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Rubric Name: paper rubric

The Superior Paper The Good Paper The Borderline The Needs Help Paper The Really Needs The Failing
Criteria (A/A-) (B+/B) Paper (B-/C+) (C/C-) Help Paper (D range) Paper
100 points 90 points 80 points 70 points 60 points 50 points
Shows obviou
minimal lack o
effort or
May be unclear of assignment.
(contain many vauge Very difficult
Promising, but
terms), appear understand
may be slightly
Easily identifiable, unoriginal, or offer owing to majo
unclear, or lacking
plausible, novel, relatively little that is Difficlut to identify at Is like the Needs Help problems with
in insight or
Thesis sophisticated, new; provides little all, may be bland Paper but the problems mechanics,
originality. Paper
insightful, crystal around which to restatement of obvious are more serious or structure, and
title does not
clear. Connects well structure the point. frequent. analysis. Has n
connect as well
with paper title. paper. Paper title and identifiable
with thesis or is
thesis do not connect thesis, or utter
not as interesting.
well or title is incompetent
unimaginative. thesis. Does no
follow paper
guidelines for
length or form
Evident, Generally clear
Generally unclear,
understandable, and appropriate, Unclear, often because
often wanders or
appropriate for thesis. though may thesis is weak or
jumps around. Few or
Structure Excellent transitions wander nonexistant. Transitions
weak transtions, many
from point to point. occassionally. confusing and unclear.
paragraphs without
Paragraphs support May have a few Few topic sentences.
topic sentences.
solid topic unclear transitions,
sentences. or a few
without strong
topic sentences.
Examples used to
support most
Primary source
points. Some Very few or very weak
information used to Examples used to
evidence does not examples. General
buttress every point support some points.
support point or failure to support
with at least one Points often lack
may appear statements, or evidence
example. Examples supporting evidence,
Use of inappropriate. seems to support no
support mini-thesis or evidence used
evidence Quotes well statement. Quotes not
and fit within inappropriately.
integrated into integrated into
paragraph. Excellent Quotes may be poorly
sentences. sentences. Demonstrates
integration of quoted integrated into
Demonstrates little understanding of
material into sentences.
solid ideas.
understanding of
Proper sentence
structure/syntax. A few minor Several errors
Correct spelling and errors of syntax, of syntax, spelling, or Numerous/chronic
punctuation. Active spelling, or punctuation. Paper of errors of syntax, spelling
voice. Organization punctuation. Some insufficient length. and punctuation.
clear and logical. use of passive Chronic use of passive Random
One inch margins, voice. Variable voice. Extremely wide organization/stream of
double-spaced, 12 pt. margins, spacing, margins and spacing, consioucness.
Times New Roman and fonts. and large fonts.
Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0
Overall Score
90 or more 83 or more 78 or more 70 or more 60 or more 0 or more

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