seconds. 6. $100 7. Never.
1. The results agree. 3. The results agree. 1. 2. 3. 4, 3. 5. 3, –1. 7. 4, 9. 9. —2.
1 5 3
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 1.1 11. 0, 8. 13. . 15. 1, - . 17. 5, –2. 19. 0, .
2 2 2
1. P=2(w+2)+2w=2w+4+2w=4w+4. 1 4
2. 200 specialty coffees. 3. 46 weeks; $1715. 21. 0, 1, –4. 23. 0, —8. 25. 0, , - . 27. –3, –1, 2.
2 3
d S
4. r = . 5. . 3 7 ; 137
t Aπ 29. 3, 4. 31. 4, –6. 33. . 35. .
2 2
EXERCISE 1.1 (page 41) 1 5
37. No real roots. 39. , - . 41. 40, –25.
10 2 3
1. 0. 3. . 5. –2. -2 ; 114 1
3 43. . 45. ; 13, ; 12. 47. 2, - .
7. Adding 5 to both sides; equivalence guaranteed. 2 2
9. Raising both sides to the fourth power; equivalence not 15 1 15 11 3
49. ; ,; . 51. –4, 1. 53. , . 55. , -1.
guaranteed. 5 2 7 5 2
11. Dividing both sides by x; equivalence not guaranteed. 3
57. 6, –2. 61. 5, –2. 63. . 65. –2. 67. 6.
13. Multiplying both sides by x-1; equivalence not 2
guaranteed. 69. 4, 8. 71. 2. 73. 0, 4. 75. 4. 77. 64.15, 3.35.
15. Multiplying both sides by (x-5)/x; equivalence not 79. 6 inches by 8 inches. 83. 1 year and 10 years.
guaranteed. 85. 86.8 cm or 33.2 cm. 87. a. 9 s; b. 3 s or 6 s.
5 12 89. 1.5, 0.75. 91. No real root. 93. 1.999, 0.963.
17. . 19. 0. 21. 1. 23. . 25. –1.
2 5
27. 2. 29. . 31. 126. 33. 8. 35. - . 1 2 1 5 1
3 9 1. . 3. - . 5. - . 7. . 9. . 11. .
37 60 14 7 4 15 2 2 3
37. - . 39. . 41. . 43. 3. 45. . 9 5 7 216
18 17 3 8 13. - . 15. - , 1. 17. 0, . 19. 5. 21. ; .
I p + 1 S - P 7 3 5 3
47. P = . 49. q = . 51. r = . 5 5 ; 113 1
rt 8 Pt 23. , –3. 25. . 27. —2, —3. 29. .
2S - nan 8 6 2
53. a1 = . 55. 120 m. 4 ; 113
n 31. . 33. 9. 35. 5. 37. No solution.
57. c=x+0.0825x=1.0825x. 59. 3 years. 3
1 1 14 EA
61. 31 hours. 63. 0.00001. 65. , - . 67. . 39. 10. 41. 4, 8. 43. –8, 1. 45. Q= .
8 14 61 4k
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 1.2 47. C¿=l2(n-1-C). 49. T=;2 .
10 6 d d 2mgh - mv2 5
1. = ; 8 mi/h. 2. t = ;w = - r. 51. v=; . 55. 6, .
r + 2 r - 2 r + w t B I 4
3. 2x2 + 16 - x = 2; x = 3; ramp is 5 feet long. 57. –0.757, 0.384.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN3


1. a. $107.15; b. $10.26; c. 10 lb; d. 10.44 lb; e. 4.4% 1. |w-22 oz|  0.3 oz.
3. –1.9%.
EXERCISE 2.4 (page 82)
EXERCISE 2.1 (page 66) 1. 13. 3. 6. 5. 5. 7. –4<x<4.
1 9. 15 - 2. 11. a. |x-7|<3; b. |x-2|<3;
1. 120. 3. 48 of A, 80 of B. 5. 5 . 7. 1 m.
3 c. |x-7|  5; d. |x-7|=4; e. |x+4|<2;
1 f.|x|<3; g. |x|>6; h. |x-6|>4; i. |x-105|<3;
9. 13,000. 11. $4000 at 6%, $16,000 at 7 %. j.|x-850|<100. 13. |p1-p2|  8. 15. —7.
13. $4.25. 15. 4%. 17. 80. 19. $8000. 2 1
17. —6. 19. 13, –3. 21. . 23. , 3.
21. 1138. 23. $116.25. 25. 40. 27. 46,000. 5 2
29. Either $440 or $460. 31. $100. 33. 77. 25. (–4, 4). 27. (–q ,–8) ´ (8, q). 29. (–9, –5).
33. c , d .
35. 80 ft by 140 ft. 37. 9 cm long, 4 cm wide. 1 3
31. (–q, 0) ´ (1, q).
39. $112,000. 41. 60. 43. Either 125 units of A and 2 4
35. (–q, 0] ´ c , qb .
100 units of B, or 150 units of A and 125 units of B. 16
37. |d-17.2|  0.03 m
39. (–q, Â-hÍ) ´ (Â+hÍ, q).
1. 5375.
2. 150-x4  0; 3x4-210  0; x4+60  0; x4  0. REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 2 (page 84)

3. a , qb . 7. a-q, d .
2 5
EXERCISE 2.2 (page 74) 1. (–q, 0]. 5. .
3 2
5. a-q, - d .
13. a0, b .
1. (4, q). 3. (–q, 5]. 1
2 9. (–q, q). 11. –2, 5.
15. a-q, - d ´ c , qb .
) 1 7
4 5 –1
17. 542. 19. 6000.
2 2 2
21. c<$212,814.
7. a-q, b . 11. c- , qb .
2 7
9. (0, q).
) 1. 1 hour. 3. 1 hour. 5. 600; 310.
7 0 –7
13 - 2 1. a. a(r)=r2; b. all real numbers; c. r  0.
13. a- , qb . 17. a - q, b.
15. .
7 2 300
2. a. t(r)= ; b. all real numbers except 0; c. r>0;
) )
d. t 1x2 = ; ta b = ; ta b =
300 x 600 x 1200
–2 3–2 ;
7 2 x 2 x 4 x
e. The time is scaled by a factor c; t a b =
19. (–q, 48). 21. (–q, –5]. 23. (–q, q). x 300c
c x
) 3. a. 300 pizzas; b. $21.00 per pizza; c. $16.00 per pizza.
EXERCISE 3.1 (page 93)
25. a 27. c-
17 34
, qb .
, qb . 29. (0, q). 1. All real numbers except 0. 3. All real numbers  3.
5. All real numbers. 7. All real numbers except - .
) ) 2
– 34
0 9. All real numbers except 0 and 1.
9 3
31. (–q, 0). 33. (–q, –2]. 11. All real numbers except 4 and - .
) 13. 1, 7, –7. 15. –62, 2-u2, 2-u4.
0 –2 17. 2, (2v)2+2v=4v2+2v, (–x2)2+(–x2)=x4-x2.
19. 4, 0, (x+h)2+2(x+h)+1
35. 444,000<S<636,000. 37. x<70 degrees. =x2+2xh+h2+2x+2h+1.
EXERCISE 2.3 (page 78) 1 3x - 4 3x - 4
30 13x2 2 + 5
21. , =
9x2 + 5
1. 120,001. 3. 17,000. 5. 60,000. 7. $25,714.29.
9. 1000. 11. t>36.5. 13. At least $67,400. 1x + h2 - 4 x + h - 4
1x + h2 2 + 5
= 2 .
x + 2xh + h2 + 5
AN4 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

1 1 2w2 + 3
23. 0, 256, . 25. a. 4x+4h-5; b. 4. 9. ; . 11. f(x)=x5, g(x)=4x-3.
16 v + 3 B w2 + 1
27. a. x +2hx+h2+2x+2h; b. 2x+h+2.
29. a. 2-4x-4h-3x2-6hx-3h2; 13. f(x)= , g(x)=x2-2.
1 1
b. –4-6x-3h. 31. a. ; b. - . 5 x + 1
x + h x1 x + h2 15. f(x)= 1x , g(x)= .
33. 9. 35. y is a function of x; x is a function of y.
17. a. r(x)=9.75x; b. e(x)=4.25x+4500;
37. y is a function of x; x is not a function of y.
c. (r-e)(x)=5.5x-4500.
39. Yes. 41. V=f(t)=20,000+800t.
19. 400m-10m2; the total revenue received when the
43. Yes; P; q. 45. 400 pounds per week; 1000 pounds
total output of m employees is sold.
per week; amount supplied increases as the price increases.
3 3 21. a. 14.05; b. 1169.64. 23. a. 345.03; b. –1.94.
47. a. 4; b. 8 12 ; c. f(2I0)=2 12 f(I0); doubling the
intensity increases the response by a factor of 2 12 . PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 3.4
49. a. 3000, 2900, 2300, 2000; 12, 10;
1. y=–600x+7250; x-intercept a12
b. 10, 12, 17, 20; 3000, 2300. 51. a. –5.13; b. 2.64; , 0b ;
c. –17.43. 53. a. 11.33; b. 50.62; c. 2.29.
y-intercept (0, 7250).
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 3.2 2. y=24.95; horizontal line; no x-intercept;
y-intercept (0, 24.95).
1. a. p(n)=$125; b. The premiums do not change;
3. y
c. constant function.
2. a. quadratic function; b. 2; c. 3.
36 (2.5, 30)
3.50n if n  5,
3. c1 n2 = • 3.00n if 5 6 n  10,
4. 7!=5040. 24
2.75n if n 7 10. 12
(5, 0)
EXERCISE 3.2 (page 98) (0, 0) 1 2 3 4 5 hours
1. Yes. 3. No. 5. Yes. 7. No.
4. y
9. All real numbers. 11. All real numbers.
13. a. 3; b. 7. 15. a. 4; b. –3. 17. 8, 8, 8.
Cost (dollars)

(100, 59.3)
19. 1, –1, 0, –1. 21. 8, 3, 1, 1. 23. 720. 25. 2.
27. 5. 29. c(i)=$4.50; constant function. 40 (70, 37.1)
31. a. C=850+3q; b. 250. 20
33. c1 n2 = e
8.50n if n 6 10, 9
35. . x
8.00n if n  10. 64 (0, 0) 20 40 60 80 100 therms
17 33
37. a. All T such that 30  T  39; b. 4, , .
4 4 EXERCISE 3.4 (page 112)
39. a. 237,077.34; b. –434.97; c. 52.19.
41. a. 2.21; b. 9.98; c. –14.52. y


1. c(s(x))=c(x+3)=2(x+3)=2x+6. Q.I
2. Let the length of a side be represented by the
function l(x)=x+3 and the area of a square with (0, 0)
sides of length x be represented by a(x)=x2. –1 8
Then g(x)=(x+3)2=[l(x)]2=a(l(x)). (– 12 , –2) –3
(8, – 3)
EXERCISE 3.3 (page 103) Q.III Q.IV
1. a. 2x+8; b. 8; c. –2; d. x2+8x+15; e. 3;
x + 3 3. a. 1, 2, 3, 0; b. all real numbers; c. all real numbers;
f. ; g. x+8; h. 11; i. x+8. 3. a. 2x2+x; d. –2. 5. a. 0, –1, –1; b. all real numbers;
x + 5
1 x2 x c. all nonpositive real numbers; d. 0.
b. –x; c. ; d. x4+x3; e. 2 = (for x ≠ 0);
2 x + x x + 1
f. –1; g. (x +x) =x +2x +x ; h. x +x2; i. 90.
2 2 4 3 2 4

4 14 2
1t - 122
5. 6; –32. 7. + + 1; 2 .
t - 1 t + 7t
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN5

7. (0, 0); function; all real numbers; all real numbers. 17. (0, 0); not a function of x.


9. (0, –5), a , 0b; function; all real numbers;

5 19. (0, 2), (1, 0); function; all real numbers; all real numbers.
all real numbers. y


x 1

21. All real numbers; all real numbers  4;
(0, 4), (2, 0), (–2, 0).
11. (0, 0); function; all real numbers;
all nonnegative real numbers. s

y 4

–2 2

23. All real numbers; 2; (0, 2).
13. Every point on y-axis; not a function of x.

25. All real numbers; all real numbers  –3;

(0, 1), (2_ 13, 0).

15. (0, 0); function; all real numbers; all real numbers. y

2– 3
2+ 3
x (2, – 3)
AN6 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

27. All real numbers; all real numbers; (0, 0). 37. All real numbers; all nonnegative real numbers.
f(t ) g(x)

29. All real numbers  5; all nonnegative real numbers;
(5, 0). 39. (a), (b), (d).
s 41. y

Cost (dollars)
r 12
31. All real numbers; all nonnegative real numbers; 10 12 2 4 6 8 10
A.M. P.M.

(0, 1), a , 0b .
43. As price decreases, quantity increases; p is a function of q.


x 5
2 q
5 25
33. All nonzero real numbers; all positive real numbers;
no intercepts.
F(t )

45 12

47. –1, –0.35. 49. 0.62, 1.73, 4.65. 51. –0.84, 2.61.
t 53. –0.49, 0.52, 1.25. 55. a. 3.94; b. –1.94.
57. a. (–q, q); b. (–1.73, 0), (0, 4.00).
35. All nonnegative real numbers; all real numbers c 59. a. 2.07; b. [2.07, q); c. (0, 2.39); d. no.
where 0  c<6. EXERCISE 3.5 (page 119)
1. (0, 0); sym. about origin.
3. (—2, 0), (0, 8); sym. about y-axis.
5. (—2, 0); sym. about x-axis, y-axis, origin.
5 7. (–2, 0); sym. about x-axis. 9. Sym. about x-axis.
11. (–21, 0), (0, –7), (0, 3).
15. a 0, b .
6 3
13. (0, 0); sym. about origin.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN7

17. (2, 0), (0, —2); sym. about x-axis. 3.

f(x) = 1 y=
x 2

5. y
19. (—2, 0), (0, 0); sym. about origin.
f(x) = 1
1 x
–1 1
x –1
–2 2 y= 2
–2 3x

21. (0, 0); sym. about x-axis, y-axis, origin. 7.

y f(x) = x

–1 y = x + 1 –2

23. (—2, 0), (0, —4); sym. about x-axis, y-axis, origin.
f(x) = x 2
y = 1 – (x – 1) 2

–2 2 11.

y = –x f(x) = x

25. a. (—1.18, 0), (0, 2); b. 2; c. (–q, 2].

EXERCISE 3.6 (page 122)
13. Translate 4 units to the right and 3 units upward.
f(x) = x2 15. Reflect about the y-axis and translate 5 units downward.


y= x2 –2 1. All real numbers except 1 and 2. 3. All real numbers.
x 5. All nonnegative real numbers except 1.
7. 7, 46, 62, 3t2-4t+7. 9. 0, 2, 1t, 2x3 - 1.
–2 3 1x + 4 1u
11. , 0, , . 13. –8, 4, 4, –92.
5 x u - 4
AN8 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

15. a. 3-7x-7h; b. –7. 35.

17. a. 4x2+8hx+4h2+2x+2h-5;
b. 8x+4h+2. 19. a. 5x+2; b. 22; c. x-4;
f(x) = x 2
2 3x - 1
d. 6x +7x-3; e. 10; f. ; 2
2x + 3
g. 3(2x+3)-1=6x+8; h. 38; x
i. 2(3x-1)+3=6x+1.
1 1 1 - x y = – 21 x 2 + 2
21. , - 1 = . 23. 2x3 + 2, (x+2)3/¤.
x - 1 x x
25. (0, 0), (— 12>3, 0); sym. about origin. 37. a, c. 39. –0.67, 0.34, 1.73.
27. (0, 9), (—3, 0); sym. about y-axis. 41. –1.50, –0.88, –0.11, 1.09, 1.40.
43. a. (–q, q); b. (1.92, 0), (0, 7)
y 45. a. None; b. 1, 3.
1. $28,321. 3. $87,507.90. 5. Answers may vary.


–3 3 1. –2000; the car depreciated $2000 per year.
2. S=14T+8. 3. F = C + 32.
29. (0, 2), (–4, 0); all u  –4; all real numbers  0. 125 125
4. slope= ; y-intercept= .
G(u) 3 3
5. 9C-5F+160=0.
6. F
2 100
–100 100

31. a0, b ; all t Z 4; all positive real numbers.

2 –100
g(t) 7. The slope of AB is 0; the slope of BC is 7; the slope of
CA is 1. None of the slopes are negative reciprocals of each
other, so the triangle does not have a right angle. The points
1 do not define a right triangle.
t EXERCISE 4.1 (page 134)
1. 3. 3. - . 5. Undefined. 7. 0.
9. 6x-y-4=0. 11. x+4y-18=0.
13. 3x-7y+25=0. 15. 8x-5y-29=0.
33. All real numbers; all real numbers  1. 17. 2x-y+4=0. 19. x+2y+6=0.
21. y+2=0. 23. x-2=0. 25. 4; –6.
1 3
27. - ; . 29. Slope undefined; no y-intercept.
2 2
31. 3; 0. 33. 0; 1.
2 5
1 35. 2x+3y-5=0; y= - x + .
3 3
x 4 5
37. 4x+9y-5=0; y= - x + .
9 9
39. 3x-2y+24=0; y= x + 12.
41. Parallel. 43. Parallel. 45. Neither.
47. Perpendicular. 49. Perpendicular.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN9

1 23. v=–800t+8000; slope=–800.

51. y=4x+14. 53. y=1. 55. y= - x + 5.
2 29
57. x=7. 59. y= - x - . 61. (5, –4).
3 3
63. –2; the stock price dropped an average of $2 per year. 8000
65. y=3x+5. 67. slope≠0.65; y-intercept ≠4.38 t
1 1 3 10
69. a. y= - x + ; b. y=3x- .
3 6 2 25. f(x)=45,000x+735,000. 27. f(x)=65x+85.
71. y=–x+3300; without modification, the approach 5 600
angle will cause the plane to crash 700 feet short of the 29. x+10y=100. 31. a. y= , x = ; b. 12.
11 11
airport. 73. R=50,000T+80,000.
33. a. p=0.059t+0.025; b. 0.556.
75. The lines are parallel. This is expected because they
each have a slope of 1.5. 35. a. t= c + 37; b. add 37 to the number of chirps in
15 seconds. 37. P= + 80. 39. a. Yes; b. 1.8704.
1. x=number of skis produced; y=number of boots 4
produced; 8x+14y=1000.
2. p= - q + 1025. 1. Vertex: (1, 400); y-intercept: (0, 399);
x-intercepts: (–19, 0), (21, 0).
3. Answers may vary, but two possible points are
(0, 60) and (2, 140). y
f (x) 400

500 x
–25 25

2. Vertex: (1, 24); y-intercept: (0, 8);

16 16
x-intercepts: a 1 + , 0b, a1 - , 0b
10 20
4. f(t)=2.3t+32.2. 5. f(x)=70x+150. 2 2 .
EXERCISE 4.2 (page 141)
1. –4; 0. 3. 2; –4.
y g(t )

–5 5

x t

3. 1000 units; $3000 maximum revenue.

EXERCISE 4.3 (page 149)
1 2 1. Quadratic. 3. Not Quadratic. 5. Quadratic.
5. - ; . 7. f(x)=4x. 7. Quadratic. 9. a. (1, 11); b. highest.
7 7
9. f(x)=–2x+4. 11. a. –8; b. –4, 2; c. (–1, –9).
1 15
2 11. f(x)= - x + .
7 2 4
13. f(x)=x+1.
15. p= - q+28; $16.
17. p= q+190.
19. c=3q+10; $115. 21. f(x)=0.125x+4.15.
AN10 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

13. Vertex: (3, –4); intercepts: (1, 0), (5, 0), (0, 5); 21. Vertex: (4, –2); intercepts: (4+12, 0), (4-12, 0),
range: all y  –4. (0, 13); range: all t  –3.
y t


x 4– 2 4+ 2
1 5 s
(4, –2)
(3, – 4)
23. Minimum; 24. 25. Maximum; –10.
15. Vertex: a - , b ; intercepts: (0, 0), (–3, 0);
3 9 27. q=200; r=$120,000.
2 2 29. 200 units; $240,000 maximum revenue.
9 31. Vertex: (9, 225); y-intercept: (0, 144);
range: all y  .
2 x-intercepts: (–6, 0), (24, 0).
y P(x)


–20 30

17. Vertex: (–1, 0); intercepts: (–1, 0), (0, 1); 33. 70 grams. 35. 132 ft; 2.5 sec.
37. Vertex: a , 116b ; y-intercept: (0, 16),
range: all s  0. 5
s 5 + 129 5 - 129
x-intercepts: a , 0b, a , 0b
2 2 .
1 160

19. Vertex: (2, –1); intercept: (0, –9); range: all y  –1. x
–10 10
l wl2
2 39. a. 2.5; b. 8.7 m. 41. a. ; b. ; c. 0 and l.
x 2 8
–1 43. 50 ft*100 ft. 45. (1.11, 2.88).
47. a. 0; b. 1; c. 2. 49. 4.89.


1. $120,000 at 9% and $80,000 at 8%.
2. 500 of species A and 1000 of species B.
20,000 4
3. Infinitely many solutions of the form A= - r,
3 3
B=r where 0  r  5000.
1 1 1
4. lb of A; lb of B; lb of C.
6 3 2
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN11

EXERCISE 4.4 (page 161) 11. Cannot break even at any level of production.
1. x=–1, y=1. 3. x=3, y=–1. 13. 15 units or 45 units. 15. a. $12; b. $12.18.
5. v=0, w=18. 7. x=–3, y=2. 17. 5840 units; 840 units; 1840 units. 19. $4.
9. No solution. 11. x=12, y=–12. 21. Total cost always exceeds total revenue—no break-even
3 point. 23. Decreases by $0.70.
13. p= -3r, q=r; r is any real number. 25. pA=5; pB=10. 27. 2.4 and 11.3.
1 1 1 REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 4 (page 176)
15. x = , y = , z = . 17. x=1, y=1, z=1.
2 2 4
1. 9. 3. y=–x+1; x+y-1=0.
19. x=1+2r, y=3-r, z=r; r is any real number.
1 5 5. y= x-1; x-2y-2=0. 7. y=4; y-4=0.
21. x = - r, y = r, z = r; r is any real number. 2
3 3
3 1 9. y= x+2; x-3y+6=0.
23. x = - r + s, y = r, z = s; r and s are any real 3
2 2
11. Perpendicular. 13. Neither. 15. Parallel.
3 3 4
25. 420 gal of 20% solution, 280 gal of 30% solution. 17. y= x - 2; . 19. y= ; 0.
27. 0.5 lb of cotton; 0.25 lb of polyester; 0.25 lb of nylon. 2 2 3
29. 275 mi/h (speed of airplane in still air), 21. –2; (0, 4).
25 mi/h (speed of wind). y
31. 240 units (Early American), 200 units (Contemporary).
33. 800 calculators from Exton plant, 700 from Whyton plant.
35. 4% on first $100,000, 6% on remainder.
37. 60 units of Argon I, 40 units of Argon II. 4
39. 100 chairs, 100 rockers, 200 chaise lounges.
41. 40 semiskilled workers, 20 skilled workers, 10 shipping x
clerks. 45. x=3, y=2. 47. x=8.3, y=14.0. 2

EXERCISE 4.5 (page 165) 23. (3, 0), (–3, 0), (0, 9); (0, 9).
1. x=4, y=–12; x=–1, y=3. y
3. p=–3, q=–4; p=2, q=1.
5. x=0, y=0; x=1, y=1. 9
7. x=4, y=8; x=–1, y=3.
9. p=0, q=0; p=1, q=1.
11. x= 117, y=2; x=– 117, y=2; x= 114,
y=–1; x=-114, y=–1. 13. x=21, y=15. –3 3
15. At (10, 8.1) and (–10, 7.9). 17. Three.
19. x=–1.3, y=5.1. 21. x=1.76. 23. x=–1.46.
25. (5, 0), (–1, 0), (0, –5); (2, –9).
EXERCISE 4.6 (page 174) y
–1 2 5
5 (100, 5)

q –9
100 200

3. (5, 212.50). 5. (9, 38). 7. (15, 5). 27. 3; (0, 0).

9. y p
15,000 TC
(4500, 13,500)

5000 t
2000 6000
AN12 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

29. (0, –3); (–1, –2). 3.

Year Multiplicative Expression
y Decrease

0 1 0.850
–1 –2 1 0.85 0.851
2 0.72 0.852
3 0.61 0.853

0.85; The car depreciates by 15% every year

17 8
31. x = ,y = - . 33. x=2, y=–1.
7 7 2
35. x=8, y=4. 37. x=0, y=1, z=0.
39. x=–3, y=–4; x=2, y=1. 1
41. x=–2-2r, y=7+r, z=r; r is any real number.
43. x=r, y=r, z=0; r is any real number. x
1 2 3 4 5 years
4 19
45. a+b-3=0; 0. 47. f(x)= - x + .
3 3 Between 4 and 5 years.
49. 50 units; $5000. 51. 6. 53. 1250 units; $20,000. 4. y=1.08t - 3; Shift the graph 3 units to the right.
55. 2.36 tons per square km. 57. x=230, y=–130. 5. $3684.87; $1684.87. 6. $2753.79; $753.79.
59. x=0.75, y=1.43. 7. 117 employees.
8. P
1. Advantage I is the best plan for airtimes from 85 to 1
153 minutes. Advantage II is the best plan for airtimes
1 1
from 153 to 233 minutes. t
3 3 years
10 20
3. If the initial guess is on the horizontal portion of both
graphs, the calculator may not be able to find the
intersection point. EXERCISE 5.1 (page 192)
1. 3.
1. The shape of the graphs are the same. The value of A
scales the ordinate of any point by A.
2. 4
Year Multiplicative Expression 3
0 1 1.10 1 x
–1 1
1 1.1 1.11 x
2 1.21 1.12
3 1.33 1.13 5. 7.
y y
4 1.46 1.14

1.1; The investment increases by 10% every year

8 9

2 2
x x
1 –1 1 –2

1 2 3 4 5 years

Between 7 and 8 years.

■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN13

9. 11. 3. y
y y
6 y = log1.5x
3 4
x x
1 5 10 multiplicative
1 increase
–2 –1 1 4. y 5. Approximately 13.9%.
6. Approximately 9.2%.
13. B. 15. 138,750. 17. . y = log0.8x
2 4
19. a. $6014.52; b. $2014.52.
21. a. $1964.76; b. $1264.76. x
1 multiplicative
23. a. $14,124.86; b. $10,124.86. decrease
25. a. $6256.36; b. $1256.36.
EXERCISE 5.2 (page 201)
27. a. $9649.69; b. $1649.69.
29. $10,446.15. 1. log 10,000=4. 3. 26=64. 5. ln 7.3891=2.
31. a. N=400(1.05)t; b. 420; c. 486. 7. e1.09861=3.
33. 9. 11.
Year Multiplicative Expression y y

0 1 1.30 1 1 4
1 1.3 1.31 1 3
x x
2 1.69 1.32 –1

3 2.20 1.33

1.3; The recycling increases by 30% every year

(1+1(0.3)=1+0.3=1.3). y

3 1
2 x
4 6
1 2 3 4 5 years 15. 2. 19. 17. 3.
1. 23. 21. –2.
Between 4 and 5 years. 0. 27. 25. –3.
35. 97,030. 37. 4.4817. 39. 0.4966. 9. 31. 29. 125.
41. 43. 0.2240. 1 1
y e-3.
45. (ek)t, where b=ek. x 33. . 35.
1 e 10
47. a. 10; b. 7.6; –1 37. 2. 39. 6.
c. 2.5; d. 25 hours. –2
1 49. 32 years. 41. . 43. 2.
51. 0.1465. 81
55. 3.17. 5 ln 2 5 + ln 3
45. . 47. 4. 49. . 51. .
57. 4.2 min. 3 3 2
59. 16. 1
53. 1.60944. 55. 2.00013. 57. = 105.5.
59. 41.50. 61. E=2.5*1011 + 1.5M.
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 5.2 63. a. 305.2 mm of mercury; b. 5.13 km.
65. e3u0 - 1x2>224 >A .
1. t=log2 16; t=the number of times the bacteria have 67. 21.7 years.
I 1 10 - x
doubled. 2. = 108.3 69. y = ln . 71. (1, 0). 73. 7.39.
I0 3 2
AN14 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■


1. log 1900,0002 - log 1 9000 2 = log a b
= log 1 100 2 = 2.
2. log(10,000)=log(104)=4. –10 1

EXERCISE 5.3 (page 208)

1. b+c. 3. a-b. 5. 3a-b. 7. 2(a+b).
b –3
9. . 11. 48. 13. –4. 15. 5.01. 17. –2.
19. 2. 21. ln x+2 ln(x+1). REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 5 (page 216)
23. 2 ln x-3 ln(x+1). 25. 3[ln x-ln(x+1)]. 1. log3 243=5. 3. 161/4=2. 5. ln 54.598=4.
27. ln x-ln(x+1)-ln(x+2). 1
1 7. 3. 9. –4. 11. –2. 13. 4. 15. .
29. ln x - 2 ln1 x + 12 - 3 ln1 x + 22 . 100
2 25 x2y
17. –1. 19. 3(a+1). 21. log . 23. ln 3 .
31. ln x - ln1 x + 1 2 - ln 1x + 2 2 .
2 1
27 z
5 5 x9>2
1x + 12 3 1x + 22 4
2x 25. log2 . 27. 2 ln x+ln y-3 ln z.
33. log 24. 35. log2 . 37. log[79(23)5].
x + 1 1 1
81 5 29. (ln x+ln y+ln z). 31. (ln y-ln z)-ln x.
39. log[100(1.05)10]. 41. . 43. 1. 45. . 3 2
64 2 ln1x + 52 1
ln1x + 6 2 ln 1x2 + 1 2 33. . 35. 1.8295. 37. 2x + x.
47. —2. 49. . 51. . ln 3 2
ln 10 ln 3 39. 2x.
41. y = ex + 2.
z 1
53. y=ln . 57. a. 3; b. 2+M1. 59. 3.5229. 43. 45. .
7 y 3
61. 12.4771. 47. 1.
63. 65. ln 4. 49. 10.
8 51. 2e.
53. 0.880.
55. –3.222.
–3 10 57. –1.596.
59. a. $3829.04;
x b. $1229.04.
61. 14%.
63. a. P=8000(1.02)t; b. 8323.
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 5.4 65. a. 10 mg; b. 4.4; c. 0.2; d. 1.7; e. 5.6.
67. a. 6; b. 28. 71. (–q, 0.37]. 73. 2.93.
1. 18. 2. Day 20. 3. The other earthquake is 75.
67.5 times as intense as a zero-level earthquake. 7

EXERCISE 5.4 (page 214)

1. 5.000. 3. 2.750. 5. –3.000. 7. 2.000.
9. 0.083. 11. 1.099. 13. 0.203. 15. 5.140.
17. –0.073. 19. 2.322. 21. 3.183. 23. 0.483.
–10 10
25. 2.496. 27. 1003.000. 29. 2.222. 31. 3.082.
33. 3.000. 35. 0.500. 37. S=12.4A0.26.
39. a. 100; b. 46. 41. 20.5. –2
log 1 80 - q2
43. p = ; 4.32. 45. 7. MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOT—CHAPTER 5 (page 221)
log 2
T1 ekI - 12
ln c d.
47. a. 91; b. 432; c. 8. 49. 1.20. 1 P
P - T1ekI - 1 2
1. a. P = ; b. d =
- e-dkI kI
3. a. 156; b. 65.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN15


41. £75 55§ . 45. c d.
15 -4 26
1 2 4 8 16 43. 1.1.
2. £ 1 16§ .
4 7 30
1. 3*2 or 2*3. 2 4 8 25 15

47. c d.
1 2 4 8 16 -10 22 12
24 36 -44
EXERCISE 6.1 (page 229)
1. a. 2*3, 3*3, 3*2, 2*2, 4*4, 1*2, 3*1, PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 6.3
3*3, 1*1; b. B, D, E, H, J; c. H, J upper triangular; 8 8
3. c 1d c d = c 55 d .
1 5 x
D, J lower triangular; d. F, J; e. G, J. 1. $5780. 2. $22,843.75.
1 3 y 3
3. 2. 5. 4. 7. 0. 9. 7, 2, 1, 0.
6 8 10 12 EXERCISE 6.3 (page 249)
11. £10 12 14 16 § . 13. 120 entries, 1, 0, 1, 0. 1. –12. 3. 19. 5. 7. 7. 2*2; 4.
14 16 18 20 9. 3*5; 15. 11. 2*1; 2. 13. 3*3; 9.
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

17. ≥ ¥. 19. c d.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 -12
15. 3*1; 3.
0 0 1 0 10 6
15. a. ≥ ¥ ; b. F
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
V. 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 2
21. c d . 23. £ 2 2 4§. 25. 3 -6 16 10 - 64 .
0 0 0 0 0 0 50
-3 -2 3
1 3 -4
4 6 -4 6
17. c d. 19. ≥ ¥.
6 2 3 2 5
27. ≥ ¥. 29. c d.
6 9 -6 9 78 84
-3 4 7 -2 0
-8 -12 8 -12 -21 -12
3 0 1
21. a. A and C; b. all of them. 2 3 -2 3
2 7 z
31. c d. 33. £ y§ . 35. c 1 d.
25. x=6, y= , z = . 27. x=0, y=0. -5 -8 2x + x2 + 3x3
3 2 - 5 -20 4x1 + 9x2 + 7x3
29. a. 7; b. 3; c. February; d. deluxe blue; e. February; x
3 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0
37. £ 0 -1 1 § . 39. c d. 41. £0 32 0 §
-1 - 20
33. ≥ ¥.
1 7 4 -2 23
f. February; g. 38. 31. –2001. 1 2 0 0 0 32
4 3 1
2 6 2 -1 5 0 0 -4
43. £ 2 17 § . 45. Impossible. 47. £2 -1 -2§ .
1. c d. 49. c d. 51. c d.
230 220 3 -1 0 3 0
2. x1=670, x2=835, x3=1405.
190 255 -2 2 -1 -1 2
2 0 0
53. £0 2 0 § . 55. c d. 57. c d.
EXERCISE 6.2 (page 237) 1 -1 0 6 -7
4 -3 1 -5 5 0 1 1 -7 9
0 0 2
1. £ -2 10 5§. 3. £ -9 5 § . 5. 3-9 -7 114.
59. c d c d = c d.
3 1 x 6
10 5 3 5 9 7 -2 y 5
9. c d.
-12 36 -42 -6 4 -1 3 r 9
7. Not defined.
-42 -6 -36 12 61. £ 3 0 -1 § £ s § = £ 7 § . 63. $2075.
5 -4 1 . 65. $1,133,850.
11. £ 0 7 -2§ . 13. c d.
6 5 0 3 2 t 15
15. O. 67. a. $180,000, $520,000, $400,000, $270,000, $380,000,
-2 3
-3 3 13 $640,000; b. $390,000, $100,000, $800,000; c. $2,390,000;
17. c d. 21. c d.
28 22
71. c d.
-22 -15 110 129 72.82 -9.8
19. Not defined. d. , .
-2 6 -11 9 239 239 51.32 -36.32
23. c 19 d. 29. c d. 31. c d. 73. c d.
21 2 4 2 20 -1 5 15.606 64.08
2 - 152 7 -3 2 6 -8 -739.428 373.056
146 28
33. Impossible. 35. x= ,y = - . PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 6.4
13 13
4 1. 5 blocks of A, 2 blocks of B, and 1 block of C.
37. x=6, y= . 39. x=–6, y=–14, z=1. 2. 3 of X; 4 of Y; 2 of Z. 3. A=3D; B=1000-2D;
C=500-D; D=any amount ( 500).
AN16 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

EXERCISE 6.4 (page 261) EXERCISE 6.6 (page 275)

1. Not reduced. 3. Reduced. 5. Not reduced. 1 0 0
1. c d. 5. £0 - 13 0§.
1 0 0 0 -1 1
1 2 3 3. Not invertible.
7 -6
7. c d. 9. £ 0 0 0 § . 11. ≥ ¥.
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 14
0 1 0 0 1 0 7. Not invertible. 9. Not invertible (not a square matrix).
0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 -1 0 1 0 2
13. x=2, y=1. 15. No solution. 11. £0 1 -1§. 13. £0 1 0§.
2 5 1 7 0 0 1 3 0 7
17. x= - r + , y = - r + , z = r, where r is any
3 3 6 6 1 - 23 5 11
-3 1
3 3 3
15. £ -1 - 3 §. 17. £ - 3 3 - 23 §.
real number. 19. No solution. 4 10 7
21. x=–3, y=2, z=0. 23. x=2, y=–5, z=–1. 2 1
-1 1 -2 3 -1 3
25. x1=0, x2=–r, x3=–r, x4=–r, x5=r, where r is
19. x1=10, x2=20. 21. x=17, y=–20.
any real number. 27. Federal, $72,000; state, $24,000.
23. x=1, y=3. 25. x=–3r+1, y=r.
29. A, 2000; B, 4000; C, 5000. 31. a. 3 of X, 4 of Z;
1 1
2 of X, 1 of Y, 5 of Z; 1 of X; 2 of Y, 6 of Z; 3 of Y, 7 of Z; 27. x=0, y=1, z=2. 29. x=1, y = , z = .
b. 3 of X, 4 of Z; c. 3 of X, 4 of Z; 3 of Y, 7 of Z. 2 2
33. a. Let s, d, g represent the numbers of units S, D, G 31. No solution. 33. w=1, x=3, y=–2, z=7.
- 23 - 13
respectively. The six combinations are given by: 35. c 1 d. 37. a. 40 of model A, 60 of model B;
s 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 - 13
39. b. c d.
d38 7 6 5 4 3 b. The combination s=0, 4 6
b. 45 of model A, 50 of model B.
g 0 1 2 3 4 5 d=3, g=5. 7 10
41. Yes. 43. D: 5000 shares; E:1000 shares; F:4000 shares.
130 50
45. a. c d; b. c 8945 120 d.
1 1 0.51 1.35 89 89
1. Infinitely many solutions: x + z = 0, y + z = 0;
2 2 1.80 1.10 -0.46
1 1 47. £0.35 1.31 -0.17§ .
in parametric form: x = - r, y = - r, z = r, where r is
2 2 0.44 0.42 0.59
any real number. 49. w=14.44, x=0.03, y=–0.80, z=10.33.


1. w=–r-3s+2, x=–2r+s-3, y=r, z=s 1. 6
(where r and s are any real numbers).
3. w=–s, x=–3r-4s+2, y=r, z=s EXERCISE 6.7 (page 285)
(where r and s are any real numbers). 2
1. 1. 3. –16. 5. y. 7. - . 9. 12.
5. w=–2r+s-2, x=–r+4, y=r, z=s 7
(where r and s are any real numbers). a11 a13 a14
7. x1=–2r+s-2t+1, x2=–r-2s+t+4, 11. –12. 13. 6. 15. 3 a21 a23 a24 3 .
x3=r, x4=s, x5=t
a41 a43 a44
(where r, s, and t are any real numbers).
9. Infinitely many. 11. Trivial solution. a21 a22 a24
13. Infinitely many. 15. x=0, y=0. 17. 3 a31 a32 a34 3 . 19. –16. 21. 98. 23. –89.
6 8 a41 a42 a44
17. x = - r, y = r, z = r. 19. x=0, y=0. 25. –1. 27. 2. 29. –90. 31. 1. 33. 24.
5 15
21. x=r, y=–2r, z=r. 1
35. 0. 37. 0. 39. 3, 4. 41. 192. 43. b. .
23. w=–2r, x=–3r, y=r, z=r. 3
45. c=–1 or c=4. 47. –1630. 49. –3864.
1. Yes. 2. MEET AT NOON FRIDAY. EXERCISE 6.8 (page 290)
3 - 16 - 13 3 7 13
3. E–1=£ - 3 - 13 § ; F is not invertible.
1 5 1. x = , y = -1. ,y = 3. x =
2 16 8
- 13 - 16 2 1 6 16
3 5. x = - , y = - 1.
7. x = , z = .
4. A: 5000 shares; B: 2500 shares; C:2500 shares 3 5 5
2 28 26
9. x=4, y=2, z=0. 11. x = , y = - , z = - .
3 15 15
13. x=3-r, y=0, z=r. 15. x=1, y=3, z=5.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN17

1 12 2. x  0, y  0, x+y  50, x  2y; The region consists of

17. y=6, w=1. 19. Since ∆= 2 =0, points on or above the x-axis and on or to the right of the
1 1
Cramer’s rule does not apply. But the equations in y-axis. In addition, the points must be on or above the line
x+y=50 and on or below the line x=2y.
x + y = 2,
represent distinct parallel lines and hence
x + y = - 3, EXERCISE 7.1 (page 306)
no solution exists. 21. Four games.
1. 3. y
23. x=17.85, y=–0.42, z=–24.09. y

EXERCISE 6.9 (page 294) 7

297.80 102.17 2
1. c d; 1405. 3. a. £ 349.54 §; b. £125.28 §.
1290 7
x x
1425 3
443.12 175.27
1301 1073
5. £ 1215 § . 7. £1016 §.
1188 952 5. y 7. y
1 42 5
1. c d. 3. £2 -7§. 5. c d.
3 8 -1 -2 2
-16 -10 5 22 x x
1 0 -2 4

7. c d. 9. c d. 11. c d.
6 -1 -2 2 0
32 2 1 0 17
1 2 0 9. 11.
15. c d. 17. £ 0 0 1§ .
1 0 y y
13. x=3, y=21.
0 1
0 0 0
-3 5
19. x=0, y=0. 21. No solution. 23. c 21 6
2 - 16 x x
25. No inverse exists. 27. x=0, y=1, z=0.
29. 18. 31. 3. 33. rich. 35. x=1, y=2.
37. –2. 39. A2=I£, A–1=A, A¤‚‚‚=I£.
c c a 13. 15.
41. x = 2 - , y = - 1, z = 1 - . y y
a a c
43. a. Let x, y, z represent the weekly doses of capsules of
brands I, II, III, respectively. The combinations are given by:
x y z
combination 1 4 9 0 x x

combination 2 3 6 1 b. Combination 4:
combination 3 2 3 2 x=1, y=0, z=3.
combination 4 1 0 3 17. 19. y
45. c d. 47. c d.
215 87 40.8
89 141 40.56


1. $151.40. 3. It is not possible, because guests 3 and 4
each cost the lodge the same amount per day.


1. 2x+1.5y>0.9x+0.7y+50, y>–1.375x+62.5;
sketch the dashed line y=–1.375x+62.5 and shade the
half plane above the line. In order to produce a profit, the
number of magnets of types A and B produced and sold
must be an ordered pair in the region.
AN18 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

21. y 23. y 9. Z=2 when x1=1, x2=0, x3=0.

16 2 14
11. Z = when x1= , x2= .
3 3 3
13. W=13 when x1=1, x2=0, x3=3.
15. Z=600 when x1=4, x2=1, x3=4, x4=0.
17. 0 from A, 2400 from B; $1200.
x 19. 0 chairs, 300 rockers, 100 chaise lounges; $10,800.


1. 35-7t of device 1, 6t of device 2, 0 of device 3, for
25. 27.
y y 0  t  1.

5 x + y  100 EXERCISE 7.5 (page 337)

100 x + y  0 1. Yes; for the tableau, x2 is the entering variable and the
x 6 3
3 x quotients and tie for being the smallest.
100 2 1
3. No optimum solution (unbounded).
x: number of lb from A 5. Z=12 when x1=4+t, x2=t, and 0  t  1.
y: number of lb from B 7. No optimum solution (unbounded).
29. x  0, y  0, 3x+2y  240, 0.5x+y  80. 3 3
9. Z=13 when x1= - t, x2=6t, x3=4-3t, and
EXERCISE 7.2 (page 315) 2 2
0  t  1.
1. P=640 when x=40, y=20. 11. $15,200. If x1, x2, x3 denote the number of chairs,
3. Z=–10 when x=2, y=3. rockers, and chaise lounges produced, respectively, then
5. No optimum solution (empty feasible region). x1=100-100t,
7. Z=3 when x=0, y=1. x2=100+150t,
3 6 x3=200-50t, and
9. C=2.4 when x = , y = .
5 5 0  t  1.
11. No optimum solution (unbounded).
13. 15 widgets, 25 wadgits; $210. PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 7.6
15. 4 units of food A, 4 units of food B; $8. 1. Plant I: 500 standard, 700 deluxe; plant II: 500 standard,
17. 10 tons of ore I, 10 tons of ore II; $1100. 100 deluxe; $89,500 maximum profit.
19. 6 chambers of type A and 10 chambers of type B.
21. c. x=y=75. EXERCISE 7.6 (page 348)
23. Z=15.54 when x=2.56, y=6.74. 1. Z=7 when x1=1, x2=5.
25. Z=–75.98 when x=9.48, y=16.67. 3. Z=4 when x1=1, x2=2, x3=0.
58 14 2
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 7.3 5. Z= when x1= , x2= , x3=0.
3 3 3
1. Ship 10t+15 TV sets from C to A, –10t+30 TV sets 7. Z=–17 when x1=3, x2=2.
from C to B, –10t+10 TV sets from D to A, and 10t TV 9. No optimum solution (empty feasible region).
sets from D to B, for 0  t  1; minimum cost $780. 11. Z=2 when x1=6, x2=10.
EXERCISE 7.3 (page 318) 13. 255 Standard bookcases, 0 Executive bookcases.
15. 30% in A, 0% in AA, 70% in AAA; 6.6%.
1. Z=33 when x=(1-t)(2)+5t=2+3t,
y=(1-t)(3)+2t=3-t, and 0  t  1. EXERCISE 7.7 (page 352)
3. Z=72 when x=(1-t)(3)+4t=3+t, 1. Z=54 when x1=2, x2=8.
y=(1-t)(2)+0t=2-2t, and 0  t  1. 3. Z=216 when x1=18, x2=0, x3=0.
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 7.4 5. Z=4 when x1=0, x2=0, x3=4.
7. Z=0 when x1=3, x2=0, x3=1.
1. 0 gadgets of Type 1, 72 gadgets of Type 2, 12 gadgets of 9. Z=28 when x1=3, x2=0, x3=5.
Type 3; maximum profit of $20,400. 11. Install device A on kilns producing 700,000 barrels
EXERCISE 7.4 (page 330) annually, and device B on kilns producing 2,600,000 barrels
annually. 13. To Exton, 5 from A and 10 from B; to
1. Z=8 when x1=0, x2=4. Whyton, 15 from A; $380. 15. a. Column 3: 1, 3, 3;
3. Z=14 when x1=1, x2=5. column 4: 0, 4, 8; b. x1=10, x2=0, x3=20, x4=0;
5. Z=28 when x1=3, x2=2. c. 90 in.
7. Z=20 when x1=0, x2=5, x3=0.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN19


1. Minimize W=60,000y1+2000y2+120y3 subject to
300y1+20y2+3y3  300,
220y1+40y2+y3  200,
180y1+20y2+2y3  200, x x
and y1, y2, y3  0.
2. Maximize W=98y1+80y2 subject to
20y1+8y2  6,
6y1+16y2  2, 9. 11. Z=3 when x=3, y=0.
and y1, y2  0. 13. Z=–2 when x=0, y=2.
3. 5 device 1, 0 device 2, 15 device 3. 15. No optimum solution
EXERCISE 7.8 (page 361) (empty feasible region).
17. Z=36 when x=2+2t,
1. Minimize W=6y1+4y2 subject to y=3-3t, and 0  t  1.
y1-y2  2, 19. Z=32 when x1=8, x2=0.
y1+y2  3, 21. Z=2 when x1=0, x2=0,
y1, y2  0. x3=2.
3. Maximize W=8y1+2y2 subject to
y1-y2  1, 23. Z=24 when x1=0, x2=12.
y1+2y2  8, 7 5 9
y1+y2  5, 25. Z= when x1= , x2=0, x3= .
2 4 4
y1, y2  0. 27. No optimum solution (unbounded).
5. Minimize W=13y1-3y2-11y3 subject to 29. Z=70 when x1=35, x2=0, x3=0.
–y1+y2-y3  1, 31. 0 units of X, 6 units of Y, 14 units of Z; $398.
2y1-y2-y3  –1, 33. 500,000 gal from A to D, 100,000 gal from A to C,
y1, y2, y3  0. 400,000 gal from B to C; $19,000.
7. Maximize W=–3y1+3y2 subject to 35. 10 kg of food A only.
–y1+y2  4, 37. Z=117.88 when x=7.23, y=3.40.
y1-y2  4,
y1, y2  0. 1. 2 minutes of radiation. 3. Answers may vary.
1 3
9. Z=11 when x1=0, x2= , x3= . PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 8.1
2 2
11. Z=26 when x1=6, x2=1. 1. 4.9%. 2. 7 years, 16 days. 3. 7.7208%.
13. Z=14 when x1=1, x2=2. 4. The $10,000 investment is slightly better over 20 years.
15. $250 on newspaper advertising, $1400 on radio
advertising; $1650. EXERCISE 8.1 (page 372)
17. 20 shipping clerk apprentices, 40 shipping clerks, 1. a. $11,105.58; b. $5105.58. 3. 4.060%. 5. 4.081%.
90 semiskilled workers, 0 skilled workers; $1200. 7. a. 10%; b. 10.25%; c. 10.381%; d. 10.471%; e. 10.516%.
9. 8.08%. 11. 9.0 years. 13. $10,282.95.
REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 7 (page 362) 15. $38,503.23. 17. a. 18%; b. $19.56%.
1. y 3. y 19. $3198.54. 21. 8% compounded annually.
23. a. 5.47%; b. 5.39%. 25. 11.61%. 27. 6.29%.

EXERCISE 8.2 (page 377)

1. $2261.34. 3. $1751.83. 5. $5118.10.
x x 7. $4862.31. 9. $6838.95. 11. $9419.05.
2 –3/2
13. $14,091.10. 15. $1238.58. 17. $3244.63
–3 19. a. $515.62; b. profitable. 21. Savings account.
23. $226.25. 25. 9.55%.


1 3
1. 48 ft, 36 ft, 27 ft, 20
ft, 15 ft.
4 16
2. 750, 1125, 1688, 2531, 3797, 5695. 3. 35.72 m.
AN20 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

4. $176,994.65. 5. 6.20%. 6. $101,925; $121,925. 15.

7. $723.03. 8. $13,962.01. 9. $45,502.06.
Prin. Outs. Interest Pmt. Prin.
10. $48,095.67.
at for at Repaid
EXERCISE 8.3 (page 386) Period Beginning Period End at End
1. 64, 32, 16, 8, 4. 3. 100, 102, 104.04. 5. . 1 15,000.00 112.50 3067.84 2955.34
7. 1.11111. 9. 18.664613. 11. 8.213180. 2 12,044.66 90.33 3067.84 2977.51
13. $2050.10. 15. $29,984.06. 17. $8001.24. 3 9067.15 68.00 3067.84 2999.84
19. $90,231.01. 21. $204,977.46. 23. $24,594.36. 4 6067.31 45.50 3067.84 3022.34
25. $1937.14. 27. $458.40. 5 3044.97 22.84 3067.81 3044.97
29. a. $3048.85; b. $648.85. 31. $3474.12. Total 339.17 15,339.17 15,000.00
33. $1725. 35. 102.91305. 37. 55,360.30.
39. $131.34. 41. $1,872,984.02. 17. $1279.36.
43. $205,073; $142,146.
EXERCISE 8.4 (page 391)
1. $15,597.85. 3. When investors expect a drop in inter-
1. $69.33. 3. $502.84. est rates, long-term investments become more attractive
5. a. $221.43; b. $25; c. $196.43. relative to short-term ones.
7. EXERCISE 9.1 (page 403)
Prin. Outs. Interest Pmt. Prin. 1. Assembly Finishing Production
at for at Repaid line line route
Period Beginning Period End at End D AD
1 5000.00 350.00 1476.14 1126.14 E AE
2 3873.86 271.17 1476.14 1204.97 Start B
3 2668.89 186.82 1476.14 1289.32 E BE
4 1379.57 96.57 1476.14 1379.57 D CD
Total 904.56 5904.56 5000.00 E CE
6 possible production routes
Prin. Outs. Interest Pmt. Prin. Die Coin Result
H 1, H
at for at Repaid 1
Period Beginning Period End at End T 1, T

1 900.00 22.50 193.72 171.22 H 2, H

2 728.78 18.22 193.72 175.50 T 2, T
3 553.28 13.83 193.72 179.89 H 3, H
4 373.39 9.33 193.72 184.39 T 3, T
5 189.00 4.73 193.73 189.00 H 4, H
Total 68.61 968.61 900.00 4
T 4, T
11. 11. 13. $1273. H 5, H
15. a. $2089.69; b. $1878.33; c. $211.36; d. $381,907. 5
17. 23. 19. $113,302.45. 21. $38.64. T 5, T
H 6, H
T 6, T
1. . 3. 8.5% compounded annually. 12 possible results
5. 20. 7. 96. 9. 1024. 11. 20. 13. 720.
5. $586.60. 7. a. $1997.13; b. $3325.37.
15. 720. 17. 1000; error message is displayed.
9. $936.85. 11. $886.98. 13. $314.00.
19. 6. 21. 336. 23. 216. 25. 1320. 27. 336.
29. 720. 31. 2520; 5040. 33. 624. 35. 24.
37. a. 11,880; b. 19,008. 39. 48. 41. 2880.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN21

EXERCISE 9.2 (page 412) 1

29. . 31. a. 0.51; b. 0.44; c. 0.03. 33. 4:1.
1. 15. 3. 1. 5. 18. 9. 2380. 11. 66. 9
74! 5 2
13. . 15. 56. 17. 1680. 19. 35. 35. 3:7. 37. . 39. . 41. 3:1.
10! # 64! 9 7
21. 720. 23. 1680. 25. 252. 27. 756,756.
EXERCISE 9.5 (page 447)
29. a. 90; b. 330. 31. 17,325. 33. a. 1; b. 1; c. 18.
35. 3744. 37. 5,250,960. 2 3 1 2 1
1. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. ; e. . 3. 1. 5. 0.43.
5 5 3 3 3
1. 10,586,800. 7. a. ; b. . 9. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. .
2 3 5 5 2 9
EXERCISE 9.3 (page 421) 5 35 11 8 10 25
11. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. ; e. ; f. .
8 58 39 25 47 86
1. {9D, 9H, 9C, 9S}.
1 4 2 1 1 2
3. {1H, 1T, 2H, 2T, 3H, 3T, 4H, 4T, 5H, 5T, 6H, 6T}. 13. a. ; b. . 15. . 17. a. ; b. . 19. .
5. {mo, mu, ms, me, om, ou, os, oe, um, uo, us, ue, sm, so, sn, 2 9 3 2 4 3
se, em, eo, eu, es}. 1 1 1 1 40
21. . 23. . 25. . 27. . 29. .
7. a. {RR, RW, RB, WR, WW, WB, BR, BW, BB}; 11 6 2 13 51
b. {RW, RB, WR, WB, BR, BW}. 8 11 2 47 27
31. . 33. . 35. . 37. a. ; b. .
9. Sample space consists of ordered sets of six elements and 16,575 850 17 100 47
each element is H or T; 64. 3 3 9 1 1
39. a. ; b. . 41. . 43. . 45. .
11. Sample space consists of ordered pairs where first ele- 4 5 20 4 25
ment indicates card drawn and second element indicates 4
number on die; 312. 47. 0.049. 49. a. 0.06; b. 0.155. 51. .
13. Sample space consists of combinations of 52 cards
taken 13 at a time; 52C13. EXERCISE 9.6 (page 458)
15. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. 17. {7, 9}. 19. {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}. 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 5
21. S. 23. E1 and E4, E2 and E3, E3 and E4. 1. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. ; e. ; f. ; g. . 3. .
4 6 3 3 12 2 3 6
25. E and H, G and H, H and I. 5. Independent. 7. Independent. 9. Dependent.
27. a. {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT}; 11. Dependent. 13. a. Dependent; b. dependent;
c. {HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT}; d. S; c. dependent; d. no. 15. Dependent. 17. .
e. {HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH}; f. ;
1 3 3 1 1
g. {HHH, TTT}. 19. . 21. . 23. a. ; b. ; c. .
29. a. {ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA}; 25 676 10 40 10
b. {ABC, ACB}; c. {BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA}. 2 1 7 13 2 2 4
25. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. ; e. . 27. a. ; b. .
5 5 15 15 15 15 15
EXERCISE 9.4 (page 433) 139 3 1 3
29. . 31. . 33. a. ; b. .
1. 600. 3. a. 0.8; b. 0.4. 5. No. 361 200 1728 8
5 1 1 1 1 1 5 15 1 53
7. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. ; e. ; f. ; g. . 35. a. ; b. ; c. . 37. 0.0106.
36 12 4 36 2 2 6 1024 64 512
1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
9. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. ; e. ; f. ; g. ; h. ; i. 0. EXERCISE 9.7 (page 468)
52 4 13 2 2 52 13 26
1 4 1 8 1 39 1 1 4 12
11. a. ; b. = ; c. = ; d. = . 1. P(E | D)= , P(F | D¿)= . 3. ≠0.387.
624 624 156 624 78 624 16 4 7 31
12 1 338 13 258 14 5 6
13. a. = ; b. = . 5. a. ≠0.275; b. ≠0.005. 7. . 9. .
2652 221 2652 102 937 3021 8 31
1 3 1 7 4 1 81 3
15. a. ; b. ; c. ; d. . 17. a. ; b. . 11. ≠0.910. 13. ≠55.1%. 15. .
8 8 8 8 5 5 89 4
19. a. 0.1; b. 0.35; c. 0.7; d. 0.95; e. 0.1, 0.35, 0.7, 0.95. 24 4 14
17. ≠0.828. 19. . 21. ≠0.933.
1 1 1 11 29 5 15
21. . 23. a. 10 = ; b. . 41 24 23
10 2 1024 1024 23. a. =0.205; b. ≠0.585; c. =0.115.
13 · 4C3 · 12 · 4C2 200 41 200
25. . 25. a. 0.18; b. 0.23; c. 0.59; d. high quality.
6545 4140 7
27. a. ≠0.040; b. ≠0.026. 27. ≠0.78.
161,700 161,700 9
AN22 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■


1. 336. 3. 36. 5. 608,400. 7. 32. 9. 210. 1. x P(x)
11. 126. 13. a. 2024; b. 253. 15. 34,650. 17. 560.
19. a. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; b. {4, 5, 6}; c. {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; d. ; 2401
e. {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; f. no. 0
21. a. {R1R2R3, R1R2G3, R1G2R3, R1G2G3, G1R2R3,
G1R2G3, G1G2R3, G1G2G3}; b. {R1R2G3, R1G2R3, G1R2R3}; 1
c. {R1R2R3, G1G2G3}. 10,000
45 4 2 2646
23. 0.2. 25. . 27. a. ; b. . 2
512 25 15 10,000
1 1 6 3 756
29. a. ; b. . 31. 3:5. 33. . 35. . 3
4 4 7 13 10,000
2 1 1 81
37. 0.42. 39. a. ; b. . 41. . 4
11 18 4 10,000
43. a. ; b. independent. 45. Dependent.
47. a. 0.0081; b. 0.2646; c. 0.3483. EXERCISE 10.2 (page 492)
22 1 4
1. f1 0 2 = , f11 2 = , f12 2 =
49. . 51. . 53. a. 0.014; b. ≠0.57. 9 3 1 1
45 4 7 ; Â= ; Í= .
16 8 16 2 4
, f11 2 = , f12 2 = , f13 2 =
3. f1 02 = ; Â=2;
1. ≠0.645. 27 9 9 27
16 96 3
EXERCISE 10.1 (page 486) Í= . 5. 0.001536. 7. = 0.1536. 9. .
3 625 16
1. Â=1.7; Var(X)=1.01; Í≠1.00. 165 96
11. ≠0.081. 13. = 0.1536. 15. 0.002.
2048 625
f(x) 9 5 16
17. a. ; b. . 19. ≠0.593. 21. 0.7599.
64 32 27
0.4 13 2187
23. . 25. ≠0.267.
0.3 16 8192
0.2 EXERCISE 10.3 (page 502)
1 3
x 1. No. 3. No. 5. Yes. ,b = .
7. a =
0 1 2 3 3 4
9. a=0.3, b=0.6, c=0.1. 11. Yes. 13. No.
9 11
15. X1=c d , X2=c d , X3=c d.
3. Â= =2.25; Var(X)= =0.6875; Í≠0.83. 11 1 25 11 83 25
4 16
12 12 36 36 108 108
17. X1=30.42 0.584, X2=30.416 0.5844,
5. a. 0.1; b. 5; c. 3.
X3=30.4168 0.58324.
3 3
7. E(X)= =1.5; Í2= =0.75; Í≠0.87.
2 4 19. X1=30.26 0.28 0.464, X2=30.164 0.302 0.5344,
6 2 9
9. E(X)= =1.2; Í = =0.36; Í= =0.6.
3 X3=30.1766 0.3138 0.50964.
5 25 5 5 3 7 9
1 3 3
21. a. T2= ≥ ¥ , T3= ≥ ¥ ; b. ; c.
11. f(0)= , f(1)= , f(2)= . 8 8 16 16 3 9
10 5 10 .
3 5 9 7 8 16
13. a. –$0.15 (a loss); b. –$0.30 (a loss). 15. $101.43.
8 8 16 16
17. $3.00. 19. $410. 21. Loss of $0.25; $1.
0.50 0.40 0.10
23. a. T2=£0.23 0.69 0.08§ ,
0.27 0.54 0.19
0.230 0.690 0.080
T3=£0.369 0.530 0.101§ ; b. 0.40; c. 0.369.
0.327 0.543 0.130
25. c d. 27. c d. 29. 30.5 0.25 0.254.
3 2 3 4
5 5 7 7
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN23


a. c d; b.
0.1 0.9 1. 7.
31. 37, 36. 0 1 0 0
0.2 0.8
3. Against Always Defect: ≥ ¥;
A B 0 0.1 0 0.9
0 1 0 0
c d;
A 0.9 0.1
33. a. b. 0.781. 0 0.1 0 0.9
B 0.2 0.8
D R O 1 0 0 0

Against Always Cooperate: ≥ ¥;

D 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0.9 0
35. a. R £0.1 0.8 0.1 §; b. 0.19; c. 40%. 1 0 0 0
O 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 0 0.9 0
A Compet. 1 0 0 0

Against regular Tit-for-tat: ≥ ¥.

0.1 1 0.9 0
c d ; b. 65%; c. 60%.
A 0.8 0.2
37. a.
Compet. 0.3 0.7 0 1 0 0
1 2 0 0.1 0 0.9
5 2
39. a. ≥ 7 7 ¥ ; 1. The limit as x S a does not exist if a is an integer, but it
3 4
2 exists if a is any other value.
7 7 2. 36∏ cc. 3. 3616. 4. 20. 5. 2.
b. 59.18% in compartment 1, 40.82% in compartment 2;
EXERCISE 11.1 (page 521)
c. 60% in compartment 1, 40% in compartment 2.
1. a. 1; b. 0; c. 1. 3. a. 1; b. does not exist; c. 3.
41. a. c d ; b. 33 %.
2 1 1
3 5. f(0.9)=2.8, f(0.99)=2.98, f(0.999)=2.998,
3 3
f(1.001)=3.002, f(1.01)=3.02, f(1.1)=3.2; 3.
REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 10 (page 506) 7. f(–0.1)≠0.9516, f(–0.01)≠0.9950,
1. Â=1.5, Var(X)=0.65, Í=0.81. f(–0.001)≠0.9995, f(0.001)≠1.0005, f(0.01)≠1.0050.
f(0.1)≠1.0517; 1.
f(x) 5
9. 16. 11. 20. 13. –1. 15. - . 17. 0.
0.7 19. 5. 21. –2. 23. 3. 25. 0. 27. .
1 11
29. - . 31. . 33. 4. 35. 2x. 37. –1.
5 9
0.1 1
x 39. 2x. 41. 2x-3. 43. . 45. a. 1; b. 0.
1 2 3 4
47. 11.00. 49. –7.00. 51. Does not exist.
, f1 2 2 = f1 32 = f1 4 2 = f1 5 2
3. a. f1 12 =
=f1 6 2 = , f1 72 =
1 1
; b. 4. 5. $0.10 (a loss). 1. lim p(x)=0. The graph starts out high and quickly goes
6 12 xSq

7. a. $176; b. $704,000. down toward zero. Accordingly, consumers are willing

9. f10 2 = 0.729, f1 1 2 = 0.243, f12 2 = 0.027, to purchase large quantities of the product at prices close
1 8 to 0.
Â=0.3; Í=10.27≠0.52. 11. . 13. . 2. lim y(x)=500. The greatest yearly sales they can
64 81 xSq
11 expect with unlimited advertising is $500,000.
15. . 17. a=0.3, b=0.2, c=0.5. 3. lim C(x)= q . This means that the cost continues to
27 xSq
19. X1=30.10 0.15 0.754, X2=30.130 0.155 0.7154. increase without bound as more units are made.
19 30 109 234 4. The limit does not exist; $250.

21. a. T2= ≥ ¥ , T3= ≥ ¥ ; b.

49 49 343 343 30
; EXERCISE 11.2 (page 531)
15 34 117 226 49
1. a. 2; b. 3; c. does not exist; d. –q; e. q; f. q; g. q;
49 49 343 343
h. 0; i. 1; j. 1; k. 1. 3. 1. 5. –q. 7. –q.
23. c d.
117 1 1 9. q. 11. 0. 13. Does not exist. 15. 0.
c. .
343 2 2 17. q. 19. 0. 21. 1. 23. 0. 25. q.
25. a. 76%; b. 74.4% Japanese, 25.6% non-Japanese; 2 2
27. 0. 29. - . 31. –q. 33. . 35. –q.
c. 75% Japanese, 25% non-Japanese. 5 5
AN24 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

11 1 EXERCISE 11.5 (page 547)

37. . 39. - . 41. q. 43. q. 45. q.
5 2
5. a- , -2b.
47. Does not exist. 49. –q. 51. 0. 53. 1. 1. (–q, –1), (4, q). 3. [2, 3].
55. a. 1; b. 2; c. does not exist; d. 1; e. 2. 7. No solution. 9. (–q, –6], [–2, 3].
57. a. 0; b. 0; c. 0; d. –q; e. –q. 11. (–q, –4), (0, 5). 13. [0, q). 15. (–3, 0), (1, q).
59. 61. 20,000. 63. 20. 17. (–q, –3), (0, 3). 19. (1, q).
21. (–q, –5), [–2, 1), [3, q). 23. (–5, –1).
lim c = 6
25. (–q, –1-13], [–1+13, q).
27. Between 50 and 150 inclusive. 29. 17 in. by 17 in.
31. (–q, –7.72]. 33. (–q, –0.5), (0.667, q).
8 3
65. 1, 0.5, 0.525, 0.631, 0.912, 0.986, 0.998; conclude limit is 1. 1. –5. 3. 2. 5. x. 7. - . 9. 0. 11. .
3 7
67. 0. 69. a. 11; b. 9; c. does not exist.
13. Does not exist. 15. –1. . 17. 19. –q.
EXERCISE 11.3 (page 535) 9
21. q. 23. –q. 25. 1. 27. –q. 29. 8.
1. $5563.87; $1563.87. 3. $1456.87. 5. 4.08%.
31. 23. 33. a. $5034.38; b. $1241.46. 35. 6.18%.
7. 3.05%. 9. $109.42. 11. $778,800.78.
37. 20 ln 2.
13. a. $21,911; b. $6599. 15. $4.88%.
41. Continuous everywhere; f is a polynomial function.
17. $1264. 19. 16 years.
43. x=–3. 45. None. 47. x=–4, 1.
21. Option (a): $1072.51; Option (b): $1093.30;
49. x=–2. 51. (–q, –6), (2, q).
Option (c): $1072.18.
53. [2, q), x=0. 55. (–q, –5), (–1, 1).
23. a. $9458.51; b. This strategy is better by $26.90.
57. (–q, –4), [–3, 0], (2, q). 59. 1.00.
EXERCISE 11.4 (page 543) 61. 0. 63. [2.00, q).
7. Continuous at –2 and 0. 9. Discontinuous at —3. MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOT—CHAPTER 11 (page 553)
11. Continuous at 2 and 0. 13. f is a polynomial function.
1. 17%.
15. f is a rational function and the denominator is never zero.
3. An exponential model assumes a fixed repayment rate.
17. None. 19. x=–4. 21. None.
23. x=–5, 3. 25. x=0, —1. 27. None. PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 12.1
29. x=0. 31. None. 33. x=2.
35. Discontinuities at t=1, 2, 3, 4. 1. =40-32t.
EXERCISE 12.1 (page 564)
1. a.
0.22 x-value of Q 3 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.01 2.001
0.10 mPQ 19 15.25 13.24 12.61 12.0601 12.0060
x b. We estimate that mtan=12.
1 2 3 4 41
2 3. 1. 5. 4. 7. –4. 9. 0. 11. 2x+4.
37. Yes, no, no. 6 1
13. 4q+5. 15. - 2 . 17. . 19. –4.
x 21x + 2
y 21. 0. 23. y=x+4. 25. y=–3x-7.
600 27. y= -3x + 9. 29. .
rL - r -
100 31. –3.000, 13.445. 33. –5.120, 0.038.
x 35. For the x-values of the points where the tangent to the
5 10 15
graph of f is horizontal, the corresponding values of f¿(x)
are 0. This is expected because the slope of a horizontal line
is zero and the derivative gives the slope of the tangent line.
1. 50-0.6q.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN25

EXERCISE 12.2 (page 571) 6x 12

37. a. 6x; b. ; c. 12; d. ≠0.632; e. 63.2%.
1. 0. 3. 6x . 5
5. 80x . 79
7. 18x. 4
9. 20w . 3x2 + 7 19
8 3 18 3x 3
11. x . 13. t . 15. 1. 17. 8x-2. 39. a. –3x2; b. - ; c. –3; d. - ≠–0.429;
3 2 8 - x3 7
19. 4p -9p . 2 7
21. –8x +5x . 4 e. –42.9%. 41. 3.2; 21.3%.
4 4
23. –39x2+28x-2. 25. –8x3. 27. - x3. 43. a. dr/dq=30-0.6q; b. ≠0.089; c. 9%.
3 45
6 7 0.432
29. 16x3+3x2-9x+8. 31. x3+7x2. 33. x5>2. 45. . 47. $3125. 49. $5.07/unit.
5 2 t
3 -1>4 10 2>3 11 -1>2 11
35. x + x . 37. x or . 39. 2r–2/3. PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 12.5
4 3 2 21x
41. –4x–5. 43. –3x–4-5x–6+12x–7. dR
1. = 6.25-6x. 2. T¿(x)=2x-x2; T¿(1)=1.
1 dx
45. –x–2 or - 2 . 47. –40x–6. 49. –4x-4.
EXERCISE 12.5 (page 594)
1 1
51. - t-2. 53. - 7x-2. 55. –3x–2/3-2x–7/5. 1. (4x+1)(6)+(6x+3)(4)=48x+18=6(8x+3).
2 7
3. (8-7t)(2t)+(t2-2)(–7)=14+16t-21t2.
1 5
57. - x-6>5. 59. –x–3/2. 61. x3>2. 5. (3r2-4)(2r-5)+(r2-5r+1)(6r)
5 2
63. 9x2-20x+7. 65. 45x4.
7. 8x3-10x.
= x-5>3 1 x - 10 2 .
1 10 -5>3 1 4
67. x-2>3 - x 69. 8q + 2 . 9. (x2+3x-2)(4x-1)+(2x2-x-3)(2x+3)
3 3 3 q =8x3+15x2-20x-7.
71. 2(x+2). 73. 1. 75. 4, 16, –14. 77. 0, 0, 0. 11. (8w2+2w-3)(15w2)+(5w3+2)(16w+2)
79. y=13x+2. 81. y=–4x+6. =200w4+40w3-45w2+32w+4.
85. (0, 0), a2, - b .
4 13. (x2-1)(9x2-6)+(3x3-6x+5)(2x)-4(8x+2)
83. y=x+3. 87. (3, –3).
3 =15x4-27x2-22x-2.
89. 0. 91. The tangent line is y=9x-16.
15. c 1p1>2 - 42 14 2 + 1 4p - 52 a p-1>2 b d
3 1
2 2
= 112p1>2 - 5p-1>2 - 322 .
dy dy
1. 2.5 units. 2.
= 16 - 32t. =0 feet/s. 4
dt dt t = 0.5 17. 0. 19. 18x2+94x+31.
When t=0.5 the object reaches its maximum height. 1x - 1 2 15 2 - 15x2 1 12 5
1x - 12 2 1x - 1 2 2
3. 1.2 and 120%. 21. = - .

EXERCISE 12.3 (page 582) 9 1x - 1 2 11 2 - 1x + 22 11 2 3

1x - 12 2 1x - 12 2
23. - 7 . 25. = - .
1z - 42 1 -22 - 16 - 2z2 12z2 21 z - 6z + 4 2
1. ≤t 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.001 2 2

1z2 - 42 2 1z2 - 4 2 2
27. = .
1x - 5x2 116x - 22 - 18x - 2x + 12 12x - 52
≤s/≤t 9 6.75 5.64 5.31 5.0301 5.003001 2 2

1x2 - 5x2 2
29. .
We estimate the velocity t=1 to be 5.0000 m/s.
With differentiation the velocity is 5 m/s. -38x2 - 2x + 5
1x2 - 5x2 2
3. a. 4 m; b. 5.5 m/s; c. 5 m/s. = .
5. a. 8 m; b. 6.1208 m/s; c. 6 m/s. 12x2 - 3x + 22 12x - 4 2 - 1x2 - 4x + 32 1 4x - 3 2
12x2 - 3x + 2 2 2
7. a. 2 m; b. 10.261 m/s; c. 9 m/s. 9. 0.65. 31.
dy 25 3>2 2
5x - 8x + 1
11. = x ; 337.50. 13. 0.27.
12x2 - 3x + 22 2
dx 2 = .
15. dc/dq=10; 10. 17. dc/dq=0.6q+2; 3.8. 100x99 41v5 + 22
1x + 72
19. dc/dq=2q+50; 80, 82, 84. 33. - 100 2. 35. .
21. dc/dq=0.02q+5; 6, 7. 2
15x - 2x + 1 4 2
23. dc/dq=0.00006q2-0.02q+6; 4.6, 11.
1x - 8 2 13x + 1 2 2
37. 4>3 . 39. 2 + .
3 1x + 2 2 1x - 42 4 11 2 - 1 x - 52 12x - 2 2
25. dr/dq=0.7; 0.7, 0.7, 0.7.
27. dr/dq=250+90q-3q2; 625, 850, 625.
3 1x + 2 2 1x - 42 4 2
29. dc/dq=6.750-0.000656q; 3.47.
31. dP/dR=–4,650,000R–1.93. 33. a. –7.5; b. 4.5. - 1 x2 - 10x + 182
3 1x + 2 2 1x - 42 4 2
= .
1 1
35. a. 1; b. ; c. 1; d. ≠0.111; e. 11.1%.
x + 4 9
AN26 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

43. 1x2 + 42 3 12 2 - 12x - 52 33 1x2 + 42 2 12x2 4

3 1t2 - 12 1t3 + 7 2 4 12t + 3 2 - 1t2 + 3t 2 15t4 - 3t2 + 14t 2
1x2 + 42 6
3 1 t2 - 1 2 1t3 + 7 2 4 2 -2 15x2 - 15x - 42
1x2 + 42 4
-3t - 12t + t + 6t3 - 21t2 - 14t - 21
6 5 4 = .
3 1t2 - 1 2 1 t3 + 7 2 4 2 13x - 1 2 340 18x - 12 4 - 18x - 1 2 5 39 13x - 1 2 2 4
= . 3 4

13x - 12 6
2x3 + 3x2 - 12x + 4 2a
3 x1x - 1 2 1x - 2 2 4 2 1a + x2 2 18x - 12 148x - 312
45. 3 - . 47. - . 4

13x - 1 2 4
= .
3 15
49. –6. 51. y = - x + . 53. y=16x+24. 49. 6{(5x +2)[2x (x +5)–1/2]+(x4+5)1/2(10x)}
2 3 4
2 2
dr =12x(x4+5)–1/2(10x4+2x2+25).
55. 1.5. 57. 1 m, –1.5 m/s. 59. = 25 - 0.04q.
- 18t - 7 2 = 15 - 8t +
dq 5 5
1t + 4 2 2 1t + 4 2 2
51. 8+ .
dr 216 dC
1q + 222
- 3. 63.
= 0.672. 1x2 - 72 4 3 12x + 12 122 1 3x - 52 13 2 + 13x - 52 2 122 4
1 3 - 12x + 12 13x - 52 2 34 1x2 - 72 3 12x2 4
1x2 - 72 8
65. ; . 67. 0.615; 0.385. 69. a. 0.32; b. 0.026. 53. .
4 4
dc 5q 1q + 6 2 9 0.7355 55. 0. 57. 0. 59. y=4x-11.
1q + 32 2 1 1 + 0.02744x2 2
71. = . 73. . 75. . 1 5
dq 10 61. y = - x + . 63. 96%. 65. 20. 67. 13.99.
1 6 3
77. - . 79. 6x2 + 2x - 13. q q
120 69. a. - ; b. - ;
2q + 20
1002q + 20 - q2 - 20


c. 100 - - 2q2 + 20.
1. 288t. 2q + 20

EXERCISE 12.6 (page 604) dc 5q1q2 + 62

75. 48(10)–19.
1q2 + 32 3>2
71. –325. 73. = .
1. (2u-2)(2x-1)=4x3-6x2-2x+2.
77. a. –0.001424x‹+0.01338x¤+1.692x-34.8; –22.986;
3. a - 3 b 1 - 12 =
2 2
12 - x2 3
. 5. –2. 7. 0. b. –0.001. 79. –4. 81. 40. 83. 86,111.22.
5 2 2
9. 18(3x+2) . 11. –6x(5-x ) . REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 12 (page 608)
13. 200(3x2-16x+1)(x3-8x2+x)99. 13
15. –6x(x2-x)–4. 1. –2x. 3. . 5. 0.
17. - 10 14x - 32 12x2 - 3x - 12 -13>3.
7. 28x3-18x2+10x=2x(14x2-9x+5).
19. 110x - 1 2 15x2 - x2 -1>2. 21. 12x - 1 2 -3>4.
1 1 2x
2 2 9. 4s3+4s=4s(s2+1). 11. .
x 1 x + 12 -3>5.
12 2 3 13. (x +6x)(3x -12x)+(x -6x2+4)(2x+6)
2 2 3
23. 25. –6(4x-1)(2x2-x+1)–2.
5 =5x4-108x2+8x+24.
27. –2(2x-3)(x2-3x)–3. 29. –8(8x-1)–3/2. 15. 100(2x2+4x)99(4x+4)
31. 17x2 -2>3 + 17
7 3 =400(x+1)[(2x)(x+2)]99.
3 6
12x + 12 2
33. (x2)[5(x-4)4(1)]+(x-4)5(2x) 17. - .
=x(x-4)4(7x-8). 19. (8+2x)(4)(x2+1)3(2x)+(x2+1)4(2)
35. 1 2x2 c 16x - 1 2 -1>2 1 6 2 d + 1 16x - 12 1 2 2
1 =2(x2+1)3(9x2+32x+1).
2 1z2 + 42 12z2 - 1z2 - 12 12z2 10z
1z2 + 42 2 1z + 42 2
= 6x16x - 12 -1>2 + 2 16x - 1. 21. = 2 .
37. (x2+2x-1)3(5)+(5x)[3(x2+2x-1)2(2x+2)]
23. 14x - 1 2 -2>3.
=5(x2+2x-1)2(7x2+8x-1). 3
39. (8x-1)3[4(2x+1)3(2)]+(2x+1)4[3(8x-1)2(8)]
25. - 11 - x2 -3>2 1 -12 = 11 - x2 -3>2.
1 1
x - 7 9 1x + 4 2 11 2 - 1x - 7 2 112
2 2
41. 10 a b c d 27. (x-6)4[3(x+5)2]+(x+5)3[4(x-6)3]
x + 4 1x + 4 2 2 =(x-6)3(x+5)2(7x+2).
110 1x - 7 2 9 1 x + 6 2 1 52 - 15x - 42 11 2 34
1 x + 4 2 11
= .
1x + 6 2 2 1x + 62 2
29. = .
1 x - 2 -1>2 1 x + 32 1 1 2 - 1x - 2 2 11 2
43. a b c d 31. 2 a - b x-11>8 + a - b 12x2 -11>8 12 2
3 3
2 x + 3 1x + 322 8 8
2a b
5 x - 2 -1>2
= - 11 + 2 2x
2 1x + 3 2 x + 3
= . -11>8 -11>8
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN27

2x2 + 5 12x2 - 1x2 + 6 2 11>2 2 1x2 + 5 2 -1>2 12x2 x

+ ln 1x - 1.
21 x - 1 2
33. . 41. 43. .
x2 + 5 2x 14 + 3 ln x
x1x2 + 4 2 ln13 2 - 1 25
45. y=4x-12. 47. . 49. .
1x2 + 5 2 3>2
= . ln2 3 7
dq 20 6a
35. a b 1x3 + 6x2 + 9 2 -2>5 1 3x2 + 12x2 .
1T - a2 + aT2 1 a - T2
51. = . 53. .
5 dp 2p + 1
57. 1.36.
= x1x + 4 2 1x3 + 6x2 + 9 2 -2>5.
37. 7(1-2z). 39. y=–4x+3.
1 4 5 1. = Ckekt.
41. y = x + . 43. ≠0.714; 71.4%. dt
12 3 7
45. dr/dq=20-0.2q. 47. 0.569, 0.431. EXERCISE 13.2 (page 623)
49. dr/dq=450-q. 1. 7ex.
3. 2xex + 4. 5. –5e9-5x.
51. dc/dq=0.125+0.00878q; 0.7396. 7. (6r+4)e 3r2 + 4r + 4 2
=2(3r+2)e3r + 4r + 4.
4 1 9. x(ex)+ex(1)=ex(x+1).
11. 2xe-x (1-x2).
53. 84 eggs/mm. 55. a. ; b. . 57. 8∏ ft3/ft.
3 24 x
e - e -x
2 2e2w 1w - 1 2
10,000 1 13. . 15. (6x)43x ln 4. 17. .
59. 4q- . 61. a. 240; b. ; 3 w3
q2 100 e 1 + 1x
2e x
21. 5x4-5x ln 5.
1e + 1 2 2
c. no, since dr/dm<300 when m=80. 63. 0.305. 19. . 23. x .
65. –0.32. 25. 1. 27. (1+ln x)e x ln x
. 29. –e.
MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOT—CHAPTER 12 (page 612) 31. y-e–2=e–2(x+2) or y=e–2x+3e–2.
33. dp/dq=–0.015e–0.001q, –0.015e–0.5.
1. The slope is greater—above 0.9. More is spent; less is saved.
35. dc/dq=10eq/700; 10e0.5; 10e. 37. –5.
3. Spend $705, save $295. 5. Answers may vary.
39. e. 41. 100e–2. 47. –b(10A-bM) ln 10.
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 13.1 51. 0.0036. 53. 0.68.
1. = . 2. = .
dp 3p2 + 4 dI I ln 10
= 0.51P - P2 2 .
EXERCISE 13.1 (page 618) dt
dV dr dV
4 3 2 2x 2. =4∏r¤ and =2880∏ inches/minute
1. . 3. . 5. . 7. - . dt dt dt r = 12
x 3x - 7 x 1 - x2
31 2p + 1 2
2 2 3. The top of the ladder is sliding down at a rate of
6p + 3
p1 2p2 + 3 2
9. = . 9
2p3 + 3p feet/second.
11. t a b + (ln t)=1+ln t.
t EXERCISE 13.3 (page 630)
4x2 8
x 7 1y y1>4 y
1 ln 32 18x - 1 2
13. +2x ln(4x+3). 15. .
4x + 3 1. - . 3. 3. 5. - . 7. - 1>4 . 9. - .
4y 12y 1x x x
17. 2x c 1 + d.
11 - y 4y - 2x2 6y2>3
1ln 2 2 1x2 + 4 2 11. . 13. 2 . 15. 1>6 .
x - 1 y - 4x 3y + 2
z a b - 1ln z2 112
1 - 6xy3 xey - y ey
x1ln x - xe 2
z 1 - ln z 17. 2 2. 19. y . 21. - y .
19. = . 1 + 9x y xe + 1
z2 z2 3
23. 6e3x(1+e3x)(x+y)-1. 25. - .
1 ln x2 1 2x2 - 1 x2 - 1 2 a b
x 2x2 ln1 x2 - x2 + 1 4x0 3 5 dq 1
1ln x2
21. 2 = . 27. 0; - . 29. y = - x + . 31. = - .
x ln2 x 9y0 4 4 dp 2q
3 12x + 4 2 6 1x + 2 2 9x dq 1q + 52 3
23. 2 = 2 . 25. . 33. = - . 35. –ÒI. 37. 1.5E ln 10.
x + 4x + 5 x + 4x + 5 1 + x2 dp 40
2 x 4x 3x2 + 1 V V 3
27. 2. 29. 4. 31. 2 + 3 . 39. - = - 2.5 . 41. .
1 - t 1 - x x + 2 x + x - 1 0.4T T 8
2 1x2 + 1 2
+ 2x ln1 2x + 1 2 .
5 5
33. + . 35.
x 2x + 1 2x + 1 EXERCISE 13.4 (page 634)
31 1 + ln x2 2
4 ln 1 ax2
1. (x+1)2(x-2)(x2+3) c d.
2 1 2x
37. . 39. . + + 2
x x x + 1 x - 2 x + 3
AN28 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

18x2 2 3
3. 1 3x2 - 1 2 2 1 2x + 5 2 3 c d.
+ 13. + . 15. –7(ln 10)2-7x.
3x - 1 2x + 5 q + 1 q + 2
4e2x + 1 12x - 1 2 16
2x + 1 2x2 - 2 2x + 4 #
18x + 52 ln 2
17. . 19. .
5. x2
2 2
1 + 2l + 3l
c d.
1 2x 1 21. . 23. (x+1)x+1[1+ln(x+1)].
+ 2 + 1 + l + l2 + l3
x + 1 x - 2 x + 4
2a b + a b 1 - 12 =
1 1 1 5t - 8
21 - x2 2t 1t - 22
25. .
c d.
x 2 t 2 2 - t
7. +
1 - 2x x2 - 1 1 - 2x
yc a 2 b 1 2x2 + a 2 b 12x2
3 1 4 1
1 2x2 + 2 2 2 27.
c d.
4x 2 3 2 x + 2 9 x + 9
1 x + 1 2 2 1 3x + 2 2 x2 + 1
9. - -
x + 1 3x + 2
a b 13x2 + 62 d
4 1
1 1 x - 12 1x + 1 2
c d.
1 1 3 11 x3 + 6x
12 1 x2 + 22
11. + -
= yc 2 d,
2A 3x - 4 x - 1 x + 1 3x - 4 3x 8x
x1>x 11 - ln x2
+ 2 -
x + 2 91 x + 92 111x3 + 6x2
13. x2x + 1 a + 2 ln x b .
2x + 1
15. . where y is as given in the problem.
x x2
29. (xx)x(x+2x ln x). 31. 4. 33. –2.
17. 2 1 3x + 1 2 2x c + ln1 3x + 12 d .
35. y=6x+6(1-ln 2) or y=6x+6-ln 64.
3x + 1 y
x 3x
19. 4e x (4+3 ln x). 21. 12. 23. y=96x+36. 37. (0, 4 ln 2). 39. 18. 41. 2. 43. - .
x + y
1 2
25. y=6ex-3e. 27. . xy - y 4
3e13 45. . 47. .
2x - x2y 9
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 13.5 dy y + 1 d2y y + 1
49. = ; 2 = - .
dx y dx y3
d2h –0.01t
1. = - 32 feet/sec2 (Note: Negative values indicate 51. f¿(t)=0.008e +0.00004e–0.0002t. 53. 0.90.
the downward direction.). MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOT—CHAPTER 13 (page 643)
2. c¿¿ (3)=14 dollars/unit2.
1. Figure 13.5 shows that the population reaches its final
EXERCISE 13.5 (page 638) size in about 45 days.
3. The tangent line will not coincide exactly with the curve
1. 24. 3. 0. 5. ex. 7. 3+2 ln x. 9. - . in the first place. Smaller time steps could reduce the error.
4 19 - r2 3>2 1 5x - 6 2 3 1 x - 12 3
11. - . 13. . 15. .
1. There is a relative maximum when x=1, and a relative
17. - c 2 + d.
1 1 minimum when x=3.
19. ez(z2+4z+2).
x 1x + 6 2 2 2. The drug is at its greatest concentration 2 hours after
1 4 1 injection.
21. 32. 23. - 3 . 25. - 3 . 27. .
y y 8x3>2
2 1y - 1 2
EXERCISE 14.1 (page 655)
y 16
11 + x2 2 11 - y23
29. . 31. . 33. - . 1. Dec. on (–q, –1) and (3, q); inc. on (–1, 3);
35. 300(5x-3) . 2
37. 0.6. 39. —1. rel. min. (–1, –1); rel. max. (3, 4).
41. –4.99 and 1.94. 3. Dec. on (–q, –2) and (0, 2); inc. on (–2, 0) and (2, q);
rel. min. (–2, 1) and (2, 1); no rel. max.
REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 13 (page 640) 5. Inc. on (–q, –1) and (3, q); dec. on (–1, 3);
1. 2ex+ex (2x)=2(ex+xex ).
rel max. when x=–1; rel. min. when x=3.
7. Dec. on (–q, –1); inc. on (–1, 3) and (3, q);
1 2r + 52 =
1 2r + 5
r1r + 5 2
3. 2 . rel. min. when x=–1.
r + 5r
2 9. Inc. on (–q, 0) and (0, q); no rel. min. or max.
5. ex + 4x + 5
11. Inc. on a - q, b ; dec. on a , q b ;
x2 + 4x + 5 1 1
(2x+4)=2(x+2)e .
7. ex(2x)+(x2+2)ex=ex(x2+2x+2). 2 2
11x - 6 2 1x + 5 2 19 - x2 rel. max. when x= .
c d.
1 1 1 2
9. + +
2 x - 6 x + 5 x - 9 13. Dec. on (–q, –5) and (1, q); inc. on (–5, 1);
ex a b - 1 ln x2 1 ex 2
1 rel. min. when x=–5; rel. max. when x=1.
x 1 - x ln x 15. Dec. on (–q, –1) and (0, 1); inc. on (–1, 0) and (1, q);
11. = .
e2x xex rel. max. when x=0; rel. min. when x=—1.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN29

17. Inc. on (–q, 1) and (3, q); dec. on (1, 3); 53. Dec. on (–q, 3); inc. on (3, q); rel. min. when x=3;
rel. max. when x=1; rel. min. when x=3. intercepts: (7, 0), (–1, 0), (0, –7).
19. Inc. on a - q, - b and a , q b ; dec. on a - , b ;
2 5 2 5 y
3 2 3 2
2 5 x
rel. max. when x= - ; rel. min. when x= . –1 3 7
3 2
- 2 - 17 - 2 + 17
21. Inc. on a - q, b and a , q b;
3 3
-2 - 17 -2 + 17
dec. on a , b ; rel. max. when –16
3 3
- 2 - 17 -2 + 17 55. Dec. on (–q, –1) and (1, q); inc. on (–1, 1);
x= ; rel. min. when x= . rel. min. when x=–1; rel. max. when x=1;
3 3
23. Inc. on (–q, –1) and (1, q); dec. on (–1, 0) and (0, 1); sym. about origin; intercepts: (— 13, 0), (0, 0).
rel. max. when x=–1; rel. min. when x=1. y
25. Dec. on (–q, –4) and (0, q); inc. on (–4, 0);
rel. min. when x=–4; rel. max. when x=0. 2
27. Inc. on (–q, - 12) and (0, 12); dec. on ( - 12, 0) and
( 12, q); rel. max. when x=— 12; rel. min. when x=0. x
29. Inc. on (–q, –1), (–1, 0), and (0, q); never dec.; –1 1
no rel. extremum.
31. Dec. on (–q, 1) and (1, q); no rel. extremum.
33. Dec. on (0, q); no rel. extremum. 57. Inc. on (–q, 1) and (2, q); dec. on (1, 2);
35. Dec. on (–q, 0) and (4, q); inc. on (0, 2) and (2, 4); rel. max. when x=1; rel. min. when x=2; intercept: (0, 0).
rel. min. when x=0; rel. max. when x=4.
37. Inc. on (–q, –3) and (–1, q); dec. on (–3, –2) and y
(–2, –1); rel. max. when x=–3; rel. min. when x=–1.
- 2 - 129 -2 + 129
39. Dec. on a - q, b and a , q b;
5 5 4
- 2 - 129 -2 + 129
inc. on a , b ; rel. min. when
5 5
-2 - 129 -2 + 129
x= ; rel. max. when x= . x
5 5 1 2
41. Inc. on (–q, –2), a - 2, b , and (5, q); dec. on
59. Inc. on (–2, –1) and (0, q); dec. on (–q, –2) and
a , 5 b ; rel. max. when x= ; rel. min. when x=5.
11 11
(–1, 0); rel. max. when x=–1; rel. min. when x=–2, 0;
5 5
intercepts: (0, 0), (–2, 0).
43. Inc. on (–q, 0), a 0, b , and (6, q); dec. on a , 6b ;
18 18
7 7
rel. max. when x= ; rel. min. when x=6.
45. Dec. on (–q, q); no rel. extremum.
3 12 3 12
47. Dec. on a 0, b ; inc. on a , q b;
2 2 x
– 2 –1
3 12
rel. min. when x= .
49. Dec. on (–q, 0); inc. on (0, q); rel. min. when x=0.
51. Dec. on (0, 1); inc. on (1, q); rel. min. when x=1;
no rel. max.
AN30 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

61. Dec. on (–q, –2) and a - , 1 b ; inc. on a - 2, - b

1 1 EXERCISE 14.3 (page 666)

1. Conc. up (–q, 0), a , q b ; conc. down a 0, b ;

2 2 3 3
and (1, q); rel. min. when x=–2, 1; 2 2
1 3
rel. max. when x= - ; intercepts: (1, 0), (–2, 0), (0, 4). inf. pt. when x=0, .
2 2
3. Conc. up (– q, 12, 1 1, 72 ; conc down (7, q);
inf. pt. when x=7.
5. Conc. up (–q, – 12), ( 12, q); conc down (– 12, 12);
no inf. pt.
4 7. Conc. down. (–q, q).
9. Conc down. (–q, –1); conc. up (–1, q);
inf. pt. when x=–1.
11. Conc. down. a - q, b ; conc. up a , q b ;
7 7
x 4 4
–2 1 7
inf. pt. when x= .
63. Dec. on (1, q); inc. on (0, 1); rel. max. when x=1;
13. Conc. up (–q, –1), (1, q); conc. down (–1, 1);
intercepts: (0, 0), (4, 0).
inf. pt. when x=—1.
y 15. Conc. up (–q, 0); conc. down (0, q);
inf. pt. when x=0.
17. Conc. up a - q, - b , a , q b ; conc. down a - , b ;
7 1 7 1
1 2 3 2 3
x 7 1
1 4 inf. pt. when x= - , .
2 3
3 - 15 3 + 15
19. Conc. down 1 - q, 0 2, a , b;
2 2
65. 69. Never. 3 - 15 3 + 15
conc. up a 0, b, a , q b;
2 2
3 ; 15
inf. pt. when x=0, .
2 2
21. Conc. up (–q, – 15), 1 - 12, 122, 1 15, q 2 ;
1 conc. down (– 15, –12), 1 12, 152 ;
x inf. pt. when x=— 15, — 12.
1 3 23. Conc. down (–q, 1); conc. up (1, q).
71. 40. 75. a. 25,300; b. 4; c. 17,200. 25. Conc. down. (–q, –1> 13), (1> 13, q);
77. Rel. min.: (–4.10, –2.21). conc. up (–1> 13, 1> 13); inf. pt. when x=—1> 13.
27. Conc. down. (–q, –3), a-3, b ; conc. up a , q b ;
79. Rel. max.: (2.74, 3.74); rel. min.: (–2.74, –3.74). 2 2
81. Rel. min.: 0, 1.50, 2.00; rel. max.: 0.57, 1.77. 7 7
83. a. f¿(x)=4-6x-3x2 2
c. Dec.: (–q, –2.53), (0.53, q); inc.: (–2.53, 0.53). inf. pt. when x= .
29. Conc. up. (–q, q).
EXERCISE 14.2 (page 660)
31. Conc. down (–q, –2); conc. up (–2, q);
1. Maximum: f(3)=6; minimum: f(1)=2. inf. pt. when x=–2.
19 33. Conc. down (0, e3/2); conc. up (e3/2, q);
3. Maximum: f(0)=1; minimum: f(2)= - .
3 inf. pt. when x=e3/2.
5. Maximum: f(3)=84; minimum: f(1)=–8. 35. Int. (–3, 0), (–1, 0), (0, 3); dec. (–q, –2);
7. Maximum: f(–2)=56; minimum: f(–1)=–2. inc. (–2, q); rel. min. when x=–2; conc. up (–q, q).
9. Maximum: f( 12)=4; minimum f(2)=–16. y
11. Maximum: f(0)=f(3)=2;
minimum: f a b = - .
312 73
2 4
13. Maximum: f(3)≠2.08; minimum: f(0)=0.
15. a. –3.22, –0.78; b. 2.75; c. 9; d. 14,283. x
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN31

37. Int. (0, 0), (4, 0); inc. (–q, 2); dec. (2, q); 45. Int. (0, 0), 14>3, 0 2 ; inc. (–q, 0), (0, 1); dec. (1, q);
rel. max. when x=2; conc. down (–q, q). rel. max. when x=1; conc. up 10, 2>3 2 ; conc. down (–q, 0),
y 12>3, q 2 ; inf. pt. when x=0, x=2/3.


39. Int. (0, –19); inc. (–q, 2), (4, q); dec. (2, 4);
rel. max. when x=2; rel. min. when x=4; 47. Int. (0, –2); dec. (–q, –2), (2, q); inc. (–2, 2);
conc. down (–q, 3); conc. up (3, q); inf. pt. when x=3. rel. min. when x=–2; rel. max. when x=2;
y conc. up (–q, 0); conc. down (0, q); inf. pt. when x=0.

41. Int. (0, 0), (—2 13, 0); inc. (–q, –2), (2, q);
dec. (–2, 2); rel. max. when x=–2; rel. min. when x=2;
conc. down (–q, 0); conc. up (0, q); inf. pt. when x=0;
sym. about origin.
y 49. Int. (0, –6); inc. (–q, 2), (2, q); conc. down (–q, 2);
conc. up (2, q); inf. pt. when x=2.

43. Int. (0, –3); inc. (–q, 1), (1, q); no rel. max. or min.;
conc. down (–q, 1); conc. up (1, q); inf. pt. when x=1. 51. Int. (0, 0), 1 ; 15,
02 ; dec. (–q, –1), (1, q);
y inc. (–1, 1); rel. min. when x=–1; rel. max. when x=1;
conc. up (–q, 0); conc. down (0, q); inf. pt. when x=0;
sym. about origin.
x y

AN32 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

61. Int. (0, 0), a - , 0 b ; inc. (–q, –1), (0, q);

53. Int. (0, 1), (1, 0); dec. (–q, 0), (0, 1); inc. (1, q); 27
rel. min. when x=1; conc. up (–q, 0), (2/3, q); 8
dec. (–1, 0); rel. min. when x=0; rel. max. when x=–1;
conc. down 10, 2>32 ; inf. pt. when x=0, x=2/3. conc. down (–q, 0), (0, q).

– 27 –1
55. Int. (0, 0), (—2, 0); inc. (–q, – 12), (0, 12);
dec. (– 12, 0), ( 12, q); rel. max. when x=— 12;
rel. min. when x=0; conc. down (–q, – 12>3),
63. 65.
( 12>3, q); conc. up (– 12>3, 12>3); inf. pt. when y y
x=— 12>3; sym. about y-axis.//

x 69. S

57. Int. (0, 0), (8, 0); dec. (–q, 0), (0, 2); inc. (2, q);
rel. min. when x=2; conc. up (–q, –4), (0, q);
conc. down (–4, 0); inf. pt. when x=–4, x=0.


12 3 4 73. b. f (r ) c. 0.26.


–4 2 8 r
1 10
75. Two. 77. Above tangent line; concave up.
–6 3 2 79. –2.61, –0.26.

EXERCISE 14.4 (page 670)

59. Int. (0, 0), (–4, 0); dec. (–q, –1); inc. (–1, 0), (0, q);
rel. min. when x=–1; conc. up (–q, 0), (2, q); 1. Rel. min. when x= ; abs. min.
conc. down (0, 2); inf. pt. when x=0, x=2. 2
y 3. Rel. max. when x= ; abs. max.
5. Rel. max. when x=–3; rel. min. when x=3.
632 7. Rel. min. when x=0; rel. max. when x=2.
9. Test fails, when x=0 there is a rel. min. by first-deriv. test.
1 1
11. Rel. max. when x= - ; rel. min. when x= .
3 3
–1 2 7
13. Rel. min. when x=–5, –2; rel. max. when x= - .
–4 2
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN33

EXERCISE 14.5 (page 678) 33. Int. (–1, 0), (0, 1); inc. (–q, 1), (1, q); conc. up (–q, 1);
1 3 conc. down (1, q); asymptotes x=1, y=–1.
1. y=1, x=1. 3. y= , x= - . y
2 2
5. y=0, x=0. 7. y=0, x=1, x=–1.
9. None. 11. y=2, x=2, x=–3.
13. y=–7, x=–212, x=212. 15. y=7, x=6.
1 1 1
17. x=0, x=–1. 19. y= , x= - . x
4 2 –1
1 4
21. y= , x= - . 23. y=4.
2 3
35. Int. (0, 0); inc. a - q, - b , (0, q); dec. a - , - b ,
25. Dec. (–q, 0), (0, q); conc. down (–q, 0); 8 8 4
conc. up (0, q); sym. about origin; asymptotes x=0, y=0. 7 7 7
a - , 0 b ; rel. max. when x= - ; rel. min. when x=0;
y 4 8
7 7
conc. down a - q, - b ; conc. up a - , q b ;
4 4
7 7
x 4
asymptote x= - .

27. Int. (0, 0); inc. (–q, –1), (–1, q); conc. up (–q, –1);
conc. down (–1, q); asymptotes x=–1, y=1.

1 –16/49
x = – 47

29. Dec. (–q, –1), (0, 1); inc. (–1, 0), (1, q);
37. Int. a 0, - b ; inc. a - q, - b , a - , b ; dec.
rel. min. when x=—1; conc. up (–q, 0), (0, q); 9 2 2 1
sym. about y-axis; asymptote x=0. 8 3 3 3
a , b , a , q b ; rel. max. when x= ; conc. up
y 1 4 4 1
3 3 3 3
a - q, - b , a , q b ; conc. down a - , b ;
2 4 2 4
3 3 3 3
2 4
asymptotes y=0, x= - , x = .
3 3
x y
–1 1

31. Int. (0, –1); inc. (–q, –1), (–1, 0); dec. (0, 1), (1, q);
rel. max. when x=0; conc. up (–q, –1), (1, q);
conc. down (–1, 1); asymptotes x=1, x=–1, y=0;
sym. about y-axis.
y x
– 23 4

x ( 1
, –1 )
–1 –1 1
AN34 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

39. Int. a , 0 b , a 0, - b ; dec. a - q, - b , a , q b ; 45. Int. (0, 5); dec. a - q, - b , a - , b ; inc. a , 1 b ,

3 1 3 9 1 1 1 1
2 27 2 2 3 3 3 3
inc. a - , b ; rel. min. when x= - ; (1, q); rel. min. when x= ; conc. down a - q, - b ,
3 9 3 1 1
2 2 2 3 3
conc. down a - q, - b ; conc. up a - , b , a , q b ; (1, q); conc. up a - , 1 b ; asymptotes x= - , x=1,
9 9 9 9 1 1
2 2 2 2 3 3
9 9 y=–1.
inf. pt. when x= - ; asymptotes x= , y=0.
2 2

( 1 7
3 2 )
– 13

x –1
(— 9
,— 1
2 27 )
(— 32 ,— 24
41. Int. (–1, 0), (1, 0); inc. (– 13, 0), (0, 13);
dec. (–q, – 13), ( 13, q); rel. max. when x= 13; 47. y
rel. min. when x=– 13; conc. down (–q, – 16), (0, 16);
conc. up (– 16, 0), ( 16, q); inf. pt. when x=— 16;
asymptotes x=0, y=0; sym. about origin.

y 1

– 3
x 49.

43. Int. (0, 1); inc. (–q, –2), (0, q); dec. (–2, –1), (–1, 0); x
–1 2
rel. max. when x=–2; rel. min when x=0;
conc. down (–q, –1); conc. up (–1, q);
asymptote x=–1.
55. x≠—2.45, x≠0.67, y=2. 57. y≠0.48.


x 5 2
–1 1. y=3, x=4, x=–4. 3. y= , x= - .
9 3
–3 15
5. x=0, 4. 7. x= - , –1.
9. Inc. (1, 3); dec. on (–q, 1) and (3, q).
11. Dec. on (–q, – 16), (0, 13), ( 13, 16);
inc. on (– 16, – 13), (– 13, 0), ( 16, q).
13. Conc. up on (–q, 0) and a , q b ;
conc. down on a 0, b .
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN35

15. Conc. down on a - q, b ; conc. up on a , qb .

1 1 43. Int. (–5, 0); inc. (–10, 0); dec. (–q, –10), (0, q);
2 2 rel. min. when x=–10; conc. up (–15, 0), (0, q);
conc. down (–q, –15); inf. pt. when x=–15;
17. Conc. up on a - q, - b , a - , q b ;
5 1
4 4 horiz. asym. y=0; vert. asym. x=0.

conc. down on a - , - b .
5 1 f(x)
4 4
19. Rel. max. at x=1; rel. min. at x=2.
21. Rel. min. at x=–1.
23. Rel. max. at x= - ; rel. min. at x=0.
5 x
25. At x=3. 27. At x=1. 29. At x=2_ 12.
31. Maximum: f(2)=16; minimum: f(1)=–1.
33. Maximum: f(0)=0; minimum: f a - b = -
6 1
45. Int. (0, 0); inc. a - q, - b ; dec. a - , b , a , q b ;
. 1 1 1 1
5 120
4 4 2 2
35. a. f has no relative extrema;
rel. max. when x= - ; conc. up a - q, - b , a , q b ;
1 1 1
b. f is conc. down on (1, 3); inf. pts.: (1, 2e–1), (3, 10e–3).
37. Int. (–4, 0), (6, 0), (0, –24); inc. (1, q); dec. (–q, 1); 4 2 2
conc. down a - , b ; inf. pt. when x= - ;
rel. min. when x=1; conc. up (–q, q). 1 1 1
2 2 2
y 1
horiz. asym. y=0; vert. asym. x= .

(– 1 2
4 27 )
(1, – 25)
( 1 1
– 2 , 16
39. Int. (0, 20); inc. (–q, –2), (2, q); dec. (–2, 2); x
rel. max. when x=–2; rel. min. when x=2; 2
conc. up (0, q); conc. down (–q, 0); inf. pt. when x=0.
(– 2, 36)
47. Int. (0, 1); inc. (0, q); dec. (–q, 0);
rel. min. when x=0; conc. up (–q, q); sym. about y-axis.

(2, 4) 1
41. Int. (0, 0); inc. (–q, q); conc. down (–q, 0);
conc. up (0, q); inf. pt. when x=0; sym. about origin. 49. a. False; b. false; c. true; d. false; e. false.
y 51. q>2.
57. Rel. max. (–1.32, 12.28); rel. min. (0.44, 1.29).
59. x=–0.60.


1. The data for 1998–2000 fall into the same pattern as the
1959–1969 data.

EXERCISE 15.1 (page 696)

1. 13 and 13. 3. 300 ft by 250 ft. 5. 100 units.
7. $15. 9. a. 110 grams; b. 51 grams.
11. 525 units; price=$51; profit=$10,525. 13. $22.
15. 120 units; $86,000. 17. 625 units; $4.
AN36 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

x2 9 
11. c + 2x ln1 x + 52 d dx. 13. a b .
19. $17; $86,700. 21. 4 ft by 4 ft by 2 ft.
23. 2 in.; 128 in3. x + 5 10
27. 130 units, p=$340, P=$36,980; 125 units, p=$350, 1
P=$34,175. 29. 250 per lot (4 lots). 31. 35. 15. 0.99. 17. . 19. elastic. 21. a. –1.
8y + 7
33. 60 mi/h. 35. 7; $1000. 200
37. 5- 13 tons; 5- 13 tons. 41. 10 cases; $50.55. 23. a. <p<100;
EXERCISE 15.2 (page 705) 1
b. Ó= - ; demand decreases by approximately 1.67%.
2x3 2 3
1. 3 dx. 3. dx. 5. - dx. 25. 0.619 and 1.512.
2x + 6 4 x3
2x 2
7. 2 dx. 9. 3e2x +3(12x2+4x+3) dx.
x + 7 1. F=$40, V=$20; yes. 3. No difference.
11. ≤y=–0.14, dy=–0.14.
13. ≤y=–2.5, dy=–2.75. PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 16.1
15. ≤y≠0.073, dy= =0.075. 17. a. –1; b. 2.9. 1. 28.3 dq = 28.3q + C.
19. 9.95. 21. 4 . 23. –0.03. 25. 1.01. 2. 0.12t2 dt = 0.04t3 + C.
1 1 1 480 240
31. –p2.
6p1 p2 + 5 2 2
27. . 29. . 33. . 3. - dt = 2 + C.
2 33
3 t3 t
35. - .
37. 44; 41.80. 39. 2.04. 41. 0.7. 4. 1500 + 300 1t 2dt = 500t + 200t3>2 + C.
–11 3 3
43. (1.69*10 )p cm . 45. c. 42 units. 5. S(t)=0.7t3-32.7t2+491.6t+C.
EXERCISE 15.3 (page 711) EXERCISE 16.1 (page 730)
1. –3, elastic. 3. –1, unit elasticity. x9 5
7. - a - 1 b , elastic.
53 150 1. 5x+C. 3. + C. 5. - 6 + C.
5. - , elastic. 9 6x
52 e 2 5 u2
9 7. - + C. 9. - 6>5 + C. 11. 8u + + C.
9. –1, unit elasticity. 11. - , inelastic. 9x9 6y 2
32 y6
1 13. - + C. 15. t3 - 2t2 + 5t + C.
13. - , inelastic. 6 2
2 x2 3x5
10 3 17. (7+e)x+C. 19. - + C.
15. |Ó|= when p=10, |Ó|= when p=3, |Ó|=1 14 20
3 10 x9.3
9x 7
1 1
when p=6.50. 17. –1.2, 0.6% decrease. 21. 6ex+C. 23. - - 3 - + C.
9.3 7 x 2x2
23. b. Ó=–2.5, elastic; c. 1 unit;
4x3>2 8
d. increase, since demand is elastic. 25. - + C. 27. 2 1x + C.
207 9
25. a. Ó= - ≠–13.8, elastic; b. 27.6%; c. Since x4 3 w3 2
15 29. + 2 + C. 31. + + C.
12 2x 2 3w
xe + 1
1z - 5z2 + C.
demand is elastic, lowering the price results in an increase 1 2
dr 33. 35. + 10ex + C.
in revenue. 27. Ó=–1.6; = 30. 7 e + 1
dq 4x3>2 12x5>4
29. Maximum at q=5; minimum at q=95. 37. - + C.
3 5
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 15.4 39. - - 7x1>2 + 3x2 + C.
1. 43 and 1958. x4 5x2 2x5>2
41. - x3 + - 15x + C. 43. + 2x3>2 + C.
EXERCISE 15.4 (page 716) 4 2 5
4u3 2v3 1
1. 0.25410. 3. 1.32472. 5. –2.38769. 7. 0.33767. 45. + 2u2 + u + C. 47. + 3v + + C.
9. 1.90785. 11. 4.141. 13. –4.99 and 1.94. 3 3 2v4
3 2
15. 13.33. 17. 2.880. 19. 3.45. z 5z
49. + + C. 51. x+ex+C.
6 2
REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 15 (page 718) 53. No, F(x)-G(x) must be a constant.
1. 20. 3. 300. 5. $2800. 7. 200 ft by 100 ft. 1
55. + C.
9. a. 200, $120; b. 300. 2x2 + 1
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN37

PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 16.2 1 2x2 3>2 212 3>2

t 65. - 12x + C = x - 12x1>2 + C.
1. N(t)=800t+200e +6317.37. 3 3
2. y(t)=14t3+12t2+11t+3. x5 2x3
67. + + x + C.
5 3
EXERCISE 16.2 (page 735)
1 1
3x2 69. ln(x2+1)- +C.
1. y = - 4x + 1. 3. 18. 2 61x6 + 12
2 1 1
x4 x3 4x 1 71. ln |3x-5|+ (x3-x6)–9+C.
5. y = - - + + . 3 27
12 3 3 12 2
x4 73. (3x+1)3/2-ln 2x2 + 3 + C. 75. 2e1x + C.
7. y = + x2 - 5x + 13. 9. p=0.7. 9
12 1 1 1
11. p=275-0.5q-0.1q . 2
13. c=1.35q+200. 77. - e–x+ ex+C. 79. ln2 (x2+2x)+C.
4 4 4
y = - 13 - 2x2 3 +
15. 7715. 17. G = - + 2P + 20. 1 11
50 81. .
6 2
21. $80 (dc/dq=27.50 when q=50 is not relevant to 83. y=–ln |x|=ln |1/x|. 85. 160e0.05t+190.
problem). 2
+ B1 ln 0 r 0 + B2.
1. T(t)=10e–0.5t+C. 2. 35 lnœt+1œ+C. EXERCISE 16.4 (page 749)
EXERCISE 16.3 (page 743) 1
1. x2+3x-ln |x|+C. 3. (2x3+4x+1)3/2+C.
1x + 52 1x + 32
8 2 6 3
1. + C. 3. + C. 47x
8 6 5. - 614 - 5x + C. 7. + C.
7 ln 4
5. 1y3 + 3y2 + 1 2 5>3 + C.
3 51 3x - 12 -2
9. 7x2-4e11>42x +C.
7. - + C.
5 6
1 7x - 6 2 5 2
9. 12x - 1 2 3>2 + C.
1 11. x2 - 3x + ln |3x-1|+C.
11. + C. 3
3 35
1x + 3 2
2 13 3 1
15. 1 27 + x5 2 4>3 + C.
3 13. ln(e +1)+C. 15. - e7>x + C.
13. + C. 2 7
26 5
2 1 7x2 2
17. x +4 ln |x -4|+C. 2
19. ( 1x+2)3+C.
17. e3x+C. 19. et + t+C. 21. e +C. 9
23. -3e-2x+C. 25. ln |x+5|+C. 21. 3(x1/3+2)5+C. 23. (ln2 x)+C.
29. - 1 z2 - 6 2 -4 + C.
3 4 3
27. ln |x +x | +C. 1 3 3ln x
4 25. ln (r+1)+C. 27. + C.
3 ln 3
1 3 1x2 + 32>2
31. 4 ln |x|+C. 33. ln |s +5|+C. 29. e +C. 31. 8 ln |ln(x+3)|+C.
x2 2
8 33. +x+ln |x -3|+C.
35. - ln |5-3x|+C. 2
35. ln3/2 [(x2+1)2]+C.
2 15 3>2
15x2 3>2 + C =
37. x + C. 1
15 3 37. 2x4 - 1-(ln 4)x+C.
1 4
39. 2x2 - 4 + C. 41. ey +1+C. 2
2 39. x2-8x-6 ln |x|- 2 +C.
1 -2v3+1 1 2
43. - e +C. 45. - e-5x + 2ex + C. 41. x+ln |x-1|+C. 43. 3ex + 2 + C.
6 5 1e + 62
-x 3
47. (x2+e)5/2+C.
47. - 13 - 3x2 - 6x2 4 + C.
1 1 45. - + C.
49. ln |x3+6x|+C. 3 5
24 3
3 18x2 3>2 + 34 3>2 + C.
1 49.
51. 2 ln |3-2s+4s2|+C. 53. ln (2x2+1)+C. 3612
4 2 x2
1 3 1 51. - e-2s +C. 53. + 2x + C.
55. (x -x6)–9+C. 57. (x4+x2)2+C. 3 2
27 4 ln x2
1 1 3 2 55. + x + C. 57. p= .
59. (4-9x-3x2)–4+C. 61. e4x + 3x - 4+C. 2 q + 2
2 6 59. c=20 ln |(q+5)/5|+2000.
1 2 5/2 3 1 71
63. - (8-5x ) +C. 61. C=2( 1I+1). 63. C = I - 1I + .
25 4 3 12
AN38 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

65. a. $150 per unit; b. $15,000; c. $15,300. 26 3 3

23. . 25. 12 . 27. e2-1.
67. 2500-800 15≠$711 per acre. 69. I=3. 3 2
3 3
EXERCISE 16.5 (page 754) 29. + 2 ln 2 = + ln 4. 31. 68. 33. 2.
2 2
3 7 1 3 7
1. 35. 3. 0. 5. 25. 7. - . 9. - . 35. 19 square units. 37. a. ; b. ; c. .
16 6 16 4 16
19 4 10
11. a k. 13. a 1 2k - 12 . 15. a k2. 5
39. a. ln ; b. ln (4)-1; c. 2-ln 3.
k=1 k=1 k=1 3
17. 101,475. 19. 84. 21. 273. 23. 8; $850. 41. 1.89 square units. 43. 11.41 square units.
1. $5975. 3
3 1 x + 6 2 - x 4dx.
1. Area=
EXERCISE 16.6 (page 762) 3-2

2 14 3. Area=
1. square unit. 3. square unit. 3 4
32x - 1x2 - x2 4dx + 3 1x2 - x2 - 2x4dx.
3 27
2 1n + 1 2 30 33
5. Sn = c 4 a b + 4 a b + … + 4 a b d =
1 1 2 n
3 1y + 12 - 11 - y4dy.
n n n n n 5. Area=
n + 1 3 1 30
7. a. Sn = + 1; b. . 9. square unit.
3 111 - 2x2 2 - 1 x2 - 42 4dx.
2n 2 2 7. Area=
1 16 3-15
11. square unit. 13. square unit. 15. 6. In Problems 9–33, answers are assumed to be expressed in
3 3
5 11 square units.
17. –18. 19. . 21. 0. 23. . 4 16 125
6 4 9. . 11. . 13. 816. 15. 40. 17. .
25. 4.3 square units. 27. 2.4. 29. –25.5. 3 3 6
9 125 32 44
19. . 21. . 23. . 25. .
27. 15 15 - 212 2 .
1. $32,830. 2. $28,750. 4 1 255
29. . 31. - 4 ln 2.
3 2 32
EXERCISE 16.7 (page 771) 20 8
33. 12. 35. . 37. square units. 39. 24/3.
15 7 15 63 3m3
1. 14. 3. . 5. –20. 7. . 9. .
2 3 2 41. 4.76 square units. 43. 7.26 square units.
7 5 32 1
11. - . 13. 0. . 15.
17. . 19. - . EXERCISE 16.10 (page 788)
6 3 3 6
1 8 3 1. CS=25.6, PS=38.4.
21. 4 ln 8. 23. e . 25. (e -1). 27. . 3. CS=50 ln (2)-25, PS=1.25.
3 4
38 15 1 1 3 5. CS=800, PS=1000. 7. $426.67. 9. $254,000.
29. . 31. . 33. ln 3. 35. e + 2 - . 11. CS≠1197, PS≠477.
9 28 2 2e 2
e3 12
39. 1 e - 1 2 .
37. 3 - + 2. 41. 6+ln 19.
e e 2 x4 117
47 1. + x2 - 7x + C. 3. .
43. . 45. 6-3e. 47. 7. 49. 0. 51. a5/2T. 4 2
12 5. -3 1x + 5 2 + C.
7. 2 ln |x3-6x+1|+C.
53. -B
- Ax dx. 55. $8639. 57. 1,973,333. 11 111 y 4
2y3 y2
3b 9. - 4. 11. + + + C.
4 4 3 2
59. $220. 61. $2000. 63. 696; 492. 65. 2Ri. 3>4 5>6
4z 6z 1 10
69. 0.05. 71. 3.52. 73. 55.39. 13. - + C. 15. ln .
3 5 3 3
EXERCISE 16.8 (page 777) 2 1
17. (3x3+2)3/2+C. 19. (e2y+e–2y)+C.
In Problems 1–33, answers are assumed to be expressed in 27 2
square units. 2 7
21. ln |x|- +C. 23. 111. 25. .
19 19 50 x 3
1. 8. 3. . 5. 8. 7. . 9. 9. 11. . 3 2 3
2 3 3 27. 4-3 12. 3
29. - + C. 31. - 5 ln 2.
32 t 1t 2
13. 36. 15. 8. 17. . 19. 1. 21. 18. 11 + e3x 2 3
3 33. 4 1x3>2 + 12 3>2 + C. 35. 1. 37. + C.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN39

22103x 1 4 9 3 2x
1x + 12 2
39. + C. 41. y = e2x+3x-1. 5. - . 7. - 2 .
ln 10 2 x + 1 x x + 1
In Problems 43–57, answers are assumed to be expressed in 9. 2 ln |x|+3 ln |x-1|+C=ln |x (x-1)3|+C. 2

square units. 11. –3 ln |x+1|+4 ln |x-2|+C

1x - 2 2 4
4 16 125 2 =ln ` ` +C.
43. .
. 47.
. 49. 6+ln 3. 51. .
3 1x + 1 2 3
13. c + 2 ln 0 x - 1 0 - 2 ln 0 x + 1 0 d + C
125 1 3x
53. 36. 55. . 57. e-1. 4 2
1 3x2 x - 1 2
59. p=100- 12q. 61. $1900. 63. 0.5507. = a + ln c d b + C.
2 1 4 2 x + 1
65. 15 square units. 67. CS=166 , PS=53 . 15. ln |x|+2 ln |x-4|-3 ln |x+3|+C
3 3
x1 x - 4 2 2
73. 24.71 square units. 75. CS≠1148, PS≠251. =ln ` ` +C.
1x + 3 2 3
17. ln |x +2x -x -2|+C, partial fractions not
1. a. 225; b. 125. required.
3. a. $2,002,500; b. 18,000; c. $111.25. 4
19. -5 ln |x-1|+7 ln |x-2|+C
x - 2
1x - 227
+ln ` ` +C.
1x - 12 5
1. S(t)=–40te0.1t+400e0.1t+4600. =
x - 2
2. P(t)=0.025t2-0.05t2 ln t+0.05t2(ln t)2+C.
21. 4 ln |x|-ln (x2+4)+C=ln c 2 d + C.
EXERCISE 17.1 (page 802) x + 4
1 2
1x + 5 2 5>2 + C.
2 4 23. - ln1 x2 + 12 - + C.
1. x1 x + 52 3>2 - 2 x - 3
3 15 2 2
y4 25. 5 ln(x +1)+2 ln(x +2)+C
3. -e-x 1x + 1 2 + C. c ln1 y2 - d + C.
5. =ln [(x2+1)5(x2+2)2]+C.
4 4
3 1
7. x[ln(4x)-1]+C. 27. ln(x2+1)+ 2 + C.
9. 10x1 x + 1 2 3>2 - 4 1x + 1 2 5>2 + C 2 x + 1
= 2 1x + 1 2 3>2 1 3x - 2 2 + C.
29. 18 ln (4)-10 ln (5)-8 ln (3).
x 1 31. 11+24 ln square units.
2 12x + 12
11. - + ln |2x+1|+C. 3
13. - 1 1 + ln x2 + C.
1 EXERCISE 17.3 (page 815)
15. e2(3e2-1).
x 216x2 + 3
1 1. + C. 3. - + C.
17. (1-e–1), parts not needed. 929 - x 2 3x
19. 2 1 913 - 10 122 .
2x2 + 9 - 3
5. ln ` ` + C. 7. ln ` ` + C.
1 x 1

21. 2x1 x - 1 2 ln1 x - 1 2 - x2 + C.

6 6 + 7x 3 x
9. c ln 0 4 + 5x 0 - ln 0 2 + 3x 0 d + C.
1 4 2
23. ex 1 x2 - 2x + 22 + C.
2 5 3
+ 2e-x 1 x + 1 2 -
11. 12x - ln34 + 3e2x 4 2 + C.
25. + C. 1
3 2 8
ex 2
1x - 1 2 + C. 13. 2 c + ln ` ` d + C.
1 x 4
27. 15. 1 + ln .
2 1 + x 1 + x 9
22x - 1 2x + 1x 2x + 1 x3
17. 1x2x2 - 3-3 ln œx+ 2x2 - 3œ)+C.
29. + - 2 + + C.
ln 2 ln 2 ln 2 3 2
298 1
31. 2e3+1 square units. 33. square units. 19. . 21. ex(x2-2x+2)+C.
15 144
24x2 + 1
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 17.2 23. 2 a - + ln 0 2x + 24x2 + 1 0 b + C.
31q + 123
ln ` `.
25. a ln 0 1 + 3x 0 + b + C.
1. r1 q2 = 1 1
2 q + 3 9 1 + 3x
2. V(t)=150t -900 ln (t2+6)+C.
17 + 15x
a ln ` ` b + C.
1 1
EXERCISE 17.2 (page 809) 15 217 17 - 15x
12 2 2 8
1. - . 3. 1 + - .
x + 6 x + 1 x + 2 x + 4
AN40 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

4 1 3x2 6 ln1 3x2 13x2 6

c d + C
33. 12.6 units. 35. A=400(1-e–t/2), 157 grams.
29. -
81 6 36 37. a. V=21,000e(2 ln 0.9)t; b. June 2002.
= x 36 ln 1 3x2 - 1 4 + C.

4 1 9x - 2 2 1 1 + 3x2 3>2 + C.
EXERCISE 17.7 (page 838)
1. 58,800. 3. 860,000. 5. 1990. 7. b. 375.
ln 0 2x + 24x2 - 13 0 + C.
33. 9. 1:06 A.M. 11. $62,500.
29 - 4x2 13. N=M-(M-N0)e–kt.
35. - + C.
141x -ln œ∏+7e41xœ)+C.
37. 1. 20 ml.
41. 1 2x2 + 1 2 3>2 + C.
1 EXERCISE 17.8 (page 843)
39. ln1x2 + 12 + C.
2 1 1 1
x4 1. . 3. Div. 5. . 7. Div. 9. - . 11. 0.
ln ` ` + C. c ln1x2 - d + C.
x - 3 1 3 e 2
43. 45.
x - 2 4 4 2 1
47. e2x 1 2x - 1 2 + C. 13. a. 800; b.
. 15. 4,000,000. 17. square unit.
49. x(ln x)2-2x ln(x)+2x+C. 19. 20,000 increase.
19 13 - 1012 2 .
51. 53. 21 212 - 172 .
q 1 1 - q0 2
57. ln ` n `.
7 3 x2 9
q0 11 - qn 2
55. ln122 - . 1. [2 ln(x)-1]+C. 3. 5+ ln 3.
2 4 4 4
59. a. $37,599; b. $4924. 61. a. $5481; b. $535. 5. 9 ln |3+x|-2 ln |2+3x|+C.

+ ln ` ` + C.
1 1 x
21 x + 2 2
EXERCISE 17.4 (page 818) 7.
4 x + 2
29 - 16x2
ln ` ` + C.
1. . 3. –1. 5. 0. 7. 13. 9. $12,400. 3 x - 3
3 9. - + C. 11.
11. $3155. 9x 2 x + 3
13. e7x(7x-1)+C. 15. ln |ln 2x|+C.
1. 76.90 feet. 2. 5.77 grams. 3
17. x- ln |3+2x|+C.
EXERCISE 17.5 (page 823) 3
19. 2 ln |x|+ ln(x2+1)+C.
1 2
1. 413. 3. 0.340;L 0.333. 5. 1.388; ln 4≠1.386.
3 21. 2 1x + 1[ln(x+1)-2]+C. 23. 34.
3 2
7. 0.883. 9. 2,361,375. 11. 3.0 square units. 25. a. 1.405; b. 1.388. 27. y=Cex + x , C>0.
8 35 1
13. . 15. 0.771. 17. km2. 29. . 31. Div. 33. 144,000. 35. 0.0005; 90%.
3 6 18
19. a. $29,750; b. $36,600; c. $5350. 450
37. N= . 39. 4:16 P.M. 41. 1.
1 + 224e-1.02t
PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 17.6 43. a. 207, 208; b. 157, 165; c. 41, 41.
1. I=I0e–0.0085x.
EXERCISE 17.6 (page 830) 1. 114; 69. 5. Answers may vary.
3. y= 1 x2 + 1 2 3>2 + C.
x + C
5. y=Cex, C>0. 7. y=Cx, C>0. 1
1. . 2. 0.607.
x3 + 3 3
9. y = 12x. 11. y=ln .
3 3. Mean 5 years, standard deviation 5 years.
3x2 3 2
a b - 1.
4x + 3
2 1x2 + 1 2
13. y = . 15. y = + EXERCISE 18.1 (page 859)
B 2 2
5 11 13
17. y=ln a 2x2 + 3 b .
1 1. a. ; b. = 0.6875; c. = 0.8125; d. -1 + 110.
19. c=(q+1)e1/(q+1). 12 16 16
21. 46 weeks.
23. N=40,000e0.018t; N=40,000(1.2)t/10; 57,600.
25. 2e1.08124 billion. 27. 0.01204; 57.57 sec.
29. 2900 years. 31. N=N0ek1t - t02, t  t0.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN41

1 0, if x 6 0,
, if 1  x  4,
3. a. f1 x2 = • 2x3
d. F1x2 = µ +
3 x
0 , otherwise; , if 0  x  1,
3 3
1, if x 7 1.
8 212
3. a. ; b. L 0.94. 5. 0.3085. 7. 0.2417.
3 3
9. 0.1587. 11. 0.9817. 13. 0.0228.
1 4
1. The result should correspond to the known distribution
1 5 1 5 13 function. 3. Answers may vary.
b. ; c. 0; d. ; e. ; f. 0; g. 1; h. ; i. ;
3 6 3 2 2
0, if x 6 1,
1. a. $3260; b. $4410.
j. F 1x2 = µ
x - 1
, if 1  x  4,
3 EXERCISE 19.1 (page 881)
1, if x 7 4. 1. 3. 3. –2. 5. –1. 7. 88. 9. 3.
P1 X 6 2 2 = , P11 6 X 6 32 = .
1 2 11. 2x0+2h-5y0+4. 13. 2000. 15. y=–4.
3 3 17. z=6.
19. 21.
F (x) z z

1 6

1 4 y
1 1
1 y
, if a  x  b,
5. a. f1 x2 = • b - a x 4
0, otherwise; x
a + b 1 b - a2 2 b - a
b. ; c. s2 = ,s = . 23.
2 12 112 z
–2 –6 –4
7. a. e -e ≠0.133; b. 1-e ≠0.982;
c. e–9≠0.0001; d. 1-e–2≠0.865.
1 5 39 8 212
9. a. ; b. ; c. L 0.609; d. 1; e. ; f. ;
8 16 64 3 3
7 7
g. 2 12; h. . 11. ; 5 min. 13. e–3≠0.050. y
16 10 1

EXERCISE 18.2 (page 865)

1. a. 0.4641; b. 0.3239; c. 0.8980; d. 0.9983; e. 0.9147; x
f. 0.4721. 3. 0.13. 5. –1.08. 7. 0.34.
9. a. 0.9970; b. 0.0668; c. 0.0873. 11. 0.3085. 25.
13. 0.8185. 15. 8. 17. 9.68%. 19. 90.82%.
21. a. 1.7%; b. 85.6. 4


1. 0.0396.
EXERCISE 18.3 (page 870) 2

1. 0.1056; 0.0122. 3. 0.0430; 0.9232. 5. 0.7507.

7. 0.4129. 9. 0.2514; 0.0287. 11. 0.0336.


9 3
1. a. 2; b. ; c. ;
32 4
AN42 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

27. ∂qA 100 ∂q 50

z 9. = - 2 1>2 ; A = - ;
∂pA pApB ∂pB pAp3>2
∂qB 500 ∂qB 500
= - ; = - 2 1>3 ; complementary.
1 ∂pA 3pBp4>3
A ∂pB p BpA
11. = 0.01A0.27B-0.99C0.01D0.23E0.09F0.27;
y = 0.01A0.27B0.01C-0.99D0.23E0.09F0.27.
1 ∂C
13. 4480; if a staff manager with an M.B.A. degree had an
extra year of work experience before the degree, the
1 manager would receive $4480 per year in extra
15. a. –1.015; –0.846;
b. One for which w=w0 and s=s0.
EXERCISE 19.2 (page 887) ∂g 1
1. fx(x, y)=8x; fy(x, y)=6y. 17. = 7 0 for VF>0. Thus if x increases and VF
∂x VF
3. fx(x, y)=0; fy(x, y)=2. and Vs are fixed, then g increases.
5. gx(x, y)=3x2y2+4xy-4y; ∂q
gy(x, y)=2x3y+2x2-4x+3. 19. a. When pA=8 and pB=64, A = -5 and
q p ∂qA 15
7. gp(p, q)= ; gq(p, q)= . ; b. Demand for A decreases by approximately
2 1pq 2 1pq ∂pB
2s s2 + 4 15
1t - 322
9. hs(s, t)= ; ht(s, t)= - . units.
t - 3 8
3 1 5 1
11. uq1(q1, q2)= ; uq2(q1, q2)= . 21. a. No; b. 70%. 23. hpA = - , hpB = .
4q1 4q2 46 46
13. hx(x, y)=(x3+xy2+3y3)(x2+y2)–3/2; 1
hy(x, y)=(3x3+x2y+y3)(x2+y2)–3/2. 25. hpA = -1, hpB = - .
∂z ∂z
15. = 5ye5xy; = 5xe5xy.
∂x ∂y EXERCISE 19.4 (page 898)
∂z 2x2 ∂z
= 5c 2 + ln1 x2 + y2 d ;
5x x 4y x1 yz2 + 12
17. = 2 . 1. - . 3. 7. - ey - z.
∂x x + y ∂y x + y 2. 5. .
z 3z z11 - x2y2
r - 2rs + s2
19. fr(r, s)= 1r + 2s 1 3r2 - 2s2 + ; 9.
11. - . 13. - .
9 4
15. - 2 .
2 1r + 2s 9 + z z 10 e
r3 - 2rs + s2 5
fs(r, s)=21s - r2 1r + 2s + . 17. 4. 19. .
1r + 2s 2
e3 - r 60 288
21. fr(r, s)=–e3-r ln(7-s); fs(r, s)= . 21. a. 36; b. With respect to qA, ; with respect to qB, .
s - 7 13 65
23. gx(x, y, z)=6xy+2y2z; gy(x, y, z)=3x2+4xyz;
gz(x, y, z)=2xy2+9z2. EXERCISE 19.5 (page 901)
25. gr(r, s, t)=2res+t; 1. 8xy; 8x. 3. 3; 0; 0.
gs(r, s, t)=(7s3+21s2+r2)es+t; 5. 18xe2xy; 18e2xy(2xy+1); 72x(1+xy)e2xy.
gt(r, s, t)=es+t(r2+7s3). 7. 3x2y+4xy2+y3; 3xy2+4x2y+x3; 6xy+4y2;
1 6xy+4x2. 9. x(x2+y2)–1/2; y2(x2+y2)–3/2.
27. 50. 29. . 31. 0. 33. 26.
114 11. 0. 13. 28,758. 15. 2e.
ra 1 y2 + z2 3x2
39. - . 17. - . 23. - = - 3.
n - 1 2
2c1 + a d
8 z z
EXERCISE 19.6 (page 905)
EXERCISE 19.3 (page 893) ∂z ∂z
3. c 2t + de .
31t x + y
1. 20. 3. 1374.5. 1. = 13; = 9.
∂r ∂s 2
∂P ∂P 2 2
5. 5(2xz +yz)+2(xz+z )-(2x z+xy+2yz).2
5. = 1.208648l0.192k-0.236; = 0.303744l-0.808k0.764.
∂k ∂l 7. 3(x2+xy2)2(2x+y2+16xy).
∂qA ∂q ∂q ∂q 9. –2s(2x+yz)+r(xz+3y2z2)-5(xy+2y3z).
7. = - 50; A = 2; B = 4; B = -20;
∂pA ∂pB ∂pA ∂pB 11. 19s(2x-7). 13. 324. 15. –1.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN43

∂c 1 ∂c 5 REVIEW PROBLEMS—CHAPTER 19 (page 939)

17. When pA=25 and pB=4, = - and = .
∂pA 4 ∂pB 4 1.
∂w ∂w ∂x ∂w ∂y z
19. a. = + ; b. –15.
∂s ∂x ∂s ∂y ∂s
EXERCISE 19.7 (page 913)

1. a , - b.
14 13
3. (2, 5), (2, –6), (–1, 5), (–1, –6).
3 3 y
7. a -2, b , rel. min.
3 3
5. (50, 150, 350). 9
2 2

9. a - , b , rel. max.
1 1 x
4 2
11. (1, 1), rel. min; a , b , neither.
1 1 z
2 4
13. (0, 0), rel. max.; a 4, b , rel. min.; a 0, b , (4, 0), neither.
1 1
2 2
15. (122, 127), rel. max. 17. (–1, –1), rel. min.
19. (0, –2), (0, 2), neither. 21. l=24, k=14.
23. pA=80, pB=85.
25. qA=48, qB=40, pA=52, pB=44, profit=3304.
27. qA=3, qB=2. 29. 1 ft by 2 ft by 3 ft.
31. a b , rel. min.
105 28
, 33. a=–8, b=–12, d=33.
37 37 x
35. a. 2 units of A and 3 units B; y x
1x + y2 2 1x + y2 2
b. Selling price for A is 30 and selling price for B is 19. 5. 8x+6y; 6x+2y. 7. ;- .
Relative maximum profit is 25.
11. 2xzex yz 11 + x2yz2 .
y 2
37. a. P=5T(1-e–x)-20x-0.1T2; 9. . 13. 2(x+y).
x2 + y2
c. Relative maximum at (20, ln 5); no relative extremum at yz
+yeyz ln z=eyz a + y ln z b .
e 1
a 5, ln b .
5 15. xzeyz ln z;
z z
19. 2(x+y)er+2 a b; 2a b.
1 x + 3y x + 3y
17. .
EXERCISE 19.8 (page 922) 64 r + s r + s
2x + 2y + z ∂P ∂P
3. a 3, , - b . 5. a , - , - b .
3 3 4 4 8 21. . 23. = 14l-0.3k0.3; = 6l0.7k-0.7.
1. (2, –2).
2 2 3 3 3 4z - x ∂l ∂k
25. Competitive. 27. (2, 2), rel. min.
7. 1 6, 3, 22 . 9. a , , - b .
2 4 4
11. (3, 3, 6). 29. 4 ft by 4 ft by 2 ft.
3 3 3
31. A, 89 cents per pound; B, 94 cents per pound.
13. Plant 1, 40 units; plant 2, 60 units.
33. (3, 2, 1). 35. ŷ=12.67+3.29x
15. 74 units (when l=8, k=7).
17. $15,000 on newspaper advertising and $45,000 on TV 37. 8. 39. .
advertising. 30
19. x=5, y=15, z=5. MATHEMATICAL SNAPSHOT—CHAPTER 19 (page 942)
21. x=12, y=8. 23. x=10, y=20, z=5.
1. y=9.50e–0.22399x+5. 3. T=79e–0.01113t+45.
EXERCISE 19.9 (page 929)
EXERCISE A.1 (page 948)
1. ŷ=0.98+0.61x; 3.12. 3. ŷ=0.057+1.67x; 5.90.
5. q̂=82.6-0.641p. 7. ŷ=100+0.13x; 105.2. 1. y
(8, 10)
9. ŷ=8.5+2.5x. 10
(10, 10)
11. a. ŷ=35.9-2.5x; b. ŷ=28.4-2.5x.

EXERCISE 19.11 (page 936) (4, 7)

1 2 58 5 (3, 5)
1. 18. 3. . 5. . 7. 3. 9. 324. 11. - .
4 3 5
8 e2 1 27
13. . 15. –1. 17. - e + . 19. - . (0, 0)
3 2 2 4 x
1 3 5 10
21. . 23. e–4-e–2-e–3+e–1. 25. .
24 8
AN44 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

3. y 21. a. f ;
10 (3, 9) 30
(12, 26)

Number of fish
(6, 20) (10, 22)
(7, 5) (8, 20)
(0, 4)
(4, 14)
(10, 3) 10
(2, 8)
(2, 1)
x (0, 0)
5 10 t
6 12
5. P
Number of hours
after 6 A.M.
6000 (4, 6002)
b. between 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M.;
(3, 5750) c. between 12:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M.; 0;

d. the number of fish caught per hour remained constant.

5500 (2, 5510)
(1, 5342) EXERCISE A.2 (page 954)

h1b1 + b2 2 .
(0, 5120) 1 1 5
5000 1. A = 3. y = - x + .
2 2 2
t 5. y=15,525(0.91)x. 7. P(E ´ F)=P(E)+P(F).
1 2 3 4
9. y ; linear; y=2x+5.
Number of years
after 1996 15 (4, 13)
7. 75. 9. Between 1990 and 1993, 1995 and 1998, 1999
and 2000; positive. 11. Between 1994 and 1995; zero. (2, 9)
13. Between 1993 and 1994. 15. 75 students; 1990.
17. a. Possible graph: (0, 5)
(–1, 3)
P ; b. Wednesday.
–5 5
(–3, –1)
Price per share

11. y ; exponential; y=3x.

(4, 81)

1 2 3 4
Number of days
after Monday
(3, 27)
19. a. d ;
(8, 325) (–1, 1 ) (1, 3)
Distance (miles)

300 –2 (0, 1) 5
(5, 265) (6, 265)
13. y ; quadratic;
f(x)=2(x-1)2+3 or
(3, 115)
100 (–2, 21) (4, 21)
(1, 55)
(0, 0)
5 10
Time (hours) (2, 5)
(0, 5)
(1, 3)
b. approximately 85 mi; c. between 5 and 6 h; 0; x
d. between 3 and 5 h; The slope of the line graph during –3 5
this time interval is greater than the slope of the line graph
during the remaining intervals.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN45

15. y ; EXERCISE A.3 (page 960)

5 (32, 5) 1. –3, –3, –3, –3; linear. 3. 1, 7, 19, 37; nonlinear.
5. y ; a. 1.5;
b. –1.5;
(8, 3) c. 0;
d. 2.005.
(2, 1)
(1, 0)
–4 1
–1 ( 2 , –1)
logarithmic; y=log™ x.
17. ; linear. x
y –5 5
7. y ; a. 16;
40 b. 7;
c. 4;
d. 3.01.

x x
10 –5 5
19. y ; quadratic.
9. 4.5 in. per yr. 11. $42 per h.
13. a. 3.5 degrees per day; b. –1.25 degrees per day;
c. 1 degree per day; d. ≠0.59 degree per day.
15. a. 0; b. 0; c. 0; d. 0. 17. a. 7; b. 13; c. h+8;
d. 2xº+h+2. 19. a. –2; b. –2; c. –2; d. –2;
e. Since g(x) is linear, the average rate of change between
any two points is constant. 21. x(t)=2t+3.
23. Possible graph: y
–10 –5 10

21. A ; exponential.
Amount of substance



25. Average cost per unit over the interval.

t EXERCISE A.4 (page 967)

5 10 1
Number of days 1. Average. 5. –8.
3. Instantaneous. 7. - .
of decay 1 1
9. 1. 11. y=x-1. 13. y= x + .
2 2
23. a. C=100+40r; b. $500; c. 22 reels.
25. a. h=–16t¤+80t; b. 2.5 sec, 100 ft.
15x + 11 2 2
15. 0. 17. 5. 19. 20x. 21. - .
27. a.
; 15 5
112 - 5x2 2
t 0 1 2 3 4 5 23. . 25. .
215x - 11
N 2000 6000 18,000 54,000 162,000 486,000 5 dc
27. - + 20x. 29. =0.1q+28;
b. N=2000(3) ; c. 118,098,000 bacteria. t 2112 - 5x dq
29. a. (2, 1.3) and (6.5, 34.1); b. Answers may vary, dh
$35.50 per rug. 31. =–32t+32; a. 32 ft/sec;
but should be close to y=3.1x+1.5; dt
c. Answers may vary, but should be close to y=44.9. b. –32 ft/sec; c. –64 ft/sec.
AN46 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems ■

EXERCISE A.5 (page 972) 13. y ; positive.

In Problems 1–13, answers are assumed to be expressed in
square units.
1 p
1. 4 + . 3. 34. 5. 28. 7. a. 41; b. 44;
2 4
c. 42; d. 42; e. parts (c) and (d).
9. a. 12.57; b. 9.98; c. 11.36; d. 11.98; e. part (d). x
11. a. 54; b. 42; c. trapezoid.
13. a. 104; b. 86; c. trapezoid.
15. y ; The area under f(x) can be
divided into 2 sections (see 3 2
graph). The top section is 15. a. 7b; b. 70. b + 2b; b. 170. 17. a.
8 2
f(x) equivalent to the area 19. a. 14; b. G(x)=2x+b, where b can be
under g(x), so they have any real number; c. 14.
g(x) that area in common. The 1
x bottom section is a 21. 30. 23. –14. 25. 25 . 27. e‹-1≠19.09.
5 2
rectangle that the area
under g(x) does not EXERCISE A.8 (page 993)
1. Integral. 3. Function itself. 5. Derivative.
7. Function itself. 9. a. 50; The cost of the rental is
EXERCISE A.6 (page 977)
$50.00 when you drive the truck 50 miles; b. 0.60; When
60 8
1. 12, 17, t. 3. 168. 5. 532. 7. a i. 9. a 5j. you have driven the truck 50 miles, the cost is increasing at
i = 36 j=3 the rate of $0.60 per mile. 11. a. b(t)=300t;
b. b(t)=300; The employee’s bonus increases at the rate
11. a 2 . i
13. 520. 15. 5. 17. 37,750. 10
i=1 of $300 per year; c. The integral 10 b1t2dt approximates
23 the sum of an employee’s annual bonuses during the first
19. 14,980. 21. 295,425. 23. 4 .
25 ten years with the company. 13. a. 23; b. 2; In 1995,
41n+1212n+12 the number of books that Xul reads annually was increasing
25. 8- . 27. 4.500625 square units.
3n2 at the rate of about 2 books per year; c. 140.26;
Between 1991 and 2000, Xul read about 140 books.
EXERCISE A.7 (page 985) 15. a. 8; 11.95; In 2006, the program’s budget would be
$8 billion with model bl and $11.95 billion with be; b. 1.6;
1. 8 a b + 12; 20.
n + 1 9
3. 8 dx. 1.11; In 2006, the program’s budget is increasing at the rate
n 34
5 5
of $1.6 billion per year with model bl and about $1.11 billion
1x2 + x + 2 2 dx. 13 + 5 2 dx. per year with be; c. 20; 38.36; In the first five years of the
5. 7.
3-2 3-5 program, the cumulative budget would be about $20 billion
9. y ; positive. with model bl and about $38.36 billion with be; d. be.; e. bl;
f. be. 17. a. 0.012 mi/sec; b. 0.002 mi/sec2;
c. 0.035 mile.


1. A
180 (2, 175)
Amount (dollars)

6 (0, 125) (4, 150)

140 (3, 150)
11. y ; positive.

90 (1, 98)
1 2 3 4
Number of months
after October

x 3. between October and November.

–2 4 5. C=550+22.50x.
■ Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems AN47

7. a. h , quadratic; 1 2
(3, 156) 39. a. b + 3b; b. 80. 41. 100,000. 43. 36.
160 2
(4, 144) 45. a. 2103.64; The energy costs for a 1900 square-foot
Height (feet)

(2, 136) home were about $2103.64 in 2001; b. 63.11; In 2001, the
energy costs for a 1900 square-foot home were increasing
80 (1, 84) (5, 100)
at a rate of about $63.11 per year; c. 42,455.27;
The cumulative energy costs for a 1900 square-foot home
between 1970 and 2001 were about $42,455.27.
47. a. 0.015 mi/sec; b. 0.005 mi/sec¤; c. 0.03 mi.
1 2 3 4 5
Time (Seconds)
b. h=–16t¤+100t; c. 24 ft; d. 6.25 s.
9. a. –3, –3, –3, –3, linear; b. 1, 3, 5, 7, nonlinear.
11. a. 300 kilobytes;
b. ;
time 302 sec 204 sec 130 sec 20 sec
size 3K 126 K 213 K 297 K
c. ≠–1.26 kilobytes per second,≠–1.18 kilobytes per
second,≠–0.76 kilobytes per second;
d. The negative sign indicates that as the amount of time
left decreases, the amount of the document which has been
downloaded increases; e. 302 seconds to 204 seconds.
1 3
13. x(t)=4t-1. 15. y= x + .
4 2
dy 1
1 3 - x2 2
17. = . 19. 29 square units.
21. a. 7.07 square units; b. 5.07 square units;
c. 6.145 square units; d. 6.57 square units; e. part (d).
23. a. 45 square units; b. 42.5 square units;
c. neither is better. 25. 513. 27. .
29. 2.999975 square units.
1-x - x + 2 2 dx
1 100
31. 33. log x dx.
3-1 31
35. y

–5 5
37. y

–5 5


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